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Stress testing methodologies

Stress testing methodologies

Scenario methkdologies uses a hypothetical future state of the world to define methodologiee in risk factors Stress testing methodologies an testiing operations. Brochures Sustainable living tips Posters Corrections Essential Reading IMF Virtual Publications Booth Metadata Rights and Permissions. Bibcode : ApEn. Economics: General. The outcome of the stress testing included the definition of critical components and events and risk mitigation strategies, which are formulated and reported to stakeholders.

Stress testing methodologies -

By using historical scenarios, a financial institution identifies past extreme conditions. Then, the bank determines the level at which the scenario has to be worse than the historical observation to cause the financial institution to fail.

For instance, a financial institution might conclude that twice the US housing bubble will make the financial institution to fail. However, this kind of reverse stress testing is an approximation. Typically, a financial institution will use complicated models that take into consideration correlations between different variables to make the market conditions more stressed.

Finding an appropriate combination of risk factors that lead the financial institution to fail is a challenging feat. However, an effective method is to identify some of the critical factors such as GDP growth rate, unemployment rates, and interest rate variations, then build a model that relates all other appropriate variables to these key variables.

After that, possible factor combinations that can lead to failure are searched iteratively. US, UK, and EU regulators require banks and insurance companies to perform specified stress tests.

In the United States, the Federal Reserve performs stress tests of all the banks whose consolidated assets are over USD 50 billion. This type of stress test is termed as Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review CCAR.

Under CCAR, the banks are required to consider four scenarios:. The baseline scenario is based on the average projections from the surveys of the economic predictors but does not represent the projection of the Federal Reserve.

The adverse and the severely adverse scenarios describe hypothetical sets of events which are structured to test the strength of banking organizations and their resilience. Each of the above scenarios consists of the 28 variables such as the unemployment rate, stock market prices, and interest rates which captures domestic and international economic activity accompanied by the Board explanation on the overall economic conditions and variations in the scenarios from the past year.

Banks are required to submit a capital plan, justification of the models used, and the outcomes of their stress testing.

If a bank fails to stress test due to insufficient capital, the bank is required to raise more capital while restricting the dividend payment until the capital has been raised.

Banks with consolidated assets between USD 10 million and USD 50 million are under the Dodd-Fank Act Stress Test DFAST. The scenarios in the DFAST are similar to those in the CCAR. However, in the DFAST, banks are not required to produce a capital plan.

Therefore, through stress tests, regulators can consistently evaluate the banks to determine their ability to extreme economic conditions. However, they recommend that banks develop their scenarios. For effective operation of stress testing, the Board of directors and senior management should have distinct responsibilities.

To accomplish all the above, internal audit staff must be well qualified. They should be well-grounded in stress-testing techniques and technical expertise to be able to differentiate between excellent and inappropriate practices. A financial institution should set out clearly stated and understandable policies and procedures governing stress testing, which must be adhered to.

The policies and procedures ensure that the stress testing of parts of a financial institution converges to the same point. Financial institutions use diverse models that are subject to independent review to make sure that they serve the intended purpose. Moreover, banks that use the internal rating approach of the Basel II to calculate the credit risk capital should perform a stress test to evaluate the strength of their assumptions.

Influenced by the financial crisis, the Basel Committee published the principles of stress-testing for the banks and corresponding supervisors. The overarching emphasis of the Basel committee was the importance of stress testing in determining the amount of capital that will cushion banks against losses due to large shocks.

The stress testing frameworks should involve a governance structure that is clear, documented, and comprehensive. The roles and responsibilities of senior management, oversight bodies, and those concerned with stress testing operations should be clearly stated.

The stress testing framework should incorporate a collaboration of all required stakeholders and the appropriate communication to stakeholders of the stress testing methodologies, assumptions, scenarios, and results.

The stress testing frameworks should satisfy the objectives that are documented and approved by the Board of an organization or any other senior governance. The objective should be able to meet the requirements and expectations of the framework of the bank and its general governance structure.

Stress testing should reflect the material and relevant risk determined by a robust risk identification process and key variables within each scenario that is internally consistent. A narrative should be developed explaining a scenario that captures risks, and those risks that are excluded by the scenario should be described clearly and well documented.

Stress testing is typically a forward-looking risk management tool that potentially helps a bank in identifying and monitoring risk. Therefore, stress testing plays a role in the formulation and implementation of strategic and policy objectives.

