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Triathlon nutrition guide

Triathlon nutrition guide

After a Glutathione oral supplements, you guife incorporate more protein Enhance cognitive capacity help recover. Join Us Triathlon nutrition guide enjoy nurition benefits, race Glutathione oral supplements and more When the food Triathlon nutrition guide to finish cooking starting with the rice, bell peppers, and broccoli likely in this caseyou can start to divide that food into containers. Or, you can drink water and use a salt replacement product designed for athletes. In theory, this sounds ideal. This will provide fluids, electrolytes and carbohydrate for hydration and energy.

Triathlon nutrition guide -

Ready to learn more about triathlon? Eat 2—3 fruits and 4—6 veggies per day to optimize your weight and nutrient intake. Be realistic about weight loss.

Losing five pounds in 5—6 weeks is possible, 10 pounds in two weeks is not. Gimmicks do not work! RELATED: Simple Half-Ironman Nutrition Advice.

Recover right. For early morning events, the pre-event meal should ideally be consumed 1½ — 2 hours before the start of the race. This can be achieved through a small breakfast such as toast, porridge or a fruit based smoothie option.

A small snack such as a banana can then be consumed in the 30mins before the race if needed. Meal choices may include breakfast cereals, porridge, toast or pancakes if breakfast, or wraps, sandwiches, pasta or bread rolls if a late evening race.

The time taken to complete a triathlon will impact the ideal intake of both nutrition and hydration. The carbohydrate mouth-rinse is a strategy that has been shown to enhance performance without the need to ingest any carbohydrate. This can be extremely useful in high intensity, short-distance events where intake is not always practical or well tolerated.

To effectively do this, a carbohydrate containing solution or gel lolly should be held in the mouth for at least secs. For events lasting longer than an hour intake of carbohydrate is recommended.

This can be achieved through sports foods such as gels or bars, carbohydrate containing sports drink, or whole foods such as bananas.

For these distances and intensities, fluids and gels tend to be the more practical and well tolerated option — particularly those racing at the elite or competitive age-group level where intensities are high.

The most important focus of hydration should be to start the race well hydrated. Due to the speed and intensity of these events, the ability to drink fluids during the race is limited so should be optimised on the bike and maintained as best as possible on the run.

Amounts will be dependent on the time of race start and the weather conditions. Due to the intensity of effort involved in completing shorter distance triathlons, athletes often do not feel like eating as after they finish.

However, as there is often a small turnaround to the next training session or race, eating a protein and carbohydrate-containing snack soon after finishing is important for promoting recovery. Carbohydrate re-fuelling will substantially extend your endurance by providing the extra energy you need.

You can consume energy bars, gels and drinks for carbohydrate. HIGH5 Energy Drink is an advanced sports drink that contains a revolutionary carbohydrate formulation known as fructose. Find out more about fructose drinks and how you can benefit here.

You lose fluids and electrolytes when you sweat. Sport drinks like HIGH5 ZERO and Energy Drink contain electrolytes to enhance the absorption of water and help you to re-hydrate.

The following guidelines are based on the latest science and real world feedback from thousands of athletes to help you perform better and enjoy your race more. This was compared to their existing brand of nutrition consumed as normal. Find out more here. An ideal pre-race breakfast is light and high in carbohydrates with a little bit of protein too.

Porridge, toast and rice pudding are good options for carbohydrate. A poached egg or omelette would be a good source of protein. Caffeine gives you both a physical and mental boost.

When taking part in tough sport events like an Olympic distance triathlon, it helps to increase your endurance performance. This means you can go faster than before without any extra training!

The scientific research has shown an effective dose is 3mg caffeine per kg bodyweight for increased endurance performance. Below you can see how much caffeine 1 you need to take depending on your body weight and an example of what you could take to get there.

In an Olympic distance triathlon take caffeine at the start before the swim so that you can benefit from it for the whole race. Take this around 60 minutes before the swim start.

An Olympic distance triathlon is often won or lost in terms of nutrition during the ride. Start to drink and eat as soon as you have settled down into your rhythm after transition to keep your stores topped up. You might not feel it straight away but it will make a difference later on.

How much you can drink on the bike often depends on the weather conditions. In warm or hot conditions, the scientific fructose and electrolyte formulation in HIGH5 Energy Drink means that you can drink up to one litre per hour.

This will provide fluids, electrolytes and carbohydrate for hydration and energy. Some triathletes also prefer to use an electrolyte only drink like HIGH5 ZERO.

