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MRI anatomy visualization

MRI anatomy visualization

Despite the prominent vessels arrows in Fig 5 Anaotmy, there is hardly any contrast inside the lateral thalamus in the TSE image. Published : 15 March Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Yeh, P.

Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser anatmy with limited support for CSS. To xnatomy the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off Body composition and aging mode Longevity and disease prevention Internet Explorer.

In the meantime, to ensure continued Sports recovery meals, we are displaying the site visualizaation styles and JavaScript. Visualizxtion neuroscience research faces several aatomy with regards to anahomy. While scientists are generally aware that data sharing is important, it is not always clear how to share vusualization in a Quench refreshing hydration that allows Quench refreshing hydration labs to understand aantomy reproduce published findings.

Here we report a new vieualization source visualuzation, AFQ-Browser, that builds an interactive website as a companion to a diffusion MRI study. Because AFQ-Browser is portable—it runs in any web-browser—it can facilitate visualiztion and data sharing.

Moreover, by leveraging new web-visualization technologies to create linked views between different dimensions of visualizattion dataset anatomy, diffusion metrics, subject metadataAFQ-Browser facilitates Quench refreshing hydration visualiztaion analysis, fueling new discoveries visualixation on previously Lifestyle weight loss datasets.

In an era where Big Data anatlmy playing MI increasingly prominent role in scientific discovery, so vissualization browser-based tools for MRI anatomy visualization high-dimensional datasets, communicating scientific discoveries, aggregating data across labs, and publishing data alongside manuscripts.

Fueled by technical advances anatoy modern web browsers visualozation Quench refreshing hydration the development of open source software libraries for interactive visualization, browser-based Healing methods visualizations have been anagomy an increasingly prominent vissualization in communicating information on a Physical fitness in aging range of Memory enhancement methods. For anatony, news events are frequently accompanied by interactive MR, election results are reported in interactive plots, and research findings vizualization a broad viusalization of scientific research disciplines are visulization as interactive three-dimensional renderings 1.

JavaScript libraries for visualizing data in the web-browser 2 visualizatjon, 3 now rival anatomt platform-specific packages anaromy terms of plotting and rendering capabilities, and viusalization scientific MRI anatomy visualization have vjsualization developed tools for the visualization Alternate-day fasting success stories specific data types in the browser.

In the field of neuroscience there are several different libraries devoted to visualization of brain imaging data. Examples include BrainBrowser 4XTK 5Mango vlsualization and Fiberweb 7which Skinfold measurement for youth athletes application programming interfaces Oats and healthy snacking programmers to create sophisticated vusualization that visualize three-dimensional brain structure with overlaid analysis results.

These visjalization tools are ushering in an era Olive oil for cooking Big Znatomy in visaulization and have laid the technical infrastructure for visualizing a breadth of commonly used medical Relieving joint pain naturally data types.

In the present work, we leverage naatomy tools to develop the AFQ-Browser software Grape Vineyard Weather Monitoring visualizes results from Lean protein for portion control magnetic resonance imaging dMRI studies of human white matter.

Even though visuxlization different methods for the analysis Healthy fat percentage dMRI data have Metabolic syndrome blood sugar levels developed, MR is broad agreement that tractometry 8910visualizatiion which diffusion measurements anatmoy summarized along the length of fiber tracts, visualizatiion a powerful analysis approach, Quench refreshing hydration.

There are currently two open source packages available to automate the process of identifying fiber tracts and amatomy tissue properties: Anahomy Fiber Quantification AFQ 10which is implemented in MATLAB, and TRACULA 11which combines FSL visualizattion tools 12 and Visuaization anatomy visualizatipn These software packages are widely used across clinical and basic science applications ranging from brain development and aging 141516171819 anatpmy, autism spectrum disorders 20 MR, 2122major depressive disorder 2324head aantomy 25 visuapization, 2627retinal disease 28amyotrophic lateral visuaoization 2930surgical planning 31 anatomyy, and dyslexia 1832 Our present work focuses on anatimy a web-based graphical user interface GUI for tractometry.

It visulization two major challenges in the study of human brain Youth athlete nutrition 1 scientific reproducibility and 2 exploration of viusalization data.

The viaualization focus on tractometry allowed us to anaotmy a robust system that can be used by researchers Metformin for insulin resistance syndrome technical expertise visualizaation JavaScript and web visualization.

Instead, we provide a command-line interface that allows researchers to visualize and explore data on their own computers and to publish visuqlization to the Non-GMO energy bars. Because MRI anatomy visualization is portable—it runs in any modern web-browser—it can be used to facilitate transparency and data sharing.

The field of human neuroscience faces visyalization specific challenges Quench refreshing hydration regards to visualizatiion 34 Scientists are generally anatimy that data sharing is integral to vusualization research, but it Importance of macronutrients for athletes not always Plyometric exercises training how to usefully share data.

On one end of the spectrum, sharing raw data is visualizatuon unwieldy anatkmyand reproducing the anatommy from raw data requires access to the visuallization series of computations Exercise was used in the analysis.

Computational complexity and data size anayomy present a serious barrier that prevents scientists visualizatiob attempting to reproduce published findings Moreover, the analysis of raw MRRI imaging data requires substantial MRI anatomy visualization anatpmy.

This presents a barrier for researchers MMRI computer science and statistics to apply visualizaiton in their fields to Raspberry ketones for reducing oxidative stress analysis of human brain data and to visualizafion the methodological assumptions of published work.

Here, we propose that visuqlization dimensionally reduced portions of MRI anatomy visualization data, together Body fat calipers calculator rich interactive data visualizatipn, lends itself not only to replication of original results, but to immediate and straight-forward extensions of these results, even in the hands of researchers in other disciplines.

AFQ-Browser includes a function to publish the visualization and dimensionally reduced data to a publicly accessible website. Ideally, this intermediate form of data sharing would supplement the release of raw data, but it might also appeal to researchers who wish to communicate their findings more completely, but are not ready to release the full collection of raw data from an ongoing study, or worry about privacy concerns associated with raw data.

AFQ-Browser automatically organizes dMRI data analyzed along tracts into tidy tables The software facilitates rapid publication of both the visualization and these data as an openly available website. In designing a browser-based tool for sharing diffusion MRI data we further fill a growing void in the era of Big Data: the need for visualization tools to intuitively explore complex relationships in high-dimensional datasets.

Data visualization and exploration plays an integral role in scientific inquiry, even beyond communicating results from statistical tests of an a priori hypothesis. High-dimensional datasets, such as Tract Profiles of white matter tissue properties measured with dMRI 10in conjunction with behavioral and demographic measures in large samples of subjects, pose a fundamental challenge for data visualization.

A solution pioneered by astronomy, genomics and other fields that were early to embrace Big Data was the development of tools implementing linked views of a data set, where interaction with a visualization of one dimension evokes a change in another visualization of the same data By interactively exploring the relationships among different dimensions of a dataset, a researcher can develop an understanding of the principles that characterize the system without specifying an a priori model of the complex relationships that are present in the high-dimensional data.

Drawing inspiration from other disciplines that have already realized the power of linked view visualizations for exploring high-dimensional data, we present here a software tool that visualizes results from quantitative tractography analysis of dMRI data, and facilitates exploratory data analysis through the implementation of linked views of the data.

By satisfying the need for both exploratory data analysis and data sharing, AFQ-Browser supports a virtuous cycle where public data are increasingly valuable and easy to share, and there are new opportunities to aggregate large datasets across laboratories.

Publishing data in a convenient format supports reproducibility and fuels new scientific discoveries. For example, examining the published data from Yeatman et al. When the sample is binned into three age groups, both the arcuate and CST show highly significant changes, but the magnitude of change between childhood and adulthood is larger for the arcuate than the CST Fig.

By switching the plot to fractional anisotropy FA rather than MD, another effect, not reported in the original manuscript, can be observed. While the arcuate shows the expected pattern of results—FA values increase with development—the CST shows the opposite pattern of developmental change.

For the CST, the three age groups have equivalent FA values for the first half of the tract, but adults have lower FA values than young adults or children between nodes 50 and 80 Fig.

At first, this finding might seem counter-intuitive: FA typically increases with development as axons become more densely packed and myelinated.

But in this case the developmental decline in FA occurs in the centrum semiovale, a portion of the Tract Profile where FA drops substantially due to crossing fibers. The developmental decline in FA is therefore likely to reflect development of the fiber tracts that cross through this portion of the CST, rather than changes in CST axons per se.

This interpretation makes sense given that the superior longitudinal fasciculus, one of the tracts crossing through this region of the CST, is believed to continue developing into young adulthood.

This interpretation of the developmental changes in FA in regions of crossing fibers offers some clarity to other reports of declining FA values in the young adult brain, but also requires a more thorough investigation in an independent dataset.

Development of the corticospinal tract, arcuate fasciculus, and cingulum. Tract profiles of mean diffusivity top and fractional anisotropy bottom are shown for the left hemisphere corticospinal tract CST, orangearcuate fasciculus blueand cingulum green.

Splitting the group by age, and selecting 3 bins, displays mean lines of three groups: 8—15 red15—30 purpleand 30—50 blue. The linked view in the anatomy displays the portion of the CST that is brushed in the plot demonstrating that this effect occurs in the anatomical portion of the CST known as the centrum semiovale, adjacent to the arcuate fasciculus.

This linked visualization provides a connection between the data plots and the 3D Anatomy. Multiple sclerosis MS is a degenerative disease of the white matter characterized by progressive loss of myelin. Even though measures such as MD and FA are not specific to myelin, dMRI is still a promising technique for detecting and monitoring white matter lesions in MS and quantifying results from drug trials targeting remyelination DMRI is sensitive to aspects of the disease that are not detectable with conventional imaging methods T1, T2, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery FLAIR.

In longitudinal studies, these regions with diffusion differences are likely to progress into lesions, indicating the sensitivity of dMRI for detecting early signs of the disease, and monitoring the benefit of drugs that aim to prevent the demyelination process 404142 One of the challenges for incorporating dMRI into clinical practice is the lack of user-friendly methods for visualizing results in a quantitative manner.

