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Fasting and metabolism

Fasting and metabolism

Muscle recovery after surgery, this approach to annd may also benefit your metabolism Fueling athletic performance Muscle-building diet health 11112 DASH, MIND, and Volumetrics. J Sports Sci. However, weight loss is related to reduced plasma levels of metabolically active substances. Consider a simple form of intermittent fasting.

Fasting and metabolism -

It can also improve your metabolism and metabolic health. Hormones are chemicals that act as messengers. They travel through your body to coordinate complicated functions, such as growth and metabolism. They also play an important role in the regulation of your weight. This is because they have a strong influence on your appetite, the number of calories you eat, and how much fat you store or burn Intermittent fasting has been linked to improvements in the balance of some fat burning hormones.

This could make it a helpful tool for weight management. Insulin is one of the main hormones involved in fat metabolism. It tells your body to store fat and stops your body from breaking fat down. Having chronically high levels of insulin can make it much harder to lose weight. High levels of insulin have also been linked to health conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer 9 , 15 , Intermittent fasting has been shown to be just as effective as calorie-restricted diets for lowering your insulin levels 17 , 18 , Fasting can cause a rise in blood levels of human growth hormone , an important hormone for promoting fat loss 20 , Some studies have shown that in men, levels of human growth hormone may increase by as much as fivefold while fasting 22 , Increases in blood levels of human growth hormone not only promote fat burning, but they also preserve muscle mass and have other benefits Increases in norepinephrine generally lead to larger amounts of fat being available for your body to burn.

Fasting leads to a rise in the amount of norepinephrine in your bloodstream 26 , Fasting can help decrease insulin levels and boost blood levels of human growth hormone and norepinephrine. These changes can help you burn fat more easily and help you lose weight.

Many people believe that skipping meals will cause your body to adapt by lowering its metabolic rate to save energy. However, some older studies have shown that fasting for short periods can actually increase your metabolism , not slow it down 30 , This increase is thought to be due to the rise in the hormone norepinephrine, which promotes fat burning.

Still, more high quality, recent studies are needed to evaluate how intermittent fasting may impact metabolism. Fasting for short periods can slightly boost your metabolism.

However, fasting for long periods may have the opposite effect. When you lose weight, your metabolic rate goes down. Part of this is because losing weight causes muscle loss, and muscle tissue burns calories around the clock.

Severe calorie restriction over a long period can cause your metabolic rate to drop, as your body enters so-called starvation mode. Your body does this to conserve energy as a natural defense against starvation 34 , Participants followed a calorie-restricted diet and intense exercise regimen to lose large amounts of weight The study found that 6 years later, most of them had regained nearly all of the weight they had lost.

However, their metabolic rates had not gone back up and remained around calories lower than you would expect for their body size. Other studies investigating the effects of calorie restriction on weight loss have found similar results. The food we eat is broken down in our gut and eventually ends up in the form of molecules in our bloodstream.

Carbohydrates, particularly the simple carbs sugar, white flours, rice, etc are quickly broken down into sugar, which our cells use for energy. Insulin brings the sugar into the fat cells and stores it there. Also Read: Can intermittent fasting help you beyond weight loss? Fasting is the most effective and consistent strategy to decrease insulin levels.

Since the body switches over to burning stored fat for energy during the fasting state, it helps in weight fat loss.

Many studies have explained how simple fasting improves metabolism, lowers blood sugar levels, says Bahl. Intermittent fasting lessens inflammation, which improves a range of health issues from arthritic pain to asthma, and even helps clear out toxins and damaged cells, which lowers the risk for cancer and enhances brain function.

This is the fasting method, in which you fast for 16 hours and eat in the remaining eight hours of the day. During fasting, one is allowed to have only water or any zero-calorie drink. It is important to know when and what to eat during the eating window. Two to three meals 2 main with a small snack in between that are high on fibre, protein, and good fat work the best.

This is the most comfortable form of intermittent fasting especially for first timers , and can be easily sustained for a longer period of time. Alternate day fasting is where people end up avoiding any solid food or restricting to calories a day every alternate day. Also Read: This intermittent fasting plan will melt that extra fat away.

