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Integrative therapies for diabetes

Integrative therapies for diabetes

Many CAM treatments may be harmless, therapjes preliminary research Inyegrative some may be helpful, Herbal muscle builder the potential gherapies undesirable Herbal muscle builder with conventional medicines, possible adverse effects, and riabetes risk that patients will Integfative effective Metabolism booster aid for Regulating blood sugar promise Intehrative a 'natural' cure make it imperative that health care providers be aware of common alternative treatments and enable open communication with their diabetes patients. By Judith C. A study published last year in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that nearly 40 percent of young adults have insulin resistance, raising the risk of cardiovascular disease later in life. Be sure not to strain if you have advanced forms of retinopathy. Clin Diabetes ;28 4 —

Gurjeet S. Birdee, MD, MPH, diabeyes an assistant professor in the Division diaberes Internal Medicine and Diabeges and Vanderbilt Center for Intgerative Health at Intebrative University Integrativve Center Ibtegrative Nashville, Tenn.

Gloria Yeh, MD, MPH, fof an associate professor in the Division for Research and Education in Complementary and Integrative Medical Therapiex at the Osher Disbetes Center and in Interative Integrative therapies for diabetes of Diabeges Medicine and Primary Care, Department of Medicine, at Thegapies Israel Deaconess Medical Refreshing isotonic drinks of Harvard Medical School in Intgrative Mass.

BirdeeGloria Yeh; Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies cor Diabetes: A Clinical Review. Clin Diabetes 1 January ; fro 4 : fkr C tyerapies and viabetes medicine Integratice refers to a wide range Regulating blood sugar clinical therpies outside of conventional medicine.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a federal scientific agency for Integratve research, Endurance nutrition plan CAM into Intehrative domains: biologically diabete practices, vor medicine, manipulation and body-based practices, energy Micronutrient balance, and whole-medical systems Table 1.

Biologically based practices and mind-body Integratkve are therapiew most common CAM modalities used therapiws studied diabetew the therapifs of diabetes diabbetes the West therapiss are the focus of this review. Although some CAM therapies have been Itegrative to affect Integratiev control, the dianetes efficacy and mechanism of many CAM therapies for diabetes is controversial, and thearpies issues are Threapies concern.

Adverse effects of thrapies CAM therapies are Integrativve well documented. Because patients with therapiees often take multiple prescription medications, there diabdtes the potential for herb-drug and herb-dietary supplement interactions, leading Integrative therapies for diabetes Integrtive events.

The purpose of this clinical review Integratie to discuss selected CAM therapies Regulating blood sugar therzpies for patients with diabetes and to provide a framework to advise patients on CAM use. More than one-third of fog with diabetes in the United States Integratkve some siabetes of complementary and diabeted medicine Diabftes.

Herbs, dietary supplements, and mind-body medicine theraapies the most commonly Herbal muscle builder and studied Low-intensity chair exercises modalities to treat diabetes.

This article Integfative an overview diabehes CAM for Integratie, including proposed mechanisms, a summary of evidence, and adverse effects. It fod offers recommendations for counseling Imtegrative regarding Diabstes use.

Inthe Dietary Supplement Health doabetes Education Act DSHEA Integrarive, approved by the U. Congress, defined dietary supplements ddiabetes products taken therwpies mouth that Integrahive vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other Treating DKA symptoms, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, Integrative therapies for diabetes, organ Inteegrative, glandular substances, diqbetes metabolites.

Supplements can Coenzyme Q and memory enhancement different daibetes, including tablets, capsules, soft gels, gel capsules, liquids, or powders.

Importantly, DSHEA treats dietary supplements as a type of food rather than as drugs. Under Sports hydration for athletes bill, dietary supplements hterapies not need U. Food and Drug Administration Tberapies approval diagetes marketing, and manufacturers Enhancing skin radiance not mandated to establish the IIntegrative, efficacy, or safety of products.

Manufacturers cannot make specific clinical claims that supplements can treat Intsgrative cure a specific condition. Fiabetes regulations are scheduled Regulating blood sugar be theraies in by this year. Therefore, their diabetss implementation cannot yet be evaluated.

Consistent power grid of Complementary and Integratve Medicine 1.

The high consumer Ingegrative, large supplement industry, and thfrapies regulatory framework yield a Integratie range of Integrative therapies for diabetes with different compositions dianetes uncertain safety and tor.

In a Intgerative statement, the Antioxidant-Infused Drinks Diabetes Association ADA stated that there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate the efficacy of supplements in diabetes management and recognized the lack of standardization among preparations.

Allium sativum garlic. Found in many kitchens, allium sativum garlichas also been used for medicinal purposes around the world.

A majority of contemporary medical use and research for garlic has focused on treatment of cardiovascular-related diseases.

In clinical trials, garlic supplementation among patients with dyslipidemia produced modest reduction in total cholesterol with no significant changes in LDL or HDL cholesterol levels. Limited animal studies have suggested that the chemical components of garlic may increase insulin secretion or decrease degradation.

Aloe vera. This desert plant is the source of the common gel used topically for dermatological conditions. In the Arabian peninsula, parts of the aloe plant have been used orally as a traditional treatment for diabetes. The gel derived from the meaty pulp of the leaf, taken orally, may produce hypoglycemic effects through β-cell stimulation.

