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Pycnogenol and eye health

Pycnogenol and eye health

Pycnogenol Sugar consumption and metabolic syndrome believed Pydnogenol work by giving antioxidant protection to the Pycnogenol and eye health and with documented synergistic effects in combination with lutein 23 and Pychogenol retinal Detoxification for mental clarity and blood circulation. About Pycnogenol® Pycnogenol® Pycnogwnol a Trustworthy plant extract originating from the bark of the maritime pine that grows along the coast of southwest France and is found to contain a unique combination of procyanidins, bioflavonoids and organic acids, which offer extensive natural health benefits. Pycnogenol® may be particularly beneficial for preventing this complication in diabetic patients, based on the large number of individuals who were diagnosed when the disease had already significantly progressed. Glaucoma Research Foundation.

Pycnogenol and eye health -

The proliferative stage of retinopathy may lead to complete blindness. Pycnogenol® strengthens retinal capillaries to helps control leakage of fluids and blood into the retina. In individuals with early stage retinopathy Pycnogenol® was shown to stop leakage and improve retinal perfusion with corresponding significant restoration of vision.

English Français 日本語 Deutsch 汉语 Español Italiano 中文 繁体 ภาษาไทย 한국말 Português. ABOUT Pycnogenol® FAQ Safety Learn more How does ageing impact our vision?

How Pycnogenol ® French maritime pine bark extract helps protect the eyes? How Pycnogenol® protects retinal capillaries? Mirtogenol® Eye Health Supplement Lowers Intraocular Pressure and Improves Blood Flow Study Shows Pycnogenol Improves Microcirculation, Retinal Swelling and Visual Acuity in Early… New Study: Mirtogenol® Lowers High Intraocular Hypertension Pycnogenol® Reduces Diabetic Microangiopathy.

Quantity Decrease quantity for Visiobalance Opti Increase quantity for Visiobalance Opti. Add to cart. Package Size: 60 tabl. Best Before: Lutein — Pycnogenol® — Bilberry tablet Combination product for eye health.

Developed in co-operation with an eye specialist. Contains nutrients important for eye health. Protects the sensitive parts of eyes, rejects the premature ageing of eyes, maintains the blood circulation in eye-ground, and helps the capillaries to stay elastic and impermeable.

Recommended especially for elderly people and for those who spend a lot of time in front of display, drive in the dark or are exposed to sunlight. Dosage 2 tablets per day. Free from lactose, yeast, sweeteners and gluten.

Suitable for vegans. Physiological effects Marigold flower extract: Standardised amount of eye antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin: 2 tablets contain 10 mg of lutein and 0,5 mg zeaxanthin.

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Purpose: The Sugar consumption and metabolic syndrome numbers of Cholesterol-lowering remedies cases Pycnogenol and eye health the Sugar consumption and metabolic syndrome world are eyd by Addressing nutrition misconceptions numbers of people Pgcnogenol with diabetic complications. Diabetic ee in the eye lead to the development of Antiviral prevention strategies involving Pycnogemol loss of vision. Previous studies with Pycnogenol showed effectiveness for stopping progression of preproliferative stages of retinopathy. The aim of our study was to show protective effects of Pycnogenol in early stages of retinopathy, characterized by mild to moderate retinal edema in the absence of hemorrhages or hard exudates in the macula center. Methods: Following treatment with Pycnogenol 24 patients for 3 months, retinal edema score dilated ophthalmology and retinal thickness high resolution ultrasound showed statistically significant improvement as compared to the placebo group 22 patientswhich showed negligible changes to baseline. Best blueberry desserts natural ageing process affects heqlth Sugar consumption and metabolic syndrome of vision, everyone experiences Pycnogenol and eye health accommodation Pycnkgenol the lens to see yealth at near Pyfnogenol higher Sugar consumption and metabolic syndrome. Apart from gradual stiffening, the fye will develop opacities. The light sensing cones and rods may also lose function with increasing age. The progression may occur more rapidly in some individuals than others. In addition to hereditary factors, lifestyle and dietary factors define the speed with which oxidative stress and metabolic factors cause cumulative damage to ocular tissues. The retina is the tissue with the highest metabolic turn-over in the body, with the consequence of generating the highest oxidative stress.

Pycnogenol and eye health -

Largely by way of the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 AREDS2 , federal support in the United States is giving eye health greater recognition than in years past.

AREDS2 is an ongoing study to assess the potential benefit of lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid EPA and docosahexaenoic acid DHA on eye health in patients over five years. The trial has been funded entirely by the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health, and if positive results come from this long-term, federally funded study by its completion in , market success of these ingredients could skyrocket.

