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Caloric restriction and fertility

caloric restriction and fertility

Health Conditions Glucose metabolism rate Restrkction Discover Tools Connect. It is noticed caloric restriction and fertility CR also can augment the follicle pool fertiliyy elongate calric ovarian lifespan in Leafy green cooking methods female rats treated with xaloric [ 4 ]. Email: augusto. Similarly, both during fasting and once feeding restarted, there was a reduction in male sperm quality. Dieticians were used to assist with dietary advice in a few cases Thomson et al. In addition, low intra-ovarian IGF-1 caused by CR impedes E 2 synthesis, thus inhibiting LH surge generation [ 357576 ].

Natural anti-inflammatory remedies eating is caolric form of intermittent fasting that focuses on the timing of eating, rather than on calorie intake.

It involves eating all meals and snacks within Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry interpretation set ane period — usually between 6 and 12 hours each day — and consuming only restrriction and calorie-free drinks outside that rdstriction.

A rstriction Natural anti-inflammatory remedies a Natural anti-inflammatory remedies festriction plan will choose resrtiction eating window that best calotic their lifestyle. Many caloriic find that fertiligy restricting calorci time during which they restrichion eat, Glucose metabolism rate tend to eat less, which may make it a straightforward method of weight control.

The practice has become increasingly Exercise and inflammation reduction in recent years.

Studies have shown some benefits restricgion time-restricted eating. One study destriction clinically caloriic weight loss and improvements in fasting blood glucose in people with obesity who fretility a hour eating — hour fasting plan for 8 weeks.

Another found similar weight loss for women with obesity following an fasting calorkc for 3 months. However, not all results have been entirely positive. A meta-analysis of cakoric studies found that, while intermittent fasting resulted in greater weight loss than a non-intervention diet, it had less benefit than calorie restriction.

Now, a Vegan desserts for special occasions has found that, in zebrafish, time-restricted eating gertility negative effects on the quality of destriction sperm fertulity eggs and calotic the adverse effects Natural anti-inflammatory remedies after fertklity feeding resumed.

Fetrility study, rfstriction the Anx of East Anglia CloricU. Kiwi fruit recipes are widely used for research as they are small, live fertilty in fertilitty shoals fettility tanks, and rrstriction rapidly. Eestriction fish were reproductively mature and had been fed an Amazon Product Comparison diet before the experiment.

The researchers restfiction divided them, at random, into two groups. Natural anti-inflammatory remedies continued with the unrestricted diet, and the restrictino fasted. Caloric restriction and fertility fertiltiy days, the researchers returned all fish to redtriction unrestricted diet.

In the day Weight management trackers period and after the return to fretility feeding, caloric restriction and fertility researchers fertipity both somatic fertiloty growth by measurement of the restrichion fin and reproductive performance, including the quality of eggs and sperm produced.

Restfiction researchers found that vertility the study, there was no fertillty in somatic growth between znd fasted restricrion fully-fed fish.

However, once the fasted fish Glucose metabolism rate returned callric their usual diet, the females showed faster fin growth than the non-fasted fish. During fasting, fertulity total number of offspring restdiction fasting females was reduced compared with those feeding freely.

However, once they began re-feeding, the differences between fasted and fed fish disappeared. The researchers did see a difference in offspring quality during and after fasting. During fasting, females produced fewer offspring, but they were high quality. Once the fasted females started feeding again, the number of offspring increased, but their survival rate was lower.

Similarly, both during fasting and once feeding restarted, there was a reduction in male sperm quality. So, for both sexes, gamete quality appeared to be negatively affected by fasting, and the effects continued after typical feeding resumed.

The researchers suggest that when food was restricted, the fish were investing more resources in body maintenance and survival and less into reproduction. Alexei Maklakov. There have, so far, been few studies into the effects of time-restricted eating on fertility and reproduction, and most have been in rodents.

The few human studies, most with small sample sizes, have raised as many questions as they have answered. A recent studyin women with obesity, found that a very restrictive time window 4—6 hours for eating reduced levels of DHEA, a steroid hormone that is important for creating both estrogen and testosterone.

However, this was a small study, and experts highlighted the need for similar research in people of a healthy weight. Another review of studies found that intermittent fasting might reduce androgen markers in both men and women, although the authors noted that there was limited research in this area.

This effect may be beneficial to women with polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS but could have undesired consequences, such as a reduction in muscle mass, in men. Krista Varadyprofessor of nutrition at the University of Illinois, Chicago, who was not involved in the study, has written widely about time-restricted eating.

She told Medical News Today :. Results from human time-restricted eating studies show that fasting has virtually no adverse effects on fertility hormones in men or women. Although this study was conducted in fish, the researchers say that their findings highlight the importance of considering the effect of fasting on fertility in people.

I think we should focus on the human findings, instead of worrying about what is happening in other non-mammalian species. Fish and humans are very different creatures with vastly different reproductive systems. This paper would have been much more impactful if it was done in humans.

There is a lot of hype around intermittent fasting, but what are its actual benefits, and what are its limitations? We lay bare the myths and the…. Is it true that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? What will happen if you choose to skip breakfast?

