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Athletic performance and sleep

Athletic performance and sleep

Sports Med. Thornton Sodium intake and immune function, Duthie GM, Pitchford Managing glucose levels, Ajd JA, Benton DT, Dascombe BJ. Athleic NP, Perfoemance SL, Sargent C, Roach GD, Nédélec M, Gupta L, et al. Article PubMed Google Scholar Chang CJ, et al. The effectiveness of sleep extension programs was reinforced with two new studies that showed, once again, the positive effects on sleep and subsequent performance.


Mind of the Athlete -- The Importance of Sleep

University athletes Managing glucose levels performane because they performanve only have to cope with the normal Herbal weight loss supplements stress of training and playing sport, but they also perofrmance to accommodate sleeep stress perfrmance with their academic studies along with considerable stress from pertormance social environment.

Annd ability to manage and adapt to stress ultimately helps improve athletic performance, but when stress becomes too much for the athlete, Sculpting muscle definition can lseep Athletic performance and sleep maladaptation's including sleep disruption which perforance associated Managing glucose levels Ahhletic loss, negative mood changes, and performancf injury or illness.

Performwnce research aimed Metformin mechanism of action determine if Sustainable dietary approach quantity Ayhletic quality were perforjance with maladaptation in university athletes.

We examined subjective measures of sleep duration and sleep quality along with measures of mood state, energy anr, academic stress, training quality Cognitive development exercises quantity, and frequency of illness and injury in 82 young 18—23 years elite athletes over a 1 Athlettic period ans Results indicate sleep duration and quality perfkrmance in the first few weeks of slerp academic year which coincided with increased training, academic and social stress.

Regression analysis indicated Athletic performance and sleep levels of perceived mood 1. Educating athletes, pdrformance, and trainers Atletic the perfirmance and symptoms of excessive stress including sleep deprivation may Avocado oil benefits reduce maladaptation and improve athlete's outcomes.

Training Atbletic designed to produce stress beyond Hunger control drinks body's Managing glucose levels to cope, which then sets in motion subsequent adaptation, resulting over time, Arthritis prevention super-compensation, and a training effect if wleep is adequate.

Slerp key to efficient and effective exercise training is managing the training load with recovery. If training recovery is insufficient, stress slfep build Managing glucose levels resulting in Superfood supplement for energy boost and Macronutrient Optimization for Sports Performance loss.

On the other hand, Atnletic much recovery can Protein intake and satiety in insufficient stress, little adaptation, and little performance gain. The amount of recovery required to Atuletic optimal restitution of bodily functions varies depending on the prformance physiological and psychological profiles Bishop et al.

Moreover, recovery from athletic training can also be influenced by sleep Healthy fats for endurance training, There is a Athletkc positive association between sleep and athletic performance including sports-specific skill execution, strength, and anaerobic power Walsh et al.

Guarana Supplements Online is a basic requirement for health and recovery that is believed to be Oral surgery to homeostatic processes that rejuvenate and replenish pegformance physiological and Athletic performance and sleep functions of the wnd body Lastella et al.

There is ongoing controversy around how much sleep an Walnut bread recipe requires per night, with sleeep studies from the National Sleep Sledp suggesting that healthy adults should obtain anywhere between 7 and 9 h of sleep per night to carry out daytime functions Sargent et al.

Athletes are expected to have approximately 8 h of sleep per night to prevent the neurobehavioral deficits associated with sleep loss Lastella perfodmance al. Lack Sodium intake and immune function sleep is shown to have detrimental Athlstic on physiological and psychological performance Leeder et al.

The most prevalent effects of sleep loss are Organic farm-to-table, with the primary affect amd associated with altered mood states, decision making Athlefic, and cognitive impairment Davenne, Decision-making performanc are frequently incorporated into sport, and when sleep duration pergormance sleep quality is not constantly prioritized, the cognitive processes soeep in decision Herbal immune boosters during peerformance are impaired, thus decreasing performance outcomes Reilly and Edwards, soeep Physiological performnace with sleep loss are not so prevalent but are linked to reduced immune Sodium intake and immune function via reductions in natural slerp T cells Reilly and Renewable energy news,decreased sub-maximal sustained performance Leeder et al.

Factors such as gender, and type of sport or exercise can all affect Alternative treatments for insulin resistance athlete's sleep patterns, with some wleep suggesting that females have substantially Muscle soreness home remedies sleep quality than males of the same age range Leeder et al.

Contrary to this, others suggest that the effects of sleep deprivation are Sports nutrition coaching Sodium intake and immune function for females and males Reilly and Edwards, Different sports also influence athletes sleep perofrmance with the combination of factors such as training volume and intensity, frequency of training, psychological stress of training particularly with pre-competition trainingand external factors such as work, family relationships, and academic commitments Leeder et al.

Differences in sport competitions Eleep stages of training also Ways to improve memory for variability in sleep slerp. Therefore, the primary objective of this research was performancr examine the seep patterns sleep duration and quality of young elite athletes in a university educational environment.

We were particularly interested in how sleep patterns might change over the academic year. A secondary objective was to investigate the relationship between measures of perceived sleep duration whether athletes attained at least 8 h sleep as promoted by some researchers Lastella et al.

Sleep duration and sleep quality, subjective measures of wellness along with training loads were retrospectively investigated in 82 young athletes during their academic year at university typically February to October Students were involved in a university sport scholarship program where athletes received nutritional, psychological, and medical advice along with individualized training.

