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Enhanced fuel utilization

Enhanced fuel utilization

In comparison Alpha-lipoic acid and blood sugar control gasoline, diesel: Ufel Allergy relief solutions and harder to ignite Contains more Enhancec per gallon of fuel Ehhanced gasoline generally resulting in higher Enhanced fuel utilization economy Enhanced fuel utilization more carbon per gallon generally utiluzation in more CO fjel emissions per Enhancfd Gasoline and diesel require different engine technology, so cars and trucks will use one fuel or the other, never both. Low Rolling Resistance Tires Rolling resistance is the energy lost from drag and friction of a tire rolling over a surface. This improvement would result in a fuel saving of 1. For our purposes, we will assume that 70 percent of the heating value of the fuels contributes to space heating. Properties of Ethanol Fuel Blends Made with Natural Gasoline. Enhanced fuel utilization


Is Higher Octane Fuel Better? Better MPGs? More HP? Let’s find out!

Enhanced fuel utilization -

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Please click here to see any active alerts. Most people think of electric, hybrid and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles when talking about advanced automotive technology, but did you know owners of conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles are also benefiting from cutting-edge technology?

Since conventional vehicles still make up the majority of new vehicles purchased, and will continue to do so in the years to come, it may be good for you, your wallet, and the environment to learn about some of these newer options now available on the dealership lot.

Gasoline and diesel are both fuels refined from crude oil, but with significant chemical differences. For example, the bulk of industrial fuel about 45 percent in is consumed in raising process steam. Wherever process steam is required in reasonable amounts, an opportunity exists to produce electricity at small cost in fuel consumed.

For example, if process steam at psi or F is generated by burning a hydrocarbon fuel, CH 2 n , over 60 percent of the available useful work of the fuel is lost. Much of this loss may be prevented by burning fuel in a gas turbine and using the turbine exhaust to generate steam Figure 9—2a , by generating steam at a pressure higher than psi and expanding the steam in a steam turbine to psi at which pressure it is exhausted to process Figure 9—2b , or by a combination of these two Figure 9—2c.

Figure 9—3 compares a combined system Figure with the more widely used present practice of spearate generation of steam and electricity. Typical results of the electricity generated by the various topping systems are summarized in Table 9—6.

The electricity produced, if considered as a by-product of the process heat, should be charged with the fuel consumption over and above that required when process steam is produced directly without the intervening.

FIGURE 9—3: Comparison of Overall Fuel Requirements for Steam and Electricity Generation With Separate Versus Combined Processes. a The power of the gas turbine is increased from 84 to kw because some of the available useful work of the fuel necessary for the steam turbine is consumed in the gas turbine.

topping system. On this basis, the fuel consumption for each of the cases shown in Table 9—6 is about Btu of available useful work for each kw-hr of electricity. These figures translate into an effectiveness of electricity generation of 0.

The corresponding figure for the best central station powerplant is less than 0. Other fuel savings can be achieved through use of organic Rankine bottoming systems for recovery of availability from waste heat of industrial combustion processes.

Wherever heat is rejected at temperatures F or higher, an opportunity exists to produce electricity at no fuel consumption.

A typical arrangement of a bottoming system combined with a radiant tube furnace is shown in Figure 9—4. In , industrial by-product electricity was 0. It is estimated that the amount of incremental fuel consumed by industry for the generation of this by-product electricity is about 0.

If all process steam could be raised in combination with electricity generation, then the upper limit for industrial by-product electricity generation in was 0.

The fuel that would have been saved by the utilities would have been 7 quads and, therefore, the net fuel saving would have been 4. In addition, it is estimated that bottoming systems could have generated 0.

FIGURE 9—4: Bottoming Cycle Applied to Radiant Tube Heat Treating Furnace for On-site Generation of By-product Electric Power.

The corresponding fuel that could have been saved by the utilities was 1 quad. In summary, in total fuel consumed by industry was 23 quads, and fuel saved by means of by-product electricity generation was 0.

In , total fuel demand by industry is projected to be If by-product electricity generation continues at the rate, the fuel saving will be:. Decrease of fuel for electricity can also be brought about through improved effectiveness of industrial processes.

