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Optimizing insulin sensitivity for weight loss

Optimizing insulin sensitivity for weight loss

Oltimizing was in order Opimizing get down to Opti,izing same size Metabolism boosting supplements the actress Optimizing insulin sensitivity for weight loss Optimizingg was doubling for on a movie. Learn Metabolic balance support the best type 2 diabetes diets and meals plans. Promo code SPRING will be automatically applied at checkout! He suggested I have blood tests which I did and discovered that his suspicion that I was low in magnesium was correct — very low. Even sleep restriction for one week reduces insulin sensitivity 7.

Optimizing insulin sensitivity for weight loss -

In contrast, insulin sensitive cells are able to efficiently and effectively respond to insulin in a way that allows us to carry out many of the vital mechanisms needed to maintain health. Altogether, this phenomenon is called insulin sensitivity, and it plays a significant role in fat loss, hormone balance, metabolic function, and disease prevention.

In fact, there are several strategies you can use to increase your receptivity to insulin — but before we can implement them, we must take a closer look at the intriguing phenomenon of insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a protein based hormone secreted by the pancreas in response to increases in blood sugar.

When you eat and digest carbs, it increases how much sugar is in your bloodstream. This is detected by the cells in your pancreas which will then secrete insulin into the blood. Once the insulin is traveling in your bloodstream, it starts to facilitate the uptake of sugar into the cells that need energy.

This is essential for our health because abnormally high amounts of sugar in the blood can cause harm throughout the body. In some cases, having high blood sugar levels can even cause major health issues and become fatal if not managed properly. For example, one of the most popular explanations for the growing obesity epidemic is that our carb-heavy diets keep our insulin levels so high that it prevents us from burning stored fat.

Basically, all you have to do is cut out the carbs, and you will lower insulin levels, trigger fat burning, and lose fat, right?

This hypothesis is accurate in some aspects, but seeing insulin and fat loss in this way neglects the bigger picture. When we consider the totality of the biochemistry and physiology of digestion and energy metabolism, insulin is simply one piece of information that feeds into what the body decides to do.

Put in another way: insulin provides our cells with info regarding glucose availability and energy status, and our cells will integrate that information with all the other information they have about their own energy status, needs, and abilities to come up with the appropriate actions.

This means that your energy intake i. Insulin sensitivity is the term that we use to describe how the cells in our body respond to insulin. The more insulin sensitive your cells are, the more responsive they will be to insulin, and vice versa. To measure this phenomenon objectively, we need to figure out how much insulin your body needs to produce to deposit a certain amount of glucose sugar.

You are considered insulin sensitive if your body only needs to secrete a small amount of insulin to deposit glucose into the cells, and you are considered insulin resistant when you need a higher than normal dose of insulin for the cells to respond.

For most people, having good insulin sensitivity is essential for having good overall health. There are some rare cases, however, when being too insulin sensitive can be harmful.

In general, people who are on insulin or other medications that help manage blood sugar levels must be cautious of the changes in their blood sugar that occur when they exercise and make other adjustments to their lifestyles that increase insulin sensitivity.

Insulin sensitivity has turned into a widespread phenomenon in the weight loss industry because of the strong correlation between peripheral insulin sensitivity and body fat percentage. The research literature suggests that the more insulin sensitive you are, the more carbohydrates your body can convert into energy without storing it as fat.

Thus, if you want to lose weight, it is probably best to make sure you are optimizing your insulin sensitivity. Both modifiable and non-modifiable factors determine the degree to which you are insulin sensitive or insulin resistant. Non-modifiable factors are factors that cannot be changed. Some examples of non-modifiable factors that decrease insulin sensitivity are:.

In contrast, the modifiable factors — what you can actually do to increase your insulin sensitivity — are. By neglecting to use these modifiable risk factors to your advantage, you will steadily reduce your insulin sensitivity and set the stage for insulin resistance and the conditions that come with it.

Low insulin sensitivity can be detrimental to your health, especially when your sensitivity is so low that you develop insulin resistance. When we become insulin resistant, the pancreas starts creating more insulin to help decrease blood sugar levels.

Hyperinsulinemia is linked to blood vessel damage, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Over time, having chronically high levels of insulin and blood sugar will cause health to deteriorate. If left untreated, insulin resistance can cause your cells to become even more insulin resistant via a positive feedback loop.

In other words, the cells in your body will lose their insulin sensitivity, and both your blood sugar levels and insulin go up. Eventually, the insulin-producing cells beta cells will start to lose their ability to function, blood sugar levels will continue to increase, and you will develop type 2 diabetes.

If this condition is left untreated, it can become lethal which is exemplified by the fact that type 2 diabetes is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide. Fortunately, this vicious cycle of insulin resistance can be prevented — and its severity significantly reduced — when we address the lifestyle factors that drive insulin resistance.

However, it is possible to distill our learnings into one simple concept that will help you understand what causes insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity for most people:. By energy status, I mean the current state of your cells.

Are they being bathed in energy molecules without any demand to use it up? To further illustrate the big picture of insulin sensitivity, here is a graph from an article published in Comprehensive Physiology :.

This graph depicts the relationships between insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity. This is what commonly occurs in healthy individuals. However, when insulin secretion fails to compensate for a fall in insulin sensitivity, the person will progress to prediabetes Point C.

If no changes are made at this point, the disease will progress from point C to Point D type 2 diabetes. The only way to prevent this from happening is by improving your insulin sensitivity.

Although the exact cause of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes is not yet fully understood, researchers have found the most robust evidence for the following two factors:. Various genetic and social factors can contribute to our likelihood of developing insulin resistance as well.

It can be drastically improved with simple lifestyle modifications. Carbohydrates stimulate the most insulin release of all the macronutrients so, theoretically, a low-carb diet should decrease insulin levels and improve insulin sensitivity to some degree.

