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Efficient coding practices

Efficient coding practices

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RStudio closes for the przctices. Once updated, RStudio Effiicent default to using the new version of R cpding. Benchmarking is the capture of Efficient coding practices prachices time Efficient coding practices comparison to alternative solutions.

Benchmark a section of code Belly fat burner drink wrapping it within a function and calling the function with system.

Ignore the codinh Efficient coding practices Fat burn glutes times - they are components of codijg Broccoli and feta recipes elapsed Evficient. The benchmark function in Detoxification microbenchmark package does this, but also compares functions, runs them multiple times, and calculates summary statistics.

Code profiling is taking time snapshots at intervals throughout the code in order to find the location of bottlenecks. Base R function Rprof does this, but it is not user friendly. Instead, use profvis from the profvis package. Use the parallel package to parallelize your code.

Tip 3: Use a matrix instead of a dataframe if possible. Matrix operations are fast because with predefined dimensions, accessing any row, col, or cell is a multiple of a dimension length. These notes are from the DataCamp course Writing Efficient R Code. A Minimal Book Example Overview 1 Data Manipulation 1.

Coding in R. Chapter 3 Coding Practices pracitces. installr :: updateR. Reading a csv with values: 0. Press return to get next plot You are ranked 46 out of machines.

In this case, the serial version is faster! matrix is faster for column selection microbenchmark mat[ 1], df[ 1] Unit: nanoseconds expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld mat[1, ] a codiny, ] b.

Unit: nanoseconds expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld slwr 0 0 60 0 0 10 a fstr 0 0 0 0 10 a.

: Efficient coding practices

Mastering the Art of Clean and Efficient Code: 7 Best Practices for Developers Learn how Effiicient work your way into writing high-quality code. The 5 Broccoli and feta recipes Protein bowls I Broccoli and feta recipes coidng in as a software engineer. How quick can you identify in which part of the codebase are certain features of the program? Skill Paths. Digital Banking Development. This includes documenting the purpose and function of each code block, as well as any important design decisions. GOT IT.
Learn to code today. Of course, developers can write nice code without programming instruments, but it will take longer and adversely affect their efficiency. Consistency also helps to reduce errors, as it ensures that all developers are following the same standards and conventions. Home Page. Writing overly concise code can lead to confusion and errors, and can make the code difficult to work with for other developers. Tip 4. If you use a cloud or on-prem hardware security module HSM , you can choose this option to download and install your certificate onto your HSM.
2. Keep Your Code Simple

Once updated, RStudio should default to using the new version of R too. Benchmarking is the capture of the performance time for comparison to alternative solutions. Benchmark a section of code by wrapping it within a function and calling the function with system.

Ignore the user and system times - they are components of the overall elapsed time. The benchmark function in the microbenchmark package does this, but also compares functions, runs them multiple times, and calculates summary statistics. Code profiling is taking time snapshots at intervals throughout the code in order to find the location of bottlenecks.

Base R function Rprof does this, but it is not user friendly. Instead, use profvis from the profvis package.

This helps to improve the overall quality of your code by making it easier to maintain and update in the future. When writing modular code, make sure that each component is well-documented and easy to understand, and that the components can be easily combined to create more complex solutions.

Using version control is a best practice for writing clean and efficient code. Version control allows you to keep track of changes to your code, as well as collaborate with other developers on the same project. By using version control, you can ensure that your code is always up-to-date and that any bugs or security vulnerabilities can be easily identified and fixed.

Writing optimal code means writing code that is both efficient and scalable. This includes using efficient algorithms and data structures, as well as avoiding code that can cause performance bottlenecks. Writing secure code is an essential part of the development process.

This includes following best practices for preventing security vulnerabilities, such as input validation, authentication and access control, and encryption. By writing secure code, you can help to. ensure that your application is protected from potential threats and that sensitive data is kept safe.

Finally, documenting your code is an important aspect of writing clean and efficient code. This includes documenting the purpose and function of each code block, as well as any important design decisions.

By documenting your code, you can help to ensure that other developers can understand and use your code and that your code is easy to maintain and update in the future. In conclusion, writing clean and efficient code is a crucial aspect of software development.

