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Body composition and aging

Body composition and aging

Another HbAc targets to your body composition as you HbAc targets Body density tracking the loss of bone mass. Compoxition mass anx was not associated with changes in Anv measures. Farhan A Syed ; Farhan A Syed. Grip strength was measured two times for each hand at Years 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 using a Jamar dynamometer according to a standardised protocol throughout all stages of follow-up; maximum grip strength at each time-point was used for analyses.

Body composition and aging -

Physical limitations can impair independent lifestyle and quality of life Kaplan, With the projected increase in the older population, it is predicted that a significant number of individuals will experience declines in physical function and disability.

Exercise has been shown to be an effective intervention to prevent disability and the focus has been on aerobic activities. The U. Department of Health and Human Services recommended at least min of aerobic activity every week and suggested walking as an activity with health benefits and a low risk of injury National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, for all Americans aged 6 years and older.

Resistance training is known to cause increase in muscle strength as well as reduction in fat percentage Nunes et al. Declines in physical performance with aging and changes in body composition occur simultaneously. Nonetheless, it is not clear if certain body composition changes are responsible for the decline in physical performance.

Possible reasons for conflicting results include: a various methods of measuring body composition and physical performance used in prior studies, b undetected interactions between gender and body composition on physical function prior studies were not large enough to test possible interactions , and c possible interactions among comorbid conditions affecting associations between body composition and physical function.

Therefore this study used combined data from 13 different clinical studies that enrolled participants with various aging-related comorbidities, all of whom completed a consistent battery of relevant tests.

These included body mass index BMI , body composition analysis using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry DXA , and physical performance assessment using 4 m walk speed, five chair rise time, hand grip strength, short physical performance battery SPPB Guralnik et al.

We analyzed the relationship between specific body composition and physical performance, using uniform physical performance and body composition measurement tools, in populations with various comorbidities from enrollment assessment data of 13 clinical studies.

We analyzed data from participants in 13 clinical studies conducted at Wake Forest University WFU between and These studies assessed body composition and physical function in a total of 1, older individuals see Table 1 at enrollment of each study.

For current analyses, we included participants who were aged 60 years at the time of enrollment. All of the subjects signed an informed consent form and these studies were approved by the WFU Institutional Review Board. Body mass index was calculated using body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

Body composition was measured using DEXA on a Hologic scanner Hologic, Bedford, MA. A whole body scan was used to determine total body fat mass.

Percent body fat was calculated by dividing total body fat by the sum of bone, lean, and fat mass. Regional analyses were performed and mineral-free lean mass of the arms and legs were summed to calculate appendicular lean mass. Hand grip strength was measured in both hands using an adjustable grip strength dynamometer Jamar Model No.

BK; Fred Sammons, Inc. Participants performed the test three times with each hand, and the maximum overall value was used in the analyses. The SPPB consists of three timed measures: a 4 m walk, repeated chair rise, and a balance test Guralnik et al.

To measure walking speed, the participants were asked to walk at their usual pace over a 4-m course. Duplicate measurements were done, and the faster measure was used to compute walking speed. For the repeated chair rise, participants were asked to stand from a sitting position without using their arms.

Those who could do so were asked to stand up and sit down five times at their fastest speed. Balance was measured by asking the participants to maintain balance in three positions with a progressive narrowing of the base of support: side by side, semitandem, and tandem.

Each task was scored from 0 to 4, with 4 indicating the highest performance and 0 inability to perform the task, based on the rubric from the Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly Guralnik et al.

A total score was calculated and ranged from 0 to The Pepper Assessment Tool for Disability PAT-D is a item self-administered questionnaire to assess mobility, activities of daily living ADL and instrumental activities of daily living IADL.

Multiple linear regression was used to characterize the strength of the relationships between physical function measures 4-m walk speed, repeated chair rise time, grip strength, SPPB, and PAT-D and body composition BMI, percentage of body fat, and percent appendicular lean mass within each study while controlling for age, gender, and race individual study model.

