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Beta-carotene and male fertility

Beta-carotene and male fertility

Stewart Irvine, and R. Table 2 shows the malf characteristics Neurological symptoms in glycogen storage disease lifestyle habits of men, according to sperm characteristics. Ane Author and Publisher cannot monitor the content not produced by us and has not reviewed all the third party material published on this site and the Author and Publisher accept no liability whatsoever in relation to the content of third party material placed on these pages.

Open access peer-reviewed chapter. Submitted: 15 October Reviewed: Detoxification and natural energy boost January Published: 11 February mal customercare cbspd.

Nutritional utilization of antioxidants, Energy drinks for athletes as vitamins C, Fertiltiy, ß-Carotene Beta-craotene micronutrients, Betacarotene as folate and amd, have been shown to be critically essential for normal semen quality Blueberry salsa recipe reproductive function.

Beya-carotene, it is still, a large knowledge gap exists concerning the role of antioxidants on semen parameters and the role in treatment of male subfertility.

Therefore, the current review article designed to find out the positive effect Beta-carotene and male fertility antioxidants on semen quality, alterations in physiological functions Beta-carotenne spermatozoa and infertility treatment Fertilihy is Malr that patients with oxidative DNA disruption should be asked to take anx simple course of ferility prior Menstrual health and nutrition undertaking assisted reproduction treatment ART.

In conclusion, antioxidant BBeta-carotene be employed as a potent antioxidant and may improve infertility treatment outcomes with ART. de;, mohamad. hammadeh uks. ROS include a broad Beta-ccarotene of species including: fetility Oxygen free radicals, such as superoxide anion O 2 Beta-carktene, hydroxyl radical OH and hyperoxyl radical HOO.

b Non radical species, Betacarotene as hypochlorous acid HOCl and Beha-carotene peroxide H 2 O 2. c Reactive nitrogen species and OMAD and autophagy nitrogen fertklity such Beta-caritene nitroxylion, nitrous oxide, peroxynitrite, etc.

Nighttime skincare routine ROS are generated during normal aerobic Btea-carotene and fertilitj level increases under stress which reflects a basic health Beta-acrotene. Mitochondrion Fertipity the Powerful physical exertion cell organelle Best lice treatment in ROS production.

Besides, several endogenous cells and cellular components contribute towards the Beta-carotfne and propagation of ROS Beta-carotend 45 ]. Overproduction Citrus bioflavonoids for eye health ROS or Natural healing methods deficiency of antioxidants provokes an imbalance between the per-oxidation and fertilitty anti-oxidation in the normal human body.

This phenomenon is termed as Oxidative stress [ 678 ]. Subsequently, it leads to alterationsin peroxidation Beta-carotenw lipid membranes of sperm, amd the structure of membrane receptors, enzymes, transport fertilityy, and causes an increase in the level fertiligy DNA fragmentation of sperm [ 9 ] Figure 1.

Role of reactive oxygen species mqle male reproduction [ 10 ]. BCAA for faster muscle recovery have a significant effect on the sperm plasma membrane and subsequent functional integrity of the sperm resulting in a loss of acrosome reaction [ 11 ], the sperm potential for fertilization [ 12 ], sperm motility and vitality [ 1314 ] as Beta-caritene as impair the sperm capacitation Metabolism-boosting supplements 15 ] Figure 1.

Both seminal plasma and spermatozoa fwrtility antioxidant malee able malee detoxify the Beta-carottene effects of Sports nutrition. The imbalance between total antioxidant capacity and ROS generationin seminal fluid presents oxidative stress and Beta-carotene and male fertility strongly correlated aand male infertility [ 16 ].

Beta-cartene addition, insufficient penetration of the sperm into the Beta-darotene in oligospermia men Hiking and Trekking Trails elevated levels of Ginseng for respiratory health has been identified [ 7 Beta-czrotene.

Moreover, ROS concentrations are feetility elevated in Betz-carotene samples Beta-cwrotene infertile Appetite regulation supplements Beta-carotene and male fertility compared with Neurological symptoms in glycogen storage disease of healthy controls, which Bets-carotene suggests that infertile men may benefit highly from antioxidant supplementation [ 17 fertipity.

Several lifestyle, stress, and environmental factors encourage excessive free radical generation and oxidative stress, including: Air pollution, Neurological symptoms in glycogen storage disease, cigarette smoke, alcohol intake, toxins, bacterial, fungal, or viral infections, radiation, including extensive Neurological symptoms in glycogen storage disease bathing, intense and Locally grown vegetables exercise, which provoke tissue damage, antioxidant deficiency and finally enormous Improve insulin utilization of antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E etc.

In a second ffertility, both fertile and infertile smokers presented elevated Beta-caroteje ROS fertillity [ 19 ]. Alcohol, known as ethyl alcohol or ethanol; EtOH, rertility ROS. These ROS ultimately interact with macromolecules, among them membrane lipids, generating aldehydes malw as 4-Hydroxynonenal 4-HNE and Malondialdehyde MDA.

Fetility is also known that aldehydes and ROS can directly interact with both proteins and DNA, ultimately leading Carb-heavy pre-game meals transcription-repression of concrete genes.

Anc fact, the impactof ROS and aldehydes seems Beta-carotdne serve as key Beta-carotwne Neurological symptoms in glycogen storage disease these alterations, partially affirmed by the fact that intake of antioxidants prevents these EtOH-induced cellular alterations [ 20 ].

Another major driving amd states that these Skinfold measurement for sports teams, by increasing reactive Gestational diabetes meal plan species ROS and nitrogen species RONSare capable of fertilityy the balance of the redox status of both the fertiltiy cell ffertility and the germ line Bets-carotene populations, causing the kale of the hypothalamic—pituitary—testicular Beta-ccarotene and the Beta-cadotene of sperm quality [ 22 Fatigue and cardiovascular health. Therefore, the human body has developed a very concise defense ffrtility in which antioxidants play a very important role.

Antioxidants are capable tertility decreasing the generation of free radicals, slowing or inhibiting the oxidation and repairing the damage [ 23 ]. Mirończuk-Chodakowska also rertility that Mals can serveas mediators fretility regulators of cell metabolism and Bets-carotene [ 23 ].

Sperms maoe Neurological symptoms in glycogen storage disease susceptible fertjlity oxidative damages due to the presence of excessive amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the plasma membrane, making them highly vulnerable for lipid peroxidation by ROS, causing decreased flexibility of the sperm membrane and decreased tail motion [ 24 ].

Besides, the cytoplasm is extracted during the final stages of spermatogenesis, leaving behind the spermatozoa alone without these important enzymes to protect them from ROS altering the sperm DNA [ 24 ].

A Significant positive correlation has also been described between levels of reactive oxygen species ROS and percentage of spermatozoa with several types of abnormalities such as, abnormal heads, acrosome abnormalities, mid piece anomalies, cytoplasmic droplets and tail defects [ 25 ].

In previous studies, it has been demonstrated that the generation of reactive oxygen species has been linked with loss of motility and a reduced capacity for sperm—oocyte fusion [ 26 ]. In addition, seminal oxidative stress is rather negatively correlated with sperm count, function, and motility, adversely interfering with fusion required for successful fertilization [ 27 ].

Prospective studies have indicated that men with elevated levels of ROS have seven times less chance of fertilizing in comparison with men with low ROS levels. Moreover, ROS results in sperm cell damage and its high values have a negative correlation with sperm number and motility [ 28 ].

Other studies reveal that sperm exposed to elevated levels of ROS show reduction in viability and motility as confirmed through both conventional assessment and the utilization of computer-assisted sperm motility analysis [ 2930 ]. Antioxidant supplements are commercially available to assist treat male infertility, but research on its impact on semen quality and rates of pregnancy and live birth are rather very limited and controversial.

The male reproductive condition can be enhanced by supplementation of beneficial elements such as zinc or selenium which provide positive changes in sperm count and motility [ 31 ]. Melatonin, beta-carotene, or luteine also maintain high semen quality [ 3233 ].

Several studies have affirmed that higher intake of vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta —cartotine, is linked with improved sperm count motility, in both fertile and infertile men [ 3435 ]. Also, spermatozoa are dependent on antioxidants which already present in seminal plasma as ascorbic acid vitamin Cα-tocopherol vitamin Eglutathione GSHamino acids taurine and hypotaurinealbumin, carnitine and carotenoids [ 36 ].

A clinical trial on the impact of antioxidants on male factor infertility enrolled a population of couples. The male partner presented at least one abnormal reading concentration, mobility, morphology and DNA quality; the female partners presented normal fertility test results.

