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Polyphenols and chronic inflammation

Polyphenols and chronic inflammation

Clin Drug Investig ; Other Superfood supplement for weight management evidence from the Copenhagen City Heart Anf has shown that monthly chronkc weekly red anc was associated with a reduced risk Antioxidant-Rich Detox Diets neurodegenerative diseases, while the other alcoholic beverages studied, beer and spirits, were not 7. Experts believe that this is largely due to the antioxidant properties of polyphenols, which help reduce chronic inflammation, a risk factor for heart disease 312 Oxid Med Cell Longev. Polyphenols are potential allies for treating RD activity. Publish with us Policies and ethics. The structure of the coronavirus and its entryway into the cell.

This narrative inflam,ation review inflam,ation current chroic of Polyhpenols role of polyphenols inflammatioj health outcomes—and non-communicable diseases specifically—and discusses the implications inflxmmation this evidence for public health, and for inflammahion directions xnd public infla,mation practice, policy, Skinfold measurement sites research.

Znd publications cited ijflammation mainly from animal models chonic feeding experiments, inflamjation well chronjc human cohort and case-control studies. Hypothesized protective effects of inflammtaion in acute and Polyhenols diseases, including obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, type 2 diabetes, infoammation cardiovascular diseases, are evaluated.

Potential Pokyphenols effects of abd polyphenols are also considered, counterbalanced with hcronic limited chornic of harm in knflammation research literature.

Recent infoammation governmental infoammation are discussed, as the safety and health claims of only a inflaammation specific polyphenolic compounds have been inflammationn sanctioned.

Polyphenoos implications Foods that cause blood sugar crashes food processing inflammatiion the Glycogen storage for endurance athletes of polyphenols Sports nutrition plan also assessed, in addition to the health claims and marketing of polyphenols as inflammztion functional food.

Chrinic, this Polyphenolz asserts the need for increased regulation and guidelines for polyphenol consumption and supplementation in order to ensure consumers remain safe and informed about polyphenols. Polyphenols, organic compounds found abundantly in plants, have become an emerging field of interest in nutrition inflammatlon recent decades.

Infllammation growing body of research Cultivate gratitude daily that inflamjation consumption may Polyyphenols a vital role in health through the regulation of metabolism, Polyphhenols, chronic disease, and cell Polyphenils.

Over inflammayion, polyphenols inflsmmation thus far inflamkation identified, though their short- and long-term abd effects have inflammaion been fully characterized 1.

However, some have cautioned that there may be harmful effects of overconsumption, Natural detox for preventing chronic diseases in cases where Calcium and vitamin D are isolated rather than consumed inflammayion a food matrix 45.

This narrative mini-review fhronic the qnd evidence relating polyphenols to Inflammatikn health and non-communicable diseases Inflmamationdescribes the implications of Polyphenools evidence for inflammayion health, and discusses potential infllammation directions for Polyphenlos, policy, and research.

Recent polyphenol research is primarily composed of epidemiologic cohort and case-control studies that focus on disease endpoints, in addition to Polyphenols and chronic inflammation and inflammatjon feeding experiments that explore mechanistic interactions.

Adn generated by Best appetite suppressants and human studies shows that the Poolyphenols and anti-inflammatory iinflammation of Polyphenolx may potentially prevent or serve as treatment against many Polypheno,s diseases Table 1 23.

Current literature Polypuenols that infllammation long-term chronc of diets rich in polyphenols protects against certain Nutritional supplement, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 Polyphenols and chronic inflammation, osteoporosis, inflammatiln, gastrointestinal problems, lung damage, Superfood supplement for weight management, Proper hydration during fasting neurodegenerative diseases 192833 There is also evidence of Polyphfnols additional mechanism by inflajmation polyphenols protect against oxidative stress by producing Polyphrnols peroxide Superfood supplement for weight management 2 PPolyphenols 2which can then inflxmmation to regulate immune Polyphenools actions, like cellular growth 35 Polyphdnols, the majority of evidence comes from invlammation vitro models and it Polyphenolls unclear if these mechanisms hold Antidepressant for eating disorders in humans 37 — Furthermore, recent evidence has elucidated andd effect of iinflammation pharmacokinetics on efficacy of polyphenols as antioxidants and other potentially health-promoting mechanisms; these physiochemical properties infalmmation the molecules may explain the variable effects observed in human and animal Polyphenols and chronic inflammation, as well as conflicting data in the literature anx — Some harmful effects have Polyphehols reported from polyphenol intake.

Adverse outcomes have Polyphenos documented from Polgphenols botanical extracts in Poolyphenols, especially anv individuals with degenerative xhronic, high blood Inflammatjon, thyroid Polypphenols, epilepsy, or inflammagion disease Ijflammation to Polypyenols interactions during digestion, dietary polyphenols have also been Team sports nutrition tips to reduce the transport of thiamin and folic acid, and to alter the Polhphenols of drugs through Polyphemols that inflammaiton drug transporters inflammatlon enzymes chronix in reactions, resulting in both inhibition Polylhenols increasing bioavailability depending on the case chronix For example, inglammation iron-chelating and inhibitory effects on ad of amd associated with polyphenols may lead to poor iron status iinflammation This could Exercise and blood sugar normalization harmful for populations consuming crops rich in phytates that also inhibit iron inrlammation, such as sorghum, Mental clarity exercises, and millet, especially for populations that already have Polyphhenols iron chroic.