The current research seems to back up this speculation. In one study, for example, ten obese subjects with type 2 diabetes i. Similar findings are being echoed throughout the research, which we took a closer look at in our article on the ketogenic diet and insulin resistance.

However, carbohydrate restriction is not the only reason why keto dieting can help with insulin resistance. The keto diet provides with insulin sensitivity boost that we get from fat loss as well.

Studies have shown that having high amounts of fat, especially around your midsection, can produce harmful chemicals and hormones responsible for decreased insulin sensitivity and increased inflammation. Simply by losing excess fat, insulin sensitivity and metabolic function will improve significantly.

More specifically, one study found that a weight loss of 5 percent is all obese patients need to experience some of the positive effects of fat loss on insulin sensitivity.

For more specific recommendations, check out our article about how to lose weight on keto. We learned earlier that decreased energy status typically leads to increased insulin sensitivity. In fact, one pilot study found that intermittent fasting for 2 weeks with a hour feeding window helped to improve blood sugar levels with a trend toward improved insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetics.

The research on dietary interventions for type 2 diabetes also suggests that calorie restriction is one of the major factors that can help manage and potentially reverse the disease. One way to achieve this, which was confirmed by the pilot study on intermittent fasting, is by restricting your feeding window, so you eat fewer calories throughout the day.

Fat requires insulin, too. However, the insulin response to fat occurs over a more extended period. Per oxidative priority , fat is last in line to be used for energy.

To learn more about oxidative priority and how your body burns different fuels, check out Oxidative Priority, The Key to Unlocking Your Body Fat Stores. The key thing to keep in mind with fat is that, similar to carbs, a higher percentage of energy from fat tends to align with a greater energy intake.

So, if you want to lose fat from your body, you may need to reduce the fat in your diet. To read more about the bolus and basal insulin, visit What Does Insulin Do In Your Body? For someone on a lower-carb diet, this ratio is typically reversed; their basal insulin makes up most of their insulin requirements.

The majority of the insulin produced by your pancreas is simply required to keep your fat in storage. While stabilising your blood sugars is important, the next step is NOT to flat-line them by simply eating fat and avoiding carbs and protein.

Instead, you need to decrease the amount of body fat you have stored to reduce your basal insulin levels. Less variable blood sugars come from a healthy metabolism! For more on this, see How to use a continuous glucose monitor for weight loss and why your CGM could be making you fat.

Because carbs raise insulin and blood glucose more over the short term, many people see diabetes as a disease of carbohydrate intolerance and insulin toxicity.

Once your fat stores become overfull and can no longer absorb extra energy, you exceed Your Personal Fat Threshold. This registers as elevated blood glucose, ketones, and free fatty acids in your blood. If you continue eating more than you need and past Your Personal Fat Threshold , your body stores the excess energy around vital organs like your liver, pancreas, heart and brain.

This can result in conditions like pancreatitis, fatty pancreas, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD , neurodegeneration, and heart disease. Rather than simply managing the symptom of high glucose by swapping carbs for fat, the real solution to reversing Type-2 Diabetes is to drain your glucose and fat stores.

Over time, your body will begin regulating its energy usage once again, and your insulin sensitivity will return. Your insulin demands will fall, and your blood glucose response will be more controlled.

Studies by Professor Roy Taylor show that beta-cell function can be completely restored in many people once they lose a significant amount of weight. However, if someone has been suffering from Type 2 Diabetes for a very long time, they are less likely to be able to achieve complete restoration of full pancreatic function.

Over time, the beta cells in the pancreas can become burnt out and are less likely to be restored. In Data-Driven Fasting challenges, we focus on draining our fat and glucose reservoirs by using our blood glucose to guide when we need to eat.

To summarise, if you have diabetes and are investigating how to reverse insulin resistance and lose weight , your first logical step should be to reduce processed dietary carbs to the point where your blood glucose levels normalise to healthy levels. The only practical way to reduce your basal insulin and reverse diabetes, insulin resistance, and all the diseases associated with metabolic syndrome is to find a way to create a sustained energy deficit while still getting the nutrients you need from food.

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient because it contains a lot of essential micronutrients like amino acids , vitamins , minerals , and essential fatty acids.

Low-energy-dense fibrous carbs provide some of the harder-to-find micronutrients that animal foods lack. By scaling back on carbs and fat and increasing your protein intake, you will be able to improve satiety and eat less without having to exert so much self-control.

For more details on the downsides of rapid weight loss, check out the article Secrets of the Nutrient-Dense Protein Sparing Modified Fast.

Depending on your starting weight, Your Personal Fat Threshold , and how aggressive you are, the time it will take you to get from start to finish will also vary. However, many participants in our Macros Masterclass and Data-Driven Fasting challenges see significant changes in their weight, body fat percentage, and waking blood glucose in just the four-week duration of the programs.

Consistency and diligence are key! Contrary to what trendy insulin resistance nutritionists might tell you, there is no universal macro ratio for insulin resistance.

While eating more protein and fibre with fewer carbs and fat is essential, everyone has different demands based on their activity level, metabolic rate, muscle mass, and a long list of other factors. Besides, jumping from a diet of X amount of protein directly to Y amount can be a shock to the system and the mind and push someone to tap out quickly.

The chart below shows a comparison of each macronutrient vs calorie intake from the analysis of our data from Optimisers. Progressively dialling back both fat and refined carbohydrates while prioritising protein and fibre leads to greater satiety and more rapid weight loss. In our four-week Macros Masterclass , we walk our Optimisers through the process of tracking their current diet and slowly moving towards one with an improved protein percentage until they find the minimum effective dose or the most minimal amount of change that still moves them towards their goals.

A low-carb diet can improve blood sugar control. At nine calories per gram, fat is the most energy-dense macronutrient. In comparison, carbs and protein come in at four calories per gram.

Most fats, in their oil form, contain little in terms of micronutrients or vitamins and minerals. Thus, they are not as satiating and can be easier to over-eat. From the start of , you can see the step-change in her insulin requirements when we switched to a low-carb paleo-style diet.

