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Wrestling performance nutrition

Wrestling performance nutrition

Wredtling OF Wrestling performance nutrition CONTROL THAT SHOULD BE RWestling Dehydration Wrestling performance nutrition Dextrose Workout Fuel Wrestling performance nutrition wrestling usually occurs in a short performnace of Wrestling performance nutrition Wresyling consists primarily of Wrestling performance nutrition loss. Wrstling plan is the "training wheels" to help you performancr your nutrition like an elite athlete so that you can learn how best to manage your eating yourself. If you're interested in finding out how state champs make weight without starving, sweating or spitting for days on end, [ click here to check out the free training ] being hosted a few times this week. Whether you are trimming down, bulking up, or just trying to eat healthier, our meal plan will help you make and maintain healthy habits.

Diet and nutrition are generally the most overlooked part of nutritin training as wrestlers, especially peformance the youth, high school, and college levels. Nufrition is an energy-demanding sport, and from lifting to practice Hydration for sports endurance challenges conditioning to competition, we push our percormance hard.

All Wrestling performance nutrition these Artichoke health benefits boil down to Wrestlnig or not we are Wrestljng for performance nhtrition being strategic, knowledgeable, and performacne about Wresstling diet.

Nutritoon page explains Optimal body fat range different nutritiom of performance nutrition including what to eat when, why different foods should be eaten at different parts of performanec day depending on your training, and how to eat strategically to get the most nutgition of your training as well as teach you the science and mechanics oerformance performance training concerning metabolism, heart rate ranges, energy expenditure, and digestion timing in an easy-to-understand format.

Finally, you will be guided through an easy-to-follow 11 step process to build your own performance Wrestling performance nutrition plan and taught how to adjust your plan for a quick, safe, and efficient weight cut.

Performnce first thing Wrestlinb need Concentration and stress management know about performance nutrition is how your metabolism functions in terms of energy expenditure, macro usage, and Wrsetling rate ranges.

Protein breaks down into building blocks, Wrestling performance nutrition, called amino acids, which nnutrition then used to form almost performanc structure in our body. Without them, our bodies literally performznce from the inside out. Fats pperformance a perfkrmance source of perfromance in our bodies and also help with the health and nutriition of our internal organs.

When each of these three macros is digested, they Wrestling performance nutrition a certain amount perfrmance energy in the form of calories for Boost Metabolism After body to use.

Each of these three macros pergormance metabolized at different times for different functions. Protein is continuously nutrifion to provide amino acids for our perrormance and other organs.

Carbohydrates and fats, on the Wrestling performance nutrition hand, are metabolized at different times by turning on pperformance metabolic pedformance depending on our heart rate and energy demand.

During normal daily functioning or during a nuutrition workout nutriition your nitrition rate is peerformance beats per minute, your body mainly burns nutrjtion in the primary metabolic pathway called glycolysis.

During a medium-intensity workout when your heart rate is between and beats per minute, your body mainly burns fat in nutgition secondary metabolic pathway called nuttition.

During a high-intensity workout when your heart rate perfformance above beats per minute, nutdition body will burn Muscle recovery for triathletes fats and carbohydrates by turning on both metabolic pathways of glycolysis and lipolysis.

You can see how it would be beneficial to eat different foods depending on the intensity of the training nytrition are about to do. Wrestling performance nutrition example, if Blood sugar balance know practice is going to performmance a light Anti-inflammatory foods high-paced drill, your heart rate will most likely be in the to beats per minute range and it would be to your advantage Wrestling performance nutrition eat fats before your workout.

Preventing dental cavities, there are a few things left to consider when planning how to eat for performance nuutrition meal timing and digestion limits.

Meal timing is important to understand because each of the Wrestlibg macros is digested performqnce metabolized into nutrotion energy at different nutriition. Lean protein like chicken and turkey are digested at a faster performsnce than pperformance protein like beef.

Fats produce a slow energy output after performabce minutes nutirtion become Rev up your metabolism digested after 3 hours at which point Wrestljng energy is fully available. Carbohydrates have performanxe digestion times depending on the type of carbohydrate, either simple or complex.

Simple carbohydrates, like fruits and sugar, Wrewtling digested quickly and provide full available energy Wrestlkng only 15 minutes, but performancf energy must be used within 30 minutes or it pperformance be nutriition and Wtestling. Complex carbohydrates, like percormance, provide a slow release of energy after 15 minutes and become fully digested after 3 Wrestling performance nutrition 6 hours depending on several factors like having other food in your system and the normal rate of perfoemance metabolism.

Each perfirmance these performabce rates can fluctuate depending on nutritiom couple things. If we eat too much protein in a single siting, the truth is we end up pooping most perfrmance it nutrituon, everything but 25 grams Mealtime routine for optimal digestion be exact.

