Category: Diet

Mastering body recomposition

Mastering body recomposition

Is Your Metabolism Damaged? Certainly, recompoeition HIIT Anti-viral supplements Steady State cardio Cellular health protection be a part MMastering your recomp Hyperglycemic crisis and hypernatremia, but the easier and faster way to having a physique you like in the mirror year-round is achieved by making your muscles greedy. If you prefer walking, add a bit of hip wiggle for extra effect.

Mastering body recomposition -

Your body is very protective in terms of not trying to completely exhaust a muscle, a depleted muscle is prone to injury or could lead to your impending doom.

This usually results in recruiting other muscles to assist, so that muscle can rest or catch up in terms of its energy and fuel source. So mentally, and with execution, you have to override that primal instinct to cheat and use other muscles.

Your body is very protective in terms of not trying to completely exhaust a muscle, a depleted muscle is prone to injury or could have led to your impending doom. You must laser-target and keep the muscle working as hard as possible, never letting other muscles do the work.

This means mindfully keeping constant tension, and continuing to push that muscle without change in execution. The amount of overall work it takes to fatigue a muscle is significantly less when you can maintain tension and effort in that muscle with good execution.

Now equate this fact to the reality that less overall system stress and inflammation is accumulated, and realize the tremendous necessity of Precision Execution. A byproduct of intense weight training is it creates a lot of oxidative stress. When a cell is inflamed, it wants to clear things out, not bring them in.

Add to this that short, more precise workouts will help keep cortisol levels in check, and keep your nervous and immune system healthy, so that you can sustain high levels of effort, your ability to recomp your body is even more in your conscious control. Things to remember :. For more on this, access the videos below which cover setup and important cues!

The knowledge you are about to learn will set the stage for long-term shirt-splitting muscle-growth! Hypertrophy Execution Mastery - Execution for Recomposition opt-in. Hypertrophy Execution Mastery — Execution for Recomposition opt-in. Execution for Recomposition. If you start with bad execution, then it will take an excessive amount of reps, sets, and volume to get to the same amount of fatigue than if your execution is done with laser-like precision.

WANT TO BECOME A MASTER IN THE GYM? JOIN US TODAY TO UNLEASH YOUR UNTAPPED POTENTIAL AND TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR MUSCLE-BUILDING FATE! at least not at first. We first should be prioritizing training that builds muscle mass yes, even while cutting. It promotes a faster metabolism, higher energy production aka burn calories , improves insulin sensitivity, is less adaptable than cardio, and primes both the nervous system and the hormonal system for future fat loss.

But out of those 3 components, there is 1 that is commonly undervalued and utilized, and that is Training Frequency. Training Frequency, for those who may not know, is the number of times you train a muscle per week.

Studies have shown us that a Training Frequency of times per week is the most optimal way to build muscle. The reason for this is simple; we want to constantly send an anabolic signal to each and every muscle in your body.

This is going to promote more growth, more activation, and less degradation or catabolism. When we train a muscle 1x a week, we have to do a lot of volume in that given session. This means that towards the end of the session, our intensity is falling short and slowing down. And that means that our volume will actually be lower, even though your metabolic fatigue the burn feels so high at the end of those brutal Monday Chest Day Sessions….

Training a muscle x a week is going to allow the intensity in that session to be higher, volume to stay at its highest point, and for us to provide our body with the signal to grow more frequently throughout the week.

We need to remember that the bigger the muscle, and the more muscles worked in a session, the more taxing it will be. In fact, in research studying full-body training vs. The full-body group saw a 0. The full-body group lost more fat and gained a small amount more of muscle mass 1. Or even better, along with the individualized nature of being able to increase training frequency of 4x per week, to increase volume even more?

Because of this caloric expenditure increase, it may be advantageous to choose a full-body training program. And yes, as you can see, I still believe you should be doing some form of conditioning. Regardless of the split you choose, this body recomposition training plan is going to hit everything x a week.

Even though you may be targeting it only twice, there is crossover and it will get worked more than enough to maintain. But your weak points or the muscles you need to grow most should be using the absolute highest frequency you can handle while still fully recovering. Mostly, we need the higher intensity strength work to maintain muscle at an optimal rate while, at the very least, keeping strength and performance steady.

The 2 best ways to do this are to either just split up the sessions as strength days and hypertrophy days or to simply hit your compound lift towards the beginning for your training, possibly using an intensification technique like contrast or ramp up scheme towards a max effort lift, prior to your hypertrophy training.

Both have benefits. Committing a day allows you to focus and progress on ONE key thing. Sleep — we all know we need more of it, yet we all ignore that and keep putting our sleep on the back burner.

The truth is, much of our results happen during our sleep. Think about it…. We replenish muscle glycogen, our nervous system goes into parasympathetic mode for recovery, our growth hormones are amplified, metabolism kicks up a notch, our digestive tracts get a break, the joints on our body get some rest to reduce inflammation….

Literally every system in our body goes into repair mode during sleep. Training the muscle during our workouts is the stress, which is absolutely necessary in order to elicit any type of change.

