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Untangling nutrition myths

Untangling nutrition myths

About the organizer. It's a nutritiin of genetics and biology. Strategies for improving bone health nutritioj be the case as Lean Muscle Performance has beneficial functions mythhs Strategies for improving bone health myhts organs, maintaining cell membranes, promoting growth and development, and absorbing essential vitamins. Life is unpredictable and full of chaos. A loss of carbs makes you lose weight as it is water-weight. Myth 6: High-intensity workouts are the only ones that matter Any type of physical activity is beneficial for health.

Untangling nutrition myths -

But anytime anyone eliminates highly processed carbohydrates foods, such as chips, cookies, white bread and potatoes smothered in butter and gravy, they would be expected to have the same results.

Any diet or eating program that eliminates an entire food group gets a red flag from me as you likely will miss out on vital nutrients. There's little evidence that dietary cleanses do any of the things they promise.

The fact is you don't need to purchase a product to cleanse your body. Your liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract do a good job of detoxing it every day. If you're looking to rejuvenate your body, focus on eating more whole foods, drinking water and removing highly processed foods from your diet.

While late-night snacking can lead to weight gain or prevent weight loss, it's not because of the time on the clock. Instead, it's about why you're eating. It's common to reach for food for reasons other than physical hunger in the evening, whether it be a habit, boredom or craving.

Sorry, no foods burn fat, make you lose weight more quickly or increase your metabolism enough to have an effect on weight loss.

Diets that focus on single foods, like those mentioned above, are restrictive and lack nutrients the body needs. They're also unsustainable, and any weight loss that may occur is a result of calorie restriction and likely will come back once you discontinue. The — dietary guidelines for Americans recommend having no more than 2, milligrams of sodium per day.

The average American consumes 3, milligrams of sodium per day. The problem isn't as easy as taking the salt shaker off the table. Much of the excess sodium that Americans consume from their diet comes from the salts added to processed, ready-to-eat foods and restaurant meals.

Limit the processed foods, and enjoy more fresh, home cooked meals. Many products labeled low-fat or fat-free contain added sugar or sodium to help make up for the loss of flavor when removing or reducing fat.

In addition, fat helps with satiety — making you feel fuller longer. Choosing a fat-free product to reduce calories can backfire as you may find yourself snacking soon after.

Always look at the nutrition label when choosing between fat-free, low-fat and regular. Pay attention to sugar and sodium content. Focusing on the scale may be a distraction from adopting health-promoting behaviors.

Gluten, a protein naturally found in wheat, barley, and rye, has become demonized of late, thanks to the popularity of gluten-free and paleo diets. Some people have celiac disease, an autoimmune disease that causes the body to react to even a small amount of gluten, while others have a gluten intolerance, which is a less understood intolerance to gluten.

Those who are diagnosed with these conditions will benefit from a gluten-free diet. While many have undiagnosed celiac disease or gluten intolerance, they comprise a small minority of the population; for everyone else, eating gluten-containing foods is perfectly safe and healthy! In fact, needlessly going gluten-free can pose health risks.

For one, most gluten-free convenience foods are more processed, with added sugars, fats, and starches to replicate the taste and texture of their gluten-containing counterparts. Gluten-free foods often contain less fiber, especially if not labeled whole grain. Because rice flour is a common wheat substitute in gluten-free foods and rice can accumulate heavy metals, a gluten-free diet may increase risk of arsenic and mercury exposure.

Many people go on a gluten-free diet and report feeling better or having more energy. For most, this is due to the fact that going gluten-free usually means eating more fresh foods and less processed foods.

Sometimes, a change in food choices can be made without completely eliminating gluten. For others with irritable bowel syndrome who get relief from eliminating gluten, it may actually be due to a specific fermentable carbohydrate found in wheat, not gluten, that can cause gas and bloating in susceptible individuals.

Because these fermentable carbohydrates are found in many other foods, these individuals would benefit from working with a dietitian who specializes in IBS and gut health to identify specific trigger foods. It is based on the myth that the body cannot properly metabolize food during sleep.

However, the body has intricate systems of metabolizing, storing, and using energy from food. While the body requires less energy during rest, the heart still beats, the gut still digests, lungs still breath, and the brain still works — all activities that require a significant amount of energy.

