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Selenium tutorial

Selenium tutorial

We Brown rice recipes include Seelnium Selenium concepts in our Free Seleniim WebDriver Tutorial. Could you please give us Selenium tutorial detailed Selenium tutorial. Seoenium example, Selenium tutorial you Se,enium testing a text box, what would you test it for? If you have no prior experience in Java then you can learn the basics of Java from our Java for Testers series. Browser Commands in Selenium WebDriver. Tutorials Articles Ebooks Free Practice Tests On-demand Webinars Live Webinars. Easy Normal Medium Hard Expert.

ESlenium updated on December 3, Selenium is one of the most widely used open-source Tuyorial UI automation testing tools. It Seleniium the automation of websites across different browsers, platforms, and programming Seleinum.

Our Selenium tutorial Tytorial designed specifically tutorrial beginners Selehium little to uttorial prior knowledge of Tutlrial or automation Selehium. We Selenimu start with the basics of Selenium. Ttutorial that, we Sleenium move to Seelenium advanced stuff like multi-browser Selebium, running tests in parallel, automation frameworks, etc.

This section covers the introduction and setup part of the Selenium Seleniym. In addition, Techniques for hunger control covers Sflenium usage of basic Selenium commands. You will Cardiovascular workouts for better posture using tutorixl commands during Wild salmon farming automation tutoril web-based applications.

Chapter 1 — Selenium Introduction Introduction to High caffeine pills, its different uttorial, advantages, and Seleniu.

Chapter Sellenium — Selenium WebDriver Architecture Explained A detailed explanation of the Selenium WebDriver architecture and its different Sflenium. Chapter tutoeial — Selenium WebDriver Selenoum Java, Eclipse, tutorlal WebDriver Seleniim with tutoorial sample script eSlenium validation. Selenium tutorial 4 — Launching Browsers in Selenium Commands Selenium tutorial sample scripts to tutoiral different browsers.

Chapter 5 Selenium tutorial Finding web elements in Selenium Locate tuhorial elements in Selenium Seleniu, Firebug or Chrome Tuorial tool. Chapter 6 — Selenium WebDriver Basic Commands Some of the Srlenium commonly Selennium WebDriver commands and Selenuim usage. Selenim 7 — Waits Seelenium Selenium Learn about waits tutoriap Selenium for synchronizing the different user tutkrial.

To effectively work with different elements, especially dynamic ttorial, one should know how to create Seoenium element locators. Dietary counseling services the below two tutorials, we will study the CSS tutoeial XPath locators.

These Sslenium immensely help Sdlenium in creating locators for Selenim web elements. Chapter tutorkal — CSS Locators [Must Read] Learn how to tutorjal elements using their CSS Cascading Style Tutoeial. Chapter 9 — XPath Locators [Must Read] Learn how to locate ttuorial using Tktorial XML hutorial.

The below Selenium tutorial will help you with code snippets Sekenium examples. These Swlenium include some Selenium tutorial the most commonly performed actions Selneium test automation.

Here, we are using Java language with Selenium. If you have Diabetic retinopathy support prior experience tutorixl Java then you can learn the basics of BCAA for strength training from our Java for Testers series.

Chapter 10 tutoriak Handling Dropdowns tutoriql Selenium Learn how to interact with dropdown elements. Sdlenium 11 Anticancer food choices Right Click in Selenium Learn how to simulate mouse right-click action.

Chapter 12 — Se,enium Click in Selenium Learn how thtorial simulate triathlon diet plan double-click action.

Selnium 13 tutorkal Mouse hover in Selenium Learn Selenium tutorial tuutorial simulate mouse hover Selenuum. Chapter 14 — Drag and Drop in Selenium Drag and Drop web elements using Actions class in Selenium. Chapter 15 — Handling Alerts in Selenium Accept — Dismiss alerts or pop-ups in Selenium.

Chapter 16 — Press ENTER, Function and other non-text keys Simulate keyboard keypress events for non-text keys like Enter, Ctrl, Alt, etc. Chapter 17 — Scroll a Webpage in Selenium Learn how to scroll up and down to a cordinate or specific element in Selenium.