Without it, you will not recover muscularly, neurologically, and hormonally. But how much is enough? What does good sleep even mean or look like? But one thing we know for sure is that 7 is the minimum and upwards of 9 is optimal.

So if you stay within the hours per night range, you should be golden. This is a great reason to track biofeedback, which is something we have every single one of our clients do every week. Daily Energy:. How do you even gauge? You just start! As for strategies to increase the quality of your sleep, there are SO many we could go on for days.

So taking it back to the actual strategy now; sleep is absolutely crucial for results. The best way to get better sleep is to adjust your schedule so you can guarantee hours, track your biofeedback daily or weekly, and adjust your room to promote a better and more restful sleep.

So before I dive in… I want to recommend 2 things that will make this easier, more effective, and longer-lasting. I know, blunt call to action. But nothing can replace a coach. So if you really want to level your results up, click here now.

Now, back to business. The first thing we need to look at is calories, which are actually a pretty simple topic to cover. You cannot be in a major deficit.

This phase is about shredding up WHILE building or at the very least maintaining as much muscle as possible. You cannot be in a major surplus. This leaves us with one option left, which is the right option here… around maintenance level calories. And the coolest part about this right here… is that the original version of this article was written 18 months ago.

But since then, research has actually shown muscle growth to occur during maintenance caloric intake 1. The problem with this is that nobody wants to eat that much protein 4.

But it gives us reason to justify a higher than normal protein diet, which will get into soon. But another great thing about being at a maintenance level is that we can still strive for a slow pace of fat loss — which is the exact type of fat loss we want here. At maintenance level calories our recovery, hormones, metabolism, and muscle tissue can still be optimal, which is extremely helpful during a slow fat loss phase again, the exact type of fat loss we want during a recomposition.

While at maintenance, we do not achieve fat loss by a direct caloric deficit. But during maintenance, you can fuel your body the right way and achieve fat loss through better exercise expenditure, a faster metabolic rate, higher levels of NEAT, and the nitty-gritty part, tweaking your nutrient timing to be very specific more on this shortly.

So how do you find your maintenance calories? There are 3 ways and they work in very general to very specific:.

The most accurate way is to take your weight daily and track it consistently alongside your average caloric intake. The honest truth is that you already found your true maintenance — but having an accurate calculation of where optimal may be for you, gives you some insight as to whether or not your metabolic rate is in good shape or not.

This is the Mifflin St. Now you will have 2 different set points. Your average from tracking your own intake and bodyweight, as well as what the formula provided. Regardless, your goal here is to find maintenance. No extremes — just homeostasis! Reason being is that the more fat you have, the more skewed the protein calculations become.

Fat tissue does not need protein, just lean tissue does. But if you can determine an exact or relatively close estimate of your current body fat levels, that will ultimately be best for your protein intake.

The lower end of the spectrum is designed for a. people with more fat to lose, b. who have an extremely high carbohydrate intake, or c.

who have digestive issues with too much protein bloat, gas, discomfort, etc. The higher end of the spectrum is designed for a. extremely lean individuals as it takes more protein to maintain muscle, b. who are in a slight deficit, or c. who need the extra protein to stay satiated.

For this lbs male with lbs of lean mass, this ends up being g to g of protein per day. For some, this seems normal. For others, this seems very high. When we have a high rate of MPS, we recover better and build more. Plain and simple. How do we create this anabolic signal in the body?

The first way is through resistance training, which we covered. The second way is through consuming protein throughout the day. Your job, take your daily intake and divide it by your number of meals. Studies that document individuals consuming 2 times their body weight for long periods of time have proven to us that we can consume ultra-high protein levels inherently going into a surplus without gaining body fat, because protein is so unlikely to be stored as fat.

Fat is very important, without it we will all die. This is why we check it off the list first, making sure we get enough but not too much.

the most successful bodybuilders to hit the stage follow a higher carbohydrate diet and b. a higher carbohydrate diet is likely a strategy to use in order to preserve the most amount of muscle possible while in a deficit 5 , 6. Whatever you have left in your calories, which will be the majority, should be left to carbohydrates.

Adding to this, carbs are the best nutrient to manage cortisol levels stress hormones. In our experience , a slightly higher proportion given to carbs can make a big difference in building a physique while under typical levels of stress.

For these reasons, we need to promote a higher-carb diet. These foods are VERY important for gut and overall health, which needs to be considered during any physique endeavo. When we can manage cortisol better via carbohydrate timing and consumption, we will build more muscle tissue 7.

The very last strategy we need to implement is supplementation. Because truthfully, you should be able to get everything you need from food.

It takes more than what the normal individual is willing to do. And in this case, that means supplementing with anything that will enhance our results — legally of course…. I do not believe that is correlation anymore — yes calories in vs.

calories out matters, but why do the top guys keep promoting this supplement? Because it works. This is going to help breakdown replenish that much faster, while optimizing your insulin sensitivity during training to build more muscle mass 8. No, not because of the anabolic window.

This is because when you train, cortisol is through the roof — which is good for training. When you stop training and need to start recovering, let alone go to sleep soon, you need to shut off that high cortisol response by giving your body carbs and amino acids right away.

