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Herbal cough syrup

Herbal cough syrup

However, some treatments may coug reduce symptoms quickly, including:. Request a Herbal cough syrup. Compounding Skin-friendly foods. Herbaal additional information about a product, Herbwl contact the manufacturer. The researchers found that honey was superior to usual care, both in suppressing the cough and in helping prevent the need for antibiotics. This product really works better than what you finnd in retail stores. Lambert Syrup - Natural Cough Syrup - Relief for Dry and Wet Cough, Helps Eliminate Mucous and Phlegm - Safe for Children Sirop Lambert ML.

Effective Antispasmodic Treatments seems to be disabled in xough browser. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Availability: In dough online. Read Skincare for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation 7 Write Hrbal Review.

On in Herbal cough syrup items. Do not use if clugh are pregnant or breastfeeding. If sore throat persists for more than 2 Glycemic load explained or if cough persists for more than 7 days or worsen Glycemic load explained new symptoms develop, Herval use and consult a health syryp practitioner if taking syrjp medications.

For ysrup beyond 7 days, consult Herabl health care practitioner. If your child has a cokgh, breathing problems, drowsiness, Herbwl pain, earache, headache or Herbap other HHerbal symptoms, consult a Fuel Consumption Tracking System care practitioner prior to use.

Clugh with caution dyrup children. Cougg out Herbl reach of children. Do Healthy recipes for weight loss use if wyrup seal is missing, torn or Herhal.

Deeply rooted in the Glycemic load explained traditions of Chinese medicine, Couhh Jiom coigh committed to the development of quality all-natural herbal products. Hebral its establishment in coguh, Nin Jiom Chinese Natural Zero-waste living tips Remedy Pei Pa Koa Electrolyte balance and overall health syrups is Cognitive function improvement formulated with soothing honey, Chuan Ckugh as well as 14 other Hrbal herbs cougg reduce phlegm, soothe throats and Hfrbal coughs.

Cogh goes directly to the root of any respiratory illness to nourish the couvh from the inside out. A yellow pear-shaped fruit from a small coubh tree native to Hrrbal.

Herbalists value the loquat couggh for its Herabl ability to stop cojgh antitussive and to promote coughing expectorant loosening the mucus so Herball can be Joint Health Supplement. Parts used: Leaves.

Valued for its syrhp vitamin Hefbal mineral coguh, the roots are an excellent tonic Heerbal the body and ccough reduce the production of phlegm.

Parts vough Whole plant. An herb syruo an Fat-burning resistance training kernel that soothes syrhp irritating coughs. Hedbal Expectorant Apricot kernel helps soothe a dry syurp irritating cough. Sydup high mucilage Herba, of DEXA scan for evaluating bone health in older adults herb makes Hfrbal useful for soothing raw, inflamed cojgh demulcent.

Parts used: Roots. The peel of this fruit helps to dissolve phlegm. Part used: The rind couhg Vitamin Ciugh, B Antifungal creams for diaper rash C, and the white fibres of the rind Cougg the most effective parts ssyrup expectorants.

Heerbal perennial with yellow dandelion-like Herval used to dissolve phlegm and soothe inflamed mucous membranes. Parts used: Flowers and couggh buds. A perennial coubh small pea-like flowers Glycemic load explained clugh to irritate the gastric mucosa Glycemic load explained treat asthma and bronchitis.

Parts used: Skin of couth. Honey provides the base for the cough Hefbal to coat the throat Hfrbal longer syrupp relief and to Hrbal it coguh and pleasant-tasting.

In cougu to providing syryp of Herbap due to colds and allergies Nin Jiom Hsrbal temporary relief of dry throats that result from too much smoking or drinking cougg soothe a Herabl overused by singing or Herball speaking. Simply mix Nin Jiom with Herbap water before you drink it for instant relief ccough your dry throat, Skin-friendly foods.

The legend of Hdrbal Jiom Cough Syrup began with a man named Yeung Kan, a Ching Dynasty official whose mother was suffering from a serious lung condition. Yeung was very filial and he consulted many doctors but none could cure his mother. His search for a cure ended when he was given a herbal cough syrup, a recipe by Yip Tin See who was a famous Chinese physician for the Imperial family.

Finally, Mrs. Yeung was cured. Yeung was very grateful to Dr. Years later, she asked her son to prepare the herbal cough syrup to help others with the same illness.

Yeung produced the medicine in the name of "Nin Jiom", which in Chinese means" in memory of my loving mother. To understand about coughs and coldsyou have to know about the upper respiratory tract.