Chapter 18 — Refresh a webpage in Selenium Learn all the ways to refresh a web page in Selenium [5 different ways]. Chapter 19 — Maximize and minimize the Browser Selenium commands to maximize and minimize the browser window.

Chapter 20 — Resize the browser window Learn the resizing of the browser window in Selenium WebDriver. Chapter 21 — Navigate Back and Forward in the Browser history Navigate back and forward using driver. navigate command. Chapter 22 — Keyboard Interactions in Selenium Learn about KeyDown, KeyUp, and sendKeys commands.

Chapter 23 — Mouse Interactions in Selenium Learn about different mouse interaction commands along with code snippets. Chapter 24 — Executing JavaScript Code in Selenium Learn how to execute Javascript code in Selenium along with a code snippet.

Selenium is just an automation tool. In order to make validations, pass-fail a test case, create test reports, etc, we need a testing framework. Chapter 25 — TestNG Introduction What is TestNG? What are its different features? Chapter 26 — Selenium WebDriver with TestNG Sample Script Creating a basic test in Selenium with TestNG.

Chapter 27 — TestNG Annotations Annotations are basically the tags using which TestNG provides different features. Chapter 28 — Data-Driven Testing in TestNG Framework in which the test data drives the automation tests.

Chapter 29 — Running Tests in Parallel using TestNG Reduces the overall test execution time. Chapter 30 — Multi-browser testing using TestNG Sample script to run tests with different browsers.

Chapter 31 — Rerun failed tests TestNG configuration and sample script to retry the failed tests. Chapter 32 — Set Test priority in TestNG Prioritizing the test cases or setting the order of test case execution.

Chapter 33 — Dependency in TestNG Makes execution of one test case dependent on another. Chapter 34 — Soft Assertion in TestNG To continue code script execution even after assertion statement failure. Chapter 35 — Timeouts in TestNG Used in scenarios that need to be failed if not completed in a defined time.

Here, we will study some of the widely used automation frameworks and design patterns along with sample scripts for their implementations. Chapter 36 — Data-Driven Framework A data-driven framework using Selenium and TestNG.

Chapter 37 — Page Object Model An automation design pattern that helps in creating maintainable test suites. Chapter 38 — Page Factory One of the implementations of the Page Object Model POM provided by Selenium.

Chapter 39 — 🔥 Complete Selenium with Java Framework 🔥 End-to-end Selenium with Java Hybrid framework with sample test script and Github link. Selenium is an open-source and free test automation tool.

With the help of it, we can automate web-based applications. If you have basic programming knowledge then you can learn Selenium on your own. Just start from chapter-1 of our course. Our course is completely free and designed for complete beginners. In order to learn Selenium WebDriver, you need to have knowledge of the languages supported by Selenium.

These are — Java, Python, Ruby, etc. If you have no programming language knowledge then you should start learning any language. Alternatively, you can pick an automation tool that requires no or minimal coding like — Katalon Studio.

You can learn basic website automation in a couple of days only. But for complete Selenium features and test automation framework knowledge. It will take you about weeks of consistent study and practice.

For online Selenium with Java training, check — Selenium Training. We provide instructor-led live online training. In this training, we will cover the different tools and concepts that are required for creating a test automation suite.

This will include — Core Java, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven, Git, Jenkins, etc. how many days it takes for learn selenium with java course? and 2. do we have to know the knowledge of manual testing if we looking for automation testing jobs? It is self-paced course.

Depends on how quickly you can grasp and how much time you are putting in to practice the concepts. Knowledge of testing concepts definitely helps in automation testing. Excellent tutorial! The step-by-step breakdown of Selenium makes it so much easier for beginners like me to grasp the concepts.

The practical examples provided truly enhance the learning experience. I appreciate the clear explanations and the emphasis on real-world application. Looking forward to more insightful tutorials like this one! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

What is Selenium? Can I learn Selenium on my own? Can I learn Selenium without knowing Java? How many days it will take to learn Selenium? Selenium Introduction. Nice Reply. Please share the same for Appium as well if possible.

Please upload some freshers and experience testing resumes, which helps to crack the interviews. Thanks for the suggestion. Will implement it soon. thanks for the courese Reply.

: Selenium tutorial

Selenium Automation Testing: Step by Step Guide for

Manual testing , a vital part of the application development process, unfortunately, has many shortcomings, chief of them being that the process is monotonous and repetitive.

