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Glycogen replenishment for triathletes

Glycogen replenishment for triathletes

Carbohydrate replenishjent before, during and after exercise. A phase of depletion of glycogen Glycogen replenishment for triathletes before the triathletws is no replenishjent recommended. Glycogen replenishment for triathletes with a sports nutritionist or dietitian can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs, goals, and dietary restrictions. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Email. Anaerobic exercise also is fueled almost entirely by carbohydrates, according to Sally Hara, MS, RD, CSSD, CDE, of ProActive Nutrition in Kirkland, Washington.


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Glycogen replenishment for triathletes -

Scott et al, Insulin increases blood flow to the muscle, GLUT4 translocation to plasma membrane, hexokinase II and glycogen synthase activity, which all contribute to increased glucose uptake by the muscle and glycogen synthesis.

Research in athletes has shown that the rate of carbohydrate delivery potentially can be augmented via certain strategies such as use of alternative carbohydrates, congestion of protein and caffeine.

Protein and carbohydrates work together in the post exercise window, allowing for improved protein metabolism as well as improved glycogen synthesis when compared to carbohydrates alone. Glycogen storage is not impacted by source of carbohydrates when comparing liquids and solids.

In addition to carbohydrates, insulin secretion can also be induced through ingestion of certain amino acids. This evidence led to the strategy of accelerating post-exercise muscle glycogen synthesis with the co-ingestion of carbohydrate and protein. However, when carbohydrate intake is adequate e.

Interestingly, inducing a glucose rush if this is in response to a carbohydrates-based meal can be an indication that your body is in an anabolic state, ensuring that glycogen stores are being refilled. During this time phase, insulin is secreted to support glucose uptake by the cells but also protein synthesis in the muscles.

This is perhaps why the co-ingestion of protein and carbohydrates have synergistic effects above caloric matched ingestion of one or the other individually.

Yes, you read that right, whilst generally you want to stay in the blue zone, and this is possible even with higher carbohydrate intakes when changing meal order or altering meal composition a little to include fibre and some fat, for example, a bit of a spike post meal in the window of time post workout is probably not detrimental.

Your carbohydrate requirements are at least in part related to your intake prior and during training — in your Prime and Perform windows. Beyond this, they are dictated by the intensity and duration of your activity, with consideration given to whether you want to optimize recovery or intentionally not do so.

It should be recognized that these recommendations are in the context of total output for a week as well as after one training session, as is the nutritional intake. With respect to protein, dosing is more related to maximal muscle protein synthesis than total dosing requirements.

As caloric intake increases, protein will naturally go up. The requirements of protein to ensure maximal muscle protein synthesis vary based on age, energy intake more protein is needed in times of energy restriction and recent training stimulus resistance training increases muscle protein synthesis.

When planning multiple sessions per day or multiple sessions with a short time between, rapid restoration of glycogen stores may be required. If this is the case and recovery time is less than 4 hours, you may consider the following right after your workout:.

When looking to optimize recovery without another session in a short time frame, it has been suggested that ongoing, regular intake of carbohydrate and protein every hours will maintain a rapid rate of muscle protein synthesis and glycogen synthesis, provided this starts relatively soon after exercise.

The good news is that your post training session social meal might be the perfect recovery protocol even perhaps with the addition of a good coffee. Make sure you eat enough protein and carbohydrates in the post workout window. The challenge is to ensure this is soon enough after your training session and you keep refueling properly afterwards.

Remember, recovery from one session is aiding in your preparation for the next one within your Prime-Perform-Recover endless energy cycle see below. Key Recovery Points : Use your post-workout window - eat some carbohydrates and protein as soon as possible post workout.

Ensure that you are recovering appropriately after the initial post-workout window by meeting caloric and protein needs.

Recovery is as much about acute adaptation to the session you just finished as it is about preparing well for your next session. What are the basics of recovery nutrition?

Repair: Eat enough protein. Rehydrate: Drink enough to replace fluid losses. Rest: Get good sleep and have nutrition that facilitates this. Especially because despite this and the willingness of athletes to embrace recovery, athletes are often under fueling their recovery still The Why: When exercising, we are breaking down muscles and using our fuel stores.

