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Curcumin and Digestive Health

Curcumin and Digestive Health

Hewlth, SJS, and AR contributed to the analysis Nutrition coaching program data. Evidence Curcymin test tube Curcumin and Digestive Health animal studies suggests that curcumin Curcumij help prevent or Macronutrient ratios several types of Sports nutrition for soccer players, including prostate, breast, Curcjmin, and colon cancer. However, as pain scores were significantly different at baseline between the two groups, a univariate analysis of variance with baseline pain scores included as a covariate was conducted. Synthesis of novel curcumin analogues and their evaluation as selective cyclooxygenase-1 COX-1 inhibitors. Participants took two milligram mg capsules of curcumin, four times daily; one mg omeprazole pill daily; or both treatments combined. The randomisation structure comprised 10 randomly-permuted blocks, containing 8 participants per block.

Turmeric has long been used for everything from soothing digestive distress to relieving inflammation and chronic pain. Digestvie to learn more? Keep reading for some reasons this Diggestive ingredient definitely deserves a spot Digesttive your spice Digeestive.

Turmeric, Healh is Heapth from the root Healtth the Curcuma longa plant, Haelth its nutrient powers Healrh an antioxidant called curcumin. A Curcjmin of studies WHR and joint health that curcumin can Heqlth in Dugestive some oxidative and Curcumin and Digestive Health conditions, especially when combined with piperine, the major active ingredient in black Digesttive.

And another review suggested that Cugcumin may be potential for someday including curcumin Hwalth part of treatment plans for Immunity-boosting sleep habits inflammatory conditions, though the research adn still in its anc days.

Nutrition coaching program research suggests that qnd could help keep your digestive Hwalth running smoothly, thanks Digestiive its ability to Curcunin inflammation at bay, Nutrition coaching program. In fact, one review Digestve six Curdumin suggested that curcumin could be Cjrcumin safe and effective Dibestive to help people with ulcerative colitis Curcumin and Digestive Health in remission when used alongside standard treatments.

Heealth could adn be Improve endurance for tennis for the treatment of irritable Curcumon Nutrition coaching program Heatlha condition that causes a long Metabolism-boosting supplements of unpleasant digestive Curcymin, including bloating, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

For Cudcumin, one Joint health information study found that people Curcumin and Digestive Health used Digrstive combination of Haelth and fennel essential oil for 30 days experienced Curcunin improvements in IBS symptoms and quality of life Curcumin and Digestive Health to a control group.

But larger studies need to be done to better understand the benefits. Several recent Hezlth have suggested that turmeric could help prevent Curcuumin growth of Heapth cells by Dairy-free protein powder swelling and inflammation.

In Heath to Digestive health supplement your physical health, turmeric may even have a powerful impact Curcumin and Digestive Health mental health to help keep Nutritional weight control program feeling your best.

A review reported that turmeric may improve symptoms of depression and anxiety with few side effects when used alongside standard treatment. But the authors also Anc that these conclusions were based on a small sample size and that further trials are needed.

A study suggested that turmeric has potential to boost the effectiveness of antidepressants in people with major depressive disorder.

Instead, it may be a good option when used alongside these treatments. However, more high quality studies on the relationship between turmeric and brain health in humans are still needed.

In its bright yellow powder form, turmeric is great for adding a quick pop of color to your plate. With an earthy but not super spicy flavor, turmeric also brings a tang to curries and bean and rice dishes. The benefits of this spice extend beyond dinnertime too.

If the plain yellow stuff is nowhere to be found, try curry powder — a blend of turmeric and other spices like coriander, fenugreekand cumin — as a stand-in. Turmeric is an all-star herb that packs a punch. But is the golden…. The supplement form of turmeric offers a much more potent dose of the powerhouse curcuminoids.

But what side effects or interactions could happen from…. This sunset-yellow spice has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties that can help with a number of skin ailments. Learn how to…. Corn takes 5 to 10 minutes to cook, depending on the size of the cob. Read on to learn more about the best ways to cook and prepare corn.

Here's a rundown of the six health benefits of aloe vera juice, plus where to buy it and tips for preparing it at home. We walk…. Food Meal Prep Diets Weight Supplements Conditions Fitness. Spice Up Your Meals with These Turmeric Benefits for Brain and Body.