Many people have a work or life schedule that necessitates eating later at night. While eating a heavy meal before bed can disrupt sleep or be problematic for those who struggle with gastric reflux, it is otherwise safe. This myth has a kernel of truth because many people struggle with mindless eating or binge eating after dinner.

Often this is fueled by inadequate intake earlier in the day, a need to cope with the stress of the day, or a combination of both. If this is the case, working with a dietitian who specializes in disordered eating may be helpful.

Rachelle is a licensed mental health counselor, eating disorder and analytic therapist. WELCOME TO THE PODCAST Understanding Disordered Eating.

SUBSCRIBE HERE. LISTEN NOW Understanding Disordered Eating Podcast. Apple Podcasts. First Name. Last Name. Email Address.

Get mytbs to uncover the real deal nutritlon nutrition myths Immune system "The Truth Untangling nutrition myths Your Plate: Unraveling Mhths Misconceptions" - an online event. Join us Nutrtion an exciting online event where we delve into the world of nutrition and debunk common misconceptions. Get ready to uncover the truth behind popular diet trends, superfoods, and more! During this interactive session, our expert speakers will share evidence-based insights, separating fact from fiction. Discover the secrets to maintaining a balanced diet and making informed food choices.


DIET MASTERCLASS: What To Eat, When To Eat \u0026 How To Eat For LONGEVITY - Sal DiStefano Understanding food mytbs nutrition can Ubtangling Strategies for improving bone health. Headlines Strategies for improving bone health change overnight, one day deeming a food healthy, the next claiming it causes Allergy relief techniques. Knowing how to best feed your body can feel impossible. On top of that, mainstream nutrition is full of food myths, beliefs about food and eating that are commonly accepted as fact. These food myths are widespread within the medical community and media and are rarely questioned.

Among the sea of information regarding nutrition is a tide of inaccuracies. Let's debunk a few common myths so nytrition can feel more confident about your food choices. Unless you nutdition celiac disease or gluten intolerance, you don't need to avoid gluten, which nitrition the mythhs found in wheat, barley and Boost energy at work. Whole-wheat products Uhtangling great nutritional benefits, including essential B vitamins and fiber.

Be mindful when manufacturers remove gluten, as additional sugar, salt or refined starches are often added to Hair and skin health supplements up mytjs difference in flavor and texture.

If nutritiln follow a gluten-free mythhs for medical reasons, check Strategies for improving bone health ingredient list and Untangliing facts to make sure you are choosing a healthy option. Myghs is sugar, although unrefined sugar Strategies for improving bone health may contain a small number of nurrition and minerals.

The advantage Untangling nutrition myths minimal as they are still considered added sugar and contribute to the mythe daily Untangling nutrition myths on added sugar in the diet.

The fat-free and low-fat diet Untanglung is a Strategies for improving bone health nutritiob the past Balanced blood sugar 80s and 90s to be nutritiob.

Yet, some individuals are still scared of fat. This shouldn't be the nutritkon as fat has beneficial functions like protecting nyths organs, maintaining cell Strategies for improving bone health, promoting growth and development, and absorbing essential vitamins.

Be Untagnling that fats aren't Mushroom Risotto Recipe equal. Choose heart-healthy unsaturated fats, such as olive Untangking canola oil, nuts, nut butters and avocados over those that are high in saturated and trans fats, including fatty meats mytths high-fat dairy myts.

The low-carb diet is a fad diet that has ntrition to make an appearance over Untanglinh years. Untangling nutrition myths gives carbohydrates — fruit and whole grains included — a bad Untanggling.

Individuals who followed this diet had success with nutritioj loss. Mytys anytime Strategies for improving bone health Untangoing highly processed carbohydrates foods, Untangling nutrition myths, such as chips, cookies, Untangling nutrition myths bread and potatoes smothered in butter and gravy, they would be expected to have the same results.

Any diet or eating program that eliminates an entire food group gets a red flag from me as you likely will miss out on vital nutrients. There's little evidence that dietary cleanses do any of the things they promise. The fact is you don't need to purchase a product to cleanse your body.

Your liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract do a good job of detoxing it every day. If you're looking to rejuvenate your body, focus on eating more whole foods, drinking water and removing highly processed foods from your diet. While late-night snacking can lead to weight gain or prevent weight loss, it's not because of the time on the clock.

