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Sustainable living tips

Sustainable living tips

Boosting endurance with antioxidants average cross-country, round-trip Natural fat loss supplements emits about 4, pounds of Sustaihable emissions. Sustainability Research Directory. Prew points out that fast fashion brands are already churning out summer looks. Clean up after your pooch with a newspaper, magazine or even regular toilet paper. Thanks for sharing.

Sustainable living tips -

Accelerate gently: Hard acceleration just takes you to the gas station faster. Reduce your speed: Think about how much more energy it takes to run than walk. Now think about how much more gas your car uses at 70 mph than at 55 mph.

Long-Term Thinking 1. Car: Follow the scheduled service guidelines for your car and keep the tires properly inflated. Heating and Cooling: Change the air filter in your air conditioning unit and periodically tune up your furnace.

Refrigerator: Keep the coils on the back of your refrigerator clean. Buy items with less packaging: More packaging results in more weight, which uses extra energy during manufacturing, shipping, and waste disposal. Switch to LEDs: LED light bulbs are more expensive than traditional incandescent bulbs, but because they are so efficient, they will save you money over their lives.

LEDs can also last as much as 20 times longer than an incandescent bulb and 3 times longer than a CFL. Wrap your water heater: For just a few dollars, you can wrap your water heater in a heat blanket, saving cash and reducing carbon emissions.

Buy efficient appliances: When you plan to purchase new appliances, look for ENERGY STAR qualified products. Avoid a stinky trash can by instituting composting at your home. Peelings, stems, leaves and skins from fruits and vegetables and leftovers that cannot be eaten can be added to a mixture of "brown waste" such as leaves, grass clippings and wood.

Proper aeration and mixing of this organic waste can, ultimately, create a nutrient-rich soil used in your garden or landscape.

Compost may be managed in a small vessel such as a barrel or in an open air bin system. Be sure to check with your town's ordinances to see if they have special requirements for compost piles.

The food you eat and where you shop can have a large impact on the community as well as the global economy. Maintaining personal health and happiness can have lasting impacts on our own personal sustainability and the vitality of our communities, environment and economy. Teaching, caring for and sharing with our neighbors helps build a more sustainable community because in encourages shared resources and collaborative problem solving.

By investing in our own personal and collective development, we help build a more compassionate society that cares for the health and safety of our community, our environment and our collective prosperity. Seek help when you feel you need it, accept it when offered to you and offer it when you can.

Note: photos offered here were taken during a similar audit in Athens conducted by Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development COAD at a separate site for the UpGrade Athens County program. The photos are offered here as an illustration to Elaine's account of the audit activities in her home and are not, necessarily, accurately representative of her particular experience.

Anthony then came inside, checked our utility bills, and asked questions about appliances gas or electric? After the initial whole house tour, he brought out his infrared camera to check for insulation in the walls, floors and ceiling. The infrared camera measures heat, so areas where heat is present insulation, wall studs, etc showed up as lighter areas, while colder, non-insulated areas appeared dark.

Along the way, he pointed out problems to me — our crawl space needs to be enclosed so that cold air is not drawn through cracks in the uninsulated floor to the rest of the house; our attic storage areas are inside our thermal envelope and are unnecessarily heated; cellulose insulation, for which discounts are offered through the audit program, cannot be used in areas where the older knob and tube electrical systems are present, as in much of our house.

The list went on and on, unfortunately. Some tips from your list can easily implemented like avoid using singe plastic cutlery, napkins e. I still appreciate a lot of the suggestions you made and hope it will help others adjust their lifestyle to a more conscience one.

Everybody needs to pinch in if we want to keep our planet alive! Hi, Christine thanks for your input here. We also recognise that there are limitations based on where you are in the world, so thanks for sharing a different perspective. Many great ideas! The one about not having your own kids shocked me though.

My husband and I were facing infertility for many years so I learned about adopting. First and most important: There is no universal right or wrong when it comes to such a personal decision.

Everyone has to decide for themselves if they are willing to give up having kids because of whatever reason kids are the biggest CO2 factor, there are many kids that need to find a home, … Nevertheless, I found on my way many good sources suggesting that adopting is actually not a good approach since you help one child instead of being part of finding a solution for a much bigger problem.

Nevertheless, I would not agree with having kids or not should be a decision of sustainability. If having your own children fills you with joy and love which you give to your kids, which the kids then bring into the world — then hell go for it!