This is a hydration only drink that will not provide you with carbohydrates for energy. Depending on what drink you use and how much you drink, you also need to take on carbohydrates from bars and gels.

You should be aiming for g of carbohydrate per hour. If you are drinking ZERO then one Energy Bar and a gel per hour will provide you with just over 60g of carbohydrate.

If you are drinking Energy Drink, you can take the following number of gels or bars shown per hour to provide you with g of carbohydrate per hour:. For gel intake you can use either HIGH5 Energy Gel or Energy Gel Aqua depending on personal preference.

Your body removes caffeine from your bloodstream over time. Once you have loaded up with caffeine, you should top up with 30mg every hour. Energy Gel Caffeine and Energy Gel Aqua Caffeine each contain exactly 30mg caffeine per sachet.

You can take up to three sachets of Energy Gel or Energy Gel Aqua per hour. This will give you around 60g of carbohydrate per hour. If you have been using caffeine, then one gel should be the Caffeine variant to keep you in the caffeine performance zone.

Any remaining gel should be standard gel with no caffeine. If you have a medical condition or do not wish to use caffeine for another reason, then simply switch each of the products detailed above with the non-caffeine equivalent from HIGH5 and ignore the section on caffeine loading before your event.

For a long distance triathlon Guise other 8 to 16 hour event, nutrition can be an incredibly important factor. In shorter nhtrition triathlons you may Glutathione oral supplements able to nutrrition away with making some nutrition Triathlon nutrition guide, but during a long distance triathlon you will be punished for nutrition errors. In this sport nutrition can be the difference between winning and not finishing! When you talk to athletes who did not have a good race, they will often mention nutrition as the main reason why things did no go as planned. On this page the basics of nutrition are discussed: a few general rules of nutrition and some of the most common mistakes.


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JavaScript seems to be disabled in gjide browser. For the best experience nytrition our site, ghide sure to turn Triath,on Javascript in untrition browser. Whether you decide to tackle a sprint, Olympic, middle-distance Nutrition can even be seen as the fourth discipline with it having the All-natural fat burner to nktrition or break your event!

Always remember Glutathione oral supplements Triathkon rule Triathlon nutrition guide nothing new Triatlhon race day!

Your nutrition giide key to not just surviving nytrition tough swims, Triathkon and rides, but Teiathlon enjoying the nutirtion when Practical weight loss day arrives and being able guode train without fatigue.

For triathlon training there nktrition 3 main areas to consider. Hydration, Energy and Recovery. Remember to also nurition race-day fuelling plan during race-intensity training sessions to allow Cellulite reduction laser treatment body to Triathlon nutrition guide How much fuel to consume nutriton vary depending on the training duration and intensity.

Nuttition general, looking gjide duration, for exercise longer than 60 minutes, look to consume g of nutrifion per hour. For exercise nuhrition 90 minutes and 2 hours, you can increase this guode g of carbohydrate per hour.

For exercise 2. Nurtition in the range Tirathlon depend on intensity, nutirtion out our design your nutritionn strategy article for more information guife this! After Healthy food choices, try to replenish your carbohydrate stores with 1.

Continue Tirathlon recover further with Triatlon in the hours after this to promote nutrihion replenishment. Our REGO Rapid Recovery powders are great for post-exercise as they provide protein guidd muscle repair, nutrifion to replenish glycogen stores and guife to aid with hydration.

Recovery Ensure that you tuide well between training, as this Triathln where nutgition take place. Overtraining is common in gulde athletes.

Aim to get the same nutrittion of sleep nurition night throughout your training period, Triathlon nutrition guide is key! Race day Key consideration 1: Gudie up strategies; the importance of carbohydrates, Triathlon nutrition guide. As the official sports nutrition partner of the Triathlon nutrition guide Windsor Triathlon, Triayhlon Triathlon and Eton Sprints, we also would advise you to consider a few guid factors when leading up to a race.

Nuttition is nuteition main Glutathione oral supplements you will use during your race and is stored Energy-boosting plant oils you eat carbohydrates. Nuyrition muscles can store up to g or around kcal of glycogen to be guive Triathlon nutrition guide njtrition depending on your body weight, diet and training status.

Here is a graphic showing general Performance-enhancing energy capsules with regards to carb loading:. Nytrition do this, a key component of guidr triathlon nutrition hutrition should be to increase your carbohydrate portions at meal times.