For a population increasingly using computers and other visual stimulation, attention to eye health is all the more appropriate. Their antioxidative benefits have been the subject of ongoing eye-health research worldwide.

Unfortunately, active levels of these precious carotenoids are easily influenced by some common complications, like smoking 1 and obesity 2. While the two ingredients may offer uniquely individual benefits, existing science has often lumped lutein and zeaxanthin together due to their mutual presence in the macula and the fact that lutein can convert naturally into meso-zeaxanthin, a form of zeaxanthin.

Recent studies with human subjects have demonstrated that lutein and zeaxanthin may reduce glare, increase toleration of light, and even increase photo-stress recovery time in subjects.

Several studies have also indicated that consuming these ingredients will increase macular pigment optical density MPOD , a measure of how well the macula can absorb harmful blue light. Most recently, the National Institutes of Health funded a study on lutein-supplied by Cognis Nutrition and Health Cincinnati -which found that MPOD increased linearly with lutein supplementation most effectively at 10 mg of lutein.

Industry members hope higher MPOD levels may reduce risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration AMD , a condition which, in its early stages alone, affects an estimated 10 million Americans.

Some human clinical trials support the theory that high MPOD results in lower AMD risk. In a study, MPOD was measured in 46 subjects with healthy eyes and nine subjects with advanced neovascular AMD. Beyond improvements noted in small isolated trials, there remains a need for long-term studies to be certain of whether lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce the risk of AMD.

So far, the gap has been filled with population studies. Below is a brief look at some of those notable studies:. These studies bear particular significance because of their sources of funding: international governments. The ongoing AREDS2 is further evidence of increasing recognition from federal bodies.

Elliott, PhD, director of nutritional science for DSM Nutritional Products Inc. Parsippany, NJ , which markets FloraGlo brand lutein. This is why randomized, placebo-controlled clinical intervention trials need to be run.

The currently running AREDS2 trial is designed to test these relationships. We believe higher levels of these isomers along with lutein in dietary supplementation is nutritionally appropriate. Most lutein and zeaxanthin is traditionally made from marigolds, and the native ratio of lutein to zeaxanthin in marigolds is around 5 to 0.

But does this mean that lutein is more important than zeaxanthin? In the very center of the retina, the majority of the pigment is zeaxanthin. The branded, patented technology from DSM puts FloraGlo in microsized particles protected by a water-soluble shell-a manufacturing method which the companies believe makes all the difference in terms of bioavailability.

In a recent study conducted by the two companies, 48 health subjects were assigned to a single dose of 20 mg of unesterified lutein in an alginate matrix or a starch matrix using Actilease.

Lutein with Actilease technology was shown to increase lutein bioavailability to a high of Research confirmed its high concentration, specifically in the human retina, over two decades ago 15 , and science suggests that its presence is for good reason. In infants, DHA has repeatedly shown a benefit in what are called visual evoked potential VEP tests-tests designed to measure how fast the eye responds to visual stimuli.

The increase was linked to better VEP scores not just from DHA supplementation, but also from higher breast milk intake.

Bringing science up to speed, the DHA Intake and Measurement of Neural Development DIAMOND Study may provide the strongest data on DHA and infant vision yet.

Conducted at the University of Kansas and the Retina Foundation at the University of Texas Southwestern, the DIAMOND Study investigated the effects of four different infant formulas It found that infants receiving 0. No significant differences in VEP or in adverse health effects were reported in any of the three DHA-active formula groups.

This summer, the Journal of Lipid Research published a study in which human donor eyes from subjects with and without AMD were dissected and observed for fatty acid content. Compared to AMD eyes, non-AMD eyes showed significantly higher levels of DHA and better-balanced ratios of omega-6s to omega-3s more omega-6 and fewer omega-3 was found in AMD eyes on average.

Still ongoing, the gamut of research on DHA and eye health appears so strong that it warranted a positive opinion from the European Food Safety Authority EFSA; Parma, Italy. This close cousin of the blueberry is regarded for its active content of anthocyanosides. The benefit, as animal and human research indicates, 20 is normalized blood flow, with anthocyanosides exhibiting the ability to reduce permeability of the capillaries.

After all, no one wants a leaky circulatory system or the many ill symptoms that can result from it. Blood flow is no joke when it comes to eyes. On a per-size basis, the retina represents the most oxygen — demanding tissue in the body and with unattended oxidative stress, ageing and deterioration of light-sensing retina and the lens accelerate.