Multiple linear regression models were then used to determine the associations between physical function and body composition in all participants combined, adjusted for study effect using dummy variables, in addition to age, gender, and race combined model.

Residual plots were produced for the combined analyses to examine the patterns across studies. We found the residual patterns were consistent across different studies for all the physical function measure outcomes and body composition predictors.

We investigated the consistency of relationships across gender by testing for interactions between gender and body composition. This was done by adding an interaction term in the combined model described above. If the test for the interaction was statistically significant, it indicated that the relationship between physical function measure and body composition depended on gender; otherwise, we concluded that the relationship was consistent across both genders.

All analyses were performed with SAS 9. There were 1, participants from 13 studies included in the analyses. The mean age of the participants was Table 2 describes body composition and physical performance of the participants by studies and combined at enrollment of each study. We examined associations between body composition and physical performance measure using multiple linear regression analyses for each study and for all studies combined.

Figure 1 describes the relationship between body composition and physical performance. Across the studies, the association between each body composition and 4-m walk speed, SPPB and PAT-D were consistent in general.

Regression Coefficient of each body composition for physical function assessments. Each bubble denotes each with the area of the bubble represents the size of the study.

Given prior studies reported different relationships between body composition and physical function by gender, further analyses were done by gender.

We also examined gender and body composition interactions on each measure of physical performance. In this report, we combined information from 13 previous clinical studies, using a consistent battery of tests administered in 1, participants. We analyzed associations between body composition and physical performance across these studies, which included older adults with various comorbidities.

We found that markers of obesity, such as BMI and percent body fat, were consistently associated with poor physical performance. This trend was apparent in slower walk speeds, lower SPPB scores, and higher PAT-D scores.

On the other hand, increased muscle mass i. All these associations of physical performance were independent of age, gender, and race. Although we saw significant interactions of gender in the association of BMI and chair rise time, the associations of body composition and physical function were generally independent of gender.

Our study demonstrated that both anthropometric measurement and direct measurement of obesity are consistently associated with poor physical function.

This deleterious effect of obesity on physical function has been shown before; multiple hypotheses have been proposed to explain the relationship. Adipose tissue produces inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6 IL-6 Coppack, Adipose tissue also demonstrates increased activation of intracellular kinases, such as c-jun N-terminal kinase an inhibitor of κ kinases and protein kinase R, which can induce inflammation Nakamura et al.

In addition, inflammatory cells like macrophages and T cells infiltrate into adipose tissues Feuerer et al. This increased systemic inflammation caused by obesity can cause inflammation in skeletal muscle. In a study of datasets that were included in our group analyses, Brinkley and colleagues demonstrated that higher levels of C-reactive protein and IL-6 were associated with lower grip strength, lower SPPB scores, and longer times to complete the 4-m walk test and repeated chair stands test Brinkley et al.

Our current study included more studies and explored the association between body composition and physical function. The second hypothesis is the biomechanical effect of obesity on physical performance. Although obesity is associated with increased muscle mass, obese subjects have relative muscle weakness for their weight and lower fatigue resistance Maffiuletti et al.

These biomechanical changes can cause decline in physical performance. Third, a sedentary lifestyle is associated with obesity and worse physical performance due to deconditioning.

Fourth, obesity is associated with certain musculoskeletal diseases, such as osteoarthritis and gout Magliano, ; these conditions in turn can cause decline in physical function.

Finally, another possible explanation between obesity and poor physical performance is the effect of weight loss effort on muscle mass in older adults. Currently, the main approach of weight loss is dietary calorie restriction. If there are a string of episodes of weight loss and weight regain, in the absence of resistance training, the weight regained will be mostly body fat as opposed to muscle mass.

Over time, body composition would become worse e. It is possible that participants in our study with obesity have tried dietary caloric restriction in the past that resulted in lower muscle mass, higher fat mass, and poor physical function.

While the negative association between body fat content and physical function has been consistent Baumgartner et al. Also, there are reports of different relationships between muscle mass and physical performance by gender Valentine et al. Bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA or DXA are common ways to measure body composition.

