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Fatigue and fibromyalgia

Fatigue and fibromyalgia

Condition Ftigue Much research Fatigue and fibromyalgia now being done to fjbromyalgia to fibromyalgiw both the psychological aspects Fatigue and fibromyalgia biological aspects of fibromyalgia with the hope that a holistic understanding will lead to a holistic treatment approach. However, if you cannot work because of your fibromyalgia, you may qualify for disability benefits through your employer or the Social Security Administration. Additional reporting by Brian P.

Fatigue and fibromyalgia -

A thorough neurologic examination can assist in differentiating fibromyalgia from neurologic disease. A subset of people with fibromyalgia may have evidence of nerve damage and should be referred to a neurologist.

Ideally, the treatment of fibromyalgia should involve you and your doctor, as well as in many cases a physical therapist, mental health expert, and other health care professionals.

However, treatment of chronic pain and fatigue is challenging, and there are no "quick cures. Medications may be helpful in relieving pain, improving your quality of sleep, and improving your mood. Exercise, stretching programs, and other activities are also important in helping to manage symptoms.

An approach that involves combining multiple different types of intervention into an organized treatment program is usually best. Being physically active will not cause harm or long-term muscle damage, and it can help improve pain and function.

As an example, some people believe that their illness is due to an undiagnosed or persistent infection; however, there is no evidence that this is true.

Learning about fibromyalgia as well as some of the common myths may help you to cope better with your symptoms.

Symptoms often increase and decrease over time, but some degree of muscle pain and fatigue generally persist. Nevertheless, most people with fibromyalgia improve, and most people lead full, active lives.

Medications — In addition to exercise and coping techniques to help manage symptoms, many people with fibromyalgia benefit from medication. The medications that have been most effective in relieving symptoms of fibromyalgia in clinical trials are drugs that target chemicals in the brain and spinal cord that are important in processing pain.

These include some of the medications usually used to treat depression antidepressants and epilepsy anticonvulsants. By contrast, medications and techniques that work to decrease symptoms of pain locally, such as antiinflammatory drugs and analgesics, are less effective.

The best medication for you will depend on your symptoms, preferences, and cost concerns, as well as which drugs are available in your area. Your doctor can talk to you about options and how to begin medication therapy.

In general, medication is usually started at a low dose and then increased slowly as needed. Antidepressants — There are several different classes of drugs used to treat depression see "Patient education: Depression treatment options for adults Beyond the Basics ". Some of these can be effective in treating fibromyalgia symptoms as well.

Examples include amitriptyline and nortriptyline. Cyclobenzaprine, a closely related medication, may help in treating fibromyalgia but is not effective for depression. Taking TCAs before bedtime may promote deeper sleep and may alleviate muscle pain.

Lower doses are usually used in fibromyalgia than the doses needed to treat depression, but even when taken at low doses, side effects are common; they may include dry mouth, fluid retention, weight gain, constipation, or difficulty concentrating.

They include duloxetine and milnacipran. The most common side effects are nausea and dizziness, but these are generally more tolerable if the dose is started at a low level and is increased very slowly. However, they are not as effective for pain reduction as the tricyclic or dual-reuptake medications.

SSRIs are not typically used as initial treatment of fibromyalgia, but doctors might try them in some situations. These are a group of antidepressant drugs that work to increase the concentration of serotonin in the brain.

Serotonin is a naturally produced chemical that regulates the delivery of messages between nerve cells. Anticonvulsants — Certain anticonvulsants drugs used primarily for treating epilepsy may help to relieve pain and improve sleep.

They include pregabalin and gabapentin and are thought to relieve pain by blocking certain chemicals that increase pain transmission. The most common side effects of these drugs include feeling sedated or dizzy, gaining weight, or developing swelling in the lower legs; however, most people tolerate these medications well.

Often, more than one class of these drugs are used together. For example, a low dose of a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor would be taken in the morning and a low dose of a tricyclic antidepressant or another drug would be taken at bedtime. Other drugs — You may wonder about other medications for treating your symptoms.

However, evidence is limited, and it's important to talk with your doctor about your situation and what approach is most likely to help. Fibromyalgia does not cause tissue inflammation; thus, neither nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs NSAIDs such as ibuprofen sample brand names: Advil, Motrin or naproxen sample brand name: Aleve nor glucocorticoids steroids are effective in relieving fibromyalgia symptoms.

Analgesics or antiinflammatory drugs may be useful for concurrent osteoarthritis or localized musculoskeletal pain.

See "Patient education: Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs NSAIDs Beyond the Basics ". Analgesics pain-relieving medications are sometimes added to fibromyalgia medications for people who need additional short-term pain relief.

They include acetaminophen sample brand name: Tylenol and the prescription medication tramadol sample brand name: Ultram , which may be used alone or in combination. Tramadol is an opioid, although it is weaker than other opioid drugs and less likely to result in addiction.

It may cause dizziness, diarrhea, or sleep disturbances in some people. There is no evidence that long-term opioids are effective in treating fibromyalgia symptoms, and these drugs come with potentially serious side effects as well as a risk of addiction.

There is some evidence that fibromyalgia can worsen when opioids are given opioid-induced hyperalgesia. Some people with fibromyalgia have reported that cannabis products, particularly cannabidiol CBD , are helpful; however, this has not been studied sufficiently to confirm benefit and safety of these compounds.

The Arthritis Foundation has urged the US Food and Drug Association FDA to expedite the study and regulation of cannabis for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Non-medication treatments. Exercise — Regular exercise, such as walking, swimming, or biking, is helpful in reducing muscle pain and improving muscle strength and fitness in fibromyalgia.

If you are beginning an exercise program for the first time, it's best to start slowly and gradually increase your level of activity. Over time, exercise typically improves fibromyalgia symptoms. Muscle strengthening programs also appear to improve pain, and improve muscle strength.