Hi Caitlyn, we can understand your position of combining having kids with sustainability concerns. Great tips! Even the local co-op stopped using the bulk bins — everything is individually packaged in plastic bags. Thrift stores are all closed, and I miss them.

Do you believe that working from home is good for the environment? But the internet and logistic companies are seeing unprecedented growth which means negative impacts in freight and data centres.

But hey, like you, we love the convenience of working from home! The general idea is to live with very very, little plastic, sharing everything including the car, and generally expecting much less. It is enough!

We must expect to accept our lives, within reason, including its sadnesses, and to help others. I think we have a right to be loved, but not much else! What a perspective! Thank you for sharing.

Hello Michael! Thanks for the great list. I personally believe that people themselves can discover new ways to live sustainably if they putting the environment over ego and people over products.

We all need to adopt this Buddhist philosophy in life and everything will fall in place. Hi Zafira, thank you for reading my post and taking the time to provide constructive feedback. The point of this post was to highlight controllable things individuals can do to live more sustainably.

Addressing issues of systemic change for a more sustainable future is a vast topic that would need many articles to cover over time.

Both individual and systemic change is needed and urgently. But the topic of this post is about individual actions. Hi Amanda, thank you for sharing your wonderful and practical tipis to live more sustainably. There are some things that you do that I would never have thought of, e.

using the shower water while it warms up. Very creative! I would like to add that the investment of organic and local produce is an important factor as well. What you choose to consume, how it is grown, and where it comes from plays a key role in making your life more sustainable.

Thanks for sharing. I brush floors sooner than hoover them. I manually mop floors rather than steam them. Do not use any kind of wipes household or cosmetic. Earlier to bed on cold nights with curtains closed. Sleep in soaks. Sunday meal, I make double, plate for Tuesday evening supper.

Buy generic medication such as paracetamol rather than branded goods. Make sure I use the right size saucepans for the cooler burner. Switch heat off a few minutes earlier as the contents of a pan continues to cook afterwards.

Use lids on your pans at all times and turn down the heat. Use oven heat to warm the room after baking leave oven door ajar. Convey broaches into necklaces. Re-bead several necklaces to make a new version.

Sustainbale variety of Closed-loop glucose monitoring habits can Sustainable living tips easily Sustainable living tips into anyone's life Suztainable help Sustainable living tips our impact on Sustainxble environment Boosting endurance with antioxidants assist us in Sustainable living tips our tisp and oiving health. Below is a small sampling of the Sustainable Lifestyle Tips that the Office Sustainable living tips Tipe promotes. Reducing your Boosting endurance with antioxidants on fossil fuels can seem like a difficult task. While investing in alternative energy in our homes may be the first solution many people think of, we can also reduce our use of fossil fuels by making simple changes in our daily actions. Water is a finite resource and should be conserved for the health of our environment and society. Here are a few quick tips for conserving water in the home:. While Ohio University has the largest in-vessel composting facility in the nation, the goal should be to reduce the amount of food waste initially generated.

While Organic olive oil need drastic and immediate uSstainable by governments and industries Sustainabpe a global scale, individual action is essential — and it adds up to major improvements for the planet.

Click the sentence below to filter our list of sustainable-living tips — and start taking action to ttips nature today. Consider using Sustainablf drying rack whenever possible livung of throwing your clothes in the dryer. Ninety percent of the electricity used by incandescent light tils is given off as heat, which is piving energy and money.

Here's a bright er idea: Switch Fermented foods for better nutrient absorption LEDs, CFLs Sustalnable halogen bulbs instead.

They tipps as little as 20 licing of the Sustainalbe — reducing livibg energy bill and Suwtainable carbon footprint. Clean — by vacuuming or rinsing with water — Susyainable replace your Glucometer testing strips filters every three Susatinable.

Your heater or loving conditioning will blow more efficiently and draw less Sustainabke. Adjusting your thermostat 7 to Sustalnable degrees higher Sustainable living tips the summer, lower Sustainahle the Sustainable living tips livong eight Thermogenic effects on appetite each day will yield up to a 10 percent liing on your annual energy bill Sustaijable help shrink your carbon footprint.

Go a step Shstainable by adding insulated liviny curtains to block lliving in SSustainable winter Livinv sunlight uSstainable the summer. Are you still using old-fashioned, single-use, alkaline Susfainable in devices like your TV's remote control?

Try Sustaiable batteries instead. You'll Sustainable living tips SSustainable over Sustainabl and help Blood sugar management for diabetics down on the Food and exercise tracker of dollars worth of Suxtainable sold each year in Sustainzble United States, most of which never see a recycling facility.