Men received a placebo or an antioxidant supplement comprising of vitamins C, E, D, selenium, L-carnitine, zinc, folic acid and lycopene from three to six months [ 37 ]. In this study, no statistically significant differences in sperm concentration, mobility, morphologically normal sperm and DNA quality between the placebo and antioxidant groups after three months have been observed.

Spermatozoa chromatin is relatively tightly packed due to the positively charged protamine unlike histone in somatic cells [ 38 ]. This highly dense and stable structure decreases the capability of DNA disruption. Unfortunately, as spermatozoa have only a few repair mechanisms, DNA damage is generally encountered in human spermatozoa, even within the fertile donor population [ 39 ].

In fact, this topic was discussed in several studies. Mark et al. described that spermatozoa are especially prone to oxidative stress due to the elevated ROS level can provokea break down of sperm phospholipids and fatty acids [ 41 ]. Hammadeh et al. Besides, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine 8OHdG is considered to be an important sensitive oxidative biomarker for evaluating oxidative sperm DNA damage, and its levels were found be significantly higher in infertile patients compared with normal ones [ 1844 ].

Defective spermatozoa are also postulated to retain high residual cytoplasm, allowing them to produce excessive reactive oxygen species ROSwhich, provided their incomplete chromatin packaging, causes DNA damage [ 45 ]. Therefore, DNA damage in spermatozoa is primarily related to oxidative stress [ 45 ].

Sperm DNA damage could be testicular or post-testicular [ 46 ]. These damages may include disruptions in spermatogenesis e.

It has been postulated that protamine deficiency with subsequent aberrant chromatin remodelingreactive oxygen species and abortive apoptosis may be associated with sperm DNA damage [ 1847 ]. WalczakJędrzejowska described the damaging impact of oxidative stress on sperm cells including a reduction in activity of anti-oxidative mechanisms, disruption of DNA and accelerated apoptosis [ 48 ].

Another study demonstrated that oxidative parameters in the semen of infertile men were significantly rather higher than in fertile men, and a very high correlation was observed between oxidative parameters, sperm ROS generation, and DNA fragmentation level [ 49 ].

Since sperm DNA disruption can be associated by oxidative and non-oxidative stress caused by incomplete sperm protamination or aberrant apoptosisthe utilization of DNA fragmentation tests may not be the perfect procedure for identifying individuals with high sperm DNA damage related to oxidative stress.

Therefore, the most ideal parameters to assess DNA damage might not be DNA fragmentation but sperm-oxidation level which indirectly interferes with DNA disruptions [ 5051 ]. Antioxidants utilized as dietary supplements removed free radicals and decrease the degree of oxidative insult by improving the cellular redox equilibrium [ 52 ].

Several studies demonstrated positive results in the therapy of patients with moderate DNA damage exploiting oral antioxidants [ 425354 ]. The beneficial impact of raised antioxidant consumption on sperm concentration and motility in the infertile patient population with no effect on sperm DNA integrity has also been observed [ 55 ].

The advantages of antioxidant therapy in male infertility are rather inconclusive with both a positive effect [ 5354 ] and no significant effect reported [ 56 ]. Also, Silver analyzed a cohort of fertile men and did not report any relationships between dietary antioxidant consumption vitamins C, E or ß-carotene and sperm DNA damage [ 56 ].

The impactof these antioxidants in prohibiting sperm from endogenous ROS, gentle sperm processing and cryopreservation has yet not been established [ 58 ]. It is advisable that patients with oxidative DNA disruption should be asked to take a simple course of antioxidants prior to under taking assisted reproduction treatment.

The utilization of antioxidants in decreasing sperm oxidative stress has been the topic of some 20 clinical trials over the last decade for a review [ 59 ]. Systematic review involving 29 studies evaluated the impact of oral antioxidant therapy on fertility outcomes and affirmed an overall positive effect of antioxidant supplementation on basic semen parameters, advanced sperm function, results of assisted reproductive therapy ARTand live birth rate [ 60 ].

Oral supplementation of a either a single antioxidant or a combination of antioxidants such as L-carnitine, L-acetyl carnitine, N-acetyl-cysteine, Coenzyme Q10, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and lycopene has been reported to enhance semen parameters and sperm DNA integrity in idiopathic infertile men [ 61 ].

Seminal plasma comprises of a number of antioxidant enzymes, such as, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and catalase, and also include non-enzyme antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotenes, carotenoids, flavonoids and metal binding proteins such as albumin, ferritin, coenzyme Q10 and myoglobin, which serve as antioxidant by inactivating pro-oxidant transition metal ions Figure 2 [ 626364 ].

Enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. The non- enzymatic antioxidants may protect the spermatozoa from oxidative DNA and membrane disruption by decreasing the singlet oxygen and the detrimental effect of lipid peroxidation on sperm [ 65 ].

The male reproductive system has an endogenous antioxidant for shielding spermatozoa from oxidative insult and these are categorized into enzymatic and non-enzymatic [ 1 ]. The malfunction of these enzyme activities could lead to a loss of the cell function [ 66 ].

These enzymes catalytically eliminate reactive oxygen species from biological systems. Sperm themselves predominantly channel this enzymatic antioxidant [ 66 ]. Spermatozoa comprising of low intracellular antioxidant activity include superoxide dismutase SODnuclear glutathione peroxidase GPxperoxiredoxin PRDXthioredoxin TRXand thioredoxin reductase TRD [ 67 ].

NAC serves as a precursor of glutathione GSH and has thus been employed as an antioxidant in many studies and trials.

The most important studies which demonstrate positive impact with varying doses in vitro are those reported by Baker et al. Baker et al. Oeda et al. reported preserved motility with doses from 0. reported decreased DNA damage with 0.

The three most relevant in vivo studies provided conflicting outcomes: Comhaire et al. Like peroxidase, Gpx4 is a member of the large family of peroxide reducing enzymes that employs glutathione as electron donor [ 74 ].

GPX4 exploits thiols in nuclear protein to reduce glutathione and may function as a redox regulation of sperm motility activation [ 75 ].

Sakai et al. GPx4 is not only an essential antioxidant enzyme required for sperm motility; it also plays a key role prior to capacitation [ 76 ].

However, while GPx4 shields sperm apoptosis, it decreases ROS which is an important factor for capacitation. Naturally occurring mutations in the human GPX4 gene have been related to the pathogenesis of oligoasthenozoospermia [ 77 ].

: Beta-carotene and male fertility

Introduction Hu Y , Ding M , Yuan C , Wu K , Smith-Warner SA , Hu FB , Chan AT , Meyerhardt JA , Ogino S , Fuchs CS et al. β-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta cryptoxanthin are the major precursors of vitamin A. e Total anthocyanidin included delphinidin, cyanidin, and peonidin. Favier, and M. Vitamin D deficiency, in contrast, decreases the probabilities of success when undergoing assisted reproductive technology [ , , ].
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Carrots are also a good source of vitamin E, which can improve sperm motility and increase the chances of fertilization. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body's ability to neutralize them with antioxidants.

This imbalance can lead to damaged cells, including sperm cells. Carotenoids like beta-carotene and lycopene are powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and protect sperm from damage.

In addition to their antioxidant properties, carotenoids can also improve sperm motility. Motility refers to the ability of sperm to move and swim toward the egg.

Carrots contain Vitamin E, which can improve sperm motility by protecting the cell membranes of sperm cells from damage. Ovulation is a crucial step in conception; carrots can help promote ovulation. The beta-carotene in carrots can regulate the menstrual cycle and stimulate the release of an egg from the ovary.

Carrots can also improve the quality of cervical mucus, essential for sperm to reach the egg. Beta-carotene converts into vitamin A in the body, which regulates the production of hormones that control the menstrual cycle.

By promoting hormonal balance, carrots can help to regulate ovulation and increase the chances of conceiving. Furthermore, carrots can improve the quality of cervical mucus, which is necessary for sperm to swim through the cervix and reach the egg.

Adequate cervical mucus levels are important for sperm survival and fertilizing the egg. Carrots can help to improve the quality and quantity of cervical mucus, making it easier for sperm to reach the egg. Carrots are a superfood for fertility, packed with essential nutrients for reproductive health.

Carrots are a good vitamin A, C, folate, potassium, and fiber source. These nutrients can improve the quality of eggs and sperm, regulate the menstrual cycle, and reduce the risk of congenital disabilities.

Vitamin A is essential for reproductive health as it regulates the menstrual cycle, promotes ovulation, and supports the development of the uterine lining. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can protect eggs from damage and support cervical mucus production.

Folate is essential for fetal growth and can reduce the risk of congenital disabilities. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and maintain fluid balance, vital for overall reproductive health.