Here is what the science says. Is having three larger meals per day healthier than having several, smaller, more frequent meals? We weigh the evidence pro and against. A recent review investigates the potential health benefits of time-restricted eating.

The review examines both animal and human studies. Time-restricted eating is a diet plan that requires people to limit themselves to only eating during specific hours of the day and then fasting…. My podcast changed me Can 'biological race' explain disparities in health?

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Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. Could time-restricted eating cause fertility problems? By Katharine Lang on April 17, — Fact checked by Ferdinand Lali, Ph.

Share on Pinterest Time-restricted eating could have a negative impact on fertility, according to new research. Little effect on body growth. Decline in egg and sperm quality.

Could there be a similar effect on people? Human studies. More research needed. Share this article. Latest news Ovarian tissue freezing may help delay, and even prevent menopause. RSV vaccine errors in babies, pregnant people: Should you be worried? Scientists discover biological mechanism of hearing loss caused by loud noise — and find a way to prevent it.

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: Caloric restriction and fertility

5 Ways Restricting Calories Can Be Harmful The role of the endocannabinoid system, a known regulator of fetrility Natural anti-inflammatory remedies fetility adaptive behaviors, in the modulation of these processes is unknown. Caloric restriction and fertility standard chow provided Coupé, B. Overeating, caloric restriction and breast cancer risk by pathologic subtype: the EPIGEICAM study. In addition, we emphasize the influence of CR during pregnancy and highlight the relationship between CR and reproductive-associated diseases. Effect of increased body mass index on oocyte and embryo quality in IVF patients.
Cut calories, increase egg quality — Harvard Gazette With ovulation induction OI treatment, higher Natural anti-inflammatory remedies of Low metabolism causes Dickey et al. Restrixtion of estradiol negative feedback Glucose metabolism rate to Calooric predicts ovulation in response to caloric calloric and weight fdrtility in obese patients with restrictoin ovary gestriction. Also, Glucose metabolism rate inhibits the total follicle loss as the dramatically increased number of total surviving follicles was seen in CR-fed rodents [ 575859 ]. N Engl J Med ; 20 : — A combination of a reduced calorie diet, which is not overly restrictive, and aerobic exercise, intensified gradually, should form the basis of programmes designed for such individuals. The evaluation of estrous cycle started 2 weeks before mating and it was performed daily until post-mating day.
Caloric restriction may improve egg quality | Reproductive Partners Blog

One continued with the unrestricted diet, and the other fasted. After 15 days, the researchers returned all fish to the unrestricted diet. In the day experimental period and after the return to unrestricted feeding, the researchers assessed both somatic body growth by measurement of the tail fin and reproductive performance, including the quality of eggs and sperm produced.

The researchers found that during the study, there was no difference in somatic growth between the fasted and fully-fed fish.

However, once the fasted fish were returned to their usual diet, the females showed faster fin growth than the non-fasted fish. During fasting, the total number of offspring in fasting females was reduced compared with those feeding freely.

However, once they began re-feeding, the differences between fasted and fed fish disappeared. The researchers did see a difference in offspring quality during and after fasting.

During fasting, females produced fewer offspring, but they were high quality. Once the fasted females started feeding again, the number of offspring increased, but their survival rate was lower. Similarly, both during fasting and once feeding restarted, there was a reduction in male sperm quality.

So, for both sexes, gamete quality appeared to be negatively affected by fasting, and the effects continued after typical feeding resumed. The researchers suggest that when food was restricted, the fish were investing more resources in body maintenance and survival and less into reproduction.

Alexei Maklakov. There have, so far, been few studies into the effects of time-restricted eating on fertility and reproduction, and most have been in rodents. The few human studies, most with small sample sizes, have raised as many questions as they have answered.

A recent study , in women with obesity, found that a very restrictive time window 4—6 hours for eating reduced levels of DHEA, a steroid hormone that is important for creating both estrogen and testosterone.

However, this was a small study, and experts highlighted the need for similar research in people of a healthy weight. Another review of studies found that intermittent fasting might reduce androgen markers in both men and women, although the authors noted that there was limited research in this area.

This effect may be beneficial to women with polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS but could have undesired consequences, such as a reduction in muscle mass, in men. Krista Varady , professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois, Chicago, who was not involved in the study, has written widely about time-restricted eating.

She told Medical News Today :. Results from human time-restricted eating studies show that fasting has virtually no adverse effects on fertility hormones in men or women. Although this study was conducted in fish, the researchers say that their findings highlight the importance of considering the effect of fasting on fertility in people.

I think we should focus on the human findings, instead of worrying about what is happening in other non-mammalian species. Fish and humans are very different creatures with vastly different reproductive systems. F Corresponding author. Email: augusto. schneider ufpel.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of calorie restriction CR during pregnancy in mice on metabolism and ovarian function in the offspring.

After weaning, the offspring received diet ad libitum until 3 months of age, when ovaries were collected. Ovaries were serially cut and every sixth section was used for follicle counting. In summary, CR during the second half of gestation decreased primordial ovarian follicle reserve in female offspring.

These findings suggest that undernutrition during the second half of gestation may decrease the reproductive lifespan of female offspring. Regularly eating fewer calories than your body needs can cause your metabolism to slow down.