When using stress testing results, banks and authorities should comprehend crucial assumptions and limitations such as the relevance of the scenario, model risks, and risk coverage. Lastly, stress testing as a risk management tool should be done regularly in accordance with a well-developed schedule except ad hoc stress tests.

The frequency of a stress test depends on:. Stress testing frameworks should have adequate organizational structures that meet the objectives of the stress test.

The governance processes should ensure that the resources for stress testing are adequate, such that these resources have relevant skill sets to implement the framework. Stress tests identify risks and produce reliable results if the data used is accurate and complete, and available at an adequately granular level and on time.

Banks and authorities should establish a sound data infrastructure which is capable of retrieving, processing, and reporting of information used in stress tests. The data infrastructure should be able to provide adequate quality information to satisfy and objectives of the stress testing framework.

Moreover, structures should be put in place to cover any material information deficiencies. The models and methodologies utilized in stress testing should serve the intended purpose.

The model building should be a collaborative task between the different experts. As such, the model builders engage with stakeholders to gain knowledge on the type of risks being modeled and understand the business goals, business catalysts, risk factors, and other business information relevant to the objectives of the stress testing framework.

Communicating the stress testing results to appropriate internal and external stakeholders provides essential perspectives on risks that would be unavailable to an individual institution or authority. Furthermore, disclosure of the stress test results by banks or authorities improves the market discipline and motivates the resilience of the banking sector towards identified stress.

Banks and authorities who choose to disclose stress testing results should ensure that the method of delivery should make the results understandable while including the limitations and assumptions on which the stress test is based.

Clear conveyance of stress test results prevents inappropriate conclusions on the resilience of the banks with different results. Hardik and Simriti compare and contrast stress testing with economic capital and value at risk measures. Which of the following statements regarding differences between the two types of risk measures is most accurate?

Option D is also inaccurate : Stress tests do not focus on probabilities. One of the approaches used to incorporate stress testing in VaR involves the use of stressed inputs. Which of the following statements most accurately represents a genuine disadvantage of relying on risk metrics that incorporate stressed inputs?

The risk metrics primarily depend on portfolio composition and are not responsive to emerging risks or current market conditions. The most common disadvantage of using stressed risk metrics is that they do not respond to current issues in the market. Sarah Wayne, FRM, works at Capital Bank, based in the U.

The bank owns a portfolio of corporate bonds and also has significant equity stakes in several medium-size companies across the United States. She was recently requested to head a risk management department subcommittee tasked with stress testing.

The aim is to establish how well prepared the bank is for destabilizing events. Which of the following scenario analysis options would be the best for the purpose at hand? Scenario analyses should be dynamic and forward-looking.

This implies that historical scenario analysis and forward-looking hypothetical scenario analysis should be combined. Pure historical scenarios can give valuable insights into impact but can underestimate the confluence of events that are yet to occur.

As such, scenario design should take into account both specific and systematic changes in the present and near future. After completing this reading, you should be able to: Define and contrast exotic Read More.

After completing this reading, you should be able to: Describe the key factors After completing this reading, you should be able to: Identify the most commonly After completing this reading, you should be able to: Define derivatives, describe the You must be logged in to post a comment.

part-1 valuation-and-risk-management. After completing this reading, you should be able to: Describe the rationale for the use of stress testing as a risk management tool. Explain key considerations and challenges related to stress testing, including choice of scenarios, regulatory specifications, model building, and reverse stress testing.

Describe the relationship between stress testing and other risk measures, particularly in enterprise-wide stress testing. Describe stressed VaR and stressed ES, including their advantages and disadvantages, and compare the process of determining stressed VaR and ES to that of traditional VaR and ES.

Describe the responsibilities of the board of directors, senior management, and the internal audit function in stress testing governance. Describe the role of policies and procedures, validation, and independent review in stress testing governance. Describe the Basel stress testing principles for banks regarding the implementation of stress testing.

Stress tests help to avoid any form of complacency that may creep in after an extended period of stability and profitability. It serves to remind management that losses could still occur, and adequate plans have to be put in place in readiness for every eventuality.

This way, a firm is able to avoid issues like underpricing of products, something that could prove financially fatal. Stress testing is a key risk management tool during periods of expansion when a firm introduces new products into the market.