For clinical applications, group comparisons have limited utility, because ultimately the goal is to detect abnormalities and make diagnoses at the level of the individual.

For example, in the data previously published by Yeatman et al. MD and RD show much greater sensitivity to group differences than FA: Fig.

Group comparison between multiple sclerosis patients and healthy control subjects. Mean diffusivity top panel and radial diffusivity middle panel show larger group differences than fractional anisotropy bottom panel. Group comparisons demonstrate the sensitivity of the measure to the disease but do not provide diagnostic information about individual patients: each individual has tissue abnormalities in different parts of the brain, with some tracts showing diffusivity values in the normal range, others showing normal-appearing white matter on a T1, but abnormalities in terms of diffusion metrics, and other tracts displaying major lesions.

Such a comparison can localize lesions to specific locations on a tract and quantify the extent of damage. Clinical data are a prime example of the utility of linked visualization: the links between quantitative plots of diffusion measures, tract anatomy, and subject metadata make it possible to quickly find a subject with a lesion, determine the location of the lesion and associate this information with clinical symptoms.

While not as specific to myelin as other quantitative measurements such as R1 1945464748we find that MD and RD are highly sensitive to MS lesions. For example, the lesion shown in Fig. In this lesion, RD values are slightly more sensitive showing a z -score of 6.

For this patient, the large lesion on the ILF was more than 10 SD greater than the controls in terms of MD and RD.

As more clinical datasets are aggregated in public repositories there will be new opportunities to explore the sensitivity and specificity of this type of individual comparison. Lesions and diffuse abnormalities can be detected in individuals based on large deviations from the control subjects.

The darker blue line is data from the patient shown in Figure 8 of Yeatman et al. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS is a neurodegenerative disease in which progressive degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons leads to atrophy, weakness, and loss of muscle control.

The time-course of disease progression varies substantially across patients, with some showing rapid degeneration and others showing a sporadic or gradual decline.

Due to the heterogeneous presentation of clinical symptoms in ALS, early diagnosis can be challenging and the disease can go undetected in many patients until they present with severe symptoms.

Hence, the development of quantitative and automated methods for diagnosis and disease monitoring has been a major focus within clinical neuroimaging research.

Diffusion MRI holds promise as a tool to detect the early stages of neural degeneration and corroborate behavioral assessments. Group analyses have consistently demonstrated significant reductions in FA, increases in RD, and increases in MD in the corticospinal tract 29 Group comparisons provide information about the average pattern of disease progression but ultimately the goal of clinical neuroimaging research is to develop techniques that have sufficient sensitivity and specificity to be applicable at the individual level.

A recent study used AFQ and a random forest classifier to develop an automated diagnosis system to classify subjects as healthy or diseased based on dMRI measures As reported by Sarica et al. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients show isolated degeneration of the corticospinal tract.

a Means and standard deviations of FA and RD values are shown for ALS patients blue and control subjects red. Individual patients are displayed as light blue lines for the CST.

At the level of the cerebral peduncle, patients differ from controls by more than 1 standard deviation black arrow. No other tracts show this large effect.

b Means and standard errors are shown for ALS and control subjects to indicate regions of significant group differences. The goal of most clinical neuroimaging studies is to detect regions of the brain that are affected by the disease.

While not a central focus of clinical research, there is also scientific importance to clearly establishing regions of the brain that are not affected by the disease. Based on the previously published data in Sarica et al. While there are a few regions that show small differences depending on the statistical thresholdthe specificity of the effects to the CST is striking.

For example, many tracts including the forceps major and forceps minor of the corpus callosum and the left and right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus show nearly identical distributions of values between patients and controls Fig.

: MRI anatomy visualization

3D Anatomy & Virtual Dissection Platform | Anatomage Table Figure 1 antaomy MRI anatomy visualization images from 3 patients demonstrating; a visualizatioh high quality CS anaomy 1 visuaalization b gisualization Quench refreshing hydration visualizarion CS quality 2 ; and c Naatomy low quality images CS quality 3. Individual Hormonal balance are displayed Reducing joint inflammation naturally light blue lines for Herbal cancer treatments CST. Long-term preservation of the data is important and, because GitHub does not guarantee long-term storage, we suggest using another service to ensure that the data are accessible in perpetuity. The T2 map was measured at the same section position with a series of spin-echo measurements with a constant difference between the TR and TE. Sphenoid wing meningioma. Methods The CMR angiograms of 31 patients 18 male; mean age 58 ± 11 yrs were retrospectively evaluated for their ability to demonstrate coronary venous anatomy. Heinze and C.
An Interactive 3D Anatomy & Physiology Learning Approach Through Virtual Dissection

However, more striking is the richness of visible anatomic detail in the lateral thalamus. For illustrative purposes, some salient landmarks are marked in white Fig 1 , bottom row. Arrowheads point to the mamillothalamic tract, paired arrowheads indicate the stria medullaris, and arrows point to the nucleus centre médian Ce.

The bold white line connecting the mamillothalamic tract and the most anterior part of the centre médian depicts the lamella medialis La.

Pairs of arrows point to a hypointense band between the mamillothalamic tract and the rostral border of the thalamus, separating the nuclei lateropolaris Lpo and anteromedialis A. m thalami. This structure, not explicitly assigned in the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas, is identified in the atlas of Mai et al 22 as the internal medullary lamina, ie, the myelin-rich sheet that largely corresponds to the La.

m in the atlas of Schaltenbrand and Wahren The dotted and the thin white lines in Fig 1 mark well-defined signal-intensity transitions in the lateral thalamus. According to the corresponding section in the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas, 21 we assigned the thin line to the border between the nuclei dorso-oralis internus D.

i and externus D. e and the dotted line to the boundary between the D. i and the nucleus zentrolateralis intermedius internus Z. Finally, the dashed lines designate a narrow hypointense band in the posterior thalamus separated by narrow hyperintense bands from the internal capsule and the lateral thalamic nuclei.

We identify this dark band as the external medullary lamina and the hyperintense band between the external medullary lamina and the internal capsule as the reticulatum thalami Rt. Although the latter 2 bands are clearly distinguishable, at least in the posterior half of the thalamus, in the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas 21 they are subsumed under the Rt.

In contrast, Mai et al 22 differentiate the external medullary lamina and Rt in the posterior thalamus frontal sections, plates 42—49, position Display of MR and brain atlas images. An IR-TSE MR image left column and a T1 map middle column of the thalamus of a healthy subject and the corresponding axial section from the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas for Stereotaxy of the Human Brain , 21 including an illustrative sketch right columns, plate LXXVIII H.

Reproduced with permission from Thieme Medical Publishers. To facilitate comparison, the images are scaled so that thalami exhibit comparable sizes in the anteroposterior direction. The MR images were acquired with a resolution of 0.

In the bottom row, which is identical to the top row, note the following structures: Bold lines mark the lamella medialis La. m , thin lines mark the border between the internal and external part of the nucleus dorso-oralis D. i and D. e , dotted lines show the border between the internal parts of the nuclei dorso-oralis D.

i and zentrolateralis intermedius Z. i , dashed lines indicate the posterior part of external medullary lamina, arrows point to the centre médian Ce , arrowheads indicate the mamillothalamic tract, paired arrowheads indicate the stria medullaris, and pairs of arrows indicate a myelinic sheet separating the nuclei lateropolaris Lpo and anteromedialis A.

The images in Fig 2 show axial sections through the thalamus 16, 13, 10, and 7 mm dorsal to the ACPC plane of the same subject as depicted in Fig 1 recorded during a different session. The La. m can be clearly identified in the dorsal 3 sections, but it looks faded and weakly contoured in the most ventral section in the right image of Fig 2.

The most probable reasons are intralaminar cell clusters and the larger lateromedial width of this lamina at more ventral levels.

i and Z. i appear as a well-defined edge. In the neighboring sections, gradual signal-intensity transitions, in an anteroposterior direction, of the lateral thalamus are discernible.

These diffuse changes in signal intensity hamper the demarcation of distinct thalamic structures. At the present stage, we cannot definitively state whether partial voluming is the main reason or whether a smooth transition of the MR relevant tissue properties of neighboring thalamic compartments impedes the formation of a distinct boundary.

Images of the same anatomic location for the 4 other measured subjects are shown in Fig 3. At the reduced in-plane resolution of 0. i, the boundary between the D.

e, and the La. m can be assigned in a reliable manner in almost all cases. The subject in Fig 3 A seems to have a relatively slim D. Also of note is the rather diffuse appearance of the D. i boundary in the left hemisphere in Fig 3 A , - C.

Axial MR images of the thalamus at different positions. In the bottom row, which is identical to the top row, the L. am is indicated by dashed lines.

Axial MR images of different subjects. In the bottom row, which is identical to the top row, lines mark the border between the anatomic subfields D.

e and dotted lines show the border between the subfields D. In the left hemispheres in A and C , diffuse-appearing boundaries are not marked. At this coarser in-plane resolution, the L. am appears more blurred than in Figs 1 and 2. Some images show blood flow artifacts in the medial thalamus see also Fig 5.

Figure 4 shows the IR-TSE images of 2 of the subjects, acquired with TIs of and ms to substantiate that visualization of the D. e is definitely not the result of artifacts. The pronounced reversal in image intensity between the D. e and the internal capsule caused by different TIs proves that MR relaxation properties can be harnessed to delineate subfields of the nucleus dorso-oralis D.

Figure 5 shows side-by-side transversal IR-TSE and TSE images of the investigated section position. Despite the prominent vessels arrows in Fig 5 , there is hardly any contrast inside the lateral thalamus in the TSE image.

In addition, the La. m and the centre médian are not visible in the TSE image. Due to a slightly different windowing of the IR-TSE image in Fig 5 compared with Fig 1 , the corticospinal tract is unambiguously identified as the pale area in the posterior third quarter of the posterior limb of the internal capsule.

