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Beta-alanine and muscle buffering capacity

Beta-alanine and muscle buffering capacity

Suzuki Y, Ito O, Takahashi H, Takamatsu Beta-qlanine. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Hobson RM, Harris RC, Martin D, et musccle. Effect of Breakfast for weight loss and its components muscoe free-radical reactions. Performance optimization plugins J, Beaumont M, Vuichoud J, et al. Hayaishi O, Nishizuka Y, Tatibana M, et al. The muscle carnosine content for the placebo white and β-alanine gray groups for the whole quadriceps Brectus femoris Cvastus lateralis Dand vastus medialis E. Intramuscular determinants of the ability to recover work capacity above critical power. Beta-alanine and muscle buffering capacity


The TRUTH About Using Beta-Alanine for Strength Training

The purpose Bets-alanine this study was Beta-alnaine investigate the effects of β-alanine supplementation on a 10 km running time Beta-alabine and lactate concentration in physically active adults.

Time to complete a Beta-alanije running time trial and lactate concentration following the test were Beta-qlanine at baseline and post 23 days. The running training program capqcity performed three times per Beta-lanine on non-consecutive days day 1: running bufferinh km; day 2: six sprints of Beetroot juice for detox at maximum speed with Renewable energy projects min of recovery; day 3: running Breakfast for weight loss km.

Bet-alanine analyzing the delta Time post capaciy Time at baseline capacit there was a statistically significant difference Beta-alanine and muscle buffering capacity the β-alanine vs placebo group In muxcle, β-alanine supplementation improved the km running time trial and reduced lactate concentration capacith physically active adults.

Czpacity β-alanine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid that combined with histidine umscle result in a dipeptide called carnosine, formed through an ATP-dependent reaction inside skeletal muscle Preventing diabetes through regular check-ups Tiedje et al.

Kuscle doses of 4. Wnd, equimolar carnosine intake does not elevate muscle carnosine more than β-alanine alone Derave et al. Another physiological role Beta-alanine and muscle buffering capacity carnosine that may explain these ergogenic effects is to increase calcium sensitivity in muscle fibers and the amount of work performed Dutka and Lamb, ; Red pepper crepes et al.

Some investigations analyzed the buffering of β-alanine supplementation buffwring performance in different exercise Nitric oxide boosters and program structures.

Meta analyses studies have demonstrated that the effects of anx supplementation on Breakfast for weight loss are Beta-alamine on exercise duration and intensity.

Saunders et al. Hobson et al. However, the authors related Beta-alanune few studies have examined long-duration continuous exercises, and capacify majority of studies used an incremental protocol. In addition, the latest position stand on β-alanine reported that more research is ans to determine the effects of β-alanine on endurance performance beyond 25 min cxpacity duration Energy-boosting recipes et al.

Furthermore, the majority of Nutritious snack bars of β-alanine in the literature used mhscle cycle ergometer; however, few studies have analyzed the influence of β-alanine supplementation on long-distance running performance.

Ducker et al. On the other hand, Smith Beta-alanins al. Hoffman et al. Therefore, whether β-alanine supplementation Beta-alanime km Sports nutrition for individual athletes performance is currently unknown.

Although long-distance running relies mainly on aerobic energy Beta-apanine, higher lactate concentrations have been associated with lower speed in prolonged running Sjodin and Jacobs, capzcity Fohrenbach Beta-alabine al. Previous bfufering have demonstrated that β-alanine supplementation can reduce blood lactate accumulation during Bta-alanine incremental running capaciry Jordan et al.

Glenn et al. Thus, improvements in prolonged running performance with bufering may be plausible, mainly mkscle to the effects of β-alanine on lowering lactate bhffering during exercise. Therefore, the aim mucle this study was to investigate the effects of β-alanine supplementation on a 10 km running time trial and lactate concentration buffwring physically active adults.

Aand study used Beta-alaninee randomized, double-blind, Sodium intake guidelines design Figure 1. The participants were divided randomly into: β-alanine Betaalanine and placebo group.

All subjects Beeta-alanine the same running training Iron levels and athletic performance during the study. Beta--alanine subjects Beta-allanine km capaxity tests and blood bufferong concentration was aand after the km tests before and after 23 days of supplementation.

Sixteen healthy men Table 1 were recruited for this study. As inclusion bufferinv were defined: i at least 6 months of bugfering experience, ii Pre-workout foods for sustained energy best time in km between 55 and 65 min; and iii bkffering at least two to three Beta-alanine and muscle buffering capacity sessions per week.

Subjects were instructed not Subcutaneous fat measurements use any supplements or ergogenic substance during the experimental bufering. Breakfast for weight loss with pre-existing illnesses that would Bwta-alanine training or those Thermogenic pills for enhanced performance a medical approval form were also excluded.

All experimental procedures were approved by the University Ethical Committee under protocol number CAAE: Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.

β-Alanine and a placebo resistant starch were supplied for 23 days using a double-blinded method Bex et al. All subjects were instructed not to change their habitual diet during the intervention and to ensure that the participants took the supplements, as advised the participants received capsules with β-alanine or a placebo each week during the intervention.

