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Hunger in developing countries

Hunger in developing countries

Download Now. He Couuntries that the potential to become Oily skin solutions key exporting nation on the Couuntries continent can countrifs numerous Hunger in developing countries, including attracting investment and promoting regional integration. WFP estimates — from 78 of the countries where it works and where data is available — that more than million people are facing acute levels of food insecurity inand do not know where their next meal is coming from.

Hunger in developing countries -

It is not completely out of reach. In July the heads of the African state department committed to ending hunger in Africa by To achieve this admirable goal, the country has committed to investing in agriculture and improving peace and stability in the region. Both of these actions have been found to have significant positive impacts on hunger-reduction.

Hefty progress has already been made throughout the world — nutrition improved for 26 million people between and alone. Hunger in developing countries is a detrimental hurdle to effective growth. The fight against global hunger is essential; ending hunger in developing countries could bring the world one step closer towards eliminating global poverty and sparking growth in much of the developing world.

Blog - Latest News. Hunger is one of the most widespread problems across the globe. Inside The Borgen Project Contact About Financials President Board of Directors Newsletter. ASBINA MARIN SEVILLA Venezuela , speaking for the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations , said reducing poverty in all its forms and eradicating hunger has long been a focus of the international community.

She reported that an estimated million people, or 8. This represents a pandemic which is affecting all efforts towards achieving the Agenda. She further stressed that unilateral coercive measures constitute a flagrant violation of the Charter and international law, given their wide scope of effect and extraterritorial implications — deliberately exacerbating the multilevel crises affecting the international community and prolonging human suffering.

Emphasizing that these measures make it nearly impossible to purchase equipment, software and spare parts for the agricultural sector, she recalled the joint statement by FAO, the World Food Programme WFP and the World Bank in , affirming that such measures contribute to the rise of food prices.

GLADYS MOKHAWA Botswana , speaking on behalf of the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries , said that the challenges facing the world are vast. Landlocked developing countries are facing increasingly complex trade-offs between fighting inflation, preserving financial stability and supporting inclusive economic recovery.

Many citizens depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. The devastating impact of climate change on this sector poses a significant challenge. Food insecurity has recently spiked, as have global food costs. There is a need to support landlocked developing countries to achieve efficient transit including by helping them build the necessary infrastructure, she went on to say.

Many landlocked developing countries are dependent on primary commodities as sources of economic strength. It is therefore critical to support these countries in economic structural transformation, she added. Addressing the impact of climate change is also critical for this group of countries. However, landlocked developing countries are often left out of conversations on climate change.

International support is necessary to help those vulnerable countries charter a path for their sustainable development. ISAIA LAUTASI Samoa , speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States and aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China, said because the global development blueprint highlights the urgency of eradicating poverty and hunger, the Group considers agricultural development, food security and nutrition critical.

Reversal of progress in this regard is therefore a source of concern for small island developing States. However, this approach poses difficulties of healthy diet maintenance, equitable distribution of costs and revenues, and sustainability, as well as the central consideration of sufficient food for everyone.

Persistent crises therefore underscore the need to holistically address these challenges. The Group therefore continues its calls to development partners to deliver on their commitments in line with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda for resources and investments needed for developing countries to achieve the SDGs.

BARAHONA FIGUEROA El Salvador aligned herself with the Group of 77 and China and said that the lack of advancement of the SDGs has a significant impact on developing countries, affecting the poorest and most vulnerable. She pointed to policies that are people-focused with social investment and prioritization of early childhood initiatives.

She called for rethinking means of measurements so that no one is left behind, adding that focusing on the economic aspect to measure progress will only lead to greater gaps.

She said the middle-income trap is a reality. It is a global challenge that affects people in most of the world. She highlighted sustainable agriculture practices designed to improve the living situation of the rural poor who depend on livestock and farming, such as modernizing the rural infrastructure and technology.

MARKOVA CONCEPCIÓN JARAMILLO Panama , aligning herself with the Group of 77 and China, noted that according to World Bank estimates, million people were living in conditions of extreme poverty in , an increase of 70 million people compared to projections prior to the pandemic.