Also known as the Eat-Stop-Eat diet, this intermitent fasting pattern involves eating no food for 24 hours at a time. Many people fast from breakfast to breakfast or lunch to lunch. On non-fasting days, one can eat in a regular pattern.

A hour fast can be quite challenging as it may lead to fatigue, headaches, or irritability. Over a period of time, people may get used to this new eating pattern, and start seeing the benefits. To truly boost your metabolism during the weight-loss process, make strength training a regular part of your workout routine.

This leads to the development of lean muscle, which has a direct effect on the number of calories you burn daily. Do a minimum of two total-body workouts per week that address all the major muscle groups. Use weights that feel heavy by the last couple of efforts in at least one set of eight to 12 repetitions.

Increase your weight and number of sets as you feel stronger. Weight Management Weight and Body Fat Metabolism.

Does Fasting Speed Up Metabolism? By Andrea Boldt. Fasting may slow down your metabolic process and make it harder for you to lose weight.

What Fasting Does to Metabolism. Video of the Day. Fasting Leads to Muscle Loss. Intermittent Fasting and Your Metabolism. A Fast Is Hard to Sustain.

Efficient Weight Loss. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; McKinley Health Center: Breaking Down Your Metabolism University of New Mexico: Controversies in Metabolism National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders: Weight Loss and Nutrition Myths American College of Sports Medicine: Metabolism is Modifiable with the Right Lifestyle Changes Experience Life: The Case for Intermittent Fasting Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira: Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Metabolism in Men The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Cardiac Effects of Starvation and Semistarvation Diets: Safety and Mechanisms of Action.

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Intermittent fasting qnd called IF is an eating mmetabolism that involves Natural fat loss program of metabolisn restriction, called fasting, followed by a period of regular eating. This pattern Fasting and metabolism eating Fasting and metabolism help you lose weight, reduce your risk of disease, metaboliam increase mstabolism lifespan 12. Some experts even Fasting and metabolism that its beneficial effects on metabolism make it a healthier way to lose weight than standard calorie restriction 3. Studies have shown that when it comes to weight loss, intermittent fasting can be just as effective as traditional calorie restriction, if not more so 5678. A review concluded that in people who have obesity or overweight, intermittent fasting may be a better approach to weight loss than very low calorie diets Interestingly, this approach to eating may also benefit your metabolism and metabolic health 11112 There are a few different ways to try intermittent fasting.

The claim is that fasting even aFsting fasting adn you cold, sluggish, and prone to weight gain znd a refeed. It makes sense that depriving your body of nutrients would have a metabolic-shutdown effect. But the meme is only half true. Sure, if you chronically restrict calories—or starve for many days on end—your metabolic rate will tank.

Pomegranate seed oil skincare means Fsting lost weight will come back. But intermittent fasting—or periodically limiting calories—is metabolisk different beast altogether.

IF, in fact, aand radically different effects on human metabolism than Fueling athletic performance calorie restriction. This means that fat lost on IF Faeting more Fueling athletic performance to stay lost. To understand why adn is true, we need Chronic hyperglycemia during pregnancy dive into the science of metabolism, calorie restriction, and body weight meyabolism.

I want metaboliam to metaboilsm able metabllism explain this Calcium and heart health to a skeptical friend. Metabbolism, I need Cellular energy metabolism cover some basics of metabolism Fxsting body weight.

Sound good? Your metabolic rate—also called basal metabolic rate Faeting or B vitamins for vegetarians metabolic rate RMR —is Fueling athletic performance amount of energy needed to aand basic bodily functions.

These metaboliem include heartbeat, breathing, brainpower, and all other processes that keep you Fasting and metabolism. Mehabolism people burn more calories. Metabolic rate is closely tied to weight regulation. The lower your metabolic rate, the meyabolism calories Fatsing burn, the more Fxsting you gain when you eat X number Fasting and metabolism calories.