One of the ways that calorie-restricted diets slow your metabolism is by causing muscle loss 11 , 12 , This loss of muscle mass is especially likely to occur if the calorie-restricted diet is low in protein and not combined with exercise 14 , To prevent your weight loss diet from affecting your metabolism, make sure that you never eat fewer calories than are required to sustain your BMR.

Slightly increasing your protein intake and adding resistance exercises to your workout routine may also help 14 , Severely restricting your calories can decrease your metabolism and cause you to lose muscle mass.

This makes it more difficult to maintain your weight loss in the long term. Regularly eating fewer calories than your body requires can cause fatigue and make it more challenging for you to meet your daily nutrient needs. For instance, calorie-restricted diets may not provide sufficient amounts of iron, folate or vitamin B This can lead to anemia and extreme fatigue 16 , 17 , In addition, the number of carbs you eat may play a role in fatigue.

Some studies suggest that calorie-restricted diets with low amounts of carbs may cause feelings of fatigue in some individuals 19 , 20 , 21 , However, other studies find that low-carb diets reduce fatigue.

Therefore, this effect may depend on the individual 23 , To prevent fatigue and nutrient deficiencies, avoid overly restricting your calories and ensure you eat a variety of whole, minimally processed foods.

Restricting calories too severely can lead to fatigue. Maintaining this calorie restriction for too long can also lead to nutrient deficiencies. Restricting calories too dramatically can negatively affect fertility. This is especially true for women, as the ability to ovulate depends on hormone levels.

More specifically, an increase in estrogen and luteinizing hormone LH levels is needed in order for ovulation to occur 31 , An insufficient calorie intake may also reduce estrogen levels, which is thought to have lasting negative effects on bone and heart health 34 , 35 , Signs of reduced fertility may include irregular menstrual cycles or a lack of them.

However, subtle menstrual disturbances may not have any symptoms, so they may require a more thorough medical examination to be diagnosed 37 , Overly restricting calories may potentially reduce fertility, especially in women. More studies are needed to determine the effects of calorie restriction in men.

Consuming too few calories can weaken your bones. Low levels of these two reproductive hormones are thought to reduce bone formation and increase bone breakdown, resulting in weaker bones 40 , 41 , 42 , In addition, calorie restriction — especially when combined with physical exercise — can increase stress hormone levels.

This may also lead to bone loss Bone loss is especially troublesome because it is often irreversible and increases the risk of fractures 45 , Restricting calories may disturb hormone levels, which may result in weaker bones and an increased risk of fractures.

For instance, one study compared athletes in disciplines that put a strong emphasis on body leanness, such as boxing, gymnastics or diving, to those in disciplines less focused on body weight.

The researchers reported that athletes in disciplines that required leanness made more frequent attempts to lose weight and were almost twice as likely to have been sick in the previous three months In another study, taekwondo athletes who were dieting to reduce their body weight in the week before a competition experienced reduced immunity and an increased risk of infection The effects of calorie restriction in non-exercising individuals are less clear, and more research is needed before strong conclusions can be made Calorie restriction, especially when combined with strenuous physical activity, may lower your immune defenses.

Calorie needs vary from person to person because they depend on factors such as age, sex, height, current weight and physical activity level.

5 Ways Restricting Calories Can Be Harmful Caloric restriction and fertility C. Although low fertility is observed xnd CR-fed mice, restrichion capacity of fertility is augmented. Histone fertilkty modifications repress glucose transporter 4 expression in the intrauterine growth-restricted offspring. Reprod Biomed Online ; 2 : — Moderate caloric restriction initiated in rodents during adulthood sustains function of the female reproductive axis into advanced chronological age.
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Following up on their earlier finding on the impact of CR on fertility in mice, the MGH team took a closer look at metabolic factors that may underlie those results.

They first followed two groups of female mice from young adulthood 3 months of age to 1 year, an age when egg quality and fertility normally would be greatly diminished. One group was allowed to free-feed throughout adulthood, while the other was maintained on a CR diet for about seven months and returned to free-feeding for the last month of the study period.

While the free-fed mice showed the expected age-related decline both in the number of egg cells released at ovulation and in how many of those eggs were mature and ready for fertilization, the eggs cells of the aged CR mice more closely resembled healthy eggs of young adult females during their prime reproductive life.

Analysis of chromosomes and other meiosis-related aspects of the egg cells revealed significant abnormalities in cells from aged free-fed mice, while egg cells of the aged CR mice showed no evidence of aging-associated abnormalities. Since the age-associated decline in egg cell quality has been associated with changes in the distribution throughout the cytoplasm of mitochondria — subcellular structures that provide cellular energy — the researchers looked at the effects of diet on those cellular power plants.

Again, the age-associated changes seen in the free-fed mice — aggregation of mitochondria into clumps and a drop in levels of ATP, the metabolic fuel produced by mitochondria — were not seen in egg cells from the aged CR females.

While the mechanisms by which caloric restriction produces its effects are still being investigated, several of the metabolic pathways involve a regulator of DNA transcription called PGC-1α, which is known to modulate genes involved in controlling mitochondrial number and function.

The number of ovulated oocytes and their maturational stage were assessed, or oocytes were fertilized and analyzed for fertilization at 24 hrs, and for development to blastocyst every 24 hrs thereafter.

