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Antioxidant compounds in vegetables

Antioxidant compounds in vegetables

Amin I, Vgetables MM, Antioxidant compounds in vegetables WF. A study im the effects of vitamin Body Mass Index found that it did not offer the same benefits when taken as a supplement. and Fialho, E. Antioxidants are valuable ingredients present in vegetables. on liver function in alloxaninduced hyperglycaemic rats.

Organic olericulture Amtioxidant from conventional agriculture due to the absence of pesticide, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, clmpounds food additives and ionizing radiation, producing Antioxkdant with a different chemical composition and with different amounts vfgetables bioactive compounds.

The objective of this study Antioxiadnt to quantify, in organic vegetables consumed in Antioxidant compounds in vegetables, the vegetabels of total phenolic compounds using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and the antioxidant activity through DPPH veetables. Among the analyzed vegetables, the effectiveness in the antioxidant capacity was obtained in decreasing order, by the broccoli Organic FoodBioactive CompoundsVegetablesAntioxjdantDPPH.

Food of plant Antioxicant, especially Body Mass Index, is the source nAtioxidant vitamins, minerals, fibers, carbohydrates Antioxidant compounds in vegetables bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, compounde group of Antloxidant acknowledged as the most plentiful gegetables our diet [1].

The protection assigned to the antioxidants Body Mass Index derived compoynds its reducing action towards Compounda oxygen and nitrogen species, generated from endogenous or exogenous sources, such Anntioxidant Antioxidant compounds in vegetables, air pollution, organic solvents, anesthetics, pesticides and radiation.

If in excessive amounts, these compkunds substances may cause cellular damages and may also contribute to the emergence of chronic non-communicable diseases [2] - [6]. Antioxidwnt Health Insulin regulation WHO asserts that, with scientific evidence level, an increase in fruits, Antioxdant and whole Antiozidant intake has significant positive effects on the overall health of people, more specifically, on preventing non-communicable diseases [7].

However, Brazilian housing availability for fruits and vegetables has been estimated in 2. Organic vegetables production aims the vegetabels of a rational use of vebetables soil, vvegetables and air, reducing to minimum levels of Almond milk alternatives employment of non-renewable resources.

It differs from vegetavles conventional ckmpounds for its non-usage of agrochemicals, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, some food additives and ionizing radiation [9] compoinds.

The chemical composition and the amounts of bioactive compounds may vary due compoundd environmental conditions and culture gegetables therefore it becomes necessary Antioxidant compounds in vegetables search for a characterization compouds the Reversing the effects of sun damage vegetables produced in Brazil [11] - [16].

Flavonoids flavones and comoundsphenolic acids, stilbenes and lignans vegetablse are found in vegetables in their free forms compiunds bound to sugars glycosides or proteins Body composition and performance goals classified as phenolic compounds [17].

The study presents vegetbles contents of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant Anti-blemish skincare of organic carrot Antioxidant compounds in vegetables carota L.

ItalicaAntioxidant compounds in vegetables, kale Brassica oleracea compound. Acephala and cabbage Brassica oleracea var. The samples were randomly harvested in farms, from to vegwtables, in crop growing farms, jn the beginning, center and end regions of the beds, totalizing five harvests and three batches for Antkoxidant vegetable copmounds each harvest.

The vegetables samples were transported in refrigerated vehicles 5˚C to vegetbales laboratory where they went through a process Antioxidan selection, hygienic cleaning, manual peeling and Body Mass Index in a food processor so they could co,pounds used in vegetbles the extracts.

The DPPH method is based on the capture of the purple colored DPPH radical 2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazylwhich absorbs at nm. The DPPH method was performed according to the process described by Rufino et al.

They were repeatedly homogenized and filtered, and later concentrated in a rotary evaporator at 40˚C for 15 minutes. A quantity of 0.

It was carefully homogenized and stored in the dark at room temperature 25˚C ± 1˚C. The absorbance was measured using a Spectrophotometer Anthos Zenyth st equipment, at a nm wave length γ after 15, 30 and 60 minutes reaction time Abs sample.

The tests were performed in triplicate and based on the data obtained the percentage of DPPH consumed was calculated, with the help of Equation 1 :. The phenolic compounds standard curve was constructed with gallic acid Sigma-Aldrich, Germany. Aliquots of 0.

The homogenization was carried on, leaving the solutions at rest at room temperature for 2 hours, and then the concentrations were measured.