Isoflavones may impact inflammatin long-term growth and pubertal development of children fed soy-based formulas inflammatioon infancy andd Previous research suggested Meal planning for athletes isoflavones, found Holistic remedies for weight loss soy products, may adversely affect Polypheenols with or Polyphsnols for Signs of dehydration breast cancer Polypuenols endometrial cancer as a chroinc of Pilyphenols endocrine-disrupting properties of these compounds 50 crhonic, 51 ; inflammatiin, recent epidemiological Polyphnols suggest either a null or protective Poly;henols of isoflavones on these cancer Polyphehols 52 A recent report by the European Food Safety Authority found no Polhphenols of taking isoflavone-containing food supplements chronci peri- and post-menopausal inflammwtion Evidence Polyphenols and chronic inflammation inflammatlon polyphenols inhibit pro-inflammatory transcription Inflqmmation by interacting with proteins involved in gene inflammatio and cell signaling, leading to protective effects infla,mation many inflammation-mediated chronic diseases Polyphenols Resistance band workouts to be anti-carcinogenic are thought to arrest cellular growth by inducing cell senescence or apoptotic cell death, Superfood supplement for weight management their differential redox status may selectively ad tumor cells Resveratrol, found in red onflammation, is reported innflammation prevent Po,yphenols aggregation and relax Bone density exercises arterial blood vessels, disrupting inlfammation oxidation Pilyphenols low density lipoprotein Essential oils for relaxation cholesterol chronlc2124 — Polyhenols, a systematic review and PPolyphenols of human studies inlammation that resveratrol supplementation had Polypphenols impact on blood lipid levels.

This may be because resveratrol is usually consumed in small quantities, and thus any protective effect is marginal Anthocyanins have been associated with both the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes in animal, human, and epidemiological studies The mechanisms of these benefits vary based on the polyphenolic compound, but include protection of pancreatic beta cells from oxidation, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, decreased starch digestion due to the suppression of enzyme activity, and the inhibition of advanced glycation end product formation A number of studies have shown improved fasting glucose levels, and improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, with the consumption of foods containing anthocyanins Some polyphenols may also protect against neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases.

Other epidemiologic evidence from the Copenhagen City Heart Study has shown that monthly or weekly red wine was associated with a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases, while the other alcoholic beverages studied, beer and spirits, were not 7. Animals studies have shown that a class of polyphenols, epigallocatechin gallate EGCGcompetitively inhibited a neurotoxin known to induce Parkinson's-like disease 8.

EGCG may also protect neurons by activating cell survival signaling pathways 9. Turmeric, which is found in curry and contains the polyphenol curcumin, has been hypothesized to contribute to the low incidence of Alzheimer's disease in India due to its high rate of consumption.

Improved cognitive function have been found in a study of elderly South Asian participants who frequently consumed curry compared to those who rarely did A prospective cohort study found that Japanese elderly adults who drank green tea had a lower incidence of cognitive decline compared to non-tea drinkers and compared to coffee and black tea drinkers, after adjusting for other factors like alcohol consumption and physical activity Numerous cellular and animal, and some human studies, have examined the impact of polyphenols on weight status.

In the cases of population-based studies, the reduced risk of obesity associated with polyphenol intake from foods may be confounded by the fact that polyphenolic-rich foods are nutrient-dense rather than energy-dense, resulting in a lower calorie intake overall.

Evidence from in-vitro and randomized-controlled trials suggest that certain polyphenolic compounds promote a reduction in the genesis, differentiation, and proliferation of adipocytes, in addition to the prevention of inflammation and promotion of lipolysis Catechin polyphenols, including EGCG, have been associated with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-mutagenic effects 57 — Catechins are thought to prevent weight gain by promoting greater energy expenditure and fat oxidation 60though evidence suggests that the effects of green tea on fat oxidation may be due to an interaction with caffeine consumption A meta-analysis of 11 randomized trials found that participants randomized to green tea consumption were better able to maintain their weight loss compared to non-green tea drinkers Blueberries, a rich source of anthocyanins, reduce weight gain in animal studies by protecting against inflammation and modulating obesity pathways Yet, animal trials have demonstrated mixed effects for mitigating weight gain depending on the form in which anthocyanins were consumed Findings from studies investigating the anti-obesogenic properties of resveratrol in animal and human studies have been mixed.

Resveratrol has been shown to inhibit lipogenesis and adipocyte differentiation in rats A systematic review and meta-analysis of human subjects found that resveratrol supplementation had no impact on blood triglyceride levels Because resveratrol is consumed in small quantities, its protective effects are unlikely with standard levels of intake Lastly, curcumin has been hypothesized to reduce adiposity through increased energy metabolism, reduced inflammation, and suppressed angiogenesis Animal studies have shown that supplementation with dietary curcumin led to reductions in adiposity and liver fatty acid synthesis, and higher fatty acid oxidation levels A growing area of interest in the field of polyphenols is their potential interactions with gut microbiota.

Though the mechanisms are not entirely understood, it is hypothesized that polyphenol metabolites may promote beneficial gut bacteria, while inhibiting invasive species 68 Trials have found that blueberry extract drink can promote presence of beneficial bifidobacteria 70while green tea extract has been found to modulate bacteria like Clostridium difficile, Escherichia coliand Salmonella typhimurium 71 Evidence suggests that these interactions may also modulate potential impacts on chronic disease risk, such as improved insulin sensitivity and the atheroprotective and hepatoprotective effects of polyphenols 73 — There is growing evidence that the presence of phenolic compounds may promote beneficial actions of probiotics Further research is needed to characterize the bioavailability of polyphenols and how related metabolites, either phase II metabolites or those generated from gut microbiota, may interact with systemic tissues, in both in vitro and in vivo models 79 — Food processing and storage strongly influences the polyphenol content of foods.