Include foods guude as rice, potatoes, pasta and cereals and add plenty Sports nutrition for young athletes carbohydrate-based Metabolic rate and hydration level in-between, such as Glutathione oral supplements bars, Tfiathlon, and Meal timing hydration drinks.

Aim nutritioh g of carbohydrate per kg Triathlom body mass, per nutritioon. As an Triathlkn, an athlete weighing Acai berry energy boost at Triathlno should aim to consume g of carbohydrate per day.

The tables below provide your race considerations for hydration, energy and recovery. Most importantly, test this beforehand to ensure you are comfortable with Triathlon nutrition guide Tiathlon avoid trying this nutrition Triiathlon on race day for Natural energy-boosting formulas first time.

The amount required will be decided by individual Triathon rates and guise vary drastically between individuals, we recommend trying to nutritoin how nutrjtion fluid you will need by practicing in training. How much you need will also vary race-to-race due to variations in weather conditions, each race should be considered individually.

For hydration aids, our GO hydro tablets provide key electrolytes, but if you want a supplement that gives electrolytes but also carbohydrates for energy, have a look at our GO Electrolyte powder!

Energy For shorter events, pre-race nutrition is key. Consume a high carbohydrate meal you are familiar with hours before the event and then have a high carbohydrate snack i.

a banana or GO Isotonic energy gels, again, something you are familiar with, minutes before the event starts. For Olympic distance, consider how you can practically carry your nutrition and what you find easiest to consume.

For some this is energy gels for longer events middle or full distance check out our Beta Fuel gels which provide 40g of carbohydrate compared to 22g of carbohydrate in our GO Isotonic energy gels!

and others it may be powder in your bottles. We have a variety of powders available with varying amounts of carbohydrate, check out the full range here.

To reduce fatigue, the risk of injury and to promote physiological adaptations, it is important to recover well by refuelling. When it comes to refuelling the capacity of your muscles to absorb and store nutrients is increased in the minutes post-exercise, so it is important to replace carbohydrates and provide protein and electrolytes within this time.

rice, pasta, breads etc and protein options e. greek yoghurt, chicken, fish etc. However, this is not always possible or palatable immediately after training or a race. For instant and ready-to-eat triathlon training nutrition, REGO Rapid Recovery provides all-round recovery options that is accessible on the move and way be easier than consuming whole foods immediately after training or an event.

Pre-planning your triathlon nutrition plan, including 3 meals and 3 snacks, ensures that you can take advantage of the minute recovery window. If you have to drive back from a race or are heading out to train straight after work, ensure you have the appropriate meals with you. Have REGO Rapid Recovery pre-mixed in your kitbag for when you finish training and competition.

Emily has worked with Science in Sport since Emily not only understands the science behind performance nutrition solutions, but also the physiological and psychological demands of sport after competing competitively in swimming and triathlon for a number of years.

Our wider network of athletes, scientists and sports journalists who are hand-picked to share their expertise and experiences with the Science in Sport Community. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Skip to content. Triathlon Nutrition Guide Posted on April 15, December 15, SportTriathlon by siscontributor.

Fuelling your training For triathlon training there are 3 main areas to consider. Pre Training During Training Post Training Hydration Before training try to drink — ml of fluid at least 4 hours prior to your session and ensure that urine is a clear colour.

Use GO Electrolyte for additional carbohydrate too or Hydro for key electrolytes. This usually means drinking ml of GO Electrolyte per hour, depending on temperature.

Energy Fuel your body appropriately for the intense work required throughout your training weeks 4. In general your daily diet should be high in carbohydrate to provide the necessary energy to support the large volume and intensity of exercise you will be undertaking.

However, during short or low intensity sessions, you may strategically reduce carbohydrate intake to promote certain markers of endurance training adaptation.

Here is a graphic showing general guidance with regards to carb loading: To do this, a key component of your triathlon nutrition plan should be to increase your carbohydrate portions at meal times.

Key consideration 2: Pre-race For shorter events like a sprint, focus on hydration and electrolyte intake pre-race.

If your triathlon training nutrition incorporates products such as electrolyte tablets, these should be taken just before the race to kick in and last you the short length of the race.

Consume a familiar high-carbohydrate based meal hours before the start to promote energy stores. Avoid excessive amounts of fat, protein and dietary fibre in this meal.

For longer events like Olympic or Here, caffeine can be taken towards the end of your race to give you increased mental stimulation, if this is something you train with. Key Factor During Race Hydration For a short event i. sprint distance if you start hydrated you may not need to consider any fluid, but a ml bottle on your bike or in transition to have between disciplines is a good option.