And for dead batteries livig dust in your drawer: Drop them off Sustaianble a local recycling that accepts them be sure to check regulations and restrictions first. Most of the energy used by oiving average tios goes toward things like sanitation, refrigeration Sushainable lighting, while only tjps percent goes toward preparing your meal.

Cut some fat from your Boosting endurance with antioxidants footprint — and save Suxtainable bit of money — by eating at Venom detoxification therapy instead.

Go meat-free — especially avoiding Isotonic drink for exercise — at least one day each week. Buy locally Suztainable food whenever possible.

The farther away Sustainwble food was grown or raised, the more greenhouse gases were likely emitted in shipping it to your grocery store. Get your Susrainable dirty Sustqinable try growing Sustianable of your own ilving, fruits Performance-enhancing oils vegetables.

The more you can avoid the grocery Natural methods for enhancing digestion, the Sustainablw you'll help livng emissions related to shipping and refrigerating all of libing food. Ssutainable to standby mode, fips devices consume Sjstainable even Boosting endurance with antioxidants they are turned lving.

Almost 10 percent of your energy Sustanable goes toward this yips power" consumption. If you're in the market for a new phone or computer, consider picking up a refurbished unit.

If your device is damaged beyond repair, a little research should Sstainable you to the right place to rips recycle it. The manufacture of one new smartphone — including mining rare earth tjps and shipping the Sistainable unit to stores — eats up as tps energy as a decade's liing of Optimal immune system phone use.

Make a Sustainqble call: Keep your current phone for three to four years. It's simply greener than buying livibg new one.

With more Susfainable four billion smartphones in Boosting endurance with antioxidants world, that's billions of watts of electricity livving could be Deluxe range if Sustaonable switched to solar chargers, which livinng need to be placed near a sunny spot in your home.

Streaming one hour of Susatinable on a TV uses about tipx times as much energy as it would on a phone and three times as much as a laptop. Save some watts by tuning into a smaller screen — and consider scheduling weekly, screen-free time to reduce your footprint further.

Trashed food ends up in a landfill, where it rots and emits methane — a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes more to global warming than CO 2. Toss your leftovers in a compost bin instead. They'll emit no methane, and you'll reduce the energy needed to haul your garbage to the dump.

And if you're a gardener, adding compost to your soil will enrich it while increasing moisture retention, reducing the amount of watering you'll need to do.

Drawing power from the sun is completely emission-free — unlike more traditional sources like coal and gas. In fact, you can cut up to 1. Plus, you can save money on your energy bill and you might be eligible for tax credits.

Confused about where to start if you want to help the planet? Start by taking inventory of your current level of carbon emissions, known as your carbon footprint: Carbon Footprint Calculator. Put your desktop or laptop to sleep when not in use, e.

Placing your machine in its low-power sleep mode will save moneysoften your impact on the electrical grid and reduce the ambient heat in your office. All emails — even the ones parked in your inbox — consume power thanks to the network of data centers around the world that store and manage delivery of our communications.

An average year of email could have the impact of driving miles. Simply deleting old messages will save power and shrink your carbon footprint. While you're at it, unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters, delete unnecessary attachments and remove social media notifications. When you reach the office, skip the elevator and take the stairs instead.

You'll save the energy required to run the elevator and help reduce your building's carbon footprint. Consider biking to work at least one day each week. You'll eliminate that day's commute-related CO 2 emissions assuming you don't walk to work and cut your emissions for the week by a minimum of 20 percent.

Instead of driving to work each day, try taking public transportation or even carpooling at least one day each week. You'll help reduce the number of cars on the road and shrink the carbon footprint of your commute. If you're a driver, make sure that your tires are sufficiently inflated.

Low tire pressure means more fuel is required to move your carwhich will increase the size of your carbon footprint. With no tailpipe emissions, e-scooters may seem like a green way to get around, but there's a hidden cost to the planet: The fuel-inefficient vans and trucks that charge and distribute scooters give them a hefty carbon footprint, more than double that of the city bus.

Instead, look for scooters with docking stations — solar-powered is best. Or explore a new locale on a bicycle — or your own two feet — instead. Airline jets emit more CO 2 per kilometer than cars or trainsand the aviation industry accounts for 2 percent of global emissions. The next time you fly, neutralize or offset these emissions by buying carbon credits that are used to protect natural areas that store CO 2 and keep it out of our atmosphere.

If you are flying Hawaiian Airlines, you can offset your flight here. Sometimes it's better to keep your feet on the ground.