By following these 10 best practices, you can help to ensure that your code is well-written, easy to maintain, and secure. A software specialist during the day and a side hustler during night. Writing about code, IT products, personal development and career tips.

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Software Development. Software Engineering. Code Review. Yes, the code should be clear and readable. But it should primarily work. Experienced specialists check the code of junior developers and leave their feedback.

Juniors, in turn, get a chance to avoid silly mistakes, take a fresh look at their work, make improvements, and keep the code consistent. Senior developers often review their colleagues' code to share their experiences.

This collaboration can improve the quality and readability of their code. Automated tests allow you to find critical bugs and ensure that your code operates as intended. As a rule, developers create test cases by themselves. They run the code with different parameters and check against the already known results.

They usually carry out:. Tests can save you tons of time as they can find a bunch of mistakes during the refactoring process. Give variables, functions, classes, methods, and constants clear and concise names. Make them understandable for the person who will read your code after a while. You will be grateful to yourself when you have to return to this code and you don't have to puzzle over what you meant when you wrote the code.

There are various tools that make the coding process faster and easier. Of course, developers can write nice code without programming instruments, but it will take longer and adversely affect their efficiency.

Moreover, they can develop new tools for themselves. A convenient and flexible instrument that meets all your requirements will help you create clean code and develop your project further. The above-mentioned code review method does not always allow you to find all the defects, so it's good practice to use statistical analysis.

This is an automatic code check that does not require a programmer to run an app. It will analyze the entire code and find bugs that were missed during the code review. According to this approach, the programmer initially thinks over the classes and their public interfaces, the interaction between them, and immediately prepares tests for them.

When the public interface and interaction are declared, the developer gradually implements the program, checking how it passes the tests and meets the requirements. In fact, programmers don't like to write design and technical documentation as this is a time-consuming process.

However, this is very important. If there is no technical code documentation, then other developers will find it difficult to read and maintain the code. Don't be careless about writing documentation as you won't be able to understand your own code after a while. If the code is documented, its structure and logic are improved.

Simple and clear code is readable and even self-documenting. Continuous Integration is a software development practice that requires developers to release code to a central repository on a regular basis e.

Each code update is validated using automated tests, allowing the development team to spot problems at an early stage.

This allows specialists to spend less time looking for problems in the code and more time creating new features. Make a list of coding conventions in which you define how variables should be declared, naming conventions, and so on.

You can add, change, and delete any rules you want. It's essential to follow this list because it helps your team produce good code that can speed up the long-term software development process.

The list is reusable, and developers don't have to waste time fixing old bugs. Also, you can show the set of rules to new team members, which allows them to follow the code style.

No matter how cool the development team is, the code will inevitably have bugs. Therefore, it's important to analyze and handle all the errors. Always fix critical bugs immediately.

If the bug is minor and allows the product to complete the task without major problems, the bug may be fixed later. Don't forget about tools that can help you track errors. Comments are explanatory lines in the computer code that allow you to understand the meaning of these lines.

They will help the programmer to quickly understand someone else's code if it is necessary to change something in the program. When creating new libraries, functions, and system variables, comments will help you see the logic of the application.

They will help the tester check the product better as well. When preparing comments, you should follow some rules in order not to spoil your code with too long and messy lines.

Write comments right above the code they refer to. They should be short and meaningful. Comment out all the main elements of the code like modules, functions, constants, global variables, interfaces, classes, and their constituent elements methods, properties, constants, and others.

We've told you about the coding best practices that help developers write clean code and effectively maintain the project. In addition, we'd like to discuss the quality and speed issue.

There is an opinion that it is more important to launch a project earlier, despite the presence of any bugs, and then finalize it, than initially wasting time writing perfect code. Slower temps and rigorous testing are believed to lead to higher stability in production systems.

The DORA report upends this assumption. The researchers found out which approach makes the team most effective. More frequent code releases reduce the number of serious bugs. Teams that prefer to launch a fully ready product or release updates less frequently face a lot of problems and spend too much time solving them.

The research also demonstrates that these development teams are more organized and build processes better. Nevertheless, we don't recommend you to be fully focused on the speed. Everything depends on your project. If you are building a banking application, spend more time on testing since there is a risk of losing a significant amount of money due to a minor bug.

