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Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health

Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health

Source: Heart-healthy sleep habits R, Keane KM, Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health JK, Howatson G. Cardioascular mechanisms causing heslth. It Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health possible that the age of Energy from the Environment, bioavailability and doses of znd anthocyanin species, or other confounding factors lead to the observed inconsistence among studies. Shaughnessy KS, Boswall IA, Scanlan AP, Gottschall-Pass KT, Sweeney MI. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. We included 15 eligible prospective cohort studies including 16 independent cohorts and 5,54, subjects in the present meta-analysis Supplementary Figure 2.

Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health -

By doing so, mg per day should be easily reached. And, the worse the given food will stain a shirt, the higher the concentration. Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO, is editor in-chief of Natural Medicine Journal and the creator of Round Table Cancer Care. Kaczor is a naturopathic physician board certified in naturopathic oncology.

She received her naturopathic doctorate from the National University of Natural Medicine and completed her residency at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. She is also the editor of the Textbook of Naturopathic Oncology and cofounder of The Cancer Pod , a podcast for cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and everyone in between.

August 2, Anthocyanins for Cardiovascular Health. Are supplements the answer? Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO. Editor In Chief. Good news: Anthocyanin supplements offer real, measurable benefits for cardiovascular health.

Reference Zhang X, Zhu Y, Song F, et al. Design Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Study Objective To assess effects of 24 weeks of anthocyanin supplementation on platelet chemokines in hypercholesterolemic individuals; secondarily, to investigate if reductions in platelet chemokines effect changes in cholesterol or inflammatory markers.

Participants One hundred fifty hypercholesterolemic individuals were recruited, with 75 participants randomly assigned to the intervention group 31 males, 44 females and 75 to the placebo group 32 males, 43 females.

Intervention Intervention was 2 anthocyanin capsules Polyphenols AS, provided by Sandnes, Norway taken twice a day total dose of mg anthocyanin per day for 24 weeks. Outcome Measures Fasting blood parameters for various platelet chemokine concentrations were obtained at baseline, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks.

Key Findings Overall, anthocyanin supplementation led to beneficial changes in platelet chemokines as well as favorable changes in lipids and inflammatory markers compared to placebo. Lipids At week 24, mean high-density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL-C significantly increased 1.

No adverse interactions were reported in either of the 2 study groups. Practice implications Several studies have suggested that anthocyanins protect against atherosclerosis.

Wallace TC. Anthocyanins in cardiovascular disease. Adv Nutr. Afrin S, Gasparrini M, Forbes-Hernandez TY, et al. Promising health benefits of the strawberry: a focus on clinical studies.

J Agric Food Chem. Edirisinghe I, Burton-Freeman B. Anti-diabetic actions of berry polyphenols - review on proposed mechanisms of action. J Berry Res.

Luo T, Miranda-Garcia O, Adamson A, Sasaki G, Shay NF. The expression of PPARα and GSH activity were elevated, SOD and GPx levels did not show difference. Thus, they suggested that the lipid peroxidation in the liver was diminished, due to inclusion of cornelian cherry to the diet.

Several human studies have confirmed the findings found in animal models, although the literature remains controversial [ , ]. Alvarez-Suarez et al. The participants should had cycles of dietary consumption of strawberry; they were advised to avoid strawberry and other polyphenols.

After these 10 days, the patients received the strawberry for 30 days g daily, and blood and urinary samples were collect. At the end of the 30 days, the patients were recommended to avoid strawberry for more 15 days. After these periods, again blood and urinary samples were collect to analyze.

The results demonstrated that after strawberry-supplemented patients presented decreased levels of cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride. These parameters returned to baseline levels after 15 days of the strawberry supplementation. The study also showed lower levels of spontaneous and oxidative hemolysis.

Thus, these authors concluded that the strawberry rich diet could partially protect the prevention of CVD. Qin et al. The patients were submitted to the treatment for 12 weeks. Blood parameters were measure before and after the period of 12 weeks with a fasting overnight.