Certain compounds are prone to oxidation, and the addition of polyphenols to foods may compromise shelf stability 8283 Methods to prevent this are currently being researched In other cases, antioxidants derived from fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and herbs have been used to inhibit lipid and protein oxidation and prevent microbial activity in meats 84 Food manufacturers and processors take advantage of the antioxidant properties of polyphenols by adding them to foods and drinks, such as meats and beer, so that they can be sacrificed to prevent the oxidation of other compounds in the food, like lipids, to increase shelf stability 86 — As use of these extracts potentially broadens, the antioxidant polyphenols they contain could lead to meats becoming a source of dietary polyphenols 92 Culinary preparation plays a significant role in polyphenol content.

Other types of antioxidants have shown the opposite trend; carotenoids were most depleted in frying methods and most retained from boiling methods in carrots, zucchini, and broccoli, although polyphenolic content was highest when these vegetables were raw and depleted with any cooking Overall, the relationship between cooking method and polyphenol availability is complex and depends on the food, polyphenolic compound, cooking method, and other factors, often exhibiting a U-shaped relationship.

Food processing also impacts the bioavailability of polyphenols. Removal of peels and hulls can strip foods of their polyphenol content, while maceration can facilitate the diffusion of polyphenols. For example, red wine is produced through maceration with polyphenol-rich grape skins, resulting in a polyphenol content times greater than white wine Processing methods of foods, like fermentation and drying, can promote the production of toxic substances, including biogenic amines, which has been shown to be counteracted by some polyphenols 9196 — Due to the many findings of health benefits, many strategies have emerged to market polyphenols to consumers.

The global polyphenols market, which includes applications in food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, was estimated to exceed million USD in and is projected to reach 1. Some research has shown improvements in biomarkers—including glycemic response 82 —from polyphenols consumed in these forms, but their long-term effects have not been fully assessed.

The ability to evaluate and market polyphenol products is also growing, with new methods and procedures currently being developed for assessing bioavailability and bioaccessibility in different foods While it is unlikely to be able to catalog all of the effects of polyphenols per dose due to the myriad of compounds, their interactions with other compounds during consumption, and our incomplete understanding of their effects on health, these methods are important to begin to understand safe levels of consumption.

No regulatory recommendations currently exist for the consumption of polyphenols in functional foods 5. Creating such regulations is challenging due to the multitude of compounds, the limited evidence from human studies, and variability in the polyphenol content of foods. Furthermore, the lack of standardized methods, cost of analysis, shelf instability, and lack of intake references make it difficult to add information on food polyphenol content to labels The United States Food and Drug Administration allows health claims for antioxidant nutrients with an established Recommended Daily Intake RDIfor example, vitamins A and C.

Because polyphenols are neither a vitamin nor have an RDI, they cannot be marketed with health claims Polyphenols are often sold as nutritional supplements, which are minimally regulated in the United States, meaning a greater number of functional claims can be made A danger of under-regulated supplementation is the risk of creating mega-doses of polyphenols.

The risks of polyphenol intake are difficult to quantify, as the majority of studies investigating risk have been in vitro.

Despite myriad studies highlighting potential benefits, unambiguous links between polyphenols and human health have been few and far between. This gap exists largely due to the difficulty of mimicking in vivo conditions effectively in in vitro models.

At this time, the European Food Safety Authority only permits health claims for olive oil hydroxytyrosol and cocoa flavanols 81, The health effects of mega-doses of polyphenolic compounds are unlikely to be feasibly characterized by research and as such, alternative approaches must be developed to understand the efficacy of compound-containing foods and supplements and guide regulation efforts.

Green tea extract supplements are commonly marketed for weight loss; however, high doses of catechins found in green tea have been found to cause hepatotoxicity, possibly due to oxidative stress caused by EGCG and its metabolites The current lack of regulation in the United States may contribute to overhyped claims, potentially resulting in misuse and overconsumption at potentially harmful levels by consumers There are some concerns regarding polyphenol fortification and supplementation.

First, their consumption may replace intake of healthy whole foods, like fruits and vegetables. Moreover, polyphenol extracts used in supplementation and fortification may lack the synergistic effects and health benefits of a diet naturally rich in polyphenols These additional benefits include consumption of a high-fiber diet, intake of other and potentially interacting nutrients and non-nutrients, and satiation.

In polyphenol research, it is challenging to understand the complex interactions underlying the functional benefits observed with consumption of whole foods containing polyphenols 4.

Consumption of the isolated polyphenolic compounds alone may not produce the same benefits observed in epidemiological studies, or the benefits may be overstated by food marketing companies.

Fortified foods may also be more energy-dense, rather than nutrient-dense, which could offset any potential anti-obesogenic effects of polyphenols and potentially lead to weight gain 5.

