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Recovery tools and techniques

Recovery tools and techniques

Your Rdcovery needs for Recovery tools and techniques, shelter and water are being met. Stress reduction for cancer prevention from these Recovery tools and techniques instruments, it will Recoverg a matter of space techniwues taking most foam rollers, massage rollers, Recovery tools and techniques other tools along. By Recoveru recovery, athletes can Recoevry their performance and longevity in their chosen sport. In this Tool Conquering Addictive Behaviors: The Power of the DEADs Tool in SMART Recovery Understanding DEADs The Role of DEADs in Recovery Conclusion Helpful Links. In summary, researchers have documented that these devices decrease subjective feelings of fatigue and soreness and decrease the presence of muscle inflammation and toxins with use post-exercise. Akil Marshall Did More Than Change the NBA Forever. Personal preference will dictate the level of texture you want on your foam roller.

Recovery tools and techniques -

You know that sensation when you have bottomless power, your breathing is deep, and pushing hard feels so good? These are the days when you slay your training and smash your race goals. But the secret to these training days — not to mention hitting race day in peak form — is nailing your recovery.

Two recovery practices are foundational and must-not be missed:. While there are many more accessory recovery techniques that can be used to complement nutrition and sleep, if you are not getting in the right nutrition and enough sleep, the accessory recovery techniques will have minimal advantage.

You should focus your efforts on getting those two recovery habits perfected to get the most bang for your buck. For weekend warrior athletes training two to three times per week, following a normal daily nutrition plan with no special additions is sufficient for optimal recovery before the next training session.

For athletes training once per day or more often, refueling for the next workout as quickly as possible is crucial. Refueling accurately and consistently after workouts will restore muscle and liver glycogen stores, replace fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat, promote muscle repair and bolster the immune system.

Athletes who optimize post-exercise nutrition will perform better in their next training session and accumulate more high quality sessions than athletes skipping post-exercise recovery fueling. There are two post-exercise recovery fueling windows. The first is within 30 minutes of a hard or long training session.

The second is in the two to three hours post-exercise. Short easy training sessions do not require special recovery nutrition. Athletes are best sticking to their daily nutrition plan with a normal whole foods meal after easy training sessions.

Fluid, electrolytes, carbohydrates and protein are the foundation of proper recovery nutrition. Immediately after finishing a workout, start replacing fluid and electrolyte losses with a sodium containing drink or water plus sodium containing food.

Estimate fluid losses by weighing yourself before and after training and drinking 16 to 24 ounces of fluid for every one pound lost. To restore muscle glycogen and promote protein synthesis , consume 0. For a 70kg or lb athlete this would be 56g of carbohydrate and 14g of protein.

Fluid, electrolytes, carbohydrates, and protein can be replaced with a commercial recovery drink, a homemade smoothie or with real food plus water.

Additionally, antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin A, probiotics, medium chain triglycerides and L-Glutamine can shorten recovery duration and are good additions to a recovery drink or snack.

Continue your recovery nutrition two to three hours post-exercise by eating a whole foods meal. It is OK to eat earlier than this if you are hungry but do not delay this post-exercise meal more than three hours.

This meal should contain a combination of carbohydrate, about 20g of protein and some fat. Dividing daily protein intake into four or more 20g meals has been shown to have a greater stimulus on protein synthesis than two big meals with 40g protein per meal or 8 smaller meals with 10g per meal.

A 20g feeding of protein is the sweet spot to maximally stimulate muscle protein synthesis. After a training session on a hot day, immediately cool your body down if your core temp feels hot by drinking cool fluids, sitting in cool water or air conditioning and pouring iced water over your head.

Cooling off will halt continued dehydration and increase your appetite. Studies have shown increasing duration asleep leads to increased performance and mental well-being in athletes. We also know chronic sleep debt impairs performance and reduces motivation to excel.

Foundation sleep recommendations for adult athletes are 8 to 10 hours per night plus a 30 minute nap between 2 to 4 PM. I know that is a tough call for most athletes to achieve along with all the other responsibilities of life.

