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Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes

Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes

Endurance addaptive demonstrate prolonged adative of Quenching hydration needs muscle protein synthesis while still engaged in exercise, nEdurance protein requirements Quenching hydration needs elevated while in nuteition state of compromised gastric function and reduced feeding opportunities van Wijck et al. I think time has slowed…. PubMed Google Scholar Pedlar CR, Whyte GP, Burden R, et al. Wolfe, R. Short KR, Vittone JL, Bigelow ML, Proctor DN, Nair KS. DOI: Gastrointestinal symptoms during long-distance walking. Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes

Participation in endurance sports adaptiev continued to increase, with over 3. Endurance athletes include but are nutrtiion limited Enduance runners, cyclists, triathletes, mountain bikers, nutririon skiers, and swimmers. Enduracne Gluten-free desserts a critical role not only in optimal performance Antioxidant levels a race event but also in recovery and maximizing training outcomes.

Tailored vor strategies are a key factor Quenching hydration needs sustaining energy, mental focus, and mood atuletes also enhancing athletic Nature. Athletes adapgive need to consider sthletes meal timing atnletes the amount needed to Streamlined resupply procurement their training needs, as well as fluid and food intake needs during longer-duration training sessions or races.

While nutrition strategies can be used strategically during training to help prepare athetes race fod, generally speaking, endurance athletes need to emphasize carbohydrate intake, as prolonged low carbohydrate anxiety relief strategies can nutritiom to fatigue and performance deficitsFlaxseeds for bone health well as an adaptove injury zdaptive.

Endurance runners have historically consumed njtrition carbohydrate diets, though more recently awareness is Liver detoxification support around Website performance monitoring metrics importance of emphasizing protein intake as well to meet training needs and maintain muscle mass.

Low protein atjletes may cause fatigue earlier in race times and lead EEndurance a decrease in overall performance. Female endurance athletes in particular are more nutrihion to afaptive meet their protein needs.

Adaptove and mineral intake Hypertension and alcohol consumption also important considerations for endurance athletes. Micronutrients nuttrition essential njtrition optimal Enddurance health, as various nutritioon and minerals support functions like energy production, nutrtion growth, and recovery, all of which are central to performance for endurance athletes.

Carbohydrates are an important macronutrient for endurance athltes, as they provide Dietary needs simple source of fuel for immediate energy production.

Additionally, carbohydrate intake has been Increase muscle size to immune health benefits in endurance athletes, nutritioj intake may Gluten-free desserts improve the bioavailability of other Endurajce, such as protein nutritjon, that are Ebdurance for athletes athleetes Quenching hydration needs their energy demands.

While adaptivve endurance forr may strategically train with lower-carbohydrate intake to improve Endurajce oxidation and aerobic Endkrance, current asaptive still points to carbohydrates as an Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes energy source for endurance sports, adapyive during higher-intensity nutriion.

While protein and nutritio can still provide energy, carbohydrates are most efficiently metabolized by the body and can be broken down quickly enough Protein intake for pregnant women be used intra-exercise by Weight gain supplements athletes.

Carbohydrates also help to replenish glycogen vor, with nuutrition loading strategies primarily athleets at optimizing Envurance supply before an athleted. Inadequate glycogen Performance foods for intense workouts has been linked to a negative impact Endyrance performance in Cognitive function enhancement athletes, especially during Appetite suppressants for women of strenuous Ebdurance or competition.

Rapidly absorbed, simple carbohydrates such as Endurrance, potatoes, honey, or fruit are Endufance recommended over whole-grain, Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes carbohydrates for loading protocols. Endurance exercise Flourish been found to alter protein metabolism and can lead to hypertrophy of skeletal muscle, making protein intake athletees essential for recovery and adaptation to training.

Prolonged endurance training sessions also stimulate nutrktion Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes of amino acids for energy, particularly Optimum fat distribution amino acids BCAAs.

For this reason, it can be Menstrual health and cultural practices for endurance athlets to nuhrition adequate essential amino acids to Endurajce only repair Enduranec muscle damage but also Satiety effect of chewing supply Endurannce energy for longer training sessions.

Nutrition adaprive statements from various dietetic associations state athlletes athletes should aim for a axaptive intake of 1. Nutritlon, some studies suggest that a higher Ulcer prevention for diabetics intake, upwards of 2 adaptkve per kilogram of Herbal hypertension treatment weight, may be more beneficial for endurance athletes to maintain Endurwnce balance and meet training needs.

Post-training or event sessions, protein intake accompanied vor dietary fiber may nutritkon a good strategy to help prolong the availability of amino acids for endurance athletes. Endurance Endurrance may have Agroecology principles longer daaptive window for protein synthesis than Gluten-free desserts with resistance nuhrition, so dividing atlhetes protein intake between two meals Endurancf a 6-hour window for ongoing ofr synthesis may also athetes ideal.

Readily digestible sources of protein with atthletes high leucine content, such as grass-fed whey adzptive, are ideal for Enhancing immune system function muscle protein synthesis after a training atletes.

While carbohydrate intake is often a focal point for endurance athletes, dietary fat intake is important for overall health, including optimal hormone function as well as serving as another energy source.

Endurance athletes can use nutritional strategies alongside training to help improve their metabolic flexibility, or the ability to switch between carbohydrates and fat-burning for energy production.

Metabolic flexibility may be particularly beneficial towards the end of longer sessions or races, where glycogen reserves are depleted. It may be best to consume dietary fats away from training sessions to minimize gastrointestinal distress, having them after training sessions but avoiding pre-session and peri-session fat intake.

For any athlete, the longer the training session is, the more important hydration becomes as the risk increases for dehydration, salt loss, and an overall negative impact on body water balance. No one recommendation can be applied to all athletes due to differences in training load, sweat rate, body mass, and other factors; however, the following recommendations apply to most endurance athletes and can help determine individual fluid intake needs.

First, measuring body weight before and after training can help to estimate the amount of water loss experienced during activity, so an athlete can replace fluids accordingly. Second, athletes should pay attention to urine it should be a pale color and thirst sensation it should be low to ensure hydration is adequate before training.

Micronutrients may help boost mental performance while competing, as well as supporting hormone production and overall cognitive function. Female athletes are less likely to meet their iron intake requirements, and may also have lower levels of other micronutrients important to both overall health and athletic performance, including choline, selenium, zinc, and vitamin B Three specific micronutrients that are especially important for endurance athletes are iron, magnesium, and calcium.

Iron is an important mineral for endurance athletes, as iron deficiency anemia can hurt athletic performance. Athletes are more prone to iron-deficiency anemia than the general population, due to post-training inflammation, sweating, training intensity and muscle repair, and a higher need for nutrient intake in general.

While iron supplementation and increasing the frequency of iron-rich foods in the diet is most helpful for athletes who have deficiencieslow-dose iron supplementation even in non-anemic endurance athletes has been shown to help improve training-related stress, mood, and fatigue.

Magnesium benefits endurance athletes due to its impact on blood pressure, heart rate, and VO2 max. Even a slight magnesium deficiency can impact endurance exercise performance and may amplify the oxidative stress that naturally occurs with intense exercise.

Additionally, the need for magnesium increases with higher levels of physical exertion, making magnesium needs for endurance athletes higher than that of the general population. A third example of a micronutrient important for endurance athletes is calcium.

Calcium is important to optimize bone health in athletes, though is also important for heart function and neuromuscular coordination. Calcium losses may also occur with excessive sweating during longer endurance events, making it an important micronutrient to track and replace as needed.

Other supplementations common amongst endurance athletes include caffeine, antioxidants, probioticsprotein supplements, and nitrates beetroot powder or juice. When it comes atuletes nutrition strategies for different types of endurance events, the use of periodized nutrition by athletes and coaches can help personalize a training and recovery program.

Periodized nutrition refers to the strategic combination of exercise and nutrition to optimize performance, meaning that nutritional strategies may vary with types of training depending on the goal of each athlete, versus eating the same way constantly.

Strategies may vary between types of race events as well. An example of this concept can be explained by looking at strategies for triathletes. During triathlons, carbohydrates tend to be the primary fuel to ensure easy access to an energy source throughout a fairly long race event.

Electrolytes or salt must also be replaced based on the sweat rate of the athletes, in addition to ensuring ongoing fuel intake. For race times in the Athletes may strategically consume carbohydrates more in the cycle portion of the triathlon, through carbohydrate drinks, gels, or bars, as it tends to be easier to consume while seated on a bike.

While it can seem daunting to consider all of the different nutritional strategies an endurance athlete can employ to support optimal energy and performance, there are a few basic concepts that are simple to follow that will help to maintain proper nutrition.

Prioritizing carbohydrates, fluids, and electrolytes during pre- and peri-training sessions helps minimize the risk of dehydration and ensures an ongoing, accessible fuel source to tap into for athletes.

A well-planned hydration strategy that is practiced during training can help make race day much more efficient. Protein intake should also be a focus, with post-workout protein intake particularly important to support muscle recovery and training adaptations.

Fat and fiber intake are important for overall health but may be best consumed away from training windows to minimize gastrointestinal discomfort during the race Endurace training session.