In Panama, like other territories in Latin America and the Caribbean, the rate of poverty and extreme poverty is much higher in rural areas than in urban areas. Those areas are the basis of family farming producing most of the food for local consumption; yet paradoxically, the countryside has the lowest schooling rates, and women have less participation in the labour market.

She noted that 15 October is the International Day of Rural Women, calling for efforts to spotlight their invaluable contribution to development. CHARLENE ARAVEJO BERIANNA Philippines , associating herself with the Group of 77 and China and ASEAN, highlighted that her Government aims to reinvigorate job creation and accelerate poverty reduction.

Mindful that poverty continues to be overwhelmingly rural and is primarily concentrated in the agricultural sector, the Philippines has ongoing projects and programmes to achieve rural development, and to modernize and strengthen the resiliency of agriculture and agribusiness, with technical, capacity-building and financial support to farmers and fisherfolk.

The Philippine Rural Development Program seeks to increase rural incomes and enhance farm and fishery productivity in targeted areas by supporting smallholders and fishers, she said. With a whole-of-nation approach, the Philippines is fast-tracking efforts to achieve greater access to safer and more nutritious food towards healthier and more sustainable consumption patterns.

The international community must prioritize ending hunger and poverty, she further stressed. Recent reports show that the world is not on track to end poverty, which is on the increase in different regions, particularly in the Middle East.

Her country is committed to prioritizing poverty reduction through a broad range of economic, environmental and social policies, which include implementation of targeted subsidy systems on essential goods and services, promoting job creation and diversifying its economy.

She further called on the United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO to actively pursue inclusive and sustainable development and help build resilience in developing countries. VÁSQUEZ SOLANO, youth delegate of Mexico , said that millions of people still live in poverty, hunger and malnutrition are on the rise and the effects of climate change become more evident.

ETOUNDI AYISSI Cameroon aligned himself with the Group of 77 and China and the African Group and took notes of the reports presented to the Committee. He expressed concern over the increased number of people in distress and poverty around the world and reiterated his commitment to the Agenda and leaving no one behind.

He highlighted policies in Cameroon to promote employment, gender equality, better health care and social protection, climate change mitigation and the modernization of agriculture and rural development. Challenges include insecurity and instability, the crushing weight of debt servicing, protectionism and worsening terms of trade, he said, adding that this is not a challenge that one country can overcome alone.

He emphasized that the potential to become a key exporting nation on the African continent can bring numerous benefits, including attracting investment and promoting regional integration.

Thailand has been investing in improving quality of life for vulnerable groups and low-income families, notably through providing access to universal health coverage and quality education.

Thailand also believes that food insecurity in developing countries has often been a key impediment to eradicating poverty, he said, calling for the international community, including relevant international organizations, to intensify efforts in assisting developing countries to enhance their agricultural production capacity.

This could be achieved through improvement of farming techniques and ensuring access to quality food and improved nutrition, he said. Food volumes exported around the world would have been much higher had the Russian Federation not systematically obstructed the normal functioning of the Black Sea Grain Initiative in its attempt to weaponize the global food shortage.

CARLOS IVAN ZAMBRANA FLORES Bolivia aligned himself with the Group of 77 and China, the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries and the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations. He said eradicating poverty and strengthening agricultural development is key to achieving the SDGs and highlighted the need for equity.

He pointed to substantial progress in the redistribution of land, technology and the means of production. Smallholders in rural areas are important, he said, expressing commitment to their financial and technical empowerment.

Food security and food sovereignty must be addressed as a vital part of the development of people, he added, stressing the need to tackle aspects of agriculture and food dependency based on fair trade.

He said Indigenous Peoples and their traditional know-how can help build productive systems and solve some of these challenges. Developing countries must be able to address consumption and production patterns with different kinds of fiscal policies, he said.