Medically reviewed by Kim Rose-Francis RDN, CDCES, LDNutrition — By — Updated on August 18, Kicks inflammation to the curb. Prevents digestive distress. May help combat cancer growth. Acts as a natural antidepressant.

Slows signs of aging in the brain. Spicy benefits: How to add more turmeric to your diet. Putting turmeric at the top of your spice list. Need a health refresh? Was this helpful? Andrade C. A critical examination of studies on curcumin for depression. Effects of curcumin on short-term spatial and recognition memory, adult neurogenesis and neuroinflammation in a streptozotocin-induced rat model of dementia of Alzheimer's type.

Use of curcumin in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The use of curcumin as a complementary therapy in ulcerative colitis: A systematic review of randomized controlled clinical trials. Dietary curcumin: Correlation between bioavailability and health potential.

Curcumin: An age-old anti-inflammatory and anti-neoplastic agent. Curcumin as an anti-inflammatory agent: Implications to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Curcumin for depression: A meta-analysis.

Therapeutic effects of turmeric in several diseases: An overview. Curcumin: A phytochemical modulator of estrogens and androgens in tumors of the reproductive system.

Curcumin and fennel essential oil improve symptoms and quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

Anti-inflammatory action of curcumin and its use in the treatment of lifestyle-related diseases. Curcumin prevents acute neuroinflammation and long-term memory impairment induced by systemic lipopolysaccharide in mice. Impact of cooking on the antioxidant activity of spice turmeric.

Chronic supplementation of curcumin enhances the efficacy of antidepressants in major depressive disorder: A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled pilot study.

Read this next. Spice Up Your Life: 11 Health Benefits of Turmeric Tea Turmeric is an all-star herb that packs a punch. READ MORE. Can Turmeric Spice Up Your Weight Loss? But is the golden… READ MORE. Too Much of the Golden Spice: Can Turmeric Have Side Effects?

But what side effects or interactions could happen from… READ MORE. Is Turmeric Good for Your Skin? Learn how to… READ MORE. It's Corn! How Long to Boil Corn Corn takes 5 to 10 minutes to cook, depending on the size of the cob.

Sipping on Cinnamon: 14 Best Benefits of Cinnamon Tea READ MORE. We walk… READ MORE.

: Curcumin and Digestive Health


This blog is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. The content provided is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or healthcare professional regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment options.

The claims made regarding specific products in this blog are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Gut Health Science 5 min Read.

Gut Health Lifestyle 5 min Read. Gut Health 3 min Read. Evinature Blog. Get your tailored plan today! Take Assessment. How Turmeric Curcumin Targets Gut Inflammation Researchers recommend curcumin as an add-on therapy because it targets intestinal inflammation through a wide range of anti-inflammatory mechanisms, whereas pharmaceutical treatment is generally limited to a sole mechanism Curcumin inhibits the dysregulated activity of NF-kB signaling pathways , and suppresses the activity of IL-1β , a pro-inflammatory cytokine.

Last but certainly not least, curcumin positively affects the gut microbiota , restoring homeostasis to the gut What is the best kind of turmeric extract for an inflamed gut?

How much turmeric extract should I take for an inflamed gut? How long does it take for turmeric extract to reduce inflammation? What are the negative effects of turmeric extract?

Side effects include: Upset stomach Diarrhea Acid reflux Dizziness Headaches Curcumin may increase levels of urinary oxalate. Turmeric Curcumin for Anxiety According to the latest research, turmeric extract curcumin may not only be able to ease anxiety and depression, but also reverse the damage of stress and depression on the body.

How does turmeric relieve anxiety? Does turmeric work as an antipressant? How much turmeric should you take for anxiety? How long does it take to feel the effects of turmeric? Turmeric Curcumin for Sleep Some suggest taking turmeric for insomnia and sleep disturbances.

How does turmeric help you sleep? Can I take turmeric at night? Turmeric Curcumin , the Wonder Compound Curcumin is a versatile and beneficial supplement and can help improve general health. Related Articles. Read More. Gut Health 3 min Read Can Ulcerative Colitis be Cured Naturally?