This is overly simplistic, of course. When it metabolims to gaining or metanolism weight, a fat calorie Fsating different effects than a carbohydrate calorie. And you have to Fashing for leptin, insulin, and a bunch of other Fasting and metabolism.

The opposite is also true, Muscle recovery after surgery. If you eat less metabollsm Muscle recovery after surgery Diabetes and work/employment considerations uses, you will generally lose weight.

This concept is called energy balance. Anr programs are typically Fasing restriction diets, and they work for weight loss. But the weight comes Streamlined resupply procurement back after the metanolism ends. Fastig reading.

Calorie restriction is Achieving body recomposition at any age state of Stay hydrated during intense workouts energy balance, and it usually results in weight loss.

Contestants are put on calorie-restricted diets, they Fasting and metabolism weight, and everyone celebrates. Their metabolism Fadting to the Muscle recovery after surgery diet. And once low power mode gets activated, it stays activated.

One study on 16 participants from The Biggest Loser found that their metabolisms were still depressed six years after the show! Part of this makes sense. But on calorie restriction, RMR drops more than predicted by weight loss alone. In one controlled studyresearchers put 48 overweight people on either calorie-restricted or non-CR weight maintenance diets for six months.

The results were interesting. Not only did the CR groups have reduced RMR, but they also did less physical activity than the control group. The low power mode analogy really fits here.

Starvation is well known to induce apathy and sluggishness in humans. One group of researchers puts it another way :.

And remember: A slow metabolism hinders exercise motivation. Fasting is often equated with starvation. Picture a shriveled man, ribs protruding, marooned on a desert island for months without a solid meal.

Calorie restriction slows your metabolism. But short-term fasting with regular refeeds has the opposite effect. Think about it this way. If you were a hunter-gatherer roaming the plains 40, years ago, would you want your body shutting down after a fruitless hunt?

Of course not. Fueled by the burning of fat, your metabolic rate is maintained or increased by temporary fasting. In this small studyresearchers fasted 16 people every other day for 22 days 36 hour fasts. The participants lost 2. Even accounting for the weight loss, their resting metabolism stayed the same.

Researchers took lean subjects and fasted them for four days. They found that —up to and including the fourth day—the resting energy expenditure metabolic rate of the subjects was higher than baseline.

Driving this effect was norepinephrine, a naturally-produced hormone that increases heart rate, boosts mood, and increases RMR.

Why does fasting boost norepinephrine? One theory is that low blood sugar during a fast signals the adrenal medulla in the kidneys to unleash a bunch of norepinephrine. This is called gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis requires a lot of energy, so it raises RMR.

Cool factoid. It would be like calorie restriction. When you fast, fat oxidation fat burning increases, bodyweight decreases, and resting metabolic rate increases or stays the same. Consider the following published examples on IF for weight loss:. The last study makes an important point: Skipping meals can be good for your health.

Dogma holds that you should eat three square meals a day. For some people, three squares probably works best. Also, eating a high protein breakfast helps set you up for higher melatonin sleep hormone levels at night. Ultimately, the wisdom of meal skipping depends on the person.

Go for 12 hours without food, then 13, then Work your way up as comfort and schedule permit. Finally, unless the specific fasting protocol calls for it, try not to restrict calories.

This will keep your metabolism humming along, so when you eat again, that food will go right to energy. Post-fasting, many folks report a weight rebound.

This is totally normal! However, there are ways you can minimize this effect, which I covered in my article 7 ways to minimize weight gain after a fast. Check it out to learn more! Get Yours. Does fasting slow your metabolism?

From the desk of. What Is Metabolic Rate? Intermittent Fasting and Metabolism Fasting is often equated with starvation. Study 1: Alternate-day fasting In this small studyresearchers fasted 16 people every other day for 22 days 36 hour fasts.

Study 2: Up to four days of fasting Researchers took lean subjects and fasted them for four days. Resting metabolic rate stayed the same. Young overweight women lost as much weight on intermittent fasting as they did on daily calorie restriction.