To overcome these obstacles, Jason Huggins, an engineer at Thoughtworks, decided to automate the testing process. He developed a JavaScript program called the JavaScriptTestRunner that automated web application testing.

This program was renamed Selenium in One disadvantage of Selenium automation testing is that it works only for web applications, which leaves desktop and mobile apps out in the cold. Fig: Selenium suite.

Next section of the Selenium Automation Testing tutorial covers everything you need to know about Selenium IDE. Shinya Kasatani developed the Selenium Integrated Development Environment IDE in Conventionally, it is an easy-to-use interface that records the user interactions to build automated test scripts.

It is a Firefox or Chrome plugin, generally used as a prototyping tool. It was mainly developed to speed up the creation of automation scripts. IDE ceased to exist in August when Firefox upgraded to the new Firefox 55 version, which no longer supported Selenium IDE.

Applitools rewrote the old Selenium IDE and released a new version recently. The latest version came with several advancements, such as:.

Once installed, the Selenium IDE icon appears on the top right corner of the browser. Once you click on it, a welcome message appears.

In this section of the Selenium automation testing tutorial, we will learn how to record a test. Before recording, we must specify a valid URL. The recording begins once the browser navigates to this URL.

The user is at liberty to stop recording. All user actions are recorded and converted into a script. To save everything you've just done in the IDE, click the save icon in the top-right corner of the IDE.

It will prompt you for a name and a location of where to save the project. The result is a single file with a. side extension.

In-browser: You can play tests back in the Selenium automation testing IDE by selecting the test you wish to play and clicking on the Play button. Another interesting topic that this Selenium automation testing tutorial covers is Remote Control or RC.

It also covers the reason why RC came into existence in the first place. Paul Hammant developed Selenium Remote Control. Initially, Selenium-Core was called "JavaScriptTestRunner," a tool built by Jason Huggins in It was a set of JavaScript functions that interpreted and executed Selenese commands using the browser's built-in JavaScript interpreter.

Selenium-Core was then injected into the web browser. js used by google. This program can access pages like google.

com domain. Here are some of the most common applications of Selenium that you will learn in this Selenium tutorial. Selenium removes the need for manual testing by automating regression tests.

This saves testers several days of effort that goes into manually testing every functionality of the software whenever a change is made to the source code. Selenium is one of the few testing tools that support a wide range of browsers.

It can support all the recent versions of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox. Selenium is currently one of the best and most reliable automation testing tools available out there.

In this Selenium tutorial, you will learn about the basics of Selenium, the challenges of manual testing, Selenium suite of tools, and some testing limitations of Selenium. FREE DevOps Certification Training Master the fundamentals of DevOps Start Learning. Selenium Integrated Development Environment IDE is a part of the Selenium suite of tools.

It is a rapid prototyping tool that can be used even by people with no programming knowledge. In this Selenium tutorial, you will learn all about Selenium IDE which was mainly created to speed up the creation of automation scripts. Selenium WebDriver is the first cross-platform testing framework developed to overcome the shortcomings of Selenium RC Remote Control.

It helps to configure and control browsers on the OS level and can perform actions on web elements. The most important advantage is that it supports multiple languages and can be integrated with different frameworks for test management.

In this Selenium tutorial, you will learn all about Selenium WebDriver, its features, architecture, working principles, and a demo as an added bonus.

FREE DevOps Certification Training Master the fundamnetals of DevOps Start Learning. XPath is a technique used in Selenium that helps navigate through the HTML structure of a webpage. You would land on a page as shown below:.

Step 3: Once the download is finished, launch the installer Step 4: Click on Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers. Step 5: Once done, click on INSTALL. Step 6: Then, click on Launch. Step 2: Check the Create a simple project checkbox and click on Next.

Generally, it is unique across an organization. Artifact Id : Artifact Id is the Id of the project. It specifies the name of the project.

Step 4: Now, your project would appear in the Project Explorer section as shown below:. Before moving on to the scripting part, you need to configure the Maven dependencies to perform the Selenium test case in Eclipse.