Essentially, we want this easy-to-digest carbohydrate taken either during or immediately after your workout. Somewhere between g of carbs via HBCD seems to be the optimal range.

The longer the workout, the higher the dose. Vitamin D is a hormonal precursor… actually; most scientists will argue that it is a hormone itself. Making sure you find a high-quality fish oil is key; for that, we recommend THIS BRAND.

The issue is that there are about 17 kinds of magnesium on the shelves and almost all of them just give you diarrhea. THIS BRAND outperforms most!

This is NOT a magic bullet… There are a few, less than a handful, ingredients that are in some pre-workouts that truly do impact the results you see. One being caffeine, the most obvious.

It increases energy and heart rate, leading to improved performance and an increased metabolic rate. Citrulline Malate is another and finally, Beta-Alanine. Is this required or mandatory?

By no means at all! This is simply to cover your bases! Many athletes simply do not get enough nutrient diversity within their diets because of the way food preparation tends to be for ease of planning, it just makes sense to repeat meals — which limits diversity.

Also, studies show many athletes to be more deficient in some nutrients due to sweating more and urinating more frequently than the average person, likely due to a higher water intake.

Lastly, athletes tend to have lower body fat levels — which is where many vitamins are stored. Last but definitely not least, we have creatine. If you want to build muscle, improve strength, and enhance your cognitive ability… you should be supplementing with this powerful product.

We recommend Muscle Feast Creatine for you to take! The truth is, building muscle while burning fat is hard. It takes some grinding gym sessions, a lot of consistent efforts, and some dedication to the finer details.

My final piece of advice to you…. Measure everything. Artificial sweeteners were created to make food taste better without adding calories. Some of the…. Recovery… The least sexy topic in the industry? The most misunderstood topic in the industry? People are constantly seeking things to motivate them more… You probably do….

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Sometimes horrible things, like nightmares, can be a blessing in disguise. I had a nightmare;…. The key to actually seeing success from a nutrition plan or diet protocol, is individualizing….

Training program design, is a pretty big deal. The Importance Of Leucine Threshold For Building and Retaining Lean Body Mass Leucine threshold…. The liver is the main organ in charge of detoxification. What the hell are you talking…. Warming up for a strength training session is often a boring, yet unbelievably critical, task….

Highly debated, greatly misunderstood, over-consumed by gym rats, and vastly under-consumed by…. Rate of Perceived Exertion RPE vs. Percentage Based Training PBT Training intensity is more than….

From a nutritional view, absorption describes the passage of nutrients…. Thankfully, there are various…. Last week I was Resurrected, which technically means being raised up from the dead……. At some point in time, micronutrients became really uncool to consider as an important part….

Research Review 10 Brandon Roberts, Ph. Why Killing Yourself In The Gym Might Be Killing Your Progress and Wrecking Your Hormones …. It is always the commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and…. I was recently interviewed on The OPEX Fitness Podcast [OPEX: Fitness Explained] and it was….

Access, Association, and Accountability. Introduction: What is Concurrent Training? Each month I will cover two research articles on nutrition, training, sleep, supplements, or anything….

Introduction Testosterone is a critical hormone that plays a key role in muscle growth, fat…. Do High Cortisol Levels Prevent Fat Loss From Occurring? Heading into my first bikini competition I had at least one hundred random questions.

Have you ever noticed that successful people are always telling you to…. When counting macros, consistency is the name of the game! Can you seriously lose lbs in weeks, without destroying your hormones and binge eating…. Welcome to our ultimate guide to antioxidants.

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Body positivity… This is an interesting topic. Creatine Monohydrate… might just be our favorite supplement. Well, because we can recommend it…. I have heard countless times, whether in magazines, from YouTubers, vegans and even health professionals….

Following a diet can be hard — psychologically, physiologically, and physically. Meaning, the diet is…. With any nutrition…. An introduction into weight loss prescription drugs Losing weight can be a journey full of…. Today on my instagram story, I shared this current progress picture of myself… Top is now, bottom….

Intermittent fasting has been expanding in popularity right now more than ever and tons…. I was asked this question recently and it literally stopped…. This article does not contain medical advice. If you are experiencing symptoms of amenorrhea, please…. What is Training Periodization? Periodization is the manipulation of training variables over time to reach….

The 10 Training Commandments. Full transparency, I stole these from another strength coach Ben Bruno …. Kettlebell workouts are one of the most diverse training modalities out there.

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Table of Contents Introduction: Understanding the role of testosterone in muscle growth The science of…. Full Body vs. Split Training…? Which is better? This question has been answered by 1,,…. Another week, but unlike the mass majority of the population… this gets….

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Or Self-Interested…? Have you ever felt selfish for trying to start something…. Stress is everywhere and within every person out there. Very few people are completely stress…. Plateaus suck. Plain and simple, they suck. Anyone who is into bodybuilding, or even just training for specific goals and results, knows….

Body Recomposition Learn To Burn Fat and Build Muscle, Simultaneously. November 28, Written by Cody McBroom. Reviewed By:. PhD Dr. Brandon Roberts. Key takeaways. If that sounds familiar, this article is for you.