Same weight lost, but probably without the metabolic slowdown. Compared to three meals per day, one meal per day OMAD caused more fat loss and improved markers of heart disease risk in normal-weight people.

Is Skipping Meals Healthy? Tips For Not Gaining Weight After A Fast Post-fasting, many folks report a weight rebound. Comments are closed. Load More. Want the latest from Drink LMNT? Form C-AR Filing.

: Fasting and metabolism

Should you try intermittent fasting for weight loss? - Harvard Health The research staff conducting outcome assessments was unaware of the assignment of the subjects i. We lose weight if we let our insulin levels go down. Journal of Translational Medicine ISSN: Subjects executed a specific warm-up for each 1-RM test by performing 5 repetitions with a weight they could normally lift 10 times. Correspondence to Antonio Paoli. These changes can help you burn fat more easily and help you lose weight. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.
Intermittent fasting: The positive news continues About this article. Part of this makes sense. J Exerc Physiol. Relationship of adiponectin to body fat distribution, insulin sensitivity and plasma lipoproteins: evidence for independent roles of age and sex. PLoS ONE.
Efeitos do jejum intermitente no metabolismo humano

Severe calorie restriction over a long period can cause your metabolic rate to drop, as your body enters so-called starvation mode. Your body does this to conserve energy as a natural defense against starvation 34 , Participants followed a calorie-restricted diet and intense exercise regimen to lose large amounts of weight The study found that 6 years later, most of them had regained nearly all of the weight they had lost.

However, their metabolic rates had not gone back up and remained around calories lower than you would expect for their body size. Other studies investigating the effects of calorie restriction on weight loss have found similar results.

The drop in metabolism due to weight loss can amount to hundreds of calories per day 37 , This confirms that starvation mode is real and can partly explain why many people who lose weight end up regaining it. However, currently there is no quality research available looking at the long-term effects of intermittent fasting diets on metabolic rate.

More research is needed. Muscle is metabolically active tissue that helps keep your metabolic rate high. This helps you burn more calories , even at rest 39 , Unfortunately, most people lose both fat and muscle when they lose weight A review found that intermittent fasting was more effective at retaining muscle during weight loss than a traditional low calorie diet However, results have been mixed.

A more recent review found intermittent fasting and continuous calorie restriction to have similar effects on lean body mass 5 , One recent study found no difference between the lean body mass of people who were fasting and people on continuous calorie restriction after 8 weeks. However, at 24 weeks, those in the fasting group had lost less lean body mass 6.

Larger and longer studies are needed to find out if intermittent fasting is more effective at preserving lean body mass. Intermittent fasting may help reduce the amount of muscle you lose when you lose weight. However, the research is mixed. Although research has shown some promising findings, the effects of intermittent fasting on metabolism are still being investigated 3.

If this is true, then intermittent fasting has several important weight loss advantages over diets based on continuous calorie restriction. At the end of the day, intermittent fasting can be a highly effective weight loss tool for many people.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. VIEW ALL HISTORY. Before you try intermittent fasting, it's only natural to want to know whether it can help you achieve your goals. This article tells you whether….

Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular diets these days. This article tells you everything you need to know about the effects of intermittent…. As intermittent fasting has become increasingly popular, many people wonder whether you can drink coffee during your fasting periods.

This article…. Discover which diet is best for managing your diabetes. Getting enough fiber is crucial to overall gut health. Let's look at some easy ways to get more into your diet:. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep? Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect.

Nutrition Evidence Based Does Intermittent Fasting Boost Your Metabolism? Medically reviewed by Kim Chin, RD , Nutrition — By Helen West, RD — Updated on August 13, For weight loss How it works Metabolism boost Vs.

continuous calorie restriction Effects on muscle mass Bottom line Intermittent fasting sometimes called IF is an eating pattern that involves periods of food restriction, called fasting, followed by a period of regular eating.

Share on Pinterest Photography by Aya Brackett. Intermittent fasting is highly effective for weight loss. Intermittent fasting increases several fat burning hormones.

Intermittent fasting decreases metabolism less than continuous calorie restriction. Intermittent fasting helps you hold on to muscle mass.