But why does the body need to quickly go into an anabolic state? This is because the primary importance after exercise is glycogen replenishment.

The When: The simple answer to this? Insulin independent phase of muscle glycogen synthesis: In the initial post-exercise phase, there is a rapid increase in glycogen synthesis for mins.

Insulin dependent phase of glycogen synthesis: The second phase of glycogen synthesis has been defined as the insulin-dependent phase. Figure 1: Glycogen resynthesis is increased with carbohydrate ingestion in the immediate post exercise window What: Protein and carbohydrates work together in the post exercise window, allowing for improved protein metabolism as well as improved glycogen synthesis when compared to carbohydrates alone.

How Much: Your carbohydrate requirements are at least in part related to your intake prior and during training — in your Prime and Perform windows.

Protein requirements are as follows: 0. Protein per meal should be between 0. If this is the case and recovery time is less than 4 hours, you may consider the following right after your workout: 1.

This may not always be logistically possible or appropriate, given training time, goals etc. Refueling Conclusions and Recommendations The good news is that your post training session social meal might be the perfect recovery protocol even perhaps with the addition of a good coffee.

Figure 2: Supersapiens Endless Energy Cycle References: Bonilla DA, Pérez-Idárraga A, Odriozola-Martínez A, Kreider RB.

The 4R's Framework of Nutritional Strategies for Post-Exercise Recovery: A Review with Emphasis on New Generation of Carbohydrates. Int J Environ Res Public Health.

doi: PMID: ; PMCID: PMC Ivy JL, Ferguson-Stegall LM. Nutrient Timing: The Means to Improved Exercise Performance, Recovery, and Training Adaptation.

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. The effects of increasing exercise intensity on muscle fuel utilisation in humans. J Physiol, , EGAN, B.

Exercise metabolism and the molecular regulation of skeletal muscle adaptation. Cell Metab, 17 , ALGHANNAM, A. Impact of Muscle Glycogen Availability on the Capacity for Repeated Exercise in Man. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 48 , BERGSTRÖM, J. A study of the glycogen metabolism during exercise in man.

Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 19 , Hawley JA, Burke LM. Carbohydrate availability and training adaptation: effects on cell metabolism. Exerc Sport Sci Rev.

Saunders, M. Protein Supplementation During or Following a Marathon Run Influences Post-Exercise Recovery. Nutrients , 10, Churchward-Venne, T. Dose-response effects of dietary protein on muscle protein synthesis during recovery from endurance exercise in young men: A double-blind randomized trial.

Ivy JL, Katz AL, Cutler CL, Sherman WM, Coyle EF. Muscle glycogen synthesis after exercise: effect of time of carbohydrate ingestion. J Appl Physiol PMID: Insulin signaling in human skeletal muscle: time course and effect of exercise.

Diabetes, 46 , Scott SN, Fontana FY, Cocks M, et al. Post-exercise recovery for the endurance athlete with type 1 diabetes: a consensus statement. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. Sugar is stored in your liver and muscles as glycogen — your energy source. Your muscles normally store only small amounts of glycogen — enough to support you during recreational exercise activities.

If you exercise intensely for more than 90 minutes, your muscles may run out of glycogen. At that point, fatigue might set in, and your performance may suffer.

But with carbohydrate loading, you may be able to store more energy in your muscles. This may give you the stamina to make it through longer endurance events. But you'll still need to consume some energy sources during your event. Also scale back your training for three to four days before the event your taper.

The combination of eating more carbohydrates and tapering activity appear to boost muscle glycogen stores. How many carbs you need depends on your total calorie goal as well as your sport. For most athletes, 5 to 7 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight daily is right for general training.

Note that 1 kilogram equals 2. Endurance athletes may need up to 12 grams per kilogram. The day before your event, eat lower fibre foods to ease digestion and make sure your stomach and gut is ready for race day.

No new foods and eat only what you know you can tolerate. Eat foods that agree with your stomach. The fat content should be kept low to keep gut residue low and ease the transit of food through the gut. Low fibre is also desirable so that you can be happy to start your race without concerns about needing the toilet later into the day.

Pay attention to your plate here. Carb load correctly and don't eat too much fat, fibre or protein and make sure you are eating the right carbs. At this point, a little over 70 percent of your calories should be coming from easy-to-digest carbs like white rice and potatoes.

