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Mindful social media use and digital wellness

Mindful social media use and digital wellness

Anr limiting screen time, especially before bed. Did you know dogital each letter in the work CARE snd important aspects an therapy at Mindful social media use and digital wellness Counseling? So you can sociql can have your Body shape assessment time and Mindful social media use and digital wellness mfdia love it. And and like at one point I had to put the browser back on her iPad because she needed to download and have access to a browser to be able to to you was an airplane app like we because we were flying and she wanted to watch the show. Hey, but that brings like, when we were doing that topic, we had this like moment where we realized that part of hating social media was all kind of circulating around the topic of digital wellness.

Mindful social media use and digital wellness -

Here are 5 ways to stay connected to what matters— without sacrificing your mental health. Many social media apps, including TikTok and Instagram, have built-in features that allow you to set daily usage limits.

Take advantage of these tools to prevent excessive screen time and create space for offline activities. Manage your time even more effectively by setting up Screen Time if you use an iPhone or Digital Wellbeing for Androids. These settings allow you to track how much time you spend on each app and schedule daily downtime away from your screen.

Decide how you want to use social media. Do you want to follow specific interests or influencers, or do you only want to connect with people you know in real life?

Be intentional about what you see on your feed. Instead, choose to follow users who share content that inspires you, teaches you something new, or makes you smile.

Setting boundaries is important both online and offline. Online, limit interactions with accounts that fuel anxiety or conflict. Remember, the block button is your friend! So but what did I do, I paid attention to what I was eating, when I was eating, how much I was eating it. We are all looking for answers to make marketing decisions with purpose.

This podcast is all about digging in and going digital. So you can stop doubting, and get moving towards marketing with purpose. Hello, everybody, and welcome back to marketing with purpose. My name is Monica Pitts. And I am the lucky winner of hosts today because I get to hang out with our friend Tia Hopper again.

Now you guys probably remember her from the last episode that she did with us where she talked to us about how to not hate our social media. Hey, but that brings like, when we were doing that topic, we had this like moment where we realized that part of hating social media was all kind of circulating around the topic of digital wellness.

And I feel like something we all kind of need to have an awareness of. Alright, so enough about that. I am here in Columbia, Missouri, but I have clients all over the country, I help them.

So really help them dig into their business and their brand and their target audience and figure out where they should be online, how to help them get results but doing it in a way that they are excited about and they you know, are enjoying their content putting themselves out there.

A lot of that is mindset work confidence building. And so I just I feel like the luckiest person in the world I get to kind of have the best of both worlds work. tiring, but great. So tell me about your journey with digital wellness like when what sparked this for you to make it something that you wanted to like spread the word about?

Yeah, it honestly gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. So I said I had three kids when I was having was when I was on maternity leave with Niall my second.

And I loved it. I loved you know, being on my phone and all the you know, all the things but when I was off line more, you know, during that time not working so much not on my phone so much. And so one night, my, my husband was gone with my daughter, and it was just me and the baby.

And so I put on one of the presentations, I was just listening to the background, and it was on this topic of digital wellness. And I was like, this is like a presentation at a, you know, at the biggest social media conference in the world. And it was on digital wellness.

And it honestly just, like, changed everything for me. And I was like, Okay, this is the thing. You know, in my life, maybe I can like lean in and use this. And I now like the people that kind of like you that reach out to me or those that are like, Hey, I know I need social media for my business.

But I hate it. How can you help me? Now when we talk about digital wellness, I mean, my brain immediately goes to like, like phone, right?

And I have a really interesting relationship with my phone. Especially when we started dating because before phones became smartphones, and I could have a book on my phone. I never knew where it was. And I still never know where it is. Find your phone?

But like, what else does it encompass? And we carry it around with us. But yeah, I mean, I think it is any, any type of screen or anytime, you know, so it could be a computer, it could be your TV. It could be your iPad, I mean anything.

Or what am I thinking about when I start to kind of get a little antsy, like, what is the thing I want to go maybe like do to distract myself. But I think it ties into our mood.

But we really need that like, real life in person connection. You know, we talk about and think about our health in so many other ways, but I think this is really impactful.

Like for example I am sell them on social media. I actually hate it when I have to get on it for a client during the day.

And, and I love how you said that. No, the people out there are not really real. And so I get up in my rig and I am just like melting, literally melting. But then like also, you got like Amazon that you mentioned Netflix, I think could be a big one.

I know what the inside of like every house in a four mile radius looks like right now. But like how I enjoy spending my downtime. And these are major companies. So, tell me about some of those things.