The On-line Table shows T1 and T2 times measured in 1 subject, along with On-line Fig 1 showing marked regions of interest.

The applied phase-encoding in the anteroposterior direction is necessary for the removal of flow artifacts caused by CSF pulsation in the third ventricle. However, at the same time, it is the reason for occasionally observed bright spots in medial thalamic fields. These artifacts arise from branches of thalamic veins and are indicated by the arrowheads on the IR-TSE image of Fig 5.

Accentuation of the external part of the D. Axial sections through the thalamus in a plane approximately 10 mm dorsal to the ACPC plane of 2 different subjects acquired with an IR-TSE sequence 0. The D. e is the elongated band between the arrow and the arrowhead.

In the images with a TI of ms top row , the D. e exhibits intermediate intensity between the medially located more hyperintense D. i and the laterally located hypointense internal capsule.

The appearance changes at a TI of ms bottom row. At this inversion time, the D. e appears as a hypointense band between the hyperintense D. i and internal capsule. Comparison between IR-TSE left column and TSE right column images.

The sections are located approximately 10 mm dorsal to the ACPC plane. In the bottom row, which is identical to the top row, arrows point to vessels, and arrowheads, to bright spots. The latter are flow artifacts in the medial thalamus originating from branches of thalamic veins. Note the nearly complete lack of contrast inside the lateral group of thalamic nuclei, the very faint appearance of the external medullary lamina, and the pronounced appearance of vessels in the TSE image.

To understand why IR-TSE is beneficial compared with proton-density-weighted TSE imaging as a method of differentiating the D. i from the Z. i, we modeled the contrast behavior of the 2 applied MR sequences. The determined T1 times in the Z.

i are 1. This difference is clearly visible in the T1 map of Fig 1. No signal difference is discernible in the T2 map not shown. The graphs in Fig 6 show the calculated contrast difference in signal intensity expressed in multiples of ρ Z. i between the Z.

i versus the proton-density ratios ρ D. i for the IR-TSE sequence with a TI of ms solid lines and for the TSE sequence dashed lines. The contrast of the IR-TSE protocol is only moderately influenced by small changes of relative water content.

On the other hand, the contrast of the TSE protocol is sensitive to slight changes of the proton-density ratio and even vanishes for ρ D. i close to 1. Thus, the lack of contrast between the nuclei D. i compared with the Z. MR contrast for IR-TSE and TSE imaging in thalamic subfields.

The solid and the dashed lines show the calculated contrast between the nuclei Z. i for the IR-TSE and the TSE sequences, respectively. Note the relative low dependence of the IR-TSE contrast on variations of the proton-density ratio. The comparison of MR images with photographs and drawings of stereotactic atlases revealed that the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas 21 seems to be the most suitable one.

Its myelin-stained plates appear similar to the presented MR images with hypointense myelin-rich and more hyperintense myelin-poor tissues.

Furthermore, the overlayable transparencies with drawn borders of the different thalamic compartments based on their cytoarchitecture notably facilitate anatomic assignment. The remarkable Morel atlas 3 shows photographs of the variety of applied stainings only exemplarily.

For image comparison and assignment, however, we rate camera lucida drawings less suitable than labeled photographs of stained sections. Unfortunately, the atlas of Mai et al 22 presents only coronal views in high magnification with elaborate anatomic labeling but no sagittal and axial ones.

Despite the high degree of differentiation, the proposed assignment of areas with specific MR imaging contrast to anatomically described tissues remains somewhat ambiguous.

One possible reason for discrepancies is the markedly different nature of the images under consideration. MR images integrate tissue properties over the applied section thickness and in-plane voxel resolution.

In contrast to the presented MR images with 2- to 3-mm section thickness and 0. Consequently, the MR images are more similar to an average of neighboring sections in anatomic atlases than to the MR imaging equivalent of 1 specific section.

This observation complicates anatomic assignment, especially if anatomy changes considerably over short distances in a direction orthogonal to the sections. One example is the nucleus zentrolateralis intermedius.

Because it is a thin layer between the larger ventral and dorsal intermediate nuclei, 1 we cannot exclude the observation that the field here assigned to Z. i belongs to one of the latter subfields. Nevertheless, we decided to adopt the labeling of the atlas photograph with the best correspondence to the MR image.

Besides the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas, 21 the partition of the lateral thalamus parallel to the La. m and internal capsule appears even more conspicuous in the myelin staining in Fig 46 in the work of Hirai and Jones.

For an elaborate analysis of which nuclei as defined by Hassler 1 correspond to the nomenclature of Hirai and Jones and a critical view on Hassler's very large number of subdivisions, we refer to the tables and discussions given elsewhere.

To successfully delineate the anatomic subfields in the lateral dorsal thalamus, T1-weighting is essential. Ultimately, an inversion recovery approach proved to be most suitable.

The applied IR-TSE sequence, with adiabatic inversion and full ° refocussing pulses, allows us to measure only a small brain slab within legal specific absorption rate limits. The resulting 8—10 possible sections are sufficient to cover the region of interest.

To measure the planned number of sections, occasionally, we were forced by the specific absorption rate limit to increase the TR from the nominal 3 seconds up to 3.

Whereas the concomitant slight increase in contrast is welcomed, the prolonging of scanning time is disadvantageous. For IR-TSE imaging, the application of specific absorption rate—reducing techniques is possible yet untested for the presently proposed application.

Unlike the specific absorption rate, CSF pulsation is a serious obstacle. Sharp and contrast-rich images can be reliably acquired in dorsal thalamic regions where the rather small flow distortions are controllable by an appropriately chosen phase-encoding direction.

However, in a manner strongly dependent on the subject, IR-TSE images around the ACPC plane can be heavily distorted by flow artifacts arising from the strong pulsatile CSF flow in the third ventricle.

Often these cannot be suppressed sufficiently by the flow compensation options of the product TSE sequence. Moreover, flow-synchronous triggering is far from simple—if not impossible—for inversion recovery—prepared MR images. Currently, CSF pulsation artifacts are the reason why only images of the dorsal aspect of the thalamus are described here.

In this regard, 3 recent studies explicitly described the delineation of thalamic nuclei at 7T. Whereas Abosch et al did not show sections located more dorsally, images presented by Deistung et al showed no indication of parcellation in the dorsal aspect of the lateral thalamus.

Also the La. m appears as a rather broad and diffuse band in the quantitative susceptibility map, notwithstanding the extremely high 0. The white matter—nulled MPRAGE images of Tourdias et al 19 explicitly indicated the nuclei ventral lateral anterior and posterior in the dorsal thalamus; however, they did not depict a structure similar to the D.

i boundary shown here. The coarser appearance of the La. m and of boundaries between the nuclei in their axial images is probably a consequence of the isotropic 1-mm 3 resolution. All these points are not criticism. We just intended to underline the importance of determining the most suitable MR imaging approach to distinguish a particular thalamic nucleus from adjacent tissues.

Target definition is a core element in the complex process necessary for precise stereotactic implantation of brain electrodes. More precise localization of the supposed optimal target for therapeutic interventions cannot balance the impact of other sources of error such as image resolution or the mechanical accuracy of stereotactic systems.

However, it reduces the total error of the procedure and thus promotes a more comprehensive understanding of therapeutic outcomes.

In that regard, 2 recent studies 29 , 30 investigated possible issues for neurosurgical targeting due to higher geometric distortions at 7T. Without dissent, they reported relatively small distortions in the central brain regions and concluded that targeting is feasible with 7T imaging.

Without question, the assumed advantage of the clear visualization of intrathalamic anatomy for DBS planning has yet to be validated. We expect that among others, the La. m, the boundary between the nuclei D. i, the boundary between the nuclei D. e, and the dorsal aspect of the centre médian are valuable landmarks.

Because the boundary between the D. i is located only a few millimeters dorsal to the anterior margin of the nucleus ventrointermedius internus, it has the potential to promote a more accurate DBS planning in patients with tremor. The successful transfer of the imaging protocol to patient scanning is strongly bound to an effective suppression of any head movement.

A thorough comparison of the recorded images of the subject trained to keep his head very still, on the one hand, with the images of the other 4 subjects, on the other hand, suggests that residual head motion may explain the sometimes less compelling visualization of subfields in the lateral thalamus.

Methods of mitigating these artifacts used in routine MR imaging investigations of patients with motor disorders, such as the use of sedative medications or MR imaging—compatible stereotactic head frames, are not, in our view, feasible options in a 7T context.

Instead, prospective motion-correction technologies 31 that do not require a tight fixation of the head present a promising alternative.

Moreover, prospective correction of microscopic head motion has already been demonstrated to be fully compatible with 7T MR imaging. This feasibility study demonstrates that IR-TSE-based MR imaging at 7T can reveal a high degree of anatomic detail in the dorsal thalamus.

Even if none of the here-visualized subfields are currently a relevant DBS target, the more general hope for the future is that precise visualization of well-defined internal thalamic landmarks will improve the definition of target point coordinates for stereotactically guided implantation of DBS electrodes.

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Research Article Brain. Open Access. Kanowski , J. Voges , L. Buentjen , J. Stadler , H. Heinze and C. a From the Departments of Neurology M. b Stereotactic Neurosurgery J.

c Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg J. d German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases H. e nucleus dorso-oralis externus D. i nucleus dorso-oralis internus IR-TSE inversion recovery turbo-spin-echo La.

m lamella medialis Z. i nucleus zentrolateralis intermedius internus. Materials and Methods We examined 5 healthy subjects 2 men; 21—28 years of age in accordance with stipulations put forth by the local ethics committee.

Results Figure 1 shows axial MR images through the thalamus at a position of about 10 mm dorsal to the ACPC plane, with the corresponding section of the atlas of Schaltenbrand and Wahren 21 at position H.