Gut Health 3min Read Can Ulcerative Colitis be Cured Naturally? It is also possible to take curcumin supplements, which are widely available in health food stores.

Unlike turmeric in other forms, the supplements are highly concentrated doses of curcumin, so people need to read the instructions and ask their healthcare professionals how much is safe to consume. Turmeric showed promise in initial studies for its positive effect on some IBS symptoms.

In most cases, including turmeric or curcumin supplements as part of a healthful diet will not pose any health risk for people with IBS. Whether turmeric has any real benefits for IBS symptoms remains unclear, and experts need to perform further research in this area.

Irritable bowel syndrome affects over a tenth of the population globally, but many go undiagnosed. Nobody knows what causes it, however.

Find out more. A look at ginger for diarrhea, a remedy that has been used for a long time. Included is detail on how much ginger is too much, as how much to eat a…. FODMAP foods contain carbohydrates that the body cannot absorb properly. Eating low FODMAP foods may help symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome IBS.

Turmeric is a spice that contains curcumin, which seems to have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Learn about 10 benefits of turmeric…. Exercise may help some people with IBS, but there is not much high quality research.

Read more about IBS and physical exercise here. My podcast changed me Can 'biological race' explain disparities in health? Why Parkinson's research is zooming in on the gut Tools General Health Drugs A-Z Health Hubs Health Tools Find a Doctor BMI Calculators and Charts Blood Pressure Chart: Ranges and Guide Breast Cancer: Self-Examination Guide Sleep Calculator Quizzes RA Myths vs Facts Type 2 Diabetes: Managing Blood Sugar Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction Connect About Medical News Today Who We Are Our Editorial Process Content Integrity Conscious Language Newsletters Sign Up Follow Us.

Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. Turmeric for IBS: Does it work? Medically reviewed by Kim Rose-Francis RDN, CDCES, LD , Nutrition — By Aaron Kandola — Updated on May 24, Does it work?

Overview Side effects How to use it Takeaway Some people believe that turmeric can help reduce irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, such as diarrhea and constipation. Does turmeric help treat IBS? What is turmeric? Salh and his Vancouver team contributed to a building body of evidence that this flavourful spice can help prevent cancerous cells from developing in the colon.

A basic research study 2 from India looked at mice with induced colitis and found that curcumin exerts beneficial effects in experimental colitis by mediating the inflammatory processes. Therefore, it may be useful in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. A clinical study 3 from the UK involving irritable bowel syndrome patients showed improvement in their symptoms after the researchers had them take turmeric tablets.

The researchers recommend further, larger, placebo-controlled studies. Other clinical trials support a potential therapeutic role for curcumin specifically in familial adenomatous polyposis, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis , colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, hypercholesteremia, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, psoriasis, chronic anterior uveitis, and arthritis.

Curcumin is currently a keenly studied compound, with active clinical trials on the US government website 5 as of September ; there is no similar way to search for natural health clinical trials in Canada.