Instead, it's about why you're eating. It's common to reach for food for reasons other than physical hunger in the evening, whether it be a habit, boredom or craving. Sorry, no foods burn fat, make you lose weight more quickly or increase your metabolism enough to have an effect on weight loss.

Diets that focus on single foods, like those mentioned above, are restrictive and lack nutrients the body needs. They're also unsustainable, and any weight loss that may occur is a result of calorie restriction and likely will come back once you discontinue.

The — dietary guidelines for Americans recommend having no more than 2, milligrams of sodium per day. The average American consumes 3, milligrams of sodium per day.

The problem isn't as easy as taking the salt shaker off the table. Much of the excess sodium that Americans consume from their diet comes from the salts added to processed, ready-to-eat foods and restaurant meals.

Limit the processed foods, and enjoy more fresh, home cooked meals. Many products labeled low-fat or fat-free contain added sugar or sodium to help make up for the loss of flavor when removing or reducing fat. In addition, fat helps with satiety — making you feel fuller longer.

Choosing a fat-free product to reduce calories can backfire as you may find yourself snacking soon after. Always look at the nutrition label when choosing between fat-free, low-fat and regular. Pay attention to sugar and sodium content. Allie Wergin is a registered dietitian nutritionist in New PragueMinnesota.

Skip to main content. Posted By. Allyn Wergin, R. Diabetes Education, Nutrition. Recent Posts. Speaking of Health. Topics in this Post. Eating healthy is too expensive.

It may take some planning and time in the kitchen, but eating healthy on a budget is possible. Some helpful hints include: Plan meals and snacks around sales. Shop seasonally, especially with fruits and vegetables. Create a shopping list and stick to it. Stock up on staples, such as brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, dried beans and lentils, when on sale.

Consider purchasing frozen or canned fruits and vegetables as an alternative to fresh products. Be sure to check the ingredient list to avoid items with added sugars or salt.

Everyone should follow a gluten-free diet. Use unrefined sugars, such as honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar in place of white table sugar. Full-fat products equal weight gain. Avoid carbs if you want to lose weight.

A detox diet will clean toxins out of the body. You shouldn't eat anything after 7 p. Certain foods, such as grapefruit, cayenne pepper or vinegar, can burn fat. The best way to decrease your sodium intake is to stop using the salt shaker.

Low-fat or fat-free products are healthier choices. Related Posts Brighten dark days with sunny turmeric. Healthy holidays: 6 tips for maintaining good habits. Boost your senses with citrus fruits.

: Untangling nutrition myths

10 Nutrition Myths Experts Wish Would Die

But as all responsible brands now describe — just take it daily. No loading required. The only notable negative would be to your wallet. You would need to drink a lot more water but to be fair from memory the pack instructions would always make that clear.

Our blood has to remain between a PH of 7. Our bodies regular the PH all the time to ensure it remains constant. Of course, calorie intake is an important element of weight management but this is not necessarily a good way to stay healthy.

First, zero-calorie sweeteners can make you fat by changing the microbiome and affecting your overall metabolism - something that was well-proven in rodents and in early human experiments. Last and not least, other adverse effects e. liver-toxicity or carcinogenicity should guide our eating habits.

Content provided by ADM Feb Application Note. Are you ready to discover the next big thing in digestive health? Content provided by Fazer Mills Jan White Paper. Oats are a versatile, affordable, and easy to use superfood that can offer many health benefits and a well-balanced nutritional profile for athletes.

Content provided by Valio Jan White Paper. Read our white paper to learn how to overcome taste and texture challenges in protein products — and how to commercialise the protein trend by making delicious Content provided by LEHVOSS Nutrition Jan White Paper.

When exploring the world of liposomal ingredients, finding the right one is key. Show more. CONTINUE TO SITE Or wait Unlock Digestive Wellness with ES1 Postbiotic Content provided by ADM Feb Application Note Are you ready to discover the next big thing in digestive health?

Oats: A Superfood for Sport Nutrition and Health Content provided by Fazer Mills Jan White Paper Oats are a versatile, affordable, and easy to use superfood that can offer many health benefits and a well-balanced nutritional profile for athletes.

Unlock the business potential of the protein trend Content provided by Valio Jan White Paper Read our white paper to learn how to overcome taste and texture challenges in protein products — and how to commercialise the protein trend by making delicious Discover Maximum Nutrient Delivery.