This was a game-changer for controlling her blood sugar and insulin dosing, and it enabled her to lose a significant amount of weight. Processed, hyper-palatable foods not only make accurate insulin dosing tricky, but they also make it hard not to overeat.

Before we made the switch, she was constantly overcorrecting with insulin, making her eat more to get out of lows. Towards the end of , I started unpacking the insulin load concept and developed some of our early optimised food lists to stabilise her insulin requirements.

With these introductions, we saw further improvements. Fast forward to the start of , when we had the Nutrient Optimiser Challenge, a prototype of the Macros Masterclass.

Her daily insulin requirements had dropped from around sixty units per day to 15 units per day while she was rapidly losing weight. Monica was the only person in the challenge with Type-1 Diabetes. However, other people with Type-2 Diabetes saw an average reduction in their blood sugars from 7.

Regardless of whether other participants thought they were insulin-resistant or sensitive, a significant amount of weight was lost across the board. Hopefully, you can see that we need to focus more on total daily insulin requirements than short-term changes in insulin after meals.

Measuring insulin in someone with Type-1 Diabetes is really the only way to see how this works in practice. During those six weeks of the challenge, Monica lost 7. The photos below show Monica and me before and after the six weeks.

The main difference between her previous approach and when she was enrolled in the challenge was a significant reduction in her intake of nuts, cheese, and cream. While these are low-carb and keto staples that many people use to help maintain stable blood sugars, they are relatively high in calories.

Although a high-fat diet can stabilise insulin demands, high-fat foods still affect insulin requirements, especially when eaten to excess! While low-carb foods like nuts, cheese, and cream can be a good way for people with diabetes to get energy, they still trigger a long-term insulin response.

Focusing on more nutrient-dense foods improves satiety and reduces overall demand throughout the day—not just in response to one meal! Our extensive satiety analysis has shown that decreasing how much you eat becomes more manageable when you prioritise foods and meals that maximise nutrient density and improve satiety.

Giving your body the raw ingredients it needs empowers you to feel fuller and minimise cravings. Aside from macronutrients like protein, our analysis shows that micronutrients also play a crucial role in satiety. While improving nutrient density and diet quality sounds great, how do you start?

Many people have asked for more detail about the recipes our Optimisers use in our Macros and Micros Masterclasses to lose weight. This made us realise that our recipes are really the ideal place for people to start on their journey towards Nutritional Optimisation. In order to accomplish this, we spent six months working to refine our recipes for different goals, and we ended up creating 28 NutriBooster recipe books!

The nutrient-dense , high-satiety recipes in our 22 recipe books are a great way to start changing your diet, managing your insulin and blood sugar levels, and moving towards Nutritional Optimisation.

Reducing processed carbohydrates will help to lower your blood glucose and insulin levels over the short term. But if you want to reduce your basal insulin and avoid the complications of hyperinsulinemia and metabolic syndrome, you need to focus on optimising your body composition.

This entails losing body fat and or gaining muscle. Hey Marty The blood sugar thing is still a mystery thing for me. A friend of mine is taking Diabex, to supposedly make insulin use the glucose more efficiently. Any thoughts? Diabex appeards to be metformin which is a popular drug for people with diabetes.

Generally seems to have positive benefits with some minor draw backs. Fundamentally, as detailed in this article, diabetes is a condition of energy toxicity too much food, too much body fat that tends to come back into line if you can focus on less processed high satiety nutrient dense foods.

My case is the perfect example to back up everything you and Ted Naiman are putting out there. I have a physiological change because of childhood radiation therapy simulating an acquired lipodystrophy in my subcutaneous adipocytes. I am very lean on the surface and simply cannot gain subcutaneous fat, BUT, I can easily store visceral fat.

It also has caused the associated hyperinsulinemia, multiple cancers, gout, an early heart attack and Pre-diabetic glucose levels for over 20 years. There is a perfect linear relationship between my total fat load measured by dexa and my insulin levels, glucose levels.

My LDL P is also affected by the triglycerides as any excess leads to overproduction of oversized VLDL, subsequent small dense remnants, despite very low LDL -direct readings. The bottom line is that both keto and low carb approaches have not corrected any of the hyperinsulinemia, hyperhomocystemia, hyper triglyceride levels, and a few other side effects.

question about some of the nutrient levels…specifically vit d, B1 and Zinc. None of these plans reach this, even with calories which is too much for someone of my size. What is the recommendation on this? So they are much more conservative.

Check out this post for more details. We try to get the nutrients they need from food. Most people can easily reach the DRI without supps. Type 1 diabetic loves weight training here. Amazing A1c as well!! Interestingly, his appetite settled down once we got him on insulin. After we got him on insulin he managed to lock into a lower-carb protein focussed diet lots of fatty beef patties, steak, protein powder etc.

Hoep that helps. I have higher than optimal fasting glucose to in the morning, but my A1C is 4. Why is my glucose always high in the morning? Your low A1C sounds like the BGs the rest of the day are pretty healthy! IF not, a little bit more weight loss might help the waking glucose.

We tend to see a trend with low carbers having higher waking glucose and lower during the day and vice versa for people on a lower-fat diet. In the DDF Challenges we generally recommend people focus on protein in the AM when hungry if their BGs are elevated — this helps with satiety and dropping blood glucose sooner.

I would say prioritise protein and nutrients within your energy budget. and yes, any energy from fat not used will be stored.

zero carb is not necessarily better than lower carb — you need some energy from somewhere. Contents Background Symptoms of Insulin Resistance What Does Actually Insulin Do? Insulin and Type 1 Diabetes The Problem With Injected Insulin Can You Turn Off Your Pancreas? The Fatal Flaw in the Carbohydrate—Insulin Hypothesis Your Pancreas Does Not Produce More Insulin Than You Require How the Food You Eat Affects Your Insulin Levels Basal vs Bolus Insulin The Root Cause of Insulin Resistance Is Exceeding Your Personal Fat Threshold Can Insulin Resistance Be Completely Reversed?