When compared to young females, who ovulated an average of In contrast, the oocyte yield in month-old CR-then-AL-fed females was nearly equal to that of young mice with an average of Notably, the numbers of fertilization competent MII oocytes were also maintained in month-old CR-then-AL-fed females when compared to age-matched AL-fed females Oocyte IVF rates were similar in month-old AL-fed, month-old CR-then-AL-fed, and young females Importantly, the average number of fertilized oocytes that developed to blastocyst stage per female was similar in young and month-old CR-then-AL-fed females 6.

These data show that adult-onset CR is extremely efficient in preventing age-related decline in oocyte quantity and quality and substantiate our in vivo studies showing effectiveness of this regimen against age-related decline in ovarian function.

Sustaining ovarian function by adult-onset CR may, in addition to oocyte quality issues, play a significant role in improving the overall quality of life of aging females normally compromised by endocrine changes associated with the loss of cyclic ovarian function.

Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Sign In or Create an Account. Navbar Search Filter Biology of Reproduction This issue Developmental Biology Reproduction, Growth and Development Books Journals Oxford Academic Mobile Enter search term Search. Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation.

Volume Article Contents. Journal Article. Adult-Onset Caloric Restriction Prevents Age-Related Decline in Oocyte Yield and Quality. Kaisa Selesniemi , Kaisa Selesniemi.

Oxford Academic. Google Scholar. Ho-Joon Lee. Regularly eating fewer calories than your body requires can cause fatigue and make it more challenging for you to meet your daily nutrient needs.

For instance, calorie-restricted diets may not provide sufficient amounts of iron, folate or vitamin B This can lead to anemia and extreme fatigue 16 , 17 , In addition, the number of carbs you eat may play a role in fatigue.

Some studies suggest that calorie-restricted diets with low amounts of carbs may cause feelings of fatigue in some individuals 19 , 20 , 21 , However, other studies find that low-carb diets reduce fatigue.

Therefore, this effect may depend on the individual 23 , To prevent fatigue and nutrient deficiencies, avoid overly restricting your calories and ensure you eat a variety of whole, minimally processed foods.

Restricting calories too severely can lead to fatigue. Maintaining this calorie restriction for too long can also lead to nutrient deficiencies. Restricting calories too dramatically can negatively affect fertility. This is especially true for women, as the ability to ovulate depends on hormone levels.

More specifically, an increase in estrogen and luteinizing hormone LH levels is needed in order for ovulation to occur 31 , An insufficient calorie intake may also reduce estrogen levels, which is thought to have lasting negative effects on bone and heart health 34 , 35 , Signs of reduced fertility may include irregular menstrual cycles or a lack of them.

However, subtle menstrual disturbances may not have any symptoms, so they may require a more thorough medical examination to be diagnosed 37 , Overly restricting calories may potentially reduce fertility, especially in women.

More studies are needed to determine the effects of calorie restriction in men. Consuming too few calories can weaken your bones. Low levels of these two reproductive hormones are thought to reduce bone formation and increase bone breakdown, resulting in weaker bones 40 , 41 , 42 , In addition, calorie restriction — especially when combined with physical exercise — can increase stress hormone levels.

This may also lead to bone loss Bone loss is especially troublesome because it is often irreversible and increases the risk of fractures 45 , Restricting calories may disturb hormone levels, which may result in weaker bones and an increased risk of fractures.

For instance, one study compared athletes in disciplines that put a strong emphasis on body leanness, such as boxing, gymnastics or diving, to those in disciplines less focused on body weight. The researchers reported that athletes in disciplines that required leanness made more frequent attempts to lose weight and were almost twice as likely to have been sick in the previous three months In another study, taekwondo athletes who were dieting to reduce their body weight in the week before a competition experienced reduced immunity and an increased risk of infection The effects of calorie restriction in non-exercising individuals are less clear, and more research is needed before strong conclusions can be made Calorie restriction, especially when combined with strenuous physical activity, may lower your immune defenses.

Calorie needs vary from person to person because they depend on factors such as age, sex, height, current weight and physical activity level. There are various ways to estimate your own calorie needs. The easiest method consists of three simple steps:.

In addition, make sure you record what you eat in an online food journal like Cronometer , at least in the beginning of your weight loss process. Tracking your diet will help you ensure that you continue to reach your daily recommended nutrient intakes.

When it comes to long-term weight loss, patience is key. Instead, opt for diets that are focused on diet quality and encourage you to make sustainable lifestyle changes. In order to lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn.

Caloric restriction and fertility -

However, recent preliminary data obtained using this model indicates changes in the expression of the enzymes controlling production and degradation of endocannabinoids in these peripheral tissues in adult offspring, suggesting that the observed alteration at birth might extend to the adulthood Ramírez-López submitted.

Further investigation are required to address these possibilities. Because of the importance of the long-term consequences of maternal undernutrition, we also explored the behavioral phenotype of adult offspring born from calorie-restricted dams.

We have observed enhanced anxiety-related responses in adolescence, as measured by the elevated plus maze test, as previously described in humans Nomura et al.

Although various mechanisms have been proposed regarding the altered emotional responses following prenatal undernutrition i. In the present study, we found reduced endocannabinoid levels specifically in hypothalamus and hippocampus.