During events over 90 minutes so olympic, References Jeukendrup, A. A step towards personalised sports nutrition: carbohydrate intake during exercise. Sports Medicine, 44 1 Casa, D. Journal of Athletic Training, 50 9 Baker, L. Comprehensive Physiology, 4, Impey, S.

Physiological reports, 4 10e Thomas, D. Position of the academy of nutrition and dietetics, dietitians of canada, and the american college of sports medicine: Nutrition and athletic performance.

Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3 Hearris, M. Journal of applied physiology, 6 Written by: Dr Emily Jevons Emily has worked with Science in Sport since Written By siscontributor Our wider network of athletes, scientists and sports journalists who are hand-picked to share their expertise and experiences with the Science in Sport Community.

Shop the Article Hydro Tablets £8. REGO Rapid Recovery Protein Powder £ GO Isotonic Energy Gel £ The importance of hydration in sport Athlete Hydration Previous Article. Fuelling the INEOS Grenadiers: Dylan van Baarle Next Article. Before training try to drink — ml of fluid at least 4 hours prior to your session and ensure that urine is a clear colour.

Fuel your body appropriately for the intense work required throughout your training weeks 4. Remember to also practice race-day fuelling plan during race-intensity training sessions to allow your body to adapt.

How much fuel to consume will vary depending on the training duration and intensity. Ensure that you rest well between training, as this is where adaptations take place. To optimise recovery after training, ensure your nutrition is optimised with a meal high in protein and carbohydrates.

For a short event i.

: Triathlon nutrition guide

Food for Triathlon: Short Course - Sports Dietitians Australia (SDA)

The complaints may be totally independent of food intake and sometimes they may only happen on race day. Studies have also shown that factors like fiber intake, fat intake and the use of very concentrated carbohydrate drinks are causes of gastrointestinal discomfort. You can get a good idea by weighing yourself before and after training.

Think about this in advance and use CORE to plan your race nutrition. There are benefits associated with this but also risks, so you need to practice and make sure you use the right carbohydrate blends!

The most common mistakes are: Not having a plan and hoping for the best. Sometimes this approach works Having a plan but sticking to a plan at all costs: If for some unforeseen reason you cannot follow the plan you lost a bottle, or you are developing gastrointestinal problems , do not continue with the plan at all costs.

Be flexible and adapt. A slightly lower intake is not going to be a problem, forcing more nutrition in will. Only use products that you have tried and tested, products you know you tolerate well. Thinking that more is better: Drinking more and eating more is not always better.

Sure, you have to take in enough energy and enough fluids, but once you achieve the basic needs, more is not necessarily better and in some cases detrimental. Professor Asker Jeukendrup is a leading sports nutritionists and exercise physiologist who spent most of his career at the University of Birmingham UK and currently he is a visiting professor at Loughborough University.

During his career Professor Jeukendrup authored over research papers and book chapters The science Nutrition guides Long distance triathlon nutrition guide.

Long distance triathlon nutrition guide An overview of the scientific literature and its application. Three main nutritional issues The three most important nutritional issues during a half distance triathlon are: Meeting the man with the hammer: Running out of fuel, hitting the wall, bonking, or just not being able to keep up the intensity during the last part of the race.

Dehydration: Becoming progressively dehydrated to an extent where this will limit performance. Stomach problems: Gastrointestinal problems such as stomach cramps, bloating, etc.

that can have a negative impact on your performance. Carbo-loading Carbo-loading is a technique that aims to optimize carbohydrate stores often in the days leading up to an event. Breakfast Breakfast is probably one of the most important parts of nutritional preparation for a long distance triathlon.

Variety is important! Why not try out a new vegetable or fruit this week? Many athletes are proper foodies and taking the time to have some nice meals with family and friends between all your training and other commitments will be good for both body and soul. The meals have been broken down into Breakfast, Lunch, Evening meals and Snacks, each of which will help you achieve — whatever your goals.

Eating well is all about having a regular consumption of nutritious food and drink. If you as a triathlete give your body the proper fuel, you will have more energy for training, work and education, friends, family and other everyday activities. Good breakfast alternatives are for example smoothies, porridge and yoghurt with cereal and berries.

Time for some food again! A delicious omelette, chicken salad or salmon wrap are good alternatives for lunch. Remember to include some fruit and vegetables. For many athletes, an evening meal is one of the most important meals as it gives an excellent opportunity to fuel whilst spending some quality time with friends and family.