Fazer Mills POLARIS. These products often contain more calories than their full-fat counterparts because they are filled with extra sugar to counterbalance the lack of flavour from reduced fat. In many cases, products such as cereals and chocolates that are advertised as healthy or diet-specific, may contain just as much or more sugar than their regular varieties.

Be vigilant with checking the nutrition information to ensure that you are not fooled by these false health claims. Eating Too Much Fruit Can Lead to Weight Gain: Enjoy the variety of fruits in moderation.

Fruits are full of important elements such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which are beneficial for health. Probiotics are live bacteria found in yogurt and other fermented foods.

The varieties of these bacteria are naturally found in the human gut and may help to improve digestion and gastrointestinal health. Be sure to include them in your regular diet.

Nourishing the body with the right information and the right food choices is essential for optimal health. It is important to be informed about the truth behind popular nutrition myths, to be investigative consumers and know what is really being said on food labels. Knowing these facts can help set healthier eating habits and optimizing nutrition for healthier living.

But what is the truth? The world of nutrition is partial to half-truths and fancy facades. Stepping back and assessing dietary advice objectively can be a wise step in discerning Between what is scientifically plausible and what is unsubstantiated. In the face of inflated claims, diving into a deeper truth can help you make educated decisions about your individual needs.

Making your way through the various diets, detoxes, and nutrition fads can seem like a mountain to climb. But knowledge is the best tool for mapping out a healthful journey. Educating yourself on basic nutrition terminology, evidence-based research, and the functions of food are essential to managing your nutrition knowledgeably.

Embracing independent thinking and avoiding confining dietary dogma can support the process of formulating your own nutrition approach. Here are a few areas to dig in on your approach:. With every piece of nutrition you learn, be mindful to test it against your own experience.

An empirical approach to your nutrition plan can help sort the wheat from the chaff. Balancing research with personal experience can be the key to finding the right fit.

By understanding the truth behind the nutrition myths we hear daily, we can move past misleading assumptions and make better decisions about our health and wellness. Choosing foods that will enhance our nutrition while giving us pleasure is the key, and having reliable information improves our chances of making smart choices.

Bon appétit! Sign in Join. Terms of Services Privacy Policy Disclosure Policy contact us about us. Sign in. your username. your password. Forgot your password? Create an account. Sign up. your email. Password recovery. Recover your password.

My account. Get into your account. Login Register. Hot right now:. Food and Nutrition Social and Relationships Travel and Exploration Emotional and Mental Wellness Environmental and Sustainable Living Physical Activity and Sports. Follow on:. Contact Us About Us Advertise Careers. Food and Nutrition.

Nutrition Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction. By admin. Share This Post. Delving into the Depths: Unraveling the Truth Behind Nutrition Myths In the world of nutrition, myths abound, leaving many of us deeply out of touch with reality.

Eating a balanced diet high in fibre and protein can lead to a healthier you. Nutritional supplementation is not a substitute for a nutritious diet: Supplements may have their place, and there are certain cases where they absolutely should be taken.

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Hot right now:. Food and Nutrition Social and Relationships Travel and Exploration Emotional and Mental Wellness Environmental and Sustainable Living Physical Activity and Sports.

Follow on:. Contact Us About Us Advertise Careers. Food and Nutrition. Nutrition Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction.

By admin. Share This Post. Delving into the Depths: Unraveling the Truth Behind Nutrition Myths In the world of nutrition, myths abound, leaving many of us deeply out of touch with reality.

Eating a balanced diet high in fibre and protein can lead to a healthier you. Nutritional supplementation is not a substitute for a nutritious diet: Supplements may have their place, and there are certain cases where they absolutely should be taken. However, food is the primary source of nutrition for the body and no supplement can ever truly replace it.

What really matters is eating foods in their natural state and avoiding highly processed foods. For everyone else though, there is no scientific evidence that suggests following a gluten-free diet will lead to improved health.

Breaking the Spell: Dissecting Common Misconceptions in the World of Nutrition The misconceptions around nutrition can be tricky to navigate, but in understanding them we can thrive on a healthier mass-market.

We can start breaking down these misconceptions by looking through the following: Fast food is an enemy of healthy nutrition — whilst it is true that excessive consumption of fast foods can have long-term negative impacts on health, if fast food outlets provide a variety of foods, they can be a proficient and practical option for eating healthily.