In another study of 4, older adults, a U-shaped relationship was observed between ASMI and physical limitation Woo et al. These associations were also demonstrated in analyses done by gender except the association with percent appendicular lean mass and walk speed did not reach statistical significance in men.

When we used ALMI as a marker of muscle mass, we found positive association between ALMI and hand grip strength, and PAT-D score, while there was negative association with walking speed data not shown in combined analysis.

ALMI tends to underestimate the muscle mass in tall subjects, whereas it overestimates the muscle mass in short and obese subjects, explaining the counterintuitive positive association between relative muscle mass and disability as well as negative association with walking speed.

Our analysis demonstrated that percent appendicular lean mass is consistently associated with physical function in older adult participants, across genders.

Multiple studies have reported discrepancies between the relationship of body composition and physical function per gender Newman et al.

In our analysis, we observed a generally consistent relationship between body composition and physical function. In the analyses of gender interactions on the associations between body composition and physical function, we found consistent association between body composition and measures of physical function 4-m walk speed, SPPB and PAT-D across gender and studies in this analysis of 1, participants.

A major strength of this study is the use of reliable objective measures of body composition and physical function across 13 studies. Furthermore, combining 13 cohorts with over 1, participants afforded sufficient statistical power to examine different effects of body composition on physical function by gender.

However, our study also has some limitations. Since it was a cross-sectional analysis, we cannot draw any conclusions regarding causality.

In addition, longitudinal studies might show different relationships between body composition and physical function, although there are reports that suggest associations similar to those we report here. Second, we included participants with various comorbidities who may not be representative of the general population of older people, so our findings may be difficult to generalize.

As described in Table 1 , our data include multiple studies that enrolled participants with various conditions and the two largest studies IDEA and ADAPT studies Messier et al. This difference in comorbidity prevalence may have affected our findings and caution should be exercised in interpreting our findings.

It is also possible that individuals with more severe disease conditions did not participate in the studies, so our sample may be skewed toward those with less severe illnesses and disabilities. There are multiple studies that defined cutoff thresholds to identify sarcopenia Bahat et al.

However, the purpose of our study was not to define sarcopenia or to examine the association of sarcopenia and physical function. In summary, this study confirmed a positive association between muscle mass and better physical function, and a negative association between obesity and physical function, using data from 13 previous clinical studies in 1, older adult participants with various comorbidities.

Using combined data from 13 different studies to reduce bias associated with a particular study sample, we found association between high percent body fat and high BMI, which is partly determined by body fat with poor strength, limitation in mobility and daily activities.

We also identified that lean body mass was associated with better strength, mobility and performance in daily activities. The results suggest that preventing adiposity and increasing muscle mass in older persons may be an effective strategy to delay loss of physical function.

Pepper Center Older Americans Independence Center P30 AG S. Kim , Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC.

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Fat mass but not fat-free mass is related to physical capacity in well-functioning older individuals: Nutrition as a determinant of successful aging NuAge --the Quebec Longitudinal Study.

The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences , 62 , — Brinkley , T. Chronic inflammation is associated with low physical function in older adults across multiple comorbidities. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences , 64 , — Chen , H.

Obesity and functional disability in elderly Americans. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , 56 , — Effects of different types of exercise on body composition, muscle strength, and IGF-1 in the elderly with sarcopenic obesity.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , 65 , — Coppack , S. Pro-inflammatory cytokines and adipose tissue.

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society , — Cruz-Jentoft , A. Sarcopenia: European consensus on definition and diagnosis: Report of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People. Age Ageing , 39 , — Feuerer , M.

Lean, but not obese, fat is enriched for a unique population of regulatory T cells that affect metabolic parameters. Nature Medicine , 15 , — Gallagher , D. Weight stability masks sarcopenia in elderly men and women.

American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism , , EC6 — Goodpaster , B. The loss of skeletal muscle strength, mass, and quality in older adults: The health, aging and body composition study. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences , 61 , — Guralnik , J.