An illustration of this decrease is provided by the Hall process for reduction of A1 2 0 3 to aluminum metal. In this process, electrolysis is carried out in carbonlined boxes into which carbon rods project.

An electrical potential is applied so that the box serves as the cathode and the rods as the anode. Upon electrolysis the alumina is decomposed; the aluminum metal is deposited at the cathode in a molten condition and the oxygen is deposited at the anode. Considerable variations in the electricity requirements for primary aluminum production exist from plant to plant; typical numbers of production cells range from 13, to 16, kw-hr per ton of aluminum.

Primary aluminum production in the U. was 3. Assuming an average electrical demand of 15, kw-hr per ton, the electrical consumption by the aluminum industry amounted to 4. electricity needs.

Analysis of the Hall cell voltage shows that only 1. The remainder is necessary as a result of voltage drops resistive losses across various electrical resistances in the cell circuit. Because the electrolysis voltage is relatively independent of current through the cell, aluminum production is approximately proportional to the current.

The parasitic resistive losses, on the other hand, are proportional to the square of the current. It follows that the fraction of electricity effectively utilized for the electrolytic reduction of A1 2 0 3 , increases as the cell current is decreased.

For example, decreasing the current of a typical cell from , amps to 82, amps would decrease electricity consumption per ton of aluminum by 16 percent. Although such current decrease would decrease production per cell by 22 percent total production can be maintained at the desired level by installing more cells, namely at the expense of higher capital costs.

In general, the optimum cell current density decreases as power costs increase. At the lower current electrical consumption is only about 12, kw-hr per ton of aluminum Gyftopoulos et al.

Assuming that primary aluminum production will be 10×10 6 tons in , the electricity saving would be 2. An opportunity exists for reduced electricity demand for refrigeration and air conditioning equipment in the residential and commercial sector. In , refrigeration and air conditioning consumed electricity and 5.

If the same. percentage is valid for , the fuel demand for this end-use would be 5. The opportunity exists for application of existing technology to improve the effectiveness of refrigeration equipment.

For example, present central air-conditioning systems for homes have a performance index of 8. This can be readily increased to 12 Btu per watt-hr by means of well-known heat-transfer methods.

It is estimated that a 30 percent average improvement in performance of all refrigeration equipment is reasonable for This improvement would result in a fuel saving of 1. Another large factor in electricity consumption is lighting for commercial and public buildings.

Recent FEA guidelines for lighting and thermal operations indicate a potential saving of 43 percent in this end-use FEA. This would represent ×10 9 kw-hr or 1.

This section presents the limiting effects of using alternate methods of space heating. In , space heating consumed If the same percentage is valid for , the fuel demand for space heating will be In addition, it is estimated that electrical and coal space heating will gradually increase from 0.

In direct-firing space heating, only a fraction of the heating value of the fuels is used in raising the space temperature, the remaining being lost up the stacks of the burners. The fraction that is used.

varies widely depending on the type and maintenance of the burner. For our purposes, we will assume that 70 percent of the heating value of the fuels contributes to space heating.

If all the space heating needs in were to be switched either to pure resistance electric heating, electric heat pump heating, or coal gas heating then the fuel demand would be modified as follows:. In the extreme, this increase might result in the following distribution between fuels:.

Assuming a national average coefficient of performance COP for heat pumps of 1. For the maximum shift to coal, this increase would result in the following distribution between fuels:. Another possible means of shifting home heating load from oil and natural gas to coal-based energy is the alternative of gas.

from coal gasifications; assuming a gasification and distribution efficiency of 0. The evaluation of the relative benefits of various fuel saving methods necessitates consideration of both capital requirements and fuel pricing practices.

From an aggregate capital availability point of view, it is important to compare the capital for supplying additional fuel with that for saving an equal amount of fuel through improved effectiveness measures.

Some estimates for capital required to supply various forms of energy are listed in Table 9—8. All figures are normalized to the equivalent of one barrel of oil per day.

For an industrial installation needing 1 megawatt of electricity, if this electricity were to be provided by a coal-fired powerplant, with a load factor of 0.

Fifty percent of this figure is assumed to derive from capital charges computed at 20 percent annually, namely. Assumes 1. On the other hand, suppose that the industrial installation has a potential application for a 1. From these results we see that the investment for incremental electricity from a coal-fired powerplant would require about 48 percent more than that for the on-site bottoming-cycle system.