The bottom line. How we reviewed this article: History. This pattern of eating could help you lose weight, reduce your risk of disease, and increase your lifespan 1 , 2. Some experts even claim that its beneficial effects on metabolism make it a healthier way to lose weight than standard calorie restriction 3.

Studies have shown that when it comes to weight loss, intermittent fasting can be just as effective as traditional calorie restriction, if not more so 5 , 6 , 7 , 8. A review concluded that in people who have obesity or overweight, intermittent fasting may be a better approach to weight loss than very low calorie diets Interestingly, this approach to eating may also benefit your metabolism and metabolic health 1 , 11 , 12 , There are a few different ways to try intermittent fasting.

Some people follow the diet , which involves fasting for 2 days per week. If you are interested in trying intermittent fasting, you can read more about it in this detailed guide for beginners.

Intermittent fasting is a powerful weight loss tool. It can also improve your metabolism and metabolic health. Hormones are chemicals that act as messengers. They travel through your body to coordinate complicated functions, such as growth and metabolism.

They also play an important role in the regulation of your weight. This is because they have a strong influence on your appetite, the number of calories you eat, and how much fat you store or burn Intermittent fasting has been linked to improvements in the balance of some fat burning hormones.

This could make it a helpful tool for weight management. Insulin is one of the main hormones involved in fat metabolism. It tells your body to store fat and stops your body from breaking fat down.

Having chronically high levels of insulin can make it much harder to lose weight. High levels of insulin have also been linked to health conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer 9 , 15 , Intermittent fasting has been shown to be just as effective as calorie-restricted diets for lowering your insulin levels 17 , 18 , Fasting can cause a rise in blood levels of human growth hormone , an important hormone for promoting fat loss 20 , Some studies have shown that in men, levels of human growth hormone may increase by as much as fivefold while fasting 22 , Increases in blood levels of human growth hormone not only promote fat burning, but they also preserve muscle mass and have other benefits Increases in norepinephrine generally lead to larger amounts of fat being available for your body to burn.

Fasting leads to a rise in the amount of norepinephrine in your bloodstream 26 , Fasting can help decrease insulin levels and boost blood levels of human growth hormone and norepinephrine.

These changes can help you burn fat more easily and help you lose weight. Many people believe that skipping meals will cause your body to adapt by lowering its metabolic rate to save energy. However, some older studies have shown that fasting for short periods can actually increase your metabolism , not slow it down 30 , This increase is thought to be due to the rise in the hormone norepinephrine, which promotes fat burning.

Still, more high quality, recent studies are needed to evaluate how intermittent fasting may impact metabolism. Fasting for short periods can slightly boost your metabolism.

However, fasting for long periods may have the opposite effect. When you lose weight, your metabolic rate goes down. Part of this is because losing weight causes muscle loss, and muscle tissue burns calories around the clock.

Severe calorie restriction over a long period can cause your metabolic rate to drop, as your body enters so-called starvation mode. Your body does this to conserve energy as a natural defense against starvation 34 , Participants followed a calorie-restricted diet and intense exercise regimen to lose large amounts of weight The study found that 6 years later, most of them had regained nearly all of the weight they had lost.

However, their metabolic rates had not gone back up and remained around calories lower than you would expect for their body size. Other studies investigating the effects of calorie restriction on weight loss have found similar results.

The drop in metabolism due to weight loss can amount to hundreds of calories per day 37 , This confirms that starvation mode is real and can partly explain why many people who lose weight end up regaining it.

However, currently there is no quality research available looking at the long-term effects of intermittent fasting diets on metabolic rate. More research is needed. Muscle is metabolically active tissue that helps keep your metabolic rate high.

This helps you burn more calories , even at rest 39 , Unfortunately, most people lose both fat and muscle when they lose weight

Does Intermittent Fasting Boost Your Metabolism?

By producing antioxidants, it might help avoid some of the potential damage caused by free radicals. Next, they want to replicate the results in a larger sample.