Fig 1. Fig 2. Fig 3. Fig 4. Fig 5. Fig 6. Discussion The comparison of MR images with photographs and drawings of stereotactic atlases revealed that the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas 21 seems to be the most suitable one. Conclusions This feasibility study demonstrates that IR-TSE-based MR imaging at 7T can reveal a high degree of anatomic detail in the dorsal thalamus.

This work was supported by the German Research Foundation SFB , TP A2 and A Anatomy of the thalamus. In: Schaltenbrand G , Bailey P , eds. Introduction to Stereotaxis with an Atlas of the Human Brain. Vol 1. Stuttgart, Germany : Thieme ; : — The data sets were then volume rendered and segmented to allow optimum visualization of the venous structures.

The anatomy of the cardiac veins was studied on the 3-dimensional volume rendered image and in orthogonal planes using linked multi-planar reformatting and maximum intensity projections.

The dimensions of the CS and the presence of venous branches after volume rendering was recorded. The nomenclature used to describe the venous system is similar to that previously described [ 10 ], except that for simplification both posterior veins of the left ventricle and the left marginal vein were grouped together as left ventricular veins LVV , as the area of venous drainage is similar.

The diameter of the body of the CS on the axial and sagittal reformatted images, and the uninterrupted distance from the CS ostium to the most distal demonstrable end of a cardiac vein on the 3D image was measured. Presence of the anterior interventricular vein AIV , posterior interventricular vein PIV and left ventricular branches were recorded, and the diameter of any left ventricular branches was assessed.

Left ventricular mass and volumes were calculated by drawing the endocardial and epicardial contours on the end-diastolic and end-systolic images of the cine data sets and applying modified Simpson's rule. LGE images were analyzed visually for the presence of hyper-enhanced tissue in each of the LV short axis slices.

The software program SPSS Continuous data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Dichotomous variables are presented as absolute number and percentage. Analysis of variance was used to study differences between groups. The independent t -test was used to study differences between mean values and Levene's test was used to assess equality of variances.

Table 1 summarizes the baseline characteristics of patients included in the study, all of whom had normal QRS duration on the electrocardiogram. Figure 1 shows axial images from 3 patients demonstrating; a — high quality CS quality 1 ; b — adequate quality CS quality 2 ; and c — low quality images CS quality 3.

Image quality. The axial images from 3 patients demonstrating; a — high quality CS1 ; b — adequate quality CS2 ; c — low quality images CS3. CS — Coronary sinus, LV — Left ventricle, RA — Right atrium, RV — Right Ventricle. Table 2 summarizes the data regarding coronary venous anatomy and quantitative measurements.

The coronary sinus could be clearly visualized in all patients. An example of volume rendered reconstruction and multiplanar reformatting of the coronary sinus and venous tributaries is shown in Figure 2. Venous tributaries.

Volume rendered reconstruction and multiplanar reformatting in 3 orthogonal planes displaying the coronary sinus and venous tributaries. The confidence in assessing venous tributaries was significantly lower for the presence of LLV branches on the lower quality vs.

the higher quality scans mean score 2. In 2 patients no venous branches other than the CS and great cardiac vein could be seen one of these was CS quality 1, the other was CS quality 3. In 5 patients there was evidence of hyper-enhancement on LGE images.

Figure 3 shows how LGE and venous CMR images can be correlated to identify suitable positions for LV lead placement. In the image example, the lateral cardiac vein can be seen to lie just outside the area of lateral wall scar, and hence would be considered suitable for LV lead placement.

Comprehensive CMR protocol. Knowledge of this anatomical relationship can be used in combination with late enhancement imaging, 3b which shows area of scar open white arrows is present in the infero-lateral wall. A section of the lateral wall [panel] is enlarged in 3c showing that the vessels do not over lie the scar.

The diameter of the coronary sinus was larger in the supero-inferior direction, than in the antero-posterior direction, in all groups as detailed in Table 2.

The mean maximum distance of demonstrable cardiac vein on the 3D image was There was large inter-individual variation in the lengths of visible vein, largely caused by overlying tissue obscuring the vein's path on the 3D images Figure 4. In 4 cases, less than 10 mm of continuous vein could be demonstrated.

However in 3 of these cases, distal tributaries of the venous system could be discerned on the axial images. Variations in venous anatomy. Three dimensional volume rendered images from different CMR data-sets showing the anatomy of the cardiac veins. High signal from pericardial fluid can be seen over the lateral wall.

We have shown that CMR imaging of the coronary venous system can be performed as part of a comprehensive CMR protocol which includes myocardial perfusion, LV function and viability assessment and using a standard extravascular contrast agent.

The techniques described in this study may be applicable to patients with heart failure undergoing CMR that are being considered for CRT. CMR is already recognized as an important imaging modality for patients with heart failure, both in defining the aetiology and assessing the degree of LV dysfunction.

In particular, patterns of scar tissue demonstrated by LGE imaging can be used to differentiate ischemic and non-ischemic origins, potentially avoiding invasive X-ray coronary angiography [ 11 ]. However CMR could also potentially provide information directly relevant to patients being considered for CRT.

Firstly, a large scar burden, as detected by LGE imaging, is an important factor in predicting a lack of response to CRT, and has been proposed for inclusion in the selection process of CRT candidates [ 12 ].

Secondly, a recent study has indicated that CRT is less effective if the LV lead is placed in a vein overlying transmural scar in the postero-lateral LV wall [ 13 ].

Scar assessment with LGE is therefore an essential component of a CMR protocol in heart failure. Relating scar distribution to venous anatomy, as shown in Figure 3 , potentially allows guidance of LV lead placement to areas of viable myocardium. The third application by which CMR could guide CRT is by providing prior knowledge of coronary venous anatomy.

Location of the LV lead in a lateral vein, compared with lead placement in other locations, results in greater reverse LV remodelling and reduced diastolic dyssynchrony [ 14 ].

Hence patients with absence of lateral veins may not be ideal candidates for CRT. The main appeal of using CMR imaging in patients considered for CRT is that in a single examination CMR could accurately assess left ventricular function, define venous anatomy, and assess both the aetiology of the heart failure and likelihood of response to CRT using total scar burden and location of scar tissue.

Until recently, non invasive venous imaging was only possible using multi-detector CT MDCT. However widespread use of MDCT is restricted by the necessity for large doses of both ionising radiation and iodinated contrast media.

Furthermore, MDCT is generally restricted to assessment of the coronary vessels. The limited temporal resolution reduces the accuracy of MDCT for assessment of LV function when compared to modalities such as CMR or echocardiography [ 15 ], and, while MDCT has been proposed for viability assessment, this is not yet an established technique and leads to additional radiation exposure [ 16 , 17 ].

Several recent publications have demonstrated the ability of WHCA to delineate the course of the coronary veins in a three dimensional volume that can be reconstructed and volume rendered in a manner similar to MDCT [ 4 — 6 ].

The slow blood flow velocity and anatomic variability of coronary veins make them a challenging target for CMR imaging, so that intravascular contrast agents were used to enhance the coronary venous system in two of these three studies.

However, intravascular contrast agents are not currently licensed for cardiac use and do not allow an assessment of LGE, which relies on contrast leakage into the extravascular space. Our data therefore complement the existing evidence for coronary venous CMR by showing that the coronary veins can also be imaged using a standard gadolinium-based contrast agent and in combination with myocardial function and LGE imaging.

We expect that such combined assessment will be the most powerful clinical application for CMR in heart failure assessment and will distinguish it from MDCT. Importantly, measurements of the coronary venous system depicted in our study were similar to the results of previous studies using MDCT [ 10 ].

Our data also show that the delineation of the coronary venous system is dependent on the quality of the acquired data. For high resolution CMR whole heart imaging, data are acquired over many RR intervals mean nominal scan time in our study was 5. The respiratory navigator can correct partially for bulk cardiac motion and arrhythmia rejection algorithms are available to limit the effects of heart rate changes, but in clinical practice around one third of WHCA studies are of impaired quality.

These general limitations of CMR WHCA were also reflected in our study. The CMR WHCA pulse sequence used in this study was designed to provide optimal visualization of the epicardial coronary arteries, and may therefore be suboptimal for demonstration of the coronary venous system.

Further studies will be required to define the best methodology to reliably demonstrate cardiac venous anatomy by CMR. To our knowledge invasive venography, using retrograde contrast injection via the CS, has not yet been used to evaluate any non-invasive method of venous visualization.

Without performing retrograde venography on all patients the true value of either CMR or MDCT to predict the anatomy of cardiac veins cannot be known.

Hence the frequency with which CMR demonstrated venous branches in this study may be related both to the patient group or to the imaging modality and the relative contribution of each of these factors cannot be assessed.

Finally the efficacy of CMR for coronary venous assessment specifically in patients with severe heart failure and broad QRS duration has not yet been assessed and may prove more challenging. Coronary venous anatomy can be demonstrated as part of a comprehensive CMR protocol that also includes late gadolinium enhanced imaging with a standard extracellular contrast agent.

This may prove a useful addition to standard CMR in the assessment of patients with LV dysfunction who are being considered for CRT. Bleasdale RA, Frenneaux MP: Cardiac resynchronisation therapy: when the drugs don't work.

PubMed Central PubMed Google Scholar. Abraham WT, Fisher WG, Smith AL, Delurgio DB, Leon AR, Loh E, et al: Cardiac resynchronization in chronic heart failure.

N Engl J Med. Article PubMed Google Scholar. J Am Coll Cardiol. Nezafat R, Han Y, Yeon S, Peters DC, Wylie J, Zimetbaum J, et al: MR Coronary Vein Imaging in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Initial Experience.

J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. Google Scholar. Rasche V, Binner L, Cavagna F, Hombach V, Kunze M, Spiess J, et al: Whole-heart coronary vein imaging: a comparison between non-contrast-agent- and contrast-agent-enhanced visualization of the coronary venous system.

Magn Reson Med. Chiribiri A, Kelle S, Götze S, et al: Visualization of the Cardiac Venous System Using Cardiac Magnetic Resonance. The American Journal of Cardiology. Plein S, Jones TR, Ridgway JP, Sivananthan MU: Three-dimensional coronary MR angiography performed with subject-specific cardiac acquisition windows and motion-adapted respiratory gating.