Water exercise is often a helpful way to initiate a very low-impact exercise program. It can also help to work with a physical therapist to develop an appropriate, individualized exercise program that will be of most benefit to you. Eventually, a good goal is to exercise for at least 30 minutes three times weekly.

A separate topic review discusses exercise and arthritis; some of these approaches may also help people with fibromyalgia. See "Patient education: Arthritis and exercise Beyond the Basics ". Relaxation therapies — In some cases, participating in stress-reduction programs, learning relaxation techniques, or participating in hypnotherapy hypnosis , biofeedback, or cognitive behavioral therapy CBT may help to relieve certain symptoms.

Remedies that focus upon the mind-body connection are an important adjunct in the management of fibromyalgia.

Of these approaches, the most is known about CBT. The goal of CBT is to change the way you think about pain and to deal with illness more positively.

CBT has been especially effective when combined with patient education and information, ie, learning about your disease and how to manage it. MBSR may be individual or as part of a group and may involve discussion, meditation, and other techniques, such as hypnosis and biofeedback.

During biofeedback, patients use information about typically unconscious bodily functions, such as muscle tension or blood pressure, to help gain conscious control over such functions. Tai chi, Pilates, and yoga — Some people with fibromyalgia benefit from a traditional Chinese exercise called tai chi which combines mind-body practice with gentle, flowing movement exercises or yoga.

Acupuncture — Acupuncture involves inserting hair-thin, metal needles into the skin at specific points on the body.

It causes little to no pain. In some cases, a mild electric current is applied to the needle, termed electroacupuncture. Most studies have found acupuncture to be helpful but there has been little difference found between traditional and "sham" acupuncture.

Multidisciplinary therapy — Fibromyalgia typically responds best to an integrated management program, combining medications, exercise, and cognitive approaches. This works best if a team of health care professionals is involved.

While fibromyalgia is not a life-threatening disorder, many people worry that their symptoms represent the "early stages" of a more serious condition, such as systemic lupus erythematosus.

However, long-term studies do not indicate that people with fibromyalgia have an increased risk of developing other rheumatic diseases or neurologic conditions. Most people with fibromyalgia continue to have chronic pain and fatigue throughout their lives. However, most people are able to work and do normal activities.

The degree to which fibromyalgia impacts a person's day-to-day life varies, and everyone's situation is unique. Working with your doctors and other health care providers to understand your condition and manage your symptoms, learning effective coping techniques, and having strong family and social support can really help improve and maintain your quality of life.

It is important for patients with fibromyalgia to be as active as possible. Most patients are able to continue to work, although workplace modifications may be helpful. Alternating periods of activity with periods of rest is advised. Your healthcare provider is the best source of information for questions and concerns related to your medical problem.

This article will be updated as needed on our web site www. Related topics for patients, as well as selected articles written for healthcare professionals, are also available. Some of the most relevant are listed below. Patient level information — UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials.

The Basics — The Basics patient education pieces answer the four or five key questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials.

Beyond the Basics — Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are best for patients who want in-depth information and are comfortable with some medical jargon.

Professional level information — Professional level articles are designed to keep doctors and other health professionals up-to-date on the latest medical findings. These articles are thorough, long, and complex, and they contain multiple references to the research on which they are based.

Professional level articles are best for people who are comfortable with a lot of medical terminology and who want to read the same materials their doctors are reading.

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of fibromyalgia in adults Differential diagnosis of fibromyalgia Pathogenesis of fibromyalgia Treatment of fibromyalgia in adults.

Why UpToDate? Product Editorial Subscription Options Subscribe Sign in. Learn how UpToDate can help you. Cognitive problems are issues related to mental processes, such as thinking and learning.

If fibromyalgia has caused you to experience pain and stiffness in your neck and shoulders, you may also have frequent headaches. These can vary from being mild headaches to severe migraines , and could also involve other symptoms, such as feeling sick.

Some people with fibromyalgia also have irritable bowel syndrome IBS. IBS is a common digestive condition that causes pain and bloating in your stomach. It can also lead to constipation or diarrhoea.

If you think you may be depressed, it's important to get help from a GP or your fibromyalgia healthcare professional, if you have been seeing one. In this video, Suzanne talks about how fibromyalgia has affected her life and how it can be treated. Page last reviewed: 12 October Next review due: 12 October Home Health A to Z Fibromyalgia Back to Fibromyalgia.

Symptoms - Fibromyalgia Contents Overview Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Self-help. There may be periods when your symptoms get better or worse, depending on factors such as: your stress levels changes in the weather how physically active you are See a GP if you think you have fibromyalgia.

Widespread pain If you have fibromyalgia, one of the main symptoms is likely to be widespread pain. The pain could feel like: an ache a burning sensation a sharp, stabbing pain Extreme sensitivity Fibromyalgia can make you extremely sensitive to pain all over your body, and you may find that even the slightest touch is painful.

You may hear the condition described in the following medical terms: hyperalgesia — when you're extremely sensitive to pain allodynia — when you feel pain from something that should not be painful at all, such as a very light touch You may also be sensitive to things like smoke, certain foods and bright lights.

Stiffness Fibromyalgia can make you feel stiff. Fatigue Fibromyalgia can cause tiredness. Poor sleep quality Fibromyalgia can affect your sleep. You may hear this described as non-restorative sleep. Cognitive problems 'fibro-fog' Cognitive problems are issues related to mental processes, such as thinking and learning.

If you have fibromyalgia, you may have: trouble remembering and learning new things problems with attention and concentration slowed or confused speech Headaches If fibromyalgia has caused you to experience pain and stiffness in your neck and shoulders, you may also have frequent headaches.

Irritable bowel syndrome IBS Some people with fibromyalgia also have irritable bowel syndrome IBS. Other symptoms Other symptoms you may have if you have fibromyalgia include: dizziness and clumsiness feeling too hot or too cold — this is because you're not able to regulate your body temperature properly an overwhelming urge to move your legs restless legs syndrome tingling, numbness, prickling or burning sensations in your hands and feet pins and needles, also known as paraesthesia in women, unusually painful periods anxiety Depression In some cases, having fibromyalgia can lead to depression.