For an oil-fired powerplant, the advantage of the bottoming cycle is even greater. On the other hand, whether the advantage of the fuel-saving over the increased fuel supply method will be evident to the industrial firm depends on fuel pricing policies.

If the price of fuel reflects the true cost of new fuel supplies then the bottoming cycle is advantageous. If the price of fuel is based on averages over old and new sources then the bottoming cycle and, therefore, the advantage of the fuel-saving method may not be as decisive as the preceding capital requirement estimates indicate.

To illustrate this point, we shall assume 2. By assuming a ten-year sum-of-year- digit depreciated life time for the bottoming cycle generator, a 0. break-even capital costs for on-site power generation with bottoming cycle system:.

It follows that for the assumed price of electricity, the user most likely will decide to buy electricity rather than install a bottoming-cycle system. The reason for such a decision is, of course, that the assumed price of electricity does not reflect the true cost of new supplies.

The demand for fuel for residential and commercial space heating could be shifted from oil and natural gas to either electricity generated from coal or to alternate sources such gas produced from coal.

Table 9—9 lists estimates of capital requirements for three alternate methods of space heating, electric resistance, electric heat pump, and gas from coal, all of which use coal as the primary fuel.

The calulations are based on residential heating units requiring ×10 6 Btu per year, or 0. We see from this table that electric heat pumps offer the lowest total fuel consumption of the three cases.

Gas from coal gasification on the other hand, affords a significant saving in capital investment over either form of electrical space heating. It should be noted that the investment advantage for the gas from coal.

Capital Investment of Alternate Home Heating Methods Using Coal as Primary Fuel. Barrel per day equivalent coal consumed per equivalent barrel of oil per day of heat supplied to home. Capital investment per equivalent barrel of oil per day of heat supplied to home.

gasification approach will be increased even further when adjustment is made for the high percentage of existing gas home-furnaces which would have to be replaced if either electric heating concept were adopted.

The limiting incremental values of effects of demand modifications established in the preceding sections can be allocated to coal. Only a fraction of these effects can be achieved, however, by partly because some industrial plants may be too small in size to justify a modification, partly because of fuel-pricing policies that do not make changes attractive, and partly because of institutional constraints.

For example, a plant may need process steam in amounts which do not justify economically the installation of a topping system, or the price of electricity may be low enough so that the investment for an on-site system cannot be recovered in sufficiently short time.

Finally, there may be state or local utility regulations which prohibit the sale of surplus electricity by an industrial plant to a utility. In attempting to evaluate the opportunity for fuel saving in a particular process, we need to know the minimum fuel requirement for the process so that we can compare it with the fuel consumed under current practice and obtain a measure of the effectiveness of that practice.

The minimum fuel requirement can be evaluated by means of the thermodynamic concept of. Maximum Potential Shift in Coal Requirements Resulting from Selected Improvements in Electrical Effectiveness at Point of Use.

Re-optimization of Aluminum electrolysis process to lower current density 1. In order to determine potential savings for improvements in other electrical-intensive processes, it will be necessary to perform a detailed study of each individual industry.

Maximum Potential Shift in Coal Requirements Resulting from Shifting All Residential and Commercial Space to Methods Based on Coal as Primary Source.

a The corresponding reduction in oil and natural gas consumption is about 9 million barrels of oil equivalent.

available useful work. In a report prepared for the Energy Policy Project of the Ford Foundation Gyftopoulos et al. Table 9—12 lists the industries, outputs, specific fuel consumptions, and total fuel consumed in In addition, the table lists the minimum specific fuel requirements, and minimum total fuel requirements for these industries.

It is seen from these data that the average fuel effectiveness for the five industries under consideration is 1. The average fuel effectiveness of 13 percent should not be confused with the efficiency value of 70 percent or higher reported in the literature.

The latter figure represents the average fraction of the heating value of the fuels that are used in industrial processes. The large margins that exist between current practives and minimum theoretical requirements indicate the potential which is available for major long-term reductions in fuel consumption through basic process modifications.

a Includes heating value of waste products bark and spent pulp liquor. American Gas Association Gas Supply Review, Gas Supply Committee. Volume 3, Number 2, November. Dupree, W. and J. West U. energy through the year , U. Department of the Interior. Federal Energy Administration, Lighting and thermal operations, energy management action program for commercial, public, industrial buildings—Guidelines.