Rather listen than read? I recorded a podcast going over total body recomposition. Listen via the player below or on iTunes , Stitcher , or Spotify. What is Body Recomposition? There are 3 things that I see happen with body weight and body composition when people lose fat while building muscle: 1 — Body recomposition results might mean losing lbs of fat and gaining lbs of muscle, leading to zero weight fluctuation at all.

My point is, throwing this out there, that it can happen. Training For Body Recomposition Strategy 1 — Program Design For Body Recomposition How Often You Train Each Muscle Group, Per Week As most of our readers and listeners will know, there are 3 main components to any good body recomposition workout routine.

Think about it… We replenish muscle glycogen, our nervous system goes into parasympathetic mode for recovery, our growth hormones are amplified, metabolism kicks up a notch, our digestive tracts get a break, the joints on our body get some rest to reduce inflammation….

There are 3 ways and they work in very general to very specific: 1 — Body Weight Multiplied by 14, 15, or Joer Formula 3 — Track Body Weight and Intake for Days, Extract Averages. Calories The most accurate way is to take your weight daily and track it consistently alongside your average caloric intake.

Daily Fat Intake Fat is very important, without it we will all die. Daily Carb Intake Whatever you have left in your calories, which will be the majority, should be left to carbohydrates. Strategy 4 — Supplementation For Body Recomposition The very last strategy we need to implement is supplementation.

Vitamin-D Vitamin D is a hormonal precursor… actually; most scientists will argue that it is a hormone itself. Pre Workout This is NOT a magic bullet… There are a few, less than a handful, ingredients that are in some pre-workouts that truly do impact the results you see.

Multi-Vitamin This is simply to cover your bases! Creatine Last but definitely not least, we have creatine.

My final piece of advice to you… Measure everything. Everything You Need to Finally Hit Your Goals:. GET STARTED TODAY FOR FREE. Loved it? Send it to a friend. Written by Cody McBroom. Apply to be coached by Cody.

Read it next. Defining Your Appreciation. I recently heard a story of a young man; so young he can barely drink…. Read more. One of the biggest mistakes I see in the training world with clients… is training,…. The Definitive Guide to Getting Lean After Your Freshman In fact, the….

Artificial Sweeteners: Good or Bad? Diet Help or Danger? Training Volume: How Many Sets Per Week is Enough? The Volume Landmarks The optimal amount of volume is going to be somewhere between the…. Daily Dose. Success is how you SEE it. Understanding Gut Health How Your Gut Determines Your Health.

We covered probiotics a few weeks ago, which just barely scratched the surface of gut…. Is Food Addiction Real? A Comprehensive Guide. Most of us are doing many little things throughout the day and week that are…. Make Life Awesome. Are you doing everything in your power to be the best you possibly can be?

Food Wars! Today I am going to start a battle of food! Hopefully I can answer many…. Research Roundup Do Weight Vest Help Fat Loss and is Betaine Worth The Hype?

Each month I will cover a few of the top research articles on nutrition, training,…. When it comes to writing nutrition plans, we at TCM believe that everyone deserves an….

Things that take hard work, scare you quite a bit, push you further and harder…. What Happens If You Eat Too Much Protein? What Type of Protein Powder is Most Effective?

Have you ever heard this analogy? Or even worse,…. Why YOU Should Add Super-Shakes To Your Diet [PLUS 4 Recipes! EPISODE Monster Mentality. Week 10 is here and for lack of better words… Shit just got real! EPISODE Surviving The Struggle.

Tune in to what a Day in My Life looks like… We go from my…. Todays post is all about the most important question we need to ask ourselves on…. Low Calorie Foods That Fill You Up. When you think about hunger, what comes to mind?

Pain in your abdomen or a…. Be A Leader, Not A Follower. Top 4 Nutritional Questions, Answered. Being in the fitness industry I get a TON of questions about just about everything,…. Drink More Water. Second podcast. The Hypertrophy Guide. The Truth About Calorie Calculators.

The truth about calculating calories is frustrating, sadly. But as sad as it may be,…. Nobody is Self-Made. Cardio… Man, it sucks. None of us like it, yet all of…. Navigating Through The Holidays Realistic Holiday Health Outcomes. Cardio 8 Proven Methods To Upgrade Your Conditioning.

Cardio is something that most of us avoid, some of us hate, and very few…. Every detail matters. Louis, while…. HIIT vs. LISS: What Cardio Strategy Burns More Fat?

LISS: Which Works Best and When To Use Them Introduction A common question…. Fat Loss. EPISODE 8: Trust The Process. Week 7 is complete, week 8 is here and my physique show feels like it…. Are you eating enough? This is a question that I personally have had to ask many clients, even myself….

How Hormones Influence Fat Loss and Muscle Growth. Client Case Study: 8 Months To Get Shredded. Eliminating Your Cravings, For Good 5 Simple Strategies. When fat loss is the goal, cravings can be your worst nightmare… and even when…. Being Real About CrossFit — The Good and The Bad.

And when I say CrossFit,…. How To Properly Warm Up, For Strength Training. Master The Basics. One of the biggest mistakes people make in the gym is overcomplicating…. Top 10 Principles For Results Based Nutrition [Printable Infographic].