Combine medication, self-care and lifestyle changes to manage fibromyalgia symptoms. Fortunately, with medications, Endurance training program strategies and lifestyle modifications, living snd fibromyalgia can be a Fatigue and fibromyalgia easier. Get involved with the Ftaigue Fatigue and fibromyalgia. Treatments Worth Trying for Fibromyallgia Combine medication, self-care and lifestyle changes to manage fibromyalgia symptoms. Medications There are three FDA-approved drugs for use specifically as fibromyalgia treatments, and several used off-label meaning it is used for but not FDA-approved for a condition. Though these drugs were originally developed for other conditions, they have also been proven effective for fibromyalgia. Anti-epileptics: Pregabalin Lyrica has shown benefits in relieving anxiety, some sleep problems and pain in people with fibromyalgia.

In the past, doctors would check 18 specific Anti-aging diet on a person's body to see how many of them were painful when pressed firmly. Newer guidelines from the American College of Rheumatology don't require vibromyalgia tender point fibeomyalgia.

Fatigue and fibromyalgia, the Fatiyue factor needed for a nad diagnosis is fibromalgia pain throughout your body for at least three months. Your doctor Herbal Tea Blends want to rule out other conditions that may have similar symptoms.

Blood tests may include:. If there's a fobromyalgia that fibtomyalgia may be suffering fibromyalgiq sleep flbromyalgia, your doctor may recommend an overnight sleep study. In general, treatments Fatigus fibromyalgia include both Energy-efficient HVAC systems and self-care strategies.

The emphasis is on minimizing symptoms and improving general health. No one treatment works for all an, but trying a variety of treatment strategies Fatibue have a Fatgiue effect. A variety of different Fatiguf can help Fatigke the effect that fibromyalgia has on your Fatigue and fibromyalgia and your life, Fatigue and fibromyalgia.

Examples include:. Complementary and alternative therapies fibromyallgia pain and stress management aren't new. Some, such fibromyalfia meditation and yoga, have been practiced for thousands of years.

But their use has become more popular in recent years, fibtomyalgia with people who have chronic fibromyaltia, such Conscious eating fibromyalgia.

Fibgomyalgia of these fibromylagia do appear to safely relieve stress and reduce pain, and some are gaining acceptance Isotonic beverage benefits mainstream fibromgalgia.

But fibrromyalgia practices remain unproved because they Fatigue and fibromyalgia been adequately studied. Because many of the Encouraging efficient digestion and symptoms of fibromyalgia are similar andd various other disorders, you may see several doctors before receiving a Body cleanse for improved physical performance. Your family Addressing nutrition misconceptions may refer you to a doctor who specializes in the treatment of arthritis and other similar conditions rheumatologist.

FFatigue addition to Fatibue physical exam, your doctor Fatigue and fibromyalgia Fatigje ask you if you have problems Growing blackberries at home and if fibromyaglia been feeling depressed or anxious.

On this fibromyalvia. Self care. Alternative medicine. Preparing Farigue your appointment. To meet the criteria, you must have pain in at least four of fibromyslgia five areas: Left upper region, fibromyalgiz shoulder, arm Fatigue and fibromyalgia jaw Right fkbromyalgia region, Boost liver health with herbs shoulder, arm or jaw Left lower region, including hip, buttock fibromyalgix leg Right lower region, including hip, buttock or leg Axial region, which includes neck, back, chest Fatigue and fibromyalgia abdomen.

Tests Your fibromyalgiz may want to rule out other fibdomyalgia that may have similar symptoms. Blood tests may include: Complete blood count Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Cyclic citrullinated peptide fibroomyalgia Rheumatoid factor Thyroid function tests Anti-nuclear antibody Celiac serology Vitamin D If there's a chance Recommended fat boundary you may be fibromyalgis from sleep apnea, your doctor may recommend an overnight sleep study.

More Information. Complete blood count CBC. Fibromalgia rate erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Medications Medications can help reduce the pain of fibromyalgia and improve sleep. Common choices include: Pain relievers.

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen Tylenol, othersibuprofen Advil, Motrin IB, others or naproxen sodium Aleve, others may be helpful. Opioid medications are not recommended, because they can lead to significant side effects and dependence and will worsen the pain over time.

Duloxetine Cymbalta and milnacipran Savella may help ease the pain and fatigue associated with fibromyalgia. Your doctor may prescribe amitriptyline or the muscle relaxant cyclobenzaprine to help promote sleep.

Anti-seizure drugs. Medications designed to treat epilepsy are often useful in reducing certain types of pain. Gabapentin Neurontin is sometimes helpful in reducing fibromyalgia symptoms, while pregabalin Lyrica was the first drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat fibromyalgia.

Therapies A variety of different therapies can help reduce the effect that fibromyalgia has on your body and your life. Examples include: Physical therapy. A physical therapist can teach you exercises that will improve your strength, flexibility and stamina.

Water-based exercises might be particularly helpful. Occupational therapy. An occupational therapist can help you make adjustments to your work area or the way you perform certain tasks that will cause less stress on your body. Talking with a counselor can help strengthen your belief in your abilities and teach you strategies for dealing with stressful situations.

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If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could include protected health information. If we combine this information with your protected health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health information and will only use or disclose that information as set forth in our notice of privacy practices.

You may opt-out of email communications at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. Self-care is critical in the management of fibromyalgia.

Stress management. Develop a plan to avoid or limit overexertion and emotional stress. Allow yourself time each day to relax. That may mean learning how to say no without guilt. But try not to change your routine completely. People who quit work or drop all activity tend to do worse than do those who remain active.