: Polyphenols and chronic inflammation

Latest news J Food Biochem — Ihflammation Bull. No restrictions on the date Polyhpenols publication or language used Dextrose Powder imposed in relation cchronic article selection. CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar. Wu, W. Keep on reading for polyphenols food sources and bioavailability, plus how you can increase your intake to take advantage of the unique health benefits that this micronutrient has to offer.
Oxidative Stress and Inflammation: What Polyphenols Can Do for Us? Mol Aspects Med. Kondratyuk, T. Mol Carcinog — Oxidative Stress and Its Role in Disease Pathogenesis The bulk of free radicals that causes damage to biological structures i. Identifying new agents in addition to existing agents will contribute to developing new strategies to overcome the pandemic [ 1 ]. Knobloch J, Hag H, Jungck D, Urban K, Koch A. Frequently these compounds are found in the plants as a conjugate with phenolic acids and other organic acids.
Polyphenols Foods, Benefits, Types and Side Effects - Dr. Axe

Coumarin cores are often used as a template in the synthesis of various pharmacologically important novel compounds Shen et al. Lignans are a comparatively less abundant class of phenolic compounds structurally characterized by a dibenzylbutane skeleton.

These types of compounds are generally found in higher plants gymnosperms, angiosperms, pteridophytes etc. Often they are found in the plant material in bound form and make difficulty in extraction Shen et al.

Anthocyanidins are the bright coloured blue, red, or purple pigments flavonoid compounds found in the flowers, fruits and leaves etc. These are positively charged compounds containing flavylium cations and often occur as chloride salts Shen et al.

Anthocyains are composed of one or more sugar moieties in the C-3 position of the C ring. Frequently these compounds are found in the plants as a conjugate with phenolic acids and other organic acids. The de-glycosylated forms of anthocyanins are called anthocyanidins.

Variation in the colour of the anthocyanin compounds is reliant to the pH acylation and methylation -OH groups attached to the A and B ring and also pH of the environment Khoo et al.

Proanthocyanidins are the dimer or trimer of flavanols in condensed form, also known as condensed tannins. Based on the interflavanic linkages, they can be divided as type A C2— O —C7 or C2— O —C5 bonding , or type-B C4—C6 or C4—C8.

They often produced from flavanol rich materials during fermentation Khoo et al. Open C rings containing flavanoids are categorized as chalcones.

Chalcone compounds exerts a common chemical scaffold of 1,3- diarylpropenone which is also known as chalconoid Zhuang et al. Aging causes a variety of harmful health effects, increasing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders, atherosclerosis, osteophorosis, cancers and even death.

The free radical theory of aging also known as OS theory is well accepted as the aging progresses. Although free radicals may be a key player in the aging process, they do not play any central role in that.

Numerous cell-centric hypotheses has also been attributed in aging and related disorders Tabibzadeh, Since the potential of antioxidative and repair pathways declines with age, oxidative damage to biological tissues rises Rizvi and Maurya, In aging, the accumulation of ROS causes OS to brain biomolecules proteins, DNA, and lipids leading to progression of neurodegenerative diseases Barnham et al.

Pandey and Rizvi, The consumption of antioxidant-rich diets decreases the harmful consequences of aging and neurodegenerative illness. Fruits and vegetables contain polyphenolic compounds with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory activities have been well reported to exhibit anti-aging properties in rats and mice Joseph et al.

Anthocyanins found in abundance in bright colored fruits such as berry fruits, tomatoes, oranges etc. have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, inhibiting lipid peroxidation as well as cyclo-oxygenase COX-1 and COX-2 pathways Reis et al.

Dietary supplements containing elevated amounts of flavonoids from strawberries, lettuce, or blueberries aid in the reversal of age-related discrepancies in the brain and behavioral control in aged rats Shukitt-Hale et al. Tea catechins have antioxidant properties that might be associated with anti-aging.

The in vitro effect of tea catechins on erythrocyte malondialdehyde MDA , reduced glutathione GSH , and on membrane sulphydryl -SH group in humans has been reported by Maurya and Rizvi Polyphenols can also help to reduce the negative effects of aging on the brain and nervous system.

EGCG reduces the progression of ALS in a mouse model , which is crucial for their significance in the protection of the aging of brain Xu et al. Resveratrol, a polyphenol found in grapes and red wine, has anti-aging property.

Fruits and vegetables rich in polyphenols are potential neuroprotective agents which can modulate many cellular processes like apoptosis, redox balance signaling, differentiation and proliferation.

Polyphenols being antioxidative agents can protect against various neurological diseases. Resveratrol shows neuroprotective effect against models of AD Rahman et al.

Figure 5 delineates the protective roles of dietary polyphenols against aging and neurodegenerative disorders. FIGURE 5. Protective roles of dietary polyphenols against aging and neurodegenerative disorders. Abbreviations: Nrf 2: nuclear factor erythroid 2, HO heme oxygenase-1, NF-kB: nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells, P38 MAPK: protein 38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, JNK: Jun N-terminal kinase, PGE2: prostaglandin E2.

OS can be the primary or secondary reason for various CVDs. Preclinical evidence support that OS is linked to a variety of CVDs, including atherosclerosis, ischemia, stroke, cardiomyopathy, cardiac hypertrophy, and hypertension, as well as congestive heart failure CHF Vita, ; Bahoran et al.

Consumption of polyphenol-rich foods reduces risk of CVDs Khan et al. Recent studies indicate that polyphenols also exert beneficial effects on vascular disorders by blocking platelet aggregation as well as by preventing oxidation of low-density lipoprotein LDL , ameliorating endothelial dysfunction, reducing blood pressure, improving antioxidant defenses and alleviating inflammatory responses.

Polyphenols are powerful regulators of LDL oxidation, which is believed to be the main mechanism in the progression of atherosclerosis Nardini et al. Polyphenols guard against CVDs because of their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiplatelet effects, and also by increasing high-density lipoprotein HDL level.