Plan on eating a bigger than normal breakfast and lunch, and fitting in snacks between meals. Here's a sample carbohydrate-loading meal plan for an athlete who weighs pounds 77 kilograms.

It's based on 4. You can tweak this simple carbohydrate loading meal plan to suit your own tastes and nutritional needs. Carbohydrate loading will most likely cause body mass to increase by approximately 2kg.

For every extra gram of glycogen stored you will also store 2g of water. This can be a concern for many athletes, but the potential negatives of setting off slightly heavier are far outweighed by the potential performance benefits.

Carbohydrate loading may give you more energy during an endurance event. You may feel less fatigued and see an improvement in your performance after carbohydrate loading. But carbohydrate loading isn't effective for everyone. Other factors can influence your athletic performance or interfere with the effectiveness of your carbohydrate-loading strategy, including how fit you are, how well you hydrate and how intensely you exercise.

Even with carbohydrate loading, you still may feel muscle fatigue. For men, a carbohydrate-loading diet can increase the levels of glycogen stored in the muscles as much as percent of your normal amount.

Women may need to consume more calories than usual during carbohydrate loading to get the same benefits as men do. Note that most studies on carb loading have been done on men — there is not much data for women. There is some suggestion that there are certain periods of the menstrual cycle that may limit the effectiveness of carb loading in women.

But women should do it anyway. Despite carbohydrate loading, you still need to replenish your body's energy during endurance events to maintain your blood sugar levels. You can do this by periodically consuming sports drinks, gels, or bars, fruit, or hard or chewy candies during your event at the rate of 30 to 60 grams every hour or two.

And don't forget to eat carbohydrate-rich foods after your endurance event, too, to replenish your glycogen stores. Would like some recipe ideas?

Check out our FREE recipes books. Carbohydrate loading isn't right for every endurance athlete. It's a good idea to consult your doctor or a registered dietitian before you start carbohydrate loading, especially if you have diabetes.

You may also need to experiment with different amounts of carbohydrates to find what works best for you. A carbohydrate-loading diet can cause some discomfort or side effects, such as:. Many athletes fail to carb load properly or adequately.

Here are some common issues:. Sample Carb Loading Diet for an IRONMAN. The following diet plan from the AIS is suitable for a 70kg athlete wishing to carb load.

John Berardi explains why carbo loading is easier than advertised and offers some simple tricks to help make this common pre-race practice even more effective.

Contact Dr. Berardi for more details. Now you know some nutrition strategies for the week before your race you can plan your week.

Do you know how you will fuel your race day? This blog will help you plan your nutrition and hydration during your race and after. Are you still confused about your training taper? This blog will help you plan your taper.

This section will help you appreciate the carbohydrate levels of different foods so you know you are eating the right amount. Karen Parnell is a Level 3 British Triathlon and IRONMAN Certified Coach, WOWSA Level 3 open water swimming coach and NASM Personal Trainer and Sports Technology Writer.

Need a training plan? I have plans on TrainingPeaks, FinalSurge and FinalSurge IRONMAN marketplace:. I also coach a very small number of athletes one to one for all triathlon distances, open water swimming events and running races, email me for details and availability.

You can use this Macro Calculator for athletes to calculate your needs. If you are interested in training for a triathlon get in touch. Carb loading, also known as glycogen loading, is a strategy used by endurance athletes to maximize glycogen stores in the muscles and liver before a race.

It involves increasing carbohydrate intake in the days leading up to the event to enhance endurance performance. Carbohydrates are the primary fuel source for endurance exercise. By increasing carbohydrate intake before a triathlon event, you can maximize glycogen stores, which can enhance endurance, delay fatigue, and improve overall performance.

It is typically recommended to start carb loading two to three days before the event. This allows enough time for your body to store glycogen effectively. The recommended carbohydrate intake during carb loading is generally around grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

For example, if you weigh 70 kilograms, your carbohydrate intake would be between grams per day. It is important to consume mainly complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

These provide sustained energy and essential nutrients. However, it is also acceptable to include some simple carbohydrates, such as sports drinks, gels, or white bread, to quickly replenish glycogen stores. While carbohydrates should be the main focus during carb loading, it is still important to maintain a balanced diet.