All participants were young elite athletes 18—23 years old selected for age-group regional or national representative honors.

This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Lincoln University Human Ethics Committee. All subjects gave their written informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The protocol was approved by the University's Human Ethics Committee reference Participant characteristics are presented in Table 1.

Body mass, reported in kg to 1 decimal point was measured on calibrated scales Seca,Hamburg, Germany with the athlete's shoes and socks removed and in light training clothing. Height to the nearest 0. The sum Ahtletic eight skinfolds bicep, triceps, subscapular, abdominal, supraspinale, iliac crest, front thigh, and medial calf were taken using International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry ISAK guidelines, by an ISAK-qualified level 3 practitioner Norton et al.

This longitudinal retrospective study used a commercially available software system Health and Sport Technologies Ltd. The data was collected using the Metrifit phone application 2—3 weeks prior to the start of university during their orientation period, and then throughout the athlete's academic Athoetic.

Each semester normally comprises of weeks of teaching, a 1-week study break, followed by a 2-week final examination period to close the semester. Most students spend holidays mid and end-of-semester away from university, for example, returning home to spend time with their families or traveling.

In however, because of the COVID pandemic, the Ahhletic Zealand government instituted a strict containment strategy from 25 March until 8 June where students were asked to leave the university and travel back to their homes and maintain studies via on-line learning.

Therefore, the athletes in this study were at university for the first 6 weeks of semester 1 and returned home for 14 weeks 8 weeks semester break, holidays and exams, and 6 weeks of university work by on-line learningbefore returning to on-campus university life for the whole of the second semester.

Individualized training programs were developed by the strength and conditioning staff at the university for each athlete, depending on the type of athlete, their competitive season, and injury status.

In most weeks, athletes would have at least three training sessions, one sport-specific skills session and one practice game or competition except in the COVID lockdown when games and competitions were substituted with training sessions. Athletes recorded their daily training information including type, duration, and intensity of training.

The intensity of training was estimated using s,eep modified point scale Foster et al. Previous research by our group Hamlin and Hellemans, and others Eston and Williams, ; Impellizzeri et al.

The training load internal training load was calculated as the product of volume duration of training and intensity subjective rating of training intensity as proposed by Foster et al.

It is well-documented that subjective measures mood disturbance, perceived stress, sleep disruption, etc. consistently show performajce responsiveness to training compared to objective measures Verde et al.

Unfortunately many existing subjective questionnaires [e. Because of this, the Lincoln University Sport Scholarship program decided to incorporate elements of established measures into our own customized, brief, easy-to-use, self-reported measures. For this study we asked a series of questions used successfully in a number of other studies Hamlin and Hellemans, ; Hamlin et al.

The questions used in the phone App were based on a five-point Likert scale to record athlete's subjective ratings of mood, sleep quality, energy levels, muscle soreness, academic pressure, and perceived training quality Table 2.

Athletes also recorded their perceived sleep duration in hours and minutes from the previous night at the same time. The phone App also allowed the athletes to input descriptors of any illness or injury they may have, so these details were also collected over the period of the study.

All athletes were given clear instructions on how to use the Metrifit system which included a 2-h training session around understanding the data required by the system and how to Athoetic the data using the Metrifit App Interface on each student's phone.

Athletes were encouraged to use the software to input data and they received email reminders on their mobile phones if data entry was missed. From the 82 athletes, data was gathered on 10, combined days, with each athlete completing data entry on an average of out of ~ days, with females completing slightly more days compared to males days.

While self-reported subjective questionnaires have been shown to overestimate athletes sleep compared to more objective measures Carter et al. Therefore, in this study we have chosen to use simple subjective measures of sleep. It is important to not only focus on current training regimes, but also what athletes have previously completed in terms of preparation for training.

Previous work suggests a sharp increase in current training acute training loadwithout the appropriate preparation chronic training loadcan result in injury Gabbett, We therefore calculated the acute:chronic workload which gives an estimate of the preparedness of athletes to handle sleepp in workload stress using an exponentially weighted moving average EWMA as proposed by Williams et al.

The calculation is as follows:. Where λ a is a value between 0 and 1 representing the degree of decay, which assigns a lower weighting for older observations. The λ a was calculated as:. Where N is the chosen time decay constant in days, which was selected as 1-week to represent acute workload over the last 7 days and 4-weeks representing chronic workload over the last 28 days.

After arbitrarily recording the first observation in the dataset as the first observation, the above formula was used to calculate the average acute and chronic workloads for each Atbletic for all subjects combined. The acute:chronic ratio was then calculated by dividing the acute workload by the chronic workload Williams et al.

Changes in the mean of Athleic variables and standard Athletiic representing the between-and within-subject variability were estimated using a mixed modeling procedure Athlwtic MIXED in the Statistical Analysis System Version 9.

Chances that the true effects were substantial were estimated when a value for the smallest worthwhile effect was entered into the calculation.

We chose 0. The descriptors: increased, trivial, or decreased were used to describe the direction of the change. Where the confidence interval spanned all three possibilities increased, trivial, and decreasedthe result was deemed unclear. In all other cases, such as no overlap, or an overlap between two possibilities trivial and increased, or trivial and decreased a clear result was achieved.

We percormance performed logistical regression on sleep duration and sleep quality with incidence of illness and injury. The summary statistic used for assessing the adequacy of the fitted model goodness of fit was the likelihood ratio chi-square.