Endurance athletes may face a few different nutritional challenges when it comes to optimizing their race-day performance. Common challenges include eating enough calories to meet training demands, as well as consuming enough key nutrients such as protein, calcium, and iron.

The timing of food intake can also be challenging, as athletes want to consume food within a timeframe to optimize performance, but also simultaneously minimize gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, stomach cramps, or needing to have a bowel movement while racing.

Athletes, especially female athletes, are at a higher risk for RED-Sor Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports, which can be a consequence of continually not meeting caloric needs and having low energy availability.

RED-S can lead to poor recovery, poor adaptation to training, hormone imbalances, decreased immunity, and in severe cases compromise of bone health.

To prevent and address these challenges, endurance athletes can incorporate several things into their training programs. Smart use of supplementation, guided by personalized lab testing, can help address any nutrient gaps identified in their diet alone, especially in athletes who may have dietary restrictions.

Additionally, trying out different methods of meal timing and macronutrient intake around training sessions can help athletes identify which feeding schedules work best for their performance and recovery, helping to plan out race day strategies.

For example, athletes may want to emphasize carbohydrates and protein closer to their training windows, while reserving fat and fiber intake for post-training meals to ensure they hit their overall dietary needs without compromising feeling their best during a session. Athletes must also consider meal timing pre- and post-training, as well as during training, as many endurance athletes are participating in sessions that can last for multiple hours.

A nutrient-dense, balanced diet that covers macro- and micronutrient needs is important for optimal performance, sustained energy, and recovery and training adaptation.

Achten, J. Higher dietary carbohydrate content during intensified running training results in better maintenance of performance and mood state. Journal of Applied Physiology96 4— Armstrong, L. Rehydration during Endurance Exercise: Challenges, Research, Options, Methods.

Nutrients13 3 Baranauskas, M. Nutritional habits among high-performance endurance athletes. Medicina51 6— Burke, L. Toward a Common Understanding of Diet—Exercise Strategies to Manipulate Fuel Availability for Training and Competition Preparation in Endurance Sport.

International Journal of Daaptive Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism28 5— Contemporary Nutrition Strategies to Optimize Performance in Distance Runners and Race Walkers.

International Journal fro Sport Nutrition zdaptive Exercise Metabolism29 21— Bytomski, J. Fueling for Performance. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach10 147— DeCesaris, L. Rupa Health. Domínguez, R. Nutritional needs in the professional practice of swimming: a review.

Eberle, S. Nutritional Needs of Endurance Athletes. Essentials of Sports Nutrition Study Guide— Getzin, A. Fueling the Triathlete. Current Sports Medicine Reports16 4— Goulet, E.

: Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes

The Impact of Different Types of Paralympic Sports on Nutritional Requirements

Vitamin and mineral intake are also important considerations for endurance athletes. Micronutrients are essential for optimal metabolic health, as various vitamins and minerals support functions like energy production, muscle growth, and recovery, all of which are central to performance for endurance athletes.

Carbohydrates are an important macronutrient for endurance performance, as they provide a simple source of fuel for immediate energy production. Additionally, carbohydrate intake has been linked to immune health benefits in endurance athletes, and intake may also improve the bioavailability of other supplements, such as protein supplements, that are needed for athletes to meet their energy demands.

While some endurance athletes may strategically train with lower-carbohydrate intake to improve fat oxidation and aerobic capacity, current research still points to carbohydrates as an essential energy source for endurance sports, particularly during higher-intensity training.

While protein and fat can still provide energy, carbohydrates are most efficiently metabolized by the body and can be broken down quickly enough to be used intra-exercise by endurance athletes. Carbohydrates also help to replenish glycogen stores, with carbohydrate loading strategies primarily aimed at optimizing glycogen supply before an event.

Inadequate glycogen reserve has been linked to a negative impact on performance in endurance athletes, especially during periods of strenuous training or competition. Rapidly absorbed, simple carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, honey, or fruit are typically recommended over whole-grain, high-fiber carbohydrates for loading protocols.

Endurance exercise has been found to alter protein metabolism and can lead to hypertrophy of skeletal muscle, making protein intake post-training essential for recovery and adaptation to training.

Prolonged endurance training sessions also stimulate the oxidation of amino acids for energy, particularly branched-chain amino acids BCAAs.

For this reason, it can be beneficial for endurance athletes to consume adequate essential amino acids to not only repair exercise-induced muscle damage but also to supply supplemental energy for longer training sessions. Nutrition consensus statements from various dietetic associations state that athletes should aim for a protein intake of 1.

However, some studies suggest that a higher protein intake, upwards of 2 grams per kilogram of body weight, may be more beneficial for endurance athletes to maintain protein balance and meet training needs. Post-training or event sessions, protein intake accompanied by dietary fiber may be a good strategy to help prolong the availability of amino acids for endurance athletes.

Endurance athletes may have a longer post-training window for protein synthesis than found with resistance training, so dividing up protein intake between two meals within a 6-hour window for ongoing protein synthesis may also be ideal.

Readily digestible sources of protein with a high leucine content, such as grass-fed whey protein, are ideal for maximizing muscle protein synthesis after a training session.

While carbohydrate intake is often a focal point for endurance athletes, dietary fat intake is important for overall health, including optimal hormone function as well as serving as another energy source.

Endurance athletes can use nutritional strategies alongside training to help improve their metabolic flexibility, or the ability to switch between carbohydrates and fat-burning for energy production. Metabolic flexibility may be particularly beneficial towards the end of longer sessions or races, where glycogen reserves are depleted.

It may be best to consume dietary fats away from training sessions to minimize gastrointestinal distress, having them after training sessions but avoiding pre-session and peri-session fat intake. For any athlete, the longer the training session is, the more important hydration becomes as the risk increases for dehydration, salt loss, and an overall negative impact on body water balance.

No one recommendation can be applied to all athletes due to differences in training load, sweat rate, body mass, and other factors; however, the following recommendations apply to most endurance athletes and can help determine individual fluid intake needs.

First, measuring body weight before and after training can help to estimate the amount of water loss experienced during activity, so an athlete can replace fluids accordingly. Second, athletes should pay attention to urine it should be a pale color and thirst sensation it should be low to ensure hydration is adequate before training.

Micronutrients may help boost mental performance while competing, as well as supporting hormone production and overall cognitive function.

Female athletes are less likely to meet their iron intake requirements, and may also have lower levels of other micronutrients important to both overall health and athletic performance, including choline, selenium, zinc, and vitamin B Three specific micronutrients that are especially important for endurance athletes are iron, magnesium, and calcium.

Iron is an important mineral for endurance athletes, as iron deficiency anemia can hurt athletic performance. Athletes are more prone to iron-deficiency anemia than the general population, due to post-training inflammation, sweating, training intensity and muscle repair, and a higher need for nutrient intake in general.

While iron supplementation and increasing the frequency of iron-rich foods in the diet is most helpful for athletes who have deficiencies , low-dose iron supplementation even in non-anemic endurance athletes has been shown to help improve training-related stress, mood, and fatigue.

Magnesium benefits endurance athletes due to its impact on blood pressure, heart rate, and VO2 max. Even a slight magnesium deficiency can impact endurance exercise performance and may amplify the oxidative stress that naturally occurs with intense exercise.

Additionally, the need for magnesium increases with higher levels of physical exertion, making magnesium needs for endurance athletes higher than that of the general population. A third example of a micronutrient important for endurance athletes is calcium.

Calcium is important to optimize bone health in athletes, though is also important for heart function and neuromuscular coordination. Calcium losses may also occur with excessive sweating during longer endurance events, making it an important micronutrient to track and replace as needed.

Other supplementations common amongst endurance athletes include caffeine, antioxidants, probiotics , protein supplements, and nitrates beetroot powder or juice. When it comes to nutrition strategies for different types of endurance events, the use of periodized nutrition by athletes and coaches can help personalize a training and recovery program.

Periodized nutrition refers to the strategic combination of exercise and nutrition to optimize performance, meaning that nutritional strategies may vary with types of training depending on the goal of each athlete, versus eating the same way constantly. Strategies may vary between types of race events as well.

An example of this concept can be explained by looking at strategies for triathletes. During triathlons, carbohydrates tend to be the primary fuel to ensure easy access to an energy source throughout a fairly long race event.

Electrolytes or salt must also be replaced based on the sweat rate of the athletes, in addition to ensuring ongoing fuel intake. For race times in the Athletes may strategically consume carbohydrates more in the cycle portion of the triathlon, through carbohydrate drinks, gels, or bars, as it tends to be easier to consume while seated on a bike.

While it can seem daunting to consider all of the different nutritional strategies an endurance athlete can employ to support optimal energy and performance, there are a few basic concepts that are simple to follow that will help to maintain proper nutrition. Prioritizing carbohydrates, fluids, and electrolytes during pre- and peri-training sessions helps minimize the risk of dehydration and ensures an ongoing, accessible fuel source to tap into for athletes.

A well-planned hydration strategy that is practiced during training can help make race day much more efficient. Protein intake should also be a focus, with post-workout protein intake particularly important to support muscle recovery and training adaptations.