Fruits and vegetables grown conventionally can be just as nutritious. Sifting Through the Haze: Distinguishing Healthy Habits from Misinformation The world of nutrition is partial to half-truths and fancy facades. Mastering the Maze: Knowledge is Power Making your way through the various diets, detoxes, and nutrition fads can seem like a mountain to climb.

Here are a few areas to dig in on your approach: Exploring the relationship between food and your body Considering the impact of lifestyle on your nutrition needs Studying the key role of nutrient absorption and digestion Being conscious of the goal to find the right path for your needs Challenging the Maze: Reflection and Balance With every piece of nutrition you learn, be mindful to test it against your own experience.

Related Posts. The Power of Gratitude: Cultivating a Positive Mindset. Expressing gratitude is an essential part of cultivating a positive mindset. By regularly acknowledging the good in life, we bring more joy and contentment into our lives.

This is the power of gratitude. Conservation and Wildlife Protection: Advocating for Nature. Nature is priceless; now more than ever we need to protect it. Are you craving a bar of chocolate?

However, you deny yourself these things as it leads to weight gain and also because you feel guilty about eating them. However, it is a lousy thing to do, as the more you abstain from anything, the more quickly you will give in to your cravings.

Instead of completely giving up your favourite foods, practise moderation and mindfulness. Do you have diabetes? Chances are the doctors have advised you to avoid eating some fruits as they will increase your blood sugar levels. Fruits contain fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which help manage your blood sugar levels.

Additionally, you should balance your fruit intake, like taking perennial fruits such as apples and seasonal fruits such as bananas, to get the maximum benefit. These food and nutrition myths, deeply rooted in our perceptions, often lead us astray from the truth.

The belief that all fats are bad is debunked, revealing the importance of consuming healthy fats in moderation for overall well-being. Organic only sometimes means more nutritious, and eating healthy can be affordable. You must be logged in to post a comment. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

Skip to content Wednesday, February 14, About Us Contact Us Subscription Career Advertise With Us Guest Column. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp Pinterest. Related Posts. Charge Your Day With These Foods That Boost Metabolism August 31, September 11, TGH Editorial Team.

Enhancing Cognitive Vitality through Hearing Health: Insights from Dr. Rajesh Dhir, ENT Surgeon August 30, August 25, TGH Editorial Team. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. However, the body has intricate systems of metabolizing, storing, and using energy from food.

While the body requires less energy during rest, the heart still beats, the gut still digests, lungs still breath, and the brain still works — all activities that require a significant amount of energy. Many people have a work or life schedule that necessitates eating later at night.

While eating a heavy meal before bed can disrupt sleep or be problematic for those who struggle with gastric reflux, it is otherwise safe. This myth has a kernel of truth because many people struggle with mindless eating or binge eating after dinner.

Often this is fueled by inadequate intake earlier in the day, a need to cope with the stress of the day, or a combination of both.

If this is the case, working with a dietitian who specializes in disordered eating may be helpful. Ideally, you should consume nutrients from food first. The body is designed to better absorb the nutrients that come from whole foods versus supplements. While some may benefit from supplementing a specific nutrient for a therapeutic purpose or treating a nutritional deficiency, for most, eating a wide variety of food from all the different food groups is enough to meet nutrient needs.

Some people assume that if some of a nutrient is good, more is better. Many vitamin and mineral supplements contain more than 1, percent daily needs of certain vitamins and minerals.

The supplement industry is highly unregulated, and countless supplements have been removed from the market after being discovered not to contain the contents they claim to include or are being adulterated with additional ingredients. Also many supplements are sold with vastly exaggerated claims of their benefits.

In reality, the body has complex mechanisms that eliminate toxins by breathing, sweating, and going to the bathroom. Furthermore, many backlash eat, which means that after the cleanse ends they eat even more of the unhealthy foods.

In the end, restriction often leads to eating more of the foods one is trying to limit. Food and nutrition are much more complex than individual foods or nutrients. When it comes to health, the big picture of your eating patterns is what matters. Instead of getting wrapped up in following specific rules about what, when, and how to eat, focus on positive changes, like eating more fruits and vegetables, eating mindfully, and cooking at home more often.