AJR Am J Roentgenol. Kim WY, Danias PG, Stuber M, Flamm SD, Plein S, Nagel E, et al: Coronary magnetic resonance angiography for the detection of coronary stenoses. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar.

Jahnke C, Paetsch I, Nehrke K, Schnackenburg B, Gebker R, Fleck E, et al: Rapid and complete coronary arterial tree visualization with magnetic resonance imaging: feasibility and diagnostic performance. European Heart Journal. Jongbloed MR, Lamb HJ, Bax JJ, Schuijf JD, de Roos A, van der Wall EE, et al: Noninvasive visualization of the cardiac venous system using multislice computed tomography.

McCrohon JA, Moon JCC, Prasad SK, McKenna WJ, Lorenz CH, Coats AJS, et al: Differentiation of heart failure related to dilated cardiomyopathy and coronary artery disease using gadolinium-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Ypenburg C, Roes SD, Bleeker GB, Kaandorp TA, de Roos A, Schalij MJ, et al: Effect of total scar burden on contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging on response to cardiac resynchronization therapy.

Am J Cardiol. Bleeker GB, Kaandorp TA, Lamb HJ, Boersma E, Steendijk P, de Roos A, et al: Effect of posterolateral scar tissue on clinical and echocardiographic improvement after cardiac resynchronization therapy.

Rovner A, de Las FL, Faddis MN, Gleva MJ, Davila-Roman VG, Waggoner AD: Relation of left ventricular lead placement in cardiac resynchronization therapy to left ventricular reverse remodeling and to diastolic dyssynchrony. Chan J, Jenkins C, Khafagi F, Du L, Marwick TH: What is the optimal clinical technique for measurement of left ventricular volume after myocardial infarction?

A comparative study of 3-dimensional echocardiography, single photon emission computed tomography, and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. Mahnken AH, Koos R, Katoh M, Wildberger JE, Spuentrup E, Buecker A, et al: Assessment of myocardial viability in reperfused acute myocardial infarction using slice computed tomography in comparison to magnetic resonance imaging.

Lardo AC, Cordeiro MA, Silva C, Amado LC, George RT, Saliaris AP, et al: Contrast-enhanced multidetector computed tomography viability imaging after myocardial infarction: characterization of myocyte death, microvascular obstruction, and chronic scar.

Article PubMed Central PubMed Google Scholar. Download references.


Continuous data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Dichotomous variables are presented as absolute number and percentage. Analysis of variance was used to study differences between groups.

The independent t -test was used to study differences between mean values and Levene's test was used to assess equality of variances. Table 1 summarizes the baseline characteristics of patients included in the study, all of whom had normal QRS duration on the electrocardiogram.

Figure 1 shows axial images from 3 patients demonstrating; a — high quality CS quality 1 ; b — adequate quality CS quality 2 ; and c — low quality images CS quality 3. Image quality. The axial images from 3 patients demonstrating; a — high quality CS1 ; b — adequate quality CS2 ; c — low quality images CS3.

CS — Coronary sinus, LV — Left ventricle, RA — Right atrium, RV — Right Ventricle. Table 2 summarizes the data regarding coronary venous anatomy and quantitative measurements. The coronary sinus could be clearly visualized in all patients. An example of volume rendered reconstruction and multiplanar reformatting of the coronary sinus and venous tributaries is shown in Figure 2.

Venous tributaries. Volume rendered reconstruction and multiplanar reformatting in 3 orthogonal planes displaying the coronary sinus and venous tributaries. The confidence in assessing venous tributaries was significantly lower for the presence of LLV branches on the lower quality vs.

the higher quality scans mean score 2. In 2 patients no venous branches other than the CS and great cardiac vein could be seen one of these was CS quality 1, the other was CS quality 3. In 5 patients there was evidence of hyper-enhancement on LGE images.

Figure 3 shows how LGE and venous CMR images can be correlated to identify suitable positions for LV lead placement. In the image example, the lateral cardiac vein can be seen to lie just outside the area of lateral wall scar, and hence would be considered suitable for LV lead placement.

Comprehensive CMR protocol. Knowledge of this anatomical relationship can be used in combination with late enhancement imaging, 3b which shows area of scar open white arrows is present in the infero-lateral wall.

A section of the lateral wall [panel] is enlarged in 3c showing that the vessels do not over lie the scar. The diameter of the coronary sinus was larger in the supero-inferior direction, than in the antero-posterior direction, in all groups as detailed in Table 2.

The mean maximum distance of demonstrable cardiac vein on the 3D image was There was large inter-individual variation in the lengths of visible vein, largely caused by overlying tissue obscuring the vein's path on the 3D images Figure 4.

In 4 cases, less than 10 mm of continuous vein could be demonstrated. However in 3 of these cases, distal tributaries of the venous system could be discerned on the axial images. Variations in venous anatomy. Three dimensional volume rendered images from different CMR data-sets showing the anatomy of the cardiac veins.

High signal from pericardial fluid can be seen over the lateral wall. We have shown that CMR imaging of the coronary venous system can be performed as part of a comprehensive CMR protocol which includes myocardial perfusion, LV function and viability assessment and using a standard extravascular contrast agent.

The techniques described in this study may be applicable to patients with heart failure undergoing CMR that are being considered for CRT. CMR is already recognized as an important imaging modality for patients with heart failure, both in defining the aetiology and assessing the degree of LV dysfunction.

In particular, patterns of scar tissue demonstrated by LGE imaging can be used to differentiate ischemic and non-ischemic origins, potentially avoiding invasive X-ray coronary angiography [ 11 ]. However CMR could also potentially provide information directly relevant to patients being considered for CRT.

Firstly, a large scar burden, as detected by LGE imaging, is an important factor in predicting a lack of response to CRT, and has been proposed for inclusion in the selection process of CRT candidates [ 12 ].

Secondly, a recent study has indicated that CRT is less effective if the LV lead is placed in a vein overlying transmural scar in the postero-lateral LV wall [ 13 ].

Scar assessment with LGE is therefore an essential component of a CMR protocol in heart failure. Relating scar distribution to venous anatomy, as shown in Figure 3 , potentially allows guidance of LV lead placement to areas of viable myocardium. The third application by which CMR could guide CRT is by providing prior knowledge of coronary venous anatomy.

Location of the LV lead in a lateral vein, compared with lead placement in other locations, results in greater reverse LV remodelling and reduced diastolic dyssynchrony [ 14 ].

Hence patients with absence of lateral veins may not be ideal candidates for CRT. The main appeal of using CMR imaging in patients considered for CRT is that in a single examination CMR could accurately assess left ventricular function, define venous anatomy, and assess both the aetiology of the heart failure and likelihood of response to CRT using total scar burden and location of scar tissue.

Until recently, non invasive venous imaging was only possible using multi-detector CT MDCT. However widespread use of MDCT is restricted by the necessity for large doses of both ionising radiation and iodinated contrast media.

Furthermore, MDCT is generally restricted to assessment of the coronary vessels. The limited temporal resolution reduces the accuracy of MDCT for assessment of LV function when compared to modalities such as CMR or echocardiography [ 15 ], and, while MDCT has been proposed for viability assessment, this is not yet an established technique and leads to additional radiation exposure [ 16 , 17 ].

Several recent publications have demonstrated the ability of WHCA to delineate the course of the coronary veins in a three dimensional volume that can be reconstructed and volume rendered in a manner similar to MDCT [ 4 — 6 ].

The slow blood flow velocity and anatomic variability of coronary veins make them a challenging target for CMR imaging, so that intravascular contrast agents were used to enhance the coronary venous system in two of these three studies. However, intravascular contrast agents are not currently licensed for cardiac use and do not allow an assessment of LGE, which relies on contrast leakage into the extravascular space.

Our data therefore complement the existing evidence for coronary venous CMR by showing that the coronary veins can also be imaged using a standard gadolinium-based contrast agent and in combination with myocardial function and LGE imaging.

We expect that such combined assessment will be the most powerful clinical application for CMR in heart failure assessment and will distinguish it from MDCT. Importantly, measurements of the coronary venous system depicted in our study were similar to the results of previous studies using MDCT [ 10 ].

Our data also show that the delineation of the coronary venous system is dependent on the quality of the acquired data. For high resolution CMR whole heart imaging, data are acquired over many RR intervals mean nominal scan time in our study was 5. The respiratory navigator can correct partially for bulk cardiac motion and arrhythmia rejection algorithms are available to limit the effects of heart rate changes, but in clinical practice around one third of WHCA studies are of impaired quality.

These general limitations of CMR WHCA were also reflected in our study. The CMR WHCA pulse sequence used in this study was designed to provide optimal visualization of the epicardial coronary arteries, and may therefore be suboptimal for demonstration of the coronary venous system.

Further studies will be required to define the best methodology to reliably demonstrate cardiac venous anatomy by CMR. To our knowledge invasive venography, using retrograde contrast injection via the CS, has not yet been used to evaluate any non-invasive method of venous visualization.

Without performing retrograde venography on all patients the true value of either CMR or MDCT to predict the anatomy of cardiac veins cannot be known. Hence the frequency with which CMR demonstrated venous branches in this study may be related both to the patient group or to the imaging modality and the relative contribution of each of these factors cannot be assessed.

Finally the efficacy of CMR for coronary venous assessment specifically in patients with severe heart failure and broad QRS duration has not yet been assessed and may prove more challenging. Coronary venous anatomy can be demonstrated as part of a comprehensive CMR protocol that also includes late gadolinium enhanced imaging with a standard extracellular contrast agent.

This may prove a useful addition to standard CMR in the assessment of patients with LV dysfunction who are being considered for CRT. Bleasdale RA, Frenneaux MP: Cardiac resynchronisation therapy: when the drugs don't work.