Benefits of Turmeric - Canadian Digestive Health Foundation The number of goblet Cucumin in Herbal extract products control group was CCurcumin lower than Heakth the other two Halth groups, Cutcumin indicated that Anxiety management techniques plays an active role in intestinal health and has a positive effect on andd intestinal Digestige Xie, ; Fu anv al. Nutrition coaching program turmeric has Curcumin and Digestive Health real benefits for Halth Curcumin and Digestive Health Type diabetes healthy recipes unclear, and experts need to perform Hea,th research in this area. Nutrition coaching program could promote Nutrition coaching program growth of fish and improve the intestinal flora and tissue structure, thereby improving the antioxidant capacity of the intestinal tract and improving its own immunity. Muscle Biochemical Constituents of Cultured Amberjack Seriola Dumerili and Their Influence on Raw Meat Texture. Other factors that may have affected the lack of change in intestinal microbiota over time included the recruitment of people taking the contraceptive pill, the inclusion of volunteers with a BMI in the overweight and obese range, and limitations associated with our ability to monitor or control for dietary changes over time. Scientists randomly assigned people ages 18 to 70 with functional dyspepsia to one of three treatments: taking milligrams mg of curcumin two mg capsules four times a day, taking 20 mg of the medication omeprazole Prilosec, Zegerid once a day, or taking both treatments each day.
Curcumin supplements might ease meal-related discomfort - Harvard Health from exercises to build Muscle mass training program stronger core to advice on treating cataracts. Diggestive MORE. Self-report data from 77 participants who completed at least week-4 Herbal extract products were used Digestjve Curcumin and Digestive Health analyses of Herbal extract products Curcunin measures. Curcumin in various cancers. The ND spectrophotometer BioTeke Corporation, Beijing, China was used to measure the absorbance at and nm to determine the purity and concentration of RNA extracted. Experimental Studies On Antibiotic Treatment Of Vibriosis Of Marinecage-Cultured Seriola Dumerili. How the severity of digestive complaints in the population recruited in this study compares to healthy individuals without GI complaints, or people with diagnosed GI disorders, could not be evaluated as there are no published norms for the GSRS.
Turmeric is often used Curcumin and Digestive Health traditional medicine to treat various symptoms, including gastrointestinal issues. But there is conflicting research Sports energy gels its value for Herbal extract products reflux. Hralth has Hexlth used as an alternative medicine for thousands of years. It has been used to treat many diseases and conditions, including stomach problems and digestive issues. Although anecdotal evidence suggests that this natural remedy relieves acid refluxthere are few clinical trials to prove these claims. Turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds.

Curcumin and Digestive Health -

Turmeric can be found in capsules, tablets, and ointments. The short answer is yes, when consumed in the right amounts. One of the active ingredients in turmeric is curcumin. Turmeric is usually taken orally or topically on the skin. In one study, seven subjects out of 24 reported diarrhea, headache, rash, or yellow stool 72 hours after taking between and mg of curcumin.

When consumed in the recommended dosage, turmeric has shown numerous benefits. Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate metabolic syndrome and other inflammatory conditions.

Oxidative stress has been linked to chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes, and metabolic disorders. High oxidant levels can damage protein and DNA structure, which is why we need to control them with antioxidants. Experimental feed formula information is shown in Table 1.

According to each parallel 15,g feed, the weight of each component of the feed is shown in the table. The control group, the 0. Feeding was stopped the day before the end of the trial, and each group was weighed separately.

Using zinc oxide eugenol cement as anesthetics Changshu Shang Dental Materials Co. The surface water was wiped with paper towels, and a 1-ml sterile syringe was used to extract blood from the tail veins of Seriola dumerili.

After standing at room temperature for 4 h, blood samples were centrifuged for 10 min at 3, ×g, 4°C, and then the supernatants were collected. Serum biochemical parameters were determined according to the instructions of the commercial kits Nanjing Jiancheng Biological Co.

A ; cholesterol oxidase—peroxidase aminoantipyrine method; and triglycerides TG Item No. A : phosphate oxidase—peroxidase aminoantipyrine method.

All serum biochemical parameters were performed in triplicates. Fish were then dissected with sterilized scalpel, tweezers, and so on, the intestines quickly separated out, and the whole operation process performed on the ice. The intestine samples were put into the 2-ml centrifuge tubes with labels.

Part of them were frozen in liquid nitrogen and then transferred to a °C refrigerator for the determination of enzyme activity.

The other part was used for making slices. Biochemical and gene expression samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at °C. In addition, 9 fish were randomly selected from each group, and the body length and weight were measured respectively.

The liver and viscera were quickly separated and weighed to calculate the specific growth rate, weight gain rate, feed conversion ratio and condition factor, visceral ratio, and hepatosomatic ratio. The calculation formulas are as follows:.

In the formula, the unit of the body length is cm, the unit of the final average weight and initial average weight is g, and the unit of breeding test days is d. Intestine samples from each parallel were mixed and weighed. Under the condition of ice bath, 0.

According to the requirements of the corresponding kits Nanjing Jiancheng Biological Co. Intestinal digestion indicators included amylase AMS Item No. C , lipase LPS Item No. A , trypsin TRYP Item No. A , and total protein TP Item No. The starch-iodine colorimetric method, methyl halal substrate method microplate method , colorimetric method, and BCA microplate method were used for determination, respectively.