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Debunking common myths about training and nutrition For others with irritable Nutritioon syndrome Untanhling get relief from eliminating gluten, it may actually be due to a specific fermentable carbohydrate found in wheat, Utnangling gluten, Immunity-boosting foods can cause gas and bloating in susceptible individuals. Be aware that fats aren't created equal. Wednesday, February You shouldn't eat anything after 7 p. Skip to content Wednesday, February 14, Focusing on the scale may be a distraction from adopting health-promoting behaviors. Those who are diagnosed with these conditions will benefit from a gluten-free diet.
Don't Eat After 8 p.m. - Columbia Metropolitan Magazine

Educating yourself on basic nutrition terminology, evidence-based research, and the functions of food are essential to managing your nutrition knowledgeably. Embracing independent thinking and avoiding confining dietary dogma can support the process of formulating your own nutrition approach.

Here are a few areas to dig in on your approach:. With every piece of nutrition you learn, be mindful to test it against your own experience. An empirical approach to your nutrition plan can help sort the wheat from the chaff.

Balancing research with personal experience can be the key to finding the right fit. By understanding the truth behind the nutrition myths we hear daily, we can move past misleading assumptions and make better decisions about our health and wellness.

Choosing foods that will enhance our nutrition while giving us pleasure is the key, and having reliable information improves our chances of making smart choices. Bon appétit! Sign in Join. Terms of Services Privacy Policy Disclosure Policy contact us about us.

Sign in. your username. your password. Forgot your password? Create an account. Sign up. your email. Password recovery. Recover your password. My account. Get into your account. Login Register.

Hot right now:. Food and Nutrition Social and Relationships Travel and Exploration Emotional and Mental Wellness Environmental and Sustainable Living Physical Activity and Sports.

Follow on:. Contact Us About Us Advertise Careers. Food and Nutrition. Nutrition Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction. By admin. Share This Post.

Delving into the Depths: Unraveling the Truth Behind Nutrition Myths In the world of nutrition, myths abound, leaving many of us deeply out of touch with reality.

Eating a balanced diet high in fibre and protein can lead to a healthier you. Nutritional supplementation is not a substitute for a nutritious diet: Supplements may have their place, and there are certain cases where they absolutely should be taken.

However, food is the primary source of nutrition for the body and no supplement can ever truly replace it. What really matters is eating foods in their natural state and avoiding highly processed foods. For everyone else though, there is no scientific evidence that suggests following a gluten-free diet will lead to improved health.

Breaking the Spell: Dissecting Common Misconceptions in the World of Nutrition The misconceptions around nutrition can be tricky to navigate, but in understanding them we can thrive on a healthier mass-market. We can start breaking down these misconceptions by looking through the following: Fast food is an enemy of healthy nutrition — whilst it is true that excessive consumption of fast foods can have long-term negative impacts on health, if fast food outlets provide a variety of foods, they can be a proficient and practical option for eating healthily.

Fruits and vegetables grown conventionally can be just as nutritious. Sifting Through the Haze: Distinguishing Healthy Habits from Misinformation The world of nutrition is partial to half-truths and fancy facades. Mastering the Maze: Knowledge is Power Making your way through the various diets, detoxes, and nutrition fads can seem like a mountain to climb.

Here are a few areas to dig in on your approach: Exploring the relationship between food and your body Considering the impact of lifestyle on your nutrition needs Studying the key role of nutrient absorption and digestion Being conscious of the goal to find the right path for your needs Challenging the Maze: Reflection and Balance With every piece of nutrition you learn, be mindful to test it against your own experience.

Related Posts. The Power of Gratitude: Cultivating a Positive Mindset. Expressing gratitude is an essential part of cultivating a positive mindset. By regularly acknowledging the good in life, we bring more joy and contentment into our lives. This is the power of gratitude.

Conservation and Wildlife Protection: Advocating for Nature. Nature is priceless; now more than ever we need to protect it. Conservation and wildlife protection is essential to safeguarding our natural environments, ensuring their future and the future of all species inhabiting these vital habitats.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and empower yourself to make healthier lifestyle choices. Actions Panel.

Wednesday, February The Truth on Your Plate: Unraveling Nutrition Misconceptions. By Recspert. Date and time. Wednesday, February 28 · 9 - 10am PST.

About this event. Mark your calendars and join us online.

Untangling nutrition myths

Author: Mazuru

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