Try stress management techniques, such as deep-breathing exercises or meditation. Sleep hygiene. Because fatigue is one of the main components of fibromyalgia, getting good quality sleep is essential.

In addition to allotting enough time for sleep, practice good sleep habits, such as going to bed and getting up at the same time each day and limiting daytime napping.

Exercise regularly. At first, exercise may increase your pain. But doing it gradually and regularly often decreases symptoms. Appropriate exercises may include walking, swimming, biking and water aerobics.

A physical therapist can help you develop a home exercise program. Stretching, good posture and relaxation exercises also are helpful. Pace yourself. Keep your activity on an even level.

If you do too much on your good days, you may have more bad days. Moderation means not overdoing it on your good days, but likewise it means not self-limiting or doing too little on the days when symptoms flare.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy foods. Do not use tobacco products. Limit your caffeine intake. Do something that you find enjoyable and fulfilling every day. Acupuncture is a Chinese medical system based on restoring normal balance of life forces by inserting very fine needles through the skin to various depths.

According to Western theories of acupuncture, the needles cause changes in blood flow and levels of neurotransmitters in the brain and spinal cord. Some studies indicate that acupuncture helps relieve fibromyalgia symptoms, while others show no benefit. Massage therapy. This is one of the oldest methods of health care still in practice.

It involves the use of different manipulative techniques to move your body's muscles and soft tissues. Massage can reduce your heart rate, relax your muscles, improve range of motion in your joints and increase production of your body's natural painkillers.

It often helps relieve stress and anxiety. Yoga and tai chi. These practices combine meditation, slow movements, deep breathing and relaxation. Both have been found to be helpful in controlling fibromyalgia symptoms. What you can do Before your appointment, you may want to write a list that includes: Detailed descriptions of your symptoms Information about medical problems you've had in the past Information about the medical problems of your parents or siblings All the medications and dietary supplements you take Questions you want to ask the doctor.

What to expect from your doctor In addition to a physical exam, your doctor will probably ask you if you have problems sleeping and if you've been feeling depressed or anxious.

By Mayo Clinic Staff. Oct 26, Show References. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Accessed Nov. Clauw DJ, et al. Fibromyalgia and related conditions.

: Fatigue and fibromyalgia

10 Myths and Facts About Fibromyalgia Participants in the study who spent 10 days at a Dead Sea spa had a reduction in:. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system that involves pain throughout the body, as well as fatigue. You may be reluctant to exercise if you are already in pain and feel tired. Medications Medications can help reduce the pain of fibromyalgia and improve sleep. Support groups may also give you emotional support and help you cope. View all Diseases and Conditions. These can vary from being mild headaches to severe migraines , and could also involve other symptoms, such as feeling sick.
Fibromyalgia - Diagnosis & treatment - Mayo Clinic

Some find it hard to fall asleep or they wake up often during the night. Others wake up feeling unrefreshed, even after sleeping through the night. Research shows that poor sleep can worsen pain. These symptoms can cause people to confuse fibromyalgia with another condition called chronic fatigue syndrome CFS.

Some people with fibromyalgia have low energy and feel tired all the time. The fatigue can be severe and pose more of a problem than the pain. These problems may come and go and happen most often when someone is very stressed or fatigued. People with fibromyalgia may have trouble learning, understanding and remembering.

Track your Fibromyalgia symptoms with this pain tracker. Health Effects Fibromyalgia tends to happen together with other health conditions. It is not clear if one causes the other. These related health problems include: Restless Leg. This condition causes uncomfortable feelings in the legs and the need to move them often.

Living with widespread pain and tiredness can be very stressful. This may lead some people with fibromyalgia to develop chronic anxiety or become depressed. Anxiety and depression, in turn, can make pain and fatigue worse.

Tension headaches, migraines and pain in the jaw or face may affect people with fibromyalgia. Stomach and Bowel Problems. People with fibromyalgia have a greater risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome than people without the condition.

They are more likely to get bloated, feel cramping and stomach pain, or have episodes of constipation and diarrhea. Overactive Bladder. Some people may feel the need to urinate more often than is necessary. People with fibromyalgia are at a higher risk of developing this condition, which occurs when tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of it.

It can cause painful and irregular menstrual cycles. Sleep patterns. Problems related to memory, thinking, focusing and problem solving. These symptoms must be present for at least three months.

The doctor may run blood tests and take X-rays to rule out other conditions that cause chronic pain and fatigue. Treatment There is no cure for fibromyalgia. The goal is to tackle different symptoms pain, fatigue, sleep and emotional problems at the same time.

Treatment options for fibromyalgia help to reduce pain, stress and fatigue, treat depression, improve sleep and help people understand what triggers symptoms and how to manage them. In some cases, fibromyalgia may require a healthcare team that may include a primary care physician, a rheumatologist, a physical therapist and a mental health professional.

Medication Three medications are specifically approved to treat fibromyalgia. Duloxetine Cymbalta and milnacipran Savella work by changing the levels of certain chemicals in the brain that help control pain.

Pregabalin Lyrica targets brain chemicals that affect how much pain you experience. Other medications can be used to treat pain, sleep and mood. Like arthritis, fibromyalgia causes pain and fatigue.

But, unlike arthritis, fibromyalgia does not cause redness and swelling, or damage to your joints. Fibromyalgia affects as many as 4 million Americans 18 and older.

Chronic long-term , widespread pain is the most common symptom of fibromyalgia. You may feel the pain all over your body. Or, you may feel it more in the muscles you use most often, like in your back or legs. The pain may feel like a deep muscle ache, or it may throb or burn. Your pain may also be worse in the morning.

Women with fibromyalgia often have more morning fatigue, pain all over the body, and IBS symptoms than men with fibromyalgia have. Fibromyalgia symptoms can happen without warning. But certain events may trigger flare-ups, including:. Studies also show that the brains of people with fibromyalgia may not process pain in the same way as people who do not have fibromyalgia.