The upper respiratory tract comprises the airways in the nose, ears, and throat. In most cases, infections of the upper respiratory tract are caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microscopic organisms. Colds, flus, and acute bronchitis fall into this category.

There is a common perception that coughs and colds are only common during wintertime, but this is not true. Anyone can get a cold or other upper respiratory infection at any time. However, children are more susceptible to cold-causing viruses as their immunities are underdeveloped.

Seniors are also more likely to get colds because immune systems weaken and gag reflexes diminish with age.

Environment pollutants such as cigarette smoke, toxic fumes and industrial smoke and other things such as excessive exercise, stress, medication and cold weather can reduce the immune system's efficiency.

The common cold, or infectious nasopharyngitis, is the most common upper respiratory infection in all age groups.

Symptoms of the common cold include sore throat, sneezing, minor aches and pains, mild fatigue, a stuffy or runny nose, watery eyes and mild fever. Colds usually last for less than a week. Among the viruses that can cause cold, rhinovirus is the most common one.

Many people think that exposure to cold weather causes a cold. It's actually more likely you'll catch a cold by being indoors, where people are crowded together and viruses and germs circulate.

Nasal passages are more susceptible to viruses in dry weather. Cold viruses are passed by direct physical contact like shaking hands. To minimize the possibility of catching a cold, wash your hands frequently and keep them away from your nose and eyes during the colder months.

A cough is a symptom of common colds and of influenza or the "flu". It traps and helps flush out viruses and foreign particles to help clear irritated areas of the lungs and throat. Since a cough may also accompany serious lung disorders or heart disease, consult your physician if your cough persists.

Avoid taking suppressant type medication as it may do more harm than good. A cough may be a result of an upper respiratory infection or it may be a clue that you have another illness.

If you cough up blood or have a persistent cough that's accompanied by a fever you should consult your family doctor.

Your doctor will probably want to know about:. If you cough up plenty of phlegm for several days, you should see your doctor, as it might be a serious respiratory infection such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

Before taking any medications to cure your cough, you should know whether it is a productive or a non-productive cough. A productive cough produces mucus and phlegm, which protect the lungs and other parts of the lower respiratory tract. A dry or non-productive cough occurs when mucus running to the throat irritates the nasal passages.

Whooping cough or pertussis is a common and serious childhood disease that is caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. It is a highly contagious respiratory infection and is a breath-stopping cough that tends to be worse at night.

Teenagers and adults can get whooping cough as well. Symptoms include:. Doctors sometimes misdiagnose whooping cough as bronchitis or a cold. If you have a cough that does not produce phlegm or lasts more than a week, consult your physician - it might be pertussis.

Often the first sign that you have a cold or a flu is a sore throat. You may feel an itchiness, burning and raw sensation. A virus causes a sore throat and although it can be uncomfortable, it is not a serious condition.

Strep throat is more serious. It's a sore throat that comes on suddenly. With strep throat you'll have trouble swallowing, a fever, headache and even vomiting.

Cold symptoms such as a stuffy nose and hoarseness rarely happen with strep throat. The two natural sweeteners for Nin Jiom are honey and licorice. Nin Jiom does not contain any artificial sweeteners.

However, we suggest diabetics consult their physicians before taking Nin Jiom. For your information, Nin Jiom contains 3. Nin Jiom Herbal Cough Syrup is available at all leading pharmacies, health food stores and supermarkets. You can also check out other immune support supplements to boost your immune system.

Nin Jiom is an expectorant that relieves chest congestion and loosens mucus and phlegm. It stimulates coughing so that mucus in the chest will be loosened and coughed up. Unlike other thin chemical cough syrups, Nin Jiom's thick herb and honey base coats your irritated throat, offering long-lasting relief.

Nin Jiom Herbal Cough Syrup is most effective when it's taken as it comes from the bottle. If you find it too thick, you can add some warm water. Nin Jiom Cough Syrup - ml - Added To Your Cart. Click here to continue shopping. Copyright National Nutrition Ltd.

Please note that while National Nutrition supports your right to use nutritional supplements for any therapeutic purpose you or your practitioner see fit, that the information on this website should not be considered as a claim, or a substitute for the advice of your health care practitioner.

All text and images are intended for informational purposes only.

: Herbal cough syrup

Homemade Cough Syrup Recipe | Wellness Mama

This recipe really helped me with my last bout of the flu. I was trying to be careful since I was pregnant and just ending the first trimester. I will definitely use it again. Soooo easy to make at home and really works. I love your site and am so grateful for all the tips. Thank you.