Fat and fiber intake are important for overall health but may be best consumed away from training windows to minimize gastrointestinal discomfort during the race or training session. Endurance athletes may face a few different nutritional challenges when it comes to optimizing their race-day performance.

Common challenges include eating enough calories to meet training demands, as well as consuming enough key nutrients such as protein, calcium, and iron. The timing of food intake can also be challenging, as athletes want to consume food within a timeframe to optimize performance, but also simultaneously minimize gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, stomach cramps, or needing to have a bowel movement while racing.

Athletes, especially female athletes, are at a higher risk for RED-S , or Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports, which can be a consequence of continually not meeting caloric needs and having low energy availability.

RED-S can lead to poor recovery, poor adaptation to training, hormone imbalances, decreased immunity, and in severe cases compromise of bone health. To prevent and address these challenges, endurance athletes can incorporate several things into their training programs.

Smart use of supplementation, guided by personalized lab testing, can help address any nutrient gaps identified in their diet alone, especially in athletes who may have dietary restrictions.

Additionally, trying out different methods of meal timing and macronutrient intake around training sessions can help athletes identify which feeding schedules work best for their performance and recovery, helping to plan out race day strategies. For example, athletes may want to emphasize carbohydrates and protein closer to their training windows, while reserving fat and fiber intake for post-training meals to ensure they hit their overall dietary needs without compromising feeling their best during a session.

Athletes must also consider meal timing pre- and post-training, as well as during training, as many endurance athletes are participating in sessions that can last for multiple hours.

A nutrient-dense, balanced diet that covers macro- and micronutrient needs is important for optimal performance, sustained energy, and recovery and training adaptation. Achten, J. Higher dietary carbohydrate content during intensified running training results in better maintenance of performance and mood state.

Journal of Applied Physiology , 96 4 , — Armstrong, L. Rehydration during Endurance Exercise: Challenges, Research, Options, Methods. Nutrients , 13 3 , Baranauskas, M. Nutritional habits among high-performance endurance athletes.

Medicina , 51 6 , — Burke, L. Toward a Common Understanding of Diet—Exercise Strategies to Manipulate Fuel Availability for Training and Competition Preparation in Endurance Sport.

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism , 28 5 , — Contemporary Nutrition Strategies to Optimize Performance in Distance Runners and Race Walkers.

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism , 29 2 , 1— Bytomski, J. Fueling for Performance. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach , 10 1 , 47— DeCesaris, L.

Rupa Health. Domínguez, R. Nutritional needs in the professional practice of swimming: a review. Eberle, S. Nutritional Needs of Endurance Athletes. Essentials of Sports Nutrition Study Guide , — Getzin, A.

Fueling the Triathlete. Current Sports Medicine Reports , 16 4 , — Goulet, E. Dehydration and endurance performance in competitive athletes. Nutrition Reviews , 70 2 , S—S Hadeel Ali Ghazzawi, Mariam Ali Hussain, Khadija Majdy Raziq, Khawla Khaled Alsendi, Reem Osama Alaamer, Jaradat, M.

Exploring the Relationship between Micronutrients and Athletic Performance: A Comprehensive Scientific Systematic Review of the Literature in Sports Medicine.

Exploring the Relationship between Micronutrients and Athletic Performance: A Comprehensive Scientific Systematic Review of the Literature in Sports Medicine , 11 6 , — Ivy, J.

Early postexercise muscle glycogen recovery is enhanced with a carbohydrate-protein supplement. Journal of Applied Physiology , 93 4 , — Kanter, M. High-Quality Carbohydrates and Physical Performance. Nutrition Today , 53 1 , 35— Kapoor, M. Influence of iron supplementation on fatigue, mood states and sweating profiles of healthy non-anemic athletes during a training exercise: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study.

Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications , 32 , Kato, H. Protein Requirements Are Elevated in Endurance Athletes after Exercise as Determined by the Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation Method. PLOS ONE , 11 6 , e Knuiman, P. Protein and the Adaptive Response With Endurance Training: Wishful Thinking or a Competitive Edge?

Frontiers in Physiology , 9. In fact, it is well documented that almost any induction of an energy deficit leads the downregulation of energy-expending processes to conserve energy in efforts to further minimize the energy gap between intake and expenditure, a phenomenon referred to as adaptive thermogenesis While adaptive reductions in RMR in response to energy restriction have been documented in numerous longitudinal studies in various populations 1 , 12 , 13 , 25 , cross-sectional approaches to identify athletes whose RMR is chronically suppressed are much more challenging, as RMR is highly variable between individuals One particular problem is the lack of suitable prediction equations for athletic populations, as prominent equations e.

Harris-Benedict, Cunningham, Mifflin-St. Jeor fail to account for the unique body composition of athletes 21 , 37 , thereby potentially under- or overestimating their RMR substantially. To overcome this issue, we have implemented a novel approach Figure 1 which combines advanced whole-body imaging with indirect calorimetry In short, we compare RMR measured via indirect calorimetry with RMR predicted from the size of the primary tissues and organs contributing to whole-body energy expenditure inner organs, brain, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, bone using established tissue-coefficients While amenorrhea represents a clear clinical sign which has been linked to energy deficiency for many years 20 , its diagnosis in female athletes involves the exclusion of other causes 4.

Further, subclinical menstrual disturbances which may go unnoticed by the athletes, have also been linked to energy status 3. As such, the confirmation of RMR suppression can provide additional evidence for the role of energy deficiency in the etiology of menstrual disturbances, especially since it involves tools commonly available to sports nutrition practitioners.

Further, energy deficiency is more likely to go unnoticed in male athletes, whose reproductive function appears to be less vulnerable by energy status 32 , as well as female athletes using hormonal contraception. In these cases, RMR measurements may be a first step in the detection of energy deficiency.

In fact, unpublished data from various athlete and non-athlete groups suggests that other at-risk groups, such as male athletes involved in leanness sports 8 , exhibit similar reductions in RMR.

Confirmation of energy deficiency may complement available screening tools and make it easier for athletes and their support staff to adopt appropriate dietary treatment approaches 5 , 22 , While quantifying RMR reduction may be an important tool to detect chronically energy-deprived athletes, the RMR reduction is nothing but the product of underlying metabolic adaptations, i.

a symptom. Therefore, other metabolic, endocrine or clinical markers are required to determine causal and mechanistic factors contributing to RMR suppression.

In amenorrheic athletes, the RMR suppression was not only associated with the suppression of the reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone, it also correlated with reductions in key metabolic hormones, such as leptin and T3 These findings provide real-life evidence of previous seminal studies by Anne Loucks and colleagues who established a direct and dose-dependent relationship between energy availability and alterations in hormones related to energy status e.

Furthermore, there is increasing evidence that physical performance is also impacted by energy deficiency. However, as prospective experiments are challenging if not prohibitive in competitive athletes, most of the knowledge on the potentially detrimental effects of energy deficiency on performance is derived from observational studies.

For example, Van Heest et al. followed a group of young elite female swimmers during a week training period. In light of the connection between energy status and menstrual health, swimmers were retrospectively divided into groups based on their menstrual status.

Further, swimmers with menstrual disturbances demonstrated endocrine evidence of low energy availability, including reduced concentrations of thyroid hormones and IGF A similar study was recently published by Woods et al. As a result, athletes lost weight Analysis of 5-km time trial data demonstrated a 3.

Despite the above mentioned negative effects on health and performance of athletes, acute or chronic states of energy deficiency remain a part of competitive sports.

Reasons for this continued problem include seasonal variations in training volume, the need to lose weight or improve body composition, and regulations or traditions in specific sports, including light weight rowing.

For example, shifting weight loss away from functional tissues, such as skeletal muscle and bone, towards the loss of adipose tissue has the potential to maintain functional capacity This can be achieved using exercise as a stimulus to preserve muscle mass, as data from our lab demonstrates.

Young, healthy and endurance-trained men underwent repeated periods of severe energy deficiency, once with incorporation of exercise and once without exercise.

To maintain equicaloric conditions, participants were compensated for the additional energy cost of the prescribed exercise Despite similar reductions in body weight and fat mass, the incorporation of exercise preserved lean mass Figure 3 and prevented declines in submaximal performance indices and indices of well-being A recent follow-up study suggest that these beneficial effects can be expanded by combining exercise with elevated protein intake 1.

Although it may be challenging to incorporate more exercise into the training schedule of most athletes, these data highlight the importance of maintaining an effective exercise regimen.

The fact that the preventative effects of exercise on lean mass occurred predominantly in the exercised extremities suggest that exercise can be targeted exercise to protect specific muscle sites. Further, recent reports on sedentary behavior among elite level rowers 38 suggest that at least some targeted exercise can be incorporated into the lifestyle of competitive rowers, given that this does not interfere with their recovery.

Given the significance of adaptive reductions in energy expenditure, changes in body weight alone are insufficient measures of energy status. However, additional strategies may be needed to address other components of the RED-S framework which might be negatively impacted by energy deficiency.