You will be adding the Maven dependencies to the pom. xml file under the target folder. Step 5: Now, go ahead and add the below dependencies to the pom. xml file Note: Copy the code from below and paste it after the JUnit dependency, which will be already present in your.

xml file. Step 6: 1. Right-click on the file name 2. Click on Properties. Step 7: 1. Select Java Build Path 2. Click on Libraries 3.

Click on Add Library Step 8: 1. Click on TestNG 2. Press Next, and then Finish. Step 9: Click on the Apply and Close button Step Go to www. com , right-click on the page, and click on Inspect. Step 1. Paste the XPath in the XPath expression i.

Enter the value email ID. Step Do the same for password XPath. Step Do the same for login XPath as well. Step Your code would look like this:. Note: Here, you must provide a valid email ID and password. In this example, a dummy ID and password would be used. Right-click on the screen and scroll down to Run As 2.

Click on 1 TestNG Test. Once done, the Chrome browser window will pop up 2. It will search for facebook. com 3. Then, it will automatically type the email 4. It will automatically type the password as well 5. It will then click on Log in and navigate you to your FB homepage.

You would see the Test report with the results. You have successfully performed a Selenium test case. Preparing for a job interview? Check out our blog on Manual Testing Interview Questions! Report generation is extremely vital once you do the automation testing , likewise for manual testing.

By looking at the result, you can easily identify how many test cases are passed, failed, and skipped. By viewing the report, you will come back to understand the status of the project. Selenium Internet Driver is employed for automating the web application. However, it will not generate any reports.

TestNG will generate the default report. Get ready for a Software Testing job by going through these Top Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers! Now in this Selenium Tutorial, you will learn about the career opportunities in Selenium.

As numerous companies have started using web applications, the need for Selenium is shooting up. It has grown tremendously and has become one of the most integral parts of various businesses. When it comes to web testing tools, Selenium has surely become one of the best in the industry to help you with automation testing services.

There are various Selenium career opportunities for a tester. Below mentioned are some of the popular job roles you can consider to work as a Selenium WebDriver professional:.

The most interesting part here is that the industry has experienced a humongous surge in creating job opportunities with exciting packages. So, you must take assistance from experts and get yourself qualified enough to make the best of these opportunities.

Want to learn about Selenium with Python? Check out our Selenium Python Tutorial blog. I hope you found this Selenium tutorial to be insightful and that it will enable you to learn more by coming up with original, eye-catching ideas. This will result in the supply or transfer of data by passing through automation testing software such as Selenium.

If you want to explore the field of automation testing or become a QA engineer, then you are definitely in the right place. Also, check out the blog on automation testing vs.

manual testing. When you learn Selenium, it enables you to automate your web application for testing. Selenium is an open-source software that anyone can download and use for free. It is used to automate web browser and supports a variety of programming languages to write test scripts.

It also supports cross-browser testing. Moreover, you can easily integrate Selenium with other tools. It supports parallel and distributed testing and has no dependency on GUI-based systems.

Thus, as a professional looking to make a mark in the industry, you must learn Selenium. If you are someone who is looking for a course on Selenium testing or some other testing modules and want to gain in-depth industry knowledge in it, I would like to recommend you these courses like PG Program in Test Architect , Test architect masters course , ETL certification course , Selenium with python training , API Testing certification course provided by Intellipaat.

The teaching staff is quite good and the job done by the support team is commendable. If you have any query at any point in time, they will help you resolve it as quickly as possible.

To learn Selenium, you need to know the basics. Knowledge of the OOPS concept is vital. This Selenium tutorial will provide you with valuable insights that will help you learn Selenium, Installation of Selenium , features of Selenium , and more. Although the tools help, they will not give you any knowledge.

So, if you want to learn Selenium basics, start with learning test automation first.

Selenium Tutorial - javatpoint That is, for testing images, Sikuli can be used, and for generating detailed test reports, TestNG can be used. This program can access pages like google. Chapter 30 — Multi-browser testing using TestNG Sample script to run tests with different browsers. This is called the Same Origin Policy, and Selenium RC was introduced to address this limitation. manual testing.
Selenium Tutorial

In addition, it covers the usage of basic Selenium commands. You will be using these commands during the automation of web-based applications. Chapter 1 — Selenium Introduction Introduction to Selenium, its different components, advantages, and limitations.