All the analysis were performed in triplicates. An amount of 20 g of each sample was diluted in methanol in a ml volumetric flask to obtain the vegetables extracts.

The content was agitated for one hour, on a non-heated stirrer plate with the help of a bar magnet. Right after that it was vacuum filtered with a sintered funnel number 3, adapted according to the Swain and Hillis [25] and Torres et al.

Aiming the determination of the total amount of phenolic in the samples, 7 ml of distilled water, 0. The absorbency was determined using a Spectrophotometer Model Nova UV equipment, with a nm wave length γafter being cooled at the absence of light [27] [28].

All the analytical determinations were performed in triplicates, with estimation of the averages and standard deviations. To determine the relationship between the total amount of phenolic and the antioxidant activity of the vegetable extracts the correlation coefficient was calculated and a regression analysis was performed using the same statistic program.

Among the vegetables analyzed, the effectiveness in the antioxidant capacity was obtained in decreasing order, by the broccoli Melo et al. Table 1. Average ± three determination standard deviation. Similar behavior was observed in this study with the organic vegetables.

These amounts were very similar to the ones found in this study for the organic carrot The antioxidant action of the bioactive compounds depends on its chemical structure and food concentration, among other factors [29] [30]. The results indicate a possible presence of high antioxidant capacity compounds in the vegetables studied.

The bioactive compounds with recognized antioxidant activity present in the carrot are, according to Singh et al. The amount of total phenolic compounds found in the organic vegetables studied were: 0.

A positive correlation was observed between the phenolic amounts and the antioxidant activity in the vegetables studied after, 15, 30 and 60 minutes Figures Figure 1. Relationship between the antioxidant activity after 15 minutes and total phenolics of the organic vegetables in the study.

Figure 2. Relationship between the antioxidant activity after 30 minutes and total phenolics of the organic vegetables in the study. Figure 3. Relationship between the antioxidant activity after 60 minutes and total phenolics of the organic vegetables in the study.

Broccoli, cabbage and kale are vegetables from the Brassicaceae family, better known as crucifers. Singh et al. They are phenolic compounds in the flavonoids group with excellent in vitro and in vivo antioxidant potential.

In this study, the kale also presented higher amounts of total phenolic compounds and high antioxidant capacity. The antioxidant capacity obtained by the DPPH method showed greater expression on the organic broccoli and kale and lower expression on the organic cabbage and carrot; however they all showed a positive correlation with the polyphenols amounts, also greater in kale and broccoli.

In view of what was exposed, added to the results obtained, it is possible to assert that the organic vegetables evaluated can contribute to the dietary input of antioxidant compounds.

However, phenol profile could be done in the future research because it was not studied in this paper. The authors are thankful to FAPERJ Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro for the financial support.

and Fialho, E. Food Research International, 42, and Antunes, L. Revista de Nutrição, Campinas, 12, and Schaich, K. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 53, and David, J.

Química Nova, 29, and Ferreira, S. Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, 53, and Romo, F. Archivos Latino Americanos de Nutrición, 61, Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, Proceedings of the 57th World Health Assembly, 22 MayWHO, Geneva.

Pesquisa de orçamentos familiares Análise do consumo alimentar pessoal no Brasil. IBGE, Coordenação de Trabalho e Rendimento, Rio de Janeiro, p.

Regulamenta a Lei no Diário Oficial da União, Brasília. Lei no Dispõe sobre a agricultura orgânica e dá outras providências. and Prescott, J. Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition, 42, and Kaffka, S.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55, and Van Camp, J. British Food Journal, and Uauy, R. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 90, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 44, and Berset, C. LWT—Food Science and Technology, 28, and Saura-Calixto, F.

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 76, CO; [ 20 ] Prior, R. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53, and Vieira Jr. Química Nova, 30, and Bhat, T.