If your product does not require support and improvements for example, you are working upon a landing page , just make sure that it works and launch it in order to achieve the desired result on time. If you want to learn more about the coding best practices or discuss them with our specialists, please visit our website or get in touch with our support team.

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Practicee best practices or programming best codig are a Ac monitoring frequency Broccoli and feta recipes informal, Efficient coding practices personal, rules best practices that Efficient coding practices software developersin computer programming follow to improve software quality. The size of a project or program has coring significant effect on Broccoli and feta recipes codlng, programmer productivity, and the amount of management needed. As listed below, there are many attributes associated with good software. Some of these can be mutually contradictory e. being very fast versus performing extensive error checkingand different customers and participants may have different priorities. Weinberg provides an example of how different goals can have a dramatic effect on both effort required and efficiency. Sommerville has identified four generalized attributes which are not concerned with what a program does, but how well the program does it: Maintainabilitydependabilityefficiency and usability.

Efficient coding practices -

By performing regular tests, you make sure that your program experiences minimal to zero issues and bugs. It will also expedite the code review and QA phases. Code refactoring is an essential practice for maintaining code quality and performance.

This process involves restructuring existing code without changing its external behavior. To refactor your code, you need to regularly review your codebase and look for opportunities to simplify and improve. Eliminate code smells, reduce complexity, and apply design patterns to make your code more maintainable and extensible.

Writing clean and efficient code requires discipline, organization, attention to detail, and continuous improvement. The benefits of clean code improve the overall experience of users and, most importantly, the development team. Are you a software professional in the Philippines?

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Development , Careers. Mastering the Art of Clean and Efficient Code: 7 Best Practices for Developers. Tips to Write Clean and Efficient Code Clean and efficient code enhances readability and maintainability and improves the performance and scalability of software projects.

Tip 1. Use Meaningful and Descriptive Naming Conventions Writing code is simply just writing a sentence in another language.

Tip 2. Follow the Principle of Single Responsibility Each function or module should have a single, well-defined responsibility. Tip 3. Tip 4. Comment Wisely and Appropriately Clean and efficient code should be self-explanatory. Duplicating code, while easy, creates a slew of issues.

Making changes to a code with a lot of duplicated code is looking for trouble. Your code will be corrupted. Check the code below. Can you figure out what the number means?

The number of boxes delivered? The number of boxes ready for shipment? What if I write it like this instead? Now, can you guess what the number refers to? In this case, it refers to the number of boxes that each truck can contain. That was much more straightforward, right?

Now, take the same examples and imagine that you have to have to change the number to As we said at the beginning, everybody makes mistakes. Nobody is perfect, not even the best programmer.

Adding a static code analysis tool to your continuous integration development process, where every change is integrated, tested, and verified, can be great. Wanna try it for yourself? Pick one or more static code analysis tools among the ones listed below.

Sonarqube This tool offers thousands of static code analysis rules covering 29 programming languages. It also has a free version. Built with a focus on the devsecops process, security is integrated at the heart of the development process.

Insecure coding often results in vulnerable applications. Following programming best practices for writing secure codes can greatly minimize those risks. Here are a few examples. Take your white hat out of the closet and start breaking into your code to early identify weaknesses, errors, and vulnerabilities.

Want your pen test to be more effective? Put security first in your development lifecycle by implementing secdevops. If your code allows user input, do you really want to allow users to enter any type of input without restrictions?

Let me give you a practical example. I use WordPress. Do you know what one of the first things I did at the time I set up my website? Ensure that every comment was set for review before it would be published.

The same goes for programming. Writing a code without including any form of input validation is like leaving the door open to attackers. The majority of databases allow unencrypted connections by default. However, some others e. What does it have to do with your code? Look what happened recently to GitHub — , users were impacted when stolen OAuth tokens were used.

Would you clean your chimney with a toothbrush? You could, but it would take ages, a lot of effort, and the end result would be pretty poor. The same goes for coding. If you really want to follow programming best practices, you must have the right tools to do your job.

Is money an issue? No problem, there are plenty of open-source tools that you can use. Why did we include them in our programming best practices guide? Because they streamline software development and delivery, they enable you to develop higher-quality code, minimizing human error.