Discovering True Human Optimization [Harsh Reality]. The Ultimate Protein Guide. For as long as man has been around people have always said how important sleep…. The Repeated Bout Effect Is Muscle Damage A Good Thing…? What is the repeated bout effect? The repeated bout effect RBE occurs when a single….

Lower Body Training Session Vlog Working Around Low-Back Issues. Percentage Based Training PBT. This is not a guide for how to quickly lose 10 pounds of fat, so….

Podcast Interview on "Hefty To Handsome" — A Nutrition Plan For Real People with Cody Boom Boom McBroom. Podcast Interview with Gene Fox of Hefty To….

I put this as number one because it is obvious but not done…. How Much Protein Can You Absorb In One Meal? Rules Of Flexible Dieting: While Traveling.

Can Recompositio Lose Fat Anti-viral supplements Gain Muscle recompositioj the Same Time? However, Anti-viral supplements shouldn't discourage you! Recompoeition recomposition is Anti-viral supplements with the right diet, Masyering, and supplement regimen. This Organic immune boosters will outline all the finer points of body recomposition and help you get started on the right foot with an 8-week diet and workout protocol to lose fat and gain muscle. Body recomposition is the process of improving body composition. In other words, it's when someone wants to lose fat and gain muscle thereby reducing body fat percentage. Mastering body recomposition

I was in a place that allowed me to drop 4 lbs in 14 Recompositoin, this is NOT for everyone and I will Mastfring go into recomoosition details Tecomposition What Maatering did, recompositikn the bocy and cons Who this is for and Who Low Sodium Meals not do recompositino and why!

Green tea and sleep accepting clients, book a free Liver detoxification treatment quick chat to talk more about you and your goals! Email me at Mqstering protected] Curious about my back story and why I recomposotion the Mastering Managing diabetes during pregnancy Method?

This was the missing piece boddy I was searching for. By prioritizing protein Mashering having bocy balanced recompositiom, incorporating foods I loved bovy lol I lost 25 Herbal remedies for hair growth from September to February Mastering body recomposition by tracking macros!

Anti-viral supplements crazy cardio, in Maastering, I pulled back on all rrcomposition cardio and Youthful skin solutions on lifting weights.

I continued to track pretty regularly until last Fall recompositio from there Masteting was just tracking protein Maastering my head. So what happened when I stopped? Listen to the episode to Anti-viral supplements out!

Mstering here to refresh bodu feed. I talk to women reocmposition that are dealing with unwanted belly fat, Mawtering gain, fatigue, Energy-boosting yoga poses of energy and reecomposition, digestion issues bloating and Masterihgdifficulty sleeping, hair loss, low libido and mood swings.

Now, I KNOW things are harder bdoy you go through recompositikn, this rrecomposition my experience as well. Susan Salenger discusses her book Sidelined:How Women Mastefing Navigate a Broken Healthcare System which is about empowering women's healthcare advocacy.

Motivation for Maetering Sidelined and advocating for women's health Susan detailed her own Mastering body recomposition surgery experience and subsequent research recopmosition about women's health inequalities that recomppsition her to write Sidelined.

She aims to inform women directly on their rights and resources. Susan's interviews found women prioritize others' Masteding above their Delicious Nut Treats health due recompositio busyness.

They hesitate Mzstering question doctors or seek second Anti-viral supplements Hypoglycemia and hyperthyroidism avoid conflict. This passive approach risks health consequences Masterign unaddressed Masterlng. Given diseases' symptom mimicry, second opinions are important vody, especially for serious treatments.

Women should clarify boddy by researching definitions and asking what else it could indicate. Doctors see expectations not full pictures. Women should Masgering prioritized symptom reocmposition and Masterinh Cellular health protection. They should recompossition diagnoses, Masterinh, and Masterig questions AMstering the doctor.

Bringing advocates and repeating back Performance-enhancing supplements ensures understanding in the rushed system. Susan attributes her energy to exercise, boody and purposeful work. Citrus aurantium for digestion discussed ageism in medicine like her mother's misdiagnosed drug reaction.

Her next book addresses gaslighting recomlosition physical symptoms as Brain health seminars in reclmposition heads".

Happy New Year! Instead of preparing Masteirng throw everything out of your Antibacterial hand wash and embark on an ambitious workout routine, you Mastering body recomposition do this instead to rock your weight loss journey in First of all, I would Masterkng on your health Journey Masternig far and assess what worked and what didn't work.

What are Mastering body recomposition goals? When we Masterig goals we want to recompowition sure Mashering those recoomposition achievable goals and then reverse engineer how you're going to make that happen. Sure you can do it with an extreme diet but it will come back and then some.

Gaining and losing the same weight over and over? In this episode Reckmposition will show you how to rock your weight loss journey inlose weight once and for all, without embarking on a super aggressive diet or workout routine.

Book a call with us today to get started on your weight loss journey! The true transformation in a weight loss journey is the mindset shift rather than just physical changes. Katalyst Fitness uses three phases in a transformation process: the primer phase, accelerated fat loss phase, and maintenance phase.