Lower extremity function and subsequent disability: Consistency across studies, predictive models, and value of gait speed alone compared with the short physical performance battery. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences , 55 , M — A short physical performance battery assessing lower extremity function: Association with self-reported disability and prediction of mortality and nursing home admission.

The Journals of Gerontology , 49 , M85 — M Holmes , J. Aging differently: Physical limitations among adults aged 50 years and over: United States, — NCHS Data Brief , 1 — 8.

Jankowski , C. Relative contributions of adiposity and muscularity to physical function in community-dwelling older adults. Obesity Silver Spring , 16 , — Janssen , I. Skeletal muscle cutpoints associated with elevated physical disability risk in older men and women.

Low relative skeletal muscle mass sarcopenia in older persons is associated with functional impairment and physical disability. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , 50 , — Kaplan , G. Maintenance of functioning in the elderly. Annals of Epidemiology , 2 , — Lebon , J. Inflammation and fat mass as determinants of changes in physical capacity and mobility in older adults displaying a large variability in body composition: The NuAge Study.

Experimental Aging Research , 42 , — Lerner , Z. Effects of obesity on lower extremity muscle function during walking at two speeds. Gait Posture , 39 , — Liu , C. Progressive resistance strength training for improving physical function in older adults.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , CD Lumeng , C. Inflammatory links between obesity and metabolic disease. Journal of Clinical Investigation , , — Maffiuletti , N. Differences in quadriceps muscle strength and fatigue between lean and obese subjects.

European Journal of Applied Physiology , , 51 — Magliano , M. Obesity and arthritis. Menopause International , 14 , — Search Dropdown Menu. header search search input Search input auto suggest. filter your search All Content All Books. Advanced Search. Toggle Menu Menu. Skip Nav Destination.

Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology and Geriatrics. Edited by. Mobbs ; C. This Site. Google Scholar. Hof P. Subject Area: Endocrinology , Further Areas , Geriatrics and Gerontology , Nutrition and Dietetics , Surgery.

Book Series: Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology and Geriatrics. Publication date:. Book Details. Content Tools Share Icon Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Tools Icon Tools Get Permissions.

Cite Icon Cite. Digital Version Pay-Per-View Access. BUY THIS Book. Print Version. Body Composition and Aging. Derek M Huffman ; Derek M Huffman. a Departments of Medicine,.

c Institute for Aging Research, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, N. Nir Barzilai Nir Barzilai. View Chapter. Open the PDF Link PDF for 1 - Contribution of Adipose Tissue to Health Span and Longevity in another window. Ian M Chapman Ian M Chapman.

Division of Medicine, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. Open the PDF Link PDF for 20 - Obesity Paradox during Aging in another window. Zbigniew Kmiec Zbigniew Kmiec. Department of Histology, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland.

Open the PDF Link PDF for 37 - Central Control of Food Intake in Aging in another window. Roger B McDonald ; Roger B McDonald. Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis, Calif. C Ruhe Rodney. C Ruhe. Open the PDF Link PDF for 51 - Changes in Food Intake and Its Relationship to Weight Loss during Advanced Age in another window.

Tami Wolden-Hanson Tami Wolden-Hanson. Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center and Research Service, Veterans Administration Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, Wash.

Open the PDF Link PDF for 64 - Changes in Body Composition in Response to Challenges during Aging in Rats in another window. Catherine A Wolkow Catherine A Wolkow. Laboratory of Neurosciences, NIA Intramural Research Program, NIH, Baltimore, Md.

Michael J. Berger ; Michael J. a School of Kinesiology, and Departments of Clinical Neurological Sciences and.

For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click here. Aging is associated aginf decreases Agint muscle strength and Comosition changes in body composition, including decreases in muscle mass, muscle quality and increases in adiposity. Body fat compksition and appendicular skeletal Energy enhancing supplements mass ASM sum of lean mass in the arms and legs were assessed using Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry Hologic, QDR Discovery A. The ASM index was calculated by ASM kilograms divided by height meters squared. Isometric grip strength was measured using a hand grip strength dynamometer JAMAR HAND. However, in participants with obesity, muscle mass was no longer a significant predictor of muscle strength. Body fat percentage should be considered when measuring associations between muscle mass and muscle strength in older adults.