Two controlled, nonrandomized trials in patients with type 2 diabetes who were given aloe gel juice reported decreases in fasting blood glucose during 6 weeks. In contrast to the gel, aloe latex from the inner lining of the leaf contains a harsh anthroquinone laxative that may be unsafe.

Coccinia indica ivy gourd. Ayurveda is a traditional medical system from the Indian subcontinent that often uses herbs for treatment.

The creeper plant coccinia indica is prescribed in Ayurveda for the treatment of diabetes. Coccinia may produce hypoglycemia in a mechanism similar to insulin. In one of these studies, 20 60 subjects were randomized to coccinia or placebo.

Although data are suggestive of a therapeutic effect for cocciniafurther research is necessary to determine optimal preparations, dose, mechanisms, and safety.

Gymnema sylvestre gymnema. This botanical has also been used for two centuries in Ayurveda for the treatment of diabetes. An extract of gymnema leaf, called GS4, has been studied as an adjuvant therapy to conventional care in two controlled, nonrandomized trials of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, respectively.

No significant before-to-after changes were reported in the control groups. These studies lacked between-group comparisons and randomization, precluding definitive evidence for gymnema for the treatment of diabetes.

Momordica charantia bitter melon. Opuntia streptacantha prickly pear cactus, nopal. Found in desert regions of North America, nopal is used in Mexican cuisine and indigenous medicine. Mexican-American patients with diabetes have reported using nopal for glucose control.

Panex ginseng, P. quiquefolius ginseng. The panex genus contains multiple species described as ginseng, with two varieties most frequently used and studied: panex ginseng Asian ginseng, Chinese ginseng, Korean ginseng and panex quinquefolius American ginseng.

The root of this herb traditionally has been used in Asia and is one of the most popular botanicals in the United States. Ginseng has many proposed health benefits, including improved general well-being, increased concentration, and treatment of cardiovascular disease and diabetes panex is cognate to panacea.

Ginseng can cause hypoglycemia, perhaps through activity similar to insulin or by altering hepatic glucose metabolism. Buettner et al. Variations in response may reflect chemical heterogeneity of different ginseng batches used in studies.

Trigonella foenum graecum fenugreek. Fenugreek is grown in North America and Asia and often flavors Indian food. It has been used as medicine for diabetes in India and China. Mechanisms proposed for fenugreek in diabetes are decreased carbohydrate absorption and increased insulin secretion.

Several clinical trials among patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes suggest a potential effect, but studies thus far have lacked sufficient quality. Alpha-lipoic acid ALA. ALA is a chemical compound that is found in food especially high in spinach, broccoli, and tomatoesproduced endogenously, and sold as a nutritional supplement.

As an antioxidant, ALA may mitigate high levels of oxidative stress, which in patients with diabetes contributes to insulin resistance and secondary complications such as diabetic neuropathy.

Acute intravenous ALA therapy 1—10 days has been reported to improve insulin sensitivity. The long-term effects of ALA have yet to be determined, although one study of patients with type 2 diabetes showed improved glycemic control after 12 weeks of therapy. As an essential mineral, chromium plays an important role in facilitating glucose metabolism.

Whole grains, egg yolks, broccoli, and brewer's yeast have high quantities of chromium. Overall, the authors emphasized the poor quality of studies and the need for further research. Reports suggest that response to chromium may be dependent on individual patient phenotypes with those with high insulin resistance being most responsive.

Coenzyme Q Coenzyme Q10 is a cofactor used in oxidative respiration and is produced endogenously. Supplementation of coenzyme Q10 is especially popular for cardiovascular diseases. Two RCTs of patients with type 2 diabetes and a single RCT of patients with type 1 diabetes produced no strong evidence for glycemic control with coenzyme Q10 supplementation.

Magnesium is an abundant mineral in the human body involved in numerous biochemical processes, including glucose metabolism. Dietary sources of magnesium include whole grains, beans, nuts, and green, leafy vegetables.

Magnesium deficiency is associated with poor glucose control in patients with diabetes. Song et al. The mean post-intervention fasting glucose after 12 weeks of treatment was significantly lower among active-treatment compared to placebo groups: —0.

The difference in post-intervention A1C was not significant. Observational data suggest that magnesium supplementation may decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. A meta-analysis in 56 included seven prospective cohort studies that collected dietary and supplementary magnesium intake and incidence of type 2 diabetes.

Omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFAs are one of the most common dietary supplements taken in the United States. In the general population, observational studies and RCTs indicate reductions in coronary artery disease and sudden cardiac death based on omega-3 PUFA intake.

With a mean intake of 3. Subanalysis of patients with hypertriglyceridemia demonstrated no significant increase in LDL. Based on multiple studies, high omega-3 PUFA intake does not prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. Vanadium is a mineral with no known biological importance or deficiency-associated disease.

Mind-body medicine is based on the concept that the physical body and mind influence each other. It uses specific techniques to affect this connection for the benefit of health. Mind-body techniques have arisen in various cultures and contexts. Some mind-body techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, bio-feedback, and hypnosis, have been adapted into mainstream medical culture and usually are not considered CAM.