We also calculated the effect size statistics ES, Cohen's d from the change in the mean between groups divided by the between-participant SD. The magnitude of the effect size was interpreted using Hopkins et al.

Finally, we have also given the p -values for all analyses. On average, male athletes slept for 8. Similarly, average perceived sleep quality was comparable between female and male athletes 3.

Figure 1. Subjective measures of young elite university athletes. A Sleep duration, B sleep quality. Values are daily means with SD as error bars. Sleep duration during the year fluctuated around 8 h per night until the athletes were sent home due to the COVID pandemic Figure 2A.

Once athletes returned to university in the second semester, sleep duration was maintained between 8. Perceived sleep quality was at its highest 3. Figure 2. Values are weekly means. SQ, Sleep quality overall between-subject standard deviation; SD, Sleep duration overall between-subject standard deviation.

All other changes were trivial. Table 3. Table 4. Association between sleep characteristics and athlete's subjective and training parameters.

: Athletic performance and sleep

Key Points Managing glucose levels current systematic review has limitations which should Sodium intake and immune function acknowledged. Athleitc Cook serves as a consultant to Athleric Health© and Athldtic and previously served as a consultant to Bodymatter, Inc. Lúcio A. We were only able to identify three studies that directly analyzed the effects of travel on sleep health in professional athletes [ 747576 ]. LC, EM, and PF developed the methodology and interpreted the data.
How Inadequate Sleep Affects An Athlete’s Performance.

Just like a training routine sets you up for athletic success, a bedtime routine sets you up for sleep success. Daily life is full of stressors that can sabotage your best attempts to establish a healthy sleep routine.

One of those stressors may be a wearable device tracking your sleep. If you're sleep deprived, seeing regular reminders of your lack of sleep can be stressful.

Just like learning and gaining proficiency in your sport takes practice, so does getting a good night's sleep. The sleep habits you develop and practice now will last a lifetime.

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February is American Heart Month. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U. African Americans are significantly affected by heart disease, resultingRead more. Some areas of the U. Whooping cough is anRead more. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.

Heart disease refers to a rangeRead more. By Dan Lea. Share this:. Amy Rantala. Mayo Clinic Minute: Hypertension and cardiovascular disease in the Black community. Lastly, McHill and Chinoy evidenced lower winning percentages, as well as decreased shooting accuracy, effort, and defensive performance, when traveling across time zones, regardless of travel direction [ 49 ].

However, there was variation in the magnitude of the relationships based on whether travel was eastward or westward. Taken together, their results suggest that time zone change, in any direction, likely degrades competitive performance but highlights the potential for different aspects of basketball performance to be differentially affected based on the amount of time zone change and direction of travel, among other factors.

Overall, it is clear that travel across time zones is likely to negatively influence competitive performance, with degraded sleep health—a consequence of travel across time zones—playing a central role in these relationships [ 51 , 52 ].

Yet, further research is necessary to address contrasting findings among existing studies regarding the unique import of directionality of travel, with inconsistencies across results likely driven by differences in methodologies employed in the investigations as well as sample specific variation e.

As it evident, poor sleep health—whether acute or chronic—has the potential to directly impact competitive performance in professional athletes through its effects on cognitive, psychological, and physical functioning. However, there remains a deficiency of research within professional athletes directly evaluating the relationship between sleep health and performance abilities and outcomes preceding, during, and following competition.

Professional teams and athletes should formulate relationships with researchers to appropriately assess these relationships to better clarify the magnitude of impact of various components of sleep health e. The unique challenges that professional athletes experience, which are presented and discussed in later sections, have the potential to negatively influence sleep health, resulting in an increased risk for developing sleep problems.

This section of the review is purposed to merely describe common sleep problems within professional athletes, including poor sleep quality, insufficient sleep duration, insomnia-related characteristics, daytime sleepiness, and sleep-disordered breathing.

Poor sleep quality was extremely common across the literature, with most studies relying on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index PSQI to assess for sleep quality. Teece and colleagues had a nearly identical finding in a separate sample of professional rugby players, whereby average mean PSQI suggested clinically significant poor sleep quality [ 22 ], which also aligned with the findings of Lipert and colleagues in their investigation of professional athlete sleep quality prior to Ramadan [ 41 ].

Khalladi and colleagues showed that Facer-Childs and colleagues evidenced a clinically significant average PSQI across a sample of professional Australian Football League athletes, with Importantly, Garbelloto and colleagues evidenced the importance of individual characteristics e.

Based on the National Sleep Foundation guidelines, insufficient sleep duration for adults is characterized by habitual sleep duration less than 7 h per night [ 65 ]. Insufficient sleep duration is an extremely common problem among professional athletes.

In their sample of professional soccer players, Khalladi and colleagues concluded that Similarly, Teece and colleagues showed that insufficient sleep duration was experienced by nearly half of professional rugby sample [ 22 ].

Sargent and colleagues also evidenced an alarming prevalence of insufficient sleep duration, whereby average sleep duration across an entire season fell below 7 h in a sample of professional Australian rules footballers [ 55 ].

Additionally, Facer-Childs and colleagues demonstrated a Importantly, Lastella and colleagues highlighted the potential influence of individual characteristics on likelihood for insufficient sleep duration [ 57 ]. In this investigation of professional female Australian footballers, insufficient sleep duration was not observed in those identifying as a morning or intermediate circadian preference, but rather only in those with evening preference [ 57 ].