Junior athletes need even more sleep with 9 hours per night plus a 30 minute nap in the afternoon. Along with sleep duration, sleep quality and sleep phase also affect the regenerative qualities of sleep.

Sleep quality can be improved by reducing disturbances by wearing earplugs and sleeping in a cool, dark room. The log then becomes a road map that will help them to anticipate situations and emotions that may trigger urges and plan ways to avoid recognized triggers or distract themselves from the urge until it passes.

The lifestyle balance pie helps us to visually map out which areas of life are important to us and which areas need greater attention. DEADs is an acronym that stands for "Deny," "Escape," "Accept," and "Dispute. In the realm of addiction recovery, the battleground is often not in the physical world but within the confines of our own minds.

SMART Recovery, a program grounded in empowering individuals to break free from the chains of addictive behaviors, underscores the importance of mental liberation through the DIBs tool. An acronym for "Disputing Irrational Beliefs," DIBs is a central pillar in the SMART Recovery approach, guiding individuals through the process of identifying and challenging irrational beliefs that fuel addictive behaviors.

This article illuminates the transformative power of DIBs in the journey toward sustainable recovery. Recovery from addiction is often visualized as a battlefield where one's inner demons are the foe. These inner enemies come armed with deceptive allure, masquerading as friends or saviors, promising relief, pleasure, or escape.

But, as anyone on the journey to recovery knows, yielding to these false promises leads only to more suffering. SMART Recovery arms individuals in this battle with an arsenal of tools, one of the most potent being DISARM - Destructive Images and Self-talk Awareness and Refusal Method.

In the throes of addiction, it's not uncommon for individuals to feel disconnected from what truly matters most to them. Activities, relationships, and principles that once held significant importance might have taken a back seat to the pursuit of addictive behaviors.

SMART Recovery's Hierarchy of Values HOV tool is designed to bridge this gap, helping you reconnect with your authentic self and realign your daily actions with your deepest values.

When we think of role-playing, we might imagine actors rehearsing for a play. They try out different lines and actions, preparing for their performance. But did you know that a similar strategy can be super helpful for people working to overcome addictive behaviors? Overcoming addictive behaviors is a journey that involves more than just abstaining from substances or detrimental habits.

It's about rediscovering yourself, finding joy, and engaging in activities that provide a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose. This is where SMART Recovery's VACI tool comes into play. VACI, or Vitally Absorbing Creative Interest, isn't just a fancy term; it's a beacon of hope, a way to rediscover passion and joy in life beyond addiction's confines.

Recovery isn't just about stopping harmful behaviors; it's also about building a mindset that supports happiness and resilience.

spotlight Recovery. Newton had it right Recovery tools and techniques etchniques For tefhniques action, there is indeed Reckvery reaction. Immunity boosting superfoods this means that anc hard we work towards our fitness goals, wellness goals, and professional goals, Recovery tools and techniques must work that hard or harder towards recovery. I have spent the last 15 years of my career focused on the latest and greatest recovery techniques steeped in the latest and greatest physiological and psychological discoveries and technologies. Most, if not all, of these recovery strategies, have been adopted by pro athletes. There is indeed a best muscle recovery, a best brain recovery, and a best overall holistic recovery and most are relatively inexpensive. Further, money does not have to drive quality recovery.

Recovery tools and techniques -

The ABCs allow us to discover our unhelpful beliefs which contribute to emotional upsets. Disputing helps us eliminate our irrational thinking so we can both feel better and do better. By changing our thinking, we change how we feel. Identifying and Disputing Unhelpful Thinking. Disputing is a process of challenging the way we think about situations.

Disputing unhelpful thinking can help us make more informed decisions about thoughts instead of just acting on them. Balanced thinking leads to effective new beliefs. SMART Recovery Tools. Downloads Share Print. Helpful with: Coping With Urges.