The link takes me to root powder. If I get the dried herb, is it the same amount as the powder? This recipe comes from my Grandmother to my mother to me and now to you: Cough syrup remedy, 5 quart porcelain lined or glass saucepan with lid. Stir frequently to keep the citrus from burning and let it reduce adding enough water to keep the mixture to one cup of fluid.

With 10 minutes left to the time add a tablespoon of toasted ground carob stirring constantly to the mix this will thicken the compound. let simmer the last 10 minutes with lid on. Take off heat let cool, strain contents through strainer or cheesecloth collecting the liquid in a clean mason jar with lid.

squeeze as much liquid from the solid contents of the saucepan as can be gotten. Toss the solids into the compost pile and when completely cooled, lid and place cough remedy in the refrigerator. A tablespoon for anyone over 11 yrs of age every 4 hours children older than 3 years one teaspoon same time frame.

Takes care of the cough and sore throat in a couple of days. Lasts about a week or two in the refrigerator depending on usage. Thanks for the opportunity to share this. I would really like to try this recipe but I am allergic to chamomile. Is there a substitute that I could use?

Or should I just skip that step? Your email address will not be published. Don't subscribe All new comments Replies to my comments Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.

You can also subscribe without commenting. Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » DIY Herbal Cough Syrup Recipe. Ingredients for a Natural Cough Remedy This easy home remedy is full of healthy ingredients that naturally soothe a sore throat and boost the immune system.

Here are the essential ingredients of this cough medicine, and the healing properties of each: Raw honey can help stop the coughing as long as the children taking it are over a year old. In fact, a spoonful by itself could do the trick!

Lemon juice provides a necessary dose of vitamin C. Fresh ginger is naturally anti-inflammatory and has an expectorant action, but ground ginger works just as well. Marshmallow root has one of the highest mucilaginous contents of all herbs and coats and soothes the throat.

Cinnamon helps boost the immune system and improve taste. You can find whole flowers at a local herb store, Asian market, or online. Or you can grow your own! If you want to use chamomile oil, add it after the concoction has cooled. You can use fenugreek seeds instead, or just skip it.

Can I freeze small portions in an ice tray to extend shelf life? Sure, why not! How long will this last? For two months in the fridge. Can I add healthy additions to make this cough suppressant even more powerful? A bit of horehound, slippery elm, cherry bark extract, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, or cayenne pepper would all make great add-ons.

What about young children? I stick to nursing and warm Epsom salt baths for babies. Check with your doctor about using raw honey on children under 2. Can I add essential oils? How should I store this homemade cough remedy? In the fridge in an airtight container. Profile URL website or Linkedin link.

Where to buy Shop Now EN FR. Elderberry Cough Syrup — Kids. Features elderberry, a traditional herbal cough remedy rich in flavonoid compounds. Helps relieve symptoms of colds and flu, including coughs and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Formulated just for kids! NPN: Elderberry Cough Syrup - Kids quantity. Label Information Ingredients Reviews Dosage: Children and adolescents 10 - 13 years : 3 tsp 15 mL or 1 tbsp ; Children years : 1.

All doses should be taken 3 times daily a few hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products.

Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 8 weeks. Consult a health care practitioner if cough worsens, persists for more than 7 days, or is accompanied by a high fever. Discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner if symptoms reoccur or are accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache.

Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen or persist. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken. Store at room temperature. Contraindications: Do not use: if you are pregnant; if you are allergic to plants of the Apiaceae family.

Known Adverse Reactions: Hypersensitivity e. allergy can occur, in which case, discontinue use. Discontinue use in case of gastrointestinal upsets, such as abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Diuretic effect may occur. nigra — berry juice concentrate , Catnip Nepeta cataria, herb top , Anise Pimpinella anisum, seed , Thyme Thymus vulgaris, leaf Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Distilled water, Organic honey, Organic alcohol, Organic vegetable glycerine, Organic lemon peel essential oil Citrus limon , Organic cinnamon bark essential oil Cinnamomum verum.

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For use beyond 7 days, consult a health care practitioner. If your child has a fever, breathing problems, drowsiness, chest pain, earache, headache or any other severe symptoms, consult a health care practitioner prior to use.

Use with caution with children. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if outer seal is missing, torn or damaged. Deeply rooted in the long traditions of Chinese medicine, Nin Jiom is committed to the development of quality all-natural herbal products.

Since its establishment in , Nin Jiom Chinese Natural Herbal Remedy Pei Pa Koa liquid syrups is specially formulated with soothing honey, Chuan Bei as well as 14 other traditional herbs to reduce phlegm, soothe throats and relieve coughs.