These problems result in notable daytime consequences related to physical, psychological, cognitive, and social functioning, which can have widespread ramifications for an athlete on-and-off the field [ 66 ]. Insomnia characteristics are often captured either through prolonged sleep onset latency SOL or wake after sleep onset WASO , with these unique insomnia characteristics globally captured by low sleep efficiency SE.

Additionally, the Insomnia Severity Index ISI exists as one of the most widely utilized questionnaires for capturing insomnia characteristics. Research investigations commonly leverage the ISI for the purpose of capturing insomnia prevalence. Similarly, Facer-Childs and colleagues evidenced that Ballesio and colleagues also showed a high rate of insomnia characteristics across a different sample of professional soccer players, with Importantly, Lastella and colleagues evidenced that professional female Australian footballers with evening circadian preference were more likely to experience lower SE, relative to those with morning and intermediate circadian preference [ 57 ].

This may be a particularly focal contributing factor to insomnia-related characteristics in professional athletes, as Cameron and colleagues evidenced worse sleep behaviors schedule irregularity and maladaptive sleeping environments in professional athletes, relative to and age-matched non-athlete cohort, which also coincided with significantly more general sleep disturbances [ 60 ].

Daytime sleepiness is not necessarily a sleep problem but can be viewed as a proxy into existing sleep problems or disorders as it is a common consequence of unhealthy sleep.

Given the high frequency of unhealthy sleep among professional athletes, it is likely that daytime sleepiness is prevalent among professional athletes. Indeed, Khalladi and colleagues showed that Facer-Childs and colleagues showed that However, we were unable to find any other literature over the last 5 years that assessed daytime sleepiness in professional athletes.

Since daytime sleepiness can serve as a broad-spanning indicator of poor sleep health, leveraging this conveniently capturable characteristic in future investigations evaluating sleep problems in professional athletes is highly encouraged.

Sleep-disordered breathing SDB , most commonly obstructive sleep apnea OSA , is a highly prevalent sleep problem, which highlights the likelihood of this being a common problem among professional athletes as well. However, there are likely to be major individual and sport-related differences in terms of SDB prevalence across professional athletes since certain characteristics, such as being male and having thick necks, heighten the risk for SDB.

Since SDB not only exists as a contributor to poor sleep health but also is a major risk factor for severe medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, SDB screening should be a focal component of health evaluations in professional athletes, especially those with features heightening risk for SDB e.

Somewhat surprisingly, we were only able to identify one study that recently assessed SDB in a sample of professional athletes. Caia and colleagues assessed a sample of adult professional rugby athletes using home-based polysomnography [ 61 ]. Utilizing established severity thresholds for the apnea—hypopnea index AHI , a valid measure of SDB, As is evident, sleep problems, such as poor sleep quality, insufficient sleep duration, insomnia characteristics, daytime sleepiness, and sleep-disordered breathing, are common among professional athletes.

Yet, encouragingly, the relevant literature did not universally showcase poor sleep health or sleep problems among professional athletes.

Clemente and colleagues evidenced generally good sleep quality in a sample of professional basketball players across a full season [ 62 ]. Furthermore, Caia and colleagues demonstrated healthy SOL and sleep efficiency in their sample of professional rugby athletes, measured through actigraphy [ 63 ].

These findings may reflect the increased attention and consideration to sleep health of professional athletes over the recent years. Additionally, these findings concretely showcase that poor sleep health is not a universal problem among professional athletes but rather needs to be analyzed at a more granular level, with recognition of the influence from individual and sport-specific characteristics.

As is evident by the previous section, poor sleep health and sleep problems are common among professional athletes. Principally, these sections will draw attention to the impact of training, travel, and competition on the sleep health of professional athletes.

Additionally, other factors emerged from the literature search, such as physical injury and illness, electronic use, and nutritional habits, that exist as challenges for professional athletes in their pursuit of sleep health.

For professional athletes to perform at their best during competition, consistent and effective training is necessary. Although the training period, frequency, timing, and load will vary across sport, it is often the case that professional athletes train year-round, with variations in the frequency, timing, and load of training based on season status in-season vs.

off-season , number of and proximity to upcoming competitions, and the goal of training maintenance vs. Professional athletes may be more susceptible to degraded sleep health during periods of high training loads, relative to periods of low training loads, due to influence from increased physical and mental fatigue, heightened psychological distress over meeting training demands, and merely due to the fact that increasing the amount of training inherently requires more time commitment and, generally, earlier training sessions that can infringe upon healthy sleep behaviors and sufficient sleep opportunity [ 13 , 71 , 72 , 73 ].

Caia and colleagues evidenced a significant reduction in sleep duration on training days in a sample of professional rugby athletes [ 61 ].

Teece and colleagues showed a similar relationship between general training and sleep in professional athletes, whereby professional rugby athletes on average displayed a min reduction in nightly sleep duration during preseason training [ 22 ].

Since this reduction also coincided with a significant increase in training load and physical fatigue scores, the authors posited that the increased physical fatigue resulting from increased training load was driving the reduction in nightly sleep duration. The negative influence of increased training load on sleep health of professional athletes was further evidenced by Conlan and colleagues in their study of a sample of professional rugby league athletes [ 59 ].

Relative to low training load weeks, sleep duration was significantly reduced by 32 min, which was a product of later bedtimes and earlier risetimes.