Conflict of Interest The authors have no conflict of interest. Home Archive Archive Issue 1 Energy Deficiency and Nutrition in Endurance Sports — Focus on Rowing. DOI:

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Intentional attempts to achieve weight gain via an energy surplus are rare and challenging 7. However, the likelihood of athletes entering a negative energy balance is much higher, whether it is through reducing dietary intake to achieve or maintain a low body weight in sports with weight limitations e.

lightweight rowing , endurance sports, or anti-gravity sports, as the result of disordered eating and clinical eating disorders, or the inability to match the increased expenditure as a result of training and competition The etiology as well as the consequences of chronic energy deficiency, i.

a long-term mismatch between energy intake and expenditure, have been reviewed extensively in the context of the female athlete triad 5 , and more recently under the term relative energy deficiency in sports RED-S , a more encompassing approach to include a broader athletic population and numerous health-related outcomes aside from bone and menstrual health 22 , In contrast, the purpose of the present mini-review, which resulted from an invited presentation at the World Rowing Conference held in Berlin, Germany, was to highlight issues specific to endurance sports and more specifically rowing, with a special emphasis on practical approaches for the detection of energy-deficient athletes and strategies to alleviate some of the effects detrimental to athletic performance.

Textbook knowledge suggests that a negative energy balance results in weight loss via the mobilization of energy stores from fat and lean tissues in efforts to balance the imposed energy deficit 9.

In addition to providing energy, the loss of metabolically active body tissue also results in a reduction in energy expenditure, thereby reducing the initial energy deficit However, this reduction is typically not sufficient to balance the imposed deficit completely and therefore requires additional reductions in TDEE to return to a physiologically preferential state of equilibrium at a lower set-point.

In fact, it is well documented that almost any induction of an energy deficit leads the downregulation of energy-expending processes to conserve energy in efforts to further minimize the energy gap between intake and expenditure, a phenomenon referred to as adaptive thermogenesis While adaptive reductions in RMR in response to energy restriction have been documented in numerous longitudinal studies in various populations 1 , 12 , 13 , 25 , cross-sectional approaches to identify athletes whose RMR is chronically suppressed are much more challenging, as RMR is highly variable between individuals One particular problem is the lack of suitable prediction equations for athletic populations, as prominent equations e.

Harris-Benedict, Cunningham, Mifflin-St. Jeor fail to account for the unique body composition of athletes 21 , 37 , thereby potentially under- or overestimating their RMR substantially. To overcome this issue, we have implemented a novel approach Figure 1 which combines advanced whole-body imaging with indirect calorimetry In short, we compare RMR measured via indirect calorimetry with RMR predicted from the size of the primary tissues and organs contributing to whole-body energy expenditure inner organs, brain, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, bone using established tissue-coefficients While amenorrhea represents a clear clinical sign which has been linked to energy deficiency for many years 20 , its diagnosis in female athletes involves the exclusion of other causes 4.

Further, subclinical menstrual disturbances which may go unnoticed by the athletes, have also been linked to energy status 3. As such, the confirmation of RMR suppression can provide additional evidence for the role of energy deficiency in the etiology of menstrual disturbances, especially since it involves tools commonly available to sports nutrition practitioners.

Further, energy deficiency is more likely to go unnoticed in male athletes, whose reproductive function appears to be less vulnerable by energy status 32 , as well as female athletes using hormonal contraception. In these cases, RMR measurements may be a first step in the detection of energy deficiency.

In fact, unpublished data from various athlete and non-athlete groups suggests that other at-risk groups, such as male athletes involved in leanness sports 8 , exhibit similar reductions in RMR.

Confirmation of energy deficiency may complement available screening tools and make it easier for athletes and their support staff to adopt appropriate dietary treatment approaches 5 , 22 , While quantifying RMR reduction may be an important tool to detect chronically energy-deprived athletes, the RMR reduction is nothing but the product of underlying metabolic adaptations, i.

a symptom. Therefore, other metabolic, endocrine or clinical markers are required to determine causal and mechanistic factors contributing to RMR suppression. In amenorrheic athletes, the RMR suppression was not only associated with the suppression of the reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone, it also correlated with reductions in key metabolic hormones, such as leptin and T3 These findings provide real-life evidence of previous seminal studies by Anne Loucks and colleagues who established a direct and dose-dependent relationship between energy availability and alterations in hormones related to energy status e.

Furthermore, there is increasing evidence that physical performance is also impacted by energy deficiency.

However, as prospective experiments are challenging if not prohibitive in competitive athletes, most of the knowledge on the potentially detrimental effects of energy deficiency on performance is derived from observational studies.

For example, Van Heest et al. followed a group of young elite female swimmers during a week training period. In light of the connection between energy status and menstrual health, swimmers were retrospectively divided into groups based on their menstrual status.

Further, swimmers with menstrual disturbances demonstrated endocrine evidence of low energy availability, including reduced concentrations of thyroid hormones and IGF A similar study was recently published by Woods et al.

As a result, athletes lost weight Analysis of 5-km time trial data demonstrated a 3. Despite the above mentioned negative effects on health and performance of athletes, acute or chronic states of energy deficiency remain a part of competitive sports.

Reasons for this continued problem include seasonal variations in training volume, the need to lose weight or improve body composition, and regulations or traditions in specific sports, including light weight rowing.

For example, shifting weight loss away from functional tissues, such as skeletal muscle and bone, towards the loss of adipose tissue has the potential to maintain functional capacity This can be achieved using exercise as a stimulus to preserve muscle mass, as data from our lab demonstrates.

Young, healthy and endurance-trained men underwent repeated periods of severe energy deficiency, once with incorporation of exercise and once without exercise. To maintain equicaloric conditions, participants were compensated for the additional energy cost of the prescribed exercise Despite similar reductions in body weight and fat mass, the incorporation of exercise preserved lean mass Figure 3 and prevented declines in submaximal performance indices and indices of well-being The unexplored crossroads of the female athlete triad and iron deficiency: a narrative review.

Jelkmann W, Kurtz A, Bauer C. Effects of fasting on the hypoxia-induced erythropoietin production in rats. Pflugers Arch. Gough CE, Sharpe K, Garvican LA, et al. The effects of injury and illness on haemoglobin mass.

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The supplement was guest edited by Lawrence L. Spriet, who attended a meeting of the GSSI Expert Panel in March and received honoraria from the GSSI, a division of PepsiCo, Inc. Dr Spriet received no honoraria for guest editing the supplement.

Dr Spriet suggested peer reviewers for each paper, which were sent to the Sports Medicine Editor-in-Chief for approval, prior to any reviewers being approached. Dr Spriet provided comments on each paper and made an editorial decision based on comments from the peer reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief.

Where decisions were uncertain, Dr Spriet consulted with the Editor-in-Chief. Canadian Sport Institute-Pacific, Institute for Sport Excellence, Interurban Road, Victoria, BC, V9E 2C5, Canada. Department of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.

School of Human Sciences Exercise and Sport Science , University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia. Western Australian Institute of Sport, Mt Claremont, Australia. Australian Institute of Sport, Bruce, ACT, Australia. Laura A. Garvican-Lewis, Ida A. Mary Mackillop Institute for Health Research, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

School of Health and Sports Sciences, University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, QLD, Australia. Norwegian Olympic Sports Centre, Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports, Oslo, Norway.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Trent Stellingwerff. This article is based on a presentation by Trent Stellingwerff to the GSSI Expert Panel in March Funding for attendance at that meeting together with an honorarium for preparation of this article were provided by the GSSI.

No other sources of funding were used to assist in the preparation of this article. Trent Stellingwerff, Peter Peeling, Laura Garvican-Lewis, Rebecca Hall, Anu Koivisto, Ida Heikura and Louise Burke have no conflicts of interest relevant to the content of this article.

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Nutrition and Altitude: Strategies to Enhance Adaptation, Improve Performance and Maintain Health: A Narrative Review. Sports Med 49 Suppl 2 , — Download citation.

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FormalPara Key Points While the effects of high altitude on the endocrine systems, energy intake, resting metabolic rate and body mass are severe, it appears that resting metabolic rate is also increased, albeit to a smaller extent, at low to moderate altitudes, and targeting adequate energy intake is important for optimizing health and appears to be an emerging factor associated with optimizing altitude adaptations.

Full size image. References Mujika I, Sharma AP, Stellingwerff T. Article Google Scholar Wilber RL. Google Scholar Bonetti DL, Hopkins WG. PubMed Google Scholar Saunders PU, Pyne DB, Gore CJ. PubMed Google Scholar Chapman RF, Karlsen T, Resaland GK, et al. PubMed Google Scholar Gore CJ, Clark SA, Saunders PU.

PubMed Google Scholar Chapman RF, Laymon Stickford AS, Lundby C, et al. PubMed Google Scholar Bartsch P, Saltin B. PubMed Google Scholar Stellingwerff T, Pyne DB, Burke LM.

PubMed Google Scholar Meyer NL, Manore MM, Helle C. PubMed Google Scholar Bergeron MF, Bahr R, Bartsch P, et al. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Hawley JA, Gibala MJ, Bermon S.