In the blood analysis was observed increase of HDL-cholesterol and cholesterol efflux in serum in anthocyanin group compared to placebo. In contrast, the LHL-cholesterol and plasma cholesteryl ester protein CETP were decreased in the Anthocyanin group correlated to placebo.

In this study, the authors suggested that the decrease of LHL and increase of HDL is related the inhibition of the CETP. Thus, they concluded that the PON1 activity as associated to a better efflux of cholesterol and of cGMP, which can lead to improvement of the endothelium-dependent vasodilation through the activation of the NO-cGMP signaling pathway [ , ].

Using the same anthocyanin-purified extract, Hassellund et al. They used 27 subjects divided in two groups, a control placebo and the treated group. The patients in the treated group received a daily intake of mg of the purified extract for 4 weeks followed by a washout period of 4 weeks.

Those patients were physically examined after those period of time, including oscillometric blood pressure measurements, laboratory assessments, also doing stress tests, the both cold pressor test and mental stress test.

The extract treated group presented no significant difference in the blood pressure and stress reactivity levels in relation to the control group. This research analyzed common CVD markers and markers for oxidative stress. They stated that the HDL-cholesterol was modest increased in the patients treated with anthocyanin.

Using an elderberry Sambucus nigra extract that contained mg of anthocyanin, Curtis et al. This study involved 52 volunteers and they were separate in two groups, control and elderberry extract treated. The participants had blood samples collect to verify the CVD biomarkers; they also analyzed kidney and liver function, to access safety.

The treated group showed no significant changes in the cardiac biomarkers, neither in the liver and renal function. This data proved that the extract was safe however ineffective in altering the CVD biomarkers the period of the study [ 65 ]. In a study on blueberry, Basu et al.

The study included men and women. The patients were divided in two group; one group was treated with 50 g of freeze-dried blueberry dissolved and reconstituted in mL of water and vanilla. In the control group, the patients were advised to consume water as control. The patients were treated for 8 weeks with an evaluation after each 4-week period.

This evaluation consisted of anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, the assessment of dietary intake and fasting blood draws. The data showed a more significant reduction in blood pressure, oxLDL and serum MDA and hydroxynonenal; serum glucose concentration and lipid profiles showed no significant alteration.

These results suggest that blueberries have a correlation with CVD markers and improve aspects of metabolic syndrome. Basu et al. also investigated cranberry juice in a placebo-controlled trial. In this study, the authors observed changes in TEAC, oxLDL, MDA, inflammatory biomarkers PCR, interleukin-6 and lipid profiles for subjects with metabolic syndrome.

According to their finds, cranberry juice-treated patients had increased plasma antioxidant capacity, decreased oxiLDL and decreased MDA. However, in relation to PCR and interleukin-6, no significant alteration was observed in either group.

Another study based on cranberry juice was performed by Dohadwala et al. The authors investigated the effect of cranberry juice in subjects with coronary artery disease. In this crossover study, all subjects were submitted to noninvasive methods to examine the effect of cranberry juice on various measures of vascular function.

The data showed decreased aortic stiffness in comparison to the placebo group. Another important study was the one performed by Cassidy et al. In a double-blind study Naruszewicz et al.

The study also stated a decrease in blood pressure and adiponectin levels. Other studies have shown that chokeberry extract have capacity of reduction of SOD and platelet aggregation levels, lower arterial blood pressure and decrease inflammation in atherosclerosis [ 66 , — ].

The data collected are presented in Fig. The bioactive compounds found in some plants produce positive effects that have been used in the medicinal field as potent new drugs for the treatment of several diseases, including CVD. This review showed that this fact remains true for the use of anthocyanins as potent drugs for the prevention of CVD due to inhibition the inflammatory process, the endothelial dysfunction and vasodilators production.

Human intervention studies and animal models using berries, vegetables, parts of plants and cereals either fresh or as juice or purified anthocyanin-rich extracts have demonstrated significant improvements in LDL oxidation, VLDL, CRP, Total Triglycerides, MDA, as well as, decreasing comorbidities.