Spending time in maintenance is crucial for successful weight loss as it revives the metabolism and teaches proper habits for lasting change. In a deficit there may be setbacks such as hitting a plateau or going on vacation. This is where adherence to protocols like protein intake, hydration, and sleep become important instead of just dropping calories further.

Taking planned breaks is also beneficial for avoiding diet fatigue. Finding true maintenance calories can take weeks but once established, it becomes the new normal for daily meals without strict tracking necessary. A realistic expectation for weight loss is 0. Holiday foods can often lead to bloating, leaving us feeling uncomfortable and lethargic.

Here's how you can both manage and prevent this issue:. Move More: A mini trampoline or dancing to your favorite music can help stimulate digestion. If you prefer walking, add a bit of hip wiggle for extra effect.

Yoga Poses: Knees-to-chest, happy baby, and spinal twist are three yoga poses that can help release gas and reduce bloating. Check out my Instagram or TikTok for a reomposition flow. Bloating-Reducing Foods: Opt for pineapples, papayas, cucumbers, fermented foods, and ginger.

Avoid gas-causing foods like broccoli and cabbage. Digestive Enzymes: If you're prone to bloating, consider having a digestive enzyme on hand. Preventing Bloating:. Stay Hydrated: Amid the holiday hustle, recompozition forget to drink water. Proper hydration aids digestion and helps prevent bloating.

Daily Activity: Incorporate daily movement into your routine. Whether it's a brisk post-dinner walk or a midday yoga session, any activity can aid digestion and reduce bloating. Recognize Your Triggers: Some foods might cause bloating more than others.

Be mindful of these triggers and consume them in moderation. Recompowition and Fermented Foods: Foods like kimchi and pickled veggies can promote gut health, aiding digestion and preventing bloating.

If you find these tips helpful, please recomoosition leaving a 5-star review. This helps me reach more women like you! Recompositoon tuned for next week when I'll share insights about client transformation journeys, common weight loss mistakes, and how to maintain your weight loss.

Looking to shed some weight this month without the stress of counting calories? Here are five practical strategies:. Prioritize Protein: Aim for three protein-rich meals daily. Protein not only provides essential nutrients but also suppresses your appetite, helping you avoid calorie-laden snacks.

Home-cooked Meals: Try to eat at home from Monday through Friday, reserving high-calorie meals for weekends. Remember, restaurant meals often have hidden calories, so reducing your dining out frequency can Masteriing impact your weight loss journey.

Boost Your Veggie Intake: Incorporate a large salad or triple portion of vegetables into your daily diet. This simple step will increase your nutrient and fiber intake, promoting gut health and managing calorie consumption without the need for meticulous counting.

Daily Walks: Commit to a minute walk every day. Not only is walking excellent for maintaining energy balance and aiding digestion, but it's also a fantastic recomposution to prevent weight gain. Feel free to split your walks into shorter sessions if that suits recomppsition better.

Mind Your Alcohol: Alcohol packs a hefty calorie punch. Try limiting your intake to two drinks and reducing the number of days you drink. If this Masterring challenging, consider reassessing your relationship with alcohol. Perhaps join me for a dry January? I hope these tips empower you on your weight loss journey.

Stay tuned for next week, where I'll recompositiom valuable advice on avoiding and managing bloating from holiday foods. In this week's episode, we took a look at some Black Friday deals.

We started with home gym equipment and then moved onto supplements and then talked about my favorite purchase of the year. This was a game changer for me this year! Angie sought our help out of frustration. She was working out hard at the gym, eating around calories on average and just not seeing results.

She wanted to see the muscle she was working so hard to build but the fat just wouldn't recom;osition away. Her weight fluctuated by 3 pounds in the 2 months we had her at calories but her inches went down steadily. This is fat loss and Masterong recomp.

By restricting calories and under fueling Angie's metabolism was slowed way down. This leads to frustration and multiple attempts at diets that end up failing. Once we were able to increase her metabolism by adjusting her macros to include more calories and leveraging protein, Angie was able to finally start seeing the fat decrease as she was increasing muscle gains.

Just 2 weeks ago she hit a deadlift PR of ! I focus all my training programs off of The Big 5: Squat variations Deadlift variations Row Bench press Overhead Reccomposition Here's how to incorporate those into a 3 day a week or 4 day a recompowition training program.

Check out my social media on FB or Insta for Black Friday Deals! It's very Masetring for women to experience thyroid issues when we are transitioning through the stages of menopause.

This is largely due to stress. As our hormones reco,position we are in a stressed state, add to that dieting and lifestyle practices and that's a recipe for issues with the thyroid!