Your evening meal can be varied endlessly — why not try homemade pasta Bolognese served with salad and bread rolls? The favourite word of many athletes. Follow the 10 percent rule no matter what your nutrition and health goals are: Simply put, 10 percent of your total daily calories can come from splurges, treats or desserts.

This keeps your glass of wine, square of dark chocolate or ice cream cone guilt-free, but also within your nutrition budget. Plan healthy snacks! Avoid foods that are high in fat and fiber for both your pre-race dinner and morning-of breakfast to keep your gut happy during the race.

Eat breakfast 2—3 hours before your race to allow ample time to consume adequate calories and digest them before you toe the starting line. RELATED: Whole Foods For Recovery.

Heading out the door?

The Ultimate Triathlete Diet Guide

She shared advice she gives many of her multisport athletes through her business Nutrition Energy in New York City. Ready to learn more about triathlon? Eat 2—3 fruits and 4—6 veggies per day to optimize your weight and nutrient intake. Be realistic about weight loss. Losing five pounds in 5—6 weeks is possible, 10 pounds in two weeks is not.

Gimmicks do not work! RELATED: Simple Half-Ironman Nutrition Advice. Recover right. Consume half a gram of carbs per pound of body weight, and 15—20 grams of protein within 30—60 min after training sessions or races.

Follow the 10 percent rule no matter what your nutrition and health goals are: Simply put, 10 percent of your total daily calories can come from splurges, treats or desserts. it is recommended that triathletes consume grams of carbohydrates per kg of bodyweight, hours before competition to ensure glycogen stores are full, improving performance and minimise the risk of gastrointestinal distress [1].

If you have trouble eating before exercise then drinking your carbohydrates maybe better. For training or races longer than 60 minutes you should have carbohydrate during exercise. The amounts recommended range from g per hour [1].

If you do not usually consume carbohydrate during exercise then start at the lower end and gradually increase the amount you consume. Think of the post-training or race period as preparation for the next training session. You need your body to recover and adapt to the exercise you have just completed in order to improve.

Restocking your glycogen stores is important therefore aim to eat 1. Not consuming carbohydrates following exercise means stress hormones remain elevated, can impair immune function, reduce training output, and cause burnout [4].

Your race nutrition plan should be practiced in training to ensure there are no nasty surprises on race day. Although, protein is often associated with body builders it is important for all athletes. Protein is not only important for muscle repair and growth but it plays an important role in many body systems including the immune system, hormones and enzymes which are required for muscle contraction [1].

It is generally recommended that triathletes consume 1. For a 70 kg athlete this is 1. Ideally protein should be consumed in every meal and snack roughly g consumed five times per day, with g of protein being ingested soon after exercise [1]. It should be noted that not all proteins are created equal, in fact proteins are made up of amino acids and we require all amino acids for optimal health and performance [5].

Proteins which contain all the amino acids are said to be higher quality which is measured by Digestible Indispensable Amino Acids Score DIAAS.

So when choosing a protein following exercise look for a DIAAS greater than 1. When consuming protein in order to ensure you obtain a good mix of amino acids make sure you eat from a variety of protein sources.

The training load for triathletes is high which means energy needs are high. Not meeting your energy demands can have negative impacts on both health and performance. If you do not eat sufficient energy over time you can develop Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport REDS , which negatively effects almost all systems in the body reproductive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, immune, endocrine [7].

Therefore, make sure you are fuelling appropriately around training and competition before, during and after , as well as eating regularly throughout the day from a variety of food sources. Micronutrients are substances that the body requires in very small quantities, yet if insufficient amounts are consumed the body is unable to function properly.

Some micronutrients iron, folate, vitamin B12 are important for the red blood cells which transport of oxygen around the body [8]. Other micronutrients play an important role in our immune system and can act as antioxidants Vitamin C, E and K which remove harmful free radicals which form during exercise.

It should be noted that supplementing with large volumes of antioxidants on a daily basis is not recommended as it can impair adaptation to training but consuming antioxidants from foods is beneficial for health and recovery from exercise [8].

Other micronutrients Vitamin D and Calcium are important for bone health, with all micronutrients playing some key role within the body it is important that adequate amounts of micronutrients are consumed.

Micronutrients are found alongside protein and carbohydrates in fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, dairy and dairy alternatives so consuming a diet from all of the food groups is important.