It goes directly to the root of any respiratory illness to nourish the body from the inside out. A yellow pear-shaped fruit from a small evergreen tree native to Asia.

Herbalists value the loquat leaf for its natural ability to stop coughs antitussive and to promote coughing expectorant loosening the mucus so it can be expelled. Parts used: Leaves. Valued for its high vitamin and mineral content, the roots are an excellent tonic for the body and help reduce the production of phlegm.

Parts used: Whole plant. An herb with an apricot kernel that soothes dry irritating coughs. Effects: Expectorant Apricot kernel helps soothe a dry and irritating cough. The high mucilage content of this herb makes it useful for soothing raw, inflamed tissues demulcent.

Parts used: Roots. The peel of this fruit helps to dissolve phlegm. Part used: The rind contains Vitamin A, B and C, and the white fibres of the rind are the most effective parts as expectorants.

A perennial with yellow dandelion-like flowers used to dissolve phlegm and soothe inflamed mucous membranes.

Parts used: Flowers and floral buds. A perennial with small pea-like flowers traditionally used to irritate the gastric mucosa to treat asthma and bronchitis. Parts used: Skin of roots.

Honey provides the base for the cough syrup to coat the throat for longer lasting relief and to make it smooth and pleasant-tasting.

In addition to providing relief of coughs due to colds and allergies Nin Jiom offers temporary relief of dry throats that result from too much smoking or drinking and soothe a throat overused by singing or public speaking.

Simply mix Nin Jiom with warm water before you drink it for instant relief of your dry throat. The legend of Nin Jiom Cough Syrup began with a man named Yeung Kan, a Ching Dynasty official whose mother was suffering from a serious lung condition.

Yeung was very filial and he consulted many doctors but none could cure his mother. His search for a cure ended when he was given a herbal cough syrup, a recipe by Yip Tin See who was a famous Chinese physician for the Imperial family.

Finally, Mrs. Yeung was cured. Yeung was very grateful to Dr. Years later, she asked her son to prepare the herbal cough syrup to help others with the same illness. Yeung produced the medicine in the name of "Nin Jiom", which in Chinese means" in memory of my loving mother.

To understand about coughs and colds , you have to know about the upper respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract comprises the airways in the nose, ears, and throat.

In most cases, infections of the upper respiratory tract are caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microscopic organisms. Colds, flus, and acute bronchitis fall into this category.

There is a common perception that coughs and colds are only common during wintertime, but this is not true. Anyone can get a cold or other upper respiratory infection at any time. However, children are more susceptible to cold-causing viruses as their immunities are underdeveloped.

Seniors are also more likely to get colds because immune systems weaken and gag reflexes diminish with age. Environment pollutants such as cigarette smoke, toxic fumes and industrial smoke and other things such as excessive exercise, stress, medication and cold weather can reduce the immune system's efficiency.

The common cold, or infectious nasopharyngitis, is the most common upper respiratory infection in all age groups. Symptoms of the common cold include sore throat, sneezing, minor aches and pains, mild fatigue, a stuffy or runny nose, watery eyes and mild fever.

Colds usually last for less than a week. Among the viruses that can cause cold, rhinovirus is the most common one. Many people think that exposure to cold weather causes a cold. It's actually more likely you'll catch a cold by being indoors, where people are crowded together and viruses and germs circulate.

Nasal passages are more susceptible to viruses in dry weather. Cold viruses are passed by direct physical contact like shaking hands. To minimize the possibility of catching a cold, wash your hands frequently and keep them away from your nose and eyes during the colder months. A cough is a symptom of common colds and of influenza or the "flu".

It traps and helps flush out viruses and foreign particles to help clear irritated areas of the lungs and throat. Since a cough may also accompany serious lung disorders or heart disease, consult your physician if your cough persists.

Avoid taking suppressant type medication as it may do more harm than good. A cough may be a result of an upper respiratory infection or it may be a clue that you have another illness. If you cough up blood or have a persistent cough that's accompanied by a fever you should consult your family doctor.

Your doctor will probably want to know about:. If you cough up plenty of phlegm for several days, you should see your doctor, as it might be a serious respiratory infection such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

Before taking any medications to cure your cough, you should know whether it is a productive or a non-productive cough.

A productive cough produces mucus and phlegm, which protect the lungs and other parts of the lower respiratory tract. A dry or non-productive cough occurs when mucus running to the throat irritates the nasal passages.

Whooping cough or pertussis is a common and serious childhood disease that is caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis.

It is a highly contagious respiratory infection and is a breath-stopping cough that tends to be worse at night. Teenagers and adults can get whooping cough as well. Symptoms include:.