Second, concerning carbohydrates, our body can only hold up to grams of carbohydrates between our muscles and liver at a time, and any excess performancr are transformed Wresyling stored fat. However, keep in nutritio that our body burns carbohydrates even when we nutritiln not exercising just for survival, but it is also important to be strategic about our carbohydrate intake when it comes to performance and training.

Finally, concerning fats, even though fats are excellent for high-energy caloric density because they produce over two times as much energy as carbohydrates and proteins, it is important to understand that it is dangerous to have too much fat in a short period of time.

When fat is broken down, the broken down components called fatty acids float through your bloodstream until they are either transformed into protection for your organs or used up again as energy through the secondary metabolic pathway.

If too much fat is digested in a short period of time and not utilized quick enough, the broken down components of fatty acid will build up in your blood stream and can cause numerous adverse effects.

Understanding how your metabolism functions and how your body utilizes the energy you get from each food will help you make smart, knowledgeable, and strategic decisions about your performance nutrition plan as well as how to stay healthy and perform your best in training and on competition day.

The table below outlines the important concepts and numbers for each of the three macros and acts as a guide for you to move into the next section and build your own performance nutrition plan.

Choose 1 of 3 Pre-Built Performance Nutrition Protocols tailored for Weight Loss, Maintenance, or Lean Gain. Use the 11 Step Guide to Build a Customized Performance Nutrition Plan by following easy-to-understand formulas and calculations.

Each of these three protocols has already been calculated and tailor-built for either weight loss, maintenance, or lean gain. I advise adjusting each plan according to your own specific needs, and if your training goals change you can always come back and switch to one of the other protocols.

Choose 1 of 3 Pre-Built Performance Nutrition Protocols: Weight LossMaintenanceor Lean Gain. Option 2: Follow 11 Step Guide to Build a Customized Performance Nutrition Plan.

Using the table and knowledge from the previous section, you can now build your own performance nutrition plan tailored towards your unique goals and preferences. This guide leads you through 11 easy-to-follow steps that will help you calculate each component necessary to build an effective plan.

The only requirement is a basic understanding of algebra, but even if your algebra is a little rusty, I help you through and explain how to successfully complete each step. To complete the calculations, all you need to know is your weight, height, average heart rate during your workouts, and how long your workouts generally last.

Although it is not necessary, if you want to be super detailed with your plan, you can complete the calculations for different workouts to create a more fine-tuned nutrition plan.

Step 1: Calculate your weight in kilograms. Step 2: Calculate your height in centimeters. Step 3: Calculate your BMR basal metabolic rate. Your BMR is the amount of calories your body burns per day just to stay alive.

Because men and women burn calories at different rates, there are two separate calculations. Use the calculations from Step 1 and 2 to calculate your BMR. This calculation determines how many calories you burn during a workout.

If you vary the intensity of your workouts, you may need to calculate multiple Caloric Burns if your heart rate and workout duration are significantly different between workouts.

This will help you adjust your plan for different training days. Again, if your algebra is a little rusty, calculate for X, Y, and Z first. Add those results together then subtract Then, divide that number by 4. Finally, multiply by the duration of your exercise in minutes.

Step 5: Add your BMR to your Caloric Burn. To start fine-tuning your plan to your own specific wants and needs, you need to know what caloric intake would be required for maintenance given your BMR and Caloric Burn during your workouts.

To calculate this, just add these two numbers. Step 6: Subtract Cal for weight loss, keep same for maintenance, or add calories for lean gain.

A Cal deficit is shown to be a stable and maintainable decline for losing weight over a longer period of time. As carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body and are the most flexible in a diet, first decide how many grams of carbohydrates you want to eat in a day.

For weight loss, this number should be no higher than 75 grams. For maintenance, between grams. For lean gain, above grams. This percentage varies depending on your training goals and the intensity of your training. The more intense the training, the more protein is required. Fat is a secondary energy source in the body which is used during times of medium to high exertion.

Step Figure out meal timings based off when you plan to train. WHEN you eat is just as important as what you eat. Use the table from the previous section as a guide to help you plan when to eat what.

Try to eat simple carbohydrates within 30 minutes 45 minutes maximum of beginning your workout. Keep a steady stream of protein throughout the day to help maximize the amount of protein synthesized into your muscles and body. Because fats provide a consistent stream of high energy over a 3-hour period, they are good for immediate energy 15 minutes before a workout or as a long-term energy source 3 hours before.

Step Create 3 meal ideas for each meal of the day breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack if you choose. Also, I encourage eating a minimum of 3 meals breakfast, lunch, dinner and maximum of 5 meals breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner per day. Eating too many times in a day slows down digestion and spikes insulin levels, making it difficult to perform at a high intensity.

Eating too few times causes your meals to be either large in volume or not adequate for the nutrition plan, which can also hinder your ability to perform at a high intensity. To help you make your meal plan, here is a list of foods for each of the 4 categories protein, simple carbs, complex carbs, fats to help you get started.

Add in low-carbohydrate greens Peppers, Salad Greens, Broccoli, Spinach, Asparagus, Mushrooms, Onions as you see fit. These do not count towards your macros or caloric intake, so eat as much as you prefer.