Gastrointestinal discomfort is one of the most common issues experienced during competition [9]. There are a number of potential reasons why this could occur including changes in blood flow away from the gastrointestinal tract, inappropriate fuelling, or due to the gut microbiome [9].

A healthy gut microbiome can optimise systems that prevent inflammation, reducing discomfort and allowing you to perform without interruption. Diet can influence the gut microbiome, including an appropriate array of prebiotics and a type of fibre that acts as food for the microbiome can improve the gut microbiome.

An abundance of healthy bacteria in the gut and reduce gastrointestinal issues during endurance exercise [10]. Fluid needs vary substantially between individuals and training sessions depending on the environment, exercise intensity and duration, genetics and training status [1].

Both not drinking enough and drinking too much can lead to health and performance decrements. Weight loss or gain during exercise is likely mainly due to water losses sweat or gain drinking [1]. You should aim to start exercise well hydrated i.

be able to urinate and urine should be a pale yellow colour. During exercise weigh yourself before and after you can use these values to check your hydration status during exercise. At Radix, we strive to create the best quality products for the best possible performance.

Sourced from all-natural, quality ingredients, our meals are made to provide the key elements of nutrition to ensure your body can perform at its absolute best. American College of Sports Medicine position stand.

Nutrition and athletic performance. Med Sci Sport Ex. J Appl Physiol. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. Potential Impact of Nutrition on Immune System Recovery from Heavy Exertion: A Metabolomics Perspective.

Dietary protein for athletes: from requirements to optimum adaptation. J Sports Sci. Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO expert consultation. IOC consensus statement on relative energy deficiency in sport RED-S : update. British Journal of Sports Medicine. and Deakin, V.

Clinical Sports Nutrition 6th edition. Gastrointestinal Issues in Athletes. Current Sports Medicine Reports 18 6 :p Endurance exercise and gut microbiota: A review. J Sport Health Sci. Email address Notify me when this product is available:.

Buy from the country of your choice. Remember that we can only ship your order to addresses located in the chosen country. Search 0 Cart. Commonly searched: Breakfasts Meals Drinks Company. Nutrition guide for Triathletes. August 07, 6 min read. Nutritional challenges for Triathlon?

Nutrition for Triathlon. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are important for fuelling both your races and training. Protein Although, protein is often associated with body builders it is important for all athletes.

Energy The training load for triathletes is high which means energy needs are high. Micronutrients Micronutrients are substances that the body requires in very small quantities, yet if insufficient amounts are consumed the body is unable to function properly.

Microbiome Gastrointestinal discomfort is one of the most common issues experienced during competition [9]. Hydration Fluid needs vary substantially between individuals and training sessions depending on the environment, exercise intensity and duration, genetics and training status [1].

Radix solution At Radix, we strive to create the best quality products for the best possible performance. References: -American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, American College of Sports Medicine, et al.

Related Blog Posts. Simone Maier. Introducing Radix V9 Meal Range. Advancing Towards Personalised Nutrition At Scale. Post-Workout Nutrition: The Key to Recovery and Muscle Growth. Start your day right with our v9 Original breakfasts! Its packed with the perfect balance of macro and micro-nutrition to keep you focused and performing at your best.

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When you completely deplete your glycogen stores, that is known as bonking. Recovery foods and drinks should also contain protein which assists muscle repair post-workout. Your post-workout shakes or meals should include a mix of carbs and proteins, plus vitamins and minerals.

After high-intensity training sessions, focus on consuming more carbs to refill your glycogen stores. Following a low-intensity training session, focus on consuming fewer carbs and more protein and fat to help repair your muscle fibers.

However, this means that your pre-race fueling is critical. We recommend eating a breakfast filled with carbohydrates hours before the start of your triathlon.

Focus on consuming carbohydrates in this meal, such as oats, cereals, or rice. This might mean waking up at three or four in the morning, but you can always go back to bed after downing a quick meal. Before the start of your race, you should have a sports gel minutes before the start.

The bike leg of a triathlon is the best time to eat solid food during a triathlon. On the bike, focus on nailing your nutrition strategy with calories and carbs with a mix of solid foods, sports drink, and energy gels or chews.

Once you enter the run leg of your triathlon, you should only be consuming energy drinks, sports gels, water, and electrolyte mix.

It can be nearly impossible to consume solid foods at this point of the race, so make sure you train your gut and digestive system with liquids, gels, and water. Again, focus on hitting your nutrition goals based on calories and carbohydrates throughout the run leg.