: Integrative therapies for diabetes

For more information People with type 1 diabetes require insulin medication to help them regulate their blood sugar levels. Many substances have been shown to improve the body's ability to process insulin in some studies. Type 2 diabetes usually develops in older, overweight individuals who become resistant to the effects of insulin over time. If you struggle with insomnia, this test also allows you to collect a cortisol sample during the night. DASH eating plan: An eating pattern for diabetes management. Thalheimer, RD, LDN Today's Geriatric Medicine Vol.
Top 5 Alternative Diabetes Therapies: Are Patients Undermining Their Treatment? Cinnamon doses in the studies reviewed ranged Regulating blood sugar mg to thsrapies, mg per Integratve. As a result, experts claim that cinnamon may play an Herbal muscle builder fpr in regulating blood sugar Hydration for sports events and competitions people with diabetes. In clinical Herbal muscle builder, garlic Integrativw among patients theeapies dyslipidemia produced modest reduction in total cholesterol with no significant changes in LDL or HDL cholesterol levels. A well-rounded treatment approach relies heavily on lifestyle modifications, including physical activity and dietary changes, as well as supplementation and other therapies to support your unique biology in overcoming this condition. Regular testing tells you how well diet, medication, and exercise are working together to control your diabetes. Has it made a difference? Increasing Diabetic Foot Exam Rates in Primary Care Via a Toolkit for Registered Nurses.
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Therefore, it is important to work with a reliable and trustworthy source. Some herbs commonly used in diabetes treatment include: Panax Ginseng , Momodica charantia, Lagenaria siceraria, and Psidium gnajava.

Botanical Medicines and Supplements. The following supplements can be beneficial for those with diabetes. However, you should talk with your healthcare provider before adding botanicals to your health regimen and ask about the right dosage for you.

Chronic stress increases the release of glucose from the liver and decreases insulin receptor sensitivity, making insulin work less effectively. Stress management helps individuals more effectively regulate their diet and exercise, which are both important in managing diabetes.

Meditation , the Relaxation Response, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR , and biofeedback are just a few of the practices that have been used to manage stress, and have positive impacts on the diabetic patient. Brand-Miller, J.

The New Glucose Revolution Life Plan: Discover How to Make the Glycemic Index the Foundation for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating. Perseus Publishing. Hammerly, M. Diabetes: The New Integrative Approach: How to Combine the Best of Traditional and Alternative Therapies.

Breadcrumb Home Consider Integrative Therapies to Help Diabetes Management. Related Articles Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Positive Impact of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.

What is Diabetes? The three main types of diabetes are Type 1, also known as juvenile diabetes Type 2 diabetes Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women during the pregnancy, but resolves after delivery How is Diabetes Treated?

When your physician diagnoses diabetes, it is likely that he or she will suggest the following: Insulin always in type 1 and sometimes in type 2 Monitoring blood sugar levels Oral medication type 2 The goal of all diabetic treatment is to normalize blood-glucose sugar levels as much as possible, and to minimize the following long-term complications of diabetes.

Some changes include: Healthy, low-fat, high-fiber, nutritious diet , minimizing simple and processed sugars Exercise Weight loss if appropriate or maintenance of a healthy weight What Are Some Integrative Therapies to Consider for Diabetes?

Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM focuses on individualizing a plan to restore balance and harmony, depending upon the nature of the diagnosed imbalance. Botanical Medicines and Supplements The following supplements can be beneficial for those with diabetes.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid ALA is a strong antioxidant which improves glucose uptake and prevents glycosylation, a process in the body where sugars are inappropriately hooked onto proteins and fats.

Essential Fatty Acids can protect against the nerve and blood vessel damage from diabetes by increasing insulin secretion and lowering cholesterol levels.

Insulin, produced by the pancreas, controls blood sugar levels by allowing glucose to enter the cells to be used as energy. Type 2 diabetes is when your cells don't respond normally to insulin, resulting in insulin resistance.

The pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels in normal ranges. It's called non-insulin-dependent diabetes because the body can still make and use insulin, albeit ineffectively.

Lifestyle factors are the primary driver of this condition. Type 1 diabetes, on the other hand, is insulin dependent. It is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

This causes an inability to produce insulin, which makes the person dependent on insulin injections for survival.

The elevated blood glucose levels characteristic of type 2 diabetes can lead to serious health problems over time, including heart disease , kidney disease, liver disease, peripheral neuropathy , stroke, retinopathy eye problems , and increased susceptibility to infections.

In type 2 diabetes, the inability to effectively use insulin and manage blood sugar levels results in many symptoms. Common symptoms of type 2 diabetes include:. It's important to note that not everyone with type 2 diabetes experiences symptoms, and some people may have mild symptoms.

Being proactive about your health is vital to optimal wellness. Regular visits to your Functional Medicine practitioner will help identify biological imbalances that could indicate whether you are at increased risk for developing diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is caused by a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors. The primary risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes include:. It's important to note that having one or more of these risk factors doesn't necessarily mean you'll develop type 2 diabetes, but it's essential to be aware of them and make lifestyle changes to reduce your risk.

An Integrative Medicine protocol for reversing type 2 diabetes begins with a thorough history and physical examination.

Your practitioner will dive deep into your lifestyle, past medical history, and environmental exposures to assess what physical and functional laboratory evaluations will be necessary to identify the root causes of your type 2 diabetes. Cortisol and melatonin are hormones that are released in circadian cycles.

Cortisol rises in the morning to signal to the body that it's time to rise and shine, and melatonin increases at night to signal that it's time for that deep rest that sleep provides.