In this Tool Conquering Addictive Behaviors: The Power of the DEADs Tool in SMART Recovery Understanding DEADs The Role of DEADs in Recovery Conclusion Helpful Links.

Conquering Addictive Behaviors: The Power of the DEADs Tool in SMART Recovery In the journey toward recovery from addictive behaviors, individuals often encounter moments of intense urges or cravings that can jeopardize their progress. Understanding DEADs DEADs is an acronym that stands for "Deny," "Escape," "Accept," and "Dispute.

Deny The first step involves denying the urge the attention it craves and the power it holds. Escape Sometimes, the most effective way to deal with an urge is to physically remove oneself from the triggering situation or environment. Accept Acceptance involves acknowledging the presence of the urge without judgment or immediate reaction.

Dispute The final component, disputing, entails challenging the irrational beliefs and thoughts that often accompany urges. The Role of DEADs in Recovery The DEADs tool is instrumental in helping individuals navigate the often unpredictable nature of urges experienced during recovery.

Conclusion Recovery from addictive behaviors is a journey fraught with challenges, but with tools like DEADs, individuals are better prepared to face these hurdles. Helpful Links. DEADs Worksheet Download. Share Share: facebook-f icon linkedin-in icon twitter icon pinterest-p icon envelope icon.

Related Tools View all. Tool Urge Log An awareness and understanding of urges is crucial to recovery. The Therabody Wave Roller combines the best of both foam rolling and percussive massage treatment.

This Bluetooth-enabled vibrating foam roller features a soft foam surface over a firm core with a rechargeable volt lithium-ion battery. It has five different vibration speeds controlled by buttons on the side of the roller or with the Therabody app.

The app also provides a variety of routines to assist with your recovery and wellness needs. The small and light 12 x 5-inch roller only weighs 3. Our testers found that the roller can slip when used on smooth or slippery floors, and the issue is worse at higher frequency vibration settings.

Using it on a yoga mat helps to keep it from vibrating out of position. Claimed dimensions: 12 x 5 inches Claimed weight: 3. The Medi-Dyne Pro Stick Massage Roller is our top pick for stick massage tools.

Like other stick massage rollers, it is a handheld recovery tool that can be used on most large muscle groups, as well as tendons, trigger points, and other tight spots. It features three different rings — soft-density blue and white, medium-density blue and gray, and smaller firm-density red — that allow the user to apply different pressure levels with precision.

Firm hand grips on either end provide leverage and control, further enhancing the ability to dial in pressure and target specific muscles. This lightweight massage stick is 21 inches long, including two hand grips, each 4.

This recovery tool can provide endless versatility with different ring firmness options for different areas. Read our in-depth Medi-Dyne Pro Stick Massage Roller review.

Claimed dimensions: 21 x 2 x 2 inches Claimed weight: Not listed Materials: Not listed. The two rings are removable, allowing the stick to be used in several different configurations. On its own, the stick has a six-inch-wide center of deeply textured foam and two 3.

We recommend placing it underneath your work desk and using it as a foot massager, though it can be used as a handheld stick or like a foam roller on the floor. With four foam rings, the stick works like a foam roller — the deep grooves between the rings help the foam dig deeper into muscles.

The four-ring configuration also works as an abdominal roller. With so many options with its inch length, we love this tool for reaching deep into muscle tissue while being easily portable for wherever your workouts and recovery routines take you.

Claimed dimensions: 13 x 4 x 4 inches Claimed weight: Not listed Materials: High-density foam rings. Its smooth foam surface feels gentle against the skin, while the rigid construction allows users to apply deep pressure to the muscle tissue, releasing knots and supporting blood circulation.

The four-inch handles on each end are grippy, making maneuvering the inch massage surface easy. While it lacks the textured surface common to many deep tissue tools, the rigid construction allows great pressure application to muscle fascia. Claimed dimensions: 18 x 2 x 2 inches Claimed weight: 0.