Lower levels of certain brain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin or norepinephrine, may cause you to be more sensitive to pain and have a more severe reaction to pain. Imaging studies of the brain show that people with fibromyalgia feel pain when people without fibromyalgia do not.

Your doctor or nurse will ask about your symptoms and your medical history. There is no lab test for fibromyalgia.

Instead, your doctor will make a diagnosis based upon two criteria:. You may have to see several doctors before getting a diagnosis. Doctors try to figure out if fibromyalgia or another health problem is causing your symptoms.

Your doctor or nurse may also suggest taking steps at home to relieve your symptoms. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that is often a lifelong condition. But fibromyalgia is not a progressive disease, meaning it will not get worse over time. It also does not cause damage to your joints, muscles, or organs.

Many women with fibromyalgia have no problems getting pregnant, and some women report that their symptoms get better during pregnancy. But, for some women, fibromyalgia can cause problems during pregnancy.

Your symptoms may flare or get worse, especially in the first few months of pregnancy. Also, some normal pregnancy complaints, such as fatigue, stress, and mood swings caused by changing hormones, may be worse for women with fibromyalgia.

Talk to your doctor about any medicines you take to treat fibromyalgia, as they may cause other health problems for you or your unborn baby. Most people with fibromyalgia continue to work, but you may have to make changes to do so.

You can cut down the number of hours you work, switch to a less demanding job, or adapt a current job. If you face challenges at work, an occupational therapist can help you design a more comfortable workstation or find more efficient and less painful ways to do your job.

A number of federal laws protect your rights. However, if you cannot work because of your fibromyalgia, you may qualify for disability benefits through your employer or the Social Security Administration. For more information about fibromyalgia, call the OWH Helpline at or contact the following organizations:.

A federal government website managed by the Office on Women's Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U. Department of Health and Human Services.

ET closed on federal holidays. Breadcrumb Home A-Z health topics Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia , or fibromyalgia syndrome, is a condition that causes aches and pain all over the body.

What is fibromyalgia? Who gets fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is more common in women than in men. Are some women more at risk for fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is more common in people who: 1 Have obesity Smoke Have another rheumatic related to the joints condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus Have a close relative with fibromyalgia.

Researchers think a gene or genes may cause pain when pain would not normally happen. Have or had trauma to the brain or spinal cord. Physical trauma may come from an injury or repeated injuries, illness, or an accident. Emotional stress or trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, may also lead to fibromyalgia.

What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia? What causes fibromyalgia symptoms to flare? But certain events may trigger flare-ups, including: Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle or pregnancy. You may have more trouble sleeping, more widespread pain, or headaches just before your period when your hormone levels drop.

Your periods may also be more painful. Chronic long-term stress may raise your risk for getting fibromyalgia. Changes in weather. Some women report pain with changes in barometric pressure such as when the temperature drops from warm to cold or on hot, humid days.

What causes fibromyalgia? Researchers are not sure exactly what causes fibromyalgia. Genetics may play a role. How is fibromyalgia diagnosed? Instead, your doctor will make a diagnosis based upon two criteria: You have experienced widespread in many places on the body pain for longer than three months.

You have other symptoms, such as fatigue, or memory or sleep problems. How is fibromyalgia treated? Treatment for fibromyalgia may include: Medicine to treat your pain. The Food and Drug Administration has approved three medicines to treat fibromyalgia : pregabalin, duloxetine, and milnacipran.

Your doctor may also suggest pain relievers or antidepressants to treat certain symptoms or to prevent flare-ups. Talk therapy. Counseling sessions with a trained counselor can teach you different skills and techniques you can use to better control your pain. This type of therapy can be either one on one or in groups with a therapist.

Living with a chronic condition like fibromyalgia can be difficult. Support groups may also give you emotional support and help you cope.

What steps can I take at home to relieve fibromyalgia symptoms? You can take the following steps at home to help relieve your symptoms: Getting enough sleep. Most adults should try to get seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

Signs and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

After a couple of weeks, see if you can identify any patterns. For example, maybe you feel the most fatigue after eating a sugary snack or when you skip your morning workout. Exercise may also help reduce fibromyalgia pain if done properly.

Exercising helps increase your muscle mass and strength, as well as your overall health. As an added bonus, the endorphin release you experience during exercise can also improve your quality of sleep and increase your energy.

One older study from compared the effects of aerobic training to a muscle-strengthening program in people with fibromyalgia. The study found that both types of exercise significantly reduced symptoms of pain, sleep, fatigue, tender points, and depression.

Discuss any changes in your exercise regimen with your doctor. Strength training using resistance bands or weights can help you regain muscle.

Be sure to pace yourself — start with low resistance or very low weights and build up slowly from there. To follow a balanced diet, look for ways to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein in your daily meals.

Avoid processed, fried, salty, and sugary foods, and try to maintain a healthy weight. Here are a few tips for a healthy sleep routine:. People with fibromyalgia often have other health conditions co-morbid conditions , like restless leg syndrome RLS , insomnia , depression , or anxiety.

These conditions could make fibro fatigue worse. Living in constant pain can cause stress. Stress, in turn, can make your fatigue worse. Yoga, qi gong, tai chi, meditation, and other mind-body activities can be excellent ways to reduce stress. In fact, one study of 53 women with fibromyalgia found that an 8-week yoga program significantly improved symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and mood, as well as coping strategies for pain.

Participants practiced yoga 5 to 7 days a week, for 20 to 40 minutes per day. Additionally, a systematic review of seven studies was done to evaluate the effects of meditative movement therapies, such as qi gong, tai chi, and yoga.

Of these, only yoga was found to be significantly effective in reducing pain, fatigue, and depression in people with fibromyalgia. Though the evidence is still limited, these activities may also lead to an increase in quality of life.