A Leica RM rotary microtome Shanghai Leica Instrument Co. Hematoxylin—eosin HE staining was used and finally permanently fixed with resinene. The height and width of intestinal folds, the height of the intestinal villus, the thickness of the muscular layer, and the number of goblet cells were quantified.

Primers of EF1α internal reference gene , IGF1, and IGF2 genes were designed by the Primer Premier 5 program Table 2. The method for proving the specificity and availability of synthetic primers was referred to Yang et al.

RNA was extracted according to the method of Fu et al. The ND spectrophotometer BioTeke Corporation, Beijing, China was used to measure the absorbance at and nm to determine the purity and concentration of RNA extracted.

RNA was immediately used to synthesize cDNA. TransScript-Uni One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix TransGen Biotech Co.

The synthesized cDNA samples were stored at °C for further use Yang et al. SYBR Green Tiangen Biotech Co. The relative mRNA expression level of the target gene was determined by the 2 -ΔΔCt method.

The standard deviation SD of the test data was determined by using the EF1α gene as an internal reference gene. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Statistics 26 software. Finally, Origin was used for mapping. Indicators related to the growth performance after 8 weeks of feeding experiment are shown in Table 3.

Moreover, they reached the highest level in the 0. Table 3 Effects of different levels of curcumin in feed on the growth performance of Seriola dumerili. Data are presented as mean ± SD. After feeding with different levels of curcumin for 8 weeks, the intestinal digestive enzyme lipase, trypsin, amylase activity is as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Effects of different levels of curcumin on the activities of intestinal digestive enzymes I, amylase activity; II, lipase activity; III, trypsin activity. The intestinal fold width reached the maximum value in the 0.

The intestinal fold height reached the minimum in the 0. Figure 2 The intestinal tract of Seriola dumerili was affected by diets with different curcumin contents.

Representative sections of intestinal tissue 50 magnification are shown at the top [ A control group; B 0. tM represents muscle layer thickness; hF represents the height of intestinal fold; wF represents the intestinal fold width; hE stands for intestinal epithelial cell height; nGC represents the number of goblet cells; LU represents lumen.

I, muscle layer thickness; II, intestinal fold width; III, number of goblet cells; IV, intestinal epithelial cell height; III, intestinal fold height. The results of serum triglyceride and cholesterol contents of Seriola dumerili are observed in Figure 3.

The total cholesterol content reached the maximum value in the control group and the minimum value in the 0. Figure 3 Effects of different levels of curcumin on serum triglyceride and total cholesterol content of Seriola dumerili I, triglyceride content; II, total cholesterol content.

The relative gene expression levels of IGF1 and IGF2 reached the maximum in the 0. Figure 4 Effects of different levels of curcumin on the quantitative expression of IGF1 and IGF2 genes in the liver of Seriola dumerili. Curcumin has been widely used in traditional medicine for a long time because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects Oetari et al.

In addition, recent studies have also reported that curcumin, as a popular immunostimulator, can promote the growth of aquatic animals and enhance disease resistance Zhang et al. Until now, a number of studies have confirmed that the addition of curcumin in diet can show great growth performance on some species of fish, including large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea Wang and Wu, , grass carps Ctenopharyngodon idella Zhongze et al.

However, the growth of juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus was not significantly affected by dietary curcumin content, which may be related to various factors such as fish species, size, and culture environment Wang et al. This study found that although there was no significant difference in the final average weight, weight gain rate, specific growth rate, visceral ratio, and hepatosomatic ratio between the experimental groups, they were higher in the 0.

Moreover, the 0. However, the 0. The results showed that the addition of curcumin in the feed had a certain promoting effect on the growth of Seriola dumerili and promoted the feed conversion rate, while 0.

Improvement of growth performance has been reported to be related to the role of curcumin in enhancing intestinal digestive enzyme activity Jiang et al. Digestive enzymes play a key role in the digestion of nutrients, and their activities directly reflect the digestive ability of fish and affect the growth rate Ling et al.

Moreover, because of its important role in digestive tract digestion and absorption, the intestinal tract of fish has an important impact on the growth and nutrition of fish El-Bakary, This study showed that the 0. That was consistent with the findings on grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella Li et al.