Through automation of testing, production, and monitoring. How can you make your code work exactly the same on different infrastructures throughout the whole development lifecycle? Using virtual machines VMs? Yes, that could be an option, but do you really want to put all that burden on your CPU?

Containerization software tools like open-source Docker or podman will run the software without killing your CPU while making your job much easier. Are you still using a simple text editor for your coding and switching from application to application just to check your code for errors?

An IDE includes all the basic tools needed to write and test your software e. Using an IDE will help you boost your productivity and development speed by having everything you need at your fingertips.

A few popular examples of IDEs include:. Too busy to focus on small improvements? Think again. Taking the time to implement seemingly minor enhancements could make a big difference with regard to the quality of your code and project.

On that day of the week, every developer was free to pick something to work on and do some small improvements. Some examples include:. This, essentially, describes refactoring: you clean your code without altering its behavior or creating new functionalities.

Using some tools and applying some standard methods. Do you remember the IDEs we talked about a few minutes ago? Many of those tools like Eclipse IDE and Visual Studio include automated refactoring, too, allowing you to speed up the process. However, if you choose to follow all or some of them, it might take you some time to get familiar with them.

So why should you do it? Have you ever tried to guide a blindfolded friend through a trail full of obstacles only using your verbal instructions?

Instructions, if not clear enough, can be interpreted differently. By using descriptive function and variable names, and making use of clear and readable code formatting and comments, it's possible to write clean and concise code that is easy to understand and work with.

Code reusability is a fundamental concept in software engineering that refers to the ability of code to be used multiple times without modification. The importance of code reusability lies in the fact that it can greatly improve the efficiency and productivity of software development by reducing the amount of code that needs to be written and tested.

By reusing existing code, developers can save time and effort, improve code quality and consistency, and minimize the risk of introducing bugs and errors.

Reusable code also allows for more modular and scalable software architectures, making it easier to maintain and update codebases over time. This example defines three functions that calculate the area of a circle, rectangle, and triangle, respectively.

Each function performs a specific task, but none of them are reusable for other similar tasks. Additionally, the use of a hard-coded PI value can lead to errors if the value needs to be changed in the future.

The code is inefficient since it repeats the same logic multiple times. This example defines a single function calculateArea that takes a shape argument and a variable number of arguments. Based on the shape argument, the function performs the appropriate calculation and returns the result.

This approach is much more efficient since it eliminates the need to repeat code for similar tasks. It is also more flexible and extensible, as additional shapes can easily be added in the future.

Having a clear flow of execution is essential for writing clean code because it makes the code easier to read, understand, and maintain.

Code that follows a clear and logical structure is less prone to errors, easier to modify and extend, and more efficient in terms of time and resources.

On the other hand, spaghetti code is a term used to describe code that is convoluted and difficult to follow, often characterized by long, tangled, and unorganized code blocks.

Spaghetti code can be a result of poor design decisions, excessive coupling, or lack of proper documentation and commenting. Here are two examples of JavaScript code that perform the same task, one with a clear flow of execution, and the other with spaghetti code:.

As we can see, example 1 follows a clear and logical structure, with a function that takes in the necessary parameters and returns the calculated result. On the other hand, example 2 is much more convoluted, with variables declared outside of any function and multiple if statements used to check if the code block has executed successfully.

The Single Responsibility Principle SRP is a principle in software development that states that each class or module should have only one reason to change, or in other words, each entity in our codebase should have a single responsibility. By applying SRP, we can create code that is easier to test, reuse, and refactor, since each module only handles a single responsibility.

This makes it less likely to have side effects or dependencies that can make the code harder to work with. In this example, the processOrder function handles several responsibilities: it validates the order, calculates the total, applies discounts, and saves the order to a database.

This makes the function long and hard to understand, and any changes to one responsibility may affect the others, making it harder to maintain. In this example, the processOrder function has been split into two classes that follow the SRP: OrderProcessor and OrderSaver.

The OrderProcessor class handles the responsibilities of validating the order, calculating the total, and applying discounts, while the OrderSaver class handles the responsibility of saving the order to the database.

This makes the code easier to understand, test, and maintain, since each class has a clear responsibility and can be modified or replaced without affecting the others.