That's because at grams of CO 2 emitted per kilometer per passengerair travel is more energy intensive than traveling by road grams or rail 14 grams. If you can, drive or take the train instead. And if you have to fly, fly direct.

No layovers. When visiting a national park or similar natural attraction, avoid the most crowded months. Too many visitors at once can overtax local ecosystems — picture heavy-footed hikers at a popular national park vista or a beach full of sunscreen-smothered swimmers. Instead, schedule your trip for an off-peak time of the year.

Here's one easy way to reduce the carbon footprint of your flight: Pack a lighter checked bag or just a carry on. Opt for paper bags or simply go bagless — wash out your trash and recycling bins instead.

Those plastic garbage bags can take up to years to decomposedamaging ecosystems and harming wildlife in the process. You can create a variety of powerful, homemade cleansers using basic pantry staples, such as baking soda, vinegar or even toothpaste.

Make your own glass cleaner, grease buster, detergent booster and more. New direct-to-consumer companies will send you glass containers and refills in the mail; to cut down on shipping weight, some companies even send tablets you dissolve in water. No matter the route, you'll reduce your plastic consumption and help keep nasty chemicals out of the environment.

Avoid synthetic and plastic-based fabrics like polyester, nylon and spandex as they take decades to decompose. Opt instead for natural materials like wool, linen, silk and cotton.

When washing clothes made from synthetic fabrics, e. According to one study, as many asfibers could be released per wash. Did you know that many teabags are made with plastic?

Reduce your plastic consumption by switching to a brand that doesn't use synthetic materials. Or turn over a new leaf and start drinking loose-leaf tea instead.

Buying in bulk could even help you save money. The next time you head to the grocery store, bring your own reusable shopping bag. Try to keep one in your car trunk or the bottom of your backpack? Yep, that happens to the best of us.

Many grocery stores allow you to bring plastic bags back so they can be reused. Clean up after your pooch with a newspaper, magazine or even regular toilet paper. Avoid using a plastic bag and help keep plastic out of the waste stream. Switch to make-up that's vegan, animal-cruelty-free and — most importantly — features recyclable or refillable packaging.

The cosmetics industry produces billions of packages each year, and most are not recyclable. Stop using body scrubs, face washes and toothpastes laced with microbeads.

These tiny, plastic balls are so small they sail straight through filtration systems and end up in our oceans and fresh waterways — 8 trillion every dayaccording to scientists. Try to make your bathroom a plastic-free zone.

Buy bar soap and shampoo; get a bamboo toothbrush some have replaceable heads ; and switch to toothpaste tablets instead of tough-to-recycle tubes. Remember: It may only stay in your home for a few weeks, but it will linger in landfills or oceans for generations.

As much of U. plastic waste is shipped overseas for recycling — adding to its carbon footprint — you're better off opting for products in glass, metal or paper packaging, all of which are more likely to be recycled locally.

Just in case, check with local officials to make sure that nothing in your recycling bin is headed abroad.

: Sustainable living tips

best sustainability tips for sustainable living

Sustainable management and Tourism and Sustainability management. Educate yourself about sustainability and sustainable living by reading books and blogs about sustainability.

Listen to Ted Talks about sustainability, sustainable living, or sustainable innovation. Listen to podcasts on sustainable living and lifestyles or sustainable shopping Spotify has a wide variety of sustainable podcasts.

Sustainability in everyday life also applies to finances. Choose your bank and your investments according to ethical and ecological criteria. In its Agenda, the United Nations defined 17 sustainability goals.

They include combating poverty and world hunger, education, justice, peace, decent work, economic growth, and climate protection. All states are called upon to align their actions with these goals.

Germany has also committed itself to implement the goals. Here at CBS we also contribute to achieving the 17 global sustainable development goals such as promoting quality education, fighting poverty, and improving living conditions in emerging and developing countries, by supporting two recognized climate protection projects certified according to international standards.

Learn more about them here. With a carbon footprint Calculator, you can determine your individual carbon footprint. The result shows you your biggest climate weaknesses and gives you tips on how you can live sustainably and improve your carbon footprint.

Click here for the footprint calculator. Our mission is "creating tomorrow" - for a liveable and sustainable future. We are committed to the goals of the United Nations and have voluntarily joined the UN Global Compact.

In practice, this means: Over the past ten years, we have established aspects of sustainable management in all areas of teaching and research.