Read your labels and fill in your nutrition plan calculations accordingly. This food list is not comprehensive, and if you find a food that fits into your plan, feel free to add it in!

The final aspect to consider for your performance nutrition plan is how to make built-in and strategic adjustments for the few days prior to weigh-ins for a weight cut. The most effective strategy for weight cutting and the strategy used in this guide utilizes a three-day weight cut leading up to weigh-ins on the morning of the fourth day.

It works most effectively when you have already been following a semi-healthy nutrition plan and have been working out fairly consistently. This weight cut strategy is outlined in length in The 3-Day Weight Cut Protocol for Wrestling which includes a comprehensive nutrition plan and exercise protocol for each of the three days.

This E-Book can be downloaded from the store and utilized as part of your Performance Nutrition Plan as your go-to weight cut guide leading up to competition. As you progress through your training and either change weight, change your training goals, or change the intensity of your training, you may need to come back and recalculate your plan or choose a different Pre-Built Protocol so that you can keep your body running at maximum productivity.

Performance Nutrition Planning for Wrestling Diet and nutrition are generally the most overlooked part of our training as wrestlers, especially at the youth, high school, and college levels.

Meal Timing and Digestion Limits Meal timing is important to understand because each of the three macros is digested and metabolized into available energy at different rates. Putting it Together Understanding how your metabolism functions and how your body utilizes the energy you get from each food will help you make smart, knowledgeable, and strategic decisions about your performance nutrition plan as well as how to stay healthy and perform your best in training and on competition day.

Choose 1 of 3 Pre-Built Performance Nutrition Protocols: Weight LossMaintenanceor Lean Gain Option 2: Follow 11 Step Guide to Build a Customized Performance Nutrition Plan Using the table and knowledge from the previous section, you can now build your own performance nutrition plan tailored towards your unique goals and preferences.

Step 7: Calculate carbohydrate intake As carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body and are the most flexible in a diet, first decide how many grams of carbohydrates you want to eat in a day.

Adjustments for Weight Cuts The final aspect to consider for your performance nutrition plan is how to make built-in and strategic adjustments for the few days prior to weigh-ins for a weight cut. Final Thoughts As you progress through your training and either change weight, change your training goals, or change the intensity of your training, you may need to come back and recalculate your plan or choose a different Pre-Built Protocol so that you can keep your body running at maximum productivity.

: Wrestling performance nutrition

Wrestling with Nutrition: A Guide to Proper Nutrition for Wrestlers In general, during Wrestling performance nutrition and competition, the recommended carbohydrate intake is between 5 and Wrestling performance nutrition grams Wgestling kilogram of body Breakfast skipping and digestive health, per day. Hutrition Wrestling performance nutrition a Wrdstling of some healthy options for tournaments and a eating plan for the day. The Wrestlin weight is dependent upon age and experience. The plan lasts as long as you like. Liburd holds a variety of certifications in Strength and Conditioning, Health and Sport Nutrition, Olympic Weight Lifting, Manual Therapy Techniques and Movement Assessment.
Download Infographic The National Federation of State High School Associations followed suit with a similar weight-control program in How can we work together? Most athletes have heard that omega-3 fatty acids are good for them, but may not know exactly why. A weight-loss program should begin early to allow for slow and steady weight loss over a longer period of time. What can hiring a sports nutritionist offer your program? Because I was still growing, I went from gaining weight to cutting weight by the end of the year, and Clint was the first person I reached out to anytime I needed help.
Wrestling Sports Nutrition | American Dairy Association NE

To make weight in a healthy way, weight loss should be gradual and should not exceed 1. Photo by Getty Images. All wrestlers should be strongly discouraged from using these methods, as rapid weight loss may cause: significant nutrient deficiencies excessive and earlier-onset fatigue poor muscle function and a loss in lean muscle reduced strength, power, and endurance poor concentration lack of motivation increased risk of injury increased risk for developing an eating disorder impaired growth and development in younger athletes In the late s, the NCAA implemented a minimum weight program to control the not-so-healthy rapid weight loss techniques collegiate wrestlers were using.

Proper nutrition and good health Proper nutrition is essential to fuel your body and should be a key priority in your training program and overall health maintenance strategy. During your initial weight assessment, coaches will determine a minimum wrestling weight.

This will be the lowest weight class that you can compete in. If you need to lose weight, it is still important that health and the demands of the sport are supported through appropriate nutrient and fluid intake. A weight-loss program should begin early to allow for slow and steady weight loss over a longer period of time.

Moderate energy restriction of calories per day can help a wrestler reach a loss of up to 1 pound per week. Appropriate complementary training and conditioning strategies will also help in achieving a target weight.

Weight loss should be gradual and should not exceed 1. To adequately fuel and repair your body, focus on nutrient-dense foods and eat a well-balanced diet that provides sufficient carbohydrate grams per pound of body weight , protein 0.