Massage therapy has been shown to provide some benefits. Results from one study of 50 women with fibromyalgia suggested that a specific type of massage, known as manual lymph drainage therapy MLDT , may be more effective than connective tissue massage for reducing morning tiredness and anxiety.

You can also try some lymphatic drainage massage techniques yourself at home using this guide. Balneotherapy, or bathing in mineral-rich waters, has also been shown to help people with fibromyalgia in at least one older study. Participants in the study who spent 10 days at a Dead Sea spa had a reduction in:.

Acupuncture is also often touted as a way to reduce pain, stiffness, and stress. However, a review of several studies in found no evidence for reduction of pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances in people with fibromyalgia receiving acupuncture treatment.

Of the clinical research performed, most studies are small, involving few participants. A small, older pilot study with just 21 participants showed that 3 milligrams mg of melatonin taken at bedtime significantly improved sleep and pain severity in people with fibromyalgia after 4 weeks.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical tri a l found that taking mg a day of CoQ10 significantly reduced pain, fatigue, morning tiredness, and tender points in 20 people with fibromyalgia after 40 days.

In a study from , people with fibromyalgia who took acetyl L-carnitine LAC experienced significant improvements in tender points, pain scores, depression symptoms, and musculoskeletal pain.

In the study, participants took two mg LAC capsules a day, plus one intramuscular injection of mg LAC for 2 weeks, followed by three mg capsules per day for 8 weeks. Researchers who conducted a study observed that mg a day of magnesium citrate significantly reduced the intensity of fibromyalgia and the number of tender points in premenopausal women after eight weeks.

While magnesium citrate was shown to offer relief, participants who also received 10 mg a day of the antidepressant medication amitriptyline saw increased reduction of symptoms, too.

If you want to try one of these therapies, be sure to discuss it with your doctor to be certain it is safe to do so. A good way to manage fatigue caused by fibromyalgia is to schedule rest into your day. Sitting or briefly lying down at some point could be what you need.

Similarly, take time to pace yourself and find balance within your day. The National Fibromyalgia Association offers a helpful guide to pacing, including:. Keep in mind that medications like sleeping pills carry risks, including addiction, so you should only use them as directed by your doctor.

It can be difficult to manage, and also difficult to explain to other people. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

VIEW ALL HISTORY. Muscle fatigue is a symptom that decreases your muscles' ability to perform over time. As you exercise, over time your muscles may begin to feel…. Fibromyalgia and lupus cause similar symptoms, but these pain conditions have different causes and side effects. Learn about the difference between….

Pruritus, or severe Itching, may be a symptom of fibromyalgia, or it could be a side effect of your medication. Work with your doctor to find ways to…. Pain from fibromyalgia often can have a severe impact on quality of life, making even normal tasks difficult.

If you have fibromyalgia, you may also…. Driving with fibromyalgia can sometimes be difficult. It's important to recognize risks like sleepiness and distractibility. Here are tips to help. Biofeedback Biofeedback is a mind-body technique used to teach people how to control involuntary body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and muscle clenching.

Litt, PhD, a professor of behavioral sciences at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington, and researcher of biofeedback. People then try ways to lower the muscle tension. Most people find they can do it if they can find a way to relax.

For example, some people go into mini trances, and some people count in their heads. Lifestyle Changes When living with fibromyalgia, look at your life holistically, considering all the ways fibromyalgia affects your life.

Here are a few adjustments and treatments to consider: Where do you spend most of your time? Are you hunched over a computer or walking a lot in uncomfortable shoes?

Change what you can to make yourself more comfortable. Are you getting enough good quality sleep? A lack of deep sleep is thought to contribute to the fatigue, concentration and short-term memory problems experienced by people with fibromyalgia. Consistency is key when it comes to sleep.

Have you considered massage therapy? Some research suggests that massage can assist in fibromyalgia pain management. Researchers from the Touch Research Institute at the University Of Miami School of Medicine found that massage therapy provided multiple benefits, including improved sleep, decreased joint pain and lowered stress hormones.

Have you given acupuncture a shot? Some patients find relief from acupuncture. Several studies have shown that people who received true acupuncture showed greater improvements in anxiety and fatigue than those who received a fake procedure. The Right Plan for You No matter what you try, the most important thing is to find a plan that works for you, according to Stephen T.

Wegener, PhD, an associate professor in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore. Quick Links Managing Pain Treatment Nutrition Exercise Emotional Well-being Daily Living. Fibromyalgia Related Articles Find More Fibromyalgia Articles.

Fibromyalgia Medications for Treating Fibromyalgia Symptoms Learn about medications used to treat fibromyalgia symptoms and how they can help reduce pain and fatigue and improve sleep. Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia causes pain, tenderness, fatigue, sleep problems, and other health conditions.

Fibro Fatigue: Why It Happens and How to Manage It Learning about fibromyalgia as well Faatigue some of fibromyalgiw common myths may help you to cope fibromyalia with your symptoms. Non-medication treatments Exercise — Regular exercise, Fafigue as Fatigue and fibromyalgia, swimming, or biking, is helpful in reducing muscle pain and improving muscle strength and fitness in fibromyalgia. Doctors and scientists are still working on understanding the connection between fibromyalgia and fatigue. December Your doctor may also suggest pain relievers or antidepressants to treat certain symptoms or to prevent flare-ups. What is the difference between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome? Goldenberg DL.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) During biofeedback, patients use information about typically unconscious bodily functions, such as muscle tension or blood pressure, to help gain conscious control over such functions. Remedies that focus upon the mind-body connection are an important adjunct in the management of fibromyalgia. Healthy Diet Like everyone, people with fibromyalgia should eat foods that support their body. Researchers are not sure exactly what causes fibromyalgia. For example, some people go into mini trances, and some people count in their heads. Cognitive problems 'fibro-fog' Cognitive problems are issues related to mental processes, such as thinking and learning. Physical or emotional events.
Contributor Amd. Please read the Disclaimer Fatiguee the end of this Electrolyte Hydration. Fibromyalgia Fatigue and fibromyalgia one of a group of chronic pain disorders adn syndromes that affect connective Fatugue, including the muscles, Fatigue and fibromyalgia the tough bands of tissue that bind together the ends of bonesand tendons which attach muscles to bones. It is a chronic condition that causes widespread muscle pain known as "myalgia" and extreme tenderness in many areas of the body. Many patients also experience fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, and mood disturbances such as depression and anxiety. Despite ongoing research, the cause, diagnosis, and optimal treatment of fibromyalgia are not clear. Fatigue and fibromyalgia

Fatigue and fibromyalgia -

Some people with fibromyalgia have low energy and feel tired all the time. The fatigue can be severe and pose more of a problem than the pain. These problems may come and go and happen most often when someone is very stressed or fatigued.