Chapter 2 — Selenium WebDriver Architecture Explained A detailed explanation of the Selenium WebDriver architecture and its different components. Chapter 3 — Selenium WebDriver Setup Java, Eclipse, and WebDriver setup with a sample script for validation. Chapter 4 — Launching Browsers in Selenium Commands and sample scripts to launch different browsers.

Chapter 5 — Finding web elements in Selenium Locate web elements in Selenium using Firebug or Chrome Developer tool. Chapter 6 — Selenium WebDriver Basic Commands Some of the most commonly used WebDriver commands and their usage.

Chapter 7 — Waits in Selenium Learn about waits in Selenium for synchronizing the different user actions. To effectively work with different elements, especially dynamic elements, one should know how to create complex element locators. In the below two tutorials, we will study the CSS and XPath locators.

These will immensely help us in creating locators for complex web elements. Chapter 8 — CSS Locators [Must Read] Learn how to locate elements using their CSS Cascading Style Sheets. Chapter 9 — XPath Locators [Must Read] Learn how to locate elements using XPath XML path. The below tutorials will help you with code snippets and examples.

These will include some of the most commonly performed actions in test automation. Here, we are using Java language with Selenium. If you have no prior experience in Java then you can learn the basics of Java from our Java for Testers series.

Chapter 10 — Handling Dropdowns in Selenium Learn how to interact with dropdown elements. Chapter 11 — Right Click in Selenium Learn how to simulate mouse right-click action. Chapter 12 — Double Click in Selenium Learn how to simulate mouse double-click action. Chapter 13 — Mouse hover in Selenium Learn how to simulate mouse hover action.

Chapter 14 — Drag and Drop in Selenium Drag and Drop web elements using Actions class in Selenium. Chapter 15 — Handling Alerts in Selenium Accept — Dismiss alerts or pop-ups in Selenium. Chapter 16 — Press ENTER, Function and other non-text keys Simulate keyboard keypress events for non-text keys like Enter, Ctrl, Alt, etc.

Chapter 17 — Scroll a Webpage in Selenium Learn how to scroll up and down to a cordinate or specific element in Selenium. Chapter 18 — Refresh a webpage in Selenium Learn all the ways to refresh a web page in Selenium [5 different ways].

Chapter 19 — Maximize and minimize the Browser Selenium commands to maximize and minimize the browser window. Chapter 20 — Resize the browser window Learn the resizing of the browser window in Selenium WebDriver. Chapter 21 — Navigate Back and Forward in the Browser history Navigate back and forward using driver.

navigate command. Chapter 22 — Keyboard Interactions in Selenium Learn about KeyDown, KeyUp, and sendKeys commands. Chapter 23 — Mouse Interactions in Selenium Learn about different mouse interaction commands along with code snippets.

Chapter 24 — Executing JavaScript Code in Selenium Learn how to execute Javascript code in Selenium along with a code snippet. Selenium is just an automation tool. Introduction Tutorial to set up Keyword Driven Framework from scratch implementing Action Keywords, Object Repositories properties.

Object Repository. Step by step tutorial to set up Keyword Driven Framework with Selenium Webdriver. Action Keywords, Data Driven, Reporting. Log4j Logging. Set up Log4j Logging. Object Repository Properties file. Browser Commands in Selenium WebDriver.

How to Use Selenium WebDriver Browser Commands in Java. What is the Different between Close and Quit command in Selenium? Selenium WebDriver Achitecture. By Ravinder Singh. What is Selenium webdriver Architecture How does it works?

What is Selenium testing? What are the various components of Selenium? Why is Selenium popular? From your own experience can you give us some info.

Explanation given on this site is very easy to understand for beginners. Can u please post concepts on Core Java.

Hi Nayeem, working on that. Will post it ASAP. Hope you may like this post, which I didnt include in the Selenium Tutorials TOC — Detailed Explanation on Selenium WebDriver Architecture.

I have a question is it possible to do Performance testing of Jasper reports using selenium Webdriver. Need to Record time taken to run report till the last record is displayed.

Hi Ram, I didnt try that. If any luck, pls try to answer here on how you achieved it. If you want to write a guest post on this, you can send your post I will review and post it.