Having a "single source of truth" means that there is only one place where a particular piece of data or configuration is stored in the codebase, and any other references to it in the code refer back to that one source. This is important because it ensures that the data is consistent and avoids duplication and inconsistency.

Here's an example to illustrate the concept. Let's say we have an application that needs to display the current weather conditions in a city. We could implement this feature in two different ways:. In this option, the API key is duplicated in two different files, making it harder to maintain and update.

If we ever need to change the API key, we have to remember to update it in both places. In this option, the API key is stored in one place in the weatherAPI. js file and exported for other modules to use. This ensures that there is only one source of truth for the API key and avoids duplication and inconsistency.

If we ever need to update the API key, we can do it in one place and all other modules that use it will automatically get the updated value. One important principle of writing clean code is to only expose and consume the information that is necessary for a particular task.

This helps to reduce complexity, increase efficiency, and avoid errors that can arise from using unnecessary data. When data that is not needed is exposed or consumed, it can lead to performance issues and make the code more difficult to understand and maintain.

Suppose you have an object with multiple properties, but you only need to use a few of them. One way to do this would be to reference the object and the specific properties every time you need them.

But this can become verbose and error-prone, especially if the object is deeply nested. A cleaner and more efficient solution would be to use object destructuring to only expose and consume the information you need.

Modularization is an essential concept in writing clean code. It refers to the practice of breaking down large, complex code into smaller, more manageable modules or functions. This makes the code easier to understand, test, and maintain. Here is an example in JavaScript of a piece of code that performs a simple task, one not using modularization and the other implementing modularization.

In the above example, the calculatePrice function is used to calculate the total price of an item given its quantity, price, and tax rate. However, this function is not modularized and is tightly coupled with the user input and output logic.

This can make it difficult to test and maintain. In the above example, the calculatePrice function has been broken down into two smaller functions: calculateSubtotal and calculateTotal. These functions are now modularized and are responsible for calculating the subtotal and total, respectively.

This makes the code easier to understand, test, and maintain, and also makes it more reusable in other parts of the application.

Modularization can also refer to the practice of dividing single files of code into many smaller files that are later on compiled back on to a single or fewer files. This practice has the same benefits we just talked about. If you'd like to know how to implement this in JavaScript using modules, check out this other article of mine.

Choosing a good folder structure is an essential part of writing clean code. A well-organized project structure helps developers find and modify code easily, reduces code complexity, and improves project scalability and maintainability.

On the other hand, a poor folder structure can make it challenging to understand the project's architecture, navigate the codebase, and lead to confusion and errors. In this example, the project structure is organized around file types, such as components, containers, and pages.

But this approach can lead to confusion and duplication, as it's not clear which files belong where. For example, the Home component is present in both the containers and pages folders.

It can also make it challenging to find and modify code, as developers may need to navigate multiple folders to find the code they need. In this example, the project structure is organized around features, such as components, pages, and utils.

Each feature has its own folder, which contains all the files related to that feature. This approach makes it easy to find and modify code, as all the files related to a feature are located in the same folder. It also reduces code duplication and complexity, as features are separated, and their related files are organized together.

Overall, a good folder structure should be organized around features, not file types, and should make it easy to find and modify code. A clear and logical structure can make a project easier to maintain, understand and scale, while a confusing and inconsistent structure can lead to errors and confusion.

If you're interested in learning more about this, in this article I wrote about software architecture I expanded upon the topic of folder structures and well-known patterns you can follow. Documentation is an essential part of writing clean code.

Proper documentation not only helps the developer who wrote the code understand it better in the future but also makes it easier for other developers to read and understand the codebase. When code is well-documented, it can save time and effort in debugging and maintaining the code.

Documenting is specially important in cases in which simple and easy to understand solutions can't be implemented, cases when the business logic is quite complex, and cases in which people who are not familiar with the codebase have to interact with it.

Sign up. Sign in. Nil Lenon. Writing Body composition and endurance training and efficient code Efficient coding practices codijg crucial aspect of software EEfficient. It not only helps to improve the overall quality of your code but also makes it easier to maintain and update in the future. Reusable code is code that can be easily incorporated into multiple projects without having to be rewritten. Efficient coding practices


how we write/review code in big tech companies

Author: Mezisho

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