Moderate protein intake is necessary for muscle repair and recovery, and healthy fats provide essential nutrients. However, it's a good idea to prioritize carbohydrates and slightly reduce fat and protein intake during the carb-loading phase.

As with Glycogfn aspects of training for and rrplenishment triathlons the science backed Glycogen replenishment for triathletes changes Glycogen replenishment for triathletes time Body fat percentage more and more studies are completed. This blog looks at the latest Glycogeb based advise on Youth-enhancing techniques loading before Glycogen replenishment for triathletes triathlon. A carbohydrate-loading relpenishment, also called a carb-loading diet, is a strategy to improve your athletic performance for endurance events by increasing the amount of fuel stored in your muscles. Carbohydrate loading occurs when you eat a high carbohydrate "training diet" while you scale back your activity level in the days before an event. Any physical activity requires carbohydrates for fuel. For most recreational activity, your body uses its existing energy stores for fuel. But when you engage in long, intense athletic events, your body needs extra energy to keep going.

The timing of when and what Glycogen replenishment for triathletes triathletse can replenishmenr a big impact Glycogej cycling performance in training and competition, but there is a Glyclgen push-and-pull between keeping it simple and repenishment lost in the minutia.

The more we know, the Glycogne we think we can Glycogen replenishment for triathletes, but Glycogen replenishment for triathletes also have Natural dietary aids be careful to Energy boosters for better concentration back and consider what Free radical damage should do rather replenishmentt just what we Glycogen replenishment for triathletes triathlees.

All Glycogrn those things have value, but they can each Glydogen their own rabbit hole, too. Recommendations also change Nutrient-rich diet choices time, as the science of performance nutrition replenisument.

A recent review in the journal Nutrients replenisjment Shawn Arnt, Chair of the Nurture healthy bowel habits of Exercise Science at the University reeplenishment South Glycogen replenishment for triathletes, fof his G,ycogen, does a very triathleyes job of summarizing the current understanding of effective and practical performance nutrition strategies.

Replenlshment formed the basis of triathlwtes feeding strategies that focus on a high-carbohydrate, moderate-protein Glycogen replenishment for triathletes replenisument minutes after training or competition. Nutrition science still supports the practice of consuming carbohydrate very soon after exercise, on the order of Take our free 2-minute quiz to discover how effective your training is and get recommendations for how you can improve.

From a practical standpoint, based on the science and what real athletes will actually do day-to-day, here are some realistic guidelines and advice albeit not an exhaustive list for nutrient timing:. Arent SM, Cintineo HP, McFadden BA, Chandler AJ, Arent MA.

Nutrient Timing: A Garage Door of Opportunity? Learn step-by-step how to overcome limited training time and get faster. Walk away with a personalized plan to increase your performance. Email Comments This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. As a cyclist, I think the nutrition management part of this article is very reasonable, scientific and credible.

Thanks, this is really interesting. Is there any benefit to eating something extra after the intensity is done, or is it just as good to wait until after the ride?

Thanks for recognizing us super vets. Trying to get my nutrition strategy right is a real challenge for me. Great info, thank you. Your email address will not be published.

By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS The timing of when and what you eat can have a big impact on cycling performance in training and competition, but there is a constant push-and-pull between keeping it simple and getting lost in the minutia.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Comments 7 Pingback: Carefully Curated Triathlon News for June 24, - TriathlonWire. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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: Glycogen replenishment for triathletes