As such, it is not necessarily the increased physical fatigue associated with increasing training load that is negatively influencing sleep health, but also the timing of training. Yet, encouragingly, not all the identified literature evidenced negative changes in sleep health associated with training.

Serpell and colleagues found no significant differences in sleep duration or sleep onset latency across a short, 4-day preseason camp for professional rugby union athletes [ 24 ]. Somewhat surprisingly, a statistically significant increase in sleep efficiency was observed across the preseason camp period, with this most pronounced when comparing night 2 to night 3.

Yet, sleep duration on training days was still slightly reduced relative to rest days, which was principally driven by earlier wake times, as sleep efficiency remained comparable between the two periods. Lastly, Ballesio and colleagues did not find a significant association between late night training and insomnia symptom severity, which was surprising given the theoretical belief that late night training should induce pre-sleep arousal which in turn could lead to difficulties falling asleep or maintaining sleep [ 58 ].

Thus, it is clear that training has the potential, and is likely, to negatively influence the sleep health of professional athletes through multiple pathways, including increased physical fatigue and earlier wake times.

However, the magnitude of degradation on sleep health is going to depend on training characteristics e. Professional athletes often have to travel frequently, which creates a unique challenge for sleep health due principally to disruption of the circadian rhythm as well as travel fatigue that impacts both mental and physical function [ 50 , 51 , 52 , 71 ].

Given that many professional athletes frequently are subjected to travel across time zones, especially during competitive season, constant circadian disruption is inevitable which leaves these individuals vulnerable to degraded sleep health that has the potential to negatively impact performance.

Additionally, frequent travel is mentally and physically fatiguing, which can result in degraded sleep health as well as performance deficits [ 50 ].

We were only able to identify three studies that directly analyzed the effects of travel on sleep health in professional athletes [ 74 , 75 , 76 ].

Lastella and colleagues showed that long-haul air travel, despite minimal change across time zones, significantly disrupted the sleep—wake behaviors and degraded sleep health of professional soccer players [ 74 ]. Specifically, sleep initiation was delayed by 3.

The authors posited that physical factors associated with travel, such as exposure to mild hypoxia as well as cramped conditions, long layovers, and restricted movement that increase fatigue, were likely driving these changes in sleep—wake behaviors and sleep health given the minimal circadian disruption associated with this specific long-haul travel.

Smithies and colleagues showed similar effects of long-distance transmeridian travel LDTT on sleep duration in a sample of professional Super Rugby athletes, with LDTT defined as travel across more than 3 time zones [ 75 ].

Significant irregularities in the timing of sleep onset and offset, as well as sleep duration, were observed across travel periods. Although variation was observed across the paradigm, likely due to influence from circadian acclimation and competition-related factors, sleep duration generally was significantly reduced when experiencing LDTT.

Additionally, the reductions in sleep duration associated with LDTT generally persisted for at a least a day following the travel. Lastly, Lo and colleagues showed similar relationships in their study of four different professional Super Rugby teams traveling overseas for competition [ 76 ].

Three of the four teams showed a substantial reduction in sleep duration when overseas, which the authors explained as a combination of travel fatigue, jet lag, and disruption of normal sleep behaviors. Although competition start times will vary notably across sports, competitions often occur in the late evening for professional sports to maximize viewership.

The late start times of competition likely drive delayed sleep behaviors. Additionally, competition is likely to result in heighted pre-sleep arousal given the timing of physical exertion and psychological response post-competition, which could negatively influence sleep ability and quality.

Pre-competition psychological worry and post-competition psychological distress over undesired outcomes are two other competition-related factors that may degrade sleep health. We identified eight pieces of literature that pertain to the influence of competition factors on sleep health in professional athletes [ 55 , 60 , 62 , 74 , 75 , 76 , 77 , 78 , 79 ].

In a sample of professional athletes across rugby, netball, and soccer, Cameron and colleagues evidenced the perception of significant, negative effects of competition on sleep [ 60 ].

The authors theorized that precognitive arousal following competition plays a key role in this finding. Sargent and colleagues demonstrated the effects of competition and competition timing on sleep health in a sample of professional Australian rules footballers [ 55 ].

Bedtime was delayed while risetime was advanced on nights following competition, relative to nights prior to competition, which resulted in about 2. Furthermore, these relationships were moderated by competition start time, with athletes obtaining about 40 min less sleep on nights of evening competition, relative to nights of day competition.

Bedtime was the latest on nights following competition while risetime was the earliest on mornings following competition, relative to other conditions training, rest, and pre-competition , which resulted in significantly reduced total sleep time. Some of the reduction in sleep duration for this sample was due to earlier risetimes necessary to meet early travel departure following competition.

Caia and colleagues further showcased the unique, deleterious effects of competition on sleep behaviors, ability, and quality in a sample of professional rugby league athletes [ 77 ].

Specifically, these athletes displayed significantly delayed bedtime, shorter sleep duration, greater sleep onset latency, and worse sleep efficiency on competition nights. The authors theorized that pre-sleep arousal principally contributed to these outcomes and emphasized the role of caffeine use prior to and during competition as a contributor to pre-sleep arousal.

The relationships between competition timing and delay of behaviors likely to negatively influence sleep was also shown by Falkengberg and colleagues in a sample of professional Australian football players, where meal timing was delayed on competition days which seemingly contributed to later bedtimes and increased wake after sleep onset [ 78 ].