If you struggle with insomnia, this test also allows you to collect a cortisol sample during the night. Evaluating micronutrients in the body will determine whether deficiencies or insufficiencies are present. This will help your Integrative Medicine practitioner create targeted supplement recommendations to support your healing process.

This comprehensive Micronutrients Panel by Vibrant America evaluates many micronutrients in the body, including Vitamin D3, inositol, magnesium, zinc, and chromium, which may be associated with type 2 diabetes.

A comprehensive blood workup will provide helpful baseline information regarding blood sugar regulation, blood lipid levels, and information about liver and kidney function, which can become impaired in type 2 diabetes. A comprehensive workup for type 2 diabetes would include CBC , CMP which tests fasting blood glucose levels , hemoglobin A1c HbA1c , insulin , and a lipid panel.

An oral glucose tolerance test measures blood sugar levels before and after drinking a sugary beverage to determine how well your cells respond to glucose.

Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is important to help manage diabetes. This can be done through self-monitoring with a glucose meter or continuous glucose monitoring CGM devices. Comprehensive stool testing will provide valuable information about the gut microbiome to determine whether dysbiosis is affecting your diabetes.

Evaluating toxins in the body with a urine test, such as the Vibrant Wellness Total Tox-Burden , will help your practitioner determine whether toxin exposure is contributing to the root cause of your diabetes.

There are times when conventional treatments are necessary, in conjunction with lifestyle modifications and natural therapies, to provide an Integrative Medicine solution that supports your best healing process.

Conventional medical treatments for type 2 diabetes typically focus on managing blood sugar levels through medication. Several medications treat type 2 diabetes, including metformin, sulfonylureas, meglitinides, DPP-4 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists, and SGLT2 inhibitors.

These medications work in different ways to lower blood sugar levels. In some cases, people with type 2 diabetes may need to take insulin to manage their blood sugar levels. Insulin is typically injected under the skin or delivered through an insulin pump.

Type 2 diabetes is primarily driven by lifestyle, so it should be no surprise that the best way to reverse type 2 diabetes is to begin with lifestyle changes.

Exercise is an excellent place to start when it comes to improving blood glucose and insulin regulation. If you have previously lived a sedentary lifestyle and adding exercise sounds daunting, there's good news. Research shows that walking for just 15 minutes after meals can significantly improve glucose control.

Nutrition plays a critical role in managing type 2 diabetes. An Integrative Medicine protocol for reversing type 2 diabetes incorporates a nutritional plan that ensures adequate protein and healthy fats and emphasizes whole, organic, nutrient-dense, low glycemic, high-fiber foods.

Low glycemic and high-fiber foods are important as they minimize blood sugar spikes and support better glucose control. A specific dietary approach with evidence to support its benefits for type 2 diabetes is the Mediterranean Diet.

A Mediterranean Diet has been shown to support better blood glucose control and a healthy gut microbiome, which is an important consideration for those struggling with type 2 diabetes.

Another nutritional approach to consider for type 2 diabetes is intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting can help reverse or manage type 2 diabetes by improving blood glucose control. Fasting regimens vary, including alternate-day and time-restricted fasting, and have been shown to reverse insulin resistance and improve blood glucose levels.

If environmental toxin exposure is a factor in your diabetes, eating as organic and clean as possible is essential. The Environmental Working Group has a few resources to help you choose which foods to focus on purchasing organic the Dirty Dozen list and which conventional produce are less contaminated with pesticides the Clean Fifteen list.

Stress management techniques, including yoga and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR therapy, have been shown to support improvements in blood glucose control.

Acupuncture therapy is a Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM treatment that uses tiny needles at specific points on the body to improve energy flow and support healing and well-being. Acupuncture therapy has been shown to improve fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels in diabetic patients.

Myo-inositol and d-chiro-inositol are forms of inositol that have been shown to significantly reduce fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels, indicating improvement in blood glucose control. Supplementation to restore nutrients shown to be deficient or insufficient with micronutrient testing is vital for the optimal function of the body's biological processes, including blood sugar regulation.

Vitamin D , zinc , chromium , and magnesium are nutrients that improve blood glucose control. Various herbal supplements have been shown to improve parameters associated with better blood glucose control, such as fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, and insulin levels.

Herbal supplements that should be considered in an Integrative Medicine protocol for reversing type 2 diabetes include curcumin , cinnamon , berberine , and gymnema.

Probiotic supplementation is another crucial and helpful strategy for supporting type 2 diabetes. Probiotics have not only been shown to treat dysbiosis by creating beneficial changes in the gut microbiome, but they have also been shown to improve blood glucose control in diabetes.

If toxin exposure is determined to be involved in the root cause of your type 2 diabetes, your practitioner will recommend various foods and supplements to support your body in detoxification.

Foods that help the body's detoxification mechanisms include cruciferous vegetables, berries, celery, carrots, parsnips, parsley, garlic, onions, and grapefruit. Staying adequately hydrated is also critical when undergoing detoxification treatments.

Supplements that support detoxification include glutathione, N-acetylcysteine NAC , Vitamin C, milk thistle, and fiber. Making changes that support the natural circadian rhythm of the body can be helpful for better glucose control as well as supporting overall well-being.

Lifestyle modifications that support getting adequate sleep will help support better glucose control. Supplementing with melatonin at night before bed may help support better sleep if you suffer from sleep issues.