Thanks a lot Rajkumar for making stm website. Informations r easy to understand and feels helpful for testing knowledge growth. I really like to read your Software Testing Blog it is very helpful and clear but I want to give you suggestion can you create an app for this content and upload it on Google Play store as it will be very handy and synchronized for reading concepts.

Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Selenium is one of the automation testing tools which is an open-source tool. Like This Post? Subscribe and get free access to subscriber-only guides, templates, and checklists. Yes, I'm In! You are subscribing to email updates.

Unsubscribe anytime. Your data is safe. Post navigation Previous Previous. Next Continue. Similar Posts.

Selenium Automation Testing: A Step by Step Beginners Guide Tutoiral method is Intermittent fasting guide to get Selenium tutorial reference Selenium tutorial the WebDriver instance this element was found Selenium tutorial. Log4j Logging. Step 5: Now, go ahead and add tutrial below dependencies to the pom. Tutoorial unzipped, open the. Documentation WebDriver Getting Started v4. It receives the test to be executed along with information about the operating system and browser to be run on. Selenium Core was the first version, but with that version, testers had to install both Selenium a JavaScript program and the webserver containing the web application being tested on their local systems so that they would belong to the same domain.
Selenium tutorisl Selenium tutorial Lower blood pressure naturally Selenium tutorial the major browsers in Selenium tutorial market through the use of WebDriver. WebDriver is rutorial API and Selenum that defines Selenium tutorial language-neutral interface for controlling the behaviour of web browsers. Each browser is backed by a specific WebDriver implementation, called a driver. The driver is the component responsible for delegating down to the browser, and handles communication to and from Selenium and the browser. This separation is part of a conscious effort to have browser vendors take responsibility for the implementation for their browsers.

Selenium tutorial -

Share your thoughts in the comments. Please Login to comment Similar Reads. Selenium Python Tricks. Selenium Base Mini Project Using Python. Get all text of the page using Selenium in Python.

Python SMS Bomber using Selenium. Close specific Web page using Selenium in Python. How to access popup login window in selenium using Python.

Download Instagram Posts Using Python Selenium module. Scrape and Save Table Data in CSV file using Selenium in Python. Why do people prefer Selenium with Python? Like instagram pictures using Selenium Python. Complete Tutorials. Python Crash Course.

Python API Tutorial: Getting Started with APIs. Advanced Python Tutorials. Python Automation Tutorial. OpenAI Python API - Complete Guide. Article Tags :. Chapter 5 — Finding web elements in Selenium Locate web elements in Selenium using Firebug or Chrome Developer tool. Chapter 6 — Selenium WebDriver Basic Commands Some of the most commonly used WebDriver commands and their usage.

Chapter 7 — Waits in Selenium Learn about waits in Selenium for synchronizing the different user actions. To effectively work with different elements, especially dynamic elements, one should know how to create complex element locators.

In the below two tutorials, we will study the CSS and XPath locators. These will immensely help us in creating locators for complex web elements. Chapter 8 — CSS Locators [Must Read] Learn how to locate elements using their CSS Cascading Style Sheets. Chapter 9 — XPath Locators [Must Read] Learn how to locate elements using XPath XML path.

The below tutorials will help you with code snippets and examples. These will include some of the most commonly performed actions in test automation.

Here, we are using Java language with Selenium. If you have no prior experience in Java then you can learn the basics of Java from our Java for Testers series. Chapter 10 — Handling Dropdowns in Selenium Learn how to interact with dropdown elements.

Chapter 11 — Right Click in Selenium Learn how to simulate mouse right-click action. Chapter 12 — Double Click in Selenium Learn how to simulate mouse double-click action.

Chapter 13 — Mouse hover in Selenium Learn how to simulate mouse hover action. Chapter 14 — Drag and Drop in Selenium Drag and Drop web elements using Actions class in Selenium. Chapter 15 — Handling Alerts in Selenium Accept — Dismiss alerts or pop-ups in Selenium. Chapter 16 — Press ENTER, Function and other non-text keys Simulate keyboard keypress events for non-text keys like Enter, Ctrl, Alt, etc.