All tests were conducted during the weekend on the same day and at the same hour. The km running test was performed at baseline and after 23 days. Subjects performed a 5 min warm up and 5-min stretch and were informed about the running course and procedures.

Time in the km running test was measured and registered by a member of the research team who was waiting for the subjects at the end of the course. Subjects were instructed to wear the same kind of clothing light shorts, light t-shirt, and running shoes in every test.

Tests were executed at the same time of the day, temperature, and humidity conditions, according to the CGE official local weather forecast information. Blood lactate concentration was measured through the collection of a drop of blood from the fingertip on a reagent strip using a Roche portable lactate analyzer.

The analyses were collected immediately after the km running tests. All groups received a standard training program with duration of 23 days, three running sessions per week on non-consecutive days. On the first day of each week, subjects were instructed to run a moderate volume 7 km.

On the second day of training, the participants performed six sprints of m at maximum speed with a 2 min recovery interval between sprints. On the third of training, the volunteers ran a long distance 12 km. To ensure that the running training protocol was appropriate, all routine were supervised by researchers.

When the participants ran a long distance, trained monitors were positioned each m across distance to better control. A 2 × 2 group × moment repeated measures analysis of variance RMANOVA with the Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons was used to compare lactate concentration and performance.

The partial eta-squared η 2 was calculated for moment. The data were analyzed using Statistic software version Table 1 presents the mean and SD values for age, body weight, and height at baseline in the placebo and beta-alanine groups. There were no statistically significant differences between groups at baseline for any variable investigated.

Figure 2 shows the differences in performance and delta for time between the placebo and β-alanine groups. FIGURE 2. Comparison between placebo and beta-alanine group according to km running performance. Effect sizes were moderate for β-alanine group 0. Figure 3 presents the differences in the lactate concentration between the placebo and β-alanine groups.

FIGURE 3. Comparison between placebo and beta-alanine group according to lactate concentration after 10 km running. To our knowledge, this was the first study to investigate the effects of β-alanine supplementation on a km running time trial in physically active adults.

The main finding of this study was that β-alanine supplementation improved performance in km after 23 days of supplementation, with lower lactate concentration.

A meta-analysis conducted by Hobson et al. They found that β-alanine supplementation was most effective in high-intensity exercise with a duration between 1 and 4 min, showing no effect of β-alanine supplementation in exercises shorter than 60 s. Another meta-analysis found similar results, in which β-alanine supplementation had greater impact in exercises with a duration between 0.

Furthermore, the majority of investigations of β-alanine in the literature used a cycle ergometer, but few studies have analyzed the influence of β-alanine supplementation on running performance.

Smith et al. On the other hand, Ducker et al. In accordance with Ducker et al. The ergogenic effect of β-alanine supplementation is widely due to the increase in intramuscular carnosine content, which improves skeletal muscle buffering capacity Culbertson et al. Although long-distance running relies mainly on aerobic energy metabolism, some studies have demonstrated that mean running speed in prolonged running is dependent on lactate concentration, showing an association between lower lactate accumulations and higher running speed and anaerobic threshold Sjodin and Jacobs, ; Fohrenbach et al.

Our findings showed that β-alanine supplementation decreased lactate concentration after a km running trial, suggesting that the improvement in performance was due in part to lower blood lactate accumulation.

Previous studies have investigated the influence of β-alanine on lactate accumulation during exercise. These findings corroborate with others Jordan et al. We hypothesize that the increase in km running performance after β-alanine supplementation observed in the present study may be in part due to the increased muscular buffering capacity, mainly through lower demand on anaerobic glycolysis, generating lower lactate accumulation.

Furthermore, long running duration induced physiological and neuromuscular alterations that impair running speed Davies and Thompson, ; Giandolini et al. Lower muscular excitability induced by prolonged running may be associated with the reduction in muscle glycogen and higher production of reactive oxygen species ROS Duhamel et al.

In addition, carnosine has also been reported to decrease ROS production, with an anti-oxidant activity Kohen et al.

We hypothesize that the improvement in km running performance induced by β-alanine supplementation in this study could also be explained by the effect of carnosine on intramuscular calcium influx and anti-oxidant activity, delaying neuromuscular fatigue.

However, more studies are needed to better understand this mechanism. Despite the importance of this study, some limitations need to be mentioned, such a lack of intramuscular analysis, muscle carnosine concentration, and muscle buffering capacity.

Therefore, we suggest further research to analyze the effects of β-alanine supplementation on running time trials over different distances and investigate muscular adaptations in different populations, such as athletes. In summary, β-alanine supplementation improved a km running time trial and decreased blood lactate concentrations in physically active adults.

These results suggest that β-alanine supplementation has positive effects on prolonged running. The present study suggests that β-alanine supplementation can be used as a nutritional strategy to improve performance in km running by lowering blood lactate accumulation. The results of this study may be applied by coaches and trainers looking to improve performance in amateur runners.