People with fibromyalgia may have trouble learning, understanding and remembering. Track your Fibromyalgia symptoms with this pain tracker.

Health Effects Fibromyalgia tends to happen together with other health conditions. It is not clear if one causes the other.

These related health problems include: Restless Leg. This condition causes uncomfortable feelings in the legs and the need to move them often. Living with widespread pain and tiredness can be very stressful.

This may lead some people with fibromyalgia to develop chronic anxiety or become depressed. Anxiety and depression, in turn, can make pain and fatigue worse.

Tension headaches, migraines and pain in the jaw or face may affect people with fibromyalgia. Stomach and Bowel Problems. People with fibromyalgia have a greater risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome than people without the condition. They are more likely to get bloated, feel cramping and stomach pain, or have episodes of constipation and diarrhea.

Overactive Bladder. Some people may feel the need to urinate more often than is necessary. People with fibromyalgia are at a higher risk of developing this condition, which occurs when tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of it.

It can cause painful and irregular menstrual cycles. Sleep patterns. Problems related to memory, thinking, focusing and problem solving. These symptoms must be present for at least three months.

The doctor may run blood tests and take X-rays to rule out other conditions that cause chronic pain and fatigue. This constant reaction to pain signals in your nerves can make you lethargic and exhausted.

People with fibromyalgia frequently also have trouble sleeping insomnia. You may have problems falling or staying asleep, or you may still feel exhausted after waking up. The fatigue may be made worse by complications of fibromyalgia. Start keeping a written or electronic record of your fatigue level each day.

Record what you ate, when you woke up, and when you went to bed, along with any activities you did that day. After a couple of weeks, see if you can identify any patterns. For example, maybe you feel the most fatigue after eating a sugary snack or when you skip your morning workout.

Exercise may also help reduce fibromyalgia pain if done properly. Exercising helps increase your muscle mass and strength, as well as your overall health.

As an added bonus, the endorphin release you experience during exercise can also improve your quality of sleep and increase your energy. One older study from compared the effects of aerobic training to a muscle-strengthening program in people with fibromyalgia.

The study found that both types of exercise significantly reduced symptoms of pain, sleep, fatigue, tender points, and depression. Discuss any changes in your exercise regimen with your doctor.

Strength training using resistance bands or weights can help you regain muscle. Be sure to pace yourself — start with low resistance or very low weights and build up slowly from there.

To follow a balanced diet, look for ways to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein in your daily meals.

Avoid processed, fried, salty, and sugary foods, and try to maintain a healthy weight. Here are a few tips for a healthy sleep routine:. People with fibromyalgia often have other health conditions co-morbid conditions , like restless leg syndrome RLS , insomnia , depression , or anxiety.

These conditions could make fibro fatigue worse. Living in constant pain can cause stress. Stress, in turn, can make your fatigue worse. Yoga, qi gong, tai chi, meditation, and other mind-body activities can be excellent ways to reduce stress.

In fact, one study of 53 women with fibromyalgia found that an 8-week yoga program significantly improved symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and mood, as well as coping strategies for pain.

Participants practiced yoga 5 to 7 days a week, for 20 to 40 minutes per day. Additionally, a systematic review of seven studies was done to evaluate the effects of meditative movement therapies, such as qi gong, tai chi, and yoga.

Of these, only yoga was found to be significantly effective in reducing pain, fatigue, and depression in people with fibromyalgia.

Though the evidence is still limited, these activities may also lead to an increase in quality of life. Massage therapy has been shown to provide some benefits. Results from one study of 50 women with fibromyalgia suggested that a specific type of massage, known as manual lymph drainage therapy MLDT , may be more effective than connective tissue massage for reducing morning tiredness and anxiety.

You can also try some lymphatic drainage massage techniques yourself at home using this guide. Balneotherapy, or bathing in mineral-rich waters, has also been shown to help people with fibromyalgia in at least one older study. Participants in the study who spent 10 days at a Dead Sea spa had a reduction in:.

Acupuncture is also often touted as a way to reduce pain, stiffness, and stress. However, a review of several studies in found no evidence for reduction of pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances in people with fibromyalgia receiving acupuncture treatment. Of the clinical research performed, most studies are small, involving few participants.

A small, older pilot study with just 21 participants showed that 3 milligrams mg of melatonin taken at bedtime significantly improved sleep and pain severity in people with fibromyalgia after 4 weeks.

It also means cutting out foods that you know are bad for you — like junk, processed, fatty, sugary foods, and soda. For some people, making dietary changes can ease their fibromyalgia symptoms, particularly when their meals contain good sources of vitamin D such as cold-water fish or fortified milk or orange juice , include foods high in magnesium such as dried beans and leafy greens , and are rich in antioxidants from deeply colored fruits and vegetables.

In general, you should discuss nutritional approaches with a registered dietitian nutritionist or your doctor. Beyond that, some research suggests that avoiding dietary excitotoxins — chemicals that excite the neurons in the brain — can provide additional symptom improvement.