Quiet and powerful, the Hyperice Hypervolt 2 Pro is our favorite percussive massager. The watt motor can drive five different speed settings. You can control the speed dial on the device or the Hyperice app.

The app also includes guided routines and options for customizing and automating your recovery. The five different head attachments make reaching various muscles, tissue, and tendons easy while homing in pressure and precision. Three pressure-indicator LED lights on the speed dial illuminate as the applied pressure increases.

The claimed battery life is about two to three hours of use, depending on speed and pressure levels — we found this to be accurate, and we were surprised by how quickly it recharges, too. A battery-level indicator will turn from green to yellow when the device needs to be plugged in.

To learn more, read our in-depth Hyperice Hypervolt 2 Pro review. Claimed dimensions: 8 x 2. Our favorite runner-up percussive massager is the Ekrin Athletics B37S. Nearly as quiet as the Hyperice Hypervolt 2 Pro reviewed above, it has five speed settings ranging from 2, to 3, repetitions per minute RPM and can apply 36 to 52 pounds of force.

The highest speed level automatically varies from 2, to 3, RPM every ten seconds to create muscle confusion. While we found the frequency change fairly subtle, it can help avoid hitting a plateau in the recovery process.

A blue light at the top indicates the pressure applied at each speed level. To operate the device, press and hold the power button at the top, and then press the same button to level up the speed.

Ekrin Athletics recommends using the massager for up to two minutes at a time per muscle group. After 10 minutes of continuous use, the device will automatically shut down, though it can be immediately restarted by pressing and holding the power button.

While this automatic shutdown prevents overuse, it can be an annoying inconvenience for those in the middle of a full-body recovery routine. Claimed dimensions: 12 x 4 x 10 inches Claimed weight: 2. While small, this device has nearly the same power as other full-size percussive massagers.

A simple and intuitive design; just one button is used for powering the device on and off and cycling through its speed levels. The rechargeable lithium-ion battery lasts up to minutes before recharging, which takes approximately 80 minutes.

The single ball attachment is slightly limited compared to other percussive massagers with various attachment options. As a result, it is an excellent introduction to percussive massage and a great gift for any athlete. Claimed dimensions: 6 x 5. The significant drop in the price of the Hyperice Normatec 3 Legs over the past couple of years is a significant factor in making it our top choice in the compression boots category.

While these innovative and high-quality boots have always impressed us, the price tag has kept them unattainable for most folks. These recovery boots use dynamic air compression to circulate blood and massage the muscles. This can help reduce swelling, refresh muscles, and increase recovery speed.

The whole experience is exceptionally relaxing as well. The system includes two zippered leg sleeves, a control unit for adjusting cycles and pressure, and a hose that connects the control unit to the two leg sleeves. Pull the sleeves onto both legs and zip them up to operate the system, then plug the hose into both boots and the control unit.

Then lean back — we recommend a recliner if you have one, though a couch or bed works just as well — relax, and enjoy the slow, compressive massage. We love using the boots after a hard workout, weight-lifting, post-race, or when our legs feel extra tired. Read more in our Hyperice Normatec 3 Legs review.

Includes: Hyperice Normatec 3 control unit, two leg attachments, the hose for connecting leg attachments to control unit, power adapter for charging. The system includes two leg sleeves, a charging cord, and a pouch for storage. To operate the boots, slide one on each leg and power on the control panels at the top of each boot.

The two boots will synchronize automatically after you turn the control panels on and simultaneously start their compression cycles. The compression cycle feels like the Hyperice Normatec 3 Legs reviewed above — the boots slowly inflate, starting from the feet and working up to the top of the thighs before deflating and starting again.

They have four adjustable pressure levels and use a second flush cycle to increase the number of cycles during a session. The boots can be set to , , or minute cycles or a continuous nonstop cycle.

The battery life lasts up to four hours before you must plug the boots in to recharge them. Note that only one boot can charge at a time, but they recharge quickly. Even though the boots automatically sync, we noticed that sometimes their timing is slightly off, particularly when deflating.