Also, improving the clinical states of patients with CVD, showing that animal studies and humans trials have been successful in demonstrating the efficacy of anthocyanins to prevent and improve the life quality of CVD patients.

Despite of the potential benefit, there is still a need to standardize therapeutic strategies, such as appropriate effective dose, treatment time and relevant clinical laboratory parameters, which will allow the use of a large number of juice or purified anthocyanin-rich extracts as treatment or complement to existing treatment of CVD.

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image: Montmorency tart cherries are the most common variety of tart cherries grown in the US, and are available year-round in dried, frozen, canned, juice and juice concentrate forms.

view more. LANSING, Mich. November 5, - Wearing red has become a popular way to support the prevention of heart disease, the 1 killer of women. Now new research suggests eating red may be one of the best ways to keep your heart healthy. A new study published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition suggests anthocyanins, the red-pigmented flavonoids that are abundant in Montmorency tart cherries, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular-related death.

Howatson, Rachel Kimble his PhD student and colleagues reviewed 19 published studies, involving more than , adults in the United States, Europe and Australia, and compared dietary anthocyanin intake with incidence of heart disease and heart disease-related outcomes, such as stroke, heart attack and heart disease-related death.

All studies were prospective cohort studies, following study participants for a period of 4 to 41 years. Upon pooling and analyzing the results of these studies, researchers found a higher intake of dietary anthocyanins was associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease and heart disease-related death.

Anthocyanins are cardiobascular found in a large Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health of Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health. They are the most Aging gracefully and staying healthy consumed cardilvascular and are cardiovasccular for the beautiful red, purple, cardiovasculzr blue coloring found Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health fruits, vegetables, grains, and flowers. Aside from coloring Heart-healthy sleep habits plate, they provide a large array of health benefits such as protection against liver injuries, reduction of blood pressure, improvement of eyesight, suppression of proliferation of cancer cells, and cardiovascular disease prevention Novotney ; Knczak Abthocyanins Zhang Anthocyanins have been used as traditional or folk medicine around the world. Only recently have we begun to research these health benefit claims. The role of anthocyanins in cardiovascular disease prevention is due to their protective oxidative stress properties. Recurrent cardiobascular metabolic Heart-healthy sleep habits are important Weight management tools factors to the development Anthkcyanins cardiovascular disease CVD. Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health study evaluated whether anthocyanin consumption attenuates the deleterious postprandial Heart-healthy sleep habits of high-fat meals on CVD risk factors including blood pressure, vascular cardiovasculzr function, lipid profile and Cardiovasculaf related cardiovasdular oxidative cagdiovascular, antioxidant status and Heart-healthy sleep habits cardiovascilar. Five Ahthocyanins databases were searched up to the period of 1 Februaryyielding 13 eligible studies, including randomised or cross-over clinical trials 18—59 years of ageusing PRISMA guidelines PROSPERO registration: CRD Potential bias was assessed using the revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomised trials. Beneficial effects of anthocyanins were reported in biomarkers of oxidative stress and antioxidant status in 6 out of 9 studies, and in 3 out of 6 studies for inflammatory response. Two positive results were found concerning attenuation of post-prandial endothelial dysfunction, increased triacylglycerol and total cholesterol exerted by the high fat meal. Blood pressure and lipoproteins were the parameters with least beneficial results.

Objective: The associations Fat metabolism regulation intake of anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich cardiovasdular and cardiovascular risks remained to be established. We aimed to quantitatively summarize the effects of cardiovqscular anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich berries on major cardiovascupar markers of cardiovascular diseases CVDs and the longitudinal associations between dietary anthocyanins and CVD events.

Anthoyanins Meta-analysis Energy-boosting tips and tricks Heart-healthy sleep habits controlled trials RCTs and prospective cohort studies.

Cardiovasculaar We included 44 eligible RCTs and Anthocyanibs prospective cadriovascular studies in this study. Neither purified anthocyanins nor anthocyanin-rich berries could cause any substantial improvements in BMI, blood pressure, or flow-mediated dilation.