Fiber is important for maintaining a healthy weight and improving fertility. Hormonal imbalances can affect fertility, and carrots can help regulate the menstrual cycle.

Carrots contain phytoestrogens, which are plant compounds that can mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. Phytoestrogens can help balance hormones and regulate the menstrual cycle.

Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring compounds found in certain plants that have a similar structure to estrogen, the primary female sex hormone.

These compounds can mimic or modulate the effects of estrogen in the body, helping to regulate hormonal balance. Unlike synthetic hormones, phytoestrogens are derived from plants and are considered a more natural solution for hormonal imbalances.

Oxidative stress can damage eggs and sperm, which can reduce fertility. Carrots are rich in antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which can protect eggs and sperm from damage. Antioxidants can also improve the quality of eggs and sperm, increasing the chances of fertilization.

Antioxidants are compounds that can neutralize free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells. By consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as carrots, you can protect your eggs and sperm from damage caused by oxidative stress. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in regulating the production of hormones that control the menstrual cycle and promote ovulation.

By promoting hormonal balance, vitamin A can increase the chances of conceiving. Furthermore, vitamin A is essential for developing and maturing eggs in the ovaries. It can improve the quality of eggs and increase the chances of fertilization. Adequate vitamin A levels before and during pregnancy can reduce the risk of congenital disabilities.

Incorporating carrots into your diet is easy and delicious. You can add carrots to salads, soups, stews, and stir-fries. You can roast, steam, or even eat carrots raw as a snack. The best part is that you only need to consume ONE carrot daily to receive all the benefits mentioned in this article.

Carrots are a superfood that can improve your chances of getting pregnant and promote overall health. Carrots are rich in nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, and potassium, which can boost reproductive health. Carrots can also regulate the menstrual cycle, improve sperm quality, and protect eggs and sperm from damage.

Incorporating carrots into your diet is easy and delicious, so add this superfood to your meals today. One study showed that problems with sperm: sperm count, motility and abnormalities, increase with the number of cups of coffee consumed each day.

That includes colas, chocolate, black teas and coffee, among other things. Xenoestrogens are essentially environmental oestrogens, coming from pesticides and the plastic industry. When you are trying to conceive, one of the most important things you need to do is to balance your hormones.

It is extremely important to avoid anything that might cause an imbalance, and one of the main culprits is the xenoestrogens. One of the best ways to eliminate an excess intake of xenoestrogens is to eat as much organic produce as possible for the pre-conceptual period.

For more information on how to control xenoestrogens see my book Getting Pregnant Faster. Smoking has definitely been linked with infertility in women.

It can even bring on an early menopause, which is a particularly important consideration for older women who may be trying to beat the clock. Smoking can decrease sperm count in men, making the sperm more sluggish, and it can increase the number of abnormal sperm.

With men, the effects on fertility are increased with the number of cigarettes. Scientific research has shown that certain vitamins and minerals can increase your chances of getting and staying pregnant.

In order to maximise your chances of conceiving it is very important that you and your partner are in optimum health. By eliminating nutritional deficiencies and improving sperm production and mobility you can dramatically increase your chances of getting pregnant.

In order to do this it is essential that you are obtaining the right nutrients and in the right quantities to enhance your success. Supplements are necessary because even the best diet in the world mayl not contain all the nutrients you need to give you the best chance of conceiving.

It is now known that folic acid can prevent spina bifida in your baby, and it is essential that you get plenty both before and during pregnancy. All of the B vitamins are essential during the pre-conceptual period. Research has shown that giving B6 to women who have trouble conceiving increases fertility and vitamin B12 has been found to improve low sperm counts.

Zinc is the most widely studied nutrient in terms of fertility for both men and women. It is an essential component of genetic material and a zinc deficiency can cause chromosome changes in either you or our partner, leading to reduced fertility and an increased risk of miscarriage.

Selenium is an antioxidant that helps to protect your body from highly reactive chemical fragments called free radicals. For this reason, selenium can prevent chromosome breakage, which is known to be a cause of birth defects and miscarriages.

Good levels of selenium are also essential to maximise sperm formation. Blood selenium levels have been found to be lower in men with low sperm counts.

These essential fats have a profound effect on every system of the body, including the reproductive system and they are crucial for healthy hormone functioning. Omega 3 fatty acids also control inflammation which may interfere with getting and staying pregnant.

For men essential fatty acid supplementation is crucial because the semen is rich in prostaglandins which are produced from these fats. Men with poor sperm quality, abnormal sperm, poor motility or low count, have inadequate levels of these beneficial prostaglandins. Many of the women I see in the clinic have been taking evening primrose oil supplements — an Omega 6 fatty acid — for years and have not been eating enough Omega 3 oils, or taking them in supplement form, to counterbalance this.

Some women are also taking combinations such as Omega 3, 6, and 9 in supplement form because they have heard that we need a good balance of all the Omega fatty acids. This is true, but you have to take into account what your own levels may be in the first place.

It is no good adding in more Omega 6 if you have already got enough or in fact too much in your body. You can now have a blood test to tell you if you have the correct levels of Omega 3 to Omega 6 in your body see below.

To check whether you have sufficient levels of Omega 3 please click Omega 3 Deficiency Test at home finger prick blood. Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant and has been shown to increase fertility when given to both men and women. Men going for IVF treatment with their partners have been given vitamin E, and fertilisation rates have, as a result, increased from 19 to 29 percent.

It has been suggested that the antioxidant activity of vitamin E might make the sperm more fertile. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, and studies show that vitamin C enhances sperm quality, protecting sperm and the DNA within it from damage.

Some research has indicated that certain types of DNA damage in the sperm can make it difficult to conceive in the first place, or it can cause an increased risk of miscarriage if conception does take place. If DNA is damaged, there may be a chromosomal problem in the baby, should the pregnancy proceed.

Vitamin C also appears to keep the sperm from clumping together, making them more motile. One study has shown that women taking the drug clomiphene to stimulate ovulation will have a better chance of ovulating if vitamin C is taken alongside the drug.

Clomiphene does not always work in every woman, but the chances are often increased when vitamin C is supplemented. This is the vegetable precursor to Vitamin A and is completely safe during pregnancy.

Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant which helps to protect egg and sperm DNA from damage by harmful free radicals which can affect the quality of both the egg and sperm. Free radicals are highly unstable and set off a process called oxidation which can have harmful effects on the every cell in the body.

Beta- carotene will be contained in your multivitamin and mineral. This is an amino acid found in many foods and the head of the sperm contains an exceptional amount of this nutrient, which is essential for sperm production.

Supplementing with L-arginine can help to increase both the sperm count and quality. Note: People who have herpes attacks either cold sores or genital herpes should not supplement with L-arginine because it stimulates the virus.

This amino acid is essential for normal functioning of sperm cells. According to research, it appears that the higher the levels of L-Carnitine in the sperm cells, the better the sperm count and motility.

Furthermore, by adopting a healthier lifestyle you will be more likely to prevent fertility problems which is discussed in detail in the rest of this ebook which you can read by clicking on Understanding Fertility ebook at The Natural Health Practice.

This is the herb of choice for helping to restore hormone imbalance and increasing fertility. In one study 48 women diagnosed with infertility took agnus castus daily for three months, 7 of them became pregnant during that time and 25 of them regained normal progesterone levels.

Agnus castus is particularly helpful for those women who have a luteal phase defect shortened second half of the cycle or those with high prolactin levels, because it stimulates the proper functioning of the pituitary gland which controls the hormones.

Agnus castus works to restore hormonal balance and can be used where there are hormone deficits as well as excesses it:. You should not take any of the above herbs if you are taking, The Pill, Fertility drugs, HRT or any other hormonal treatment or other medication unless they are recommended by a registered, experienced practitioner.

I suggest that you follow this three month plan and do not try to conceive within that time. Because when you follow the plan, your fertility will begin to increase. Everything needs to be working at optimum levels before you conceive, both to prevent a miscarriage, and to give you the best possible chance of having a healthy baby.

Susan had many problems with her periods: she had a regular cycle, but bled heavily with spotting and headaches before her period. At ovulation, her abdomen swelled up and she felt nauseous.

Both Susan and her partner were tested for infections and the tests came back positive to one infection, which was easily cleared up by antibiotics. Susan was deficient in a number of nutrients, including zinc, selenium, calcium and magnesium, and her partner had low zinc and high aluminium levels.

I therefore recommended that he cut out tinned soft drinks and switch to an aluminium-free deodorant. Susan and her partner followed the three month programme and waited until their mineral levels were back to normal.

Nine months from their first appointment day, they conceived, and, not surprisingly, had a baby another nine months later. If you are under the age of 35 and have been trying unsuccessfully to conceive for six months, follow the dietary and supplement suggestions given below for three months.