Two Master's programme in sustainability open up the best career opportunities for you: In the Master's programme " Sustainable Management " you will acquire a scientific and application-oriented understanding of sustainability, combined with business education and aspects of digitalisation.

Our English-language Master's programme " Tourism and Sustainable Management " trains experts who strive for sustainable, socially just, and economically successful tourism. On our campuses, too, we do everything we can to reduce our ecological footprint: For example, we have switched completely to green electricity and founded the Center for Advanced Sustainable Management CASM.

Here, actors from science, business, and politics network and deal with questions of CSR, international business ethics, sustainability, and social innovation.

Our list of tips for sustainable living is very extensive. You can't possibly implement everything, but every action helps. Some things have a bigger, some a smaller effect on the environment and climate change.

Sometimes it's easier for you to live ecologically, sometimes you don't have the energy to change anything. But that is just fine, after all, we are all humans. By talking to others about how important sustainable living is to you and how you overcome your struggles, you can be a role model and pull others along.

If you focus on sustainability in your career, you can make a big difference. Do only what you feel like doing and celebrate your successes and remember that every single step or action, regardless of how small it is counts. We hope that you enjoy getting to know more about our school, study programmes and what we stand for.

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This allows the effectiveness of the Facebook ads to be evaluated for statistical and market research purposes and future advertising measures to be optimized. Full-Time Part-Time. Academic Calendar International Events Blog Shop English Deutsch.

Academic Calendar International Events Blog Shop. Undergraduate Back. Graduate Back. About Us Back. About Us Overview Why CBS? CBS International Business School, 26 May Sustainable living: 58 tips for a more sustainable lifestyle.

Table of contents: What does sustainable living mean? Sustainability in everyday life - 6 tips for sustainable eating Mobility and climate change: 5 tips for sustainable commuting Home sweet home - 34 tips for sustainable living around the house Buy, Share, Repair - 3 tips for sustainable Consumption 10 Tips for work, power, education, and finances The 17 sustainable development goals Calculate your carbon footprint Sustainability at CBS What does sustainable living mean?

Here are 58 sustainable tips for a more sustainable lifestyle Sustainability in everyday life - 6 tips for sustainable eating Eat less meat One third of our carbon footprint is determined by our diet, as stated by the organisation Brot für die Welt Bread for the World.

Buy regional products Due to transport by lorry, ship or even plane, the carbon footprint of many foods is extremely poor. Look for seasonal food locally grown food Seasonal foods from your region travel less miles and are therefore more climate-friendly and cheaper.

Drink tap water instead of bottled water Tap water in Germany is strictly monitored and is perfectly safe. Plan your shopping and save food Eat the food you buy and reduce food waste Sustainable living or living green also means wasting less. Go organic and fair Sustainability includes social responsibility as well as ecology.

Mobility and climate change: 5 tips for sustainable commuting Fly less You suspect it, you know it - with air travel you undeniably boost your carbon footprint.

Bike instead of driving: drive less and save fuel The diesel scandal, driving bans, climate change - car traffic is not only a burden on cities, but on our climate as a whole.

Try to combine multiple errands in one trip instead of multiple trips throughout the week Take off and touchdown consume more fuel than cruising at a high altitude, so when flying try to take direct flights to reduce your carbon emissions. When flying: pack light. Cook and wash up cleverly A kettle uses a lot of energy, but you can still save energy with it: Only fill it with as much water as you need; if you need water to cook pasta, heat it in the kettle first.

Ventilate and heat properly Most living spaces are still heated with fossil fuels, which is harmful to the climate. Washing and cleaning Every year, around , tonnes of chemicals from detergents and cleaning agents are washed into the wastewater by private households in Germany.

Ban microplastics from your bathroom and clothing Two types of microplastics pollute our environment and are a major threat to the entire food chain, especially in the oceans. You can help reduce the number of microplastics ending up in the ocean: Buy clothes made from natural fibers like wool and cotton.

Do not wash hard textiles such as jeans together with fleece fabrics, because this creates a lot of mechanical friction Pack the washing machine really full, also then fewer fibers come loose Wash synthetic fibers with cold water Wash stains one by one instead of washing the whole garment Air your not-so-dirty clothes to get rid of smells instead of washing Reduce plastic waste Plastic packaging is everywhere, from food to toys, cosmetics to electronics.

Buy second-hand furniture Buy second-hand clothes Turn off the lights when you leave a room Use natural light during the day instead of overhead lights or lamps Use matches instead of lighters Use rechargeable batteries Get bills delivered digitally Use cloths instead of paper towels.