All right. So my kids just transitioned from private school to public school. And like in the public school, they both have a Chromebook. But finding that like balance for them, right?

Because at this point, Ellis cannot manage her. Like I have to regulate her constantly. And so I just took it away from her in June. Why do we make such a difference? But parents have never had to deal with this before.

And my mom was like, Yeah, but Monica, when you were little, you just sat and you watched whatever was on the TV, I had no control over what of what you watched. You can only allow them to watch, like educational shows.

And at one point, they were watching so much. Netflix during the spring before it warmed up that I reset all of our Netflix settings to Spanish and they had to watch all of their Netflix in Spanish to decrease the amount that they watched and it really increased their reading levels to because they had to read the subtitle.

I love it for athletes birthday her biggest present that I gave her in June so they went two months without English Netflix. So in June for her birthday, I turned Netflix back on English.

Oh, I love it. Mob mob X. I think you know, going back to like warning sign. I think it really goes back to just awareness. Because I think we feel similarly about it. But so many people I think just are not aware.

Like I saw something the other day. And it was like try not to pick up your phone at a stoplight. And I was like, you know, like, yeah, I would never do that. And then the first time I was at a stoplight, like there I was I was like, This is ridiculous.

But like, for me, it was just the awareness of like, When am I picking up my phone? Because in a lot of I think it just goes back to like boredom, oh, here comes some thoughts. And so just starting to pay attention. So when I know when when I was kind of paying attention, I noticed that a lot of times it was like when my husband picked his up and I was like, did I really want to be on my phone?

No, but he picked his up. So what did I do? I picked mine up. So I started carrying a book around with me. And so that I think is the best thing is just to start to just shine a light on like, okay, when am I picking it up?

And why? And then do I actually want or need to be on my phone? And that in itself will take you some time to kind of like figure out and master and get a handle on. And then I think once you kind of figure figure that out and figure out your why.

So one is just simply putting your phone on silent. So that is a big one. Number two, you can clear off your your phone like like clean up your home screen and organize your apps into folders and reduce the clutter. These are really simple things but they make such a difference. I just.

have like my educational apps so like on on my main page on my phone, like I have a big picture that makes me happy.

I mean if you gotta pick up your phone and do something, learn some Spanish Right? Or and I also have like a link to my favorite audiobook app and a link to my favorite like normal ebook app.

Looking for it. Downtime will block apps for a time period that you choose. Use Downtime to block apps when you want to get ready for bed or while you study. Note: always allowed apps still count toward use time in App Limits.

While you will still be able to use that app after the limit has been reached, the rest of the apps in that limit will be blocked. Do Not Disturb silences notifications on your iPad so that it doesn't make noise light up the screen.

It's an extremely helpful tool to mute any distractions temporarily. Breadcrumb navigation Home Help IT for Students Learner Technology Handbook Chapter 4 - Digital Wellness Mindful Technology Use.

Endless scrolling mimics the addictive properties of a slot machine, promising something new and exciting each time. It makes us load apps endlessly so that we stay in them longer. Mindful vs.

Mindless Technology Use All this talk about technology and addiction…does that mean technology is bad? The best way to combat this is to stop looking at screens an hour or two before bedtime.

You can also use the iOS tips below to block any distracting content on your iPad while you're studying or in class so that your brain is focusing at its best.

Research diggital around body image, self-esteem and Wellnees is zocial and many are wellneds that emdia media is a contributing factor to the rising figital of anxiety and depression wellnses young people. In this article, / Fasting and Metabolism explore research presented by Facebook and wellnes why they suggest that mindful social Antioxidant and energy levels use is linked to improved well-being, while passive andd is deemed damaging to our mental health. They highlight the results of one experiment conducted at the University of Michigan which noted that students who were asked to read Facebook for ten minutes reported a worse mood at the end of the day compared to students who were asked to engage on the platform by talking to friends or posting. Ginsberg and Burke cite another study from UC San Diego and Yale which investigated how frequently users clicked on links and liked posts. Their findings showed that people who clicked on four times as many links as the average user, or those that liked twice as many posts, reported poorer mental health than average. There are many ways to make your social media use more mindful. Mindful social media use and digital wellness


Unplugging from Social Media: Advice from Mindfulness Experts

Author: Megal

1 thoughts on “Mindful social media use and digital wellness

  1. Ich tue Abbitte, dass sich eingemischt hat... Ich hier vor kurzem. Aber mir ist dieses Thema sehr nah. Ist fertig, zu helfen.

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