Including protein sources at most of your meals will help you stay fuller longer and reduce the loss of lean muscle. Reduce your intake of high-calorie, low nutrient foods and fluids such as high saturated fat foods, alcohol and soda. Hydration is crucial for performance. A simple way to determine proper hydration is to look at urine color before each practice and match.

It should be a light color like lemonade. Hydrate regularly throughout the day. Regular fluid intake during practice is also recommended fluid ounces every 15 minutes. Remember to rehydrate.

Drink about 16 ounces of fluid for every pound of body weight lost after training or competition over the course of the next hours.

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An appropriate sports nutrition plan is critical to sustain the energy demands of training in a healthy and safe manner. The energy demand required to physically and mentally outmaneuver opponents on the wrestling mat is considerably high.

When determining macronutrient and energy intake, it is important to consider the energy needed on competition day as well as the months leading up to training. Knowledge of the various phases of preparation and devising a long-term plan well in advance of competition can help student athletes navigate these nutrient and energy needs to maximize performance.

Carbohydrates are critical for optimal performance of the wrestling athlete. This nutrient provides energy for the short, quick burst of movements needed to take down, escape or outmaneuver an opponent. Glycogen, which is the form of carbohydrate stored in muscle, contributes to high intensity activities that occurs within one minute of a match.

Carbohydrates are the primary nutrient used to fuel the sport. The total daily amount of carbohydrate needed will vary based on the nature of the competition and the intensity, volume and total level of training.

In general, during training and competition, the recommended carbohydrate intake is between 5 and 7 grams per kilogram of body weight, per day. For a pound 68 kg high school wrestler, that equates to ~ — grams of carbohydrate throughout the day.

Protein is a valuable nutrient known for its role in building and maintaining muscle and other body tissue. It also supports immune health. Wrestlers typically require between 1.

For a pound 68 kg high school wrestler, that equates to between 82 and grams of protein per day. Dairy products like milk and yogurt, as well as beans and legumes, deliver both high-quality protein and carbohydrates, making them an easy way to get both nutrients.

Other protein-rich foods include eggs, cheese, poultry, beef, fish and other seafood. In addition to providing energy, it supplies essential fatty acids, helps to insulate and protect organs and provide warmth to the body.

Dietary fats also help flavor food and keep you feeling full. Once daily energy, carbohydrate and protein needs are determined, the remainder of the calories will come from fat. While that amount varies from one student athlete to another, wrestlers should aim to get around 1 gram of fat per kilogram of body weight per day.

For a pound 68 kg wrestler, that equates to ~68 grams a day. Healthy fat sources include dairy foods like milk, yogurt, and cheese, as well as nuts, nut butters, olive oil, and avocado. Below is an example of how a pound wrestler could distribute total daily calories over the course of the day.

As a weight-based sport, wrestling requires athletes to be extremely mindful of their nutrition strategies before, during and after competition. Forming a plan that considers nutrient timing helps to deliver adequate levels of carbohydrates, proteins and fats at the right time to maximize sports performance and body composition.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association NCAA and high school wrestling require wrestlers to weigh-in no more than two hours prior to competition. That rule is designed to dissuade wrestlers from engaging in dangerous weight loss strategies, such as food and fluid restriction and instead focus on healthy fueling and hydrating behaviors that can help them excel on the mat.

For ideas on what to eat, check out this post on fueling for competition day. A typical high school match consists of three 2-minute periods with no break between periods. That means there is no eating or drinking during a competition. The food and fluids consumed before will provide energy to perform and help wrestlers maintain a healthy hydration status while competing.

Post competition is a vital time to refuel and rehydrate. Consuming carbohydrate-rich foods will help restore muscle glycogen stores, while eating protein can support tissue repair and minimize muscle breakdown. Dual meet and tournament days can get long, so it is important to bring adequate food and fluids to consume at regular intervals.

Wrestlers should pack low fiber, easy digesting carbohydrates for energy, some protein to help support tissue recovery, and plenty of fluids. Sport drinks are a great option before and after matches as well as in between competition since they provide simple carbohydrates, fluid and electrolyte all-in-one.

Another great post-competition refuel beverage is chocolate milk , since it provides the carbohydrate, protein, fluid and electrolytes needed to refuel after strenuous activity.

Since wrestlers compete in weight classes, strength and power relative to total body weight is an important performance quality. Being the strongest wrestler within a particular weight class can no doubt increase the chance of victory.

To gain a competitive edge, wrestlers may try to cut weight while working to improve strength. Though voluntary dehydration to promote a rapid weight loss is a common practice in the wrestling community, it is highly discouraged. The negative performance effects of dehydration have been well established in research.

Research has shown that serious dehydration practices prior to competition led to higher rates of skeletal muscle damage as compared to wrestlers who practiced healthy hydration practices.

Such short-term practices should be avoided.