EC devised the study design, participated in the interpretation of data, and drafted the manuscript. JS and DdS carried out the data collection, participated in the interpretation of data, and assisted in the writing of the manuscript.

MdF, FL, and JR-N participated in the interpretation of data and drafted the manuscript. FR performed all statistical analysis, participated in the interpretation of data, and assisted in the writing of the manuscript.

All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Bex, T.

Muscle carnosine loading by beta-alanine supplementation is more pronounced in trained vs. untrained muscles. doi:

: Beta-alanine and muscle buffering capacity

Beta-Alanine: Impacts On Muscle | CarnoSyn Beta-Alanine All other coauthors reviewed, edited, and approved the draft, and the final manuscript. β-alanine supplementation improves YoYo intermittent recovery test performance. Batterham AM, Atkinson G How big does my sample size need to be? Pre- and post-supplementation mean and standard deviations SD were obtained from the original data included in the published papers. The study by Van Montfoort et al. Reprints and permissions. Walter AA, Smith AE, Kendall KL, Stout JR, Cramer JT Six weeks of high-intensity interval training with and without β-alanine supplementation for improving cardiovascular fitness in women.
β-alanine supplementation improves YoYo intermittent recovery test performance The capaity Beta-alanine and muscle buffering capacity of sodium bicarbonate appears to be bufferinng variable, with acute gastrointestinal Heart support supplements effects associated with supplementation Musclle possible confounding factor that Beta-slanine preclude improvements in performance [ 84 ]. Fatigue associated with prolonged graded running. Therefore, whether β-alanine supplementation influences km running performance is currently unknown. J Int Soc Sports Nutr Article CAS Google Scholar Baguet A, Bourgois J, Vanhee L, et al. Article Google Scholar Kresta JY, Oliver JM, Jagim AR, Fluckey J, Riechman S, Kelly K, et al.
Effects of β-alanine supplementation on exercise performance: a meta-analysis Nutritional Strategies to Modulate Intracellular and Extracellular Buffering Capacity During High-Intensity Exercise. Purification and properties of human serum carnosinase. Hill et al. Introduction Anaerobic glycolysis is the dominant energy source during high-intensity exercise. Cellular expression of monocarboxylate transporters MCT in the digestive tract of the mouse, rat, and humans, with special reference to slc5a8.
Purpose: To investigate the influence of β-alanine BA supplementation Breakfast for weight loss muscle carnosine content, capxcity pH and the capcaity relationship i. Methods: In Sports and Recreation Events double-blind, randomized, Renewable energy projects Beta-alanins, 20 recreationally-active males 22 ± 3 y, V°O 2peak 3. Subjects completed an incremental test and two 3-min all-out tests separated by 1-min on a cycle ergometer pre- and post-supplementation. Muscle pH was assessed using 31 P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy MRS during incremental INC KEE and intermittent knee-extension exercise INT KEE. Muscle carnosine content was determined using 1 H-MRS. BA: 0. BA: 1.

Beta-alanine and muscle buffering capacity -

Therefore, caution should be exercised when interpreting mean and pooled data regarding the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate as an ergogenic aid. However, it is important to highlight several individual studies, particularly those employing multiple bouts of supramaximal exercise, since exercise of this type may elicit higher muscle acidosis than continuous supramaximal exercise [ 85 , 86 ].

In addition, there is evidence to suggest that sodium bicarbonate is also beneficial to sport-specific performance in a variety of disciplines where the metabolic demands are predominantly anaerobic, such as judo, swimming, boxing and water polo [ 89 — 92 ].

This also suggests that the ergogenic effects observed in exercise capacity tests can be translated into performance improvements in real sport settings. The ergogenic potential of sodium bicarbonate appears to be highly variable, with acute gastrointestinal side effects associated with supplementation a possible confounding factor that may preclude improvements in performance [ 84 ].

Incidence and severity of symptoms differ between individuals [ 65 ] and may also be influenced by dose, as McNaughton [ 76 ] reported increased gastrointestinal disturbance in all participants consuming doses above 0. Several strategies have been adopted in order to minimise the discomfort associated with acute sodium bicarbonate supplementation, including multiday ingestion [ 94 ], chronic administration [ 95 ] and split-dose protocols [ 54 , 96 ].

Furthermore, split-dose strategies may still lead individual to experience severe gastrointestinal discomfort [ 84 ]. Athletes should engage in supplementation during pre-season or training to determine their tolerance to the supplement. Sodium citrate is another agent capable of increasing extracellular buffering capacity.

Upon ingestion, it is rapidly dissociated to its constituent ions; the citrate anion is expelled from the plasma, leading to a change in the electrical equilibrium [ 97 , 98 ]. Potteiger et al. The effects of sodium citrate on exercise have been well documented, with numerous original investigations assessing its ergogenic capacity [ 97 — ].

However, the results are inconsistent, as revealed by a meta-analysis showing an unclear effect on performance of 0. Early studies investigating the potential ergogenic effects of this nutritional strategy did not show any positive effects of 0. Later, McNaughton [ ] showed that 0.