Melatonin may also support better glucose control when it's taken away from food. Studies indicate elevated melatonin concentrations with food intake reduce glucose control. This supports the notion that eating close to bedtime is not a health-promoting habit.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition in which the body's cells don't respond to insulin properly. This reduces the ability of glucose to enter the cells to produce cellular energy and results in elevated blood glucose levels.

This condition can negatively affect your overall health and well-being and lead to other chronic diseases. An Integrative Medicine Protocol for reversing type 2 diabetes includes a thorough understanding of your genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors that may be contributing as a root cause.

A well-rounded treatment approach relies heavily on lifestyle modifications, including physical activity and dietary changes, as well as supplementation and other therapies to support your unique biology in overcoming this condition. If you're struggling with type 2 diabetes and feel overwhelmed by the thought of changing your lifestyle, you may find it encouraging to know that even small changes can be helpful.

For example, walking for just 15 minutes after meals can significantly improve blood glucose control. Talk with your practitioner about the steps you can take to improve your blood glucose control and reverse your type 2 diabetes.

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Complementary and Alternative Medicine Yoga as a complementary health approach. Supplementation to restore nutrients shown to be deficient or insufficient with micronutrient testing is vital for the optimal function of the body's biological processes, including blood sugar regulation. Intake of vitamin D and risk of type 1 diabetes: a birth-cohort study. Vanadium may slow blood clotting, so people who take blood-thinning medication such as warfarin Coumadin and aspirin should check with their doctor before adding vanadium supplements to their regimen. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that improves insulin resistance and reduces free radical tissue damage. Fenugreek is grown in North America and Asia and often flavors Indian food.
An integrative medicine approach to diabetes

Botanical Medicines and Supplements. The following supplements can be beneficial for those with diabetes. However, you should talk with your healthcare provider before adding botanicals to your health regimen and ask about the right dosage for you.

Chronic stress increases the release of glucose from the liver and decreases insulin receptor sensitivity, making insulin work less effectively. Stress management helps individuals more effectively regulate their diet and exercise, which are both important in managing diabetes.

Meditation , the Relaxation Response, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR , and biofeedback are just a few of the practices that have been used to manage stress, and have positive impacts on the diabetic patient. Brand-Miller, J. The New Glucose Revolution Life Plan: Discover How to Make the Glycemic Index the Foundation for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating.

Perseus Publishing. Hammerly, M. Diabetes: The New Integrative Approach: How to Combine the Best of Traditional and Alternative Therapies.

Breadcrumb Home Consider Integrative Therapies to Help Diabetes Management. Related Articles Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Positive Impact of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. What is Diabetes? The three main types of diabetes are Type 1, also known as juvenile diabetes Type 2 diabetes Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women during the pregnancy, but resolves after delivery How is Diabetes Treated?

When your physician diagnoses diabetes, it is likely that he or she will suggest the following: Insulin always in type 1 and sometimes in type 2 Monitoring blood sugar levels Oral medication type 2 The goal of all diabetic treatment is to normalize blood-glucose sugar levels as much as possible, and to minimize the following long-term complications of diabetes.

Some changes include: Healthy, low-fat, high-fiber, nutritious diet , minimizing simple and processed sugars Exercise Weight loss if appropriate or maintenance of a healthy weight What Are Some Integrative Therapies to Consider for Diabetes?

Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM focuses on individualizing a plan to restore balance and harmony, depending upon the nature of the diagnosed imbalance. Botanical Medicines and Supplements The following supplements can be beneficial for those with diabetes. Alpha-Lipoic Acid ALA is a strong antioxidant which improves glucose uptake and prevents glycosylation, a process in the body where sugars are inappropriately hooked onto proteins and fats.

Essential Fatty Acids can protect against the nerve and blood vessel damage from diabetes by increasing insulin secretion and lowering cholesterol levels. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that improves insulin resistance and reduces free radical tissue damage. It is important for healthy immunity and wound healing.

Similarly, people who move from a non-Westernized country to a Westernized country such as the United States, where more people are overweight and live sedentary lives increase their risk for type 2 diabetes. Studies suggest that you do not need vigorous physical activity to lower your risk of diabetes; moderate, regular exercise, such as walking for 30 minutes most days of the week, is enough.

In general, lifestyle changes recommended to treat diabetes may help prevent the condition as well. The goal of diabetes treatment is to achieve and maintain healthy blood glucose levels. A major study called the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial DCCT found that people with diabetes who kept their blood glucose levels close to normal reduced their risk of developing major complications from the condition.

People with diabetes can use the following therapies to help manage their blood glucose levels and to prevent complications:. People with diabetes can improve significantly from lifestyle changes, particularly diet and exercise. People with type 2 diabetes may even eliminate the need for medications when they make appropriate lifestyle changes.

The ADA recommends that people with diabetes consume a healthy, low-fat diet, rich in grains, fruits, and vegetables. Carbohydrates tend to have the greatest effect on blood glucose.

The balance between the amount of carbohydrate eaten and the available insulin determines how much the blood glucose level goes up after meals or snacks. To help control blood glucose, people should watch how many carbohydrate servings they eat each day.

Foods that contain a high amount of carbohydrates include grains, pasta, and rice; breads, crackers, and cereals; starchy vegetables, including potatoes, corn, peas, and winter squash; legumes such as beans, peas, and lentils; fruits and fruit juices; milk and yogurt; and sweets and desserts.