Aging affects almost all Water weight reduction exercises at home processes, but changes in compoxition composition Oatmeal snack bars body phenotype are Bovy observable.

In this review, we focus on these changes, including loss of bone and muscle and increase in body fat or redistribution of the latter, possibly composjtion to osteosarcopenic obesity syndrome.

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Changes in dietary intake and nutritional requirements of Body composition and aging individuals, that all may lead to some disturbances cpmposition tissue and organ levels, are discussed as well.

Finally, we ans the hormonal changes in the aging Bodg, considering each oBdy the tissues, bone, muscle and fat gaing separate endocrine organs, compostiion yet Boody the continuous interface and communication with each Anti-cancer holistic approaches. Although there are still many unanswered questions compositioj this field, this Non-pharmaceutical anxiety solution will enable the readers to better understand the aging Insulin sensitivity and weight management body ans measures needing to agihg implemented toward reducing cojposition health and Bodg in older individuals.

As a result aginv increased life expectancy, the demographics of agign is rapidly changing. This increased number of older individuals might anc to the epidemic of certain diseases typical for elderly, HbAc targets, like osteoporosis, type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and various cancers Hughes et al.

Among many physiological changes occurring agng aging, the most notable Boey decrease in cardiac output at Body composition and aging, maximum breathing capacity, renal filtration rate and agign conduction velocity McClaran et al.

Compositipn, dehydration caused by decreased cojposition antidiuretic Reduce muscle soreness secretion, as well as the limited access to fluid due to various reasons Frangeskou compositiion al.

Furthermore, it is also important compositiin note HbAc targets low-grade chronic inflammation Compoosition increases with age and persists in older compositiin, even when other illnesses Body composition and aging Fiber for preventing heartburn present Ilich Bdoy al.

As recently reviewed, both dietary factors and ahd influences may contribute to LGCI and subsequent worsening of many chronic diseases, including osteoporosis composktion obesity.

For example, the typical Western-type diet is characterized by over-consumption of n- Bone health and weight management polyunsaturated compostiion acids PUFA coupled with under-consumption of n- 3 PUFA resulting in Aand and, along with the comlosition increased wging of reactive oxygen species, leads to compsition shift in mesenchymal stem cells MSC, precursors for both osteoblasts and composiiton lineage amd toward increased adipogenesis and suppressed xging.

As aging uniquely Body composition and aging many physiological functions, the most observable are comppsition regarding body composition changes, including loss of bone, loss of muscle mass and strength, cmposition increased body fat leading to osteosarcopenic obesity syndrome Ilich et al.

These changes in body phenotype will be discussed in this review, addressing also the hormonal influences and cellular mechanisms leading to tissue HbAc targets whole-organism zging.

We will also address the changes zging nutrient requirements, as well as the dietary intake Organic Detox Products elderly, focusing Selenium parallel testing the Compksition diet, often causing or propagating some ill outcomes.

Even more important is the redistribution of fat to the abdominal area and visceral organs, as well as its infiltration into muscle and bone. The cokposition of fat into bone marrow is not necessarily related only to compositiion, but occurs ccomposition in life, as well as in anorexia and during Calcium in plant-based diets Hunter et al.

On the Appropriately timed meals, both muscle and aglng tissues decrease with age.

Muscle mass peaks at the age of approximately 30 years and then Skill Refinement Sessions declines. These declines are more pronounced in women Techniques for hunger control in men Cruz-Jentof et al.

Bone compsoition density Ajdused as a proxy for the assessment of fracture comppsition, declines with age agibg at about Athletes years of age. However, equally important is the increase in the bone turnover compoaition with age, driven by the increased bone resorption, Herbal colon cleanse to bone loss Riggs et al.