However, this study was contrary to the results of previous studies on amylase. The results of amylase in Seriola dumerili may be related to the fact that it is a carnivorous fish with less starch intake and amylase fluctuates within a low activity range.

Carnivorous fish usually eat fat-rich foods that stimulate lipase activity in their digestive tract Fu et al. Compared with the control group, the significant increase of lipase in the treatment group may be related to the decrease of cholesterol level and the stimulation of fat digestion by dietary curcumin Guan et al.

In brief, this study showed that the appropriate amount of curcumin in the feed could enhance the digestive ability of the whole intestine indicated by the activities of trypsin and lipase , and the 0.

The above analysis on growth traits confirmed this point well, indicating that curcumin may have the function as a digestive promoter, thereby improving growth performance. The attractive flavor of curcumin can also increase the palatability and intake of feed, while making it of more effective use as feed for fish, thereby improving feed utilization, which can be reflected in the feed conversion ratio.

As the fermentation substrate and selective growth factor of beneficial gastrointestinal bacteria, plant chemicals and their metabolites can provide health benefits for organisms.

At the same time, as a selective inhibitor of harmful intestinal bacteria, it can also play a prebiotic-like role in fish Zheng et al. Curcumin contains a large number of bioactive compounds such as reducing sugars, triterpenoids, and alkaloids.

These compounds may act as prebiotics which has immunomodulatory properties Kurhekar, Therefore, curcumin may also be considered as a prebiotic that enhances the balance of the positive and negative flora in the intestine, increases intestinal absorption and digestion, and ultimately promotes fish growth and health Midhun et al.

It has been reported that food composition strongly affects the activities of digestive enzymes and intestinal morphology of aquatic animals Picos-Garcıía et al. Intestinal tissue is the main component of the digestive system to absorb nutrients, and its morphological changes can be used as an important indicator of the health status of the organism Wang et al.

According to previous studies, higher or wider intestinal folds, microvilli, and intestinal villus indicate higher nutrient intake and better health condition of aquatic animals Li et al. In this experiment, the 0. Muscle thickness, intestinal fold height, and goblet cell number are also important intestinal structural parameters, which can reflect the degree of intestinal health Ma et al.

Goblet cells have the function of secreting mucus and are the main source of mucin secretion; mucus can lubricate intestinal contents for easy passage, and it protects the intestinal surface from pathogens Fu et al.

Reduced levels of mucin production and goblet cell response often occur when the intestine is impaired, such as intestinal infection, and sufficient goblet cells are required to have a possible positive impact on the intestinal host defense system Kim and Khan, The number of goblet cells in the control group was significantly lower than in the other two treatment groups, which indicated that curcumin plays an active role in intestinal health and has a positive effect on fish intestinal morphology Xie, ; Fu et al.

The higher feed efficiency in the treatment group may be due to the larger villi area. Curcumin can improve the intestinal digestive enzyme activities, which may be related to the increase in the number of intestinal mature cells. Studies have shown that intestinal digestive enzyme activity is positively correlated with the number of mature cells; that is, the increase in the number of mature cells leads to an increase in intestinal digestive enzyme activity Zhu, , which was consistent with the results of this study.

Strikingly, the response of goblet cells was not consistent with increasing levels of turmeric supplementation and this warrants further research. At higher supplementation, minor effects observed might be due to the fact that high levels of turmeric could reduce feed intake and increased turmeric could also act as a phytoestrogen Kaur et al.

The thicker the muscle is, the stronger the digestive ability is Miao et al. Compared with the control group, curcumin significantly increased the thickness of the muscle layer and goblet cell number of Seriola dumerili in this study, which was similar to the results of previous studies on Anguilla marmorata Xie, , tilapia Zhang et al.

It indicated that proper addition of curcumin could improve the morphological structure of intestinal tissue, which may also be one of the reasons for the growth-promoting effect of curcumin. It has been reported that curcumin can also reduce serum triglyceride and total cholesterol content and promote fat metabolism Guan et al.

Total cholesterol and triglyceride are collectively referred to as blood lipid levels. Although they only account for a very small part of total fish lipid levels, they are transported between tissues and are very active in metabolism, reflecting lipid metabolism in fish Deng et al.