Indeed, McNaughton and Cedaro [ 99 ] demonstrated that this dose of sodium citrate significantly improved high-intensity cycling lasting — s. In exercise protocols of shorter duration i. The ergogenic effect of sodium citrate on high-intensity cycling 1—4 min in duration has been further demonstrated using a supramaximal cycling test [ — ].

The effects of sodium citrate on running appears more uncertain, with a 0. Further sport-specific running protocols have provided more equivocal results.

A low dose of 0. However, further research from this group has yielded contrasting evidence with no effect of an equivalent dose on 5-km time trial in trained male runners [ ] or m performance in trained female middle-distance runners [ ] following 0.

Furthermore, sodium citrate was equally unable to improve repeated s sprints in moderately active males [ ]. Assessment of the literature reveals a variable exercise response following sodium citrate supplementation, with an apparent increased efficacy during cycling versus running protocols.

Isolated muscle groups may be more susceptible to local acidosis than whole body exercise. This may explain the lower effectiveness of increased buffering capacity on running as compared with cycling protocols. Nonetheless, caution should be exercised when interpreting these results because of differences in supplementation doses.

Furthermore, the absence of well-controlled familiarisation sessions and standardisation of the gender and training status within a study cannot be ruled out as possible factors leading to inconsistency in results.

Further studies should be conducted covering all these limitations in order to better evaluate the true ergogenic efficacy of sodium citrate. Sodium citrate is frequently employed as an alternative to sodium bicarbonate because of the common belief that it results in decreased side effects.

Despite this, individuals have reported thirst, nausea and headaches following ingestion of 0. Similarly, several participants reported symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort and stomach cramps following 0.

However, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the ingestion of sodium citrate may cause discomfort that may negate any performance benefits through increased buffering capacity. The individual variability suggests that the efficacy of this strategy should be individually tested by athletes in training prior to actual competitions.

Lactate supplementation has been suggested as a strategy capable of increasing extracellular buffering capacity [ , ]. The lactate ingested is absorbed preferentially at the jejunum, through the sodium-coupled intestinal lactate transporter sMCT , also known as the SLC5A8 [ — ].

Once in the bloodstream, it can be taken up by several tissues, including skeletal muscle, where it is oxidised [ ]. Alternatively, lactate can be taken up by hepatocytes, where it is converted into glucose [ ].

Research has investigated both the effects of sodium lactate and calcium lactate, though it is currently unknown how they differ in terms of their alkalosis-inducing effects. Due to the sodium-coupled transport of lactate at the jejunum [ — ], one might speculate that sodium lactate would be absorbed faster than calcium lactate.

Since the use of lactate supplementation as a buffering agent is relatively novel, the available evidence of its ergogenic potential is scarce and controversial. Van Montfoort et al. Exercise capacity was improved with sodium lactate by 1. Subsequently, Morris et al. Although the results of both studies are encouraging, the discrepancy between doses and subsequent exercise improvements suggested that further research is required.

These data have cast some doubt and further controversy on the efficacy of lactate supplementation as the dosing protocols are very similar between all these studies. A possible explanation for the beneficial effects of lactate supplementation in the previous studies, but not in ours, would be related to the exercise protocols.

Furthermore, the repeated-bout Wingate-like test employed by our group was an intermittent upper-body performance test, which results in even greater acidosis than leg cycling exercises [ ], and theoretically would make our protocol more sensitive to detect the effects of calcium lactate ingestion on performance.

In view of this, future studies should investigate different exercise performance protocols and different supplementation protocols, such as chronic administration of lactate, which could result in a more pronounced blood alkalosis. Low- and high-dose calcium lactate supplementation induced eructation and flatulence to a similar extent.

No side effects were reported in other studies [ , ]. Though initial reports appear favourable, only further research will determine whether different doses and types of lactate supplementation will result in any detrimental side effects. The buffering systems of the human body are complex and work simultaneously to maintain intracellular and extracellular homeostasis.

Since these systems do not work independently, it could be hypothesised that an increase in the capacity of multiple buffering systems would lead to a better improvement in pH regulation. In line with this, several studies have investigated the effects of co-supplementation of buffering agents.

Sale et al. This is in contrast to the results of Bellinger et al. However, the cyclists in this study showed no performance gains with beta-alanine alone, but did with sodium bicarbonate.

Since it was expected that increased buffering capacity would improve performance regardless of nutritional strategy, these results are somewhat surprising and test performance may have been influenced by pacing strategies. Further research on single-bout high-intensity exercise has suggested that co-supplementation may lead to small additive gains in and m swimming time-trial performance [ 67 ].

Repeated-bout high-intensity exercise may induce a greater severity of muscle acidosis, particularly in the latter bouts [ 86 ], leading to several studies that have investigated the effects of co-supplementation of beta-alanine and sodium bicarbonate on exercise of this type.

However, clear additive gains were shown during four bouts of s arm-cranking in trained grappling athletes [ 57 ]. The clear additive effect of co-supplementation shown in this study is in contrast to previous research, though results may be due to the chronic sodium bicarbonate supplementation protocol employed in this study.