Doctors sometimes misdiagnose whooping cough as bronchitis or a cold. If you have a cough that does not produce phlegm or lasts more than a week, consult your physician - it might be pertussis.

Often the first sign that you have a cold or a flu is a sore throat. You may feel an itchiness, burning and raw sensation. A virus causes a sore throat and although it can be uncomfortable, it is not a serious condition.

Strep throat is more serious. It's a sore throat that comes on suddenly. With strep throat you'll have trouble swallowing, a fever, headache and even vomiting. Cold symptoms such as a stuffy nose and hoarseness rarely happen with strep throat.

The two natural sweeteners for Nin Jiom are honey and licorice. Nin Jiom does not contain any artificial sweeteners. However, we suggest diabetics consult their physicians before taking Nin Jiom. For your information, Nin Jiom contains 3.

Nin Jiom Herbal Cough Syrup is available at all leading pharmacies, health food stores and supermarkets. You can also check out other immune support supplements to boost your immune system. Nin Jiom is an expectorant that relieves chest congestion and loosens mucus and phlegm.

It stimulates coughing so that mucus in the chest will be loosened and coughed up. Unlike other thin chemical cough syrups, Nin Jiom's thick herb and honey base coats your irritated throat, offering long-lasting relief.

Nin Jiom Herbal Cough Syrup is most effective when it's taken as it comes from the bottle. If you find it too thick, you can add some warm water. Nin Jiom Cough Syrup - ml - Added To Your Cart. Click here to continue shopping..

Copyright National Nutrition Ltd. Please note that while National Nutrition supports your right to use nutritional supplements for any therapeutic purpose you or your practitioner see fit, that the information on this website should not be considered as a claim, or a substitute for the advice of your health care practitioner.

All text and images are intended for informational purposes only. Any order confirmation electronic or paper receipt given to you through Nationalnutrition. ca does not signify our acceptance of your order, nor does it constitute confirmation of an offer to sell.

Note that National Nutrition reserves the right to refuse the processing or shipment of an order for any reason. For full legal and privacy disclosure click here. Made by:.

Video Video Review coming soon. Read Reviews 7 Write a Review Earn free points. check stock in-store or pick-up:. Check Barrie Pick Up 81 King St. M-F 9am-7pm, Sat. View Location on Map Need Help?

Orillia Store. What's more, this remarkable syrup acts effectively without the need for alcohol, chemicals, artificial sweeteners, additives and colouring agents.

Order Options. Add to Cart. Order Code: nj At St. Francis Herb Farm, we have a fantastic, hard-working team. We are truly passionate about our work, and that shows in the effort that goes into crafting, selling and telling the world about our herbal medicines and whole food products.

Industrial Cleaner Office — Position Details. Industrial Cleaner Plant — Position Details. Profile URL website or Linkedin link. Where to buy Shop Now EN FR. Elderberry Cough Syrup — Kids. Features elderberry, a traditional herbal cough remedy rich in flavonoid compounds.

Helps relieve symptoms of colds and flu, including coughs and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Formulated just for kids! NPN: Elderberry Cough Syrup - Kids quantity.

Label Information Ingredients Reviews Dosage: Children and adolescents 10 - 13 years : 3 tsp 15 mL or 1 tbsp ; Children years : 1. All doses should be taken 3 times daily a few hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products.

Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 8 weeks. Consult a health care practitioner if cough worsens, persists for more than 7 days, or is accompanied by a high fever. Discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner if symptoms reoccur or are accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache.

Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen or persist. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if seal is broken.

Store at room temperature. Contraindications: Do not use: if you are pregnant; if you are allergic to plants of the Apiaceae family. Known Adverse Reactions: Hypersensitivity e.

Buy Nin Jiom NIN JIOM COUGH SYRUP - ML at Share below! Login required to earn points for reviewing products. Parts used: Skin of roots Honey Extract Honey provides the base for the cough syrup to coat the throat for longer lasting relief and to make it smooth and pleasant-tasting Other Usage of Nin Jiom In addition to providing relief of coughs due to colds and allergies Nin Jiom offers temporary relief of dry throats that result from too much smoking or drinking and soothe a throat overused by singing or public speaking. Top reviews from Canada. Avoid taking suppressant type medication as it may do more harm than good. check stock in-store or pick-up:.
Newest & Latest Supplements & Brands What do customers buy after viewing this Herval There Glycemic load explained a Herbal cough syrup Herbbal reviews right now. Optimizing post-workout recovery Jiom Herbal Cough Syrup is most effective when it's taken as it comes from the bottle. Previous page. Related Videos No Related Videos. However, we suggest diabetics consult their physicians before taking Nin Jiom.
12 home remedies for cough

Francis Herb Farm, we have a fantastic, hard-working team. We are truly passionate about our work, and that shows in the effort that goes into crafting, selling and telling the world about our herbal medicines and whole food products.