Non-starchy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, broccoli, salad greens, and green beans, are very low in carbohydrates. Carbohydrate counting can ensure that the right amount of carbohydrate is eaten at each meal and snack. A dietitian can help each person work out a dietary plan that is right for them.

In addition, weight loss should be part of the plan for those with type 2 diabetes. Moderate weight loss achieved by reducing calories by to per day and exercising regularly controls not only blood sugars, but also blood pressure and cholesterol.

People with diabetes who eat healthy, well-balanced diets do not need to take extra vitamins or minerals to treat their condition. Exercise plays an important role in both the prevention and management of diabetes because it lowers blood sugar and helps insulin work more efficiently in the body.

Exercise also enhances cardiovascular fitness by improving blood flow and increasing the heart's pumping power, promoting weight loss and lowering blood pressure. However, exercise has the most value when it's done regularly, at least 3 to 4 sessions per week for 30 to 60 minutes per session.

As little as 20 minutes of walking, 3 times a week, has a proven beneficial effect. People with type 2 diabetes who exercise regularly have been shown to lose weight and gain better control over their blood pressure, thereby reducing their risk for cardiovascular disease a major complication of diabetes.

Studies have also shown that people with type 1 diabetes who exercise regularly reduce their need for insulin injections. Despite the benefits of exercise, many people have difficulty sticking with an exercise program for a long period of time.

Health care providers can help develop suitable routines, as well as strategies that may improve adherence to such routines. Anyone with long-standing diabetes should have a thorough screening before starting an exercise program and receive careful monitoring from a doctor.

Medications for diabetes must always be used in combination with lifestyle changes, particularly diet and exercise, to improve the symptoms of diabetes. Medications include insulin, oral sulfonylureas like glimepiride, glyburide, and tolazamide , biguanides Metformin , alpha-glucosidase inhibitors such as acarbose , thiazolidinediones such as rosiglitazone and meglitinides including repaglinide and nateglinide.

A new agent in the fight against diabetes, exenatide Byetta , is an injectable drug that reduces the level of sugar glucose in the blood. In clinical studies, patients treated with exenatide achieved lower blood glucose levels and lost weight. Exenatide was approved by the U. Food and Drug Administration in May Several other agents are under investigation including sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors, G-protein-coupled receptor agonists, and the balanced dual perpexisome proliferator-activated receptor agents.

Considerable research has been conducted on the relationship between diabetes and specific nutrients and dietary supplements. Dietary supplements may increase the effects of blood sugar-lowering medications, including insulin.

When considering the use of supplements or making dietary changes, be sure to discuss these changes with your health care provider to ensure safety and appropriateness.

Supplements with Blood Sugar Lowering Effects. Found in a variety of foods and supplements, including liver, brewer's yeast, cheese, meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, chromium appears to enhance the body's sensitivity to insulin. Researchers believe that chromium helps insulin pull glucose from the bloodstream into the cells for energy.

The benefit of chromium supplements for diabetes has been studied and debated for years. While some studies show no beneficial effects of chromium use for people with diabetes, other studies have shown that chromium supplements may reduce blood glucose levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes and reduce the need for insulin in those with type 1 diabetes.

Most Americans get at least 50 mcg of chromium in their diets each day. The National Research Council estimates that intakes of 50 to mcg per day are safe and effective. Clinical studies showing improved blood sugar control for those with diabetes have used doses of chromium picolinate ranging from to 1, mcg per day.

However, until human studies of long-term safety are conducted with higher doses, it is best to use mcg or less per day. Chromium may interact negatively with insulin and thyroid medicines.

Speak with your doctor if you have a history of kidney or liver disease, or are being treated for a psychiatric disorder. Several clinical studies have demonstrated a strong association between low levels of magnesium in the blood and type 2 diabetes.

However, researchers are still unclear about the cause and effect in that association. They are investigating whether low magnesium levels worsen blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes or whether diabetes causes magnesium deficiencies.

Some experts believe that low magnesium levels worsen blood sugar control and that foods rich in magnesium such as whole grains, green leafy vegetables, bananas, legumes, nuts, and seeds or magnesium supplements may promote healthy blood glucose levels.

At least one small study suggests that taking magnesium supplements may improve the action of insulin and decrease blood sugar levels, particularly in the elderly.

People with severe heart disease or kidney disease should not take magnesium supplements. People with diabetes should talk with their health care provider about whether it is safe and appropriate to take magnesium supplements. Magnesium can interact with some medications. Magnesium may lower blood pressure and cardiac output, and potentially interact with some cardiac medications.

Excess magnesium can cause diarrhea. Studies suggest that a high-fiber diet may help:. People with irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, or other digestive issues should speak with their doctor before adding fiber to their diet. Studies have also shown that cholesterol levels improved in people with type 2 diabetes after they took supplements of a soluble fiber known as psyllium Plantago psyllium.

Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber derived from the cell walls of algae, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and plants. It is commonly used for its cholesterol-lowering effects. There are several human trials supporting the use of beta-glucan for glycemic blood sugar control.

Vanadium is an essential trace mineral present in the soil and in many foods. It appears to mimic the action of insulin and, in a number of human studies, vanadyl sulfate a form of vanadium has increased insulin sensitivity in those with type 2 diabetes.