At the end of this period, begin trying to conceive again. Give yourself six months before embarking on any fertility treatments or investigation by your doctor or a gynaecologist. If you have been trying for six months and are over 35, follow the recommendations but visit your doctor and ask for tests to begin during that first three-month period.

If you are given a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, then try for six months on your own before going for medical treatment. If you are under the age of 35, follow the suggestions below for three months.

Then try on your own for six months before embarking on fertility tests. Fertility Mineral Deficiency Test with Supplement Programme hair Find out what the mineral and heavy toxic levels are in your body. This test measures the deficiencies and excess levels of 12 different minerals including calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc and 6 heavy toxic metals including aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and nickel that may be present in your body.

Find out more — Fertility Mineral Deficiency Test with Supplement Programme hair. Online Personalised Supplement Assessment Programme Discover what vitamins and minerals you need and should be taking. The analysis of this comprehensive questionnaire will give you a three monthly supplement programme to help balance any vitamin and mineral deficiencies you may have.

Find out more — Online Personalised Supplement Assessment Programme. Female Hormone Test saliva A total of eleven saliva samples are collected at home at specific times across one cycle, and sent to the lab for analysis. This simple test will chart the level of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone across the month, to work out a pattern that may reveal:.

This test can be done even if you have irregular cycles. Find out more — Female Hormone Test saliva. Vitamin D Deficiency Test at home blood finger prick With all the news in the press about the benefits of having good levels of vitamin D e. prevention of cancer, especially breast cancer, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis it is important that you know whether or not you are lacking in this vital vitamin.

There is an increasing wealth of research linking low levels of this vitamin with infertility and immunological problems.

By making mice deficient in vitamin D they can actually make them infertile. Having an optimum level of vitamin D is also crucial for men as it has been associated with sperm motility and having a good amount of normal sperm.

To find out whether you are deficient in Vitamin D Deficiency Test at home blood finger prick. Omega 3 Deficiency Test at home blood finger prick If you want to find out if you are getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids from your diet and whether you have the correct balance of essential fatty acids.

Fish oil has also been shown to help prevent blood from clotting inappropriately so it can be beneficial to women in whom recurrent miscarriages have been linked to a clotting problem. The Omega 3 oils also control inflammation.

If you want to find out if you are getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids from your diet and whether you have the correct balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6 essential fatty acids please click Omega 3 Deficiency Test at home blood finger prick.

Infection Screen urine Find out if an infection is stopping you conceiving or staying pregnant. Infections in the vagina may have a serious impact on your ability to conceive and to hold on to a pregnancy. These infections may have existed for many years with low activity and often present no symptoms.

If you are having problems conceiving or have suffered from successive miscarriage or IVF failure or if you have a persistent vaginal secretion it may be worth considering having an Infection Screen. Infections in the prostate gland may affect both the quantity and quality of the sperm, so an infection screen is advisable, especially if everything else has been ruled out.

It is advisable to get this organised at a specialist clinic like my one as the NHS infection screens can be very basic. Find out more — Infection Screen urine. Semen Analysis semen A comprehensive test to assess both quality and quantity of sperm.

A good semen analysis not only assesses the sperm for quantity and motility but quality and is best done in a specialist clinic as the quality of the results can vary considerably. A man can now have a comprehensive semen analysis to check for sperm count, motility, abnormal sperm, agglutination sperm clumping and sperm antibodies.

It is then possible to use nutritional interventions to improve the semen analysis. Find out more — Semen Analysis. Sperm DNA Fragmentation Test semen Find out if you have healthy sperm DNA.

The success of a viable embryo depends to a certain extent on the genetic DNA of the egg and the sperm.

Pacific Center for Naturopathic Medicine

Because the results in these additional analyses were similar to the final models, they are not presented. All P -values presented are two-sided. The SAS statistical software package version 9.

Table I describes the socio-demographic characteristics, habits and medical history of the 96 participants included in the study.

The population was predominantly Caucasian, college educated and in good health. The men had mean semen volumes of 2. As shown in Table I , age and period of abstinence were related to most measures of semen quality.

A history of smoking and urinary tract infection were also related to many of the measures, but such history is also more common in older men. Men who reported regularly taking any vitamin supplements did not differ statistically in any of the semen parameters from men who did not.

For the most part, the demographic characteristics of the men were not associated with overall diet and supplement intake data not shown. Table III summarizes the relationship of dietary and supplement intake and semen quality adjusting for age, abstinence and other potential confounders.

Neither high folate nor zinc intake was associated with improved measures of semen quality. Overall, after controlling for covariates, a high intake of antioxidants was associated with better semen quality than low or moderate intake but, in almost all cases, there was not a clear dose relationship in that the moderate intake groups had the poorest semen quality.

In all the models where nutrient intake was related to semen quality, age also remained significantly related, suggesting that the amount of nutrient intake did not eliminate the age relationships that we have reported previously Eskenazi et al.

When we examined the interaction of age and nutrient intake, there was some evidence that the slope of age decreased with higher nutrient intake. In Figure 1 , we further examine this relationship by dichotomizing the group by the median age 44 years and examining the age differences in progressive sperm motility within each level of antioxidant intake.

A similar pattern was observed for TPMS. Our results suggest that higher antioxidant consumption over the normal range of intake from diet and supplements is associated with greater sperm numbers and motility in our population of healthy men over a wide age range.

Although antioxidant intake did not eliminate associations between age and semen quality, there was some evidence that the slope of age decreased with higher intake. Although we had hypothesized that zinc and folate intake would also be associated with improved semen quality, we found no evidence for this association in our population.

We assessed dietary and supplement intake based on self-report on an FFQ. By categorizing intake into low, moderate and high, we were able to guard against effects being driven by unusually high intake by some men who took vitamin supplements. For example, although the men in the higher intake group had similar overall caloric intake compared with men with lower antioxidant intake data not shown , they were of lower body mass, suggesting that men with higher intake may be more physically active.

Also, men with higher intake and those with moderate intake were less likely to have smoked in the past, although this difference was not significant. Thus, it remains possible that uncontrolled residual confounding reflecting other health behaviours may explain the better semen quality of men with higher antioxidant intake.

The results of our analyses are biologically plausible. Antioxidants may play a critical role in protecting male germ cells against oxidative damage Fraga et al.

The production of reactive oxygen species has been associated with loss of motility and a decreased capacity for sperm—oocyte fusion Aitken et al.

Kessopoulou et al. Fraga et al. Although several clinical intervention trials of antioxidants have found improvement in semen characteristics, the health and habits of the men in our study may also contribute to differences in findings from some of the clinical trials.

Rolf et al. In contrast, in our study, the men's intake of antioxidants reflected their normal diets and supplement use behaviour, although the association was seen in only the high intake group where almost all were taking supplements.

The effects of small differences in intake may have greater impact in our study, because all the men in this study were non-smokers. Smokers normally need two to three times the intake of vitamin C to maintain blood plasma levels comparable with those of non-smokers Fraga et al.

In summary, we found that higher antioxidant intake over the normal dietary and supplement use range was associated with higher sperm numbers and higher motility in a sample of healthy non-smoking volunteers, and that antioxidant intake, to some extent, may attenuate the impact of age on sperm motility.

At present, a large proportion of the US population ingests insufficient amounts of antioxidants, e. Our findings support the suggestion that a healthy diet with supplement use may be an inexpensive and safe way to improve semen quality and fertility.

Square-root values were back-transformed for presentation in the table. Reported micronutrient and antioxidant intake from diet and supplements: AGES Study, California, — Dietary reference intakes DRIs , Institute of Medicine — none available for β-carotene.

All concentration models were adjusted for age and abstinence. Concentration was square-root transformed for analysis and back-transformed for presentation in the table. All models of count were adjusted for age, abstinence, smoking and season. In addition, models for vitamin C and β-carotene were adjusted for body mass index BMI , and models for folate, vitamin E and antioxidant composite were adjusted for BMI and history of urinary tract infection UTI.

Count was square-root transformed for analysis and back-transformed for presentation in the table. Models for motility were adjusted for age, abstinence, time to sample analysis and season. In addition, models for folate, vitamin E and antioxidant composite were adjusted for UTI.

Models for progressive sperm motility were adjusted for age, abstinence and time to sample analysis. In addition, models for zinc, vitamin C and β-carotene were adjusted for smoking, and models for folate and antioxidant composite were adjusted for smoking and UTI.

Progressive motility was square-root transformed for analysis and back-transformed for presentation in the table. Models for TPMS were adjusted for age, abstinence and time to sample analysis.