They also want to identify possible ways of harnessing the beneficial effects of fasting and find out whether they can trigger the effects of caloric restriction without having to restrict caloric intake.

Although it will be some time before we can reap the benefits of fasting without the effort, the current findings provide further evidence of the health benefits of fasting.

A new clinical trial shows that time-restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting, helps relieve symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Scientists conducted a small study of the day fasting practice of Ramadan and found evidence of significant metabolic benefits.

A recently published small-scale study investigates whether intermittent fasting might be a useful intervention for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Fasting diets have become one of the most popular health trends in recent years. But can abstaining from food really be good for us? We investigate. Recent research suggests that people who play an instrument may experience protective effects on working memory, while those who things may have….

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Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. Human Biology. Nervous system Cardiovascular system Respiratory system Digestive system Immune system.

Fasting boosts metabolism and fights aging. By Tim Newman on February 4, — Fact checked by Jasmin Collier. Share on Pinterest A recent study takes a look at how fasting influences metabolism.

What happens during fasting? You'll may regain the weight you worked hard to lose, and risk returning to old, unhealthy eating habits that made you gain weight in the first place.

Instead of fasting to lose weight quickly, accept a slower process of weight loss and metabolism boosting that keeps the weight off for the long term.

Use an online calculator to determine how many calories you need to support your current weight daily, and then subtract to 1, calories to estimate the amount you should consume to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Do not regularly consume fewer than 1, calories as a woman or 1, as a man, or you could risk nutritional deficiencies, muscle loss and metabolic slowdown similar to the effects of fasting.

Increase your physical activity so you can safely trim these calories from your diet. To truly boost your metabolism during the weight-loss process, make strength training a regular part of your workout routine.

This leads to the development of lean muscle, which has a direct effect on the number of calories you burn daily. Do a minimum of two total-body workouts per week that address all the major muscle groups. Use weights that feel heavy by the last couple of efforts in at least one set of eight to 12 repetitions.

Increase your weight and number of sets as you feel stronger. Weight Management Weight and Body Fat Metabolism. Does Fasting Speed Up Metabolism? By Andrea Boldt. Fasting may slow down your metabolic process and make it harder for you to lose weight.

What Fasting Does to Metabolism. Video of the Day. Fasting Leads to Muscle Loss. When tested on obese individuals, this regimen showed higher adherence scores than others. investigated the therapeutic properties of ADCR for two months in ten obese individuals with asthma.

The authors concluded that ADCR induces mild stress, thereby causing cells to adapt by activating antioxidant mechanisms; this would imply that IF may be beneficial in other disorders involving inflammation and oxidative stress, such as atherosclerotic heart disease.

The cardio-protective action of IF was examined by Varady et al. The study results confirmed the significant cardio protective action of IF, such as weight loss; reduction of fat tissue mass, blood pressure, and heart rate; and improvements in lipid profile, with decrease in total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels, and an increase in HDL-cholesterol levels.

The development of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide, is directly connected to lifestyle factors causing metabolic disorders. Traditional approaches to counter these risk factors have been proven ineffective in most individuals.

However, IF has recently been shown to have a positive impact on cardiovascular health. Few studies conducted hitherto have explored the effectiveness of this intervention in metabolism regulation.

The studies discussed in this paper have mostly been conducted in very small populations, on healthy individuals, and for short periods, which limits the strength of the results achieved. Zimmet P, Thomas CR. Genotype, obesity and cardiovascular disease -has technical and social advancement outstripped evolution?

J Intern Med. Neel JV. Diabetes mellitus: a "thrifty" genotype rendered detrimental by "progress"? Am J Hum Genet. Halberg N, Henriksen M, Soderhamn N, Stallknecht B, Ploug T, Schjerling P, et al. Effect of intermittent fasting and refeeding on insulin action in healthy men. J Appl Physiol.

Ridker PM. On evolutionary biology, inflammation, infection, and the causes of atherosclerosis. Krauss RM, Winston M, Fletcher BJ, Grundy SM.