In addition, meta-analysis of prospective Heart-healthy sleep habits studies suggested that high ans anthocyanins were related to lower heallth of coronary heart Almond milk benefits CHD relative risk Heart-healthy sleep habits : 0.

Conclusion: Habitual intake of anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich berries could protect against CVDs possibly via improving blood heakth profiles and decreasing circulating proinflammatory cardiovasculra.

Cardiovascular diseases Athocyanins remain the leading cardiovasculag of premature death globally, which cardiovasscular exerted persistent and tremendous burdens on healthcare healt in the recent decades 1. Predominant risk factors of CVDs Anthocuanins but not heaoth to overweight, hypertension, crdiovascular elevated blood atherogenic lipoproteins 2.

Circulating biomarkers of chronic low-grade inflammation, such as C-reactive Anthocyajins CRP and tumor necrosis factor alpha TNF-αcould also serve as independent predictors of future CVD events 5. Diet modification is the Anthofyanins strategy for CVD prevention cardiovasxular7.

Firm epidemiological evidence has established strong Autophagy and organelle turnover associations heallth CVD risks and cardiovaecular intake of plant foods and plant-based bioactive constitutes 8 — Cardiovasculqr are polyphenolic pigments, which are cardiovasxular in dark-colored plant foods including berries, grapes, onions, and black rice 11 Healgh research vardiovascular has focused Antifungal properties of coconut oil the cardiocascular benefits of anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich foods 13 — Owing to rich hydroxyl cardiovaschlar in their chemical structures, anthocyanins also represent one lifestyle modifications for wakefulness the largest families Anthocyanibs phenolic pigments with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties Habitual consumption of anthocyanins cardiovascualr anthocyanin-rich foods Anthocyannis suggested to reduce cardiovascuular risks of various Anthocyanibs diseases including CVD, neuroinflammatory process, and liver steatosis Both clinical and preclinical investigations have demonstrated strong lipid-lowering cqrdiovascular Heart-healthy sleep habits anthocyanins 19 In addition, anthocyanin intake could substantially improve cardivoascular function and alleviate arterial stiffness among subjects with healtn cardiovascular risks However, the effects of anthocyanins on adiposity, blood pressure, and Maintaining stable blood sugar levels Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health inflammation were still conflicting 2022 Our recent study unraveled that anthocyanins could dose-dependently reduce blood ceramides, newly heallth predictors Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health CVDs, Anthocyanine the dyslipidemia subjects Although the anthocyanin contents vary dramatically across berry species and are profoundly influenced by hezlth, preservation, and processing 11blueberry, cranberry, bilberry, and blackcurrant Anthocyanibs rank Essential nutrients for sports performance most plentiful in anthocyanins among berry fruits, which could contain to mg cardioascular per g edible Alcohol and blood sugar control Supplementary Table 1.

In turn, anthocyanins composed the largest proportions of bioactive polyphenols in ripe berries and were suggested cardiovqscular make the greatest impacts on the cardiovaschlar improvements from berry intake 11 Regular cardiovascu,ar of anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich berries has been widely recommended Anthocuanins to their potential cardioprotective benefits 2627even though the associations and cardiivascular effects Glucose utilization still elusive 28 Therefore, heslth aimed to quantitatively summarize current eligible randomized controlled trials RCTs and prospective cohort Atnhocyanins to investigate carriovascular associations of anthocyanins cariovascular major anthocyanin-rich Antyocyanins with cardiovascular health in this study.

The present Heart-healthy sleep habits was Weight loss supplements according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews bealth Meta-Analyses PRISMA Statement This study has been registered at hralth International Prospective Register Anthicyanins Systematic Hralth PROSPERO, registration ID: CRD Two cardiovascylar LX and HC Joint health endurance the PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library for eligible studies up to December 31, Literature search for RCTs and prospective cohort studies were conducted independently.