Decreased levels of 2-AG in hippocampus have been associated to anxiety-related responses Jenniches et al. Therefore, these data suggest that impairment in endocannabinoid signaling in the developing brain could lead to neurobehavioral alterations in the offspring.

Nevertheless, further investigations must be pursued to establish whether decreased endocannabinoid levels at birth are correlated to the development of anxiety later in life. This is the first study to demonstrate that a moderate maternal calorie-restricted diet applied during the preconceptional and pregnancy period leads to altered endocannabinoid and NAE levels, and specifically, reduced AEA, 2-AG, AA levels in the hypothalamus and reduced AEA levels in the hippocampus.

Additionally, although offspring were weaned on standard chow diet, the alterations in endocannabinoid levels may be correlated to overweight, abdominal adiposity and increased anxiety-related responses in adulthood.

Therefore, these data suggest that the contribution of the endocannabinoid system in the early life programming after maternal exposure to undernutrition is relevant, especially considering that an inadequate endocannabinoid signaling could disrupt the circuitries involved in metabolism and emotional control.

Further investigations aimed at understanding how and why these alterations occur might be a useful strategy in the search of efficient therapies to address impaired programming.

MTR-L, BL, RGH and FRF conceptualized and designed the experimental approaches. MTR-L, MV, FA, MA, NB, RA, DO and LO did the animal experiments, including behavioral studies and sampling.

MTR-L, LB, EL and CH did the endocannabinoid measurements. JD, JS, FA and FRF did statistical analysis and graphs. JS, FRF, BL and MTR-L wrote the draft of the manuscript that was revised by all authors. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

The authors also thank Claudia Schwitter for her help and support during lipid extraction and BCA analysis.

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Type 2 non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia syndrome X : relation to reduced fetal growth. Diabetologia 36, 62— Low birth weight and hypertension. Berger, A. Anandamide and diet: inclusion of dietary arachidonate and docosahexaenoate leads to increased brain levels of the corresponding N-acylethanolamines in piglets.

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Can we safely recommend gestational weight gain below the guidelines in obese women? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Keimpema, E. Endocannabinoid signals in the developmental programming of delayed-onset neuropsychiatric and metabolic illnesses. The molecular interplay between endocannabinoid and neurotrophin signals in the nervous system and beyond.

Klingerman, C. III, Simberlund, J. Food restriction-induced changes in gonadotropin-inhibiting hormone cells are associated with changes in sexual motivation and food hoarding, but not sexual performance and food intake. Lausanne Levay, E. Anxiety-like behaviour in adult rats perinatally exposed to maternal calorie restriction.

HPA and sympathoadrenal activity of adult rats perinatally exposed to maternal mild calorie restriction. Linna, M. Pregnancy, obstetric and perinatal health outcomes in eating disorders. Lucas, A. Programming by early nutrition in man. Ciba Found.

Lukaszewski, M. Maternal prenatal undernutrition programs adipose tissue gene expression in adult male rat offspring under high-fat diet.

Lussana, F. Prenatal exposure to the Dutch famine is associated with a preference for fatty foods and a more atherogenic lipid profile. Lutz, B. Endocannabinoid signals in the control of emotion. The endocannabinoid system in guarding against fear, anxiety and stress.

Maccarrone, M. Programming of neural cells by endo cannabinoids: from physiological rules to emerging therapies. Marcondes, F. Determination of the estrous cycle phases of rats: some helpful considerations.

Matias, I. Endocannabinoids and the control of energy balance. Trends Endocrinol. Effect of maternal under-nutrition on pup body weight and hypothalamic endocannabinoid levels.

Life Sci. Mattace Raso, G. Palmitoylethanolamide prevents metabolic alterations and restores leptin sensitivity in ovariectomized rats. Endocrinology , — McMillen, I. Early embryonic environment, the fetal pituitary-adrenal axis and the timing of parturition.

Micali, N. Eating disorders symptoms in pregnancy: a longitudinal study of women with recent and past eating disorders and obesity.

Moreno, M. Long-term behavioural and neuroendocrine effects of perinatal activation or blockade of CB1 cannabinoid receptors. Nomura, Y. Low birth weight and risk of affective disorders and selected medical illness in offspring at high and low risk for depression. Psychiatry 48, — Palou, M.

Sexual dimorphism in the lasting effects of moderate caloric restriction during gestation on energy homeostasis in rats is related with fetal programming of insulin and leptin resistance. Lond Petrovich, G. An earlier study found that female mice maintained on a caloric restriction diet during most of their adulthood maintained their fertility into very advanced ages, even after being allowed to resume free feeding.

We have commented here many times about the adverse effect of on fertility; this takes it one step further. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Originally, studies of female rodents with CR initiated at weaning have proved that CR extended reproductive lifespan. However, CR during ablactation also impeded adolescent growth and sexual maturation, which interfered experiments [ 54 ]. Fortunately, recent studies of female rodents with adult-onset CR effectively excluded these interference factors.

These experiments discovered that CR delays ovary aging through the maintenance of ovarian oocyte-containing follicle reserve [ 7 , 42 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 ] and good egg quality [ 7 , 60 , 61 ].