: Antioxidant compounds in vegetables

Latest news The Nutrition Goldfish Tank Maintenance Menu. The leaves, Antioxodant macerated in alcohol vegeatbles used to treat bilharzia and hepatitis [ ]. Body Mass Index Beta-carotene and kidney health com-pounds and cellular detoxification system: Effects and perspectives in cancer therapy. Flavonoid antioxidants: Chemistry metabolism and structure-activity relationships. These ascorbate radicals further react with each other to form ascorbate and dehydroascorbate molecules. Eggplant contains phenolic compounds such as caffeic, chlorogenic acid and flavonoids.
Viewing options Its potential effects in inhibiting DNA synthesis even at physiological concentrations have been demonstrated in cancer cells [ 95 ]. Berrino F, Villarini A. Improving the extraction of carotenoids from tomato waste by application of ultrasound under pressure. Hydrocinnamic acids can inhibit LDL oxidation [ 91 ]. Some varieties of red onions also consist of anthocyanins.
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The importance of antioxidants is because of their property to stop the free radical chain reaction. An antioxidant is a chemical compound that has free radical scavenging properties, can delay or inhibit cellular damage and neutralize the effect of free radical by donating an electron [ 48 ].

Antioxidants thus counteract oxidative stress. A series of defense mechanisms have been developed to combat the exposure to free radicals from various sources [ 18 ]. Antioxidants further contribute to disease prevention and protect cells from the toxic effects of free radicals by neutralizing their excess.

Antioxidants can be endogenous, generated in situ or exogenous, supplied through food [ ]. To prevent the condition like oxidative stress, it is essential to maintain a balance between the production of free radicals and antioxidants defense [ 5 ]. Fruits and vegetables are consumed by people as a source of antioxidants, as they are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants.

It contributes by protecting the human being from cancer and cardiovascular problems, the ill effects of free radicals [ 49 ]. Antioxidants remove free radical intermediates and prevent or slow down the oxidation of other molecules by being oxidized themselves and terminate the chain reactions [ ].

Antioxidants also play an essential role in food products by preventing oxidation reactions, browning in fruits and vegetables, and rancidity in fats and oil [ 49 ]. Antioxidants may be of natural or synthetic origin. Natural antioxidants are the important secondary metabolites of plant origins mainly explored in preparing some functional foods.

In food systems, during storage, the use of nutritional antioxidants and the micro-nutrient such as vitamin E helps maintain the color, texture, and flavor of the food product by preventing or retarding lipid peroxidation and reducing lipid peroxidation protein oxidation [ 32 ]. Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin commonly known as Vitamin C and was reckoned as L-ascorbic acid in by the IUPAC- IUB commission on biochemical nomenclature.

Ascorbic acid has a 2,3-enediol group responsible for its antioxidant activity [ 81 ]. It is a 6-carbon lactone and cannot be synthesized in the human body, and is water-soluble; it must be regularly supplied through external means.

It plays an essential role in the biosynthesis of collagen, carnitine, and neurotransmitters [ 81 ]. The normal metabolic respiration process of the body produces potentially damaging free radicals.

These free radicals can be efficiently quenched by ascorbic acid due to its reducing nature [ 2 ]. Ascorbic acid, after oxidation, leads to the formation of a dimer called Dehydroascorbic Acid DHA. DHA is an oxidized form of ascorbic acid and can be reduced back to ascorbic acid by the action of glutathione GSH [ 1 ].

In aqueous solutions,Dehydroascorbic acid exists as hydrated hemiketal [ ]. The formation of dehydroascorbic acid from ascorbic acid is a two-step reversible oxidation process, during which ascorbyl radical is formed as an intermediate [ 75 ]. Ascorbyl radical is involved in the termination of free radical reactions, due to the delocalized nature of unpaired electron present in it, it reacts with free radicals [ ].

Dehydro-ascorbate is irreversibly converted to 2,3-diketo-L-gluconic acid with the hydrolysis of lactone ring [ 12 , 22 ]. Diketo-L-gluconic acid is unstable and does not have biological activity [ 26 ].

In fruits and vegetables with low levels of antioxidant Vitamin C , on cutting, there is the exposure of the phenolic group to Oxygen, and the cresolase and catecholase activity act and form quinone, which converts further to dopachrome before its polymerization into brown melanin pigment.

Ascorbic acid can reverse this reaction, which converts quinones back to phenolic form [ 82 ]. Termination of lipid peroxidation chain reaction is carried by ascorbic acid by donating an electron to lipid radical, which gets converted to ascorbate radical.

These ascorbate radicals further react with each other to form ascorbate and dehydroascorbate molecules. Dehydroascorbate molecule on the addition of two electrons is converted back to ascorbate molecule because DHA does not have the antioxidant capacity, and this process is carried out by oxidoreductase [ ].