There may be very limited loss data or none at all, for such products, and hypothetical stress testing helps to come up with reliable loss estimates. Under pillar 1 of Basel II, stress testing is a requirement of all banks using the Internal Models Approach IMA to model market risk and the internal ratings-based approach to model credit risk.

These banks have to employ stress testing to determine the level of capital they are required to have. Stress testing supplements other risk management tools, helping banks to mitigate risks through measures such as hedging and insurance.

By itself, stress testing cannot address all risk management weaknesses, nor can it provide a one-stop solution. Comparison between Stress Testing and the VaR and ES Recall that the VaR and ES are estimated from a loss distribution.

Stressed VaR and Stressed ES Conventional VaR and ES are calculated from data spanning from one to five years, where a daily variation of the risk factors during this period is used to compute the potential future movements.

Types of Scenarios in Stress Testing The basis of choosing a stress testing scenario is the selection of a time horizon.

Historical Scenarios Historical scenarios are generated by the use of historical data whose all relevant variables will behave in the same manner as in the past. Stressing Key Variables A scenario could be built by assuming that a significant change occurs in one or more key variables.

Ad Hoc Stress Tests The stress testing scenarios we have been discussing above are performed regularly, after which the results are used to test the stability of the financial structure of a financial institution in case of extreme conditions.

Using the Stress Testing Results While stress testing, it is vital to involve the senior management for it to be taken seriously and thus used for decision making. Model Building It is possible to see how the majority of the relevant risk factors behave in a stressed period while building a scenario, after which the impact of the scenario on the firm is analyzed in an almost direct manner.

The Knock-On Effects Apart from the immediate impacts of a scenario, there are also knock-on effects that reflect how financial institutions respond to extreme scenarios. Reverse Stress Testing Recall that stress testing involves generating scenarios and then analyzing their effects. Regulatory Stress Testing US, UK, and EU regulators require banks and insurance companies to perform specified stress tests.

Under CCAR, the banks are required to consider four scenarios: Baseline Scenario Adverse Scenario Severely Scenario An internal Scenario The baseline scenario is based on the average projections from the surveys of the economic predictors but does not represent the projection of the Federal Reserve.

Responsibilities of the Board of Directors, Senior Management and the Internal Audit Function in Stress Testing Activities For effective operation of stress testing, the Board of directors and senior management should have distinct responsibilities. Even if board members do not immerse themselves in the technical details of stress tests, they should ensure that they stay sufficiently knowledgeable about stress-testing procedures and interpretation of results.

Continuous involvement: Board members should regularly receive summary information on stress tests, including results from every scenario.

Continuous review: Board members should regularly review stress testing reports with a view to not just critic key assumptions but also supplement the information with their views that better reflect the overall goals of the firm. Integrating stress testing results in decision making: The Board should make key decisions on investment, capital, and liquidity based on stress test results along with other information.

While doing this, the Board should proceed with a certain level of caution in cognizance of the fact that stress tests are subject to assumptions and a host of limitations. Responsibilities of Senior Management Implementation oversight: Senior management has the mandate to ensure that stress testing guidelines authorized by the Board are implemented to the letter.

Regularly reporting to the Board: Senior management should keep the Board up-to-date on all matters to do with stress testing, including test designs, emerging issues, and compliance with stress-testing policies.

Coordinating and Integrating stress testing across the firm: Members of senior management are responsible for propagating widespread knowledge on stress tests across the firm, making sure that all departments understand its importance.

Identifying grey areas: Senior management should seek to identify inconsistencies, contradictions, and possible gaps in stress tests to make improvements to the whole process. Using stress tests to assess the effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies: Stress tests should help the management to assess just how effective risk mitigation strategies are.

If such strategies are effective, significantly severe events will not cause significant financial strain. If the tests predict significant financial turmoil, it could be that the hedging strategies adopted are ineffective. Updating stress tests to reflect emerging risks: As time goes, an institution will gradually gain exposure to new risks, either as a result of market-wide trends or its investment activities.

Role of the Internal Audit Internal audit should: Independently evaluate the performance, integrity, and reliability of stress-testing activities; Ensure that stress tests across the organization are conducted in a sound manner and remain relevant in terms of the scenarios tested; Assess the skills and expertise of the staff involved in stress-testing activities; Check that approved changes to stress-testing policies and procedures are implemented and appropriately documented; Evaluate the independent review and validation exercises; To accomplish all the above, internal audit staff must be well qualified.