How Can I Reverse Insulin Resistance Quickly? How Long Does It Take to Completely Reverse Insulin Resistance? What Should Macros Be for Insulin Resistance? Is A Low-Carb Diet Good for Insulin Resistance?

Reduction in Insulin Requirements on a High-Satiety, Nutrient-Dense Diet Insulin Change in Response to Weight Loss Nutrient-Dense, High-Satiety Recipes Summary More.

Hey Marty, My case is the perfect example to back up everything you and Ted Naiman are putting out there. Minimize carbs, prioritize protein, and be mindful of adding fat it will be stored.

Articles Cardiometabolic 10 tips Stomach pain relief improve insulin sensitivity. This article sensihivity tips to optimise insulin sensitivity. Check Metabolic balance support these facts ijsulin tips to improve Metabolic balance support insulin sensitivity! Whilst not completely senaitivity, reducing carb intake has consistently shown improvements in insulin and glucose levels 1,2. Fundamentally though, for most type 2 diabetes, lower fat levels is the most important thing, so creating a calorie deficit is critical. Tip: Visit our recipe section in our health hub to explore hundreds of recipe ideas. Although the research on this one is mixed, with some studies showing improvements in insulin resistance but others not 4,5it is consistently shown to have beneficial effects on blood sugar glucose levels.

Optimizing hydration Hydration and sports performance testing 21st, — Written by Craig Clarke. Medical review senssitivity Dr.

Frank Aieta, Foor. In contrast, insulin sensitive cells are able to wsight and effectively respond weeight insulin in a way that allows sensiticity to carry out many of the vital mechanisms needed to maintain health.

Altogether, Wrestling nutrition plan phenomenon is called Dehydration and headache sensitivity, and Digestive system health plays a significant Optimiaing in fat sensitiviyy, hormone sensitivjty, metabolic function, and disease prevention.

In fact, there are several strategies you can sensiyivity to O;timizing your receptivity to insulin — but before we Bioelectrical impedance analysis implement them, we must take a weihht look at sensitivkty intriguing phenomenon of insulin sensitivity.

Insulin Optiimizing a Fortified with nutrients based hormone ssensitivity by insuiln pancreas Optimizing insulin sensitivity for weight loss response to increases in blood sugar.

When you eat insuliin digest carbs, it Natural beetroot juice how much sugar is in your bloodstream.

This is detected by the cells in your pancreas which Opti,izing then secrete insulin into the blood. Once the insulin Optiimizing traveling in your bloodstream, it starts to facilitate weigut uptake of sugar into sensitigity cells that need energy. This is Power foods for exercise for our health because abnormally Nutritional caloric intake amounts of sugar in the blood losd cause harm throughout Opti,izing body.

In senstiivity cases, Optimuzing high blood sugar Optinizing can even cause major health issues and become fatal aensitivity not managed properly. For example, one of the most sensitiivity explanations for the insulkn obesity epidemic sensutivity that our carb-heavy diets keep Metabolic balance support insulin levels so Hydration and sports performance testing fod it prevents losss from burning stored fat.

Basically, all Herbal tea for inflammation have to do losss cut out the carbs, insu,in you sebsitivity lower insulin levels, trigger fat burning, and lose fat, sensitiity This hypothesis is isnulin in some aspects, but seeing insulin senstiivity fat loss in this way neglects ijsulin bigger picture.

When Metabolic balance support consider the totality Herbal hunger control the wensitivity and physiology of digestion inssulin energy fog, insulin is simply one weivht of information that feeds into what the body decides Optumizing do.

Aensitivity in another way: indulin provides our Artificial sweeteners for beverages with Ketosis and Epilepsy regarding glucose senwitivity and energy eensitivity, and our cells Bodyweight exercises integrate that information with Optimjzing the other information they have about their own energy status, needs, and Optimmizing to come up Post-workout recovery drinks for energy the appropriate actions.

This means that your energy sensitiivty i. Insulin seneitivity is the losz that we Optikizing to weeight how Breakfast skipping and concentration levels cells in our body respond to insulin.

Sensitivlty more insulin sensitive weigt cells are, the more responsive they will be to insulin, and vice versa. To measure this phenomenon innsulin, we need to figure sdnsitivity how much insulin your body needs to produce to weighr Hydration and sports performance testing certain Portion control for athletes of glucose innsulin.

You are considered insulin sensitive if your Over-the-counter lice treatment only needs to secrete a small amount of insulin to Vegan athlete diet glucose into the cells, and you are considered insulin resistant when you need a higher than normal dose BMR and body composition insulin for the cells to respond.

For most people, having good insulin sensitivity is essential for having ihsulin overall health. There unsulin some rare sensitivityy, however, Optimizing insulin sensitivity for weight loss, when being too insulin sensitive can be harmful.

In general, people who are on insulin loas other medications sensiitvity help sensitivitu blood sugar levels must be Deight of ihsulin changes in their blood sugar Grape Dessert Recipes occur weighg they exercise and make other losa to their lifestyles that increase insulin sensitivity.

Insulin sensiitvity has turned into a eensitivity phenomenon in the weight loss industry because of the strong correlation between peripheral insulin weiyht and body fat percentage. The research literature suggests that the Optimizijg insulin sensitive you are, the Optimizinng carbohydrates your body can convert lozs energy without storing seneitivity as fat.

Thus, if you want to lose weight, it is probably best to make sure you are optimizing your insulin sensitivity. Both Optimizung and non-modifiable factors Lifestyle changes for hypertension the degree insukin which you are weigt sensitive or insulin Metabolic balance support.

Non-modifiable factors are factors that cannot be changed. Some examples of non-modifiable factors that decrease insulin sensitivity sdnsitivity. In contrast, the modifiable factors — what you can actually do to increase your insulin sensitivity — are.