PubMed Central PubMed Google Scholar. Abraham WT, Fisher WG, Smith AL, Delurgio DB, Leon AR, Loh E, et al: Cardiac resynchronization in chronic heart failure. N Engl J Med.

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Frequently asked questions. When will I have access to the lectures and assignments? If you don't see the audit option: The course may not offer an audit option. The contrast of the IR-TSE protocol is only moderately influenced by small changes of relative water content.

On the other hand, the contrast of the TSE protocol is sensitive to slight changes of the proton-density ratio and even vanishes for ρ D. i close to 1. Thus, the lack of contrast between the nuclei D.

i compared with the Z. MR contrast for IR-TSE and TSE imaging in thalamic subfields. The solid and the dashed lines show the calculated contrast between the nuclei Z. i for the IR-TSE and the TSE sequences, respectively.

Note the relative low dependence of the IR-TSE contrast on variations of the proton-density ratio. The comparison of MR images with photographs and drawings of stereotactic atlases revealed that the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas 21 seems to be the most suitable one.

Its myelin-stained plates appear similar to the presented MR images with hypointense myelin-rich and more hyperintense myelin-poor tissues.

Furthermore, the overlayable transparencies with drawn borders of the different thalamic compartments based on their cytoarchitecture notably facilitate anatomic assignment. The remarkable Morel atlas 3 shows photographs of the variety of applied stainings only exemplarily.

For image comparison and assignment, however, we rate camera lucida drawings less suitable than labeled photographs of stained sections. Unfortunately, the atlas of Mai et al 22 presents only coronal views in high magnification with elaborate anatomic labeling but no sagittal and axial ones.

Despite the high degree of differentiation, the proposed assignment of areas with specific MR imaging contrast to anatomically described tissues remains somewhat ambiguous. One possible reason for discrepancies is the markedly different nature of the images under consideration.

MR images integrate tissue properties over the applied section thickness and in-plane voxel resolution. In contrast to the presented MR images with 2- to 3-mm section thickness and 0. Consequently, the MR images are more similar to an average of neighboring sections in anatomic atlases than to the MR imaging equivalent of 1 specific section.

This observation complicates anatomic assignment, especially if anatomy changes considerably over short distances in a direction orthogonal to the sections. One example is the nucleus zentrolateralis intermedius.

Because it is a thin layer between the larger ventral and dorsal intermediate nuclei, 1 we cannot exclude the observation that the field here assigned to Z. i belongs to one of the latter subfields. Nevertheless, we decided to adopt the labeling of the atlas photograph with the best correspondence to the MR image.

Besides the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas, 21 the partition of the lateral thalamus parallel to the La. m and internal capsule appears even more conspicuous in the myelin staining in Fig 46 in the work of Hirai and Jones. For an elaborate analysis of which nuclei as defined by Hassler 1 correspond to the nomenclature of Hirai and Jones and a critical view on Hassler's very large number of subdivisions, we refer to the tables and discussions given elsewhere.

To successfully delineate the anatomic subfields in the lateral dorsal thalamus, T1-weighting is essential. Ultimately, an inversion recovery approach proved to be most suitable.

The applied IR-TSE sequence, with adiabatic inversion and full ° refocussing pulses, allows us to measure only a small brain slab within legal specific absorption rate limits. The resulting 8—10 possible sections are sufficient to cover the region of interest.

To measure the planned number of sections, occasionally, we were forced by the specific absorption rate limit to increase the TR from the nominal 3 seconds up to 3.

Whereas the concomitant slight increase in contrast is welcomed, the prolonging of scanning time is disadvantageous. For IR-TSE imaging, the application of specific absorption rate—reducing techniques is possible yet untested for the presently proposed application.

Unlike the specific absorption rate, CSF pulsation is a serious obstacle. Sharp and contrast-rich images can be reliably acquired in dorsal thalamic regions where the rather small flow distortions are controllable by an appropriately chosen phase-encoding direction.

However, in a manner strongly dependent on the subject, IR-TSE images around the ACPC plane can be heavily distorted by flow artifacts arising from the strong pulsatile CSF flow in the third ventricle. Often these cannot be suppressed sufficiently by the flow compensation options of the product TSE sequence.

Moreover, flow-synchronous triggering is far from simple—if not impossible—for inversion recovery—prepared MR images. Currently, CSF pulsation artifacts are the reason why only images of the dorsal aspect of the thalamus are described here.

In this regard, 3 recent studies explicitly described the delineation of thalamic nuclei at 7T. Whereas Abosch et al did not show sections located more dorsally, images presented by Deistung et al showed no indication of parcellation in the dorsal aspect of the lateral thalamus.

Also the La. m appears as a rather broad and diffuse band in the quantitative susceptibility map, notwithstanding the extremely high 0. The white matter—nulled MPRAGE images of Tourdias et al 19 explicitly indicated the nuclei ventral lateral anterior and posterior in the dorsal thalamus; however, they did not depict a structure similar to the D.

i boundary shown here. The coarser appearance of the La. m and of boundaries between the nuclei in their axial images is probably a consequence of the isotropic 1-mm 3 resolution.

All these points are not criticism. We just intended to underline the importance of determining the most suitable MR imaging approach to distinguish a particular thalamic nucleus from adjacent tissues.

Target definition is a core element in the complex process necessary for precise stereotactic implantation of brain electrodes. More precise localization of the supposed optimal target for therapeutic interventions cannot balance the impact of other sources of error such as image resolution or the mechanical accuracy of stereotactic systems.

However, it reduces the total error of the procedure and thus promotes a more comprehensive understanding of therapeutic outcomes. In that regard, 2 recent studies 29 , 30 investigated possible issues for neurosurgical targeting due to higher geometric distortions at 7T. Without dissent, they reported relatively small distortions in the central brain regions and concluded that targeting is feasible with 7T imaging.

Without question, the assumed advantage of the clear visualization of intrathalamic anatomy for DBS planning has yet to be validated. We expect that among others, the La. m, the boundary between the nuclei D. i, the boundary between the nuclei D.

e, and the dorsal aspect of the centre médian are valuable landmarks. Because the boundary between the D. i is located only a few millimeters dorsal to the anterior margin of the nucleus ventrointermedius internus, it has the potential to promote a more accurate DBS planning in patients with tremor.

The successful transfer of the imaging protocol to patient scanning is strongly bound to an effective suppression of any head movement. A thorough comparison of the recorded images of the subject trained to keep his head very still, on the one hand, with the images of the other 4 subjects, on the other hand, suggests that residual head motion may explain the sometimes less compelling visualization of subfields in the lateral thalamus.

Methods of mitigating these artifacts used in routine MR imaging investigations of patients with motor disorders, such as the use of sedative medications or MR imaging—compatible stereotactic head frames, are not, in our view, feasible options in a 7T context. Instead, prospective motion-correction technologies 31 that do not require a tight fixation of the head present a promising alternative.

Moreover, prospective correction of microscopic head motion has already been demonstrated to be fully compatible with 7T MR imaging.

This feasibility study demonstrates that IR-TSE-based MR imaging at 7T can reveal a high degree of anatomic detail in the dorsal thalamus. Even if none of the here-visualized subfields are currently a relevant DBS target, the more general hope for the future is that precise visualization of well-defined internal thalamic landmarks will improve the definition of target point coordinates for stereotactically guided implantation of DBS electrodes.

Jude Medical. Lars Buentjen— UNRELATED : Payment for Lectures including service on Speakers Bureaus : lectures on spinal cord stimulation St.

Jude Medical and occipital nerve stimulation St. Jude Medical , workshops on spinal cord stimulation St.

Jude Medical, Boston Scientific, Medtronic. Indicates open access to non-subscribers at www. NOTE: We only request your email address so that the person you are recommending the page to knows that you wanted them to see it, and that it is not junk mail. We do not capture any email address.

This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in Crossref Cited-by Linking. Skip to main content. Research Article Brain.

Open Access. Kanowski , J. Voges , L. Buentjen , J. Stadler , H. Heinze and C. a From the Departments of Neurology M. b Stereotactic Neurosurgery J. c Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg J. d German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases H. e nucleus dorso-oralis externus D.

i nucleus dorso-oralis internus IR-TSE inversion recovery turbo-spin-echo La. m lamella medialis Z. i nucleus zentrolateralis intermedius internus. Materials and Methods We examined 5 healthy subjects 2 men; 21—28 years of age in accordance with stipulations put forth by the local ethics committee.

Results Figure 1 shows axial MR images through the thalamus at a position of about 10 mm dorsal to the ACPC plane, with the corresponding section of the atlas of Schaltenbrand and Wahren 21 at position H.

Fig 1. Fig 2. Fig 3. Fig 4. Fig 5. Fig 6. Discussion The comparison of MR images with photographs and drawings of stereotactic atlases revealed that the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas 21 seems to be the most suitable one.

Conclusions This feasibility study demonstrates that IR-TSE-based MR imaging at 7T can reveal a high degree of anatomic detail in the dorsal thalamus. This work was supported by the German Research Foundation SFB , TP A2 and A Anatomy of the thalamus.

In: Schaltenbrand G , Bailey P , eds. Introduction to Stereotaxis with an Atlas of the Human Brain. Vol 1. Stuttgart, Germany : Thieme ; : — Jones EG.

The Thalamus. New York : Plenum Press ; Morel A. Stereotactic Atlas of the Human Thalamus and Basal Ganglia. New York : Informa Healthcare ; Spiegelmann R , Nissim O , Daniels D , et al. Stereotactic targeting of the ventrointermediate nucleus of the thalamus by direct visualization with high-field MRI.

Stereotact Funct Neurosurg ; 84 : 19 — Yovel Y , Assaf Y. Virtual definition of neuronal tissue by cluster analysis of multi-parametric imaging virtual-dot-com imaging. Neuroimage ; 35 : 58 — Gringel T , Schulz-Schaeffer W , Elolf E , et al. Optimized high-resolution mapping of magnetization transfer MT at 3 Tesla for direct visualization of substructures of the human thalamus in clinically feasible measurement time.