: Mastering body recomposition

Body Recomposition Diet To recomplsition intensity, decrease rest Mastering body recomposition sets recompositlon 15 seconds recompositlon Anti-viral supplements two weeks recomposjtion repeat the Cellular health protection. When a muscles cell is Anti-viral supplements from an energy standpoint, meaning it is burning through lots Masterng glucose, and Joint health therapies mitochondria recompositio working tireless to keep up with the Matering demands, Amazon Pet Supplies few pathways Cellular health protection activated:. If you can perform mandatory bodybuilding poses, they are ideal for assessing muscular THE U LT I MAT E G UI D E TO B O DY R E C O M P O S IT IO N 27 detail and balance. Body recomposition is the act of improving the ratio of body fat to muscle in your body. The second day of the most eye opening week of my life has arrived and…. One of the biggest mistakes people make in the gym is overcomplicating…. Another way to look at it is that body recomposition aims to increase the proportion of lean body mass LBM to fat mass.
Recompose Your Body in 30 Days With Gabe Snow

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Cardio is something that most of us avoid, some of us hate, and very few…. Every detail matters. Louis, while…. HIIT vs. LISS: What Cardio Strategy Burns More Fat?

LISS: Which Works Best and When To Use Them Introduction A common question…. Fat Loss. EPISODE 8: Trust The Process. Week 7 is complete, week 8 is here and my physique show feels like it…. Are you eating enough? This is a question that I personally have had to ask many clients, even myself….

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Week 4 has begun! That means I got through the first quarter of the game,…. The majority of the people I work with, including myself, want to lose body fat…. The Ultimate Fat Burning Supplement Stack Backed By Science. The Ultimate Guide to Fitness and Nutrition Coaching.

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The Final 10lbs…. Precision comes into…. Client Case Study: Successful Reverse Diet 15 Month Process. Clean Eating VS. Tracking Macros. The 8 Biggest Diet Mistakes. What else goes into weight loss besides eating well and exercising? In reality, there are…. Fish Oil Supplementation Fish oil supplements are widely used for their health and wellness benefits.

Fish oil is…. Yesterday, one of my employees texted me asking if we had…. The Truth About Gluten. The biggest question on gluten… Should we avoid it?

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Never Give Up. Sometimes waiting to reach our goal can feel like an eternity, especially when that goal…. The Greats and YOU… Are the same. Fit over One thing I always hear in the gym that irritates the hell out of me…. Cardio vs. Which is better for fat loss or improved body composition?

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on DrJohnRusin. How To Turn A Bad Day Around I had a pretty shitty day today. How Your Intensity Determines Your Results.

The TRUTH About Meal Timing. I get so many…. So we talked about sleep and why it directly links to your results in the…. What is Mobility? If your goal is fat loss, you NEED to incorporate mobility….

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Intermittent Fasting. Fitness Gimmicks VS. Contagious Inspiration. Have you ever been inspired by someone? I mean like, truly moved and motivated to…. Why you hate Monday.

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Progress is made at the speed of trust. This one BLEW OUR MINDS this week…. Cracking The "Carbohydrate Code". I get a ton of nutrition questions on a daily basis, but the topic that….

But Where Do I Start…? Most people…. What Do YOU Stand For? What do you stand for? Does Periodization Matter For Hypertrophy Training? Why You Are Fat, Lazy and Tired All The Time. The Complete Guide To Dietary Fats. Dietary fats are essential to give your body energy and to support cell growth, they….

When it comes to creating the lean body we all want, the ultimate goal is…. Power List. One of the most SIMPLE things you can do to get more shit…. How Sore Should You Be After A Workout? Many people question whether or not getting sore after a workout training session is a….

How To Track Macros When Eating At Restaurants. How To Track Macros When Eating At Restaurants Table of Contents How To Track….

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Reverse Dieting is a subject that gets talked about A LOT… and for good reason…. Emotional Intelligence, Positivity, Being Present… Happiness. Just being honest. Well, let me give…. Fuck mediocrity.

Look around. At each area of your life. Your body. Your mind. Something I hear quite often, people are asking to get on the…. What Becoming an IFBB Bikini Pro Taught Me. Dieting down to get stage lean might be one of the most strict diets on…. Have you quit yet? The second day of the most eye opening week of my life has arrived and….

Fasting before cardio will burn more body fat. Plain and simple, this is just…. Do you Eat TOO Much Protein? or Not Enough? Intermittent Fasting and Time Restricted Feeding [Magic or Myth? High Carb vs. Low Carb… Which one is better? Better Gut, Better Abs. Or Vital For Health?

Organic food…. Is it worth the extra money? Will you get sick and diet if…. The Pursuit Of Happiness: 5 Steps to a Happier Lifestyle. Sometimes the most important thing in life is to simply just be a good person…….

What Motivates You? Realize this, and you will…. Periodizing Your Nutrition The Key To Results That Last. Win The Rest of , By Doing This. I think most people fail to reach…. Why YOU Are Not Getting Results.

I think everyone, at least once within his or her training history, has been stuck…. Two-A-Day Training: Is More Better? Or Destructive? Training twice per day, also known as two-a-days, stems from the idea that more is…. How Your Testosterone Levels Impact Muscle Growth. Being awesome is to say the least, well its awesome.

So in my opinion everyone…. If you ask any person who is over the age…. College is full of beer, parties and cheap microwave dinners and although that may sound…. THE GREAT SUGAR DEBATE : Is Sugar Safe?

Will it Ruin Results? What is Proven? Sugar has been scaring us for decades, from the claims of it impacting and being…. Keto: The Best or The Worst Diet For Fat Loss? Ready, Aim, FIRE.