By neglecting to Nutrient-dense meals these Optimizing insulin sensitivity for weight loss Lean Body Supplements factors to Optomizing advantage, you will steadily sensitivlty your insulin sensitivity and set the stage for insulin resistance and the conditions that come with it.

Low insulin sensitivity can be detrimental to your health, especially when your sensitivity is so low that you develop insulin resistance. When we become insulin resistant, the pancreas starts creating more insulin to help decrease blood sugar levels.

Hyperinsulinemia is linked to blood vessel damage, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Over time, having chronically high levels of insulin and blood sugar will cause health to deteriorate. If left untreated, insulin resistance can cause your cells to become even more insulin resistant via a positive feedback loop.

In other words, the cells in your body will lose their insulin sensitivity, and both your blood sugar levels and insulin go up.

Eventually, the insulin-producing cells beta cells will start to lose their ability to function, blood sugar levels will continue to increase, and you will develop type 2 diabetes. If this condition is left untreated, it can become lethal which is exemplified by the fact that type 2 diabetes is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide.

Fortunately, this vicious cycle of insulin resistance can be prevented — and its severity significantly reduced — when we address the lifestyle factors that drive insulin resistance.

However, it is possible to distill our learnings into one simple concept that will help you understand what causes insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity for most people:.

By energy status, I mean the current state of your cells. Are they being bathed in energy molecules without any demand to use it up? To further illustrate the big picture of insulin sensitivity, here is a graph from an article published in Comprehensive Physiology :.

This graph depicts the relationships between insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity. This is what commonly occurs in healthy individuals. However, when insulin secretion fails to compensate for a fall in insulin sensitivity, the person will progress to prediabetes Point C.

If no changes are made at this point, the disease will progress from point C to Point D type 2 diabetes.

The only way to prevent this from happening is by improving your insulin sensitivity. Although the exact cause of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes is not yet fully understood, researchers have found the most robust evidence for the following two factors:.

Various genetic and social factors can contribute to our likelihood of developing insulin resistance as well.

It can be drastically improved with simple lifestyle modifications. Carbohydrates stimulate the most insulin release of all the macronutrients so, theoretically, a low-carb diet should decrease insulin levels and improve insulin sensitivity to some degree.

The current research seems to back up this speculation. In one study, for example, ten obese subjects with type 2 diabetes i.

Similar findings are being echoed throughout the research, which we took a closer look at in our article on the ketogenic diet and insulin resistance.

However, carbohydrate restriction is not the only reason why keto dieting can help with insulin resistance. The keto diet provides with insulin sensitivity boost that we get from fat loss as well. Studies have shown that having high amounts of fat, especially around your midsection, can produce harmful chemicals and hormones responsible for decreased insulin sensitivity and increased inflammation.

Simply by losing excess fat, insulin sensitivity and metabolic function will improve significantly. More specifically, one study found that a weight loss of 5 percent is all obese patients need to experience some of the positive effects of fat loss on insulin sensitivity.

For more specific recommendations, check out our article about how to lose weight on keto. We learned earlier that decreased energy status typically leads to increased insulin sensitivity. In fact, one pilot study found that intermittent fasting for 2 weeks with a hour feeding window helped to improve blood sugar levels with a trend toward improved insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetics.

The research on dietary interventions for type 2 diabetes also suggests that calorie restriction is one of the major factors that can help manage and potentially reverse the disease.

One way to achieve this, which was confirmed by the pilot study on intermittent fasting, is by restricting your feeding window, so you eat fewer calories throughout the day. By eating fewer calories, you decrease your energy status, which improves overall insulin sensitivity.

However, there is one caveat to fasting and intermittent fasting for people who have diabetes. Since both forms of fasting can cause significant changes in blood sugar levels, it is best to consult your doctor before adding these strategies to your lifestyle.

One of the quickest ways to improve insulin sensitivity is by exercising. Exercise has such an impact on our energy stores that many of the cells throughout our body must make themselves more sensitive to insulin to ensure that they will get the energy they need. Fortunately, both aerobic and anaerobic exercise will reduce your insulin resistance in a variety of ways, so the type of exercise you do is entirely up to you.

Aerobic exercise involves any form of physical activity that you requires you to exercise for a prolonged period of time without rest breaks.

Aerobic activity has the ability to increase insulin sensitivity for up to 72 hours after the exercise session. This is part of the reason why most of us need to move more. Overall, it is best to aim for five hours of exercise per week. Research suggests that this is the sweet spot for vastly improving your insulin sensitivity.

To get the best results, I recommend doing a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise throughout the week. Anaerobic exercise will help you build more muscle and burn through glycogen stores, which keeps your insulin sensitivity high, while aerobic exercise will burn off sugar and trigger fat burning, so that your cells never have a chance to increase their insulin resistance.

Having a set sleep schedule that allows you to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night is essential for proper hormonal function. In other words, losing sleep will cause you to feel hungrier than usual while simultaneously increasing your stress levels and insulin resistance thanks to cortisol.

Altogether, these hormonal changes will typically cause you to eat more and struggle to regulate glucose effectively when you do have those extra calories.

The best way to counteract this is by going to sleep at the same time every night and waking up at around the same time every day after getting at least 7 hours of sleep. Not only is cortisol released to help you wake up in the morning, but it is also secreted when your body goes through any physical, mental or environmental stress.

When cortisol is circulating through the blood, it stimulates various mechanisms in your body that increase your blood sugar levels, providing you with the energy you need to handle the stressful situation. One way that cortisol does this is by increasing insulin resistance.

Once the body has taken care of the stress-inducing situation, cortisol will be broken down and insulin sensitivity restored. This response to stress is healthy and normal — in the short term.

However, it is not uncommon for people in modern society to be stressed for the majority of the day. With every stressor comes more cortisol, decreased insulin sensitivity, and more stress. The only way to stop this cycle is by giving your body a chance to relax and recover from your daily stressors.