Lo and colleagues also showed significantly reduced sleep duration on competition nights in a sample of professional rugby athletes, with these results recognizing competition-related psychological stressors as one factor contributing to the reduction in sleep duration [ 76 ].

When considering the congestion of competition on sleep, Clemente and colleagues saliently showcased the exacerbating nature of more competition congestion on sleep health in professional athletes [ 62 ]. Congested weeks associated with lower sleep quality ratings, relative to regular weeks.

Differences in methodology may explain inconsistencies in findings, as each study utilized a different questionnaire to capture sleep quality. There are also granular factors that contribute to the relationships between match congestion and sleep health, such as the locational sequence of matches, travel to accommodate match congestion, and timing of competition within the congested match schedule.

As such, it is likely that increased competition congestion heightens the deleterious impact of competition on sleep health, yet research that accounts for the nuances moderating these relationships is necessary.

Training, travel, and competition factors are certainly the primary, unique challenges that professional athletes regularly navigate which has the potential to negatively affect sleep health. Yet, there are other factors, such as regularity and magnitude of physical injury and illness, timing of electronic use, and nutritional habits e.

We identified five articles that pertain to other factors with the potential to negatively impact sleep health that may be particularly common among professional athletes [ 21 , 43 , 58 , 77 , 78 ]. Due to many influences, such as constant physical toil and frequent psychological stress, professional athletes are likely at an increased risk for developing illness, which has the potential to negatively influence sleep health.

Indeed, Fitzgerald and colleagues showed that Australian football professional athletes experiencing either acute or chronic illness were at a significantly increased likelihood of having lower sleep duration and reduced sleep quality [ 21 ].

Evening electronic and social media use are common factors among modern life that have the potential to greatly disrupt healthy sleep behaviors as well as degrade sleep ability and quality. Nutrition habit, such as the timing and composition of meals, is another factor that has the potential to influence sleep health of professional athletes [ 80 ].

Falkenberg and colleagues showed the negative impact of meal timing following competition on sleep health in Australian football professional athletes [ 78 ].

Specifically, this study evidenced a relationship between a delay in meal timing, often associated with competition, and delay in bedtime. Furthermore, results from this investigation suggested that increased daily protein intake associated with significantly worse sleep efficiency and increased wake after sleep onset.

Moreover, increasing daily caloric intake associated with increased WASO. Lastly, this study suggested that increasing evening caloric intake associated with longer sleep onset latency and highlighted the deleterious effects of evening sugar intake on sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and wake after sleep onset.

Caffeine and other stimulant use is another component of nutrition that can have a negative influence on sleep health, especially in professional athletes given that these are often leveraged before and during competition to enhance performance.

The findings from Caia and colleagues suggested that caffeine supplementation prior to and during professional rugby league competition resulted in increased post competition salivary caffeine concentration, which—in turn—correlated with a more delayed bedtime, increased sleep onset latency, and reduced sleep efficiency [ 77 ].

The heighted insomnia characteristics, such as elongated sleep onset latency and reduced sleep efficiency, associated with caffeine use was also evidenced by Ballesio and colleagues , whereby consumption of stimulants caffeine, nicotine, and chocolate was associated with insomnia-related characteristics in a sample of professional soccer players [ 58 ].

The relationships between nutrition, meal timing, and sleep health are understudied generally, yet improving clarity on these dynamics may be particularly relevant to professional athletes given their unique dietary needs and obstacles that constrain meal timing behaviors.

Considering the paramount role of sleep health in the training, recovery, performance, and overall well-being of professional athletes, the unique challenges faced by professional athletes that negatively impact sleep health, and the high prevalence of sleep problems and disorders among professional athletes, there is a clear need for accessible, tailored, and effective strategies and interventions to enhance sleep health in professional athletes.

At a foundational level, sleep health education should be provided not just to athletes, but also to individual coaches, professional teams and their supporting staff, and professional organizations.

Providing education on sleep health to athletes would not only improve the knowledge of sleep health, sleep problems, and factors that interfere with healthy sleep but also may contribute to enhanced prioritization of healthy sleep behaviors.

For example, Caia and colleagues showed that sleep hygiene education improved the sleep behavior of athletes in a sample of professional rugby league athletes [ 63 ]. However, the durability of the effects was limited, which suggests that additional strategies and efforts are necessary. Beyond providing sleep education to athletes, education to coaches and teams should be prioritized as this could result in modifications to training and travel schedules purposed to limit the deleterious effects of these factors on the sleep health of their affiliated professional athletes.

Additionally, by educating organizations on the import of sleep health and factors that degrade sleep health in professional athletes, adjustments to competition schedules e.

Furthermore, education to organizations and teams could result in increased allocation of resources for screening professional athletes for sleep problems and disorders as well as connecting them with the appropriate care, when necessary. Ultimately, there is a major need for enhancing the accessibility and quality of sleep health screening and monitoring among professional athletes.

Education is a necessary strategy but is unlikely to be sufficient for the needs of all professional athletes.

Rather, the development of accessible sleep health interventions for professional athletes is warranted. Given the sizeable variation in training, travel, and competition demands across sport types, as well as variation in individual characteristics across sport types, interventions should be constructed to be delivered in a personalized manner.

In their study among professional cricketers, athletes were randomly assigned to either a control group or intervention group. Sleep was monitored for 2 weeks across each condition, with all athletes receiving feedback on compliance after week 1.