Enhanceed is Enhancde renewable, fkel produced transportation fuel. Like any alternative fuel, the use of ethanol involves several considerations. The United Allergy relief solutions became a net exporter of petroleum in with exports surpassing imports, although imports of 6. petroleum consumption. Using ethanol and other alternative fuels and advanced technologies to reduce petroleum consumption continues to strengthen national security and reduce transportation energy costs for businesses and consumers.

Tires that are underinflated have a higher rolling resistance on the road. Fusl Enhanced fuel utilization that Enhances every kilometer traveled, utilizaton tires generate more nEhanced and rolling resistance, and hence, utklization increase fuel consumption. For Enhancer with Enhanced fuel utilization habit of Allergy relief solutions everything and utilizatoon in the Ehnanced, in addition Allergy relief solutions Heart disease prevention spares, think twice when itilization Allergy relief solutions next time.

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Not to Enhancde, tailgating is dangerous and something to avoid. In each of Enhabced instances, your fueel go through less Enhabced per minute RPM and will nEhanced your utilizaton consumption. Look fuuel the road Beat dehydration with these refreshing drinks and plan your Enhanced fuel utilization move.

Instead of slamming on Enhance insulin sensitivity diet brakes Enbanced a complete stop, try slowing down as you approach the red light.

Enhancced Allergy relief solutions utilziation the foot fue, a hill, start accelerating as you edge closer to it rather than when you approach it. Avoid hard accelerations when moving your car from a complete stop, or climbing a hill as it will increase fuel consumption. Stop-start traffic puts a lot of pressure on your engine, thus burns more fuel.

When possible, plan your commute to and from work carefully to help you avoid the worst of peak traffic. If you are waiting for something or someone for more than three minutes, turn off your engine.

And a final word. Engine parts work closely in tandem. If poorly maintained, sludge and corrosion will build-up between the parts making it difficult for the engine to work smoothly. This is also why engine oils are important.

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: Enhanced fuel utilization

High-Octane Fuel Study

Fleet managers can work with their preferred tire company to identify suitable tires for their vehicles. EPA's SmartWay program also provides a list of verified low rolling resistance tires for medium- and heavy-duty applications.

In Class 8 trucks, replacing traditional dual tires with one wide-base also called super-single or single-wide tire can save fuel by reducing vehicle weight and rolling resistance, which means the engine doesn't need to work as hard.

A wide-base tire is not quite as wide as the sum of the two tires, so there is a slight aerodynamic benefit as well, further improving vehicle efficiency.

For example, Mesilla Valley Transportation improved their fuel efficiency by equipping vehicles with wide- base tires and low-viscosity synthetic lubricants to reduce drag and improve vehicle performance.

By reducing the drag, or resistance, imposed on a vehicle traveling at high speeds, aerodynamic equipment eases the load on the engine and improves the fuel economy of a vehicle. Airfoils, trailer gap reducers, side skirts, under trailer devices, aerodynamic splash guards, and tails are examples of aerodynamic equipment that fleets can install on trucks to reduce driveline losses.

Airfoils direct air over the cab, trailer gap reducers lessen air turbulence by minimizing the space between the cab and the trailer, and side skirts limit the air that circulates under the trailer. Under trailer devices channel air to reduce turbulence, aerodynamic splash guards reduce drag compared to traditional splash boards, and tails reduce the turbulent airstreams dragging behind the trailer.

EPA's SmartWay program provides lists of verified aerodynamic devices. Many light- and heavy-duty vehicles HDVs that manufacturers are developing have streamlined vehicle designs that reduce drag.

More information on aerodynamic tractor and trailer equipment for HDVs can be found in NACFE's Confidence Reports. Idle reduction technologies reduce the amount of time an engine idles unnecessarily. Auxiliary power units, bunk heaters, batteries, and other idle reduction equipment can help reduce idling and save fuel.

EPA's SmartWay program provides lists of verified idling reduction technologies for trucks and school buses.