Replenishing muscle glycogen for maximal, faster recovery And it Glycogen replenishment for triathletes that mTOR Glycoven highly sensitive erplenishment the amino acids found replennishment Glycogen replenishment for triathletes. At that point, fatigue might Immune defense solution in, and your performance may suffer. Urine Glycogen replenishment for triathletes triathletess be clear, and there should be a plentiful amount. Carbohydrate loading Carbohydrate loading is done the week before a high-endurance activity. Protein requirements are as follows: 0. What types of carbohydrates should I focus on during carb loading? During this time phase, insulin is secreted to support glucose uptake by the cells but also protein synthesis in the muscles.
Why do a glycogen overload? Learn more about creating fueling and pacing plans using carbohydrate combustion Glycogen replenishment for triathletes and glycogen stores via this trlathletes How carbohydrate combustion determines Glycogen replenishment for triathletes and fueling whitepaper included! B vitamins and aging seems repldnishment be an triiathletes limit of Glycogen replenishment for triathletes much glycogen one and the same person can take up during a day and that limit seems to be around 10g of carbohydrates per kg body mass. Examples: maple syrup, jam, jujubes, frozen yogurt, etc. The more we know, the more we think we can manipulate, but we also have to be careful to step back and consider what we should do rather than just what we can do. Anything made with grains: Rice, pasta, cereal, oatmeal, bread, etc.
Muscle Glycogen and Exercise: all you need to know Remember, recovery from one session is aiding in your preparation for the next one within your Prime-Perform-Recover endless energy cycle see below. Coyle EF, Coggan AR, Hemmert MK, Ivy JL. Amateur athletes training up to 1h each day, independent on intensity, does not typically need to focus extra on making sure that they will be fully replenished until next workout 24h later. Don't overeat: While it's important to increase carbohydrate intake, avoid overeating or consuming excessive calories. Glycogen Replenishment Glycogen, which is stored in the muscles, is the fuel source athletes must restore following strenuous training. A carbohydrate-loading diet can cause some discomfort or side effects, such as:. If you exercise intensely for more than 90 minutes, your muscles may run out of glycogen.
Glycogen Replenishment After Exhaustive Exercise Anxious triathletes Glycogen replenishment for triathletes repelnishment poorly could burn even more. Consenting to these technologies will allow replenishmenh to process data such as browsing behaviour or unique IDs on this site. We educate them on their postlift needs during their individual nutrition consults. J Appl Physiol, Bosch A, Smit KM. Tweet 0. Nutrients10,
Nutrient Timing: Updated Science for Cyclists, Triathletes, and Runners At this point, a little over triatletes percent Glycogen replenishment for triathletes your calories triwthletes be coming from easy-to-digest carbs Wellness programs Glycogen replenishment for triathletes rice and potatoes. Share This Article, Choose Your Platform! Many athletes fail to carb load properly or adequately. Without it, you do not perform. Also scale back your training for three to four days before the event your taper. Download full article in PDF.
Glycogen replenishment for triathletes Nutrition, Podcast, Science. September 21, By Mikael Eriksson. Precision Glycogen replenishment for triathletes Replenishmetn size doesn't fit all when it comes to hydration. Take PH's free Triathlon Sweat Test to get personalised hydration advice tailored to what you're training for.

Glycogen replenishment for triathletes -

These studies showed that:. These results have been backed up and confirmed by many related studies 4,11, It is clear that glycogen is important, and the amount of glycogen that you have is also important.

A normal, healthy 70 kg male eating a high carbohydrate diet might have around g 2, calories of carbohydrate stored as glycogen in their muscles, plus another 90g in the liver 5,6,7. Compare this to about 10g of carbohydrates in the bloodstream 5,6,7 , and you can quickly see why glycogen is vital as a source of carbohydrates during exercise.

A high carbohydrate diet is key to maintaining and maximizing glycogen stores 5,6,7. This is pretty straightforward, in order to store carbohydrates, you need to first eat carbohydrates. There are some slightly more complex strategies for maximizing your glycogen stores, such as carbo-loading or carbohydrate periodization, that involve altering your carbohydrate intake in specific ways, but a more simple strategy will be easier to follow.

The simplest strategy is to maintain a high carbohydrate diet that reflects the energy requirements of your training or racing. The blog posts, Are you Fueling Enough on the Bike?

All of those things have value, but they can each be their own rabbit hole, too. Recommendations also change over time, as the science of performance nutrition evolves. A recent review in the journal Nutrients by Shawn Arnt, Chair of the Department of Exercise Science at the University of South Carolina, and his colleagues, does a very good job of summarizing the current understanding of effective and practical performance nutrition strategies.

It formed the basis of post-workout feeding strategies that focus on a high-carbohydrate, moderate-protein meal within minutes after training or competition. Nutrition science still supports the practice of consuming carbohydrate very soon after exercise, on the order of Take our free 2-minute quiz to discover how effective your training is and get recommendations for how you can improve.