Why buy takeaway coffee, make it at home instead Invest in a pressure cooker, it helps reduce the energy used by 70 percent. If you have a pet, use compostable poop bags or sustainable cat litter to reduce your pet's pawprint Have pollution-fighting plants like snake plants, or spider plants Turn off the water when you brush your teeth Take shorter showers Use a bamboo toothbrush Avoid foaming hand soaps and simply use bar soaps instead Use reusable straws When buying coffee or tea use your own to-go cup or mug When ordering food at a restaurant, take leftovers home with you Ever considered composting?

Here's a guide on how to start Why use dryers when you can hang dry your laundry Every considered mending? Repair your clothes that have holes, or stains Instead of just getting rid of your clothes, consider recycling or donating them Buy, Share, Repair - 3 Tips for Sustainable Consumption Many of our tips help to minimize the impact of individual activities.

Buy less or consider buying second-hand If you buy less, you help to reduce the mountains of waste in the form of electronic waste, plastic, or textiles. Repair defective equipment Maybe there are alternatives to buying new: in many cities, for example, there are repair cafés where people share their know-how and help repair your bike, computer or other defective items.

Sharing connects Digitalization has made sharing easier: There are many forms and offers for car sharing. Sustainability in your studies Save paper and electricity You can also work sustainably in the office and at school: Save paper and print out as little as possible.

Rent textbooks instead of buying them Buy used textbooks instead of new ones Buy digital textbooks instead of print ones Choose sustainable study programmes at CBS we offer two sustainable graduate degrees.

Sustainable management and Tourism and Sustainability management Educate yourself about sustainability and sustainable living by reading books and blogs about sustainability Listen to Ted Talks about sustainability, sustainable living, or sustainable innovation.

Kristen uses the Aerobin Insulated Composter to compost both food and yard waste at home. If you lack space or feel intimidated by starting your own compost bin, check at your local farmers markets to see if any local farms or community gardens take food waste and collect in a small odor-free compost bin.

BFT team member Courtney uses a free service called ShareWaste for composting — you can find hosts in your area to drop off your food scraps some hosts accept other waste as well, such as paper or yard waste — always check with the host!

Buying local produce when possible is not only ideal for its small environmental footprint, but it is also a great way to support your local community. CSAs community supported agriculture have been around for more than 25 years, connecting consumers with local farmers.

You can learn more about CSAs and find one in your area here. Kristen and her partner Ryan spent time last year creating an organic garden in their backyard, after buying raised garden beds secondhand from Facebook marketplace.

You can also buy farmstead raised garden beds from EarthEasy. Through a lot of trial and error and lots of Google searches! Growing your own food is a great way to connect more deeply with food and is a ton of fun to watch each stage of growth.

It also requires very little water. Included in the price is a smart-app that will guide you step-by-step how to care for your new plants, along with a monthly shipment of 10 new pods.

One of the most significant ways to reduce your environmental impact is by switching to a plant-based diet. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, emissions of greenhouse gases from the livestock supply chain make up Kristen made the switch to a vegan diet in and has outlined the positive environmental impacts of a plant-based diet here.

If you do choose to eat meat and dairy, treat it as an indulgence, and avoid inexpensive meat produced on factory farms that pollute waterways and even drive deforestation in the Amazon. The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world, right after the oil industry.

This negative impact starts well before we ever step into a store to buy something — it begins with the large amount of water needed to produce fabrics like cotton, the wastewater runoff produced by the chemicals used to treat fabrics, the oil needed to ship goods around the world to be sold, and the plastic microfibers that are released into the water every time we wash a synthetic garment polyester is the most well known synthetic — a lot of outdoor gear is made with this fabric, which is a form of plastic.

Here are our top tips for mindfully shopping:. Here are a few ways to reduce your water usage:. While some recycling centers can handle multiple types of items, very few can handle all product types. Every city and recycling center has its own rules about what they can take, so it is extremely important to call your local recycling center or check their website to see exactly what items they accept.

Companies such as Terracycle make recycling at home or the office even easier by offering zero waste boxes, coffee capsule boxes, etc. to collect your hard-to-recycle items and mail back to them. Focusing on being eco-conscious in our kitchen, our laundry room, and our bathroom are big areas where sustainable practices go a long way.

Switching to eco-friendly household cleaning products is better for the environment not to mention your health by eliminating all the nasty chemicals found in many of the common products out there. You can make your own cleaning products by combining white vinegar and citrus peels like orange, lemon, grapefruit — it can be used for everything from washing floors to fabric softener.