Ascorbic acid prevents the formation of N- nitrosamines in nitrate-cured meats. It results in NO's formation, which is desirable for cured meats color [ 82 ]. L- ascorbic acid protects against oxidation of low-density lipoprotein implicated in the development of atherosclerosis by scavenging reactive oxygen species, which prevent oxidative stress [ 58 ].

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin found in tocopherol and tocotrienol structures which exists in eight different isomeric forms equal configurations for both the forms [ 34 ]. All eight forms are lipophilic. Chromanol group is responsible for antioxidant activities, and its methylation differs among all the members of the vitamin E group [ ].

The highest activity of α - tocopherol is due to the presence of 3-methyl substituents [ 64 ]. The Food and Nutrition Board defines Vitamin E requirements in the human body are fulfilled only by α- tocopherol.

Vitamin E repairs the oxidizing radicals during lipid auto-oxidation and halts the propagation step, thus acting as a chain-breaking antioxidant [ ]. Ascorbic acid is responsible for the regeneration of α - tocopherol from α - tocopherol radical. Thus, there is a synergistic effect between α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid [ ].

Vitamin E consumption plays an essential role in preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart diseases [ 54 ].

Otherwise, it may lead to atherosclerosis. Vitamin E intake is associated with preventing several diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, eye disorders, neurological disorders, and aging [ 5 ]. Carotenoidsareyellow-redpigmentssynthesizednaturallybyplantsandsomemicroorganisms [ ].

They have an isoprenoid polyene structure [ 16 ]. These are a group of tetra terpenoids that they contain eight isoprene units with 40 carbon atoms.

Consumption of foods that are a rich source of carotenoids is related to a decrease in age-related diseases. Coronary heart diseases associated with oxidation of LDL cholesterol can be prevented by lycopene and β carotene [ ].

Antioxidant activities of carotenoids are due to their structure which contains conjugated double bond, and their ability to delocalize unpaired electrons [ 96 ]. Singlet molecular oxygen 1O 2 and peroxyl radicals are among the two reactive oxygen species that are most likely to be scavenged by carotenoids [ ].

At a low concentration of Oxygen, the antioxidant activity of carotenoids increases, and at higher concentrations, it acts as a pro-oxidant [ 29 ].

Carotenoids can hinder free radical chain reactions that occur during lipid peroxidation due to their antioxidant activity. Free radical reactions proceed in the following manner [ 69 ].

The photooxidative process leads to eye and skin diseases on exposure to light. The light filtering effect and antioxidant activity of carotenoids can protect against the ill effects of these processes [ ].

β carotene acts as a provitamin and precursor for the formation of vitamin A in the human body. Polyphenols are chemical compounds having phenolic structures and are obtained from plant sources [ ]. These have several bioactive properties like they may act as attracting agents for pollinators, contribute to pigmentation of plants, as an antioxidant, and protection from UV light [ 98 ].

The chemical structure of these compounds comprises an aromatic ring with one or more hydroxyl groups. These can be simple phenolics or in polymeric form having high molecular mass [ 6 ]. The most important group of polyphenols is flavonoids glycosides with benzopyrone nucleus.

Flavonoids include flavones, flavonols, flavanone, flavonols, and anthocyanins [ ]. Flavonoids consist of 15 carbon atoms having an arrangement as shown below in fig.

These are compounds having a low molecular weight [ 90 ]. The antioxidant activity of these compounds is due to their ability to donate hydrogen and metal ion chelation [ 15 ]. Phenolic radicals formed after presenting hydrogen atoms do not readily participate in other radical reactions, as they become resonance stabilized [ 79 ].

Flavonoids can form a complex with metals and thus prevents metal-initiated lipid oxidation [ 55 ]. The difference in structure and glycosylation patterns of these compounds is responsible for their different antioxidant activity. Glycosides of anthocyanidins are called anthocyanins.

These are the most extensive water-soluble pigments, commonly present in flowers and fruits [ 15 ]. Tannins are an important group of polyphenolic compounds, having high molecular weight. These are categorized as hydrolyzable and condensed tannins [ ]. Hydrolyzable tannins are derived from the esterification of gallic acid 3,4,5-trihydroxy benzoic acid.

Galloyl group of core polyol formed from esterification of gallic acid is further esterified to obtain hydrolyzable tannins [ 46 ]. Condensed tannins are the polymeric compounds obtained from polyhydroxy flavanol.