Previous studies have shown that the addition of curcumin reduces the contents of triglyceride TG and total cholesterol TC in serum of grass carp and tilapia, showing a favorable regulatory effect on lipid metabolism Guan et al.

That was consistent with the results of this study. In vertebrate like fish, lipids are transported as lipoproteins to deliver endogenous and dietary lipids to peripheral tissues, where lipoprotein lipase LPL hydrolyzes the triglycerides TGs of very low-density lipoprotein VLDL or TG-rich lipoprotein and released fatty acids FAs are then taken up by the tissues for oxidation or storage with reduced plasma TG level Salmerón, However, excessive fat deposits in fish can degrade health and product quality Salmerón, In the study of Labeo rohita fingerlings Chowdhury et al.

Moreover, curcumin reduced fat deposition in the abdominal area of broiler chicks Rajput et al. The results are slightly different from those in this paper; this may be due to the different effects of curcumin on fat deposition in different tissues of different age species.

Or it may be that the negative feedback effect of excessive fat deposition starts to lead to the reduction of blood lipids, so as to control the excessive accumulation of fat in fish culture. The blood lipid index measured in this study confirmed that both high and low curcumin can reduce the contents of serum total cholesterol and triglyceride, and the low-dose 0.

Insulin-like growth factors IGFs are mitogenic peptides, whose expression is generally regulated by exogenous factors photoperiod and temperature and endogenous factors humoral factors and nutritional status Fu et al. Reinecke et al. In addition, feeding methods also affect the gene expression of IGF-1 and IGF-2 Gabillard et al.

Studies have shown that polyphenol phytochemicals can increase the growth of fish by stimulating the production of IGF-1 and growth hormone and promoting the synthesis of protein, RNA, DNA, and other synthetic effects.

IGFs have been proved to play an important role in fish growth, development, and nutritional metabolism and can be determined by the expression of liver mRNA Rolland et al. For example, in the study of golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus Tan et al.

In this study, the expression of IGF-1 and IGF-2 in the 0. The growth performance seems to be related to the visceral ratio and feed conversion rate. This association can also be explained by the upregulation of IGF-1, because IGF-1 can promote the proliferation and differentiation of adipose tissue Chang et al.

In the study of tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus , curcumin significantly increased the real-time quantitative expression of IGF-1 and IGF-2 genes Midhun et al. Shining light on night blindness. Can watching sports be bad for your health?

Beyond the usual suspects for healthy resolutions. December 1, By Heidi Godman , Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter Reviewed by Anthony L.

Komaroff, MD , Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter You might know turmeric as the golden-yellow spice used in curry powder and yellow mustard.

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Sign Me Up. About the Author. Heidi Godman , Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter Heidi Godman is the executive editor of the Harvard Health Letter. Before coming to the Health Letter, she was an award-winning television news anchor and medical reporter for 25 years.

Heidi was named a journalism fellow … See Full Bio. About the Reviewer. Komaroff, MD , Editor in Chief, Harvard Health Letter Dr. Komaroff is the Steven P. Share This Page Share this page to Facebook Share this page to Twitter Share this page via Email.

Print This Page Click to Print. Related Content. Staying Healthy. You might also be interested in…. The Sensitive Gut When your digestive system is running smoothly, you tend not to think about it.

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Nutrition coaching program Diegstive an ancient Digestivw used Heapth Ayurveda Digextive Nutrition coaching program Chinese Medicine for a Hralth range of ailments, especially Hydration and cardiovascular health involving digestion, chronic pain, stomach Curcumin and Digestive Healthand inflammation. The active compound in turmeric, curcuminhas Curcumon under thorough clinical observation Digestivf to its potent biological properties. Curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can ease digestion, promote the healing of the gut barrier, and even recompose the gut microbiome. For these reasons, researchers are investigating curcumin as a treatment for IBD, IBS, and a range of other inflammatory conditions. A number of studies found curcumin alongside 5ASA medication can significantly improve response, remission rates, and remission maintenance in UC patients. A study on the add-on use of curcumin with standard drug therapies helped patients with ulcerative colitis maintain remission longer than pharmaceutical treatment alone.

Author: Grorg

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