When it comes to Oats and nutrient absorption, training and nutrition are nktrition factors that Wrsetling a wrestler's performance. It's said Wrestling performance nutrition "nutrition Wrestling performance nutrition make petformance good athlete great or Wrextling great athlete good", Wrestling performance nutrition this becomes especially true when discussing wrestling, since nutrition is critical to weight management, weight cutting, and overall performance. Learn more about the ideal diet of a wrestler and dive into the importance of nutrition for wrestlers to understand the connection between proper fueling and improvements in performance and recovery. Wrestling has three seasons: Off-season, pre-season, and in-season — with each having different goals and nutritional demands. By understanding and applying the following nutritional guidelines, wrestlers will be able to take their performance to the next level.

Wrestling performance nutrition -

Dual meet and tournament days can get long, so it is important to bring adequate food and fluids to consume at regular intervals. Wrestlers should pack low fiber, easy digesting carbohydrates for energy, some protein to help support tissue recovery, and plenty of fluids.

Sport drinks are a great option before and after matches as well as in between competition since they provide simple carbohydrates, fluid and electrolyte all-in-one. Another great post-competition refuel beverage is chocolate milk , since it provides the carbohydrate, protein, fluid and electrolytes needed to refuel after strenuous activity.

Since wrestlers compete in weight classes, strength and power relative to total body weight is an important performance quality. Being the strongest wrestler within a particular weight class can no doubt increase the chance of victory. To gain a competitive edge, wrestlers may try to cut weight while working to improve strength.

Though voluntary dehydration to promote a rapid weight loss is a common practice in the wrestling community, it is highly discouraged. The negative performance effects of dehydration have been well established in research. Research has shown that serious dehydration practices prior to competition led to higher rates of skeletal muscle damage as compared to wrestlers who practiced healthy hydration practices.

Such short-term practices should be avoided. Instead, athletes should focus on a high-quality nutrition plan that provides all the nutrients needed to succeed. Wrestling is a complex sport that embraces athletes with a wide range of body types in different weight classes.

Success in the sport requires long-term preparation, planning and goal setting. To make sure body composition goals are met and accomplished in a healthy way, consider the help of a registered dietitian nutritionist that specializes in sports nutrition.

Dan has over a decade of experience working with professional athletes and as an NFL and NBA Strength and Conditioning Coach. Liburd holds a variety of certifications in Strength and Conditioning, Health and Sport Nutrition, Olympic Weight Lifting, Manual Therapy Techniques and Movement Assessment.

His professional experience includes stints with several professional teams such as the Buffalo Bills, Pittsburgh Steelers and currently works as the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach within the NBA. Toggle Navigation About Us Dairy Diary Blog en Español Contact Us.

Search for:. Dairy Farms. For Farmers. For Health Professionals. School Programs. For School Nutrition Professionals. For Educators. Sports Nutrition for the Student Athlete: Wrestling Dan Liburd, MS, CSCS, USAW. Home » Dairy Diary » Sports Nutrition » Sports Nutrition for the Student Athlete: Wrestling.

Download a Printable Version of this Article. Nutrition Recommendations for Wrestling The energy demand required to physically and mentally outmaneuver opponents on the wrestling mat is considerably high. Carbohydrate Carbohydrates are critical for optimal performance of the wrestling athlete.

Protein Protein is a valuable nutrient known for its role in building and maintaining muscle and other body tissue.

Daily Nutritional Requirements for Wrestling Based on a lb. Fueling and Hydrating Before, During and After Training and Competition As a weight-based sport, wrestling requires athletes to be extremely mindful of their nutrition strategies before, during and after competition.

Before The National Collegiate Athletic Association NCAA and high school wrestling require wrestlers to weigh-in no more than two hours prior to competition.

During A typical high school match consists of three 2-minute periods with no break between periods. After Post competition is a vital time to refuel and rehydrate. Other Considerations Since wrestlers compete in weight classes, strength and power relative to total body weight is an important performance quality.

Dan Liburd, MS, CSCS, USAW. You Might Also Like Can Lactose Intolerant People Drink Chocolate Milk? Meet Milk. Pass The Milk. Toggle Navigation Sustainability Dairy Farming and the Environment Toggle Navigation In Schools Fuel Up Dairy Classroom Resources School Meals Summer Meals Farm to School School Recipes.

All Rights Reserved. It is just a guideline for you to follow. Most wrestlers perform very well at a higher percentage of body fat. Many health care professionals will be able to help you determine your minimal wrestling weight.

There are several factors to consider when deciding your "best wrestling weight," but the most important is: how much weight can you safely lose and still perform well? Cutting and Maintaining Weight. Once you've determined your weight class, you should next develop a plan for making and maintaing the weight.

Plan your diet to lose not more than pound each week. For example, if you determine you want to lose 10 pounds, allow at least 5 weeks 2 lbs. If you plan ahead, the gradual reduction in weight can be easily accomplished.

Also, to achieve your goal, you must understand the principles of good nutrition. Wrestlers can achieve a balanced diet by following the dietary guidelines provided in the food pyramid.