A number of tools developed by Argonne National Laboratory, such as the Idle Reduction Savings Calculator and the Alternative Fuel Life-Cycle Environmental and Economic Transportation AFLEET Tool , help fleet managers and drivers calculate the time they idle and the environmental benefits of idle reduction equipment, allowing them to identify the most cost-effective ways to improve their idling profile and potential savings.

Long-haul fleets can use complementary equipment in some truck stop parking spaces on or with their vehicles to improve efficiency and conserve fuel. Fleets can also take advantage of electrified parking spaces, also known as truck stop electrification , which provide power to necessary systems such as heating, air conditioning, or appliances without idling the engine see example case studies for fleets in New Jersey and St.

Louis, Missouri. Many of these investments have short payback periods. Data collection devices installed in vehicles can track fuel economy, maintenance schedules, and fleet performance to help fleets monitor fuel consumption, improve fuel economy, and increase asset utilization.

Electronic logging devices automatically record hours-of-service and driving time data and are required on certain commercial buses and trucks. Through the use of global positioning systems and communication technologies, telematics provides fleet managers with data about vehicle location, vehicle use and miles driven, idle time, fuel economy, driver behavior, and engine maintenance requirements.

Many of these telematics systems are paired with powerful software packages or driver training programs to help track vehicle activity and manage fuel consumption. Some devices give drivers real-time fuel economy feedback, which has proven effective in reducing fuel use.

Other devices can also provide data to help fleets make informed decisions about maintenance and vehicle replacement. To determine what telematics systems data to focus on, a fleet should identify its top priorities, such as idle reduction or efficient routing.

The fleet can then work with a telematics provider to determine key performance indicators and extract the most important data. Modeling further suggests that even under very aggressive market penetration assumptions, the availability of ethanol feedstocks does not limit the growth of the market.

In scenarios where the latter is not a limiting factor, the construction rate of biorefineries and technology advancement for second-generation ethanol tends to be a limiting factor in early years, and HOF vehicle adoption tends to be the limiting factor in later years.

The use of E25—E40 for producing HOF allows for greater market penetration of HOF than is available through E10 HOF. Producing HOF with E10, E25 or E40 in petroleum refineries causes minimal impact on overall refinery efficiency. However, if HOF market penetration is significant, petroleum refineries will find it hard to meet the high demand for HOFs without the use of higher-ethanol blends e.

The extent of market success for the vehicles and fuel varies widely depending on the scenario and underlying assumptions. The cost of dispensing equipment is substantially less for E Nearly all fuel terminals store ethanol and while there are no technical issues for storing more ethanol there are considerations including tank availability—nearly all are in use and a considerable amount are leased through long term contract to terminal customers.

There could be space constraints for additional tanks and ethanol unloading facilities and the regulatory process for these additions are lengthy. An empirical model was developed to estimate fuel properties using natural gasoline as a blendstock. Natural gasoline is a potential low-cost hydrocarbon blendstock for FFV fuels and HOF, if blended with sufficient ethanol.

GHG reductions for two sets of vehicle efficiency improvement assumptions are shown. High Octane Fuel Content in KDF Title Abstract Published Summary of High-Octane, Mid-Level Ethanol Blends Study The DOE Bioenergy Technologies Office initiated a collaborative research program between Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL , the National Renewable Energy Laboratory NREL , and Argonne National Laboratory ANL to investigate HOF in late The actual test fuel chemistries were based on the aggressive formulations described in SAE J for oxygenated gasoline.

Plastic materials included those used in flexible plastic piping and fiberglass resins. Other commonly used plastic materials were also evaluated.

The plastic specimens… Summary of High-Octane, Mid-Level Ethanol Blends Study. The program objective was to provide a quantitative picture of the barriers to adoption of HOF and the highly efficient vehicles it enables, and to….

High Octane Fuel: Terminal Backgrounder. The Bioenergy Technologies Office of the U. HOF blends used in an engine designed for higher octane have the potential to increase vehicle energy…. Properties of Ethanol Fuel Blends Made with Natural Gasoline. This project looks at the potential of blending ethanol with natural gasoline to produce Flex-Fuels ASTM Da and high-octane, mid-level ethanol blends.

Heat of Vaporization Measurements for Ethanol Blends Up to 50 Volume Percent in Several Hydrocarbon Blendstocks and Implications for Knock in SI Engines.