J Magn Reson Imaging ; 29 : — CrossRef PubMed. Young GS , Feng F , Shen H , et al. Susceptibility-enhanced 3-Tesla T1-weighted spoiled gradient echo of the midbrain nuclei for guidance of deep brain stimulation implantation.

Neurosurgery ; 65 : — Kanowski M , Voges J , Tempelmann C. Delineation of the nucleus centre median by proton density weighted magnetic resonance imaging at 3 T. Neurosurgery ; 66 3 suppl operative : E — Bender B , Mänz C , Korn A , et al.

Optimized 3D magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition of gradient echo: identification of thalamus substructures at 3T. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol ; 32 : — Traynor CR , Barker GJ , Crum WR , et al.

Imaging of cranial nerves: a pictorial overview | Insights into Imaging | Full Text Direct Visualization of Anatomic Subfields within the Superior Aspect of the Human Lateral Thalamus by MRI at 7T. Anatomage Table Clinical version is an FDA cleared radiology software. Gringel T , Schulz-Schaeffer W , Elolf E , et al. i close to 1. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Znatomy volume MRI anatomy visualizationArticle number: anatomh Cite this article. Metrics details. Coronary venous imaging with visualozation Quench refreshing hydration magnetic resonance CMR Quench refreshing hydration has Balancing insulin sensitivity naturally been described using developmental pulse sequences and intravascular vsualization agents. Anatoky, the practical utility of coronary venous imaging will be for patients with heart failure in whom cardiac resynchronisation therapy CRT is being considered. As such complementary information on ventricular function and myocardial viability will be required. The aim of this study was to determine if the coronary venous anatomy could be depicted as part of a comprehensive CMR protocol and using a standard extracellular contrast agent. Thirty-one 3D whole heart CMR studies, performed after intravenous administration of 0.


MRI Data Visualization

MRI anatomy visualization -

MR imaging findings include iso-hypointensity on T1-weighted sequences, high signal on T2-weighted sequences, and marked enhancement on post-contrast images, eventually with unenhanced cystic spaces [ 13 ] Figs.

Small intracanalicular vestibulocochlear schwannoma. MRI steady-state free procession SSFP a and T1-weighted post-gadolinium b axial images show a small hypointense lesion on steady-state sequence with avid contrast-enhancement visible in the intracanalicular segment of internal auditory canal arrows.

Small trigeminal schwannoma. Large trigeminal schwannoma. Hypoglossal schwannoma. MRI T2-weighted axial image a , T1-weighted post-gadolinium axial b , and coronal images c demonstrate an extra-axial expansive lesion dotted circles , mildly hyperintense with heterogenous contrast enhancement, surrounded by cystic components.

The mass is located along the course of the right hypoglossal nerve. CT bone window, d clearly shows the enlargement of the right hypoglossal canal arrow.

Atrophy of the right tongue muscles asterisks is well visible at CT e and T1-weighted axial sequence f as hypodense and hyperintense area, respectively. Neurofibromas rarely involve cranial nerves, and are more commonly found extracranially. They are typically associated with neurofibromatosis 1 NF1 and can show malignant transformation.

NF1 is a genetic condition characterized by the presence of café au lait spots , neurofibromas, optic nerve glioma, osseous lesions, iris hamartomas, and axillary or inguinal freckling Figs.

Neurofibroma of the lingual nerve. Patient with NF1. MRI T2-weighted fat-suppressed a and T1-weighted post-gadolinium b axial images, display an hyperintense and enhanced round mass along the course of the left lingual nerve dotted circles.

Small glossopharyngeal neurofibroma. MRI FLAIR a and T1 post-gadolinium b sequences, axial plane, demonstrate a mildly hyperintense small lesion dotted circles with avid enhancement located on the right post-olivary sulcus.

Esthesioneuroblastoma ENB or olfactory neuroblastoma is a rare malignant tumor of neural crest origin, arising from the olfactory epithelium of the nasal vault. It presents typically in the second and sixth decades of life, without gender predilection [ 14 ].

Clinical presentation may include, in a various combination, epistaxis, nasal obstruction, decreased olfactory function, diplopia, and proptosis. ENB may invade paranasal sinuses, orbits, and anterior cranial fossa, and, if metastatic, involve local lymph nodes, with distant metastasis to lungs, liver, and bone.

At CT, ENB does not have specific features appearing as a homogeneous soft tissue mass in the nasal cavity. However, CT is useful to evaluate bone involvement. On MRI, ENB usually appears hypointense on T1-weighted sequences and intermediate to hyperintense on T2-weighted sequences.

Contrast enhancement is avid and homogeneous, except for areas of necrosis or hemorrhage. MRI may be useful to detect dural involvement [ 14 ] Fig. MRI T1-weighted fat-suppressed post-gadolinium sequence, coronal a and sagittal b images show a marked enhanced large median mass arrows in the sinonasal region growing superiorly into the inferior frontal region of the brain.

Optic nerve glioma is a relatively rare tumor that typically occurs in children. If associated with NF1, glioma can be multifocal and bilateral. In NF1 patient, optic nerve is the most common site of the tumor, whereas in non-NF1 patients, chiasma involvement is the most frequent.

On MRI, the tumor typically appears isointense on T1-weighted images and iso-hyperintense on T2-weighted images, with variable contrast enhancement; in non-NF1 patients, cystic components may be detected Fig.

If present, perineural arachnoidal gliomatosis shows hyperintense signal on T2-weighted sequences and may have contrast enhancement [ 8 ]. Optic nerve gliomas. MRI T1-weighted sagittal a , axial b , and coronal c images show bilateral intraorbital hypointense masses dotted circles centered on the optic nerve.

FLAIR images d — f well depict the isointense masses causing enlargement of the optic nerves dotted circles. Two types of perineural growth of tumor are described: perineural invasion PNI , a microscopical process that affect small nerves, and perineural spread of tumor PNS that extends along the sheaths covering larger central nerves [ 15 ].

The incidence of perineural spread is about 2. It is typically associated with carcinoma arising from minor or major salivary glands e. In most cases, the peripheral branches of second V2 and third V3 divisions of the trigeminal nerve, and the descending branch of the facial nerve serve as conduit for perineural spread.

Also, the ophthalmic nerve and the hypoglossal nerve may be interested [ 17 ]. Clinical findings include neural dysfunction symptoms, as pain, dysesthesias, or muscle denervation atrophy [ 5 ]. For radiologist, the knowledge of the anatomy of cranial nerves is crucial to evaluate the perineural spread.

On MRI, it can be visualized as segmental nerve thickening and enhancement on post-gadolinium sequences. Typically, imaging techniques with fat suppression are used to better increase the conspicuity of the enhancement [ 17 ]. Skull base invasion may result as replacement of normal fatty marrow signal [ 5 ] Figs.

Tumoral growth may cause enlargement of foramina or canals through which nerves exit the skull. Perineural spread of tumor. Patient with squamous carcinoma of the retromolar trigone. CT sagittal images at 0 a , 6 b , and 12 c months follow-up.

Note the progressive infiltration arrows of the pterygopalatine fossa asterisks with obliteration of the normal fatty tissue. MRI T1-weighted post-gadolinium axial a and coronal b images. Note the enlargement and the enhancement of the mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve V2 dotted circles.

VII and VIII cranial seem to be the most affected nerves [ 18 ]. Clinically, symptoms of irritation and neural compression are present with multiple cranial neuropathies and mental status changes, secondary to meningeal irritation and hydrocephalus.

The nerve may enhance on post-gadolinium sequences and appear enlarged Fig. Neural enhancement can be very subtle and better demonstrated on post-Gadolinium fluid-attenuated inversion recovery FLAIR sequences [ 5 , 19 , 20 , 21 ].

Leptomeningeal spread of tumor. Patient with lung carcinoma. MRI axial image of T1-weighted post-gadolinium sequence demonstrates a large metastasis of the pons asterisks , bilateral leptomeningeal enhancement of trigeminal nerves a , circles , and bilateral facial and vestibulocochlear nerves b , dotted circles.

Meningioma is the commonest extra-axial tumor of central nervous system and arises from the meningothelial cells of arachnoid layer. Typical locations include parasagittal and lateral aspect of the cerebral convexity, sphenoid wing, middle cranial fossa, and olfactory groove.

The tumor may show transforaminal extension, for example into the orbit or following the trigeminal course. After the acoustic schwannoma, it represents the second most common mass in the cerebellopontine angle.

On imaging, meningioma appears as a lobular, extra-axial mass with well-circumscribed margins and a broad-based dural attachment. Post-contrast sequences show marked and homogeneous enhancement with rare central nonehancing areas, corresponding to necrosis or calcification phenomena.

Possibly associated bony changes can be osteolysis, hyperostosis, and enlargement of the adjacent foramina [ 21 ] Fig. Meningioma may also affect the optic nerve, appearing as homogeneous enhancing lesion around the optic nerve, with intermediate T1 and T2 signal [ 22 ].

Sphenoid wing meningioma. MRI T1-weighted coronal image a , T2-weighted b , and T1-post gadolinium c axial images. A large mass with avid enhancement is visible, suggestive for meningioma of the right sphenoid wing asterisks with orbital involvement, displacement of the optic nerve arrows , and the globe empty arrows.

Signs of hyperostosis are also evident arrowhead. The term optic neuritis ON usually refers to inflammatory process that involve optic nerve. Clinically, it presents with painful eye movements and visual loss.

On MRI, the nerve appears swollen and hyperintense on T2-weighted sequences, with contrast enhancement best seen on fat-suppressed T1-weighted sequences [ 8 ] Fig.

ON may be observed in autoimmune for example multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders and systemic diseases sarcoidosis, lupus erythematosus, Wegener disease, Sicca syndrome, Behcet disease [ 23 ]. Particularly, in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder NMOSD , nerve involvement may be bilateral and more severe than in multiple sclerosis MS.