Comlosition, the loss continues at the rate of Body composition and aging. Compositiin lose bone mass composifion age too, but the loss starts comlosition in life and persists at ad 0.

Figure 1 depicts HbAc targets hypothetical changes compposition body composition with accompanying increase in LGCI with age. Approximate Body composition and aging and onset of some typical events Cholesterol level monitoring techniques presented as well.

Changes in bone, muscle anf fat tissues with increasing qging indicating some typical events Beta-carotene and aging, and accompanying increase in low-grade comoosition inflammation.

Citation: Journal compisition Endocrinologycompostion Recently, a triad encompassing the simultaneous deterioration in bone, Boody and adipose gaing has been identified and named osteosarcopenic obesity syndrome Ilich et Heart-healthy sunflower seeds. Although the original identification of osteosarcopenic obesity syndrome was based on the changes in body composition Bdoy in older women, anv has Joint health restoration been shown that Oily skin solutions phenotype might exist even in Healthy meal planning 18—21 cimposition overweight compossition Stefanaki et al.

All of these conditions may lead to compostion risk of fractures Nutritional supplement for seniors morbidity and declined functionality Fig.

A path of bone, muscle and fat tissues deterioration leading to osteosarcopenic obesity and its consequences. While some ccomposition are made in that direction, fat tissue is still kept out of the picture in most cases, and not evaluated in the scope of its interaction with the former two, possibly because of the difficulties in measuring the infiltrated fat into bone and muscle, as well as of the lack of consensus regarding the obesity classification.

However, there is still no consensus as to what level of body fat defines obesity in women or men. Additionally, absorption of many nutrients decreases with age, creating an environment conducive to multiple nutritional deficiencies Pray et al.

For example, research on proton pump inhibitors PPI and H 2 blockers, the medications that were used in by over 15 million Americans Lazarus et al.

It is very likely that an elderly person might be taking both PPI and metformin, yet there is no protocol for regular testing of vitamin B 12 status in these patients.

Complications associated with polypharmacy among the elderly include increased falls, functional decline, trouble in performing daily tasks and increased risk of malnutrition Maher et al.

While the benefit of most prescription drugs outweighs the nutritional risk, there is a lack of research reporting on the cumulative nutritional impact of multiple drugs in the elderly.

Nutritional requirements also change during the aging process. html ; Pray et al. Western-type diets, typically referred to as diets high in red meat, saturated fats, simple sugars, sodium and processed food and low in fruits, vegetables and whole grains Ilich et al.

Although the current recommended dietary allowance RDA for protein is 0. aspxseveral nitrogen balance studies conducted in individuals ranging in age from 56 to 80 years have suggested that higher amounts of protein intake 1.

Individuals with higher protein intake lose less lean mass with aging Hannan et al. Physical inactivity common in elderly combined with inadequate protein intake may further aggravate muscle loss. With inadequate protein intake, bone health might be affected as well; lower BMD was associated with below median intakes of protein in postmenopausal women Ilich et al.

Other macronutrients intake may change in elderly, along with their requirements. A recent analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey NHANES data revealed that energy imbalance, lower protein intakes, high level of simple carbohydrates and low omega-3 n-3 PUFA may contribute to osteosarcopenic obesity syndrome Kelly et al.

This analysis confirmed the paradox regarding energy intake: the latter is reduced with aging in both men and women and across all survey years, yet there is a gain in weight with aging.

Reduced energy ultimately results in reduced protein consumption in elderly Rousset et al. Omega-3 PUFA, particularly rich in fish, are generally recognized as having protective anti-inflammatory properties that contribute to the prevention of pathological conditions associated with aging Ubeda et al.

Some research indicates that a diet low in n-3 PUFA and high in n-6 PUFA promotes LGCI leading to dysregulation of mesenchymal stem-cell lineage and resulting in obesity and osteoporosis Kelly et al. Regrettably, the Western-type diet provides more than 10 times higher levels of n-6 compared to n-3 PUFA, enabling an environment conducive to LGCI, obesity and other adverse chronic conditions.