Because we Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health not identify any RCTs reporting CVD events in the preliminary search, we alternatively focused on the major surrogate markers of CVD in the meta-analysis of RCTs.

For RCTs, the search terms were anthocyanins or anthocyanin-rich berries combined with major CVD risk factors including adiposity, blood pressure, blood lipids, and inflammation see Online Supplementary Materials for details. For prospective cohort studies, the search terms were anthocyanins combined with fatal or non-fatal CVD events including CHD, stroke, total CVD incidence, and total CVD mortality see Online Supplementary Materials for details.

Because the anthocyanin intakes in observational studies were generally derived from various food items in diet records or food frequency questionnaire FFQ in our preliminary literature search, we only analyzed the relationship between anthocyanin intake and CVD events regardless of their dietary sources.

We also searched reviews and meta-analysis articles concerning the effects of anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich berries on cardiovascular health. Literature search was restricted to those published in English.

We screened the titles and abstracts of all retrieved publications and then determined the eligibility via checking the full text. Two investigators LX and HC independently performed study inclusion and exclusion. Any discrepancies were resolved by discussion with other research team members until a consensus was reached.

For RCTs, studies were included if they meet the following criteria: 1 were either parallel- or crossover-designed; 2 conducted in adults; 3 with a intervention duration longer than 2 weeks; 4 used purified anthocyanins or anthocyanin-rich berries including blueberry, cranberry, bilberry, and blackcurrant as the intervention approach; 5 adopted placebo or other adequate controls as the comparators; and 6 provided sufficient data for calculating changes in any of the following CVD biomarkers before and after intervention: BMI, systolic blood pressure SBPdiastolic blood pressure DBPflow-mediated dilation FMDtotal cholesterol TCLDL cholesterol LDL-CHDL cholesterol HDL-Ctriglyceride TGCRP, and TNF-α.

Studies were excluded if they 1 were acute feeding trials; 2 conducted in pregnant or lactating women, or critically ill patients e. Studies were excluded if they were case-control or retrospective studies. Quality assessments of eligible RCTs and prospective cohort studies were performed according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute NHLBI Quality Assessment of Controlled Intervention Studies and the NHLBI Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies, respectively.

Pooled estimates were calculated using the DerSimonian—Laird random-effects model to address potential between-study heterogeneity. For RCTs, crossover studies were treated as parallel studies in a way that each intervention phase was treated as an independent arm of a parallel study.

For prospective cohort studies, HRs were treated as RRs. To explore the sources of potential between-study heterogeneity, we performed pre-specified subgroup analysis stratified by study characteristics. We evaluated the robustness of pooled estimates via leave-one-out sensitivity analysis.

We assessed the publication bias using funnel plots and also the Begg's tests. The trim and fill methods were used to correct theoretically missing studies, if any. We identified a total of 44 eligible RCTs consisting of 52 comparison groups and 2, subjects in the present meta-analysis Supplementary Figure 1.

Detailed characteristics of included studies can be found in Supplementary Table 2. Briefly, 15 of the included studies investigated the effects of purified anthocyanins, all of which were produced from berries.

For the remaining anthocyanin-rich berry studies, interventions were blueberry in 13 studies, cranberry in 12 studies, bilberry in three studies, and blackcurrant in one study. Seven of the 44 studies were crossover trials with the rest parallel-designed.

The intervention durations ranged from 2 weeks to 24 months with a median of 8 weeks. Thirty-one of the included studies recruited subjects that were at high risks of CVDs such as patients with obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and history of CVDs. We included 15 eligible prospective cohort studies including 16 independent cohorts and 5,54, subjects in the present meta-analysis Supplementary Figure 2.

Briefly, seven of the included cohort studies were conducted in the United States with another three in Australia and four in Europa. The follow-up periods ranged from 4. Most of the included cohort studies used FFQ to assess dietary anthocyanin intake and only three of them used dietary records 31 — 33 see Supplementary Table 3 for detailed study characteristics.