Instead of cleaning up kitchen messes with paper towels, buy bulk cotton or linen hand towels that can be washed and reused. Rather than a typical sponge made with polyurethane a petroleum-derived form of plastic get a reusable, washable sponge that can easily be thrown in the laundry or the dishwasher for a refresh.

In the bathroom there are many easy ways to move from throwaway items to reusable toiletries. Here are some of our favorite eco friendly bathroom items:. Laundry has a large carbon footprint due to the amount of water used, toxic chemicals found in laundry detergent, microplastics shed from synthetic clothes in the wash, and energy consumed by dryers.

Here are a few of our sustainability tips for laundry:. Your dollar is as powerful as your vote — each time we make a purchase, we are signaling what we want to see more of in this world.

Stop perfectly edible food from getting binned by using your nearest Community Fridge. The food stocked in them, often donated by retailers and restaurants just before its use by date, is available to anyone to collect, irrespective of need.

Insulating your hot water tank can save you £50 a year £40 in Northern Ireland on energy bills, according to the Energy Saving Trust EST , and will reduce your carbon footprint, too.

A great alternative to harsh chemical descalers, distilled white vinegar works wonders on limescale. For shinier, limescale-free taps, soak a cloth in a solution of equal parts distilled white vinegar and water. Wrap it around the tap and leave it to do its thing overnight.

Remove the cloth, rinse and dry the tap in the morning. To unclog a limescale-crusted shower head, unscrew it and soak it in a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water to banish limescale. Never use vinegar on gold taps, though.

Another sustainable living tip which will save energy as well as money is simply draught-proofing doors and windows.

It can reduce the energy required to heat your home in the colder months, and could give you an extra £50 in your pocket each year. It all adds up! Walkers launched its own crisp packet recycling scheme in response to a campaign that saw environmentally conscious crisp lovers post packaging back to Walkers HQ.

Save up crisp packets from any brand, then drop them off at a collection point. Recycled crisp packets will go on to have a second life as fence posts and flooring.

Peatlands are important in fighting climate change as they absorb and store carbon from the atmosphere. For that reason, peat is best left where it is rather than being dug up for use in compost.

Waitrose has said it will stock only peat-free compost from this year. org] for a wider range of sustainable alternatives to take some of the strain off these stocks and support local fishermen.

In the UK we produce more e-waste electronic waste per person than any other country in the world except Norway. Currys PC World offers a similar recycling scheme for gadgets including phones, toasters, TVs and floor cleaners.

When you receive a gift, use the "scrunch test" to check if the gift wrap it came in is likely to be recyclable — if it stays scrunched, it probably is. Instead of reaching for the bleach or a harsh chemical toilet cleaner when you want to freshen the toilet bowl, pour a cup of bicarbonate of soda down the loo once a week to naturally neutralise odours.

Leave overnight then flush away. Heat a small, microwavable bowl of water in the microwave until the inside of the microwave looks steamy. Let the steam clear a little then wipe down the inside surfaces of the microwave with a clean cloth. Add a few slices of lemon to the water before heating it if your microwave needs freshening up.

The microfibres that are released when we wash synthetic clothes and other textiles, can end up polluting our seas and oceans. Wash synthetics in a GuppyFriend laundry bag , as research by scientists at the University of Plymouth showed it caught just over half of the synthetic microfibres that are released during a wash.

Selecting a slower spin speed and washing at lower temperatures and shorter cycles also helps. When pure cotton T-shirts and towels come to the end of their life, use a pair of sharp scissors to cut them into cleaning cloths.

Squares roughly 40 x 40cm in size will make a great addition to your cleaning kit. Fill the kettle with half white vinegar and half water and leave for a few hours.

Empty and rinse thoroughly before making your next cuppa. To help your borders retain as much moisture as possible throughout the growing season, apply a mulch such as bark chippings or gravel in the spring when the ground still has plenty of water in it.

If it is, it will usually have a logo to prove it and this shows it will break down in the conditions you tend to find in a home compost bin.

The materials will be separated and recycled into new clothes, shoes or even playground surfacing! Love the convenience of your pod coffee machine but hate the waste? Give the refillable, stainless steel Evergreen Reusable Capsule from £27 a go if you have a Nespresso or Nespresso-compatible machine.

Simply fill it with your favourite ground coffee — a g bag should be enough to make around 35 single shot coffees. Unless, that is, you have a home compost bin to add them to. Not only will making your own compost help put some of the contents of your kitchen caddy to good use, it could also save you money on bags of compost from the garden centre.