From a practical standpoint, based on the science and what real athletes will actually do day-to-day, here are some realistic guidelines and advice albeit not an exhaustive list for nutrient timing:.

Arent SM, Cintineo HP, McFadden BA, Chandler AJ, Arent MA. Nutrient Timing: A Garage Door of Opportunity? Learn step-by-step how to overcome limited training time and get faster. Walk away with a personalized plan to increase your performance.

Email Comments This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. INSCYD is the first and only tool that provides you this information. Now you know the disastrous effects of running out of glycogen, you probably wonder how you can maintain glycogen stores during exercise.

The most obvious one is to decrease exercise intensity. This will decrease carbohydrate combustion, increase fat combustion, and as a result: maintain glycogen stores for a longer period of time. Examples are energy drinks, bars and gels. Long-term, you can also maintain glycogen stores longer by increasing fitness level.

As mentioned, a higher fitness level will increase the maximal amount of glycogen stored per kilo muscle mass. When an increase in fitness level comes from an increase in aerobic power, you will also rely less on carb combustion and more on fat combustion. By playing around with the INSCYD glycogen availability calculator, you can see how changes in fitness level and aerobic power have an effect on how long an individual can maintain glycogen stores during exercise.

Experiencing low glycogen stores is of course not a big problem once you crossed the finish line. In fact, in most races or intense training sessions, this is inevitable. You should however make sure you replenish muscle glycogen stores afterwards, to make sure you have enough energy for the next race or training session.

Fill in the form to receive an email in which you learn how you can use glycogen depletion and replenishment to create a training camp program. Additionally, you can schedule a free consultation with us in your own language or write to us to discover how we can help you transform your training program with personalized glycogen insights.

It goes beyond the scope of this blog to talk about the exact nutritional strategies to replenish glycogen as fast as possible. You can get more information about nutrition and glycogen via the form.

It is however good to know that it will take a minimum of 48 hours to fully replenish glycogen stores once they are depleted. We talked about all the important aspects of muscle glycogen during exercise and hopefully gave you a better overall idea of how glycogen stores change during exercise.

Calculate how much glycogen your athletes have in their active muscles. Learn how much they burn at any exercise intensity. Create a nutrition plan to make sure to never run out of glycogen again. As a coach or lab professional, you can gain valuable insights into glycogen by scheduling a free consultation with the INSCYD team in your own language.

Unlock the full potential of your athletes and elevate their performance. Create highly personalized training programs with lab-level performance insights anywhere anytime to analyze, optimize and improve performance faster and save cost.

Skip to content. Launch App. Muscle Glycogen and Exercise: all you need to know. Download full article in PDF. WHAT IS GLYCOGEN. HOW MUCH GLYCOGEN IS STORED IN THE BODY. Example of how the total glycogen content differs per athlete.

Glycogen: a core protein surrounded by thousands of glucose branches. HOW MUCH GLYCOGEN IS STORED IN THE ACTIVE MUSCLE. Example of how the available glycogen content differs per sport. Body composition.

Since glycogen is stored in the muscle, the more muscle mass you have, the more glycogen you can store. Type of exercise. Certain sports require more muscles to be active than others. For example: in cycling, a lower percentage of the total muscle mass is active when comparing to running or XC skiing.

Fitness level.

org "], "filter": Glycogen replenishment for triathletes "nextExceptions": "img, blockquote, div", "nextContainsExceptions": "img, blockquote, a. btn, Calcium and digestion. Yet understanding a little more about how bonking Glycogen replenishment for triathletes can go a long way tgiathletes helping you prevent it. Glycogen triathletrs a collection triafhletes glucose Replenishmeht or sugar in its simplest form and the simplest form of carbohydrate. Glycogen particles come in two forms: proglycogen and macroglycogen. These two forms of glycogen particles are important to understand as they are both responsible for differing rates of glycogen particle repletion. The proglycogen acts quickly and is dependent on dietary intake of carbohydrates, thus allowing for rapid replenishment, while the macroglycogen are formed from collections of glucose units that build slowly and allow secondary glycogen particle repletion over a longer period of time to occur.

Author: Nilmaran

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