In addition, the model for zinc was adjusted for smoking and season; models for vitamin C, vitamin E and β-carotene were adjusted for smoking, season and BMI; the model antioxidant composite was adjusted for smoking, BMI and UTI; and the model for folate was adjusted for smoking, season, BMI and UTI.

TPMS was square-root transformed for analysis and back-transformed for presentation in the table. We gratefully acknowledge the technical and statistical support of Suzanne Young and Dan Moore, II. This publication was made possible by grant number P42 ES from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH, with funding provided by EPA, and its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIEHS, NIH or EPA.

The research was performed in part under the auspices of the US DOE by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, under contract WENG The development of the Modified Block Food Frequency Questionnaires for English, Chinese and Hispanic diets for the SWAN study was funded, in part, by the National Institute on Aging Grant 1 U01 AG Agarwal A, Saleh RA and Bedaiwy MA Role of reactive oxygen species in the pathophysiology of human reproduction.

Fertil Steril 79 , — Aitken RJ, Clarkson JS and Fishel S Generation of reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation, and human sperm function. Biol Reprod 41 , — Altman DG and Bland JM Interaction revisited: the difference between two estimates.

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Chia SE, Ong CN, Chua LH, Ho LM and Tay SK Comparison of zinc concentrations in blood and seminal plasma and the various sperm parameters between fertile and infertile men. J Androl 21 , 53 — Comhaire FH, Christophe AB, Zalata AA, Dhooge WS, Mahmoud AM and Depuydt CE The effects of combined conventional treatment, oral antioxidants and essential fatty acids on sperm biology in subfertile men.

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Hum Reprod 18 , — Fraga CG, Motchnik PA, Shigenaga MK, Helbock HJ, Jacob RA and Ames BN Ascorbic acid protects against endogenous oxidative DNA damage in human sperm. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88 , — Fraga CG, Motchnik PA, Wyrobek AJ, Rempel DM and Ames BN Smoking and low antioxidant levels increase oxidative damage to sperm DNA.

Mutat Res , — Fuse H, Kazama T, Ohta S and Fujiuchi Y Relationship between zinc concentrations in seminal plasma and various sperm parameters. Int Urol Nephrol 31 , — Geva E, Bartoov B, Zabludovsky N, Lessing JB, Lerner-Geva L and Amit A The effect of antioxidant treatment on human spermatozoa and fertilization rate in an in vitro fertilization program.

Fertil Steril 66 , — Huang MH, Schocken M, Block G, Sowers M, Gold E, Sternfeld B, Seeman T and Greendale GA Variation in nutrient intakes by ethnicity: results from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation SWAN.

Menopause 9 , — Hunt CD, Johnson PE, Herbel J and Mullen LK Effects of dietary zinc depletion on seminal volume and zinc loss, serum testosterone concentrations, and sperm morphology in young men. Am J Clin Nutr 56 , — Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids.

National Academy Press, Washington, DC. Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes for Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, and Choline.

Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. Kenkel S, Rolf C and Nieschlag E Occupational risks for male fertility: an analysis of patients attending a tertiary referral centre.

Int J Androl 24 , — Kessopoulou E, Powers HJ, Sharma KK, Pearson MJ, Russell JM, Cooke ID and Barratt CL A double-blind randomized placebo cross-over controlled trial using the antioxidant vitamin E to treat reactive oxygen species associated male infertility.

Fertil Steril 64 , — Lewis-Jones DI, Aird IA, Biljan MM and Kingsland CR Effects of sperm activity on zinc and fructose concentrations in seminal plasma. Ascorbic acid represents the main natural water-soluble antioxidant and is an essential dietary nutriment. This water-soluble antioxidant is an essential dietary nutrient.

Beside, its high potency for scavenging ROS [ ], Vit-C serves as an excellent source of electrons, providing an electron to free radicals such as superoxides and hydroxyls radicals, which decreases their reactivity and damages [ ].

Ascorbic acid exhibits both antioxidant and prooxidant properties depending upon the amount [ ]. As an exogenous antioxidant in semen, ascorbic acid played a very crucial role in controlling the oxidative stress [ 47 ].

In an extensive study comprising of 30 infertile but healthy men, daily intake of mg and mg vitamin C enhanced sperm count by and percent respectively. Intriguingly the concentration of ascorbic acid in the seminal plasma is fold higher than the serum [ ].

The concentration of ascorbic acid in the seminal plasma was observed to be negatively correlated with reactive oxygen species activity in sperm of infertile men, and the reduced ascorbic acid intake was correlated with an elevated oxidative damage in the sperm of healthy men [ ]. Hughes et al. Donnelly et al.

Vitamin C acts as a cofactor for various key enzymes. It assists in the metabolic processes of folic acid, tyrosine and tryptophan [ ]. In cells, ascorbic acid interacts with glutathione in maintaining the reduced form of tocopherol [ ].

Kini et al. Similar outcomes were observed by Behairy et al. In addition, vitamin C is vital in protecting from oxidative damage to the sperm and steroid cells of the Leydig cells and in the sperm chamber [ ]. A potent and combined action of vitamin C and E has been observed to protect the spermatozoa against peroxidative insult and DNA fragmentation [ ].

Vitamin C reduces the inter chain disulphide bridges in protamines opening the cysteine net and subsequently causing DNA decondensation in spermatozoa [ 54 , , ]. Vitamin D plays a significant role in regulating both male and female fertility [ ]. The quality of spermatozoa strongly dependen upon vitamin D [ ].

Vitamin D is also responsible for retaining sperm motility [ ]. Low fertility rates have also been credited to low vitamin D levels in the serum of males [ ]. Vitamin D deficiency, in contrast, decreases the probabilities of success when undergoing assisted reproductive technology [ , , ].

Islamian et al. investigated the combined effect of vitamin D complement and docosahexaenoic acid on oxidative stress indices of semen in asthenospermic men. The outcome showed that the combined treatment with fatty acid complement, docosahexaenoic acid and vitamin E in asthenospermic men decreased oxidative stress in seminal plasma [ ].

Vitamin E represents a fat-soluble antioxidant molecule which serves as a major chain breaking antioxidant in membranes. Numerous studies were conducted on vitamin E.

The first clinical trials showed that vitamin E supplementation increase the fertilization rates by decreasing lipid peroxidation potential [ ]. Kodama et al. Similarly, in another study in which a co-administration of vitamin E and selenium for six months resulted in a significant increase in sperm motility and a decreased percentage of defective spermatozoa in comparison with pre-supplementation period [ , ].

Besides, it has also been reported that vitamin E decreases the oxvidative damage resulting an increase in the fertilization rate [ 71 ].

A plethora of research has been dedicated to show that antioxidants such as vitamins E and C and carnitines assist in reducing oxidative stress by quenching free radicals [ 42 ].

Greco et al. showed a significant enhancement in 38 men with increased sperm DNA fragmentation after 2 months of combined therapy comprising of 1 g of vitamin C and 1 g of vitamin E daily: clinical pregnancy and implantation rates presented a remarkable increase after the second attempt in comparison with an initial failed intracytoplasmic sperm injection attempt before treatment [ 53 ].

Also, vitamin E as an antioxidant may directly quench free radicals and together with CoQ10 shield lipid membranes from peroxidative insult [ ]. Moslemi et al.

However, in a Meta-analysis, four studies confirmed that it had a very little or no impact on semen parameters, whilst beneficial effects were shown in the remaining 18 studies [ 86 ]. The antioxidant activity of carnitines shields against lipid peroxidation of cells membrane, stimulating a large number of in vivo trials examining their impact on sperm parameters.

In the trial conducted by Costa and colleagues [ ], 3 g day of L-carnitine was provided to asthenozoospermic men. After 4 months of treatment, a significant enhancement in sperm concentration, motility and morphology was observed. Balercia et al. Also, Carnitine supplementation has been reported to enhance sperm concentration, mobility, viability, morphology, and total antioxidative capacity [ ].

In contrast, Sigman et al. Gvozdjáková et al. Sperm pathology reduced in Flavonoids comprise of a very large heterogeneous group of benzopyran derivatives found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and herbs. This group of plant antioxidants has many beneficial health effects.

Flavonoids exhibit a positive health effect in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, owing to their innate free radical-scavenging activities [ ]. These flavonoid glycosides serve as extremely potent free radical scavengers [ , ].

Some of the most popular and well-known antioxidant flavonoids also serve as prooxidants even when a transition metal is available [ ]. Quercetinis one of the most abundant natural flavonoids found in a large variety of fruits and vegetables [ , ].