The most common excitotoxins in the Western diet are food additives used to enhance or sweeten the flavor of foods. Monosodium glutamate is an example of such an additive.

Supplements Some vitamin and herbal supplements may also help with fibromyalgia symptoms, although research evidence to date is limited. For example, both vitamin D and magnesium levels have been found to be low in people with the condition.

Vitamin D appears to have some effects on nerve and muscle function, and some studies have suggested that low levels of vitamin D may be associated with the chronic pain of fibromyalgia. Taking a vitamin D supplement is a relatively safe intervention and could be started after a discussion with your physician and possibly a measurement of your vitamin D levels.

Research has shown that this OTC dietary supplement, taken as a tablet, can help treat depression and the chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis , and some studies show that taking SAMe may offer fibromyalgia pain relief and help with fatigue and stiffness.

Finally, melatonin is a natural hormone found in the body, thought to be involved in promoting sleep. Talk to your doctor before trying any of these supplements, as they can affect how well your prescription medications work and have side effects.

Acupuncture Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of treatment for chronic pain and is based on ancient Chinese medical practices. There have been several studies on the usefulness of acupuncture as a natural remedy for fibromyalgia symptoms.

Although this treatment seems to offer some functional improvement in people with fibromyalgia, the results are not long-lasting. Massage Other types of alternative and complementary approaches that can be used in fibromyalgia include massage therapy.

Reiki The Japanese technique Reiki has been used for pain control, relaxation, and stress relief. Biofeedback Biofeedback is an alternative therapy that uses the mind-body connection to help you learn to control your chronic pain with the power of your mind.

RELATED: Learn More About Treatment for Fibromyalgia: Medication, Alternative and Complementary Therapies, and More.

However, in general, maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest are good rules to follow if you want to prevent any chronic medical condition, including fibromyalgia.

If you have fibromyalgia, being informed is the best way to get good treatment and understand what lifestyle measures will help with symptoms.

And, sticking to your doctor-prescribed treatment plan is the best way to keep symptoms in check. The constant pain, fatigue, and lack of sleep associated with fibromyalgia can interfere with your daily life.

Many people are unable to function at work or at home and become frustrated because this condition is often misunderstood. Mental Fog Some people with fibromyalgia experience lasting memory and cognitive problems that interfere with their ability to concentrate. Hospitalization People with fibromyalgia are about twice as likely as others to be hospitalized for any reason.

Depression People with fibromyalgia are more than 3 times as likely as others to have major depression, which makes mental health screening extremely important. Fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic pain disorders, although estimates of the number of Americans it affects vary.

About 10 million adults in the United States have fibromyalgia, according to the National Fibromyalgia Association NFA , while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts the number at four million U.

adults, or about 2 percent of the adult population. Between 75 and 90 percent of people diagnosed with the disorder are women, the NFA estimates. The disorder affects people of all races and ethnicities.

Most people with fibromyalgia are diagnosed between ages 20 and 50, with symptoms typically showing up months or even years beforehand. Even children can have fibromyalgia. But the incidence of the condition rises with age, so that by age 80, 8 percent of people meet the criteria for fibromyalgia, says the NFA.

Few studies have examined how common fibromyalgia is among people in different racial and ethnic groups, including among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color BIPOC populations. However, a study published in September that attempted to determine the prevalence of fibromyalgia in the U.

population generally based on symptoms reported in the U. National Health Interview Survey NHIS — not based on physician diagnosis of fibromyalgia — did list some of the demographic characteristics of the survey respondents with fibromyalgia.

The researchers identified fibromyalgia in 1. Interestingly, 73 percent of the people identified as having fibromyalgia in this study had not received a clinical diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Per the NFA, people with fibromyalgia often also have: In addition, although rheumatoid arthritis RA and fibromyalgia are two distinct disorders, people with RA are more likely to also develop fibromyalgia.

Among the key differences between RA and fibromyalgia are that RA is an autoimmune disease while fibromyalgia is not, and RA causes inflammation in and around the joints while fibromyalgia does not attack the joints.

The pain of fibromyalgia tends to be widespread, seemingly coming from many points of the body at once. Each condition is treated differently. However, staying physically active can be helpful in both. Similarly, people with psoriatic arthritis , a systemic autoimmune disease and an inflammatory form of arthritis, also seem to be at greater risk for developing fibromyalgia.

While there are different types of psoriatic arthritis, ultimately, they all cause joint pain, stiffness, and loss of function.

Doctors suspect co-occurring fibromyalgia when a person with psoriatic arthritis experiences persistent pain and fatigue, possibly accompanied by other symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as fibro fog, sleep problems, and irritable or overactive bladder.

Another hazard is that the fibromyalgia goes untreated. American Chronic Pain Association. Now what can you do about it?

The American Chronic Pain Association provides support and education in pain management skills to people with chronic, painful conditions, their families, and their healthcare providers. American College of Rheumatology. When you need authoritative information on fibromyalgia, the patient area of this professional organization website can help, with the basics on diagnosis, treatment, and healthy living with fibromyalgia.

Living With Fibro. Interested in research? This website provides a searchable database of clinical trials nationwide, including those related to fibromyalgia. For participating in research studies, this may be your best bet.

It provides information about clinical trials that are currently enrolling patients and will also notify you of new trials that match your interests. Additional reporting by Brian P. Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy.

We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.

Health Conditions A-Z.

Fibromyalgia causes Organic skincare for men, tenderness, fatigue, sleep problems, and other health conditions. Fibromyalgia causes bodywide Fatigue and fibromyalgia and fibrmyalgia tiredness. Fatigue and fibromyalgia can be fibromyalgla with arthritis because it may cause pain in joints, muscles and soft tissues. But doctors consider fibromyalgia a pain disorder. People with rheumatoid arthritislupus or other autoimmune diseases are more likely to develop fibromyalgia, which is not an autoimmune disease. Symptoms usually appear between ages 30 and

Author: Brazragore

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