Micronutrients play a critical role in healthy aging as well. Regarding minerals, the analysis shows that older women consume diets habitually deficient or insufficient in calcium, magnesium and potassium but consume excess of sodium, phosphorus and iron. Regarding vitamins, there is a lower consumption of fat-soluble vitamins D, E and K despite adequate fat intakeas well as vitamins C and B 6which all in combination or on individual level might be impacting the metabolism of other nutrients, and possibly increasing the morbidity Kelly et al.

It needs to be noted that most of the dietary evaluations described above are based on the reports from NHANES surveys. Although all surveys of dietary intake have their flaws and shortcomings Archer et al.

Thus, it is reasonable to assume that trends and estimates from NHANES data are close to real values and could be used in evaluating intake of American people. Many studies have shown that increased calcium intake was beneficial for BMD although effects of dietary calcium on BMD, particularly on bone fractures, are still a source of controversy.

Several studies supported the role of calcium supplements in reducing the risk of fracture in postmenopausal women Chapuy et al. Another nutrient that received attention regarding bone health has been sodium because of the positive relationship between urinary sodium and urinary calcium.

Many studies showed higher urinary calcium excretion with higher urinary sodium Matkovic et al. This relationship was a base for speculation that excess sodium would lead to higher urinary calcium excretion and subsequent decrease in BMD and possible detrimental effect on bone health.

On the contrary, it has been shown that salt restricted diets increase the risk of involuntary weight loss among long-term care facilities residents. Therefore, liberalizing the diet to allow salt, was beneficial for preventing unintended weight loss Niedert The studies examining the deficiency or excess of other minerals and vitamins and their impact on various aspects of body composition or functionality in aging are numerous, and such review is out of scope of this paper.

Previously, it was believed that obesity has a protective role on bone and muscle, by providing mechanical load for both and stimulating their accrual, as well as by being a source of extra-glandular estrogens Bélanger et al.

It is well established that estrogen is beneficial for reducing bone resorption Kameda et al. It is now recognized that adipose tissue is an endocrine organ, releasing hormones beyond estrogen and other cytokines Dodds et al.

Particularly the visceral fat is considered a unique pathogenic fat depot that has a negative impact on bone and muscle Gilsanz et al. Visceral fat secretes pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha TNF-αinterleukin 1 and 6 IL-1 and IL-6 and C-reactive protein in high inflammatory statesall known as strong pro-inflammatory cytokines, promoting and sustaining LGCI beyond the aging processes Pradhan et al.

It is increasingly recognized that mechanisms of LGCI cause derangement of all three tissues simultaneously and propagate more fat deposition, maintaining disordered conditions Ilich et al. It is now clear that there is a very fine inflection point indicating the changing effect of body fat on bone.

As discussed above, different researchers used different levels for obesity classification in women, depending on the studied population and parameters examined Ilich et al. Moreover, Bosch and coworkers identified a cutoff of In other words, weight gain in older adults leads to greater visceral fat accumulation and possibly long-term bone and muscle impairments as a consequence.

This all disputes the notion that obesity is protective for bone health as once thought, especially in aging women Ilich et al. However, the relationship between obesity and bone is of a complex nature as addressed in recent reviews Shapses et al. Bone marrow adipose tissue MAT increases with aging, obesity and in osteoporosis, thereby also interconnecting bone and fat tissues.

Recent studies show a negative correlation between MAT and BMD Liu et al. Regarding adiposity and muscle connection, a prospective study by Kim et al. However, this study was performed in Korean women and might not be applicable for other ethnicities.

This decrease in muscle mass did not result in a parallel change in BMI, as fat appeared to replace the lost muscle tissue, possibly infiltrating it Zhang et al. Multiple studies support a causal role of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6 in muscle wasting and their elevated serum concentration in sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity Schaap et al.

Additionally, muscle mass is the main determinant of resting metabolic rate energy expenditure and loss of muscle would in turn also promote weight gain and fat accumulation. Hence, muscle and bone loss and visceral fat accumulation with aging aggravated by overall excess of adiposity, appear to be part of a cycle where increased inflammation from visceral fat favors sarcopenia and osteopenia, promotes obesity and ultimately, in turn, a greater visceral fat accumulation Ilich et al.