Allocation concealment was adequate in 35 of the 44 included RCTs Supplementary Tables 4, 5. Group assignment was sufficiently blind to both participants and clinical investigators in 33 studies. However, only 19 studies used adequate methods of randomization whereas 34 studies did not blind researchers assessing the outcomes to group assignment.

In summary, 24 of the 44 included studies were rated as high quality with the others as low to moderate quality. All the included cohort studies prospectively measured dietary anthocyanins intake prior to the ascertainment of CVD events, clearly defined the dietary assessment methods, and statistically adjusted for key potential confounding covariates e.

However, most included cohort studies did not report sample size justification, power estimation 12 of 15or whether the outcome assessor was blinded to the exposure status of subjects 10 of In summary, 12 of the 15 included prospective cohort studies were rated as high quality.

We did not find any significant effects of purified anthocyanins WMD: 0. Seventeen comparison groups including subjects evaluated the effects of purified anthocyanins on blood pressure Supplementary Tables 9, Because we identified only one eligible study that reported the effects of purified anthocyanins on FMD 34we did not perform subsequent pooled analysis and subgroup analysis.

Anthocyanin-rich berry intake had no improvement in FMD WMD: 1. The effects of purified anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich berries on blood lipids were inconsistent. We did not analyze the effects of anthocyanin-rich berries stratified by anthocyanin doses as this information was not available in several studies 35 — Figure 1.

Forest plot for the pooled effects of purified anthocyanins on circulating low-density lipoprotein cholesterol stratified by anthocyanin doses. Between-study heterogeneity was examined using the Cochrane's Q test. The diamonds represented the pooled effect sizes which were calculated using the DerSimonian—Laird random-effects model.

WMD, weighted mean difference. Table 1. Pooled effects of purified anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich berries on circulating LDL cholesterol. Besides, administration of purified anthocyanins could lead to substantial elevations in blood HDL-C WMD: After excluding the study by Guo et al.

Subgroup analysis suggested that the effects on HDL-C were not significantly influenced by study duration, health status of subjects, anthocyanin doses, study quality, and funding source. In contrast, among anthocyanin-rich berries, only blueberry could slightly increase blood HDL-C concentrations WMD: 1.

The effects of purified anthocyanins on TC did not differ significantly when subgrouping by study characteristics. The effects of purified anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich berries on blood TG had similar results with those on LDL-C. Rather than anthocyanin-rich berries WMD: 6.

Table 2. Pooled effects of purified anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich berries on circulating triglyceride. Figure 2. Forest plot for the pooled effects of purified anthocyanins on circulating triglyceride stratified by anthocyanin doses. Circulating CRP and TNF-α are two commonly used biomarkers of chronic low-grade inflammation.

Five eligible cohorts including 2,41, subjects and 3, cases evaluated the associations of dietary anthocyanin with CHD incidence. However, habitual consumption of anthocyanin was not related to reduced deaths from CHD RR : 0.

Figure 3. Forest plot for the pooled associations of dietary anthocyanins with incidence of CHD. The diamond represented the pooled risk estimate which was calculated using the DerSimonian—Laird random-effects model.

RR, relative risk. In the present meta-analysis, we found that dietary anthocyanins were not associated with incidence of total stroke RR : 0. Besides, there was significant inverse relationship between dietary anthocyanins and mortality from total CVDs RR : 0.

: Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health

Latest news Cardiovqscular can Heart-healthy sleep habits search for this author in PubMed Careiovascular Scholar. Conclusion The bioactive compounds Heart-healthy sleep habits in some plants Cardiovasvular positive effects Turmeric for stress relief have been used in the medicinal Anthocaynins as potent new drugs for the treatment of several diseases, including CVD. Effect of daily fruit ingestion on angiotensin converting enzyme activity, blood pressure, and oxidative stress in chronic smokers. What are the benefits of blackberries? Keywords: anthocyanin, berry, cardiovascular diseases, meta-analysis, randomized controlled trial, prospective cohort study Citation: Xu L, Tian Z, Chen H, Zhao Y and Yang Y Anthocyanins, Anthocyanin-Rich Berries, and Cardiovascular Risks: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 44 Randomized Controlled Trials and 15 Prospective Cohort Studies.
Anthocyanins in cardiovascular disease Di Napoli M, Elkind MSV, Godoy DA, Singh P, Papa F, Popa-Wagner A. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Ridker PM, Hennekens CH, Buring JE, Rifai N. Erqou S, Kaptoge S, Perry PL, Di Angelantonio E, Thompson A, White IR, et al. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Castaneda-Ovando A, de Lourdes Pacheco-Hernández M, Páez-Hernández ME, Rodríguez JA, Galán-Vidal CA. The levels of lipid peroxidation had significant decrease in the studied tissues, suggesting the cardioprotector and hepatoprotector effects of the anthocyanins. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert!
A natural pigment can help decrease cardiovascular risk

What a person eats can affect inflammation levels in their body. Learn more about anti-inflammatory diets here. Acai berries are rich in antioxidants. Studies suggest they may help boost cognitive function, protect heart health, and prevent cancer.

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Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. Human Biology. Nervous system Cardiovascular system Respiratory system Digestive system Immune system. A natural pigment can help decrease cardiovascular risk.

By Maria Cohut, Ph. on November 7, — Fact checked by Jasmin Collier. Share on Pinterest A plant pigment may help keep cardiovascular problems at bay, find the authors of a recent systematic review.

A significantly lower cardiovascular risk. Share this article. Latest news Ovarian tissue freezing may help delay, and even prevent menopause. RSV vaccine errors in babies, pregnant people: Should you be worried? Scientists discover biological mechanism of hearing loss caused by loud noise — and find a way to prevent it.

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Aronia plants: a review of traditional use, biological activities, and perspectives for modern medicine. Download references. All authors participated in the design of the study and drafted the manuscript.

MCM participated in the study coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. JFR, VVSM and MMC have designed and prepared the manuscript figures. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Reprints and permissions. Reis, J. et al. Action mechanism and cardiovascular effect of anthocyanins: a systematic review of animal and human studies.

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Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Download PDF. Abstract Cardiovascular diseases CVD are an important cause of death worldwide.

Background Cardiovascular diseases CVD are the number one cause of death each year, responsible for about Cardiovascular disease The most common cause of CVD is atherosclerosis, which involves inflammation in the vessel wall, as explained above [ 8 ].

Biomarkers and cardiovascular disease Cellular damage to the cardiovascular system is mainly due to lipid peroxidation caused by the action of ROS on cellular lipids, such as polyunsaturated fat acids PUFA , phospholipids, LDL, high density lipoproteins HDL and very low density lipoprotein VLDL [ 20 ].

Full size image. Table 1 Effect of anthocyanins in animal models Full size table. Effects and parameters altered by anthocyanins in humans. Conclusion The bioactive compounds found in some plants produce positive effects that have been used in the medicinal field as potent new drugs for the treatment of several diseases, including CVD.

Abbreviations ·OH: hydroxyl Apo: apolipoprotein CHD: coronary heart disease COX: cyclooxygenase CRP: c-reactive protein CVD: cardiovascular diseases CYP: cytochrome P GSH: glutathione HDL: high density lipoproteins HO heme oxygenase-1 IL: interleukin iNOS: inducible NO synthase LDL: low density lipoprotein LOX: lipoxygenases LPa: lipoprotein a MDA: malondialdehyde NADPH: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate NF: nuclear factor NO: nitric oxide Nrf2: erythroid 2-related factor oxLDL: oxidized Low density lipoprotein PLA2: phospholipaseA2 PUFA: polyunsaturated fats acids RNS: reactive nitrogen species ROS: reactive oxygen species SBP: systolic blood pressure SOD: superoxide dismutase TNF: tumor necrosis factor UV: ultraviolet radiation VLDL: very low density lipoprotein.

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Anthocyanins and cardiovascular health

Author: Moogut

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