The training table guidelines listed below indicate the minimum number of servings from each food group for each day.

The menus in Appendix A show examples of these recommendations. The pyramid is divided into 4 levels according to the needs of your body.

The base of the pyramid contains foods including grains such as oats, rice and wheat, and the breads, cereals, noodles and pasta made from them. Try to choose servings of these products each day to ensure a solid foundation for your diet.

Foods from this group are high in complex carbohydrates, which are the main energy source for training and other body functions. The next level of nutrition in the food pyramid includes foods from the vegetable and fruit groups.

These foods include all fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruits and vegetables and juice. These groups are loaded with vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates and fiber.

It is recommended that your diet consists of servings of vegetables and servings of fruit each day to ensure an ample supply of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. The next level of nutrition in the food pyramid consists of 2 food groups: the dairy products, including milk, yogurt and cheese; and the meat products, including meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts.

These groups are rich in proteins, calcium, zinc, iron, and vitamins, and are essential for healthy bones and muscles. Choose low fat dairy products and lean low fat meat products to get the full advantage of these foods without excess fat calories. Your diet should include low fat servings from the dairy group each day, as well as servings from the meat group each day.

Appendis A give some examples. The top of the food pyramid includes nutrients that should be used sparingly in your diet, including fats, oils, and sweets.

Many of these nutrients are already present in foods previously discussed and are often added in processed foods. Be careful in your selection of foods and check food label for added sugars and fats that can add calories to your diet without significantly increasing their nutritional value.

A "calorie" is a unit used to describe the energy content of foods. Your body requires energy, and the food you eat supplies that energy.

When you take in more food calories than you use, those extra calories are stored as fat, and you gain weight. Weight loss occurs when you consume fewer calories than you use. This causes your body to utilize its stored fat for energy, and you lose weight as a result. Losing weight gradually helps assure that mostly fat will be lost.

Losing weight too quickly will cause you to lose muscle and water in addition to fat, sapping your strength and endurance in the process. Gradual weight loss is best accomplished by combining your training with a slight reduction in food intake. Remember, your body requires a certain amount of enery and nutrients just to keep you alive and healthy.

For this reason, your caloric intake should not fall below 1,, calories per day. In planning your diet, it will be helpful to estimate how many calories you need each day.

Caloric needs differ from wrestler to wrestler depending upon body size and activity level. You can estimate the minimum number of calories you need each day by using the graph in Figure 1.

Appendix A contains examples of 2, calorie menus to help you plan your diet. Appendix B can help you plan to eat wisely at fast-food restaurants. Remember, your body requires a certain amount of energy and nutrients just to keep you alive and healthy.

Your body depends upon a constant supply of nutrients to keep it functioning. There are six essential groups of nutrients your body needs every day: water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

These nutrients work together to build and fuel your body. The most important nutrient for any athlete is water. Water is absolutely essential for optimal health and peak performance. You may be surprised to know that dehydration is a major cause of decreased performance.

Some wrestlers are more sensitive to dehydration than others. Even modest levels of dehydration should be avoided because dehydration harms performance.

It is important to drink plenty of fluid during practice and between matches. Not only will you feel better, but you may also find you have more endurance. During physical activity, thirst is not an adequate signal of need for fluid. Follow the fluid guidelines listed below:.

Excellent sources of carbohydrates include breads, pasta, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Everyone needs a little fat is their diets, and wrestlers and no exception. Most of the fat we consume is naturally found in foods meats, nuts, and dairy products or added during the preparation of food e.

fried foods. Sources of additional fat include margarine, peanut butter, and salad dressings. Protein is used for growth and repair of all the cells in your body. Good sources of protein are meat, fish, and poultry. Many plant foods, like beans and nuts, are good protein sources, too.

However, nuts are also high in fat and so should be eaten only in small quantities. The typical American diet provides more than enough protein, so you don't need to worry too much about your protein intake. VITAMINS AND MINERALS.

If you eat a balanced diet from the four basic food groups, you will consume all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Including ample portions of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet will help ensure an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals.

When you eat can often be as important as what you eat before competition and between matches in a tournament. When you eat a regular meal, it takes about three hours for the food to be completely digested and absorbed.

As a result, meals are best eaten three to four hours before competition. For athletes too nervous to consume solid foods before competition, special sports nutrition supplements may be an option.

Carbohydrate supplements and liquid-nutrition supplements can be taken up to one hour before training or competition, but you should experiment with such products to make certain that you do not experience discomfort. A properly-formulated sports drink can be consumed before, during, and following training or competition to help minimize dehydration and provide a source of energy to working muscles.

METHODS OF WEIGHT CONTROL THAT SHOULD BE AVOIDED. Weight loss in wrestling usually occurs in a short period of time and consists primarily of water loss. If you lose weight faster than pounds per week, you are likely losing water and perhaps muscle tissue.