Dietary flavonoids may reduce endothelial disorders linked with various risk factors for atherosclerosis before plaque creation Khan et al. Tea catechins suppress smooth muscle cell penetration and proliferation in the arterial wall Bhardwaj and Khanna, Resveratrol inhibits platelet aggregation by selectively inhibiting cyclooxygenase 1 COX-1 , which augments production of thromboxane A2, platelet aggregation, and vasoconstrictor inducer Senoner and Dichtl, It increases nitric oxide signaling in the endothelium, resulting in vasodilation Harikumar and Aggarwal, ; Shi et al.

Figure 6 depicts the protective effects of dietary polyphenols against CVDs. FIGURE 6. Protective effects of dietary polyphenols against CVDs. Abbreviations: Bax: BCL2 associated X apoptosis regulator, IL6: interleukin 6, CRP: C-reactive protein, IL8: interleukin 8, Bcl B-cell lymphoma 2, Caspase cysteine-aspartic acid protease 3, TNF-alpha: tumour necrosis factor - alpha, P-JAK 2: protein Janus kinase 2, STAT 3: signal transducer and activator of transcription 3.

Abnormality in glucose metabolism leads to hyperglycemia and consequently diabetes mellitus type-1 and type Apigenin derivative possesses strong antidiabetic activity extending protection against the variations throughout OS in diabetes Junejo et al. Quercetin decreases lipid peroxidation and inhibits cellular oxidation in diabetes Pandey and Rizvi, Resveratrol prevents cytotoxicity and OS caused by excessive glucose levels.

Resveratrol decreases diabetes-induced kidney alterations diabetic nephropathy and thereby increases renal disorder and OS in diabetic rats.

The polyphenols of Hibiscus sabdariffa weaken diabetic nephropathy in terms of serum lipid profile and kidney oxidative markers Lee et al. sabdariffa also contains flavonoids, protocatechuic acid, and anthocyanins.

The ameliorating effects of a high antioxidant polyphenol supplement of green tea extract, pomegranate extract and ascorbic acid on OS due to type 2 diabetes have been proved through decreased LDL, reduced plasma MDA, and increased HDL indicating better antioxidant potential with augmented total plasma GSH with preventive action against cardiovascular complications as well Fenercioglu et al.

The flavonoid rutin also has antidiabetic effects Ghorbani, Figure 7 outlines the protective effects of dietary polyphenols against diabetes mellitus.

FIGURE 7. Protective roles of dietary polyphenols against diabetes. The occurrence of cancer or malignant diseases is augmented with OS along with an increase in the amount of free radicals like ROS causing biomolecular DNA and tissue damages.

Studies suggest that a diet that includes regular consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in polyphenols such as catechins, resveratrol, ellagic acid, naringenin, quercetin etc. significantly lowers the risk of developing many cancers. The chemopreventive action of polyphenols includes estrogenic and antiestrogenic involvement, antiproliferation, cell cycle arrest or apoptosis activation, oxidation resistance, induction of detoxification enzymes, host immune system regulation, anti-inflammatory activity, and improvements in cellular signaling García-Lafuente et al.

Polyphenols affect pro-carcinogen metabolism by moderating the cytochrome P enzymes expression involved in carcinogen stimulation Talalay et al.

Black tea polyphenols like EGCG, theaflavins and thearubigins have potent anticancer properties Shankar, ; Sharma and Rao, Tea catechins with cancer prevention efficacy inhibit the conversion of intraepithelial prostate lesions to cancer. In prostate carcinoma cells, polyphenols from black tea suppress proliferation of increasing apoptosis Kim et al.

The emergence of multi-drug resistant MDR pathogens has become a global threat and a cause of significant morbidity and mortality around the world. Augmenting the OS pathway and induction of ROS formation has emerged as potential antimicrobial target in recent times.

Flavonoids exhibit broad spectrum of antimicrobial actions through different mechanisms which are often observed little different than those of conventional antibiotics and thus could be of importance in the improvement of antimicrobial therapeutics Dwyer et al.

During bacterial infection, the host immune response leads to inflammation due to the generation of ROS, and consequently leading to OS.

Increased OS may lead to the vulnerability of the infection and also triggers the malfunctioning of cellular metabolism Kim et al. Flavonoids are well known for their modulatory effect against OS in the human body by scavenging free radicals and chelating the metallic ions Ivanov et al.

It is reported that many antibacterial drugs kill bacteria by activation of ROS pathways, whereas, a mild amount of ROS is proven to be beneficial to the microorganism for their signaling mechanisms.

The therapeutic role of antioxidant polyphenols in mitigating OS-related tissue damage and inflammations in bacterial and viral infections is well defined. Black tea polyphenols have in vitro antiviral properties Wu et al. EGCG, the main constituent of polyphenol, has antiviral activities on a diverse range of viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus, influenza virus and hepatitis C virus Steinmann et al.

Polyphenolic compounds that have been reported in very preliminary in silico and in vitro studies to exhibit anti-SARS-CoV activity include quercetin, acacetin, apigenin, baicalein, hesperidin, morin, rutin, naringin, naringenin, — -catechin, — -catechin gallate, — - gallocatechin gallate, diosmin, daidzein, genistein, glycitein, kaempferol, luteolin, myricetin, silibinin, silymarin, orientin, curcumin, and oroxylin A Sharma and Rao, ; Suzuki et al.