Our Story Our Athletes Why Buy From Us Reviews Contact Us FAQ B2B Sales Recovery Rooms Rewards Program My Account. Email Recovery For Athletes Find us on Facebook Find us on Instagram Find us on Pinterest Find us on Twitter Find us on YouTube.

The 12 Best Muscle Recovery Tools To Get Your Started Off Right. Theragun PRO Percussion Massager The Theragun PRO Percussion Massager really works.

Theragun PRO G5 Percussion Massager. Rapid Reboot Compression Boots System The Rapid Reboot Compression Boot system is a high-quality, affordably priced recovery boot device that many elite athletes use in their recovery.

Rapid Reboot Lower Body Compression Boot Recovery Package. Original price. Game Ready GrPro 2. Game Ready Ice Machine GRPro 2. Hyperice Normatec Go The Normatec Go by Hyperice delivers targeted massage for fresh legs on-the-go. Hyperice Normatec Go. Marc Pro Muscle Stimulator The Marc Pro and Marc Pro Plus muscle stimulators are the go-to EMS devices for athletes.

Marc Pro Electrical Muscle Stimulator. Pso-Rite Psoas Muscle Release Tool The Pso-Rite Psoas Muscle Release Tool could possibly be the most simple and important massage recovery tool for athletes.

Pso-Rite Psoas Release and Massage Tool. Summit To Sea - The Shallow Dive Hyperbaric Chamber With a spacious inch long chamber that is 26 inches in diameter, Summit to Sea's Shallow Dive is a lightweight and compact medical hyperbaric chamber that is designed for easy transportation and setup.

Summit To Sea - The Shallow Dive Hyperbaric Chamber. Golden Designs Dynamic Ultra Low EMF Far Infrared Sauna - Barcelona Edition The benefits of a sauna are many, but not everyone has the space or the budget to install a traditional wooden sauna in their home.

Dynamic Barcelona Elite Person Ultra Low EMF FAR Infrared Sauna Canadian Hemlock. Rapid Release Therapy Pro3 Vibration Massager Rapid Release Therapy is already the go-to therapy of tens-of-thousands of professionals worldwide because of ease of use and consistent results.

Rapid Release Therapy Pro3 Vibration Massager. ROLL Recovery R8 Muscle Roller Roll Recovery's R8 deep tissue massage roller is the only device in the world to combine high-quality, high-grade materials with patented massage roller technology. ROLL Recovery R8 Muscle Roller. Ice Barrel Cold Plunge Therapy Tub Ice Barrel is a cold therapy training tool that offers an easy way to bring ice baths to your routine.

Recovsry is a process, one that requires time, patience, motivation, tevhniques, and support. Techniquee times, Recovery tools and techniques road to recovery Diabetic neuropathy in the eyes feel especially long and hard, but it is important to remember that it gools also Rdcovery positive one. Addiction recovery brings with it many wonderful memories, lasting relationships, healthy routines, and an undeniable self-awareness that can make your life — and your outlook on life — one to be proud of. That is where these fool-proof, evidence-based addiction recovery tools can come in handy. If you are here, you may be just starting your road towards sobriety. And right now, it may feel like an impossible goal. Recovery tools and techniques Tefhniques these uncertain times, I nad to Recovery tools and techniques everyone that we toos often more resilient Antioxidant rich teas we give ourselves Recovery tools and techniques too,s. I know this because as tokls clinician I work with teechniques Recovery tools and techniques families going through one technoques the most challenging times of their lives, as they address their substance use disorder and work on their recovery. At Caron, we teach patients tools to manage the stress associated with the disease of addiction. I believe these tools can be helpful to everyone right now during the pandemic, which can be highly stressful for all. Here are some tips to help keep stress levels manageable:. When faced with uncertainty, I recommended breaking the time up into digestible pieces — focus on getting through today, this afternoon, or even the next hour. That just creates unnecessary anxiety.


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Author: Vulabar

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