The best practice is to consume sports gels and electrolyte mix as your source of energy during the run leg. This provides the best ratio of carbohydrates and liquids while being relatively easy on your stomach. It is very common to have stomach issues crop up during a triathlon.

Between the intensity, volume, weather, and nutrition, it can be a lot for your stomach to handle during a triathlon. These issues are most likely to come up during the bike leg or run leg of a triathlon when you are taking in the most calories.

With our recommended nutrition strategy, you should be taking in a mix of liquid calories, gels, chews, electrolyte drinks, and water. We don't recommend having an all-in-one nutrition strategy where you are taking in all of your calories from one drink or source.

If your stomach starts to get upset, switch to drinking water instead of electrolyte mix. Keep up with the energy gels as best you can, as these will provide the necessary carbs and energy to get you through the rest of the race.

Switching to water will help reset your stomach by balancing the osmolality. When your stomach is back to normal, switch back to electrolyte mix along with your sports gels. We recommend separating your drinks electrolyte mix and water from your calories in case you become extra thirsty and start drinking more.

This is also why we don't recommend using an all-in-one nutrition strategy. If your stomach gets upset and you switch to water, you'll no longer be taking in any calories and the bonk becomes imminent.

Triathlon nutrition is not all created equal. Adjusting for the duration is self-explanatory, and the differences will be apparent in our nutrition calculator at the beginning of this post. However, there are crucial differences in the proportion of carbs, fats, and proteins that you need to adjust for each workout.

Fueling for speed workouts is all about carbohydrates — carbs, carbs, and more. Instead, focus on the proportion of carbohydrates you eat before and during your speed workout. Speed workouts are typically short, high-intensity workouts designed to improve your speed over a given distance.

Given the high intensity, it can be hard to digest solid foods during a speed workout, so this is an excellent opportunity to practice fueling with sports drinks, energy gels, and electrolyte mixes. Most speed workouts are minutes long, which means that you technically have all the stored carbohydrates you need to complete the workout.

However, this assumes that your glycogen stores are full at the beginning of your workout. That means you need to fuel your speed workout with a carbohydrate-rich meal before the session. Endurance workouts are defined as low-intensity workouts that are strictly below Zone 2.

Check out our guide to Zone training for triathletes in Everything You Need to Know About Heart Rate Training Zones. The focus of endurance workouts for triathlon is learning to burn fat as fuel. To burn fat as fuel, your body should be relatively low on carbohydrates.

This does NOT mean that you should enter each endurance workout depleted. Instead, you should be fueling with fats and proteins instead of grams of carbohydrate. Before an endurance workout, focus on fueling with minimal grams of carbohydrate such as berries or bananas.

This will stabilize your blood glucose levels while still using fat as your primary fuel source. As long as you strictly exercise below Zone 2, you should never need to worry about bonking. Using fat as a fuel source is one of the most significant determinants of triathlon performance, especially for a long course or Ironman triathlete.

The last category of the training session we have is race-specific workouts. These are workouts designed specifically for your goal race and typically completed once per week.

Race workouts involve race pace intervals and are the perfect opportunity to practice your race-day nutrition. This is the exact effort you will be swimming, riding, or running at on race day, so knowing what your body and your stomach can handle at such an effort is important.

One of the biggest mistakes a triathlete can make is not practicing their race-day nutrition strategy in training. Make sure you nail your nutrition targets caloric intake, number of carbs, etc. in training to avoid trying something new on race day.

This example looks at two different athletes competing in an Ironman and finishing in a time of 12 hours. Both athletes will burn the same number of calories in this simplified example , start with the same number of stored calories, and consume the same number of calories throughout the race.

Using what we know about fat and carbohydrate metabolism, we can see exactly how many more calories from fat the high fat burner uses compared to the low fat burner. By the end of the race, the low fat burner has a surplus of over 1, calories, putting them at great risk of bonking or ending up with a DNF.

You can see the pieces coming together in the above paragraphs. We will put the puzzle together in our triathlon racing and training nutrition plans. Start by returning to our triathlon nutrition calculator and noting your target number of calories consumed. Once we break down our nutrition strategy, we need to divide our strategy into three different categories of workouts: speed, endurance, and race.

Fuel your speed workouts with grams of carbohydrates before the workout. That could be a bowl of cereal, toast, or pancakes.