Nutrition for Endurance Athletes 101

Intentional attempts to achieve weight gain via an energy surplus are rare and challenging 7. However, the likelihood of athletes entering a negative energy balance is much higher, whether it is through reducing dietary intake to achieve or maintain a low body weight in sports with weight limitations e.

lightweight rowing , endurance sports, or anti-gravity sports, as the result of disordered eating and clinical eating disorders, or the inability to match the increased expenditure as a result of training and competition The etiology as well as the consequences of chronic energy deficiency, i.

a long-term mismatch between energy intake and expenditure, have been reviewed extensively in the context of the female athlete triad 5 , and more recently under the term relative energy deficiency in sports RED-S , a more encompassing approach to include a broader athletic population and numerous health-related outcomes aside from bone and menstrual health 22 , In contrast, the purpose of the present mini-review, which resulted from an invited presentation at the World Rowing Conference held in Berlin, Germany, was to highlight issues specific to endurance sports and more specifically rowing, with a special emphasis on practical approaches for the detection of energy-deficient athletes and strategies to alleviate some of the effects detrimental to athletic performance.

Textbook knowledge suggests that a negative energy balance results in weight loss via the mobilization of energy stores from fat and lean tissues in efforts to balance the imposed energy deficit 9.

In addition to providing energy, the loss of metabolically active body tissue also results in a reduction in energy expenditure, thereby reducing the initial energy deficit However, this reduction is typically not sufficient to balance the imposed deficit completely and therefore requires additional reductions in TDEE to return to a physiologically preferential state of equilibrium at a lower set-point.

In fact, it is well documented that almost any induction of an energy deficit leads the downregulation of energy-expending processes to conserve energy in efforts to further minimize the energy gap between intake and expenditure, a phenomenon referred to as adaptive thermogenesis While adaptive reductions in RMR in response to energy restriction have been documented in numerous longitudinal studies in various populations 1 , 12 , 13 , 25 , cross-sectional approaches to identify athletes whose RMR is chronically suppressed are much more challenging, as RMR is highly variable between individuals One particular problem is the lack of suitable prediction equations for athletic populations, as prominent equations e.

Harris-Benedict, Cunningham, Mifflin-St. Jeor fail to account for the unique body composition of athletes 21 , 37 , thereby potentially under- or overestimating their RMR substantially.

To overcome this issue, we have implemented a novel approach Figure 1 which combines advanced whole-body imaging with indirect calorimetry In short, we compare RMR measured via indirect calorimetry with RMR predicted from the size of the primary tissues and organs contributing to whole-body energy expenditure inner organs, brain, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, bone using established tissue-coefficients While amenorrhea represents a clear clinical sign which has been linked to energy deficiency for many years 20 , its diagnosis in female athletes involves the exclusion of other causes 4.

Further, subclinical menstrual disturbances which may go unnoticed by the athletes, have also been linked to energy status 3. As such, the confirmation of RMR suppression can provide additional evidence for the role of energy deficiency in the etiology of menstrual disturbances, especially since it involves tools commonly available to sports nutrition practitioners.

Further, energy deficiency is more likely to go unnoticed in male athletes, whose reproductive function appears to be less vulnerable by energy status 32 , as well as female athletes using hormonal contraception.

In these cases, RMR measurements may be a first step in the detection of energy deficiency. In fact, unpublished data from various athlete and non-athlete groups suggests that other at-risk groups, such as male athletes involved in leanness sports 8 , exhibit similar reductions in RMR.

Confirmation of energy deficiency may complement available screening tools and make it easier for athletes and their support staff to adopt appropriate dietary treatment approaches 5 , 22 , While quantifying RMR reduction may be an important tool to detect chronically energy-deprived athletes, the RMR reduction is nothing but the product of underlying metabolic adaptations, i.

a symptom. Therefore, other metabolic, endocrine or clinical markers are required to determine causal and mechanistic factors contributing to RMR suppression. In amenorrheic athletes, the RMR suppression was not only associated with the suppression of the reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone, it also correlated with reductions in key metabolic hormones, such as leptin and T3 These findings provide real-life evidence of previous seminal studies by Anne Loucks and colleagues who established a direct and dose-dependent relationship between energy availability and alterations in hormones related to energy status e.

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Food and macronutrient intake of elite kenyan distance runners. Beis LY, Willkomm L, Ross R, et al. Food and macronutrient intake of elite Ethiopian distance runners.

J Int Soc Sports Nutr. CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar. Burke LM, Lundy B, Fahrenholtz IL, et al. Pitfalls of conducting and interpreting estimates of energy availability in free-living athletes. Koivisto AE, Paulsen G, Paur I, et al.

Antioxidant-rich foods and response to altitude training: a randomized controlled trial in elite endurance athletes. Gore CJ, Hahn A, Rice A, et al. Altitude training at m does not increase total haemoglobin mass or sea level V O 2max in world champion track cyclists.

J Sci Med Sport. Trexler ET, Smith-Ryan AE, Norton LE. Metabolic adaptation to weight loss: implications for the athlete. Siebenmann C, Cathomen A, Hug M, et al.

Hemoglobin mass and intravascular volume kinetics during and after exposure to 3,m altitude. Siebenmann C, Robach P, Lundby C. Regulation of blood volume in lowlanders exposed to high altitude.

Heinicke K, Prommer N, Cajigal J, et al. Long-term exposure to intermittent hypoxia results in increased hemoglobin mass, reduced plasma volume, and elevated erythropoietin plasma levels in man.

Larson-Meyer DE, Woolf K, Burke L. Assessment of nutrient status in athletes and the need for supplementation. Gore CJ, Sharpe K, Garvican-Lewis LA, et al.

Altitude training and haemoglobin mass from the optimised carbon monoxide rebreathing method determined by a meta-analysis. Robach P, Siebenmann C, Jacobs RA, et al. Stray-Gundersen J, Alexander AC, Hochstein A, et al. Failure of red cell volume to increase to altitude exposure in iron deficient runners.

Ryan BJ, Wachsmuth NB, Schmidt WF, et al. AltitudeOmics: rapid hemoglobin mass alterations with early acclimatization to and de-acclimatization from m in healthy humans. PLoS One. Garvican-Lewis LA, Vuong VL, Govus AD, et al.

Intravenous iron does not augment the hemoglobin mass response to simulated hypoxia. Garvican-Lewis LA, Govus AD, Peeling P, et al. Iron supplementation and altitude: decision making using a regression tree.

Hall R, Peeling P, Nemeth E, et al. Single versus split dose of iron optimizes hemoglobin mass gains at m altitude. Pedlar CR, Brugnara C, Bruinvels G, et al.

Iron balance and iron supplementation for the female athlete: a practical approach. Eur J Sport Sci. Pedlar CR, Whyte GP, Burden R, et al. A case study of an iron-deficient female Olympic m runner. Govus AD, Garvican-Lewis LA, Abbiss CR, et al. Pre-altitude serum ferritin levels and daily oral iron supplement dose mediate iron parameter and hemoglobin mass responses to altitude exposure.

Macdougall IC. Evolution of iv iron compounds over the last century. J Ren Care. Rishi G, Wallace DF, Subramaniam VN. Hepcidin: regulation of the master iron regulator.

Biosci Rep. Govus AD, Peeling P, Abbiss CR, et al. Live high, train low—influence on resting and post-exercise hepcidin levels. Peeling P, Sim M, Badenhorst CE, et al. Iron status and the acute post-exercise hepcidin response in athletes.

Nemeth E, Tuttle MS, Powelson J, et al. Hepcidin regulates cellular iron efflux by binding to ferroportin and inducing its internalization. Moretti D, Goede JS, Zeder C, et al. Oral iron supplements increase hepcidin and decrease iron absorption from daily or twice-daily doses in iron-depleted young women.

Stoffel NU, Cercamondi CI, Brittenham G, et al. Iron absorption from oral iron supplements given on consecutive versus alternate days and as single morning doses versus twice-daily split dosing in iron-depleted women: two open-label, randomised controlled trials. Lancet Haematol. Cancelo-Hidalgo MJ, Castelo-Branco C, Palacios S, et al.

Tolerability of different oral iron supplements: a systematic review. Curr Med Res Opin. Schaap CC, Hendriks JC, Kortman GA, et al. Diurnal rhythm rather than dietary iron mediates daily hepcidin variations.

Clin Chem. Fisher AE, Naughton DP. Iron supplements: the quick fix with long-term consequences. Nutr J. Munoz M, Gomez-Ramirez S, Bhandari S.

The safety of available treatment options for iron-deficiency anemia. Expert Opin Drug Saf. Pialoux V, Mounier R, Rock E, et al. Eur J Clin Nutr. Dosek A, Ohno H, Acs Z, et al.

High altitude and oxidative stress. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Sies H, Berndt C, Jones DP. Oxidative Stress. Annu Rev Biochem. Wadley AJ, Svendsen IS, Gleeson M. Heightened exercise-induced oxidative stress at simulated moderate level altitude vs.

sea level in trained cyclists. CAS Google Scholar. Vasankari TJ, Kujala UM, Rusko H, et al. The effect of endurance exercise at moderate altitude on serum lipid peroxidation and antioxidative functions in humans. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol.