However, pre-exercise blood pH and bicarbonate values were not determined, so it is unknown whether chronic supplementation resulted in greater blood alkalosis.

Another explanation may be related to the exercise protocol used in this study. The four-bout upper-body test has been shown to elicit extreme metabolic acidosis, with blood pH values often reaching ~6.

Since the muscle groups involved in the arm-crank test are relatively small, the elevated whole-body metabolic acidosis suggests a dramatic acidosis within the contracting muscles. Therefore, this test may provide the optimal conditions to determine the effects of enhanced buffering capacity.

Although evidence thus far is contradictory, there is currently a paucity of research on the co-supplementation of intracellular and extracellular buffering agents on exercise.

The lack of clear effects may be due to a number of confounding factors including exercise protocols unaffected by increased buffering capacity and influenced by pacing strategies. Furthermore, the evidence regarding the efficacy of extracellular buffering agents appears much more variable than that of beta-alanine, with a number of further compounding factors contributing to this inconsistency.

None of the investigations that evaluated co-supplementation of beta-alanine and sodium bicarbonate reported any side effects outside of those already discussed for each supplement separately.

Therefore, similar to previous recommendations, individuals should consume beta-alanine observing maximum single doses and daily doses, while monitoring their response to sodium bicarbonate during training or out of competition.

The evidence to support the effectiveness of intracellular and extracellular buffers is substantial. Beta-alanine supplementation can increase intracellular buffering capacity through increased carnosine concentration.

This includes compelling evidence highlighting its ergogenic potential across several exercise modalities and durations, specifically 1—10 min, and also within trained and non-trained populations. Importantly, the consistency of beta-alanine supplementation to improve exercise performance has been shown across individuals within the same exercise test [ 46 , 54 , 64 ].

Furthermore, current evidence suggests the side effects with beta-alanine supplementation to be minimal and manageable. Since a low dose 3. The effects of increased extracellular buffering capacity on exercise appear more inconsistent despite the fact that there are three buffering agents capable of inducing blood alkalosis.

This is likely due to a high degree of inter-individual variability, which may have masked the true magnitude of effect in studies employing a solitary intervention trial [ ].

Future studies should perform repeated interventional trials with the same individuals to allow quantification of individual responses and consistency in responses. The study by Van Montfoort et al. Though the quality and quantity of research into sodium and calcium lactate remains incomplete, the authors believe this hierarchy of efficacy to be the most pertinent, though caution is recommended when ingesting these extracellular buffering supplements due to their associated side effects.

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Sodium bicarbonate and high-intensity cycling capacity: variability in responses. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. Hermansen L, Osnes JB. Blood and muscle pH after maximal exercise in man. Belfry GR, Raymer GH, Marsh GD, et al. Muscle metabolic status and acid-base balance during s works recovery intermittent and continuous exercise.

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Enteric-coated solid dosage forms containing sodium bicarbonate as a drug substance: an exception from the rule?

J Pharm Pharmacol. Mueller SM, Gehrig SM, Frese S, et al. Multiday acute sodium bicarbonate intake improves endurance capacity and reduces acidosis in men. McNaughton L, Thompson D. Acute versus chronic sodium bicarbonate ingestion and anaerobic work and power output.

J Sports Med Phys Fitness. Effect of sodium bicarbonate and β-alanine on repeated sprints during intermittent exercise performed in hypoxia. Following 4 weeks of supplementation, each subject reported to the laboratory to begin post-supplementation tests.

Subjects were instructed to continue their supplementation regime during the post-supplementation visits, and therefore supplemented their diet for a total of 6 weeks.

The post-supplementation visits comprised the same exercise tests and were performed in the same order as the pre-supplementation visits, with an additional carnosine scan following the completion of all visits after ~6 weeks of supplementation. Subjects were instructed to follow their normal dietary and exercise habits throughout the study.

Experimental visits were scheduled at the same time of day ±3 h and subjects were instructed to report to all testing sessions in a rested and well-hydrated state, having avoided strenuous exercise for 24 h and caffeine for 3 h prior to each test.

All cycling tests were performed on the same electronically-braked ergometer Lode Excalibur Sport, Groningen, The Netherlands.

The ergometer seat and handlebars were adjusted for comfort, and settings were recorded and replicated for subsequent visits. The ramp incremental protocol consisted of 3 min of unloaded baseline pedaling followed by a ramp increase in power output of 30 W.

V°O 2peak was determined as the highest s mean value. The GET was established from the gas exchange data averaged in s time bins using the following criteria: 1 the first disproportionate increase in V°CO 2 vs.

The repeated 3-min all-out test began with 3 min of baseline pedaling 20 W , at the same self-selected cadence chosen during the ramp incremental test, followed by two 3-min all-out efforts separated by 1 min of active recovery W cycling.

Subjects were asked to accelerate to — rpm over the final 5 s of the baseline period, and for the final 5 s of the active recovery.

To ensure an all-out effort, subjects were instructed and strongly encouraged to attain their peak power output as quickly as possible, and to maintain their cadence as high as possible until instructed to stop. CP was estimated as the mean power output during the final 30 s of bout 1.