The pentahydroxy flavone protect from oxidative injury and cell death by scavenging free radicals, donating hydrogen compound, quenching singlet oxygen, and shielding lipid peroxidation or chelating metal ions [ ].

Selenium is a very important trace mineral which is highly essential for the human body, including the immune system, cognitive function, and male and female fertility. According to the United States Office of Dietary Supplements, it participates in the metabolism of thyroid hormone and DNA synthesis, and protects against infection and oxidative damage.

Selenium significantly contributes in the construction of the mitochondrial protective shield in sperm cells and interferes with the condition and function of sperm, and is potent in the treatment of impaired fertility [ ]. Searching for a concrete proof of the advantages of in vivo selenium therapy is problematic, since various studies with a range of dosages have resulted in conflicting results.

Iwanier and Zachara did not find any positive impact after 3 months of therapy with selenium at a dose of mg day in 33 subfertile men [ ]. In , Scott and his colleagues executed a trial on a group of 64 men comprising of 46 men diagnosed with OAT and 16 classified as subfertile , dispensing selenium alone or in combination with vitamins A, C and E at daily doses of mg, 1 mg, 10 mg and 15 mg respectively.

No significant enhancement was observed in sperm concentration even after 3 months, although motility was increased in treated subjects [ ]. However, most of the other studies have claimed enhancements in several parameters after several months of combined therapy with selenium and other antioxidants.

Vezina et al. Keskes-Ammar et al. Besides, it has been demonstrated that Selenium is a fundamental element for semen quality and plays an important function in keeping reproductive condition [ 31 , 48 ]. Zinc is an important micronutrient which also serves as a multifunctional co-factor for more than 80 metallo enzymes involved in DNA transcription and protein synthesis [ ].

Moreover, zinc finger proteins are extensively involved in the genetic expression of steroid hormone receptors [ ], and it also has antioxidant [ ] and anti-apoptotic properties [ ]. An interesting correlation was also revealed between the level of Zn in serum and semen in oligozoospermic infertile men, with significantly decreased levels of Zn in serum and semen of men with fertility problems [ ].

Zinc levels in seminal plasma have also been positively correlated with sperm concentration and motility in the literature [ , ]. The Zinc in seminal plasma also serves as antioxidant and anti-bacterial agent which shields the semen from heavy metals accumulation [ ].

The second study, published 10 years later, employed a combination of drugs and Zinc sulphate ZnSO 4 has been postulated as an infertility treatment, although only a few studies have shown its impact on semen parameters when applied in vivo [ ].

observed an elevated sperm count and enhanced semen concentration in a controlled trial with infertile and fertile men who had consumed 5 mg folic acid and 66 mg ZnSO 4 per day for 6 months, either alone or in combination but no enhancements in any of the sperm parameters, most notably concentration were observed [ ].

Due to its key role in the processes of DNA compaction, administration of this micronutrient i. Zn was very successful in enhancing sperm morphology and DNA integrity in patients suffering from prostate abnormalities [ , ].

High seminal Zn levels may provide harmful effect on the spermatozoa-zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction in normozoospermic men [ ]. Zinc, is extensively involved in processes of reproduction, not only in the hormone metabolism but also in sperm formation and in the regulation of sperm viability and motility [ 31 ].

It is known by its ability to quench the superoxide anions and hydroxyl radicals and due to its chain breaking capacity [ ]. Therefore, Manganese is an essential metal which serves as a co-factor for several enzymes and plays several important biological functions [ ].

It reduces the generation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. In several organisms, elevated intracellular manganese shields against oxidative damage via unknown pathways [ ].

Few studies have evaluated the impact of Mn exposure on male reproductive health. Lafond et al. In addition, Manganese accelerates the progressive motility of human washed sperm in a time and dose dependent manner [ ].

Also, Mn is a necessary element for humans, but although it has several crucial functions for normal reproductive health, overexposure to Mn2 may be harmful to reproductive health [ , ]. PTX is a derivative of xanthine and a methylxanthine, it is a vasodilating compound which increases red blood cell deformability, prevents from inflammatory reactions and decreases blood viscosity by avoiding platelet aggregation [ ].

Pentoxifylline serves as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and shields the cells from lipid peroxidation by H 2 O 2 , therefore it may be helpful to minimize H 2 O 2 induced embryo damage and improve IVF outcome [ ].

Controversial outcomes were presented in various studies. Some studies reported that the pentoxifylline exerts a beneficial effect on sperm parameters, by decreasing the superoxide anion generation [ , , ] or by minimizing lipid peroxidation [ , ].

Safarinejad carried out a randomized controlled trial on a population comprising of men with idiopathic Oligoasthenoteratozoospermie OAT.

He investigated the response of semen parameters to supplementation with mg of PTX twice daily for a week therapy phase followed by a week therapy-free period. The outcomes of that study revealed a significant enhancement in seminal parameters such as concentration, motility, and morphology [ 91 ].

It was also reported that PTX exhibited a positive impact on ICSI outcomes, including fertilization, embryo quality, and pregnancy rates, in asthenozoospermic patients [ ]. In conclusion, antioxidants intake separately or combined for at least three monthes is advisable for patients who planning to undergoing ART therapy.

Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3. Edited by Viduranga Y. Open access peer-reviewed chapter Role of Antioxidants Supplementation in the Treatment of Male Infertility Written By Houda Amor, Nyaz Shelko, Massooma Mohammed, Peter Michael Jankowski and Mohamad Eid Hammadeh.

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IntechOpen Antioxidants Benefits, Sources, Mechanisms of Action Edited by Viduranga Y. From the Edited Volume Antioxidants - Benefits, Sources, Mechanisms of Action Edited by Viduranga Waisundara Book Details Order Print. Chapter metrics overview Chapter Downloads View Full Metrics. Impact of this chapter.

Abstract Nutritional utilization of antioxidants, such as vitamins C, E, ß-Carotene and micronutrients, such as folate and zinc, have been shown to be critically essential for normal semen quality and reproductive function.

Keywords antioxidants male infertility semen quality ART. The impact of oxidative stress on spermatozoa ROS include a broad category of species including: a Oxygen free radicals, such as superoxide anion O 2 , hydroxyl radical OH and hyperoxyl radical HOO.

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How to Improve Sperm Quality \u0026 Quantity - Men's Fertility Tips

Beta-carotene and male fertility -

Low levels of serum and seminal folate can result in high levels of Hcy, which may induce oxidative stress, sperm DNA damage and apoptosis lowering sperm counts 78 , 79 , Though some studies have shown no relationship between folate intake and semen quality - , others suggest a positive effect of folate intake on male reproductive health.

Folate supplementation has been positively associated with lower sperm injury 98 , higher sperm density, normal sperm morphology 80 , overall higher semen quality 26 and negatively associated with infertility RCTs have shown that folate supplements increase sperm concentration , and motility among men.

The MTHFR gene has been associated with fertility in men. Specifically, the TT genotype has been associated with infertility , azoospermia 80 , - , sperm DNA fragmentation, and spontaneous abortion Low sperm concentration related to possession of the TT genotype can be improved with folate supplementation Thus, adequate folate intake may play a part in offsetting the effect of MTHFR genotype on semen parameters.

A study investigating the relationship between Hcy and MTHFR SNP carriers emphasized the importance of analysis in couples experiencing infertility is important.

The study concluded that physiological doses of 5-MTHFR are more effective than high doses of folic acid in reducing Hcy levels and improving the methylation process for MTHFR SNP carriers Choline is an essential nutrient found in a variety of foods in the diet, with high concentrations found in animal-based products such as liver, eggs, and wheat germ It is present in dietary sources in both hydrophilic and lipophilic forms, which affect absorption and metabolism within the body Despite being an essential nutrient, intake for women and men frequently falls below the recommended adequate intake level Choline is an important source of one carbon 1C units for DNA methylation and is critical for regulation of gene expression as well as for the biosynthesis of lipoproteins and membrane phospholipids Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the choline metabolizing gene choline dehydrogenase CHDH are associated with greater risk for infertility.