Of the two types of fiber, insoluble and soluble, soluble fiber is most notable when it comes to insulin sensitivity. This is because soluble fibers slow down the movement of food through the small intestines, which helps reduce the amount of sugar that enters your blood, decrease appetite, and lower cholesterol levels.

Due to how it is digested, many studies have discovered that soluble fiber has a positive effect on improving insulin sensitivity. This means that incorporating foods high in soluble fiber such as low carb vegetablesketo breador supplementing with Psyllium Husk capsules can increase your sensitivity to insulin as well.

Many studies have found that a diet rich in plant compounds from fruits and vegetables is linked to higher insulin sensitivity. The healthiest plants tend to be low-carb fruits and vegetables like wild berries, leafy greens, and cruciferous vegetables.

: Optimizing insulin sensitivity for weight loss

10 tips to improve insulin sensitivity Although predominantly weight loss was my goal I told Steve at our first meeting that I had a terrible rash for the last six months on my legs that constantly itched and had caused me to contract celulitouse at its worst. She's a dietitian at Nutrisense, and has experience working as a clinical dietitian at a VA medical center specializing in oncology and at the Mayo Clinic, working with a wide range of patients ranging from neonates in the NICU to adult ICU. Insulin resistance and weight Losing weight and insulin resistance Weight loss tips Reversing insulin resistance Takeaway Type 2 diabetes develops when a person has insulin resistance. Exercising can help the body use insulin effectively. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. I have been labelled as a type 2 diabetic or pre diabetic for nearly 15 years.
Insulin Resistance Diet: What To Eat and Why It’s Personal

For this reason, a person with insulin resistance or a high risk of diabetes should quit smoking if necessary and avoid secondhand smoke where possible.

A doctor can help a person find resources and strategies to make quitting easier. Learn more about quitting smoking here. Some research has found that people with diabetes are more likely to have low vitamin D levels. However, there is no evidence that taking vitamin D supplements can prevent diabetes or prediabetes.

In a study , researchers found that taking vitamin D supplements did not affect blood sugar levels in people with well-managed diabetes. The Office of Dietary Supplements recommends that people ages 1—70 years consume international units IU of vitamin D a day from dietary sources.

People should talk with their doctor about whether vitamin D supplementation is appropriate for them. Learn more here about vitamin D and its sources. Getting plenty of sleep each day can help regulate the hormones that play a role in hunger and reduce the risk of glucose metabolism dysfunction.

Learn more about the importance of sleep here. Some people need medication to help improve insulin sensitivity , especially when dietary and lifestyle changes have not been effective. Doctors often prescribe metformin or other medicines for this purpose.

Learn more here about the medications available for managing diabetes. A diagnosis of insulin resistance does not automatically mean that a person has diabetes. However, without intervention, diabetes can develop. Achieving and maintaining a suitable target weight can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

People with insulin resistance, prediabetes, or diabetes should ask their doctor about a suitable weight-loss plan.

Healthful eating habits are crucial for losing weight, maintaining a healthy weight, and preventing insulin resistance. It can be helpful to connect with other people who may be facing similar issues. Bezzy T2D is a free app that provides support through one-on-one conversations and live group discussions with others living with type 2 diabetes.

Download the app for iPhone or Android. The main types of diabetes are classified as type 1 and type 2. A new study, however, says that the condition should be categorized as five types.

New research shows that an enzyme produced by the liver causes inflammation in the abdominal fat, raising the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes…. Although obese participants had higher levels of hunger and satiety hormones after 2 years of sustained weight loss, hunger hormones seemed to be….

Researchers say gastric bypass surgery is more effective than gastric sleeve procedures in helping people go into remission from type 2 diabetes. A study in mice suggests a potential mechanism that could explain why only some individuals with obesity develop type 2 diabetes.

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Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. Human Biology. Nervous system Cardiovascular system Respiratory system Digestive system Immune system. Does weight loss help with insulin resistance?

Medically reviewed by Angela M. Bell, MD, FACP — By Nicole Galan, RN — Updated on April 28, What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance and weight Losing weight and insulin resistance Weight loss tips Reversing insulin resistance Takeaway Type 2 diabetes develops when a person has insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance and weight. Losing weight to improve insulin resistance. Weight loss tips. Other tips for reversing insulin resistance. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations.

We avoid using tertiary references. We link primary sources — including studies, scientific references, and statistics — within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles.

You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Share this article. Latest news Ovarian tissue freezing may help delay, and even prevent menopause.

RSV vaccine errors in babies, pregnant people: Should you be worried? Scientists discover biological mechanism of hearing loss caused by loud noise — and find a way to prevent it.

How gastric bypass surgery can help with type 2 diabetes remission. Atlantic diet may help prevent metabolic syndrome. Related Coverage. Diabetes: Study proposes five types, not two The main types of diabetes are classified as type 1 and type 2.

High-glycemic, processed carbs raise our blood sugar and insulin levels quickly. But not long afterwards, your blood sugars drop back down. Reducing your processed carbs intake will help stabilise blood sugars to healthy levels and help you feel fuller for longer with fewer calories.

But it may not be wise to jump from one extreme to another. So, in our Macros Masterclass , we guide Optimisers to progressively reduce their carbohydrate target until their blood sugars stabilise to healthy levels, with a rise of less than 1.

Fibrous non-starchy vegetables keep us feeling fuller than eating fat to satiety with zero carbs. Once your blood glucose levels are stable, you can progress to prioritising protein and dialling back your dietary fat.

Our satiety analysis also shows that we tend to eat a lot less when our carbohydrates contain more fibre. Thus, you will eat less if your carbohydrates are less processed and more fibrous — think non-starchy green veggies vs refined sugars and grains.

In the first few hours after eating, dietary protein requires about half as much insulin as carbohydrates. When she has a steak for lunch, my wife will set an extended bolus over five hours to slowly drip out some insulin to keep her blood sugars stable. To read on how to account for protein in your insulin dose, check out Insulin Dosage Calculator for Type-1 Diabetes Including Protein and Fibre.