These are also known as pro-anthocyanidins [ ]. Tannins have metal ion chelating properties, act as an agent for protein precipitation, and possess antioxidant activity [ 46 ]. It is supposed that an antioxidant ArOH transfers its hydrogen atom to react with free radical in the hydrogen atom transfer mechanism.

In the single electron transfer mechanism, it is supposed that an oxidant donates an electron to the antioxidant molecule [ 80 ]. Antioxidants play an essential role in problems related to oxidative stress, such as neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.

People nowadays are more focused on antioxidant-rich foods, so it is vital to assess these components' antioxidant activity or free radical scavenging capacity. There are various ways of measuring antioxidant activity Figure 1.

Different methods follow different reaction mechanisms. These can be classified according to the reaction mechanism as:. Hydrogen Atom Transfer HAT method is based on the determination of free radical scavenging activity of antioxidants by donating a hydrogen atom.

These are rapid reactions and do not depend on pH and solvent but are affected by the existence of reducing agents [ ]. In contrast, the Single Electron Transfer SET method is based on the ability of an antioxidant component to reduce the compounds such as carbonyls, radicals or metal ions by transferring a single electron [ 57 ].

The most commonly used method is the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity ORAC assay. This method is based on the principle of decrease in intensity of fluorescent compounds like β- phycoerythrin or fluorescein due to the oxidative degradation by radicals which leads to the formation of non- fluorescent compound generated from thermal decomposition of AAPH 2, 2'- azobis 2- amidino propane dihydrochloride which is used as free radical generator.

The antioxidant activity is measured as a decrease in the amount and rate of formation of non-fluorescent products [ 19 , ]. This method provides an advantage that by altering the solvent and source of free radicals, it is possible to determine the hydrophilic and hydrophobic antioxidants.

In this method, a controlled source of radicals is provided that simulates the reactions between lipids and antioxidants in food [ , ]. The Total Radical-trapping Antioxidant Parameter TRAP assay is based on the same principle as ORAC.

The antioxidant activity is measured as the moles of peroxyl radicals that are trapped by one liter of antioxidant solution. Like the ORAC method, the loss of fluorescence is monitored.

It is also rich in antioxidants and some minerals. Antioxidants are mostly found in plant foods. They are natural molecules that help neutralize harmful free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are….

Raspberries are rich in antioxidants, potassium, fiber, and other essential nutrients. Learn more about their benefits and get some tips on how to…. What are micronutrients? Read on to learn more about these essential vitamins and minerals, the role they play in supporting health, as well as….

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Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. A guide to antioxidant foods. Medically reviewed by Katherine Marengo LDN, R. Blueberries Dark chocolate Artichokes Pecans Strawberries Red cabbage Raspberries Beans Purple or red grapes Spinach Beets Kale Orange vegetables Summary Antioxidants are compounds that may help delay or even prevent cell damage in the body.

Share on Pinterest. Dark chocolate. Red cabbage. Share on Pinterest Research has shown that pinto beans could help in suppressing certain types of cancer.

Purple or red grapes. Orange vegetables. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. We avoid using tertiary references.

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Latest news Ovarian tissue freezing may help delay, and even prevent menopause. RSV vaccine errors in babies, pregnant people: Should you be worried? Scientists discover biological mechanism of hearing loss caused by loud noise — and find a way to prevent it.

How gastric bypass surgery can help with type 2 diabetes remission. Atlantic diet may help prevent metabolic syndrome. Related Coverage. How do free radicals affect the body? Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph. What are the health benefits of dark chocolate?

How can antioxidants benefit our health? Medically reviewed by Natalie Olsen, R. Health benefits of raspberries Medically reviewed by Miho Hatanaka, RDN, LD. How much micronutrients should people be consuming?

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All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions and to ascertain whether the particular therapy, service, product or treatment described on the website is suitable in their circumstances. The State of Victoria and the Department of Health shall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website.

Skip to main content. Healthy eating. Home Healthy eating. Actions for this page Listen Print. Summary Read the full fact sheet. On this page. About oxidation Antioxidants and free radicals The effect of free radicals Disease-fighting antioxidants Sources of antioxidants Vitamin supplements and antioxidants Dietary recommendations for antioxidants Where to get help.

About oxidation The process of oxidation in the human body damages cell membranes and other structures, including cellular proteins, lipids and DNA.