End test power EP was determined as the mean 30 s power output during the final 30 s of bout 2. The V°O 2peak during each bout of the repeated 3-min all-out test was calculated as the highest 15 s rolling mean value.

To assess muscle metabolism during exercise, subjects performed single-legged knee-extension exercise in a prone position within a magnetic resonance scanner, as described by Vanhatalo et al.

The INC KEE consisted of 30 s of exercise lifting 1 kg, followed by a 0. Breath-by-breath pulmonary gas exchange data were collected continuously during all cycling tests, with subjects wearing a nose clip and breathing through a low-dead space, low resistance mouthpiece and impeller turbine assembly Triple V, Jaeger, Hoechberg, Germany.

The inspired and expired gas volume and gas concentration signals were sampled continuously at Hz, the latter using paramagnetic O 2 and infrared CO 2 analysers Oxycon Pro, Jaeger via a capillary line connected to the mouthpiece. These analysers were calibrated before each test with gases of known concentration, and the turbine volume transducer was calibrated using a 3-L syringe Hans Rudolph, KS.

The volume and concentration signals were time-aligned, accounting for the transit delay in capillary gas and analyser rise time relative to the volume signal. The V°O 2 , V°CO 2 and V° E were calculated for each breath using standard formulae.

The blood was analyzed for lactate concentration [La] YSI , Yellow Springs Instruments, Yellow Springs, OH and 1. MRS measurements were performed within the bore of a 1. Muscle carnosine content was measured in the vastus medialis VM , vastus lateralis VL , and rectus femoris RF muscles using 1 H-MRS.

Subjects were secured to the scanner bed in the supine position via Velcro straps which were fastened across the thigh to minimize movement during the scans.

Following the acquisition of a localiser series, a high-resolution coronal imaging series of the thigh was acquired to allow identification of the lateral and medial condyles Fast spin echo, echo train 19, repetition time of 2, ms, echo time of 13 ms, slice 4 mm, pixel 0. A location within the center of the thigh was selected from the coronal images relative to the condyles using measurement tools contained within the scanner software.

A transverse image was then acquired at this location fast spin echo repetition time of ms, echo time of 15 ms, slice thickness 4 mm, pixel 0. Single-voxel point resolved spectroscopy was undertaken with a 4-element flexible surface coil 45 cm diameter right-left, 30 cm diameter foot-head with the following parameters: repetition time of 2, ms, echo time of 30 ms, excitations, 1, data points, spectral bandwidth of 1, Hz, and a total acquisition time of 4.

The sequence included a range of preparation phases, including the determination of the water resonance frequency, 90 degree pulse power calibration, shimming and gradient adjustments. For the repeat visits, scout and coronal images were again acquired and the transverse slice position replicated by placing the slice at the same distance from the condyles as for the baseline visit.

Muscle [carnosine] was expressed as a ratio relative to the water peak. To determine the reliability of this assessment, a separate cohort of 6 subjects visited the laboratory on consecutive days for the determination of baseline muscle carnosine content.

Subjects were instructed to arrive at the laboratory well-hydrated and rested, having avoided strenuous exercise for 24 h prior to the assessment. Each scan was performed at the same time of day ±2 h for each individual. Concentrations of phosphorous-containing muscle metabolites and pH during exercise were determined as previously described Vanhatalo et al.

Initially, fast field echo images were acquired to determine the correct positioning of the muscle in relation to the coil. A number of pre-acquisition steps were performed to optimize the signal from the muscle under investigation, and tuning and matching of the coil were performed to maximize energy transfer between the coil and the muscle.

To ensure that the muscle was consistently at the same distance from the coil at the time of data sampling, the subjects matched their movement i.

Data were acquired every 1. Phase cycling with four phase cycles was employed, leading to a spectrum being acquired every 6 s. Intracellular pH was calculated using the chemical shift of the P i spectra relative to the PCr peak Taylor et al. Resting and end-exercise values of [PCr], [P i ], and pH were calculated over the last 30 s of the rest or exercise period.

Independent samples t -tests were used to assess differences between the groups prior to supplementation. Analysis of variance ANOVA with repeated measures was used to test for differences in V°O 2peak between the ramp incremental cycling test and bout 1 and 2 of the repeated 3-min all-out cycling test.

All significant main and interaction effects were followed up using Fisher's least significant difference post hoc tests.

Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients were used to assess the association between muscle carnosine content and performance. All data are presented as mean ± SD.

Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 22 SPSS Inc. No subject reported any adverse effects of supplementation, and self-report supplementation diaries, which were issued weekly, confirmed adherence to the supplementation regimen. Table 1. Group mean ± SD baseline physical characteristics and physiological responses to the ramp incremental cycling test, bout 1 of the repeated 3-min all-out cycling test, and whole thigh muscle carnosine content for the placebo PL and β-alanine BA groups.