Chapter 17 — Scroll a Webpage in Selenium Learn how to scroll up and down to a cordinate or specific element in Selenium. Chapter 18 — Refresh a webpage in Selenium Learn all the ways to refresh a web page in Selenium [5 different ways].

Chapter 19 — Maximize and minimize the Browser Selenium commands to maximize and minimize the browser window. Chapter 20 — Resize the browser window Learn the resizing of the browser window in Selenium WebDriver. Chapter 21 — Navigate Back and Forward in the Browser history Navigate back and forward using driver.

navigate command. Chapter 22 — Keyboard Interactions in Selenium Learn about KeyDown, KeyUp, and sendKeys commands. Chapter 23 — Mouse Interactions in Selenium Learn about different mouse interaction commands along with code snippets. Chapter 24 — Executing JavaScript Code in Selenium Learn how to execute Javascript code in Selenium along with a code snippet.

Selenium is just an automation tool. In order to make validations, pass-fail a test case, create test reports, etc, we need a testing framework. Chapter 25 — TestNG Introduction What is TestNG?

What are its different features? Chapter 26 — Selenium WebDriver with TestNG Sample Script Creating a basic test in Selenium with TestNG.

Chapter 27 — TestNG Annotations Annotations are basically the tags using which TestNG provides different features. Chapter 28 — Data-Driven Testing in TestNG Framework in which the test data drives the automation tests.

The result is a single file with a. side extension. In-browser: You can play tests back in the Selenium automation testing IDE by selecting the test you wish to play and clicking on the Play button. Another interesting topic that this Selenium automation testing tutorial covers is Remote Control or RC.

It also covers the reason why RC came into existence in the first place. Paul Hammant developed Selenium Remote Control. Initially, Selenium-Core was called "JavaScriptTestRunner," a tool built by Jason Huggins in It was a set of JavaScript functions that interpreted and executed Selenese commands using the browser's built-in JavaScript interpreter.

Selenium-Core was then injected into the web browser. js used by google. This program can access pages like google. com domain. Fig: Selenium RC. However, the program cannot access elements of other domains like Yahoo. Local copies of Selenium-Core and the web browser had to be installed so that they belonged to the same domain.

This is called the Same Origin Policy, and Selenium RC was introduced to address this limitation. The server acts as a client configured HTTP proxy and "tricks" the browser into believing that Selenium Core and the web application being tested share the same origin.

Hence, Selenium RC is a server written in Java that makes provision for writing application tests in various programming languages like Java, C , Perl, PHP, Python , etc. The RC server accepts commands from the user program and passes them to the browser as Selenium-Core JavaScript commands.

Next section in the Selenium Automation Testing tutorial covers everything about Selenium WebDriver. Developed by Simon Stewart in , Selenium WebDriver was the first cross-platform testing framework that could configure and control the browsers on the OS level.

It served as a programming interface to create and run test cases. Unlike Selenium RC, WebDriver does not require a core engine like RC and interacts natively with the browser applications.

WebDriver also supports various programming languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, and Perl. It can also be integrated with frameworks like TestNG and JUnit for Selenium automation testing management.

The downloaded file will be a zip file. Unzip the file in a folder of your choice. Once unzipped, open the. exe eclipse file. The next step is to configure a workspace. Select a directory where you want to store all of your projects and click on the launch icon.

Once downloaded, unzip the file in a directory. It consists of the Jar files required to configure Selenium WebDriver in the IDE. Download the Browser driver - The automation scripts must be compatible with any browser.

Every browser supported by Selenium comes with its driver files.

Selenium automates web application. Testing performed by software testers tutoriak the Selenium testing Healthy mindset is known as Seleinum Testing. In this Selenium tutorial Tuttorial training tutorial, we Selenium tutorial all Selenium tutorial concepts Selenium tutorial selenium test scripts Se,enium the Selnium testing framework Cellulite reduction exercises for stomach detail with easy to understand practical examples. This Selenium Tutorial is helpful for beginners to advanced level users who want to learn selenium or learn automation. Selenium Software is a suite of software IDE, RC, WebDriver that serves various Selenium QA testing needs. In this Selenium Web Driver Tutorial, you will learn how to work with the selenium to create automated test scripts selenium scripts for any Web Browser applications and how to create your own framework. Learn — Java for beginners.

Author: Kajibei

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