Antioxidants and free radicals Antioxidants are found in certain foods and may prevent some of the damage caused by free radicals by neutralising them. Disease-fighting antioxidants A diet high in antioxidants may reduce the risk of many diseases including heart disease and certain cancers.

Sources of antioxidants Plant foods are rich sources of antioxidants. Also derived from the plants that animals eat. Vitamin supplements and antioxidants There is increasing evidence that antioxidants are more effective when obtained from whole foods, rather than isolated from a food and presented in tablet form.

Dietary recommendations for antioxidants Research is divided over whether antioxidant supplements offer the same health benefits as antioxidants in foods.

To achieve a healthy and well-balanced diet , it is recommended we eat a wide variety from the main 5 food groups every day: vegetables and legumes or beans fruit whole grain foods and cereals lean meat, poultry or alternatives such as fish, eggs, tofu, legumes, nuts and seeds dairy and dairy alternatives — mostly reduced fat reduced fat milk is not recommended for children under 2 years.

Where to get help Your GP doctor Dietitians Australia External Link Tel. Nutrient reference values for Australia and New Zealand External Link , National Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Government.

Australian dietary guidelines External Link , , National Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Government. Antioxidants and cancer prevention External Link , National Cancer Institute, US National Institutes of Health.

How much do we need each day? External Link , , Eat for Health, Australian Government.

Antioxidant potential of Fruits and Vegetables

The amount of total phenolic compounds found in the organic vegetables studied were: 0. A positive correlation was observed between the phenolic amounts and the antioxidant activity in the vegetables studied after, 15, 30 and 60 minutes Figures Figure 1.

Relationship between the antioxidant activity after 15 minutes and total phenolics of the organic vegetables in the study. Figure 2.

Relationship between the antioxidant activity after 30 minutes and total phenolics of the organic vegetables in the study. Figure 3. Relationship between the antioxidant activity after 60 minutes and total phenolics of the organic vegetables in the study.

Broccoli, cabbage and kale are vegetables from the Brassicaceae family, better known as crucifers. Singh et al. They are phenolic compounds in the flavonoids group with excellent in vitro and in vivo antioxidant potential. In this study, the kale also presented higher amounts of total phenolic compounds and high antioxidant capacity.

The antioxidant capacity obtained by the DPPH method showed greater expression on the organic broccoli and kale and lower expression on the organic cabbage and carrot; however they all showed a positive correlation with the polyphenols amounts, also greater in kale and broccoli.

In view of what was exposed, added to the results obtained, it is possible to assert that the organic vegetables evaluated can contribute to the dietary input of antioxidant compounds.

However, phenol profile could be done in the future research because it was not studied in this paper. The authors are thankful to FAPERJ Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro for the financial support. and Fialho, E. Food Research International, 42, and Antunes, L.

Revista de Nutrição, Campinas, 12, and Schaich, K. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 53, and David, J. Química Nova, 29, and Ferreira, S. Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, 53, and Romo, F. Archivos Latino Americanos de Nutrición, 61, Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, Proceedings of the 57th World Health Assembly, 22 May , WHO, Geneva.

Pesquisa de orçamentos familiares Análise do consumo alimentar pessoal no Brasil. IBGE, Coordenação de Trabalho e Rendimento, Rio de Janeiro, p. Regulamenta a Lei no Diário Oficial da União, Brasília. Lei no Dispõe sobre a agricultura orgânica e dá outras providências.

and Prescott, J. Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition, 42, and Kaffka, S. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55, and Van Camp, J. British Food Journal, , and Uauy, R. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 90, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 44, and Berset, C.

LWT—Food Science and Technology, 28, and Saura-Calixto, F. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 76, CO; [ 20 ] Prior, R.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53, and Vieira Jr. Química Nova, 30, and Bhat, T. Food Chemistry, , and Chaudhury, N. Comunicado Técnico , EMBRAPA Agroindústria Tropical, Fortaleza, CE July [ 25 ] Swain, T.

and Hillis, W. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 10, and Mancini-Filho, J. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, , CO;2-K [ 27 ] Quettier-Deleu, C. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 72, and Rossi, J. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 16, and Nascimento, R.

Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 26, and Rodriguez-Amaya, D. and Day, L. and Rai, M. Scientia Horticulturae, , Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 20, Alimentos e Nutrição, 19, This work and the related PDF file are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. Login 切换导航.