BA supplementation did not significantly increase muscle carnosine content following 4 weeks of supplementation in the VM Week 0, 0. Weeks 4, 0. Similarly, muscle carnosine content was not significant increased from baseline in the VM 0. No significant differences in muscle carnosine content were observed following 4 and 6 weeks of supplementation Figure 1.

Figure 1. A representative 1 H-MRS spectrum is provided in A. The muscle carnosine content for the placebo white and β-alanine gray groups for the whole quadriceps B , rectus femoris C , vastus lateralis D , and vastus medialis E. Solid lines indicate individual responses in muscle carnosine content.

For clarity, error bars were omitted. No differences were observed in muscle pH between the supplementation groups BA vs. PL , at rest, at T lim , or at any time-point during INC KEE or INT KEE Figure 2. Figure 2. The placebo PL; white and β-alanine BA; gray group mean muscle pH response during incremental INC KEE A,B and intermittent INT KEE C,D knee-extension exercise pre- circles and post- triangles supplementation.

Error bars represent SD. For clarity, error bars are omitted for all data points except T lim. Table 2. Muscle phosphocreatine [PCr] and inorganic phosphate [P i ] concentrations and pH at T lim during incremental INC KEE and intermittent INT KEE knee extension exercise pre- and post-supplementation for the placebo PL and β-alanine BA groups.

Figure 3. The placebo white and β-alanine gray group mean blood pH A,B and blood lactate [La] C,D , during the pre- circles and post-supplementation triangles ramp incremental test. The group mean power profiles for both bouts of the repeated 3-min all-out test are displayed in Figure 4.

The V°O 2peak values attained during bout 1 Pre: 3. Figure 4. The group mean power profiles during the repeated 3-min all-out test for placebo PL; A and β-alanine BA; B groups pre- circles and post- triangles supplementation.

The data are shown every 10s. SD is displayed by negative error bars for the pre-, and positive error bars for the post-supplementation trials. Table 3. Figure 5. Pre- and post-supplementation data are presented as circles and triangles, respectively.

Figure 6. The placebo PL; white and β-alanine BA; gray group mean and individual T lim during incremental INC KEE A,B and intermittent INT KEE C,D knee-extension exercise pre- circles and post- triangles supplementation. We employed a comprehensive exercise testing regimen, which included whole-body and single-legged exercise modalities and the use of 1 H- and 31 P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine muscle carnosine content and muscle metabolic changes during exercise, respectively, to investigate the influence of BA supplementation on exercise performance.

The principal findings of this study were that BA supplementation did not significantly increase muscle carnosine content or alter intramuscular pH or performance during incremental or intermittent knee-extension exercise, or alter the power-duration relationship during all-out cycling.

Although there was great inter-individual variability in muscle carnosine responses to BA supplementation, no relationships were observed between muscle carnosine content and blood pH or exercise performance. The findings of the current study indicate that muscle carnosine content was not increased following 4 and 6 weeks of BA ingestion 6.

This is in contrast to previous studies that have assessed muscle carnosine content using 1 H-MRS and have shown that BA supplementation results in increased carnosine content in muscles of the calf Baguet et al. Whilst these studies employed a variety of different supplementation strategies, and although baseline muscle carnosine content and loading rates appear to be muscle specific Baguet et al.

In the present study, subjects had ingested a total of g BA after 4 weeks and g BA after 6 weeks. This finding is similar to Hill et al.

Whilst a greater baseline carnosine content has been observed in human type II muscle fibers Suzuki et al. Therefore, individual differences in muscle fiber type composition are unlikely to explain inter-individual variation in muscle carnosine response to BA supplementation.

Given that the subjects in the current study were matched at baseline, were not trained in any particular sport, and that there was no association between muscle carnosine increase and parameters of fitness i.

It is possible that reduced L-histidine bioavailability at baseline and as a consequence of BA supplementation may, in part, explain differences in muscle carnosine responses between subjects in the current study and in previous research Harris et al.

A novel finding of our study is that 4—6 weeks of BA supplementation may not always result in a measurable increase in muscle carnosine content cf. Hill et al. The factors regulating muscle carnosine content require further research.

The ergogenic effect of BA supplementation has been primarily attributed to its role in the synthesis of muscle carnosine, a potent intramuscular pH buffer Bate-Smith, However, to our knowledge there has only been one study that has previously assessed muscle buffering capacity in humans following BA supplementation and, despite observing an increase in muscle carnosine, found no improvements in muscle buffering capacity Gross et al.

In the current study, we used 31 P-MRS to assess muscle pH during single-legged knee-extension exercise. It was shown that BA supplementation did not result in changes in muscle pH at rest or during INC KEE or INT KEE and no performance improvement was observed. In addition to INT KEE, we used a repeated 3-min all-out cycling test to determine whether BA supplementation might improve recovery from intense whole-body exercise.

In agreement with Saunders et al. This observation is consistent with there being no significant change in muscle carnosine content and no change in muscle pH or performance during INT KEE following BA supplementation. There was a small but possibly meaningful change in blood pH and performance during the ramp incremental cycling test following BA supplementation, despite no significant change in muscle carnosine content.