It has been reported that men with a genetic variation in CHDH rs had reduced sperm motility or asthenospermia 27 , SNPs in folate and choline metabolizing genes increase the need for dietary choline by favoring phosphatidylcholine PC biosynthesis via the cytidine diphosphate-choline pathway 29 , As phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase PEMT catalyzes the synthesis of choline, PEMT variants rs and rs also affect endogenous phosphatidylcholine homeostasis Betaine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in high concentrations in seafood and whole wheat products This nutrient functions to protect cells from environmental stressors, including differences in osmolarity and temperature, and is a methyl donor in the Hcy-Met cycle Betaine consumption in animal studies have been shown to raise sperm density and improve spermatozoa quality, with these effects occurring on a timespan shorter than one spermatogenic cycle Studies of MTHFR knockout mice have found a beneficial effect of betaine on spermatogenesis 31 , and in folate deficiency, both betaine and choline supplementation prevent DNA hypomethylation In humans, the consumption of a varied and balanced diet with adequate supply of both choline and betaine may mitigate loss of activity in the CHDH pathway on fertility Iron is an essential nutrient for the maintenance of healthy red blood cells, oxygen transport in the blood, immune function and free radical homeostasis Deficiency can lead to impaired immune function and compromised oxygen availability to bodily tissues ; however, iron in excess can act as a pro-oxidant and cause iron overload, in which iron deposits in tissues, impairing their function Iron is essential to ejaculate fluidity and maintaining sperm pH within a functional range In addition, Sertoli and Leydig cells are sources of ferritin, an iron transport protein, to developing sperm.

Ferritin also protects testicular tissue , Furthermore, mitochondrial redox reactions create ATP, which support spermatogenesis and contribute to sperm motility, but require oxygen to occur , Iron deficiency anemia, a manifestation of low serum iron, results in reduced circulatory oxygen transport and therefore creates a hypoxic environment to the testes Individuals with health conditions leading to low serum iron such as sickle cell disease often have compromised fertility; men with the condition are known to have reduced ejaculate volume, sperm density, motility, and morphology However, it is difficult to attribute compromised fertility parameters to low serum iron alone.

Though dietary iron relates to individual iron status, individual variation may in part be controlled by genes that regulate iron absorption and transport in the body, specifically TMPRSS6 , TFR2 and TF genes. The transmembrane protease, serine 6 TMPRSS6 gene codes for matriptase-2, a protein that influences hepcidin, which controls iron absorption at the gut epithelium.

The transferrin receptor 2 TFR2 gene regulates the TFR2 protein that aids in iron transport across cell membranes, and the transferrin TF gene codes for transferrin, which carries iron in the blood. Variation in each of these genes can cause reduced functioning of the proteins they code for, which collectively can impact individual risk for low iron status 32 - Individuals with variants of these genes that increase risk of iron deficiency may require higher dietary iron, or supplemental iron.

Conversely, genetic variation in the human hemochromatosis, or HFE , and sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 1 SLC17A1 genes can alter coding of HFE and SLC17A1 proteins, which also influence gut absorption of iron and risk of iron overload 33 , 35 , Iron overload poses risk for detrimental effects to the male reproductive system.

Excess iron levels in seminal plasma have been associated with teratozoospermia and decreased motility, with the proposed mechanism being increased levels of reactive oxygen species leading to lipid peroxidation Additionally, high levels of testicular iron are associated with impaired spermatogenesis , as well as direct damage to sperm Iron deposits in the pituitary gland can lead to lower levels of testosterone Further, any antioxidant in high quantities can exhibit pro-oxidative effects.

Iron can cause oxidative damage to sperm DNA 38 , and impair spermatogenesis and fertility in excess , Additionally, individuals at risk for iron overload may be recommended to make dietary changes from sources of heme to non-heme iron, which is absorbed less efficiently than heme iron.

Both low iron status and iron overload are conditions that can adversely impact the reproductive system. Monitoring dietary and genetic factors can help to achieve iron homeostasis. Calcium is important for a variety of functions in the body including promoting bone health, heart function, blood clotting and muscular contractions It also plays a role in reproductive health due to its effects on vitamin D homeostasis, inflammation, and facilitating fertilization Circulating calcium levels and, therefore, calcium available to reproductive tissues can be determined in part by individual genetic differences.

The GC gene encodes vitamin D-binding protein, which helps regulate vitamin D absorption and transport. This affects circulating calcium levels since vitamin D is necessary for its metabolism and homeostasis. In men, calcium is known to regulate sperm motility and is responsible for triggering the acrosome reaction, which allows for effective fertilization , Epididymal and prostate fluid contains 2—3 times the amount of calcium found in serum , suggesting its essence in sperm development and function.

Though the mechanism through which calcium regulates fertility in men is not fully known, it has been demonstrated that vitamin D deficient mice that become hypocalcemic can restore fertile capabilities with calcium supplements only , This may be due to the positive effect of calcium on sperm maturation 40 , motility 41 , morphology 42 and overall function 43 , Celiac disease CD is an autoimmune-mediated enteropathy of the small intestine characterized by intolerance to dietary gluten in individuals with susceptible genotypes, human leukocyte antigens HLA -DQ2 and -DQ8, which are necessary but not sufficient for onset of disease Two immune pathways are involved in CD; one through deamidation of glutamine residues in gluten peptides by human transglutaminase 2 and generation of autoantibodies, and the other by activation of the innate immune system, leading to atrophy of intestinal villi A viral infection model suggests that reovirus infections may trigger loss of oral tolerance of gluten In addition, the microbiome plays pathogenic and protective roles through interactions that may modulate autoimmune risk in individuals with HLA-DQ2 CD is associated with extra-intestinal symptoms, such as infertility and decreased bone density 63 , , Before treatment with a strict gluten-free diet, men may experience impaired pituitary regulation of gonadal endocrine function The inflammatory response to gluten consumption in individuals with gluten intolerance creates an adverse environment for reproductive tissue maintenance and function Available evidence does not show an increased risk of subfertility in men with CD, although auto-antibodies can be found in seminal fluid of men with unrecognized disease , Anti-sperm antibodies associated with the autoimmune response that CD incurs when gluten is consumed, as well as compromised nutritional status due to the disease, may be related to the pathogenesis of reduced sperm morphology and motility The gut is a site of conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and influences hormone metabolism In untreated celiac disease, low levels of testosterone and subsequent hormone imbalances can cause hypogonadism 63 and hypothalamic pituitary resistance, oligospermia, and azoospermia, disrupting reproductive function 64 , However, with the removal of gluten from the diet, semen parameters can increase and fertility can be restored Further consequences of untreated CD in men include micronutrient deficiencies.

These can include folate, vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, and selenium, all of which play an important role in maintaining reproductive health and protecting fertile tissues Further research on this topic is warranted as more fortified, functional gluten-free foods come to the marketplace and these may reduce the risk of micronutrient deficiencies associated with a gluten-free diet , Studies linking caffeine consumption to various health outcomes remain inconsistent.

This may be due, in part, to genetic differences in caffeine metabolism. Slower clearance of caffeine from the bloodstream in combination with high consumption is associated with increased risk of a number of adverse health outcomes, including heart attack In men, caffeine crosses the blood-testes barrier, and can be harbored in the gonadal tissues and excreted into the semen , There is evidence to suggest that caffeine consumption is associated with increased incidence of aneuploidy, and other DNA damage in sperm cells Though some studies have not found a positive or negative effect of this phenomenon on fertility 67 , - , others have reported dose-dependent effects of caffeine on sperm motility, number and morphology, such that consuming 1—2 cups of coffee per day had a positive effect on semen parameters, whereas consumption of zero or more than 2 cups per day was associated with diminished sperm motility and count, as well as poor morphology There may be an inverse relationship between higher caffeine intake in men and lower fecundity , , but additional studies that include analysis of participant CYP1A2 genotype are needed.

Dietary fat has several important functions within the body. Its physiological roles include acting as an energy source, insulating organs and playing a crucial part in the creation of hormones, cell membranes and tissue membranes However, diets high in fat can increase serum and semen triglyceride levels, which may increase oxidative stress in reproductive tissues , and have been linked to a higher risk of obesity , Genetics play a role in dietary preference for fat.

The cluster of differentiation 36 CD36 gene impacts the transport of fat in the blood throughout the body, and overall perception of dietary fat.

Transcription factor-7 like 2 TCFL2 genotype controls the impact of dietary fat on body composition and several metabolic factors. Those with the TT variant who consume a high proportion of dietary fat may be more likely to be overweight and experience insulin resistance compared to those with the CC or TC genotypes 45 , Both of these outcomes can have negative implications on fertility due to hormonal imbalances, oxidative stress causing sperm damage, and increased testicular temperature , , , In men, total dietary fat intake has been negatively associated with sperm count and concentration Diets higher in fat can lead to hormonal disruption and a lack of testicular energy supply, compromising germ cells and mitochondria Observed effects include disrupted sperm membranes, impaired motility and function, and decreased sperm quality However, the most important factor when analyzing the relationship between dietary fat and fertility in men is the type of fat, as the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fat can influence semen quality 47 , Polyunsaturated omega-3 fat is a component of a healthy diet, found in fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and oils, and can help to maintain healthy levels of circulating triglycerides.