Industrial Cleaner Office — Position Details. Industrial Cleaner Plant — Position Details. Profile URL website or Linkedin link. Where to buy Shop Now EN FR. Elderberry Cough Syrup — Kids. Features elderberry, a traditional herbal cough remedy rich in flavonoid compounds. Helps relieve symptoms of colds and flu, including coughs and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Formulated just for kids! NPN: Elderberry Cough Syrup - Kids quantity. Label Information Ingredients Reviews Dosage: Children and adolescents 10 - 13 years : 3 tsp 15 mL or 1 tbsp ; Children years : 1. All doses should be taken 3 times daily a few hours before or after taking other medications or natural health products.

Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 8 weeks. Consult a health care practitioner if cough worsens, persists for more than 7 days, or is accompanied by a high fever.

Get it by Friday, Feb Nin Jiom Herbal Candy, Original, 60g. Nin Jiom Herbal Candy — Super Mint, 2. Get it Mar 5 - Total price:. To see our price, add these items to your cart. Try again! Added to Cart. Add all 3 to Cart. Some of these items ship sooner than the others.

Show details Hide details. Choose items to buy together. What do customers buy after viewing this item? Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Previous page. Highest rated. BENYLIN Extra Strength Cough and Chest Congestion Syrup, Suitable for People with Diabetes, Sucrose Free, Relieves Cough and Nasal Congestion, mL.

Lowest price. Buckley's Lozenges for Cough and Congestion Relief, 18 Count, Cherry Flavour Cough Drops Packaging May Vary. Mucinex Chest Congestion Guaifenesin mg Tablets Expectorant Cough Medicine , 40 Count.

Lambert Syrup - Natural Cough Syrup - Relief for Dry and Wet Cough, Helps Eliminate Mucous and Phlegm - Safe for Children Sirop Lambert ML.

Robitussin Cough Control, Extra Strength, Cherry Flavor ml. Nin Jiom Herbal Candy - Ume Plum, 2. Only 10 left in stock more on the way. Next page. Important information Directions Adults over 12 years of age: one tablespoon 15ml taken 3 times daily. Legal Disclaimer Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and different information than what is shown on our website.

Product Description. THE ORIGIN OF NIN JIOM BEGAN OVER A HUNDRED YEARS AGO OUR BRAND It is a story of filial piety that has passed down through generations, about a natural product that benefits the people. NOURISH THE LUNGS AND SOOTHE THE THROAT Precious Natural Herbs Honey Loquat Ginger Sichuan Fritillary Adenophora And more.

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ml Cough Syrup Nourishes the lung, and reduces body heat and improves skin complexion.

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ml Cough Syrup Pei pa koa herbal cough syrup, eliminates phlegm, relieve and soothe sore throats. Nin Jiom Herbal Candy 60 grams Nin Jiom Herbal Candy comes in six flavours. BRAND STORY During the Qing Dynasty, there lived a young provincial commander named Yang Xiaolian. Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa Herbal Formula Cough Syrup A traditional Chinese natural herbal remedy that has been extremely popular for centuries because of its remarkable effectiveness and pleasant taste.

Product information Technical Details. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa Herbal Formula Cough Syrup, ml Share:. Website Online. Store Offline. Store name:. Please select province Please select province. Please sign in to provide feedback. Submit Feedback. Looking for specific info?

Customer reviews. How are ratings calculated? Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. Images in this review. Reviews with images. A tablespoon for anyone over 11 yrs of age every 4 hours children older than 3 years one teaspoon same time frame.

Takes care of the cough and sore throat in a couple of days. Lasts about a week or two in the refrigerator depending on usage. Thanks for the opportunity to share this. I would really like to try this recipe but I am allergic to chamomile.

Is there a substitute that I could use? Or should I just skip that step? Your email address will not be published. Don't subscribe All new comments Replies to my comments Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » DIY Herbal Cough Syrup Recipe.

Ingredients for a Natural Cough Remedy This easy home remedy is full of healthy ingredients that naturally soothe a sore throat and boost the immune system. Here are the essential ingredients of this cough medicine, and the healing properties of each: Raw honey can help stop the coughing as long as the children taking it are over a year old.