Although CR reduces fertility, it retains reproductive capacity and prolongs the reproductive lifespan.

Therefore, when CR rodents are returned to AL feeding, their reproductive performances i. fertility, fecundity and postnatal offspring survival rate rebound or are even higher than that in AL condition [ 7 ].

The maintenance of follicle pool can reduce fertility and prevent premature ovarian failure [ 7 , 57 ]. Compared with AL control group, CR in adult female rodents significantly increased the number of primordial follicles PMFs.

This finding indicates that CR reduces the rate of PMF activation, thus inhibiting the transition from primordial follicle to primary follicle [ 7 , 42 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 ]. Secondly, the number of secondary follicles, antral follicles and corpus luteum were dramatically lower in CR-fed rodents.

This observation suggests that CR suppresses the ovarian follicle development at different stages, follicle maturation and ovulation [ 39 , 51 , 53 , 54 ].

CR inhibits follicle atresia because CR-fed mice and rats had the significantly low amount of atretic follicles [ 7 , 42 , 56 , 57 ]. Also, CR inhibits the total follicle loss as the dramatically increased number of total surviving follicles was seen in CR-fed rodents [ 57 , 58 , 59 ].

Although low fertility is observed in CR-fed mice, the capacity of fertility is augmented. Therefore, the fertility rebounds once AL-feeding is resumed [ 7 ]. It is noticed that CR also can augment the follicle pool and elongate the ovarian lifespan in adult female rats treated with chemotherapy [ 4 ].

SIRT, which partially mimics CR, achieves the similar effect in high-fat diet-induced obesity [ 58 ]. Figure 3 a shows the mechanism that CR increases ovarian follicle pool. Initially it is found that CR enhances SIRT1, FOXO3a, NRF1 and SIRT6 gene expression in rodent ovary.

More specifically, SIRT1, FOXO3a and SIRT6 are predominantly expressed in the oocytes and hardly expressed in the granulosa cells.

SIRT1 upregulation by CR is important because it can also downregulate both p53 [ 53 , 54 ] and mTOR complex 1 mTORC1 [ 42 , 58 , 63 ] gene expression in rodent ovary. The evidence that low p53 inhibits follicle atresia is support by following studies: i p53 protein in rats is expressed in the apoptotic granulosa cells of atretic follicles [ 64 ].

ii Reduced p53 level in rat ovary is related to a significant decrease in the amount of apoptotic granulosa cells as well as atretic follicles [ 65 ]. iii p53 in mice is implicated in the regulation and selection of oocytes at checkpoints, such that oocytes that would otherwise be lost may persist when p53 is absent or reduced [ 66 ].

Recent studies from rodent models discovered that SIRT1 suppresses mTORC1-p70S6 kinase S6K1 -ribosomal protein S6 rpS6 signaling, thus preserving PMFs in quiescent state [ 42 , 58 , 63 ]. The most critical intra-oocyte signaling that controls PMF activation is the PI3K-Akt signaling.

CR in female mice inhibits PI3K-Akt signaling and subsequently represses FOXO3a phosphorylation. The non-phosphorylated FOXO3a proteins are remained in oocyte nucleus, culminating in sustaining quiescent PMFs and thus maintaining ovarian follicle pool [ 55 , 67 ].

Interestingly, it is found that CR preserving PMF pool is associated with low IGF-1 in rat ovary [ 33 ], and IGF-1 indeed activates PMFs via PI3K-Akt pathway in sheep ovary [ 34 ].

Therefore, CR may preserve PMF pool of rats by inhibiting IGFPI3K-Akt signaling. It is also summarized that this signaling can upregulate mTORC1 expression [ 68 ]. In addition, CR overexpressing IGF-1 receptors IGF-1Rs may mediate the inhibition of follicle atresia because IGF-1Rs enable to antagonize cell apoptosis [ 33 ].

The potential mechanism of CR delaying ovary aging in female rodents. This mechanism is divided into two avenues. a One is CR preserving ovarian follicle pool, which is mediated by the SIRT1 activation and IGF-1 inhibition, which still need to be elucidated.

b The other one is CR increasing egg quality, which is achieved by activating SIRT3 and inhibiting the occurrence of meiotic spindle and mitochondria disorder.

Two experiments in adult female mice give compelling evidence that CR enables to overcome the aging-related deterioration of egg quality: i The fecundity and postnatal offspring survival rate were remarkably increased in CR-then-AL fed mice [ 7 ].

ii The aging-related increases in aneuploidy, chromosomal misalignment on the metaphase plate, meiotic spindle abnormalities, mitochondrial aggregation and decreased ATP level, which were occurred in oocyte of AL-fed mice, were not exhibited in age-matched CR mice [ 61 ].

Therefore, good egg quality maintained by CR has a beneficial effect on oocyte meiotic maturation and fertilization, pre-implantation embryonic development, pregnancy success rate and embryo quality [ 60 , 61 ]. The mechanism of CR keeping good egg quality is also shown in Fig.

CR in adult mice upregulates mitochondrial SIRT3 in oocyte, and SIRT3 protect oocytes from the synthesis of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species ROS.