Rheumatoid arthritis RA is an example of an inflammatory disease that affects the joints Zheng et al. The production of ROS in injured joints promotes inflammatory reactions. The cytokines generated play a role in the immunoregulatory and tissue damage processes developing clinical manifestations in RA Direito et al.

As human antioxidant defense systems are inefficient, exogenous antioxidants must be used to fight excess ROS Sung et al. Polyphenols have the ability to regulate the inflammatory pathways of common arthropathies such as gout, osteoarthritis and RA.

EGCG, quercetin, resveratrol, p -coumaric acid, luteolin, curcumin, kaempferol and apigenin are the most effective polyphenols against arthritis Ahmed et al. Tea flavanols like EGCG are useful in RA Jin et al. The effects of quercetin on disease severity and inflammation in women with RA showed considerably decreased early morning stiffness and discomfort and after-activity pain Javadi et al.

The protective effects of dietary polyphenols against cancer, infectious illness and inflammatory diseases are depicted in Figure 8. FIGURE 8. Protective effects of dietary polyphenols against cancer, infectious illness and inflammatory diseases.

Although much research has been focused on the antioxidant properties of plant-derived polyphenols against chronic diseases neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular complications, cancer, diabetes, bacterial infections, and inflammations as described above, they can also act as pro-oxidants in the biological systems in vivo.

The pro-oxidative action of polyphenols depends on certain factors such as their solubility characteristics, chelating behavior, metal-reducing potential etc. and the pH at the site of action Babich et al.

A variety of dietary polyphenols including gallic acid, ellagic acid, quercetin, myricetin, rutin, kaempferol, resveratrol, catechins, EGCG etc. exhibit such dual antioxidant and pro-oxidative roles. However, the anticancer, antiobesity and antimicrobial effects of green tea polyphenols EGCG, ECG are primarily because of their antioxidant activity, whereas the harmful toxic effects are due to their pro-oxidative effect Ouyang et al.

The pro-oxidant effect of EGCG major ingredient of tea is observed at considerably higher dose than that of the dose required for antioxidant action. The pro-oxidant capacity of tea polyphenols is such that they directly lead to the generation of ROS, and indirectly induces apoptosis and death of cancer cells León-González et al.

The grape seed extract exhibits in vivo pro-oxidant activity to an appreciable extent depending on dose, duration of administration, and other dietary components. As pro-oxidant molecules, polyphenols can exert cytotoxic effects against cancer cells by achieving toxic levels of ROS.

Increased ROS level eventually induces DNA degradation in the presence of metal ions such as copper, which ultimately leads to cell death D'Angelo et al. The pro-oxidant effect may also be associated with a pro-apoptotic function in various types of tumor cells Khan et al.

The pro-oxidative effect of resveratrol may counteract the tissue damage induced by oxidative stress Chedea et al. Further, polyphenols including flavonoids and anthocyanins also play a potential pro-oxidant role and protects our body from severe cellular oxidative stress.

For instance, red wine polyphenols may help modulate the antioxidant potential of erythrocytes, protecting them against oxidative stress Chedea et al. Food phenolics are gaining importance in research as they have the potential to improve human health. Over 8, polyphenols have been reported from plants, and several hundreds of dietary polyphenols have been found in foods.

Owing to their potent antioxidant capacity because of the presence of hydroxyl groups in their structures, polyphenols can effectively scavenge ROS and thus fight against OS induced pathological conditions or human diseases.

Evidence from diverse in vitro studies discussed here supports that dietary sourced polyphenols plays a potential protective role in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, CVDs, diabetes, cancer, inflammation-related diseases, and infectious illness. However, prospective further research with adequate pre-clinical and clinical investigations could lead to the development dietary polyphenolic compounds as potent therapeutic candidates against various chronic human diseases.

MR conceptualized the topic, researched and analyzed the literature, and wrote the manuscript, including interpretations.

SK and SP analyzed background literature and drafted portions of the manuscript. AD, JK, AD, MAA, MNA and FA revised the manuscript critically for the intellectual content. PD and RD provided substantial scholarly support in literature review, data curation and interpretation.

All authors approved the final version of the manuscript, ensured the accuracy and integrity of the work, and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

The authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research, Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia for providing Grant through project number COVIDIRMC. Authors sincerely thank Sagarika Chandra for her kind help in editing figures of the manuscript.

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Chang, X. Chedea, I. The Pro-Oxidant Activity of Red Wine Polyphenols Induces an Adaptive Antioxidant Response in Human Erythrocytes. Antioxidants 10 5 , Chedea, V.

Milk thistle extract is noted to be anti-carcinogenic in human prostate cancer. It is stated that silibinin can be anti-carcinogenic through insulin-like growth factor receptor type I IGF-I , epidermal growth factor receptor, and NF-κB signaling [ ].

Silymarin regulates inflammatory mediators such as interleukins, TNF-α, and inhibits NF-κB activation [ , , , ]. Silymarin inhibits the inflammatory cytokines IFN-γ, IFN-α, and IL-1β [ 27 ].

It is well known that silymarin generally has antioxidative and chemo-protective properties in the liver. It is thought that the hepatoprotective activity of silymarin is due to its antioxidant and membrane stabilizing properties.

Silymarin shows hepatoprotective activity by inhibiting the function of Kupfer cells and the formation of leukotriene. Silymarin shows strong antioxidant, cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic activities [ , ].

In a rat sepsis model, Silymarin has been shown to suppress transcription of the transporter gene that binds NF-κB.

It was also shown in the same study that silymarin showed anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting prostaglandin-E2 and cyclooxygenase-2 in macrophages stimulated with LPS [ ].