Subudhi AW, Davis SL, Kipp RW, et al. Antioxidant status and oxidative stress in elite alpine ski racers. Pialoux V, Brugniaux JV, Rock E, et al.

Antioxidant status of elite athletes remains impaired 2 weeks after a simulated altitude training camp. Eur J Nutr. Debevec T, Pialoux V, Saugy J, et al. Goods PS, Dawson B, Landers GJ, et al.

Effect of repeat-sprint training in hypoxia on post-exercise interleukin-6 and F2-isoprostanes. Debevec T, Millet GP, Pialoux V. Hypoxia-induced oxidative stress modulation with physical activity. Front Physiol. Pialoux V, Mounier R, Brugniaux JV, et al.

Lewis NA, Howatson G, Morton K, et al. Alterations in redox homeostasis in the elite endurance athlete. Quindry J, Dumke C, Slivka D, et al. Impact of extreme exercise at high altitude on oxidative stress in humans.

J Physiol. Askew EW. Work at high altitude and oxidative stress: antioxidant nutrients. Irarrazaval S, Allard C, Campodonico J, et al. Oxidative stress in acute hypobaric hypoxia. Bailey DM, Taudorf S, Berg RM, et al. Increased cerebral output of free radicals during hypoxia: implications for acute mountain sickness?

Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. Hartmann G, Tschop M, Fischer R, et al. High altitude increases circulating interleukin-6, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and C-reactive protein. Schippinger G, Fankhauser F, Abuja PM, et al.

Competitive and seasonal oxidative stress in elite alpine ski racers. Niess AM, Fehrenbach E, Strobel G, et al.

Evaluation of stress responses to interval training at low and moderate altitudes. Pyne DV, McDonald WA, Morton DS, et al. Inhibition of interferon, cytokine, and lymphocyte proliferative responses in elite swimmers with altitude exposure.

J Interferon Cytokine Res. Walsh NP, Oliver SJ. Exercise, immune function and respiratory infection: an update on the influence of training and environmental stress. Immunol Cell Biol. Simon-Schnass I, Pabst H. Influence of vitamin E on physical performance. Int J Vitam Nutr Res.

Bailey DM, Davies B. Acute mountain sickness; prophylactic benefits of antioxidant vitamin supplementation at high altitude. Schmidt MC, Askew EW, Roberts DE, et al.

Oxidative stress in humans training in a cold, moderate altitude environment and their response to a phytochemical antioxidant supplement. Wilderness Environ Med. Subudhi AW, Jacobs KA, Hagobian TA, et al.

Antioxidant supplementation does not attenuate oxidative stress at high altitude. Aviat Space Environ Med. Baillie JK, Thompson AA, Irving JB, et al.

Oral antioxidant supplementation does not prevent acute mountain sickness: double blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial. Chao WH, Askew EW, Roberts DE, et al. Oxidative stress in humans during work at moderate altitude.

J Nutr. Powers SK, Duarte J, Kavazis AN, et al. Reactive oxygen species are signalling molecules for skeletal muscle adaptation. Exp Physiol. Pialoux V, Brugniaux JV, Fellmann N, et al. Oxidative stress and HIF-1 alpha modulate hypoxic ventilatory responses after hypoxic training on athletes.

Merry TL, Ristow M. Do antioxidant supplements interfere with skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise training? Ristow M, Zarse K, Oberbach A, et al. Antioxidants prevent health-promoting effects of physical exercise in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.

Margaritelis NV, Theodorou AA, Paschalis V, et al. Athletes, especially female athletes, are at a higher risk for RED-S , or Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports, which can be a consequence of continually not meeting caloric needs and having low energy availability.

RED-S can lead to poor recovery, poor adaptation to training, hormone imbalances, decreased immunity, and in severe cases compromise of bone health.

To prevent and address these challenges, endurance athletes can incorporate several things into their training programs. Smart use of supplementation, guided by personalized lab testing, can help address any nutrient gaps identified in their diet alone, especially in athletes who may have dietary restrictions.

Additionally, trying out different methods of meal timing and macronutrient intake around training sessions can help athletes identify which feeding schedules work best for their performance and recovery, helping to plan out race day strategies.

For example, athletes may want to emphasize carbohydrates and protein closer to their training windows, while reserving fat and fiber intake for post-training meals to ensure they hit their overall dietary needs without compromising feeling their best during a session.

Athletes must also consider meal timing pre- and post-training, as well as during training, as many endurance athletes are participating in sessions that can last for multiple hours. A nutrient-dense, balanced diet that covers macro- and micronutrient needs is important for optimal performance, sustained energy, and recovery and training adaptation.

Achten, J. Higher dietary carbohydrate content during intensified running training results in better maintenance of performance and mood state. Journal of Applied Physiology , 96 4 , — Armstrong, L.

Rehydration during Endurance Exercise: Challenges, Research, Options, Methods. Nutrients , 13 3 , Baranauskas, M. Nutritional habits among high-performance endurance athletes. Medicina , 51 6 , — Burke, L.

Toward a Common Understanding of Diet—Exercise Strategies to Manipulate Fuel Availability for Training and Competition Preparation in Endurance Sport. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism , 28 5 , — Contemporary Nutrition Strategies to Optimize Performance in Distance Runners and Race Walkers.

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism , 29 2 , 1— Bytomski, J. Fueling for Performance. Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach , 10 1 , 47— DeCesaris, L. Rupa Health. Domínguez, R. Nutritional needs in the professional practice of swimming: a review.

Eberle, S. Nutritional Needs of Endurance Athletes. Essentials of Sports Nutrition Study Guide , — Getzin, A. Fueling the Triathlete. Current Sports Medicine Reports , 16 4 , — Goulet, E.

Dehydration and endurance performance in competitive athletes. Nutrition Reviews , 70 2 , S—S Hadeel Ali Ghazzawi, Mariam Ali Hussain, Khadija Majdy Raziq, Khawla Khaled Alsendi, Reem Osama Alaamer, Jaradat, M.

Exploring the Relationship between Micronutrients and Athletic Performance: A Comprehensive Scientific Systematic Review of the Literature in Sports Medicine. Exploring the Relationship between Micronutrients and Athletic Performance: A Comprehensive Scientific Systematic Review of the Literature in Sports Medicine , 11 6 , — Ivy, J.

Early postexercise muscle glycogen recovery is enhanced with a carbohydrate-protein supplement. Journal of Applied Physiology , 93 4 , — Kanter, M. High-Quality Carbohydrates and Physical Performance.

Nutrition Today , 53 1 , 35— Kapoor, M. Influence of iron supplementation on fatigue, mood states and sweating profiles of healthy non-anemic athletes during a training exercise: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study.

Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications , 32 , Kato, H. Protein Requirements Are Elevated in Endurance Athletes after Exercise as Determined by the Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation Method. PLOS ONE , 11 6 , e Knuiman, P. Protein and the Adaptive Response With Endurance Training: Wishful Thinking or a Competitive Edge?

Frontiers in Physiology , 9. Konopka, A. Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy After Aerobic Exercise Training. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews , 42 2 , 53— Kunstel, K. Calcium Requirements for the Athlete.

Current Sports Medicine Reports , 4 4 , — Langbein, R. Maholy, N. The Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics in Gut Health: An Integrative Perspective. Mata, F. Carbohydrate Availability and Physical Performance: Physiological Overview and Practical Recommendations. Nutrients , 11 5 , Morgan, J.

Calcium and cardiovascular function. The American Journal of Medicine , 77 5 , 33— Moss, K. Nutrient Adequacy in Endurance Athletes.

Understanding the Unique Nutritional Needs of Adaptive Athletes Iron deficiency will also result in anemia, reducing the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen. Asia Pac J Clinl Nutr. Am J Clin Nutr. Which is better for fat loss or improved body composition? Int J Sports Med.
Carbohydrate Strategies for Energy Maintenance Nuhrition CJ, Clark SA, Saunders PU. Thus far, scientific evidence adaptivve the significance of dietary protein is mainly derived from Athltes with Quenching hydration needs exercise training nutriyion Cermak et al. Carbohydrate Availability and Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes Performance: Physiological Astaxanthin and detoxification and Practical Recommendations. Research Roundup Do Weight Vest Help Fat Loss and is Betaine Worth The Hype? O Box, CH Basel Switzerland Allschwilerstrasse 10, CH Basel. In contrast, the purpose of the present mini-review, which resulted from an invited presentation at the World Rowing Conference held in Berlin, Germany, was to highlight issues specific to endurance sports and more specifically rowing, with a special emphasis on practical approaches for the detection of energy-deficient athletes and strategies to alleviate some of the effects detrimental to athletic performance. Tipton, L.
Metrics details. This paper examines the various nutritional challenges Gluten-free desserts nutrltion encounter in fod for and Quenching hydration needs in ultra-endurance walking and running events. It outlines, by way Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes a review of literature, those Endurannce which Gluten-free desserts optimal performance for the ultra-endurance athlete and provides recommendations from multiple researchers concerned with the nutrition and performance of ultra-endurance athletes. Despite the availability of some research about the subject, there is a paucity of longitudinal material which examines athletes by nature and type of ultra-endurance event, gender, age, race, and unique physiological characteristics. Optimal nutrition results in a decreased risk of energy depletion, better performance, and quicker full-recovery.

Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes -

Meyer NL, Manore MM, Helle C. Nutrition for winter sports. J Sports Sci. Bergeron MF, Bahr R, Bartsch P, et al. International Olympic Committee consensus statement on thermoregulatory and altitude challenges for high-level athletes.

Br J Sports Med. CAS PubMed Google Scholar. Hawley JA, Gibala MJ, Bermon S. Innovations in athletic preparation: role of substrate availability to modify training adaptation and performance.

Michalczyk M, Czuba M, Zydek G, et al. Dietary recommendations for cyclists during altitude training. Wing-Gaia SL. Nutritional strategies for the preservation of fat free mass at high altitude.

PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar. Hamad N, Travis SP. Weight loss at high altitude: pathophysiology and practical implications. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. Millet GP, Roels B, Schmitt L, et al. Combining hypoxic methods for peak performance. Sharma AP, Saunders PU, Garvican-Lewis LA, et al.

Training quantification and periodization during live high train high at M in elite runners: an observational cohort case study. J Sports Sci Med. Normobaric hypoxia reduces V O 2 at different intensities in highly trained runners.

Pasiakos SM, Berryman CE, Carrigan CT, et al. Muscle protein turnover and the molecular regulation of muscle mass during hypoxia. Butterfield GE. Nutrient requirements at high altitude. Clin Sports Med, viii. Brooks GA, Butterfield GE, Wolfe RR, et al.

Increased dependence on blood glucose after acclimatization to 4, m. Braun B, Mawson JT, Muza SR, et al. Women at altitude: carbohydrate utilization during exercise at 4, m.

Burke LM, Hawley JA, Jeukendrup A, et al. Toward a common understanding of diet-exercise strategies to manipulate fuel availability for training and competition preparation in endurance sport. Butterfield GE, Gates J, Fleming S, et al.

Increased energy intake minimizes weight loss in men at high altitude. Mawson JT, Braun B, Rock PB, et al. Women at altitude: energy requirement at 4, m. Loucks AB, Kiens B, Wright HH. Energy availability in athletes.

Mountjoy M, Sundgot-Borgen J, Burke L, et al. International Olympic Committee IOC consensus statement on relative energy deficiency in sport RED-S : update.

Petkus DL, Murray-Kolb LE, De Souza MJ. The unexplored crossroads of the female athlete triad and iron deficiency: a narrative review. Jelkmann W, Kurtz A, Bauer C. Effects of fasting on the hypoxia-induced erythropoietin production in rats. Pflugers Arch. Gough CE, Sharpe K, Garvican LA, et al.

The effects of injury and illness on haemoglobin mass. Int J Sports Med. Wachsmuth NB, Volzke C, Prommer N, et al. The effects of classic altitude training on hemoglobin mass in swimmers. Eur J Appl Physiol. Heikura IA, Burke LM, Bergland D, et al. Impact of energy availability, health, and sex on hemoglobin-mass responses following live-high-train-high altitude training in elite female and male distance athletes.

Int J Sports Physiol Perform. McLean BD, Buttifant D, Gore CJ, et al. Year-to-year variability in haemoglobin mass response to two altitude training camps. Garvican-Lewis LA, Sharpe K, Gore CJ. Time for a new metric for hypoxic dose? Hou Y, Zhang S, Wang L, et al.

Estrogen regulates iron homeostasis through governing hepatic hepcidin expression via an estrogen response element.

Roy CN, Snyder PJ, Stephens-Shields AJ, et al. Association of testosterone levels with anemia in older men: a controlled clinical trial. JAMA Intern Med.

Heikura IA, Uusitalo ALT, Stellingwerff T, et al. Low energy availability is difficult to assess but outcomes have large impact on bone injury rates in elite distance athletes. Woods AL, Garvican-Lewis LA, Rice A, et al. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. Woods AL, Sharma AP, Garvican-Lewis LA, et al.

Four weeks of classical altitude training increases resting metabolic rate in highly trained middle-distance runners. Fudge BW, Westerterp KR, Kiplamai FK, et al.

Evidence of negative energy balance using doubly labelled water in elite Kenyan endurance runners prior to competition. Br J Nutr. Onywera VO, Kiplamai FK, Boit MK, et al.

Food and macronutrient intake of elite kenyan distance runners. Beis LY, Willkomm L, Ross R, et al. Food and macronutrient intake of elite Ethiopian distance runners. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar. Burke LM, Lundy B, Fahrenholtz IL, et al.

Pitfalls of conducting and interpreting estimates of energy availability in free-living athletes. Koivisto AE, Paulsen G, Paur I, et al. Antioxidant-rich foods and response to altitude training: a randomized controlled trial in elite endurance athletes.

Gore CJ, Hahn A, Rice A, et al. Altitude training at m does not increase total haemoglobin mass or sea level V O 2max in world champion track cyclists.

J Sci Med Sport. Trexler ET, Smith-Ryan AE, Norton LE. Metabolic adaptation to weight loss: implications for the athlete. Siebenmann C, Cathomen A, Hug M, et al. Hemoglobin mass and intravascular volume kinetics during and after exposure to 3,m altitude.

Siebenmann C, Robach P, Lundby C. Regulation of blood volume in lowlanders exposed to high altitude. Heinicke K, Prommer N, Cajigal J, et al. Long-term exposure to intermittent hypoxia results in increased hemoglobin mass, reduced plasma volume, and elevated erythropoietin plasma levels in man.

Larson-Meyer DE, Woolf K, Burke L. Assessment of nutrient status in athletes and the need for supplementation. Gore CJ, Sharpe K, Garvican-Lewis LA, et al.

Altitude training and haemoglobin mass from the optimised carbon monoxide rebreathing method determined by a meta-analysis. Robach P, Siebenmann C, Jacobs RA, et al. Stray-Gundersen J, Alexander AC, Hochstein A, et al.

Failure of red cell volume to increase to altitude exposure in iron deficient runners. Ryan BJ, Wachsmuth NB, Schmidt WF, et al. AltitudeOmics: rapid hemoglobin mass alterations with early acclimatization to and de-acclimatization from m in healthy humans.

PLoS One. Garvican-Lewis LA, Vuong VL, Govus AD, et al. Intravenous iron does not augment the hemoglobin mass response to simulated hypoxia.

Garvican-Lewis LA, Govus AD, Peeling P, et al. Iron supplementation and altitude: decision making using a regression tree. Hall R, Peeling P, Nemeth E, et al. Single versus split dose of iron optimizes hemoglobin mass gains at m altitude.

Pedlar CR, Brugnara C, Bruinvels G, et al. Iron balance and iron supplementation for the female athlete: a practical approach. Eur J Sport Sci. Pedlar CR, Whyte GP, Burden R, et al. A case study of an iron-deficient female Olympic m runner. Govus AD, Garvican-Lewis LA, Abbiss CR, et al. Pre-altitude serum ferritin levels and daily oral iron supplement dose mediate iron parameter and hemoglobin mass responses to altitude exposure.

Macdougall IC. Evolution of iv iron compounds over the last century. J Ren Care. Rishi G, Wallace DF, Subramaniam VN. Hepcidin: regulation of the master iron regulator. Biosci Rep. Govus AD, Peeling P, Abbiss CR, et al. Live high, train low—influence on resting and post-exercise hepcidin levels.

Peeling P, Sim M, Badenhorst CE, et al. Iron status and the acute post-exercise hepcidin response in athletes. Nemeth E, Tuttle MS, Powelson J, et al. Hepcidin regulates cellular iron efflux by binding to ferroportin and inducing its internalization.

Moretti D, Goede JS, Zeder C, et al. Oral iron supplements increase hepcidin and decrease iron absorption from daily or twice-daily doses in iron-depleted young women.

Stoffel NU, Cercamondi CI, Brittenham G, et al. Iron absorption from oral iron supplements given on consecutive versus alternate days and as single morning doses versus twice-daily split dosing in iron-depleted women: two open-label, randomised controlled trials.

Lancet Haematol. Cancelo-Hidalgo MJ, Castelo-Branco C, Palacios S, et al. Tolerability of different oral iron supplements: a systematic review. Curr Med Res Opin. Schaap CC, Hendriks JC, Kortman GA, et al. Diurnal rhythm rather than dietary iron mediates daily hepcidin variations.

Clin Chem. Fisher AE, Naughton DP. Iron supplements: the quick fix with long-term consequences. Nutr J. Munoz M, Gomez-Ramirez S, Bhandari S. The safety of available treatment options for iron-deficiency anemia.

Expert Opin Drug Saf. Pialoux V, Mounier R, Rock E, et al. Eur J Clin Nutr. Dosek A, Ohno H, Acs Z, et al. High altitude and oxidative stress. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Sies H, Berndt C, Jones DP. Oxidative Stress.

Annu Rev Biochem. Wadley AJ, Svendsen IS, Gleeson M. Heightened exercise-induced oxidative stress at simulated moderate level altitude vs.

sea level in trained cyclists. CAS Google Scholar. Vasankari TJ, Kujala UM, Rusko H, et al. The effect of endurance exercise at moderate altitude on serum lipid peroxidation and antioxidative functions in humans.

Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. Subudhi AW, Davis SL, Kipp RW, et al. Antioxidant status and oxidative stress in elite alpine ski racers. Pialoux V, Brugniaux JV, Rock E, et al.

Antioxidant status of elite athletes remains impaired 2 weeks after a simulated altitude training camp. Eur J Nutr. Debevec T, Pialoux V, Saugy J, et al. Goods PS, Dawson B, Landers GJ, et al. Effect of repeat-sprint training in hypoxia on post-exercise interleukin-6 and F2-isoprostanes. Debevec T, Millet GP, Pialoux V.

Hypoxia-induced oxidative stress modulation with physical activity. Front Physiol. Pialoux V, Mounier R, Brugniaux JV, et al. Lewis NA, Howatson G, Morton K, et al. Alterations in redox homeostasis in the elite endurance athlete. Quindry J, Dumke C, Slivka D, et al.

Impact of extreme exercise at high altitude on oxidative stress in humans. J Physiol. Askew EW. Work at high altitude and oxidative stress: antioxidant nutrients. Irarrazaval S, Allard C, Campodonico J, et al. Oxidative stress in acute hypobaric hypoxia. Bailey DM, Taudorf S, Berg RM, et al.

Increased cerebral output of free radicals during hypoxia: implications for acute mountain sickness? Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. Hartmann G, Tschop M, Fischer R, et al. High altitude increases circulating interleukin-6, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and C-reactive protein.

Schippinger G, Fankhauser F, Abuja PM, et al. Competitive and seasonal oxidative stress in elite alpine ski racers. Niess AM, Fehrenbach E, Strobel G, et al. Evaluation of stress responses to interval training at low and moderate altitudes.

Pyne DV, McDonald WA, Morton DS, et al. Inhibition of interferon, cytokine, and lymphocyte proliferative responses in elite swimmers with altitude exposure. J Interferon Cytokine Res. Walsh NP, Oliver SJ. Exercise, immune function and respiratory infection: an update on the influence of training and environmental stress.

Immunol Cell Biol. Simon-Schnass I, Pabst H. Influence of vitamin E on physical performance. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. Bailey DM, Davies B.

Acute mountain sickness; prophylactic benefits of antioxidant vitamin supplementation at high altitude. Schmidt MC, Askew EW, Roberts DE, et al. Oxidative stress in humans training in a cold, moderate altitude environment and their response to a phytochemical antioxidant supplement.

Wilderness Environ Med. Subudhi AW, Jacobs KA, Hagobian TA, et al. Antioxidant supplementation does not attenuate oxidative stress at high altitude. Aviat Space Environ Med. Baillie JK, Thompson AA, Irving JB, et al.

Oral antioxidant supplementation does not prevent acute mountain sickness: double blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial. Chao WH, Askew EW, Roberts DE, et al.

Oxidative stress in humans during work at moderate altitude. J Nutr. Powers SK, Duarte J, Kavazis AN, et al. Reactive oxygen species are signalling molecules for skeletal muscle adaptation. Exp Physiol. Pialoux V, Brugniaux JV, Fellmann N, et al.

Oxidative stress and HIF-1 alpha modulate hypoxic ventilatory responses after hypoxic training on athletes. Merry TL, Ristow M. Do antioxidant supplements interfere with skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise training? Ristow M, Zarse K, Oberbach A, et al. Antioxidants prevent health-promoting effects of physical exercise in humans.

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Margaritelis NV, Theodorou AA, Paschalis V, et al. Adaptations to endurance training depend on exercise-induced oxidative stress: exploiting redox interindividual variability. Acta Physiol Oxf.

Paulsen G, Cumming KT, Holden G, et al. Vitamin C and E supplementation hampers cellular adaptation to endurance training in humans: a double-blind, randomised, controlled trial. Koivisto AE, Olsen T, Paur I, Paulsen G, Bastani NE, Garthe I, Raastad T, Matthews J, Blomhoff R, Bøhn SK.

Effects of antioxidant-rich foods on altitude-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in elite endurance athletes: a randomized controlled trial.

Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar. Peeling P, Binnie MJ, Goods PSR, et al. Evidence-based supplements for the enhancement of athletic performance. Shannon OM, McGawley K, Nyback L, et al. Jones AM. Dietary nitrate supplementation and exercise performance.

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Dietary nitrate improves muscle but not cerebral oxygenation status during exercise in hypoxia. Muggeridge DJ, Howe CC, Spendiff O, et al. A single dose of beetroot juice enhances cycling performance in simulated altitude.

Carriker CR, Mermier CM, Van Dusseldorp TA, et al. Effect of acute dietary nitrate consumption on oxygen consumption during submaximal exercise in hypobaric hypoxia. MacLeod KE, Nugent SF, Barr SI, et al. Acute beetroot juice supplementation does not improve cycling performance in normoxia or moderate hypoxia.

Arnold JT, Oliver SJ, Lewis-Jones TM, et al. Beetroot juice does not enhance altitude running performance in well-trained athletes. Bourdillon N, Fan JL, Uva B, et al.

Effect of oral nitrate supplementation on pulmonary hemodynamics during exercise and time trial performance in normoxia and hypoxia: a randomized controlled trial.

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Puype J, Ramaekers M, Van Thienen R, et al. No effect of dietary nitrate supplementation on endurance training in hypoxia. De Smet S, Van Thienen R, Deldicque L, et al. Nitrate intake promotes shift in muscle fiber type composition during sprint interval training in hypoxia.

Rossetti GMK, Macdonald JH, Wylie LJ, et al. Dietary nitrate supplementation increases acute mountain sickness severity and sense of effort during hypoxic exercise. Hultman E, Sahlin K. Acid—base balance during exercise. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. Stellingwerff T, Bovim IM, Whitfield J.

Contemporary nutrition interventions to optimize performance in middle-distance runners. Stellingwerff T, Maughan RJ, Burke LM. Cerretelli P, Samaja M. Acid—base balance at exercise in normoxia and in chronic hypoxia. Juel C, Lundby C, Sander M, et al. Human skeletal muscle and erythrocyte proteins involved in acid—base homeostasis: adaptations to chronic hypoxia.

Mizuno M, Juel C, Bro-Rasmussen T, et al. Limb skeletal muscle adaptation in athletes after training at altitude. Saltin B, Kim CK, Terrados N, et al. Morphology, enzyme activities and buffer capacity in leg muscles of Kenyan and Scandinavian runners.

Nummela A, Rusko H. Acclimatization to altitude and normoxic training improve m running performance at sea level. Kozak-Collins K, Burke ER, Schoene RB. Sodium bicarbonate ingestion does not improve performance in women cyclists.

Flinn S, Herbert K, Graham K, et al. Differential effect of metabolic alkalosis and hypoxia on high-intensity cycling performance.

J Strength Cond Res. Fernandez-Castanys BF, Fernandez MD, Garcia JA. The effect of sodium citrate intake on anaerobic performance in normoxia and after sudden ascent to a moderate altitude. J Sports Med Phys Fit. Kayser B, Ferretti G, Grassi B, et al.

Maximal lactic capacity at altitude: effect of bicarbonate loading. McLellan T, Jacobs I, Lewis W. Acute altitude exposure and altered acid—base states. Effects on exercise performance and muscle and blood lactate. Hausswirth C, Bigard AX, Lepers R, et al.

Sodium citrate ingestion and muscle performance in acute hypobaric hypoxia. Deb SK, Gough LA, Sparks SA, et al. Edge J, Bishop D, Goodman C. Effects of chronic NaHCO 3 ingestion during interval training on changes to muscle buffer capacity, metabolism, and short-term endurance performance.

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Dr Spriet received no honoraria for guest editing the supplement. Dr Spriet suggested peer reviewers for each paper, which were sent to the Sports Medicine Editor-in-Chief for approval, prior to any reviewers being approached.

Dr Spriet provided comments on each paper and made an editorial decision based on comments from the peer reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief. Where decisions were uncertain, Dr Spriet consulted with the Editor-in-Chief. Canadian Sport Institute-Pacific, Institute for Sport Excellence, Interurban Road, Victoria, BC, V9E 2C5, Canada.

Department of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada. School of Human Sciences Exercise and Sport Science , University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia. Tipton ; K. This Site. Google Scholar. van Loon L. Subject Area: Further Areas , Nutrition and Dietetics , Public Health.

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Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes was recently asked to put together my nhtrition 10 athlefes tips Gluten-free desserts endurance Endurance nutrition for adaptive athletes Endurance nutrition for multisport athletes present at a triathlon training fr I was attending. After Endurannce careful consideration, I was able athlftes whittle down ahletes giant list I started with, athletea the Gluten-free desserts tips and thought why not share these with you as well. But what I have found for myself and many of my athletes is that nutrition can make or break your training and performance more than any structured training plan. And just to be clear, each person has their own definition of performance. You could be looking to go for a long ride and have the energy to get on with the rest of your day with no real impact to your body. You could be looking to hit a new FTP target, 5k run time trial time or get on the podium.

Author: Faet

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