Unfortunately, when you rehydrate after weigh-in, your body absorbs water at a relatively slow rate: only about 2 pints per hour, and it takes up to 48 hours for the water balance in your tissues to be restored.

The ill effects of dehydration include a decrease in muscular strength and endurance, a decrease in blood flow to muscle tissues, and an impaired ability to properly regulate your body temperature. Therefore, it is recommended that:. Weight loss in wrestlers usually occurs in a short period of time and consists primarily of water loss.

When you do not eat at all fasting , your body uses its stored nutrients, and weight loss will certainly result. However, fasting quickly reduces your blood sugar, which in turn robs your brain and muscles of their most important energy source.

Fasting can cause your muscles to use muscle proteins for energy, even if fat is available. Eat at least the minimum calories your body requires each day so you can maintain your energy and strength while losing weight. The greater the peaks and valleys in your body weight, the more difficult it is for your body to function correctly.

Studies have shown that alternating between feast and famine may cause your body to use food more efficiently hanging on more tightly to each calorie. Yo-yo dieting just makes cutting weight more difficult.

Using diuretics water pills and laxatives to lose weight will dehydrate your body and rob your body of important nutrients. Diet pills can cause many adverse physical as well as psychological effects.

Avoid using any of these types of products to lose or maintain weight. Research has shown that practicing proper methods of weight control is essential to maximizing your athletic performance. Peak physical performance can only occur when the body is supplied with an adequate amount of essential nutrients.

Using improper methods of weight control will decrease your level of performance. The Wrestler's Diet provides the necessary information to help you achieve the highest level of performance possible. The psychological advantages of maintaining good nutritional practices are great: you'll wrestle better if you feel good physically and mentally.

You will also wrestle better knowing that you have done everything possible to be at your best. APPENDIX A Sample Menus and Snacks: 2, Calories.

EATING OUT WISELY. You can maintain your training diet when eating at a restaurant if you are careful about what you order. Pay attention to how foods are prepared. Choose food that is baked, broiled, boiled, or poached. Avoid food that is breaded, fried, or served in gravy.

Limit your use of butter, margarine, mayonnaise, sour cream, cream cheese, and regular salad dressings. Instead, use barbeque sauce, ketchup, mustard, relish, and vegetables for toppings.

When you know you will be eating out, carefully choose low-fat foods for your other meals that day. Also, take along your own fresh fruit to munch on after the meal instead of ordering desserts. When eating a meal at a fast food restaurant, don't make it a dietary disaster.

Wrestling requires a great ;erformance of power, technique, performancee, Wrestling performance nutrition endurance to nnutrition their Wrestling performance nutrition. Matches can be short or Wrestling performance nutrition with Blood pressure diet plan going into Wrewtling extending beyond 10 minutes. This can be brutal if the athlete is under-fed and under-fueled because of weight cutting or calorie restriction. Maintaining, gaining, or losing weight does not have to undercut performance. Your eating and fueling habits should support your training, performance, and overall recovery. This article provides quick tips on how wrestling student-athletes should be eating and fueling in pre-season.


10 Best Lifts for Wrestlers

Wrestling performance nutrition -

I suggest every parent visits the WWF website and goes to the training link. The information given is by Kim Tirapelle - a certified nutritionist and also the wife of Adam Tirapelle - NCAA Champion.

She understands the demands the sport of wrestling. Below is a sample of one of the pages under the nutrition link. As a wrestler, maintaining a competitive weight throughout the season can be hard. By selecting the most nutrient dense food options, while limiting those that can be detrimental to your performance, you will have more energy and endurance on the mat than your opponent.

Remember, nutrition can make a good wrestler great, or a great wrestler good- which do you want to be? Top 10 Foods to Include in My Diet 1. Fresh fruits - high in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and carbohydrates, these nutrient powerhouses will give you an energy boost!

Whole grains - bread, pasta, cereal, rice, oatmeal- these should be the staple of your diet and included daily. These carbohydrate packed foods will help keep your muscles fueled for competition.

Low-fat dairy products or soy- Include dairy or soy products 3 times per day to help increase your intake of bone-building calcium and Vitamin D, and protein, potassium, and riboflavin. Greek yogurt also provides double the protein of regular yogurt!

Lean meats - chicken breast, beef sirloin, pork tenderloin and deli meats like roast beef, ham, and turkey provide protein rich sources to your diet, as well as iron and zinc. Include a protein source at every meal and snack! Vegetables - dark leafy greens, as well as brightly colored vegetables are low in calories and are exploding with Vitamin C, A, folic acid, potassium, and iron just to name a few.

Nuts and seeds : rich in Vitamin E, healthy fats, and fiber, these little portion- controlled snacks can help you feel full for hours! Eat the skin to increase your fiber intake and top with light sour cream or mash with low-fat milk. Wrestling has numerous forms or styles but can be generalized as a combat sport between two individuals of the same weight class.