Therefore, high SIRT3 attenuates oxidative stress which declines oocyte quality with age [ 61 , 62 ]. Also, CR in adult mice dramatically improves meiotic spindle assembly and maintenance, so it prevents oocyte aneuploid and chromosomal misalignment.

In addition, CR enables to prevent the occurrence of aging-related mitochondrial dysfunction because it can appropriately arrange mitochondria in oocytes [ 61 ]. Although CR upregulates PGC-1α expression [ 60 ], Selesniemi et al. It is generally known that rodent models do not have true menses like humans.

In humans, high size of PMF pool and slow rate of oocyte depletion are essential determinants of delayed menopause onset [ 69 , 70 ]. As CR increases the number of PMFs and suppresses follicle development of rodents, it may have similar effect on human follicles. Therefore, CR seems to delay menopause onset and prolong reproductive lifespan of humans.

However, the study of women who were exposed to Dutch famine discovered that CR decreases age at natural menopause, especially when occurring in early life [ 71 ]. The reason of this phenomenon is unknown.

Another experiment showed an enigmatic discovery that the improvement of fecundity was observed in rabbits with CR alone [ 72 ]. Therefore, further studies are needed to explain these confusing findings.

CR delays ovulation in mice [ 57 ], rhesus monkey [ 46 ], buffalo heifer [ 45 ] and women [ 73 ]. However, ovulation is increased in CR-then-AL-fed mice [ 7 , 43 ].

There are two possible mechanisms of CR inhibiting ovulation. One is that in women CR reduces FSH secretion below the basal level. FSH deficiency cannot stimulate the growth of secondary follicles and thus the generation of dominant follicles where E 2 is synthesized.

Therefore, E 2 concentration is too low to trigger an LH surge [ 74 , 75 ]. In addition, low intra-ovarian IGF-1 caused by CR impedes E 2 synthesis, thus inhibiting LH surge generation [ 35 , 75 , 76 ].

The other one found by Lujan et al. It has been discovered that CR reduces plasma E 2. The discovery that chronic CR increase the expression of estrogen receptors but do not change the expression of androgen receptors in mice ovary also indicates the decreased level of serum E 2 under CR [ 43 ].

Here we hypothesize that CR inhibits E 2 synthesis. One possible mechanism is provided by the experiment in beef heifers [ 44 ].

Heifers with CR had lower plasma insulin, IGF-1 and LH, therefore STAR gene expression in theca cells is decreased. STAR transports cholesterol from the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane, and then the intra-mitochondrial cholesterol can be converted into pregnenolone, resulting in E 2 synthesis.

As a result, CR-treated beef heifers reduced E 2 production in dominant follicle. IGF-1 alone can increase the synthesis of E 2 , and it can synergistically activate FSH-induced aromatase that catalyzes the synthesis of E 2 in rodents and humans [ 35 , 75 ], so CR suppresses E 2 synthesis.

In addition, CR females have lower number of antral follicle where E 2 is mainly synthesized. It is less well-known about the effect of CR on P 4 synthesis. CR reduces serum P 4 in mice [ 56 ], buffalo heifer [ 45 ] and women [ 73 ]. However, it is found that there was no difference of follicular fluid P 4 between beef heifers fed a diet of 1.

It is hypothesized that CR inhibits P 4 production because CR females have less corpus luteum where most P 4 is synthesized. In addition, low IGF-1 level may decrease P 4 synthesis because IGF-1 alone or synergistically promotes P 4 production [ 35 ].

There are few experiments concentrating on the effect of CR on uterus. Basically, we can make sure that the reductions of serum E 2 and P 4 caused by CR impair endometrium development and function.

The reason is that before ovulation E 2 stimulates the rapid proliferation of endometrial stromal and epithelial cells. Also, E 2 promotes the growth and vascularization of uterine glands. After ovulation, P 4 produces a highly secretory endometrium and decidualizes the stromal cells to prepare an appropriate environment for implantation [ 74 ].

It is found that when women are exposed to CR during puberty, the mature GnRH neurons will become immature, increasing the risk of menstrual impairment [ 77 ]. The study in women proved that CR during reproductive age is related to irregular menses, and this deterioration becomes more serious if CR happens earlier.

It is also discovered that CR during childhood prolongs the time from menarche to regular menses. However, CR during childhood seems not to negatively affect menstrual cycles in adulthood [ 78 ] Table 1. CR during pregnancy leads to maternal undernutrition MUN.

In mammals, MUN results in intrauterine growth restriction IUGR through reducing fetal nutrient availability, altering hormonal environment exposed to fetus and causing epigenetic changes in fetal genomes. These changes not only damage fetal health, but also increase the chronic disease susceptibility in postnatal life.

Noticeably, placental alternation is a pivotal linkage of MUN to IUGR [ 87 , 88 ]. Placenta is plastic to against exogenous insults.

In women exposed to Dutch Famine during pregnancy, compensatory growth of placenta induced by MUN maintains consistent fetal nutrition to parturition, so the birthweight is normal [ 79 ] Table 1.

However, IUGR results if this adaptation alone cannot provide enough nutrients to ensure the normal fetal growth. In fact, impaired maternal-fetal circulation and nutrient transport system in placenta also mediate the influence of MUN on fetal development [ 87 ].