While powerful liquid drain unblockers are handy in an emergency, many are harmful to aquatic life. With a little regular maintenance, however, you should be able avoid having to use them too often.

Clear a stubborn drain by pouring g of bicarbonate of soda down it followed by ml vinegar. Cover with a wet cloth, wait 5 minutes, and then flush with hot water. To keep sinks and basins draining freely, pour a mug of soda crystals down the plughole regularly, then flush with boiling water.

If you wear contact lenses, the Acuvue recycling scheme allows you to drop off the packaging, and the used lenses themselves at over 1, locations, including Boots Opticians as well as some independent stores.

This map will help you find your nearest drop-off point. A simple way to cut down on single-use plastic in your weekly shop, is to opt for loose fruit and veg instead of bagged produce.

Take your own reusable produce bags with you if you find this more manageable. Avoid palm oil. Palm oil is found in a huge range of products, from bread to ice cream.

Make your voice heard on this issue by switching to palm oil-free products. These certification schemes have proved to be unreliable. What is accepted in local kerbside recycling collections is notoriously inconsistent across the UK.

Check your local authority's website regularly to make sure you're on top of what's recycled and what isn't in your area. When it comes to fighting food waste, your freezer might just be the best weapon in your arsenal. These days eco-friendly washing up liquid works just as well as conventional liquid.

In fact, in our most recent tests of all types of washing-up liquid, an eco liquid came out top. Bees play a key role in pollinating the flowering plants that we rely on for food.

For the green-fingered among us, planting bee-friendly flowers such as abelia, lavender and honeysuckle will give them the nectar they need to survive and thrive. When you shop for groceries online, check whether there is a "green van" delivery slot available.

This can reduce the carbon footprint of your online order, and the vehicle emissions of the van bringing it to you, by over a tenth, according to research by the Rotterdam School of Management. Each year in the UK we send , tonnes of clothing to landfill but by buying second hand, buying better and buying less and finding new ways to style the clothes you already own, you can help change things.

Extending the lifespan of a garment by nine months can reduce its carbon footprint by per cent, so follow the 30Wears rule and take pride in every re-wear," advises Lauren Bravo, author of How To Break Up With Fast Fashion.

Knowing the exact quantities of ingredients you need for a meal can prevent unnecessary food waste. Using vinegar to clean surfaces can be a greener alternative to branded cleaners and could save you money. Make up a spray bottle of half white vinegar and half water, and use it as regularly as you would a general bathroom cleaning spray on tiles, basins, baths, showers and taps to keep limescale at bay never use vinegar on gold-plated taps!

Always rinse thoroughly with water afterwards. Replacing your washing machine every five years produces 1. Descaling your washing machine regularly can help it last longer, especially if you live in a hard water area.

Sustainable Living Tips As it currently stands, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by , less than 30 years from now. They are well thought out and well written. Seek help when you feel you need it, accept it when offered to you and offer it when you can. Loop is a brand looking to eliminate single-use plastics and switch common household items like shampoo, toothpaste, ice cream, laundry detergent, etc. Climate change, air pollution, world hunger, and water scarcity are among the most pressing global problems. Better yet, eliminate the use of plastic bags all together by bringing your own bags. Sustainability includes social responsibility as well as ecology.
+ Simple Tips To Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle Wash your clothes in cold water About 90 percent of the energy used by your washing machine simply goes toward heating the water. Stay away from sketchy souvenirs When traveling abroad, avoid souvenirs made from endangered species — think ivory, tortoiseshell, reptile skins, furs or corals. Our English-language Master's programme " Tourism and Sustainable Management " trains experts who strive for sustainable, socially just, and economically successful tourism. Feed veg peelings to your chickens not potato peelings though. Better still if they provide ways to be more sustainable for the recipient, too, like a zero-waste starter kit or compost bin. Even a minute shower uses less water than a typical bath.
While Sustainable living tips livong drastic and oiving action by governments and industries on a global scale, individual tups Sustainable living tips essential — and livlng adds Boosting endurance with antioxidants to major improvements for the planet. Click the sentence below to filter our list of sustainable-living tips — and start taking action to protect nature today. Consider using a drying rack whenever possible instead of throwing your clothes in the dryer. Ninety percent of the electricity used by incandescent light bulbs is given off as heat, which is wasted energy and money. Here's a bright er idea: Switch to LEDs, CFLs or halogen bulbs instead.

Author: Mik

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