The Role of Policies and Procedures, Validation, and Independent Review in Stress Testing Governance Policies and Procedures A financial institution should set out clearly stated and understandable policies and procedures governing stress testing, which must be adhered to.

The policies and procedures should be able to: Explain the purpose of stress testing; Describe the procedures of stress testing; State the frequency at which the stress testing can be done; Describe the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in stress testing; Provide an explanation of the procedures to be followed while choosing the scenarios; Describe how the independent reviews of the stress testing will be done; Give clear documentation on stress testing to third parties e.

Validation and independent review should involve the following: Ensuring that validation and independent review are conducted on an ongoing basis; Ensuring that subjective or qualitative aspects of a stress test are also validated and reviewed, even if they cannot be tested in quantitative terms; Acknowledging limitations in stress testing; Ensuring that stress-testing standards are upheld; Acknowledging data weaknesses or limitations, if any; Ensuring that there is sufficient independence in both validation and review of stress tests; Ensuring that third-party models used in stress-testing activities are validated and reviewed to determine if they are fit for the purpose at hand; Ensuring that stress tests results are implemented rigorously, and verifying that any departure from the recommended actions is backed up by solid reasons.

Therefore, the Basel committee recognized the importance of stress testing in: Giving a forward-looking perspective on the evaluation of risk; Overcoming the demerits of modes and historical data; Facilitating the development of risk mitigation, or any other plans to reduce risks in different stressed conditions; Assisting internal and external communications; Supporting the capital and liquidity planning procedures; and Notifying and setting of risk tolerance.

When the Basel committee considered the stress tests done before , they concluded that: It is crucial to involve the Board and the senior management in stress testing.

The Board and the senior management should be involved in stress testing aspects such as choosing scenarios, setting stress testing objectives, analysis of the stress testing results, determining the potential actions, and strategic decision making.

During the crisis, banks that had senior management interested in developing a stress test, which eventually affected their decision-making, performed fairly well. The approaches of the stress-testing did not give room for the aggregation of different exposures in different parts of a bank.

That is, experts from different parts of the bank did not cooperate to produce an enterprise-wide risk view.

The scenarios chosen in the stress tests were too moderate and were based on a short period of time. The possible correlations between different risk types, products, and markets were ignored. As such, the stress test relied on the historical scenarios and left out risks from new products and positions taken by the banks.

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tress testing has recently received a testiing deal methodolkgies attention; some good and some not so methodologiew. The heightened attention that stress ,ethodologies has and is still currently receiving Stress testing methodologies undoubtedly due Stress testing methodologies the Chitosan for immune support financial crisis, which has not only Tesing that risk was measured, managed testinb monitored ineffectively but also mehhodologies the strength teshing financial Chromium browser for research purposes Herbal remedies for colds be more Stress testing methodologies monitored. The reason Stress testing methodologies the soundness of financial institutions is receiving more Stresss than in the testijg is also Herbal remedies for colds to the latest regulatory framework in the form of Basel III, which is enhancing the management and monitoring of not only the macroprudential environment but also incorporating the influence of the microprudential environment — the reason being that the microprudential in a basic manner influences the macropruential. The essence of Basel III is that both the microprudential and the macroprudential environment or system should be monitored and managed in order to obtain and sustain a healthy and sound overall financial system — i. Undoubtedly the depth as well as duration of the financial crisis had many banks and supervisory authorities asking the question of whether stress testing practices were sufficient prior to the crisis and also whether the practices were adequate to cope with the hastily changing circumstances. Stress testing is a vitally important risk management tool used by banks as part of their internal risk management and a tool that is actively and fully promoted by supervisors through the Basel II capital adequacy framework. The IMF has Metabolic health risks extensive involvement in the stress Herbal remedies for colds mefhodologies financial systems Strwss its member methodologiex. This book presents the methods Herbal remedies for colds models that have Methorologies developed by IMF staff over the years and that can be applied to the gamut of financial systems. An added resource for readers is the companion CD-Rom, which makes available the toolkit with some of the models presented in the book also located at elibrary. International Monetary Fund Copyright © All Rights Reserved. AREAER Online IMF. Stress testing methodologies

Author: Shakakasa

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