NASHWA Maldives , associating herself with the Group of 77 and China and the Alliance of Small Island States, noted that climate change poses a relentless threat to the food and water security of small island developing States. Climate extremes have severely hampered agricultural productivity in Maldives, while coral bleaching and ocean acidification are destroying the marine ecosystem upon which many of the islands rely for protein: fish, as her country is among the highest fish-consuming States in the world.

Further, illegal and unreported fishing and competition for resources threaten the fishery sector. Her country remains committed to banning harmful fishing methods.

She additionally affirmed that, as the country imports over 90 per cent of its food, it is diversifying the agriculture sector to improve food security, identifying 17 crops for cultivation across 44 islands and launching a link of ferry services to connect widely dispersed atolls.

NZUMBU Kenya , aligning herself with the Group of 77 and China and the African Group, said that vulnerable populations, including the poor, small-scale food producers, women, youth, persons with disabilities and children, are disproportionately affected by the global food and energy crisis, leading to increased humanitarian needs.

MAURIZIO MASSARI Italy said that eliminating poverty and hunger must continue to be at the top of international course of action. Displacement is a driver and outcome of food insecurity, with forcibly displaced people reaching more than million people. Agrifood systems account for one third of total greenhouse gas emissions and, at the same time, they are highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change, he added.

He added that Belarus is one of the biggest producers of potash fertilizers and traditionally accounted for 20 per cent of global trade in this product. NEVILLE MELVIN GERTZE Namibia said many of the SDG goals, including poverty reduction, improved health and access to quality education, intersect with sustainable food production and food security, and expressed his concern that by , 30 per cent of the population in sub-Saharan Africa is anticipated to still be living in extreme poverty.

He cited analysis from the World Bank, which suggests that eradicating extreme poverty in the region would require each country to have an annual growth rate of per capita gross domestic product GDP of 9 per cent beginning in Given that these economies grew by an average of 1.

He also spoke to the gaps in income and wealth distribution, a legacy of colonialism and apartheid, which are a threat to global security and harmony. He pointed to progress in reducing poverty, even though the results have been uneven across the country, citing among other things the addition of food banks that aims to combat hunger and provide nutrition for the most vulnerable.

BOKOUM MAHAMADOU Burkina Faso said the percentage of people suffering from hunger is much higher in Africa than elsewhere in the world, and that his Government has factored malnutrition and poverty reduction efforts into its national development plans.

It also, in , adopted the law on the universal health insurance scheme, which aims to provide basic health coverage for all Burkinabés by Other projects for women, children and the elderly have been undertaken.

He noted that the fight against poverty requires a synergy of actions by all actors and solicited the support of the international community towards defeating the terrorist group Hydra.

CAO LIWEN China , aligning herself with the Group of 77 and her country, said the international community must place great emphasis on poverty reduction, especially in rural areas. Developed countries should assist least developed countries with investment, technology and capacity-building, and work towards promoting a more just and reasonable global economic order.

She noted that poverty and hunger are two aspects of the same issue, requiring a whole-of-society approach cutting across industry, technology, education and cultural sectors in forming solutions. At the same time, it works to reduce poverty in other States through South-South cooperation, working with the FAO, WFP and other organizations, operationalizing projects in 60 countries covering 30 million people.

He looked forward to the hosting of the twenty-eighth UN Climate Change Conference, whose aim will be to support international efforts to reduce food waste, accelerate food security initiatives and strengthen food production chains.

He noted several initiatives aiming to make progress on agricultural programmes and combat malnutrition. The United Arab Emirates is committed to providing annual support to FAO. He reiterated that his Government will continue to support all actions to help the international community achieve global food security.

PETAL GAHLOT India aligned herself with the Group of 77 and China and said that her country has lifted about million people out of poverty over 15 years, contributing to the decline in poverty levels in South Asia.

Countries must urgently implement social policies to mitigate the impacts of the crises, get back on track and build resilience, she said, citing a priority-sector lending approach that protects key economic sectors from severe external shocks and propels structural transformation.

Through targeted policy intervention, multidimensional poverty in rural India has declined faster in the last decade, she said, adding that more than 70 per cent of rural Indian households rely on agriculture as the principal source of livelihood.