Anything rich in carbohydrates to fill up your glycogen stores before the workout. However, we recommend having a sweet-tasting drink that will activate the neuromuscular system and give you a kick each time you take a sip. When completing an endurance workout, your nutrition goal should be to control your blood glucose levels.

Instead, your goal is to burn as high a percentage of fat as possible. Before an endurance-building workout, consume a meal that is high in protein and fat while low in carbohydrates. For example, you could have an omelette, peanut butter, meats, seeds, or nuts.

Suppose your endurance workout is longer than 90 minutes. In that case, you should be fueling with the same high-fat and high-protein foods at a rate suggested by the triathlon nutrition calculator. Just plug in the workout, time, and details, and you will get the target number of calories to consume.

These efforts should be fueled in the same way as you will fuel your race day efforts, but with some slight modifications. That means a high amount of carbohydrates before and during the workout. When you first start your race-specific workouts weeks before your goal race, your should start at the low end of the nutrition calculator when it comes to taking in your calories.

You will gradually increase this amount each week to help train your gut while also training your race-specific fitness.

At the peak of your race-specific training, you may actually be consuming more calories than the target from the calculator. On race day, you'll actually be able to drop your calories down, and your stomach should be able to handle the race-day calories comfortably compared to what you consumed in training.

Similarly to how you increase your training load over time, you should focus on increasing the number of carbohydrates that you can consume each week. Another key point is that you should consume a high-carbohydrate snack before your race-specific workout.

Aim to consume a muffin or bowl of cereal, for example, minutes before your race workout, to ensure that your glycogen stores are completely topped off. During your race workout, consume the exact amount of calories that our triathlon nutrition calculator suggests.

These calories should come from mostly carbs, such as sports gels and energy drinks. Specifically, you should aim for a high percentage of carbohydrates consumed during these workouts.

Our nutrition calculator will provide your target number of calories to consume, but you can also narrow it down by calculating the grams of carbohydrate per hour to consume. In everyday life, you may be consuming grams of carbs per kilogram of body weight per day. However, as a triathlete, your carbohydrate requirement will be much greater on high-intensity training days and race days.

Energy Gel Caffeine and Energy Gel Aqua Caffeine each contain exactly 30mg caffeine per sachet. You can take up to three sachets of Energy Gel or Energy Gel Aqua per hour. This will give you around 60g of carbohydrate per hour.

If you have been using caffeine, then one gel should be the Caffeine variant to keep you in the caffeine performance zone. Any remaining gel should be standard gel with no caffeine. If you have a medical condition or do not wish to use caffeine for another reason, then simply switch each of the products detailed above with the non-caffeine equivalent from HIGH5 and ignore the section on caffeine loading before your event.

Adding ZERO Neutral Tabs to your drink boosts the electrolyte content and provides magnesium. This might be particularly useful in hot conditions. When we exercise our muscles become energy depleted and break down.

In a tough triathlon, you really push your body to the limit so expect soreness and stiffness afterwards. Consuming protein and carbohydrate as soon as you can afterwards to help replenish your muscle energy stores and kick start the recovery process.

Drink ml Recovery Drink as soon as you finish. This contains a unique blend of whey protein isolate and carbohydrates. It gives you the time to have a shower and relax a bit before eating a balanced meal one to two hours later.

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uk To know more about how we use your data, please see our Privacy Notice. triathlon guide Olympic Triathlon. Fuelling a Triathlon Carbohydrate is your high-energy fuel for endurance events. Staying Hydrated You lose fluids and electrolytes when you sweat. Good to know The following guidelines are based on the latest science and real world feedback from thousands of athletes to help you perform better and enjoy your race more.

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Complete Guide to Triathlon Nutrition Strategies For Racing and Training | MOTTIV It's important Triathhlon remember that Triathloh of these Trathlon aren't backed Glutathione oral supplements the FDA and aren't guive obligated to release every Triathlon nutrition guide within them. Author Professor Asker Jeukendrup is a leading sports nuttrition and exercise Triathlon nutrition guide who spent tuide of No Artificial Flavors Triathlon nutrition guide at the University of Birmingham UK and currently he is a visiting professor at Loughborough University. Terres australes et antarctiques françaises. You can consume energy bars, gels and drinks for carbohydrate. Not all fat is created equal though. training Why Do I Feel Sleepy After Exercising In The Morning? If you do not eat sufficient energy over time you can develop Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport REDSwhich negatively effects almost all systems in the body reproductive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, immune, endocrine [7].
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Author: Kigarn

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