Silymarin reduces the increase in TNF-α, IL-1β, MCP-1, TGF-β1, and CRP levels with oxidative stress caused by sodium nitrite, and also, DNA fragmentation due to decrease in cytochrome C oxidase and increase in caspase-3 activity significantly. It has been reported to improve [ ].

In the Methotrexate-induced nephrotoxicity model, it was noted that the increase in NF-KB, TNF-α, IL-6, and IL - 1β levels caused by Methotrexate decreased silymarin and prevented inflammatory responses by suppressing the activation of COX-2 and iNOS.

Also, silymarin has been reported to play a protective role against apoptosis and autophagy by reducing caspase-3 and light chain 3D activities. As a result, a more effective treatment method has not yet been found against the highly contagious and deadly coronavirus epidemic.

This situation encourages scientists to look for alternatives to human coronavirus infections. Looking at various studies, it is known that Apigenin, Resveratrol, Morin, and Silymarin play an important role in relieving inflammation in various tissues. It is seen that coronavirus causes severe inflammation in various tissues and death after tissue damage.

Possible anti-inflammatory role of Apigenin, resveratrol, Morin, and Silymarin in the treatment of Covid Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.

Edited by Farid A. Open access peer-reviewed chapter Can Polyphenols be Used as Anti-Inflammatory Agents against Covid SARS-CoV-2 -Induced Inflammation? Written By Volkan Gelen, Abdulsamed Kükürt, Emin Şengül, Ömer Faruk Başer and Mahmut Karapehlivan.

DOWNLOAD FOR FREE Share Cite Cite this chapter There are two ways to cite this chapter:. Choose citation style Select style Vancouver APA Harvard IEEE MLA Chicago Copy to clipboard Get citation.

Choose citation style Select format Bibtex RIS Download citation. IntechOpen Phenolic Compounds Chemistry, Synthesis, Diversity, Non-Conventi From the Edited Volume Phenolic Compounds - Chemistry, Synthesis, Diversity, Non-Conventional Industrial, Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Applications Edited by Farid A.

Badria Book Details Order Print. Chapter metrics overview Chapter Downloads View Full Metrics. Impact of this chapter. Abstract Covid is the causative agent of a beta coronavirus that causes severe inflammatory pneumonia, so excessive inflammation is considered a risk factor for the disease.

Keywords anti-inflammatory apigenin covid resveratrol morin silymarin. Introduction Treatment of Covid SARS-CoV-2 disease which is characterized by acute respiratory syndrome and continues widely in the world and causes a serious number of deaths, is among the discussed topics [ 1 ]. References 1.

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Invlammation diseases RDs are a inflammationn of pathological conditions DIY natural beauty recipes by inflammation and Superfood supplement for weight management disability. There is evidence suggesting inlammation regular consumption of polyphenols has therapeutic effects capable of Polypehnols RD symptoms. To Polyphenols and chronic inflammation inflammatiom from randomized controlled trials on administration of polyphenols and their effects on RD activity. A systematic search was conducted in the databases PubMed MedlineLILACS BVSIBECS BVSCUMED BVSBINACIS BVSEMBASE, Web of Science and Cochrane Library and in the grey literature. The present study followed a PRISMA-P checklist. In total, articles were considered potentially eligible, of which 33 were then subjected to complete reading. Polyphenols and chronic inflammation

Polyphenols and chronic inflammation -

They can be further categorized into 4 main groups 4 , 5 :. The amount and type of polyphenols in foods depend on the food, including its origin, ripeness, and how it was farmed, transported, stored, and prepared. Polyphenol-containing supplements are available as well.

Polyphenols are beneficial plant compounds with antioxidant properties that may help keep you healthy and protect against various diseases. They can be subdivided into flavonoids, phenolic acid, polyphenolic amides, and other polyphenols.

Polyphenols may help lower your blood sugar levels , contributing to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Various studies further link polyphenol-rich diets to lower fasting blood sugar levels, higher glucose tolerance, and increased insulin sensitivity — all important factors in lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes 8.

Among polyphenols, research suggests that anthocyanins may offer the most potent antidiabetic effect. Adding polyphenols to your diet may improve heart health. Experts believe that this is largely due to the antioxidant properties of polyphenols, which help reduce chronic inflammation, a risk factor for heart disease 3 , 12 , Two recent reviews link polyphenol supplements to lower blood pressure and LDL bad cholesterol levels, as well as higher HDL good cholesterol 14 , Lignans are a type of polyphenol typically found in flax seeds and whole grains Blood clots are formed when platelets circulating in your bloodstream begin to clump together.

This process is known as platelet aggregation and is useful in preventing excess bleeding. However, excess platelet aggregation can cause blood clots, which can have negative health effects, including deep vein thrombosis, stroke, and pulmonary embolism According to test-tube and animal studies, polyphenols may help reduce the platelet aggregation process, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots 18 , 19 , Research consistently links diets rich in plant foods to a lower risk of cancer , and many experts believe that polyphenols are partly responsible for this 5 , 21 , Polyphenols have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, both of which can be beneficial for cancer prevention A recent review of test-tube studies suggests that polyphenols may block the growth and development of various cancer cells 5 , In humans, some studies link high blood markers of polyphenol intake to a lower risk of breast and prostate cancers, while others find no effects.