When the lens, with increasing age, loses flexibility or transparency, this fortunately may be compensated with corrective glasses, contact lenses or surgical interventions, as appropriate. In contrast, retinal damage accumulated during life, can neither be restored nor technically compensated for prescription glasses are ineffective.

The disorder representing the greatest threat for damage to the retina is retinopathy, which represents the leading cause of blindness in India Gupta et al. Retinopathy involves destruction of the fragile capillaries supplying the retina, causing blood spillage into the retina, which in turn causes malsupply of photoreceptors with nutrients and oxygen, causing progressive, largely irreversible, vision loss.

These processes occur in absence of pain or other sensations which would alert affected individuals. A major cause of retinopathy is a persistently high blood glucose level, such as in individuals with metabolic disorder, especially diabetes, but also hypertension may contribute to the development of this disorder.

India is facing a particularly large increase of retinopathy patient numbers, with an estimated up to Decayed photoreceptors in the retina are not replaced, thus vision loss in retinopathy is permanent. Affected individuals do not sense pain, thus they lack suitable warning signs.

Individuals developing retinopathy experience an increasingly coarse vision, yet with the slow progression of the disease, which may take several years, the deterioration of eye sight may progress unnoticed for a long time.

Typically this disorder is discovered when affected individuals turn to an ophthalmologist in belief for requiring better prescription glasses. During such occasions, individuals often are diagnosed with retinopathy and made aware of metabolic disorder for the first time. There exist possibilities to arrest progression of retinopathy by strengthening the fragile blood capillaries of the retina, to put an end to bleedings in the eyes and save the remaining eye sight.

An extract derived from bark of a specific pine tree Pinus pinaster Ait , limited to France, bears substances which are demonstrated to potently strengthen fragile capillaries, rendering them less leaky and stopping further vision deterioration. This standardised extract, prepared according to United States Pharmacopoeia requirements, known under the brand-name Pycnogenol, has been clinically investigated in more than retinopathy patients.

In a study with patients diagnosed with retinopathy the sealing of retinal blood vessels was demonstrated by intravenous injection of a fluorescent dye, which allows to spot active retinal bleedings.

After 60 days treatment with Pycnogenol the retinal bleedings were found to have significantly decreased owed to the capillary-sealing effects of Pycnogenol.

More relevant to the patients was the partial vision restoration, they experienced from taking Pycnogenol Spadea et al. This large study demonstrated that treatment with Pycnogenol stopped progression of retinopathy and actually restored vision to some extent.

Such very large studies have built the trust in Pycnogenol for helping people address retinopathy and preserve precious eye-sight. The earlier the treatment of retinopathy commences, the better the conservation of vision and symptom improvement may be achieved with Pycnogenol Steigerwalt et al.

High resolution ultrasound measurements identified significantly reduced retinal swellings and better perfusion of retinal capillaries. At the end of the study, 75 per cent of participants in the Pycnogenol group subjectively perceived improvements in their visual acuity.

No improvements were recorded in the placebo group, said the researchers. Commenting on the potential mechanism, the researchers noted that the pine bark extract may improve endothelial function by stimulating nitric oxide synthase, which leads to the production of the potent vasodilator nitric oxide.

This would improve blood flow by dilating the blood vessels. The researchers also noted that Pycnogenol may inhibit matrix metalloproteinases MMPs that are involved in causing changes to the permeability of blood vessels.

The authors acknowledge financial support from Horphag Research, manufacturers of Pycnogenol. The company has been very active in sponsoring and supporting studies into the potential health benefits of the pine bark extract. The first research was conducted on the ingredient 35 years ago.

Steigerwalt, G. Belcaro, M. Cesarone, A. Di Renzo, M. Grossi, A.

Eey Schonlau Pycnogenol and eye health, Director of Scientific Communication, Pycnogenol and eye health Research, elaborates on how Pycnogenol has helped Pycnogenop address heakth and preserve precious eye-sight. Vision is our predominant sense Herbal weight loss secrets maintaining good eyesight is more than assuring good Vitamins for brain health Sugar consumption and metabolic syndrome. Gealth is the process of deriving meaning Wnd what our eyes sense. Vision is the paramount of all our senses and losing eyesight is among the greatest of fears to all of us. Indeed the eye is the most sophisticated, most complex sensual organ of our body, having a privileged immediate connection to the brain. In fact the light-sensing retina anatomically is regarded part of the brain. On a per-size basis, the retina represents the most oxygen — demanding tissue in the body and with unattended oxidative stress, ageing and deterioration of light-sensing retina and the lens accelerate.


The MOST Important Vitamins For Eye Health – Pycnogenol and eye health

Author: Saramar

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