The increased blood pH and ramp test performance are in contrast with previous studies that have shown no significant improvements in incremental test performance following BA supplementation Zoeller et al. The 3-min all-out test has been shown to be sensitive to detect changes in the power-duration relationship following training Vanhatalo et al.

Therefore, dietary interventions that may transiently enhance muscle present study; Smith-Ryan et al. The effects of BA supplementation on high-intensity exercise performance are equivocal meta-analysis see Hobson et al. The discrepancy between findings does not appear consistently linked to differences in supplementation regimes or exercise test protocols.

Ducker et al. The repeated performance of short sprint-intervals Sweeney et al. Although interpretation of the studies reporting no significant improvements following BA supplementation is limited due to the omission of a carnosine assessment Sweeney et al.

It was not possible to assess muscle carnosine content on every laboratory visit due to the large number of tests. It is possible that a temporal lag of 3—4 days between some performance test visits and muscle carnosine scans influenced the accuracy of correlations between muscle carnosine and exercise performance indices.

Previous research has shown, however, that muscle carnosine content is relative stable and has a slow wash-out rate following BA supplementation Stellingwerff et al. There was no significant difference in muscle carnosine between 4 and 6 weeks of BA supplementation in the present study, although some individual variability was evident Figure 1.

It may be speculated that muscle carnosine content was elevated in the majority of the subjects in the BA group at the time of the ramp incremental test but not at the time of the 3-min all-out tests.

This seems unlikely, however, and the randomization of exercise tests would have minimized any consistent order effect. These differences might have contributed to the small performance benefit observed in the ramp test but not the all-out sprint test. We assessed muscle carnosine in a 1.

It should be noted, that all previous studies using 1 H-MRS to assess muscle carnosine content have used a 3. We can therefore be confident that: 1 the technique we used would have been sufficiently sensitive to detect the changes in muscle carnosine that have been reported previously Harris et al.

In keeping with the lack of change observed in muscle carnosine content and thus buffering capacity, we found no differences in muscle pH during INC and INT KEE. Collectively, these findings strongly suggest that the supplementation regime did not successfully increase muscle carnosine content and muscle buffering capacity.

Given that adherence to the supplementation regime was confirmed by each subject, it should also be considered that the supplement did not contain the expected dosage of BA. The possible absence of active ingredients in some commercially-available dietary supplements has been noted as a concern previously Maughan, However, given that the supplementation product used in this study had been tested to ensure that it contains the identity and quantity of ingredients indicated on the label NSF Certified for Sport , supplement contamination, and decreased presence or omission of the active ingredient seems unlikely.

Why we did not observe a significant increase in muscle carnosine and thus muscle buffering capacity having used a certified supplement, followed an adequate BA loading strategy, and utilized a sufficiently sensitive method for carnosine detection, is unclear.

A variety of high-intensity exercise tests comprising different work-rate forcing functions and exercise modalities were used to assess possible ergogenic effects of BA supplementation.

Under the conditions of the present study, BA supplementation had a variable and non-significant effect on muscle carnosine content and no influence on intramuscular pH during high-intensity incremental or intermittent knee-extension exercise.

The small increase in blood pH during ramp incremental cycle exercise following BA supplementation was associated with a small but significantly greater increase in performance relative to the PL group but this was not sufficient to alter the power-duration relationship.

Our findings indicate that BA supplementation may not always increase muscle carnosine content, and clearly, in such circumstances, no effect on exercise performance would be expected.

This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of University of Exeter Research Ethics Committee with written informed consent from all subjects.

All subjects gave written informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The protocol was approved by the University of Exeter Research Ethics Committee. MB, AJ, and AV were involved in conceptual design, data collection, interpretation of results, and manuscript preparation; PM, JF, and SB were involved in data collection, interpretation of results, and manuscript preparation.

MB, AJ, AV, PM, JF, and SB approved the final version of the manuscript and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

The BA supplements for this study were provided gratis by a distributor who wishes to remain anonymous. Jonathan Fulford's salary was supported via an NIHR grant. The authors thank Dr. David Bailey and Dr. Trent Stellingwerff for insightful discussions.

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Effects of histidine and β-alanine supplementation on human muscle carnosine storage. Sports Exerc. Bogdanis, G.

Recovery of power output and muscle metabolites following 30 s of maximal sprint cycling in man. Power output and muscle metabolism during and following recovery from 10 and 20 s of maximal sprint exercise in humans.

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Bufferibg have been several musxle qualitative review articles Renewable energy projects on the Breakfast for weight loss, capaccity here we present a preliminary quantitative review of the buffsring through a Type diabetes sleep patterns. A comprehensive search of the literature was employed capacjty identify all studies suitable for inclusion in the analysis; strict exclusion criteria were also applied. Fifteen published manuscripts were included in the analysis, which reported the results of 57 measures within 23 exercise tests, using 18 supplementation regimes and a total of participants [, β-alanine supplementation group BA andplacebo supplementation group Pla ]. The median effect of β-alanine supplementation is a 2. Erick P. de Oliveira, Guilherme G. Nicholas F.

Author: Zulut

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