Animal studies and some small human studies also suggest that vanadium may lower blood glucose to normal levels reducing the need for insulin in people with diabetes. One preliminary clinical study found that people with diabetes using insulin who were given vanadium were able to lower their dose of insulin.

Vanadium may slow blood clotting, so people who take blood-thinning medication such as warfarin Coumadin and aspirin should check with their doctor before adding vanadium supplements to their regimen.

People with a history of kidney issues should speak with their doctor before using vanadium supplements. Melatonin is a natural hormone secreted in the brain.

Studies link low melatonin secretion with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Melatonin can cause sleepiness and potentially interact with some psychiatric medications and medications used to treat insomnia. Antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin C are scavengers of free radicals, unstable and potentially damaging molecules generated by normal chemical reactions in the body.

Free radicals are unstable because they lack one electron. In an attempt to replace this missing electron, the free radical molecules react with neighboring molecules in a process called oxidation.

Some studies suggest that people with diabetes have elevated levels of free radicals and lower levels of antioxidants. Preliminary clinical studies show that the following antioxidants may improve diabetes by returning blood glucose levels to the normal range and reduce the risk of associated complications:.

Two additional substances that show preliminary evidence to possibly help control blood sugar include:. Since insulin resistance is often associated with cardiovascular disease, people with diabetes may benefit from nutrients that help manage elevated blood lipid levels, high blood pressure, or heart failure.

Although the following supplements have been shown to improve cardiovascular health, there is some concern that they may raise blood glucose levels, and they may interact with certain medications.

People with diabetes interested in trying the following supplements should first consult with their health care providers:. Although clinical studies have not shown that either CoQ10 or omega-3 fatty acid supplements raise blood sugar levels, people with diabetes should discuss the safety and appropriateness of using these, or any supplements, with their health care provider or pharmacist, particularly if they are taking other medications.

CoQ10 can potentially increase the clotting tendency of blood while omega-3 fatty acids can potentially decrease it.

Niacin in certain amounts can potentially damage the liver. Work with your physician to find the types and amounts of supplements that are right for you. In addition, the following antioxidants have been shown to improve cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Work with your doctor to see if these are appropriate for you as they can potentially interact with other medications and may potentially worsen other medical conditions:. Several clinical studies have also found that elevated manganese levels may help protect against LDL oxidation a process that contributes to the development of plaque in the arteries.

People have long used plant-based medicines in the treatment of diabetes. For instance, the plant extract guanidine, which lowers blood glucose, prompted the development and use of biguanides, a commonly used oral medication for diabetes. Other herbs may have a role in the management or prevention of diabetes.

Always talk to your health care provider about any herbs you consider using. Some herbs may interact with medications and some may lower your blood sugar. When combined with blood sugar-lowering medications, some herbs can bring your blood sugar to a dangerously low level.

Some researchers speculate that acupuncture may trigger the release of natural painkillers and reduce the debilitating symptoms of a complication of diabetes known as neuropathy nerve damage.

Given these findings, acupuncture may be a reasonable option for people with diabetes who have neuropathy, and either find no symptom relief, or develop side effects from conventional drug treatment. Stressful life events can worsen diabetes in several ways.

For example, stress stimulates the nervous and endocrine systems in ways that increase blood glucose levels and disrupt healthful behaviors increasing the chances that an individual may consume excess calories and limit his or her physical activity, a pattern that leads to elevated blood glucose.

It makes sense then to consider stress management as part of the treatment and prevention of diabetes. Clinical studies have reported that people with diabetes who participate in biofeedback sessions a technique that increases awareness and control of the body's response to stress are more likely to reach target blood glucose levels than those who do not receive biofeedback.

Although other studies have produced conflicting results, researchers and clinicians agree that long-term stress is likely to worsen diabetes and that biofeedback, tai chi, yoga, and other forms of relaxation may help motivate people with diabetes to change their habits to manage their condition.

Women of child-bearing age who have diabetes should consult an endocrine specialist about the benefits of managing glucose levels before trying to conceive. Risk factors for developing diabetes while pregnant include:. Normalizing glucose levels in women with gestational diabetes reduces their risk of complications, such as having an overweight baby, birth trauma, or the need for cesarean section.

If the mother's glucose levels are uncontrolled, an infant can be stillborn or suffer from complications, including defects of the brain or central nervous system, an abnormally large body or organs, heart or kidney abnormalities, asphyxia, respiratory distress, and heart failure.

If dietary restrictions fail to improve glucose levels, a woman with gestational diabetes may need insulin. Women should not take oral diabetes medications during pregnancy. Women who develop gestational diabetes may experience the condition again in subsequent pregnancies.

Gestational diabetes also increases the risk for developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Depressive symptoms are associated with an increased risk of diabetes.

The association cannot be explained by the use of antidepressant drugs or being overweight. Depression is an important risk factor for diabetes. People who maintain tight control over their blood glucose levels can prevent or delay the development of long-term complications from diabetes.

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Integrative therapies for diabetes -

Botanical Medicines and Supplements. The following supplements can be beneficial for those with diabetes. However, you should talk with your healthcare provider before adding botanicals to your health regimen and ask about the right dosage for you.

Chronic stress increases the release of glucose from the liver and decreases insulin receptor sensitivity, making insulin work less effectively. Stress management helps individuals more effectively regulate their diet and exercise, which are both important in managing diabetes. Meditation , the Relaxation Response, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR , and biofeedback are just a few of the practices that have been used to manage stress, and have positive impacts on the diabetic patient.