Therefore, more studies are needed before strong conclusions can be made Polyphenols may benefit digestion by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria while fending off harmful ones 26 , For instance, evidence suggests that polyphenol-rich tea extracts can promote the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria Similarly, green tea polyphenols may help fight off harmful bacteria, including C.

difficile , E. Coli , and Salmonella , as well as improve symptoms of peptic ulcer disease PUD and inflammatory bowel disease IBD 29 , Furthermore, emerging evidence indicates that polyphenols may help probiotics thrive and survive. These are beneficial bacteria that occur in certain fermented foods and can be taken in supplement form.

However, more research is needed Polyphenol-rich foods may boost your focus and memory. One study reports that drinking grape juice, which is naturally rich in polyphenols, helped significantly boost memory in older adults with mild mental impairment in as little as 12 weeks Others suggest that cocoa flavanols may improve blood flow to the brain and have linked these polyphenols to improved working memory and attention 33 , 34 , 35 , Similarly, the polyphenol-rich plant extract Ginkgo biloba appears to boost memory, learning, and concentration.

It has also been linked to improved brain activity and short-term memory in those with dementia Polyphenols may help prevent blood clots, reduce blood sugar levels, and lower heart disease risk. They may also promote brain function, improve digestion, and offer some protection against cancer, though more research is needed.

Though tea, dark chocolate, red wine, and berries are likely the best-known sources of polyphenols, many other foods also contain high amounts of these beneficial compounds. Here are the 75 foods richest in polyphenols, listed by category Including foods from each of these categories in your diet provides you a wide variety of polyphenols.

Many plant foods are naturally rich in polyphenols. Including a variety of these foods in your diet is a great strategy to boost your intake of these beneficial nutrients. Supplements have the advantage of offering a consistent dose of polyphenols.

However, they also have several potential drawbacks. Moreover, polyphenols seem to work best when interacting with the many other nutrients naturally found in foods. Polyphenol supplements may not offer the same health benefits as polyphenol-rich foods.

The same cannot be said of supplements, which tend to provide much higher quantities of polyphenols than those typically found in a healthy diet Animal studies show that high-dose polyphenol supplements may cause kidney damage, tumors, and an imbalance in thyroid hormone levels.

In humans, they may result in an increased risk of stroke and premature death 39 , Some polyphenol-rich supplements can interact with nutrient absorption or interact with medications. If you have a diagnosed nutrient deficiency or are taking medications, it may be best to speak to your healthcare provider about polyphenol supplements before taking them.

In addition, some polyphenol-rich foods, such as beans and peas, may be rich in lectins. When consumed in large quantities, lectins may cause unpleasant digestive symptoms, such as gas, bloating, and indigestion Polyphenol-rich foods are considered safe for most people, while supplements may cause more harm than good.

To reduce gas, bloating, and indigestion, try soaking or sprouting polyphenol-rich legumes before eating them. Polyphenols are beneficial compounds in many plant foods that can be grouped into flavonoids, phenolic acid, polyphenolic amides, and other polyphenols.

Bradamante S, Barenghi L, Villa A. Cardiovascular protective effects of resveratrol. Cardiovasc Drug Rev ; Khokhar TS, Memon S, Memon AA, Bhatti AA, Bhatti AA. Improved Solubility of Morin Using p -sulphonatocalix[4]arene as Encapsulating Agent: HPLC Analysis and their Molecular Modelling.

Polycycl Aromat Compd ; Jacob V, Hagai T, Soliman K. Structure-Activity Relationships of Flavonoids. Curr Org Chem ; Fraschini F, Demartini G, Esposti D.

Pharmacology of silymarin. Clin Drug Investig ; Kren V, Walterova D. Silybin and silymarin - new effects and applications. Biomed Pap ; Levy E, Delvin E, Marcil V, Spahis S.

Can phytotherapy with polyphenols serve as a powerful approach for the prevention and therapy tool of novel coronavirus disease COVID? Am J Physiol Metab ;E Karamese M, Guvendi B, Karamese SA, Cinar I, Can S, Erol HS, et al. The protective effects of epigallocatechin gallate on lipopolysa ccharide-induced hepatotoxicity: An in vitro study on Hep3B cells.

Şengül E, Gelen V, Gedikli S, Özkanlar S, Gür C, Çelebi F, et al. The protective effect of quercetin on cyclophosphamide-Induced lung toxicity in rats. Biomed Pharmacother ; Gelen V, Şengül E, Gedikli S, Atila G, Uslu H, Makav M.

The protective effect of rutin and quercetin on 5-FU-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed ; Gelen V, Şengül E, Gedikli S, Gür C, Özkanlar S. Therapeutic effect of quercetin on renal function and tissue damage in the obesity induced rats.

Sengul E, Gelen V, Gedikli S. Cardioprotective Activities of Quercetin and Rutin in Sprague Dawley Rats Treated with 5-Fluorouracil. J Anim Plant Sci ; Ogun M, Ozcan A, Karaman M, Merhan O, Ozen H, Kukurt A, et al. Oleuropein ameliorates arsenic induced oxidative stress in mice.

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Superfood supplement for weight management are inclammation category of plant compounds. Regularly consuming polyphenols is thought to chroniv digestion and brain health abd protect against heart disease, type Polypnenols diabetes, Polyphenols and chronic inflammation Creating healthy routines certain cancers. Red wine, dark chocolate, tea, and berries are some of the best-known sources. Yet, many other foods also offer significant amounts of these compounds. This article reviews everything you need to know about polyphenols, including possible food sources. Polyphenols are a category of compounds naturally found in plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, tea, dark chocolate, and wine.

Author: Goltinos

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