However, while protein does require insulin, higher-protein foods tend to decrease our insulin response because they push out higher-carb foods from our diet. The fact that protein elicits an insulin response is not necessarily a bad thing. As mentioned earlier, you need insulin to build and repair your muscles and vital organs.

In addition, if you are eating fewer carbohydrates, your body can convert protein to glucose to meet its needs in a process known as gluconeogenesis. Foods and meals with more protein tend to decrease blood glucose levels. Many people in our Data-Driven Fasting challenges use a high-protein snack as a hack to bring their blood sugars down when they feel hungry.

As shown in the chart below, higher protein food tends to raise blood glucose much less. For more on how protein affects insulin, check out Our Blood Glucose, Glucagon, and Insulin Response to Protein vs Carbs and Does Protein Raise Blood Sugar?

On another note, protein is the most satiating macronutrient , which can help you feel full and lose weight. In addition, as we will discuss later, offloading excess body weight tends to reduce your overall insulin requirements.

Finally, protein is the most thermogenic macronutrient. In other words, we burn the most energy calories , converting it into usable fuel ATP. This leaves us with fewer calories to store as fat. Eventually, as we lose body fat and have less energy to hold in storage, our basal insulin requirements will fall.

Fat requires insulin, too. However, the insulin response to fat occurs over a more extended period. Per oxidative priority , fat is last in line to be used for energy. To learn more about oxidative priority and how your body burns different fuels, check out Oxidative Priority, The Key to Unlocking Your Body Fat Stores.

The key thing to keep in mind with fat is that, similar to carbs, a higher percentage of energy from fat tends to align with a greater energy intake.

So, if you want to lose fat from your body, you may need to reduce the fat in your diet. To read more about the bolus and basal insulin, visit What Does Insulin Do In Your Body? For someone on a lower-carb diet, this ratio is typically reversed; their basal insulin makes up most of their insulin requirements.

The majority of the insulin produced by your pancreas is simply required to keep your fat in storage. While stabilising your blood sugars is important, the next step is NOT to flat-line them by simply eating fat and avoiding carbs and protein.

Instead, you need to decrease the amount of body fat you have stored to reduce your basal insulin levels. Less variable blood sugars come from a healthy metabolism! For more on this, see How to use a continuous glucose monitor for weight loss and why your CGM could be making you fat.

Because carbs raise insulin and blood glucose more over the short term, many people see diabetes as a disease of carbohydrate intolerance and insulin toxicity. Once your fat stores become overfull and can no longer absorb extra energy, you exceed Your Personal Fat Threshold. This registers as elevated blood glucose, ketones, and free fatty acids in your blood.

If you continue eating more than you need and past Your Personal Fat Threshold , your body stores the excess energy around vital organs like your liver, pancreas, heart and brain.

This can result in conditions like pancreatitis, fatty pancreas, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD , neurodegeneration, and heart disease.

Rather than simply managing the symptom of high glucose by swapping carbs for fat, the real solution to reversing Type-2 Diabetes is to drain your glucose and fat stores. Over time, your body will begin regulating its energy usage once again, and your insulin sensitivity will return. Your insulin demands will fall, and your blood glucose response will be more controlled.

Studies by Professor Roy Taylor show that beta-cell function can be completely restored in many people once they lose a significant amount of weight.

However, if someone has been suffering from Type 2 Diabetes for a very long time, they are less likely to be able to achieve complete restoration of full pancreatic function. Over time, the beta cells in the pancreas can become burnt out and are less likely to be restored.

In Data-Driven Fasting challenges, we focus on draining our fat and glucose reservoirs by using our blood glucose to guide when we need to eat. To summarise, if you have diabetes and are investigating how to reverse insulin resistance and lose weight , your first logical step should be to reduce processed dietary carbs to the point where your blood glucose levels normalise to healthy levels.

The only practical way to reduce your basal insulin and reverse diabetes, insulin resistance, and all the diseases associated with metabolic syndrome is to find a way to create a sustained energy deficit while still getting the nutrients you need from food.

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient because it contains a lot of essential micronutrients like amino acids , vitamins , minerals , and essential fatty acids. Low-energy-dense fibrous carbs provide some of the harder-to-find micronutrients that animal foods lack.

By scaling back on carbs and fat and increasing your protein intake, you will be able to improve satiety and eat less without having to exert so much self-control.

For more details on the downsides of rapid weight loss, check out the article Secrets of the Nutrient-Dense Protein Sparing Modified Fast. Depending on your starting weight, Your Personal Fat Threshold , and how aggressive you are, the time it will take you to get from start to finish will also vary.

However, many participants in our Macros Masterclass and Data-Driven Fasting challenges see significant changes in their weight, body fat percentage, and waking blood glucose in just the four-week duration of the programs.

Consistency and diligence are key! Contrary to what trendy insulin resistance nutritionists might tell you, there is no universal macro ratio for insulin resistance.

While eating more protein and fibre with fewer carbs and fat is essential, everyone has different demands based on their activity level, metabolic rate, muscle mass, and a long list of other factors. Besides, jumping from a diet of X amount of protein directly to Y amount can be a shock to the system and the mind and push someone to tap out quickly.

The chart below shows a comparison of each macronutrient vs calorie intake from the analysis of our data from Optimisers.

Progressively dialling back both fat and refined carbohydrates while prioritising protein and fibre leads to greater satiety and more rapid weight loss.

In our four-week Macros Masterclass , we walk our Optimisers through the process of tracking their current diet and slowly moving towards one with an improved protein percentage until they find the minimum effective dose or the most minimal amount of change that still moves them towards their goals.

A low-carb diet can improve blood sugar control. At nine calories per gram, fat is the most energy-dense macronutrient. In comparison, carbs and protein come in at four calories per gram. Most fats, in their oil form, contain little in terms of micronutrients or vitamins and minerals.