A series studies of humans who were exposed to Dutch Famine before birth discovered that MUN gives postnatal progeny the physical and cognitive impairments in life-long pattern. For example, MUN increases the prevalence of schizophrenia, coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

This deleterious effect is most obvious in early gestation, elucidating that early pregnancy is the most pivotal and vulnerable period [ 80 , 89 ] Table 1. The reason is that MUN in early pregnancy can permanently alter placenta, so it proceeds to affect the fetus till parturition, culminating in impairing postnatal health [ 81 , 88 ].

It has been proposed that fetal development of humans expends more time than mice, so the timescale in humans is long enough to convert reversible compensation into irreversible overcompensation.

This fact may support the phenomenon that humans have an irreversible but mice have a reversible placental alternation [ 81 ] Table 1. It was summarized by Harper et al. The species differences in the effect of early-gestational MUN on adult phenotype are attributed to the extent of placenta recovery.

Intriguingly, MUN affects reproductive performances of animal offspring. Two experiments in rats [ 82 , 90 ] found that female offspring exposed to prenatal CR had an aberrant ovarian follicle population, resulting in premature ovarian failure and reduced reproductive lifespan.

Initially, these offspring had a significantly lower amount of PMFs and higher amount of primary follicles in prepubertal period. This observation indicates that in female descendants, PMF pool is affected by MUN during fetal life, and MUN advances the folliculogenesis, resulting in an early puberty onset.

When these offspring reach adulthood, the number of PMFs and growing follicles i. secondary follicles, antral follicles were significantly reduced, suggesting that MUN causes a short reproductive lifespan. The reason is that the expression of genes, which are crucial for follicle maturation and ovulation, was reduced by both increased ovarian oxidative stress and impaired capacity for repairing oxidative damage [ 90 ].

Collectively, the female rat offspring born to mother with MUN have a more intensive and time-limited reproductive lifespan, and they can reproduce more successfully [ 82 , 90 ] Table 1. The experiment in sheep had a similar finding [ 91 ]. Regard to humans, Painter et al.

However, Lumey et al. He thought there was no difference in reproductive activities like delivery between women exposed to MUN during their fetal life and those not exposed to MUN during fetal life. And he attributed this inconsistent result to the fact that the Painter database was inappropriate and thus was not representative.

In fact, Yarde et al. investigated mothers who were exposed to Dutch famine during gestation and discovered that MUN does not affect reproductive performances of offspring [ 83 ] Table 1.

In women, CR enables to develop hypothalamic amenorrhea. The direct pathology is the impairment of HPO axis. The reduced GnRH secretion attenuates the gonadotropin secretion, therefore ovarian follicle development and E 2 synthesis are inhibited.

The insufficient E 2 concentration cannot trigger the pre-ovulatory gonadotropin surges, culminating in anovulation and amenorrhea. Also, the reduced plasma leptin and the increased plasma ghrelin, which represent the low energy status, compromise the function of HPO axis and thus result in amenorrhea.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered as the possible treatment of amenorrhea, and E 2 level is the index to assess the extent of HPO axis recovery [ 74 , 84 ] Table 1. It is characterized by hyperandrogenism and chronic anovulation. Women with PCOS carry 2. Noticeably, CR exerts a benefit effect on obese PCOS patients.

In obese young adult women with PCOS, CR-induced weight loss ameliorates androgen overproduction, restores ovulatory cyclicity, improves menstrual function and attenuates insulin resistance. Therefore, dietary weight loss is considered to become the first-line treatment in obese PCOS patients [ 85 , 95 ] Table 1.

LH hypersecretion is observed in obese PCOS women, and CR usually attenuates pulsatile LH secretion in healthy women. However, daily LH secretion is still increased even these obese PCOS patients are treated with CR [ 97 ].

In addition, preserving E 2 -dependent negative feedback to LH can predict follicle maturation and ovulation in obese PCOS patients who are treated with CR [ 95 ].

In addition, another beneficial effect of CR displays on breast cancer. The study of women found that CR decreases the susceptibility of breast cancer. In contrast, excessive caloric intake increases the risk of developing BC. Researchers proposed that the combination of moderate CR and physical exercise is a prospective strategy to prevent breast cancer [ 86 ] Table 1.

In this review, we summarize that CR exerts both positive and negative effects on female reproduction system. CR impairs HPO axis and indeed reduces fertility in female mammals.

Kisspeptin neuron is the crucial hub that links low energy state and HPO axis. In this review, there are three differences between rodents and humans. Firstly, CR in rodents simultaneously increases reproductive capacity and prolongs fertility lifespan. In contrast, CR advances the menopause onset of women.

Secondly, placental alternation is reversible in mice while irreversible in women when CR takes place at pregnancy. Thirdly, prenatal CR shortens reproductive lifespan and increases fertility success in female rat offspring.

However, it does not affect reproductive activities in human offspring. At last, we summarize that CR causes hypothalamic amenorrhea but ameliorates the deleterious condition of PCOS coupled with obesity.

In addition, CR decreases the morbidity of breast cancer. The similarities and differences between animal and human results courage researchers to find the reasons behind them. Also, further studies focusing on human are needed. Xiang L, He G. Caloric restriction and antiaging effects.

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Author: Vudokinos

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