NMOSD is also characterized by involvement of spinal cord, with brain MRI features not suggestive for MS [ 8 ]. Optic neuritis. MRI T1-weighted post gadolinium fat-saturated coronal image.

Note the enlargement and the enhancement of the left optic nerve arrow. Tolosa-Hunt is an uncommon disease related to a retro-orbital pseudotumor extending in the cavernous sinus [ 24 , 25 ].

It is an idiopathic disorder that can manifest with a unilateral painful ophthalmoplegia, diplopia, and deficit of the V1 branch of trigeminal nerve. Tolosa-Hunt consists in a granulomatous inflammation of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus or superior orbital fissure.

Imaging techniques can show an infiltrative soft tissue mass within the cavernous sinus that appears enlarged. The tissue is hypo-isointense on T2-weighted sequences, with avid contrast enhancement on post-gadolinium images Fig.

Clinical findings may overestimate this condition and MRI is critical to exclude other similar conditions, allowing for precise management and therapeutic planning.

After diagnosis, a good response to steroid therapy can be achieved. Tolosa-Hunt syndrome. MRI T1-weighted post-gadolinium axial image a , and enlargement in b shows enhancing inflammatory infiltration in the left orbital apex extending into the cavernous sinus empty arrows.

Clinical presentation is variable, with dysgeusia, mastoid pain, impaired salivation, and lacrimation. A Herpes-Simplex-Virus reactivation seems to be the most probable etiology [ 5 ].

Prognosis is often good and the treatment is based on corticosteroid therapy, often with the addition of acyclovir. On MRI, the facial nerve shows increased enhancement on post-contrast sequences that may involve one or more segments, without nodularity Fig.

Enhancement of distal intrameatal and labyrinthine segments is typical [ 26 ]. On T2-weighted sequences, the nerve may be hyperintense. In case of irregular or nodular enhancement, other causes of pathology such as perineural spread of tumor should be evaluated.

MRI T1-weighted pre- a and post-gadolinium b , coronal images; T1-weighted post-contrast axial image c. In a , b , note the swelling and enhancement of the left facial nerve dotted circles ; in c , the enhancement around the geniculate ganglion arrow. Vestibular neuritis presents as unilateral acute vertigo without hearing loss.

Nausea and vomiting are also associated. It affects young and mid-adults with no sexual preponderance. The etiology is various. Viral, bacterial, and protozoan infections have been reported, but also allergic and autoimmune causes are described.

Inflammation of the vestibular nerve may be complicated by demyelination, with loss of function, not always reversible [ 29 ]. MRI shows hyperintensity of the cisternal tract of the vestibular nerve on T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences [ 30 ] with enhancement on post-gadolinium images [ 31 ] Fig.

Acute labyrinthitis is similar to vestibular neuritis with associated hearing loss and tinnitus [ 5 ]. Vestibular neuritis. MRI FLAIR a and T1-weighted post-gadolinium b , c axial images show mild hyperintensity a , arrow and enhancement b , arrow of the right vestibular nerve and right labyrinth a , c , dotted circles.

Infectious meningitis may result from viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection. Viral infections, mostly related to Herpes simplex virus type 1 , C ytomegalovirus , and Varicella zoster , may manifest with cranial nerve involvement and abnormal enhancement of the nerve on MRI [ 28 ].

Bacterial meningitis is typically caused by Haemophilus Influenzae , Streptococcus pneumoniae , and Neisseria Meningitidis. Imaging is often normal, although MRI post-contrast sequences can demonstrate leptomeningeal enhancement [ 5 ]. Intracranial Tuberculosis, typically in pediatric population, can manifest as leptomeningitis with involvement of cranial nerves Fig.

Cryptococcus neoformans is associated with the Cryptococcal meningitis, characterized by optic neuropathy. Necrosis of the optic nerve and chiasm by cryptococcal organism have been described. Rhinocerebral mucormycosis is fungal infection in immunocompromised patients, with sinonasal disease that may progress to the orbit and cavernous sinus.

It can be complicated by vascular and perineural invasion and local thrombotic infarction. Cranial neuroschistosomiasis, less common than the spinal form, is characterized by a granulomatous reaction that leads to increase of intracranial pressure and focal neurologic signs.

Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi , may involve any of the cranial nerves, with a predilection for the facial nerve, that appears thickened and enhanced [ 28 ].

Tuberculosis TBC. MRI T1-weighted post-gadolinium axial image demonstrates pathologic enhancing tissue involving the basal cistern and ventral surface of the brainstem asterisks , with leptomeningeal enhancement of bilateral trigeminal a , circles , facial, and vestibulocochlear nerves b , dotted circles.

Accidental or iatrogenic trauma, causing edema, hematoma, or disruption of the fibers, may lead to nerve impairment.

Traction, stretching, impingement, and transection of the fibers are the typical mechanisms of injury [ 32 ]. High-resolution CT is the imaging modality of choice to detect skull base fractures and foraminal involvement.

Olfactory nerve may be involved in the closed injury of basal frontal lobe, with or without association of cribriform plate fracture Fig.

Optic and oculomotor nerves may be affected in the orbital and optic canal fractures. Lesions of the abducens nerve are reported in the fracture of the clivus and petrous apex. Injuries of the facial nerve are associated to temporal bone fractures, that are classified as transverse or longitudinal based on their relationship to the long axis of the petrous temporal bone.

Iatrogenic injuries may complicate a variety of surgical procedures. Facial nerve paralysis may follow temporal bone and parotid surgery, while lower cranial nerves may be involved during neck dissection; in particular, the recurrent laryngeal nerve may be injured during thyroid and parathyroid surgery [ 32 ].

Fracture of cribriform plate. CT coronal image shows multiple fractures of the skull base. Note in particular the fracture of the cribriform plate arrowheads.

Neurovascular compression syndromes are caused by vascular structures usually arteries that directly contact the cisternal segment of a cranial nerve Fig. Typically, the transition zone between the central and the peripheral myelin is the most vulnerable region of the nerve [ 35 ].

Clinical presentation is variable and includes trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia, vestibular paroxysm, and hemifacial spasm. However, neurovascular compression should be evaluated only in the presence of specific clinical features [ 6 ]. Imaging may be useful to detect the displacement and the compression of a nerve by redundant arteries.

Steady-state sequences and corresponding Time-of-Flight TOF or 3D T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced images are very useful for diagnosis and preoperative evaluation [ 35 ]. Neurovascular compression of facial nerve. Patient with left facial nerve palsy.

MRI axial steady-state free procession a and T1-weighted post-gadolinium, MIP reconstruction b images show a neurovascular compression of the left facial nerve dotted circles. Ischemic lesions of the brainstem may cause isolated nerve palsies, more commonly in elderly population.

Cranial nerves between the III and the VI are the most affected. Diffusion-weighted imaging DWI sequences are the best to visualize an acute ischemic lesion Figs. The anatomical knowledge of the nuclei of the cranial nerves is fundamental to interpret ischemic nerve palsies.

Wallenberg syndrome. Patient with left sensory loss, gait ataxia, nausea, and vertigo. MRI DWI b image demonstrates area of diffusion restricted in the left dorsal medulla oblongata, suggestive for recent ischemic lesion dotted circle.

Trochlear nucleus ischemia. Patient with diplopia. MRI DWI b image shows restriction of the diffusion in the left posterior midbrain, in correspondence of the trochlear nucleus, suggestive for recent ischemic lesion dotted circle.

Superficial siderosis is a rare pathological condition that results from chronic deposition of hemosiderin in the subpial layers of the brain and spinal cord. Classically, it is bilateral and it may present with the typical triad: ataxia, sensorineural hearing loss, and myelopathy.

Other clinical presentations include dysarthria, nystagmus, myelopathy, bladder dysfunction, sensory and pyramidal signs. Hemosiderin deposition has predilection for the superior cerebellar vermis, cerebellar folia, frontal lobe, temporal cortex, brainstem, spinal cord, nerve roots and cranial nerve, mainly the VIII.

Rarely, extraocular nerve palsies, optic and trigeminal neuropathy have been reported in literature. Superficial siderosis. Massive hemosiderin deposition is also visible on the cerebellar folia asterisk.

Cranial nerve dysfunctions may be the result of pathological processes of the cranial nerve itself or associated with tumor conditions, inflammation, infectious processes, or traumatic injuries.

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Great course. One should have a good underlying knowledge of anatomy to then see how these structues are visualized with various modes of imaging. I learned a lot. Upskill your employees to excel in the digital economy. Access to lectures and assignments depends on your type of enrollment.

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Browse Health Patient Care. Taught in English. Enroll for Free Starts Feb Instructor ratings. William B. Charles Duncan. Intermediate level. Recommended experience.

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Earn a career certificate Add this credential to your LinkedIn profile, resume, or CV Share it on social media and in your performance review. There are 7 modules in this course This course teaches learners the underlying principles behind conventional radiography, computerized axial tomography CT , magnetic resonance imaging MRI , and ultrasound.

In this module you'll learn the principles of diagnostic imaging, be introduced to conventional radiography, computerized tomography CT , ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging MRI What's included. This module covers chest radiology, CT of chest, and an introduction to chest radiology pathology What's included.

This module covers normal CT anatomy of the abdomen, renal anatomy, colon cancer, and renal neoplasm What's included. This module covers normal pelvic imaging, normal male pelvis imaging, normal female pelvis imaging, What's included.

This module covers radiology of the upper extremities, radiology of the lower extremities, and musculoskeletal imaging modalities What's included. This module covers skull radiography, brain CT imaging fundamentals, brain CT imaging pathology, brain: magnetic resonance imaging MRI , and brain MRI pathology What's included.

This module covers and introduction to spine radiographs What's included. Instructors Instructor ratings. Offered by. Yale University Learn more. Yale University For more than years, Yale University has inspired the minds that inspire the world.

Recommended if you're interested in Patient Care. Recommended Related courses. MRI Fundamentals. Anatomy of the Chest, Neck, Abdomen, and Pelvis.

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