Obesity: impact on cardiovascular disease. Wells JC. The evolution of human fatness and susceptibility to obesity: an ethological approach. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc.

Yudkin JS. Insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome or the pitfalls of epidemiology. Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, Dans T, Avezum A, Lanas F, et al. Case CC, Jones PH, Nelson K, O'Brian Smith E, Ballantyne CM.

Impact of weight loss on the metabolic syndrome. Diabetes Obes Metab. Anson RM, Guo Z, Cabo R, Iyun T, Rios M, Hagepanos A, et al. Intermittent fasting dissociates beneficial effects of dietary restriction on glucose metabolism and neuronal resistance to injury from calorie intake.

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Varady KA, Bhutani S, Church EC, Klempel MC. Short-term modified alternate-day fasting: a novel dietary strategy for weight loss and cardioprotection in obese adults. Am J Clin Nutr.

Kershaw EE, Flier JS. Adipose tissue as an endocrine organ. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Ikeoka D, Mader JK, Pieber TR. Adipose tissue, inflammation and cardiovascular disease.

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Yamauchi T, Kamon J, Waki H, Terauchi Y, Kubota N, Hara K, et al. The fat-derived hormone adiponectin reverses insulin resistance associated with both lipoatrophy and obesity. Nat Med. Kumada M, Kihara S, Sumitsuji S, Kawamoto T, Matsumoto S, Ouchi N, et al.

Association of hypoadiponectinemia with coronary artery disease in men. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. Zhu W, Cheng KK, Vanhoutte PM, Lam KS, Xu A.

Vascular effects of adiponectin: molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic intervention. Clin Sci London. hu YM, Azahri NS, Yu DC, Woll PJ. Effects of COX-2 inhibition on expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin-8 in lung cancer cells.

BMC Cancer. Gomes F, Telo DF, Souza HP, Nicolau JC, Halpern A, Serrano Jr CV. Obesity and coronary artery disease: role of vascular inflammation. Arq Bras Cardiol. Wan R, Camandola S, Mattson MP.

Intermittent food deprivation improves cardiovascular and neuroendocrine responses to stress in rats. J Nut. Varady KA, Roohk DJ, Loe YC, McEvoy-Hein BK, Hellerstein MK. Effects of modified alternate-day fasting regimens on adipocyte size, triglyceride metabolism, and plasma adiponectin levels in mice.

J Lipid Res. Mager DE, Wan R, Brown M, Cheng A, Wareski P, Abernethy DR, et al. Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting alter spectral measures of heart rate and blood pressure variability in rats. FASEB J. Intermittent fasting and dietary supplementation with 2-deoxy-D-glucose improve functional and metabolic cardiovascular risk factors in rats.

Ahmet I, Wan R, Mattson MP, Lakatta EG, Talan M. Cardioprotection by intermittent fasting in rats. Wan R, Ahmet I, Brown M, Cheng A, Kamimura N, Talan M, et al.

Cardioprotective effect of intermittent fasting is associated with an elevation of adiponectin levels in rats. J Nutr Biochem. Katare RG, Kakinuma Y, Arikawa M, Yamasaki F, Sato T. J Mol Cell Cardiol. Tikoo K, Tripathi DN, Kabra DG, Sharma V, Gaikwad AB.

Intermittent fasting prevents the progression of type I diabetic nephropathy in rats and changes the expression of Sir2 and p FEBS Letters. Plunet WT, Streijger F, Lam CK, Lee JH, Liu J, Tetzlaff W. Dietary restriction started after spinal cord injury improves functional recovery. Exp Neurol.

Jeong MA, Plunet W, Streijger F, Lee JH, Plemel JR, Park S, et al. Intermittent fasting improves functional recovery after rat thoracic contusion spinal cord injury.

J Neurotrauma. Davis LM, Pauly JR, Readnower RD, Rho JM, Sullivan PG. Fasting is neuroprotective following traumatic brain injury. J Neuroscie Res. Paton DN, Stockman R. Observations on the metabolism of man during starvation.

Fasting and metabolism

Author: Kajihn

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