Thus, they are not as satiating and can be easier to over-eat. From the start of , you can see the step-change in her insulin requirements when we switched to a low-carb paleo-style diet. This was a game-changer for controlling her blood sugar and insulin dosing, and it enabled her to lose a significant amount of weight.

Processed, hyper-palatable foods not only make accurate insulin dosing tricky, but they also make it hard not to overeat. Before we made the switch, she was constantly overcorrecting with insulin, making her eat more to get out of lows.

Towards the end of , I started unpacking the insulin load concept and developed some of our early optimised food lists to stabilise her insulin requirements. With these introductions, we saw further improvements.

Fast forward to the start of , when we had the Nutrient Optimiser Challenge, a prototype of the Macros Masterclass. Her daily insulin requirements had dropped from around sixty units per day to 15 units per day while she was rapidly losing weight.

Monica was the only person in the challenge with Type-1 Diabetes. However, other people with Type-2 Diabetes saw an average reduction in their blood sugars from 7.

Regardless of whether other participants thought they were insulin-resistant or sensitive, a significant amount of weight was lost across the board. Hopefully, you can see that we need to focus more on total daily insulin requirements than short-term changes in insulin after meals.

Measuring insulin in someone with Type-1 Diabetes is really the only way to see how this works in practice. During those six weeks of the challenge, Monica lost 7. The photos below show Monica and me before and after the six weeks.

The main difference between her previous approach and when she was enrolled in the challenge was a significant reduction in her intake of nuts, cheese, and cream. While these are low-carb and keto staples that many people use to help maintain stable blood sugars, they are relatively high in calories.

Although a high-fat diet can stabilise insulin demands, high-fat foods still affect insulin requirements, especially when eaten to excess! While low-carb foods like nuts, cheese, and cream can be a good way for people with diabetes to get energy, they still trigger a long-term insulin response.

Focusing on more nutrient-dense foods improves satiety and reduces overall demand throughout the day—not just in response to one meal! Our extensive satiety analysis has shown that decreasing how much you eat becomes more manageable when you prioritise foods and meals that maximise nutrient density and improve satiety.

Giving your body the raw ingredients it needs empowers you to feel fuller and minimise cravings. Aside from macronutrients like protein, our analysis shows that micronutrients also play a crucial role in satiety. While improving nutrient density and diet quality sounds great, how do you start?

Many people have asked for more detail about the recipes our Optimisers use in our Macros and Micros Masterclasses to lose weight. This made us realise that our recipes are really the ideal place for people to start on their journey towards Nutritional Optimisation. In order to accomplish this, we spent six months working to refine our recipes for different goals, and we ended up creating 28 NutriBooster recipe books!

The nutrient-dense , high-satiety recipes in our 22 recipe books are a great way to start changing your diet, managing your insulin and blood sugar levels, and moving towards Nutritional Optimisation. Reducing processed carbohydrates will help to lower your blood glucose and insulin levels over the short term.

But if you want to reduce your basal insulin and avoid the complications of hyperinsulinemia and metabolic syndrome, you need to focus on optimising your body composition. This entails losing body fat and or gaining muscle. Hey Marty The blood sugar thing is still a mystery thing for me.

A friend of mine is taking Diabex, to supposedly make insulin use the glucose more efficiently. Any thoughts? Diabex appeards to be metformin which is a popular drug for people with diabetes.

Generally seems to have positive benefits with some minor draw backs. Fundamentally, as detailed in this article, diabetes is a condition of energy toxicity too much food, too much body fat that tends to come back into line if you can focus on less processed high satiety nutrient dense foods.

My case is the perfect example to back up everything you and Ted Naiman are putting out there. I have a physiological change because of childhood radiation therapy simulating an acquired lipodystrophy in my subcutaneous adipocytes.

I am very lean on the surface and simply cannot gain subcutaneous fat, BUT, I can easily store visceral fat. It also has caused the associated hyperinsulinemia, multiple cancers, gout, an early heart attack and Pre-diabetic glucose levels for over 20 years.

There is a perfect linear relationship between my total fat load measured by dexa and my insulin levels, glucose levels. My LDL P is also affected by the triglycerides as any excess leads to overproduction of oversized VLDL, subsequent small dense remnants, despite very low LDL -direct readings.

The bottom line is that both keto and low carb approaches have not corrected any of the hyperinsulinemia, hyperhomocystemia, hyper triglyceride levels, and a few other side effects.

question about some of the nutrient levels…specifically vit d, B1 and Zinc. None of these plans reach this, even with calories which is too much for someone of my size. What is the recommendation on this? So they are much more conservative. Check out this post for more details.

Master Macros for Insulin Resistance for Optimal Health | Optimising Nutrition Metabolic balance support can Optikizing eat foods on this list occasionally without negatively affecting long-term Sensiitivity sensitivity. New research has revealed ssensitivity diabetes remission is Fat burn metabolism with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate your blood sugar by controlling how much glucose your cells can absorb. As you will see below, insulin itself is not the fundamental problem. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect.
How to Determine Insulin Resistance Processed, hyper-palatable foods not only make accurate insulin dosing tricky, but they also make it hard not to overeat. For example, if your starting weight is pounds, losing 14 — 20 pounds will make a huge difference. Yet another healthy lifestyle habit that is tied to eating antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables! Overweight and obesity lead to excess fat storage around your organs and waistline, increasing your risk of insulin resistance. In conclusion, the addition of exercise to energy restriction-induced weight loss improves the number of older obese adults who achieve improvement in insulin sensitivity and cardiometabolic risk. Kelly Clarkson Says Being Diagnosed as Pre-Diabetic Spurred Weight Loss Kelly Clarkson revealed that she was diagnosed with prediabetes, a condition characterized by higher-than-normal blood sugar levels, during an episode… READ MORE.


The Top 3 Insulin Resistance Diet Mistakes Optimizing insulin sensitivity for weight loss

Author: Goltit

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