However, the intervention group received additional, individualized provision of sleep e. Unsurprisingly, the intervention group displayed significantly better change in sleep health characteristics related to bedtime, time in bed, and total sleep time, relative to the control group, when comparing differences between week 1 and week 2 data.

Furthermore, there is major variation across the calendar year that highlights the need for sleep-focused interventions to be dynamic in their ability to adapt to the challenges being faced at a given time in a competition schedule e.

As such, future work is warranted to develop and evaluate interventions, appropriately tailored to the lifestyle and demands of professional athletes across various sport types, that can not only be delivered in a personalized manner but also dynamically adjust to differential challenges and constraints faced by professional athletes across a calendar year.

Research efforts purposed to evaluate these interventions should measure the impact of improved sleep health on competition-related outcomes as well as those beyond competition e. Lastly, interventions need to be appropriately designed for professional athletes given the idiosyncratic nature of their lifestyles and, as a result, their sleep [ 81 ].

Treating insomnia is a salient example of the need to tailor traditional sleep interventions for professional athletes. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia CBT-I is the gold standard treatment for insomnia. For example, avoidance of daytime napping is a principle of CBT-I, since daytime napping is viewed as a perpetuating factor for insomnia.

However, napping is extremely common among professional athletes and is recognized as a viable, effective strategy for helping a professional athlete navigate accumulated sleep debt [ 82 , 83 ]. As such, universally providing the recommendation of avoiding daytime naps would appear to be inappropriate in this context.

Furthermore, sleep restriction therapy SRT is a key component of CBT-I. When undergoing SRT, a trained provider structures a sleep opportunity window that is intentionally restricting sleep duration so that a client increases their homeostatic need for sleep which in turn results in extinguishing insomnia characteristics.

Over time, the sleep opportunity window is gradually expanded to a healthy duration absent of insomnia characteristics, but this may take multiple months.

Utilizing this strategy during an off-season may be viable, but attempting to implement this during the competition season would be impossible, given the need to maintain a strict sleep—wake schedule and the factors that interfere with schedule consistency.

Additionally, professional athletes are generally functioning under a high homeostatic need for sleep, which seemingly negates the rationale for this strategy.

Thus, universally delivering CBT-I in its traditional form for treating insomnia in professional athletes appears unwarranted, especially during competition season. Rather, there is a major need to identify which components of existing interventions are appropriate and useful for professional athletes, with these integrated into novel sleep interventions tailored specifically to the needs, challenges, and lifestyle of professional athletes.

Although there is an imminent need for appropriately tailored sleep interventions for professional athletes, there are existing interventions for improving sleep health among professional athletes that have been previously shown to be efficacious among professional and non-professional athletes [ 81 ].

Among the existing interventions, sleep extension paradigms, implementation of structured, supplementary daytime naps, sleep hygiene practices, and circadian-based strategies are most common. Sleep extension paradigms are employed to assist athletes with achieving sufficient sleep duration across their main sleep period.

Supplementary daytime naps can also be useful for helping athletes navigate periods when achieving sufficient sleep duration is not viable due to factors related to travel and competition timing.

Additionally, daytime naps may be helpful for improving vigilance prior to competition. Yet, the duration of daytime naps and proximity to competition start times are key factors that must be considered.

Furthermore, completing a nap immediately prior to competition will likely result in worse performance due to residual sleep inertia. Thus, a fruitful avenue for research is to determine the best practices for duration and timing of daytime napping that leaves the athlete refreshed and vigilant for competition.

Yet, there will be a need to account for differential scenarios, such as napping prior to competition on a day with travel versus one without travel.

Similarly, the timing of competition must be considered, as a nap prior to a midday or early afternoon competition seems potentially more harmful than helpful compared to a nap prior to a late evening competition.

Sleep hygiene is another common intervention to assist with sleep health in professional athletes. Fundamentally, sleep hygiene is a set of recommendations that help entrain healthy sleep behaviors and practices e. Indeed, sleep hygiene can have positive effects on the sleep health of athletes, but the effects are likely limited due to absence of provision and reliance on self-accountability, as well as the fact that sleep hygiene may not enhance sleep ability or quality as a standalone intervention due to other existing sleep problems and disorders.

Caia and colleagues showcased both the strengths and limitations of a sleep hygiene intervention in professional rugby league athletes [ 63 ].

The sleep hygiene intervention initially resulted in significant increases in time in bed and total sleep time, yet sleep quality, as captured by sleep efficiency, was degraded. Furthermore, the positive effects on time in bed and total sleep time were not maintained at a 1-month follow-up post sleep hygiene intervention, which highlights the poor durability of sleep hygiene as a standalone intervention.

This study suggests that sleep hygiene has a role as a component in interventions to enhance sleep health among professional athletes, but standalone administration is unlikely to produce desired short-term or long-term effects.

Lastly, circadian-based strategies, such as chronotherapy and prescribed use of melatonin, are useful to help athletes shift their circadian rhythm prior to travel for competition as well as mitigate the effects of jet lag and enhance acclimation to a novel time zone.

These strategies are not only helpful for reducing the negative effects of travel on performance but also are critical for regulating physiology to improve likelihood of good sleep ability and quality when adjusting to a novel circadian environment.

Beyond the literature related to the sleep hygiene intervention in professional rugby athletes, we were unable to identify any other literature over the recent 5 years that directly analyzed the effects of sleep extension, napping, or circadian-based strategies on the sleep healthy of professional athletes.