Most wrestling in the United States is recognized as Folkstyle or Scholastic wrestling. This form is commonly observed in the youth, high school and college ranks. Folkstyle wrestling awards athletes points for various offensive and defensive combat maneuvers such as takedowns, escapes, and reversals.

A high school wrestling match normally consists of three 2-minute periods. Wrestlers also need tremendous mental focus and concentration to strategize through the various offensive and defensive maneuvers needed to gain control over the opponent. Scholastic wrestling competitions include single meets, where wrestlers compete against one opponent; dual meets, where wrestler competes against one or two opponents; or tournaments, where athletes can compete against multiple opponents.

All across the nation, student wrestlers of various levels are in the process of training or preparing for the upcoming wrestling season. What some student wrestlers overlook, however, is the nutrition needed to support that training. An appropriate sports nutrition plan is critical to sustain the energy demands of training in a healthy and safe manner.

The energy demand required to physically and mentally outmaneuver opponents on the wrestling mat is considerably high. When determining macronutrient and energy intake, it is important to consider the energy needed on competition day as well as the months leading up to training.

Knowledge of the various phases of preparation and devising a long-term plan well in advance of competition can help student athletes navigate these nutrient and energy needs to maximize performance. Carbohydrates are critical for optimal performance of the wrestling athlete.

This nutrient provides energy for the short, quick burst of movements needed to take down, escape or outmaneuver an opponent.

Glycogen, which is the form of carbohydrate stored in muscle, contributes to high intensity activities that occurs within one minute of a match. Carbohydrates are the primary nutrient used to fuel the sport. The total daily amount of carbohydrate needed will vary based on the nature of the competition and the intensity, volume and total level of training.

In general, during training and competition, the recommended carbohydrate intake is between 5 and 7 grams per kilogram of body weight, per day. For a pound 68 kg high school wrestler, that equates to ~ — grams of carbohydrate throughout the day.

Protein is a valuable nutrient known for its role in building and maintaining muscle and other body tissue. It also supports immune health. Wrestlers typically require between 1.

For a pound 68 kg high school wrestler, that equates to between 82 and grams of protein per day. Dairy products like milk and yogurt, as well as beans and legumes, deliver both high-quality protein and carbohydrates, making them an easy way to get both nutrients.

Other protein-rich foods include eggs, cheese, poultry, beef, fish and other seafood. In addition to providing energy, it supplies essential fatty acids, helps to insulate and protect organs and provide warmth to the body.

Dietary fats also help flavor food and keep you feeling full. Once daily energy, carbohydrate and protein needs are determined, the remainder of the calories will come from fat.

While that amount varies from one student athlete to another, wrestlers should aim to get around 1 gram of fat per kilogram of body weight per day. Talk with your primary care provider about more ways to stay active and healthy.

Posted In Health Information , Healthy Living , Nutrition , Sanford Sports , Sports Medicine. Written by SHN Staff. February 12, As a weight category sport, wrestling requires athletes to attain an appropriate body composition to compete in their weight class.

To make weight in a healthy way, weight loss should be gradual and should not exceed 1. Photo by Getty Images.

All wrestlers should be strongly discouraged from using these methods, as rapid weight loss may cause: significant nutrient deficiencies excessive and earlier-onset fatigue poor muscle function and a loss in lean muscle reduced strength, power, and endurance poor concentration lack of motivation increased risk of injury increased risk for developing an eating disorder impaired growth and development in younger athletes In the late s, the NCAA implemented a minimum weight program to control the not-so-healthy rapid weight loss techniques collegiate wrestlers were using.

Proper nutrition and good health Proper nutrition is essential to fuel your body and should be a key priority in your training program and overall health maintenance strategy. During your initial weight assessment, coaches will determine a minimum wrestling weight.

This will be the lowest weight class that you can compete in. If you need to lose weight, it is still important that health and the demands of the sport are supported through appropriate nutrient and fluid intake. A weight-loss program should begin early to allow for slow and steady weight loss over a longer period of time.

Moderate energy restriction of calories per day can help a wrestler reach a loss of up to 1 pound per week. Appropriate complementary training and conditioning strategies will also help in achieving a target weight.

Weight loss should be gradual and should not exceed 1. To adequately fuel and repair your body, focus on nutrient-dense foods and eat a well-balanced diet that provides sufficient carbohydrate grams per pound of body weight , protein 0.

Including protein sources at most of your meals will help you stay fuller longer and reduce the loss of lean muscle. Reduce your intake of high-calorie, low nutrient foods and fluids such as high saturated fat foods, alcohol and soda.

I have attended many wrestling tournaments in my nutritino as a coach and Wrestling performance nutrition. Wresgling the High-carb snacks for athletes foods for your wrestler can be a challenge. The key Peeformance to plan ahead and pack their healthy options for the day. We are at an important time of the year in Wisconsin wrestling and those that stay disciplined in their healthy eating plan are more likely to find success. Below is a list of some healthy options for tournaments and a eating plan for the day.

Author: Meztit

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