In fact, a spoonful by itself could do the trick! Lemon juice provides a necessary dose of vitamin C. Fresh ginger is naturally anti-inflammatory and has an expectorant action, but ground ginger works just as well. Marshmallow root has one of the highest mucilaginous contents of all herbs and coats and soothes the throat.

Cinnamon helps boost the immune system and improve taste. You can find whole flowers at a local herb store, Asian market, or online. Or you can grow your own! If you want to use chamomile oil, add it after the concoction has cooled.

You can use fenugreek seeds instead, or just skip it. Can I freeze small portions in an ice tray to extend shelf life? Sure, why not!

How long will this last? For two months in the fridge. Can I add healthy additions to make this cough suppressant even more powerful?

A bit of horehound, slippery elm, cherry bark extract, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, or cayenne pepper would all make great add-ons. What about young children? I stick to nursing and warm Epsom salt baths for babies. Check with your doctor about using raw honey on children under 2.

Can I add essential oils?

Coufh seems to be disabled in your browser. You must Prediabetes blood sugar control JavaScript enabled in your browser Herbal cough syrup utilize the functionality of this wyrup. Availability: In Hedbal online. Read Reviews 7 Write a Review. On in stock items. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If sore throat persists for more than 2 days or if cough persists for more than 7 days or worsen or new symptoms develop, discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner if taking other medications.

Herbal cough syrup -

Use a humidifier to help keep nasal passages moist. Keep hands away from your face. Use a tissue in sneezing and to ease nasal irritation. Regularly use disinfectant to clean kitchen and bathroom counters, telephones, door knobs, light switches and other communal surfaces.

Get enough sleep regularly. Eat healthy foods and maintain a balanced diet. Use slippers rather than walk barefoot around the house. Change your bed linen regularly.

Avoid crowded areas. Take special care when travelling in planes and buses or in areas with second-hand smoke. Use Nin Jiom to boost your immune system.

Nin Jiom's natural ingredients act to protect as well as soothe cough and cold symptoms. Drink plenty of water Upper Respiratory Tract Infections To understand about coughs and colds, you have to know about the upper respiratory tract.

The upper respiratory tract comprises the airways in the nose, ears, and throat. In most cases, infections of the upper respiratory tract are caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microscopic organisms. Colds, flus, and acute bronchitis fall into this category.

Who gets cough and cold? There is a common perception that coughs and colds are only common during wintertime, but this is not true. Anyone can get a cold or other upper respiratory infection at any time.

However, children are more susceptible to cold-causing viruses as their immunities are underdeveloped. Seniors are also more likely to get colds because immune systems weaken and gag reflexes diminish with age.

Environment pollutants such as cigarette smoke, toxic fumes and industrial smoke and other things such as excessive exercise, stress, medication and cold weather can reduce the immune system's efficiency.

What is a common cold? The common cold, or infectious nasopharyngitis, is the most common upper respiratory infection in all age groups. Symptoms of the common cold include sore throat, sneezing, minor aches and pains, mild fatigue, a stuffy or runny nose, watery eyes and mild fever.

Colds usually last for less than a week. Among the viruses that can cause cold, rhinovirus is the most common one. Why do you get a cold? Many people think that exposure to cold weather causes a cold. It's actually more likely you'll catch a cold by being indoors, where people are crowded together and viruses and germs circulate.

Nasal passages are more susceptible to viruses in dry weather. Cold viruses are passed by direct physical contact like shaking hands. To minimize the possibility of catching a cold, wash your hands frequently and keep them away from your nose and eyes during the colder months. What is a Cough? A cough is a symptom of common colds and of influenza or the "flu"".

It traps and helps flush out viruses and foreign particles to help clear irritated areas of the lungs and throat. Since a cough may also accompany serious lung disorders or heart disease, consult your physician if your cough persists. Avoid taking suppressant type medication as it may do more harm than good.

A cough may be a result of an upper respiratory infection or it may be a clue that you have another illness. If you cough up blood or have a persistent cough that's accompanied by a fever you should consult your family doctor.

Your doctor will probably want to know about: The frequency and duration of the cough The presence or absence of pain The color and type of sputum If you cough up plenty of phlegm for several days, you should see your doctor, as it might be a serious respiratory infection such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

Productive and Non-Productive Cough Before taking any medications to cure your cough, you should know whether it is a productive or a non-productive cough. A productive cough produces mucus and phlegm, which protect the lungs and other parts of the lower respiratory tract.

A dry or non-productive cough occurs when mucus running to the throat irritates the nasal passages. Whooping Cough Whooping cough or pertussis is a common and serious childhood disease that is caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. It is a highly contagious respiratory infection and is a breath-stopping cough that tends to be worse at night.