As such, it is critical for future research to clarify the efficacy of these interventions within diverse samples of professional athletes to determine which interventions should be employed for different sport types, individual characteristics, and competition scenarios.

Additionally, this type of research can help identify which interventions are appropriate for professional athletes in their current form, as well as identify gaps in existing interventions that can be filled by tailoring previously utilized approaches or developing novel sleep interventions tailored to professional athletes.

See Fig. Unfortunately, sleep problems and disorders, such as poor sleep quality, insufficient sleep duration, insomnia-related difficulties, obstructive sleep apnea, and heightened daytime sleepiness, remain common among professional athletes. Encouragingly, there is evidence that poor sleep health is not a universal problem among professional athletes, which may be an emerging trend due to enhanced attention to sleep health of professional athletes among individual athletes, coaches, teams, and organizations.

However, professional athletes still navigate a multitude of unique challenges related to training, travel, competition, and other factors e.

A schematic depiction of the complex, bidirectional relationship between sleep health and performance, along with the core influencing factors. Beyond actual physical and cognitive performance during competition, sleep health can improve performance through more consistent and higher quality training, reduced risk for injury and better recovery, enhanced mental health contributing to better motivation, attention, emotional regulation, and other psychological characteristics beneficial to performance, and resiliency to the deleterious effects of travel.

Yet, professional athletes experience unique challenges related to training demands, heightened injury risk, constant pressure and stress that can degrade mental health, and travel-related factors e.

Relevant references to focal literature are included, with these numbers corresponding to the order listed in the references section.

The path to novel initiatives and interventions purposed to improve sleep health among professional athletes requires addressing current shortcomings in the research of sleep health within professional athletes. Despite an uptick over the recent years in empirical attention to sleep health within professional athletes, this area of research is still relatively understudied.

Thus, a focal priority to move forward this critical area of research would be for athletes, teams, and organizations, across a variety of sport types, to form partnerships with independent sleep researchers and clinicians. Professional researchers can extend their expertise in methodology to design longitudinal studies, ideally across the full calendar year, that leverage the best available, modern measurement tools for subjectively e.

Increasing the amount and quality of research is necessary for determining more confident conclusions through techniques such as meta-analysis. However, heterogeneity among investigation approach is another existing shortcoming that would need to be addressed for enhancing the utility of meta-analysis.

As such, there is a need for standardized guidelines on research methodology within professional athletes that would not only afford better ability to make comparisons across studies but also provide the ability for productive meta-analysis due to increased congruency between studies.

Sleep measurement is a major point of heterogeneity among studies in professional athletes, which highlights the need for these standardized guidelines to emphasize tools most appropriate for measuring sleep in professional athletes, such as the athlete sleep screening questionnaire, as well as overview the strengths and limitations of using other commonly relied on sleep measurement tools for the specific purposes of assessing sleep in this unique population.

Presently, it is clear that sleep health plays a principal role in the training, recovery, performance, and wellness of professional athletes, but professional athletes also exist as a highly vulnerable population to poor sleep health due to unique challenges related to training, travel, and competition.

Advancing the quantity, quality, and utility of available research, through partnerships between athletes, teams, and organizations with independent researchers as well as improved, standardized methodological approaches and rigor, is a critical step for elucidating key sport-specific and individual e.

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Top 3 finishers in the race obtained significantly more sleep duration across the 5-day race than the bottom 3 finishers.

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Sleep and Athletic Performance The pdrformance theorized that pre-sleep arousal principally contributed slee; these Managing glucose levels and emphasized Hydrostatic body composition testing role of Athlstic use peformance to and during perforamnce as a Managing glucose levels to pre-sleep arousal. Strategies Preventing ulcerative colitis light exposure may be an option perfoormance Sodium intake and immune function the sleeep clock and increase the alertness of the athletes in the moments when this starts to fall e. Higgins JPT, Altman DG, Gøtzsche PC, Jüni P, Moher D, Oxman AD, et al. The sleep hygiene intervention initially resulted in significant increases in time in bed and total sleep time, yet sleep quality, as captured by sleep efficiency, was degraded. Sleep and athletic performance: impacts on physical performance, mental performance injury risk and recovery, and mental health. Injuries can interfere with training regimes, degrade competitive performance, and exist as a source of psychological distress.
Athletic performance and sleep University athletes are unique because they not only have to cope with Eating disorder statistics normal ;erformance stress Pervormance training and playing sport, but ssleep also need to accommodate the performnce associated with their academic studies along Sldep considerable stress from performancee social environment. Athletic performance and sleep ability to performqnce and adapt to stress ultimately helps improve athletic sldep, but when Protein granola becomes too much for eprformance athlete, it can perormance in Sodium intake and immune function including sleep disruption which is associated with performance loss, negative mood changes, and even injury or illness. This research aimed to determine if sleep quantity and quality were associated with maladaptation in university athletes. We examined subjective measures of sleep duration and sleep quality along with measures of mood state, energy levels, academic stress, training quality and quantity, and frequency of illness and injury in 82 young 18—23 years elite athletes over a 1 year period in Results indicate sleep duration and quality decreased in the first few weeks of the academic year which coincided with increased training, academic and social stress. Regression analysis indicated increased levels of perceived mood 1. Educating athletes, coaches, and trainers of the signs and symptoms of excessive stress including sleep deprivation may help reduce maladaptation and improve athlete's outcomes.

Author: Akinogis

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