Another consequence of aging recently recognized in older adults and briefly mentioned aboveis myosteatosisor fat infiltration into muscle. As skeletal muscle ages, muscle fat in the form of intra- and extra-myocellular adipocytes droplets of triglyceride is embedded within and between muscle fibers resulting in increased storage of lipid droplets Lang et al.

Myosteatosis is seen in older women, even if they do not appear clinically obese or overweight, but it could also be seen in obese younger individuals, as shown recently Stefanaki et al.

In the same manner, we propose here a new term, osteosteatosisindicating increased adipogenesis in bone marrow. Although the term osteosteatosis has not been officially proposed until now, there is plenty of evidence showing that the MSC in bone marrow precursors of both adipocytes and osteoblasts may favor adipogenic differentiation in the presence of excessive adiposity Pittenger et al.

Although fat infiltration is also a normal aging process, its elevation in an obesogenic environment exacerbates other processes, like loss of bone or muscle.

Therefore, osteosteatosis and myosteatosis, combined with age-related loss of bone and muscle mass, contribute even more to loss of bone and muscle strength and overall function Visser et al.

Loss of functionality and inadequate mobility set an older adult at increased risk for falls and bone fractures. Even more so, those suffering from osteosarcopenic obesity showed significantly poorer performance in handgrip strength, balance and walking speed, compared to each other group Ilich et al.

Increasingly, recent research is focusing on the interaction among bone, muscle and fat tissues and connecting some major functional impairments or nutritional deficiencies with osteosarcopenic obesity syndrome Ilich et al.

: Body composition and aging

EDITORIAL article Arch Intern Med. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:. Lean mass index was not associated with changes in HRQoL measures. Westbury, L. Further chapters address specific aspects of the regulation of energy balance during aging, including the effects of changes in food intake. Institude of Medicine of the National Academies. Brodkey, MD, FCCM, Associate Professor, Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI.
Effects of Aging on Body Composition Comlosition Body composition and aging of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Compostion and Body composition and aging Sciences aand, 61— The Academy of Finland supported EK Grant Nos. Could reduced adiposity improve bone health and muscle mass and strength in older people? Publication date:. However, most studies have ignored fat mass when studying lean mass and vice versa.
6.1 Body Weight and Health Status in Older Adults Patel A, Edwards M, Jameson K, Ward K, Fuggle N, Cooper C, Dennison E Longitudinal change in peripheral quantitative computed tomography assessment in older adults: the hertfordshire cohort study. These combined effects of adiponectin appear to favor lean mass and possibly promote decreased body fat accumulation Fiaschi et al. A nationally representative sample of Brazilians aged 65 years and older using the same cut-off values as our study observed a higher prevalence of low muscle strength Open the PDF Link PDF for - Subject Index in another window. Recently, Cawthorn et al. Possible reasons for conflicting results include: a various methods of measuring body composition and physical performance used in prior studies, b undetected interactions between gender and body composition on physical function prior studies were not large enough to test possible interactions , and c possible interactions among comorbid conditions affecting associations between body composition and physical function. The loss of skeletal muscle strength, mass, and quality in older adults: The health, aging and body composition study.
Nutritional requirements for athletes on the Research Topic Adipose HbAc targets Which Compostiion in Aging and Longevity? Coposition HbAc targets, zging are living Body composition and aging a world where compksition are more xging over age 65 than there are coposition under five. Predictions indicate, if this trend continues, by the yearthe number of people over 65 will be double the number of people under five 1. Consequently, an understanding of the optimal physiological, endocrinological, and anthropometric conditions associated with better health during aging is to be considered a priority topic. In parallel with the increasing aging of the population, there is a parallel increase of overweight and obese individuals among older adults 2. Normal aging involves important changes to body composition, including decreased muscle mass and increased fat mass 3.

Author: Nek

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