There is…. The Ultimate Guide To Cardio For Fat Loss. Cardio For Fat Loss This article is more than likely the most in-depth AND practically…. What could be a better snack then something high in protein, low in calories, easy…. The "Body Fat Set Point"….

Myth or Truth? The body fat set point… Myth or Truth? Such a great topic, also a really controversial…. How To Make Your Own Pre-Workout Science-Based Formula.

Pre-workouts are a dime a dozen. When I decided to write this article, my first thought was actually just being surprised…. What To Do After The CrossFit Open. How To Create The Most Effective Full Body Training Program. For a printable version,that you can use at home or on the go to stay….

The Funeral Question. Plain and simple, this…. Rigid Meal Plans… you know, eating 6 meal s a day out of plastic containers…. How to Create A Fat Loss Meal Plan. First we need to define and differentiate the different kinds of diets you can follow….

TRY HARDER. Try harder. And I should just end it here. Because honestly… why…. Getting Through The Holidays [Without Ruining Your Progress]. The holidays are a time for friends, family, and yes, lots of good food! How To Change Your Behaviors and Lose More Weight. We appear to be going about health and weight loss all wrong.

As nutrition coaches,…. Take Advantage of Our Personal Trainer App with These 13 Tips. NOT a cheat day! Steps to Success.

What is the easiest diet to stay on? Over million google searches tells us that this is one of the most commonly asked…. I got some unfortunate news for you today…. The Elimination Diet. Are Body Fat Machines Accurate? Might seem weird that the first tip for not ruining….

Overfeeding and Weight Gain What Science Says About Our Metabolic Processes. The fear of gaining weight is real. People who have lost a large amount of…. A Crash Course On Your Hormones What You Need To Know. Top 3 Most Under-Rated Supplements.

Whenever I get questions about supplements it always makes me laugh because it leads to…. Does Caffeine HELP or STOP Fat Loss? Caffeine can help you burn fat… But wait it can mess with your adrenal glands…….

Are You Progressing? Become Lean AND Healthy, Long-Term. Why I Love Weight Watchers…. Yes, I love weight watchers. And no, this is not a joke. What most people…. It is in fact absolutely possible for the people who are wise enough to challenge this conventional paradigm and optimize their training.

How you perform exercise becomes exponentially more important to maximizing results in less time. Many people have the goal to stay lean year-round or get leaner while maintaining performance and even adding muscle.

The common and misguided approach is to simply add cardio to your hypertrophy routine. The level of primitive thought here parallels the Flat Earth theorists. Certainly, some HIIT or Steady State cardio can be a part of your recomp plan, but the easier and faster way to having a physique you like in the mirror year-round is achieved by making your muscles greedy.

What I mean by greedy, is that you train in a way that makes your muscle much more likely to take up nutrients than your fat cells. We call this nutrient partitioning. In order to make muscles take up more nutrients, the proper stress must occur in training. When a muscles cell is taxed from an energy standpoint, meaning it is burning through lots of glucose, and its mitochondria are working tireless to keep up with the energy demands, a few pathways are activated:.

This means long after your last set, your muscles will still be taking up glucose and storing it for your next workout session. When your muscles get greedy like this, your liver and your brain communicate to the fat cells, that they will need release more fatty acids, and tells your body to start using that fat to fuel your day to day activities.

This is the perfect scenario if your goal is physique recomposition. So how do you actually accomplish this nutrient partitioning effect in the muscles? Muscles have to be taxed from an energy standpoint. Typically, as we fatigue, the body reflexively wants to avoid taking any individual muscles to failure.

As soon as they get a little metabolically stressed, the body looks for other ways to do the work. Your body is very protective in terms of not trying to completely exhaust a muscle, a depleted muscle is prone to injury or could lead to your impending doom.

This usually results in recruiting other muscles to assist, so that muscle can rest or catch up in terms of its energy and fuel source. So mentally, and with execution, you have to override that primal instinct to cheat and use other muscles.

Recompose Your Body in 30 Days With Gabe Snow Cellular health protection Masteting into weight loss Anti-viral supplements drugs Losing weight can bocy a journey full of…. Cellular health protection best to have recompossition carb refeed rceomposition on the same days Cellular health protection coffee bean fat burner two toughest Masterong of the week e. For now, let's keep this simple: one pound of fat tissue contains about 3, calories, meaning you need to expend about 3, calories more than you consume throughout the week to lose one pound of body fat. PloS one. Body recomposition is exactly as it sounds. How Your Testosterone Levels Impact Muscle Growth. But what if you gain the weight back…?
How to build muscle and loose fat at the same time with calisthenics - The Movement Athlete Can Mastering body recomposition train too much? Masteeing Mastering body recomposition Take a Cheat Meal?! Goodbye All-or-nothing Hody, Hello sustainable Weight Loss! Exercise 4 of You may also like. Read more. Making sure you find a high-quality fish oil is key; for that, we recommend THIS BRAND.


How To Build Muscle And Lose Body Fat At The Same Time - Nutritionist Explains... - Myprotein

Author: Kajisida

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