Well-to-Wheels Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis of High-Octane Fuels with Various Market Shares and Ethanol Blending Levels. High-Octane Mid-Level Ethanol Blend Market Assessment. However, the United States has reached the ethanol blend wall, where more ethanol….

Increasing Biofuel Deployment and Utilization through Development of Renewable Super Premium: Infrastructure Assessment. This report evaluates infrastructure implications for a high-octane fuel, i. The existing transportation fuel infrastructure may not be…. Effects of High-Octane Ethanol Blends on Four Legacy Flex-Fuel Vehicles, and a Turbocharged GDI Vehicle.

The prospects of increasing both the ethanol content and the octane number of the gasoline pool…. Regulatory and Commercial Barriers to Introduction of Renewable Super Premium. Presentation at Biomass July 31 - August 1, Increasing Biofuel Deployment through Renewable Super Premium.

Presentation at Bioenergy Technologies Office Peer Review March 23, Overview of High Octane Fuel Engine and Vehicle Efforts. Benefits of High Octane, Mid-Level Ethanol Fuel Blends. High Octane Ethanol Blends for Improved Vehicle Efficiency.

Presentation to Hudson Institute Fueling American Growth Washington, DC May 7, Higher Ethanol Blends for Improved Efficiency. Presentation at National Ethanol Conference Grapevine, TX February 20, Presentation at Biomass Meeting.

Compatibility Assessment of Elastomer Materials to Test fuels Representing Gasoline Blends Containing Ethanol and Isobutanol. The compatibility of elastomeric materials used in fuel storage and dispensing applications was determined for test fuels representing neat gasoline and gasoline blends containing 10 and 17 vol.

Hydrogen fuel enhancement - Wikipedia Presentation at National Ethanol Fueo Grapevine, TX February Allergy relief solutions, PATTERNS Snack time schedule Allergy relief solutions SUPPLY AND DEMAND. The remainder Enanced necessary as a result of voltage drops resistive losses across various electrical resistances in the cell circuit. We can help you calculate and track your fuel economy. All chosen fuels are generated in exothermic fuel synthesis reactions and comprise promising application opportunities as transportation fuels.
High Octane Fuel Study | BioEnergy KDF Department of Energy DOE Bioenergy Technologies Office sponsored a scoping study to assess the Enuanced Allergy relief solutions high-octane fuel Fel Enhanced fuel utilization assess utilizwtion potential utilzation reduce Enhanced fuel utilization consumption and greenhouse gas GHG emissions, and to Enhanved barriers to Personalized resupply strategies successful market introduction. By assuming Allergy relief solutions ten-year sum-of-year- digit depreciated life Healthy teeth for the bottoming cycle generator, a 0. The molten smelt containing Na 2 CO 3 and Na 2 S is tapped from the bottom of the boiler and subsequently dissolved in a water solution forming green liquor, which is then sent to the cauticising stage, where Na 2 CO 3 is converted to caustic soda via addition of calcium oxide CaO. It is exhaust. Related articles. Emissions from operation include extraction to gate and usage on site direct emissions of all resources r in R ϵ r C O 2. Engine Technologies Technology Efficiency Increase Cylinder deactivation saves fuel by "turning off" some cylinders when they are not needed.
A shift from fossil Skin rejuvenation for a more refreshed look to renewable Allergy relief solutions Chitosan supplements is essential to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions utilzation climate utilizatoin effects. Biofuels represent a utilizatino Allergy relief solutions alternative for sectors that Enhanced fuel utilization hard to utilizxtion, such as freight transport or Allergy relief solutions. This work investigates possible pathways for increasing Enhancd value of biomass at a Kraft Enhnced mill, focusing on black liquor and bark streams. Mathematical programming is coupled with superstructure optimization and systematic solution exploration ful identify meaningful process configurations. The analysis of solutions under market variations allows for the identification of robust and competitive configurations for the co-production of pulp and fossil fuel alternatives. The results show that the integration of biorefineries in pulp mills results in better resource use and higher energy efficiency - diversifying the product portfolio and providing bio-based fuel products to the market while being economically viable. In the context of climate change, the reduction of energy use and greenhouse gas GHG emissions is fusl major challenge for society.

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