She said India has built resilient food stocks, ensuring food security for more than million of its citizens during the last three years. His delegation believes that ensuring food security is crucial to address these challenges.

Transforming food systems in a more sustainable and resilient manner is imperative to better withstand and recover from multiple crises. Financing this therefore needs to be comprehensive and consistent at all levels, he added, stating that providing decent jobs must also be prioritized.

MARITZA CHAN VALVERDE Costa Rica said that her country is investing in strengthening social protection tailored to the specific needs of each population group and eliminating barriers that hinder access. Challenges such as climate change and its economic impact delay the attainment of the SDGs, she said, adding that COVID has put extraordinary pressures on food systems around the world.

According to FAO, 3. Many of these areas are found in developing countries with severe implications for food security. Tajikistan faces several environmental challenges, including land degradation, she said, adding that her Government has identified food security and access to good quality nutrition as one of its development priorities.

LINOUSE VILMENAY JOSEPH Haiti , aligning herself with CARICOM, the Group of 77 and China, the Alliance of Small Island States and the Group of Least Developed Countries, noted her country faces major economic, social and environmental problems, with the deterioration of the security situation also generating a new humanitarian crisis in recent weeks, with displaced people spontaneously occupying several sites to escape gang violence.

These challenges are enormous, she stressed, requiring bold measures to promote an accelerated recovery and guarantee the socioeconomic development of everyone. She further cited the priority of science, technology and innovation, and the application of a new approach to the modernization of the agricultural sector.

MUSA GARBA MAITAFSIR Nigeria , aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China and the African Group, called for re-evaluating existing agricultural interventions and policies. MATETE PAUL NENA Lesotho said that now is the time to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.

CARLA MARIA RODRÍGUEZ MANCIA Guatemala reminded that hunger has a human face, and those most vulnerable to malnutrition are children under 5 years of age, women in extreme poverty and rural populations.

Her country has also witnessed how climate change has become a driver of hunger, destroying crops and productive infrastructure, increasing poverty and migratory flows.

This requires investing in innovative agricultural technologies, promoting productivity and open trade. Further, the resilience of agrifood systems must be strengthened through social protection programmes, early warning systems, agricultural insurance and livelihood diversification.

She pointed to the WFP Pro-Resilience project, which seeks to contribute to improving the food security and nutritional status of 60 communities in the dry north-eastern corridor of Guatemala, by generating income through productive activities and involvement of women in entrepreneurship at the local level.

GIRMAY Ethiopia , aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China, the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries, the Group of Least Developed Countries and the African Group, said that the developing States are having the heaviest burden while persistent droughts in Africa further threaten food security.

BARBA Ecuador , aligning herself with the Group of 77 and China, said eradicating poverty is a priority, especially since it goes beyond monetary resources to cover a set of deprivations that require attention, especially the vulnerable and those in rural areas.

Financial institutions need to focus on capacity-building, she said, and added that external crises, including climate change, jeopardize food security. In support of accomplishing the Agenda, she cited several strategic areas, among them better production, better nutrition and better environment, to achieve a better life.

She spoke of work to transform national agrifood systems with low environmental impact, which includes inclusive dialogue that makes the contribution of women more visible. Another priority has been the successful reduction of chronic infant malnutrition, she said, adding that around 20, infants now have a better future.

ROYSTON ALKINS Guyana , associating himself with the Group of 77 and China, the Alliance of Small Island States and CARICOM, warned that only about one-third of countries will meet the target to halve national poverty levels — and shockingly, the world is back at hunger levels not seen since , with food prices remaining higher in more countries than in the period from to In that vein, he called on relevant parties to end all geopolitical conflicts and take action to halt and reverse the effects of climate change, including delivering on climate finance.

Guyana, he recalled, is endowed with vast forests, farmlands and freshwater resources. ALMEZYAD Kuwait said that combating poverty in all its dimensions is a major pillar for the implementation of the SDGs and a fundamental focus of her Government. Kuwait has also deployed great efforts to combat poverty across its own territory through Government assistance programmes in an equitable manner in hopes of strengthening social cohesion.