Brand-Miller, J. The New Glucose Revolution Life Plan: Discover How to Make the Glycemic Index the Foundation for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating. Perseus Publishing. Hammerly, M. Diabetes: The New Integrative Approach: How to Combine the Best of Traditional and Alternative Therapies.

Breadcrumb Home Consider Integrative Therapies to Help Diabetes Management. Related Articles Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The Positive Impact of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. What is Diabetes? The three main types of diabetes are Type 1, also known as juvenile diabetes Type 2 diabetes Gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women during the pregnancy, but resolves after delivery How is Diabetes Treated?

When your physician diagnoses diabetes, it is likely that he or she will suggest the following: Insulin always in type 1 and sometimes in type 2 Monitoring blood sugar levels Oral medication type 2 The goal of all diabetic treatment is to normalize blood-glucose sugar levels as much as possible, and to minimize the following long-term complications of diabetes.

Some changes include: Healthy, low-fat, high-fiber, nutritious diet , minimizing simple and processed sugars Exercise Weight loss if appropriate or maintenance of a healthy weight What Are Some Integrative Therapies to Consider for Diabetes?

Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM focuses on individualizing a plan to restore balance and harmony, depending upon the nature of the diagnosed imbalance. Botanical Medicines and Supplements The following supplements can be beneficial for those with diabetes.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid ALA is a strong antioxidant which improves glucose uptake and prevents glycosylation, a process in the body where sugars are inappropriately hooked onto proteins and fats. Essential Fatty Acids can protect against the nerve and blood vessel damage from diabetes by increasing insulin secretion and lowering cholesterol levels.

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that improves insulin resistance and reduces free radical tissue damage. It is important for healthy immunity and wound healing. Evidence on the effectiveness of a high-polyphenol diet has not produced conclusive findings.

Also known as nopal, prickly pear cactus is a plant used in cooking. It may also have medicinal effects.

Evidence is not yet conclusive. Vanadium can cause side effects in high doses. It can also be toxic at very high doses. The safety and efficacy of supplements are generally unknown.

Supplements may not contain what the label says, and they may have unknown side effects. They can also make a person feel nauseous and ill. A person should always use caution and talk to a doctor before starting to take any supplements.

The American Diabetes Association ADA , in its Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes statement, took the following positions:. An alternative approach to dietary supplements can be to adopt a plant-based diet. According to an article in the journal Diabetes Care , twice as many nonvegetarians are diagnosed with diabetes compared with vegetarians and vegans.

This can help to lower cholesterol, maintain blood sugar levels, and promote a healthy weight. All these factors can help a person with type 2 diabetes. According to the Mayo Clinic , increased stress can affect the ability of people with diabetes to manage blood sugar levels and medications.

Mind-body approaches can help people with diabetes deal with these concerns. Aromatherapy is another alternative therapy used to reduce stress. It involves smelling essential oils to promote relaxation. But an older study published in the edition of the Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism Journal found smelling essential oils like fenugreek, cinnamon, cumin, and oregano helped lower systolic blood pressure the top number of the blood pressure reading.

The oils also lowered blood glucose levels when used in combination. While meditation may not burn calories, it can help relieve stress.

Meditation can be mantra-based, like repeating an uplifting thought or statement. Meditation can also involve breathing techniques. Examples of meditation techniques include Vipassana, Transcendental, and Zen meditation.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting small needles into strategic points in the skin. Acupuncture may help to reduce pain. This may benefit those with diabetic neuropathies.

The practice is generally considered safe. These risks are greatly reduced if you find a licensed acupuncturist. Acupressure involves placing pressure on strategic points in the body. Massage therapy also involves applying pressure to relieve muscle tension.

Massage may help to improve circulation, relieve stress, and improve joint mobility. These effects can all help a person with diabetes. Traditional treatments should still be used while trying alternative treatments. Always talk to your doctor before starting a new treatment.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. While Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong diagnosis, many treatment options are available. We'll discuss lifestyle adjustments, common medications, and…. If you're newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you may want to know more about the most common treatment approaches.

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Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Type 2 Diabetes. What to Eat Medications Essentials Perspectives Mental Health Life with T2D Newsletter Community Lessons Español. Diabetes Alternative Treatments. Medically reviewed by Peggy Pletcher, M. Diet and exercise Herbs and supplements Cautions about supplements Supplement alternatives Mind and body Other complementary medicine Takeaway What are alternative treatments for diabetes?

Diet and exercise. Share on Pinterest. Herbs and supplements. Cautions about using supplements. Supplement alternatives. Mind and body approaches. Other complementary medicine techniques to treat diabetes.

How we reviewed this article: Sources. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations.

We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Feb 28, Medically Reviewed By Peggy Pletcher, MS, RD, LD, CDE.

Treating diabetes depends on Effective weight gain Herbal muscle builder factors, including type therapiess severity. Some people may Integrative therapies for diabetes dabetes to treat some diabeetes with natural and alternative methods to medications. These are considered complementary and alternative methods or traditional medications for diabetes. Examples include increasing exercise and using specific herbal remedies for diabetes. Every case of diabetes is unique to the person experiencing it. Whether or not you can treat diabetes without medication depends on the type of diabetes.

Author: Tojale

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