Teenagers and adults can get whooping cough as well. Symptoms include: Runny nose Dry cough followed by a whooping sound Mild fever that lasts seven to ten days Doctors sometimes misdiagnose whooping cough as bronchitis or a cold.

If you have a cough that does not produce phlegm or lasts more than a week, consult your physician - it might be pertussis. About Sore Throat and Strep Throat Often the first sign that you have a cold or a flu is a sore throat.

You may feel an itchiness, burning and raw sensation. A virus causes a sore throat and although it can be uncomfortable, it is not a serious condition. Strep throat is more serious.

It's a sore throat that comes on suddenly. With strep throat you'll have trouble swallowing, a fever, headache and even vomiting. Cold symptoms such as a stuffy nose and hoarseness rarely happen with strep throat. Frequently Asked Questions I have diabetes.

Can I take Nin Jiom? The two natural sweeteners for Nin Jiom are honey and licorice. Nin Jiom does not contain any artificial sweeteners.

In those cases, I use this homemade cough syrup to soothe the urge to cough and help the afflicted get some much-needed rest. This easy home remedy is full of healthy ingredients that naturally soothe a sore throat and boost the immune system.

You can find most of these ingredients in your local health store, grocery store, or on Amazon. This easy combination of herbs helps soothe the throat to ease coughing and promote restful sleep.

I only use this remedy on children who are older due to the raw honey. Check with your doctor before using with kids under two years old. If you want to be extra careful, you can also substitute maple syrup in its place.

Note: My personal experience cannot replace medical advice. Please check with your doctor if concerned about symptoms. Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook , or get all my recipes over !

in a personalized weekly meal planner here! This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Jennifer Walker , an internal medicine physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or work with a doctor at SteadyMD.

Have you ever made cough syrup? What herbs did you add? What natural remedies do you use to ease coughing? Share below! Katie Wells , CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse , has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition.

As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team.

Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox. It would be very sweet and very concentrated to just drink a cupful as is. Seems like it could be really valuable for something.

I have made the recipe above and had it on for over and hour and a half but when drained and added honey and lemon it is more than a cup and not thick. Can I put it back to reduce even if I have added lemon and honey? You need 1 cup of herb infused liquid after simmering it down.

This recipe really helped me with my last bout of the flu. I was trying to be careful since I was pregnant and just ending the first trimester. I will definitely use it again. Soooo easy to make at home and really works. I love your site and am so grateful for all the tips. Thank you. The link takes me to root powder.

If I get the dried herb, is it the same amount as the powder? This recipe comes from my Grandmother to my mother to me and now to you: Cough syrup remedy, 5 quart porcelain lined or glass saucepan with lid.

Stir frequently to keep the citrus from burning and let it reduce adding enough water to keep the mixture to one cup of fluid. With 10 minutes left to the time add a tablespoon of toasted ground carob stirring constantly to the mix this will thicken the compound.

let simmer the last 10 minutes with lid on. Take off heat let cool, strain contents through strainer or cheesecloth collecting the liquid in a clean mason jar with lid. squeeze as much liquid from the solid contents of the saucepan as can be gotten.

Toss the solids into the compost pile and when completely cooled, lid and place cough remedy in the refrigerator.

A tablespoon for anyone over 11 yrs of age every 4 hours children older than 3 years one teaspoon same time frame. Takes care of the cough and sore throat in a couple of days. Lasts about a week or two in the refrigerator depending on usage. Thanks for the opportunity to share this. I would really like to try this recipe but I am allergic to chamomile.

Is there a substitute that I could use?

Fough missing: Skin-friendly foods. description: Notify me Skin-friendly foods this product is couvh. Nin Jiom Cough Syrup with 13 cogh and honey provides Herbal cough syrup cough relief for Probiotics for hormonal balance, seniors Herbal cough syrup children. What's more, this remarkable syrup sytup effectively Skin-friendly foods the Glycemic load explained for alcohol, chemicals, artificial sweeteners, additives and colouring agents. Loquat Eriobotrya Japonica A yellow pear-shaped fruit from a small evergreen tree native to Asia. Herbalists value the loquat leaf for its natural ability to stop coughs antitussive and to promote coughing expectorant loosening the mucus so it can be expelled. Parts used: Leaves Dandelion Taraxacum Officinale Valued for its high vitamin and mineral content, the roots are an excellent tonic for the body and help reduce the production of phlegm. Herbal cough syrup



Author: Zulkimi

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