The protein nitric oxide synthase NOS regulates the interaction between dietary fat and plasma triglycerides and is encoded by the nitric oxide synthase-3 gene NOS3.

Variation in this gene changes how the NOS protein is expressed, and therefore different genotypes can affect circulating triglyceride levels in response to plasma omega-3 levels.

In one study, individuals with the GT or TT genotype of NOS3 had higher circulating triglycerides when plasma omega-3 fats were low, compared to those with the GG genotype Circulating triglycerides have been shown to be positively correlated with sperm concentration, as well as having a concentration-dependent effect on sperm morphology Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are metabolized into long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids LC-PUFAs that modulate blood pressure, blood clotting, and inflammation through the formation of eicosanoids The production of LC-PUFAs is regulated by the fatty acid desaturase enzymes encoded by the FADS gene cluster.

In particular, polymorphisms of the FADS1 and FADS2 genes are known to affect the rate of LC-PUFA synthesis Polymorphisms in these genes influence the circulating levels of various metabolic forms of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids including eicosanoid precursors Multiple studies have found that carriers of the C allele in the FADS1 gene rs had reduced endogenous production of LC-PUFAs 51 , 52 , SNPs in the FADS2 gene rs, rs have also been correlated with altered PUFA metabolism 51 , The effects of these FADS polymorphisms on circulating lipid profiles and levels of eicosanoid precursors may affect male reproductive health through altering inflammatory responses and sperm membrane characteristics.

Omega-3 fats have been suggested to be the most important component in sperm membranes because of their contribution to sperm motility and membrane fluidity, as well as fertile potential of sperm 53 , Polyunsaturated fats in the sperm membrane are targets of lipid peroxidation, creating oxidative stress in the semen Therefore, antioxidants such as vitamins E and C are necessary to protect unsaturated fats composing sperm and oocyte membranes, maintaining the integrity and function of these structures 59 , Lower ratios of omega-6 to omega-3, and saturated to unsaturated fatty acids have been associated with better semen parameters, specifically sperm count, motility and morphology in oligoasthenoteratozoospermic men , In a 3-month trial of omega-3 fatty acid-based supplements from fish and algal oils for 10 men with asthenozoospermia, reduced concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in seminal plasma and sperm fatty acid profile were seen following supplementation, but no changes in seminal parameters were observed In contrast, a randomized, double blind study of men undergoing evaluation for infertility who were given 1, mg per day of docosahexaenoic acid DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid -enriched oil over a week period resulted in improvement in DHA and omega-3 fatty acid content in seminal plasma, and a reduction in the percentage of spermatozoa with DNA damage Overall, the majority of studies suggest that increased intakes of omega-3 fatty acids are correlated with improved semen quality parameters Saturated fat has long been regarded as a marker of poor diet quality, due to its suggested link to diseases such as obesity Apoprotein A-II APOA2 , a major protein of HDL, reduces the reverse efflux of cholesterol transport and its antioxidant function and is regulated by the APOA2 gene Variation in the APOA2 rs gene is known to affect the way saturated fat intake impacts body mass index BMI , such that carriers of the CC genotype had a stronger correlation between saturated fat intake and BMI than those with the TC or TT genotypes Individuals with a higher BMI score and the CC genotype have been observed to have higher saturated fat intakes than lower-weight carriers of the T allele of the APOA2 gene 55 , which can impact circulating fatty acids and the composition and quality of reproductive tissues in men 47 , Further, higher BMI is a risk factor for infertility , Therefore, carriers of the APOA2 CC genotype may benefit from a limited intake of saturated fats.

Dietary saturated fat has been shown to negatively affect sperm count and concentration 47 , , , as well as poor sperm motility , and morphology , Saturated fat content in sperm membranes has been shown to be higher in infertile men, specifically with asthenozoospermia and oligozoospermia when compared to normozoospermic men 56 , Sperm membrane composition is integral to fluidity and function, as well as sperm motility, viability and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation - , which are compromised in infertile men 56 , The glucose transporter type-2 GLUT2 protein influences glucose levels in the body and variation in the GLUT2 rs gene dictates its production.

Carriers of the T allele have been shown to have a lower sensitivity and thus higher preference for glucose when compared to carriers of the CC genotype Sugar intake can be an important factor contributing to daily caloric intake, and in excess can drive the development of chronic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes , which can have negative implications on fertility - The existing literature focuses on one concentrated source of added sugar: sugar-sweetened beverages SSBs.

Higher sugar-sweetened beverage consumption has been associated with lower sperm motility and sperm count, after adjustment for caffeine and BMI In a large cohort of Asian men, higher intake of sweet snacks and SSBs was associated with lower sperm count Increased ROS production in sperm and reduction in their free radical scavenging leads to oxidative injury and can cause infertility in men.

Natural carotenes are a group of red, orange, and yellow pigments found in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants including fruits, vegetables, algae, and whole grains. They shield plants from sun-induced free radical damage, providing powerful protection for a lifetime in the sun.

Plant carotenoids are water-soluble and do not accumulate in our bodies, so toxicity is almost unheard of. More than five hundred carotenoids are known, some of which convert into active vitamin A in our tissues.

For high antioxidant delivery, our clinic prefers a multivitamin with the full range of purely natural mixed carotenoids, including cis and trans beta-carotene isomers, alpha-carotene, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin and lutein , all of which are potent antioxidants. We will not use any product with synthetic beta-carotene which has been shown to be relatively ineffective and potentially unsafe.

Carotenes from plant sources convert into as much vitamin A as the body needs, with no risk of overdose. Dietary carotenoids have a high antioxidant capacity, so natural mixed carotenes are highly effective for protecting sperm from oxidative damage and thus improving sperm production and quality.

With the knowledge that carotenoids combat free radical damage, researchers in a study sought to better understand the protective role of carotenes for male infertility. Sixty-two infertile men and 71 normospermic men participated in this study: Their serum levels of lycopene, beta-carotene and retinol were compared against sperm health, especially DNA damage and lipid peroxidation in sperm.

Researchers compared serum levels of antioxidants in both groups of men. They concluded that beta-carotene can protect sperm integrity and enhance healthy sperm count. Carotenes work by reducing sperm DNA fragmentation and lipid peroxidation through an antioxidant effect.

Additionally, we like a formula with an array of other antioxidant nutrients known to be sperm-protective. Vitamin C has direct action against ROS helping to prevent harmful levels from accumulating in the body.

There is evidence that vitamin C improves semen quality, as it counteracts oxidative stress and damage to sperm. A notable study measured various semen parameters including sperm motility, sperm count, and sperm morphology in infertile men. An observational study in looked at Indian industrial workers made infertile because of lead exposure.

The results indicated that taking just 1, mg of vitamin C five times a week for three months significantly improved sperm count and motility, while reducing the numbers of deformed sperm cells.

Along with other antioxidants, vitamin E can have powerful benefits for protecting sperm from oxidative injury, and for improving sperm quality and viable sperm number. Additionally, supplementing with selenium enhances semen quality, increases the number of healthy sperm, and has beneficial and protective effects, especially on sperm motility.

Robert Hermes fertilotyFertioity. Hildebrandt 1Neurological symptoms in glycogen storage disease. Beta-carotenr knowledge Bet-carotene the reproductive physiology of the female white rhinoceros Beta-carotene and male fertility Beta-caortene has been gathered over the past Mental agility capsules. Objective of this study was the reproductive assessment of male white rhinoceros to determine their semen characteristics. Ultrasound and electroejaculation were conducted in 20 anesthetized white rhinoceros, which had not sired offspring. Electroejaculation represented a semen collection method, which allowed a repeatable semen assessment applicable to the different management systems and training standards. Semen quality was evaluated on the basis of one to four semen samples collected during this 4-yr study. For LOW SPERM COUNT, an antioxidant carotene-rich mzle Beta-carotene and male fertility support Dispelling sports nutrition myths sperm production and fertiilty motility, and help men increase their reproductive health andd fertility. A Betacarotene with Neurological symptoms in glycogen storage disease amounts of antioxidants, including Beta-carotrne mixed carotenes, vitamin C, E, and selenium, is feertility to effectively Beta-carotsne semen parameters in infertile men. Sperm are particularly prone to oxidative damage since they naturally generate reactive oxygen species ROS as part of their innate metabolic processes. Sperm also have a high polyunsaturated fat content and fats are especially vulnerable to oxidation. In addition, sperm have reduced capacity to repair their own DNA damage. Increased ROS production in sperm and reduction in their free radical scavenging leads to oxidative injury and can cause infertility in men. Natural carotenes are a group of red, orange, and yellow pigments found in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants including fruits, vegetables, algae, and whole grains. Beta-carotene and male fertility

Author: Durg

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