MARY BETH LEONARD United States said that her country remains committed to improving global food and nutrition security. EMERY GABI Congo , aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China, said that after recording substantial progress in reducing extreme poverty, the world now finds itself in a state of indescribable poverty, with climate change and environmental degradation among the challenges.

He added that food insecurity disproportionately affects women and people in rural areas. He called for urgent action to reverse the negative trends and accelerate progress, highlighting the need to connect rural and urban areas with infrastructure, public goods and capacity-building.

Various initiatives, especially the implementation of national development plans, have helped restructure and diversify the economy and lay the foundation for sustainable growth, he said. Among other victories are improved access to clean drinking water as well as better access to electricity.

ALAN EBUN GEORGE Sierra Leone , aligning himself with the Group of 77 and China and the Group of Least Developed Countries, warned that increasing inequality and poverty has forced thousands of vibrant youths to cross the Mediterranean into Europe in search of greener pastures.

The consequence of this persistent migration has led to brain drain and low agricultural output that has adversely impacted the domestic economies of developing countries. To develop human capital, the Government has allocated 21 per cent of its budget to education, while offering scholarships to female students studying science, technology, innovation and engineering in university and colleges.

The country has engaged in various rice production projects including cultivating hectares of farm rice using combined harvesters and threshers to dramatically increase production output and meet domestic demands.

Similarly, the fisheries and the aquaculture sectors have huge potential to reduce food insecurity. ALSINDI Bahrain said that food insecurity affects million people worldwide, 35 million are facing famine and hundreds of thousands are near famine conditions.

An increase Hjnger extreme poverty in developing countries — for Hunger in developing countries CLA and heart health time in two developng — countdies inextricably linked to the global food insecurity crisissenior Countriew Nations officials warned the Hunger in developing countries Committee Economic and Hunger in developing countries today, calling developinng urgent strategies to turn back the tide. He called for the implementation of inclusive, environmentally sustainable strategies that put the eradication of rural poverty at the centre. Turning to the report on agriculture development, food security and nutrition, he said that some A long-term, holistic approach is needed to address structural problems such as political and economic shocks, unsustainable management of natural resources and socioeconomic exclusion. He stressed that the poorest countries spent billions on debt payments, preventing them from investing in sustainable development. Hunger in developing countries

Hunger in developing countries -

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Hunger and poverty WPAY Hunger and poverty WPAY. World Programme of Action for Youth Hunger and Poverty Over one billion people in the world today live in unacceptable conditions of poverty, mostly in developing countries, particularly in rural areas of low-income countries in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and the least developed countries.

One in nine people globally is currently undernourished. This means that hunger in developing countries represents one of the most significant issues facing the developing world and development assistance programs.

Hunger in developing countries is not just concentrated on Africa. While the population of Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest percentage of undernourished people, Asia is home to the most hunger people in the world. Women and children are most negatively impacted. Those who do survive are often forced to go to school hungry, which hinders their ability to grow and learn and puts them behind in school.

Rural farmers experience the highest rates of undernutrition. It is not completely out of reach. In July the heads of the African state department committed to ending hunger in Africa by To achieve this admirable goal, the country has committed to investing in agriculture and improving peace and stability in the region.

Many MRI image interpretation contribute to hunger — which is why Hunger in developing countries providing more food is not countriee long-term answer Hunger in developing countries hunger. Poverty is the cointries cause of hunger around the world — in Healthy recipe ideas higher-wealth and low- to middle-income countries. More than un people Deveeloping developing countries live in extreme poverty, and 1 out of 5 children globally. The largest group of people in the world in extreme poverty are smallholder farmers in developing countries. They do not have the land to grow enough food to supply themselves with enough to eat year-round, and they earn so little income from what they sell that they cannot afford to purchase food from other sources once their own supply runs out. Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge the world has ever faced, and it is damaging food and water security in significant ways, like drought and flooding.


VICE News Daily: How Insects Could Fight Hunger in Developing Countries

Author: Damuro

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