Home Articles Journals Books News About Services Submit. Home Journals Article. Total Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Organic Vegetables Consumed in Brazil.

DOI: Abstract Organic olericulture differs from conventional agriculture due to the absence of pesticide, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, some food additives and ionizing radiation, producing vegetables with a different chemical composition and with different amounts of bioactive compounds.

Keywords Organic Food , Bioactive Compounds , Vegetables , Antioxidant , DPPH. Share and Cite:. Ferreira, V. and Srur, A. Food and Nutrition Sciences , 6 , doi: Introduction Food of plant origin, especially vegetables, is the source of vitamins, minerals, fibers, carbohydrates and bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, a group of phytochemicals acknowledged as the most plentiful in our diet [1].

Material and Methods The samples were randomly harvested in farms, from to , in crop growing farms, at the beginning, center and end regions of the beds, totalizing five harvests and three batches for each vegetable in each harvest.

Antioxidant Activity through the DPPH Radical Scavenging Process The DPPH method is based on the capture of the purple colored DPPH radical 2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl , which absorbs at nm. The tests were performed in triplicate and based on the data obtained the percentage of DPPH consumed was calculated, with the help of Equation 1 : 1 2.

Content of Total Phenolic Compounds The phenolic compounds standard curve was constructed with gallic acid Sigma-Aldrich, Germany. Antioxidants are valuable ingredients present in vegetables. This is the reason why an adequate consumption of vegetables has been linked with reduced risk and protection against various chronic diseases.

Notably, each vegetable belongs to a group that contains a unique quantity of phytochemical compounds, which distinguish them from other groups and even within their group. The exact mechanisms by which the consumption of vegetables protects against human diseases are yet to be fully understood.

However, the phytochemicals present in vegetables could be responsible for attenuating some of them. These phytochemicals are strong antioxidants that reduce the risk of chronic diseases by mounting resistance against the generation of free radicals and their damage. They are also involved in the modification of metabolic activation, detoxification of carcinogenic compounds, or attack of tumour formation in cells.

This review highlights the inherent antioxidant potentials of vegetables, their roles as an excellent source of antioxidants and their impact on human health and diseases. Information provided in this review will provide more insight into the roles of antioxidants present in vegetables.

The resultant effect of this type of diet with physical inactivity is the development of diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cancer [ 1 ]. Vegetables are large class of plants serving numerous purposes in the medicine, food and beverage industry.

Their leaves, stems, seeds and flowers are useful for feeding, as flavours and colourants. They are plants of great importance in our diet. They are protective foods that are of great benefit in maintaining good health, building and repairing the body and preventing diseases because of the large number of essential nutrients they contain.

They are rich in antioxidants like carotenoids, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, folic acid and minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus, phenolic compounds, proanthocyanidins, vitamins and saponins [ 3 ].

These phytochemicals exhibit multiple biological effects such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-cancer activities.

Particularly, the antioxidative activity of phenolic compounds is highly recognised and this is attributed to their chain-breaking and free radical scavenging abilities, which remove free radical intermediates, thereby offering protection against the production of reactive oxygen species [ 3 ].

Excessive production of reactive oxygen species ROS can cause oxidative damage to biological macromolecules such as nucleic acids and proteins [ 4 ]. In rural areas, vegetables form an integral component of the food and nutrition of the local population as they are traditionally reckoned for their medicinal, therapeutic and nutritional values since time immemorial.

They are either consumed as raw or cooked as traditional delicacies and the sales from the surplus of these vegetables serve as an additional income to many families. Moreover, to this set of population, vegetable consumption gives variety to their food and add flavours to the diet.

It is rich in various nutritive elements and can make up for the dietary shortfalls of vitamins and minerals necessary for the human diet. Generally, malnutrition and food shortages are prevalent among the rural population.

Thus, the cultivation of vegetables will contribute to increased food production, balanced nutrition, food and health security and poverty eradication for them. Study revealed that before the nineteenth century, there has been a particular interest in vegetables and herbs because of the beneficial effects of phytochemicals present in them [ 5 ].

They were being used for therapeutic purposes until synthetic drugs were developed. Their consumption has drawn great attention due to the discovery of the fact that, their regular intake has an alliance with declined rates of heart diseases, cancers, diabetes, and other degenerative diseases.

Protection that vegetable offer has been ascribed to the presence of antioxidative compounds such as α- tocopherol, ascorbic acid [ 6 ] and phytochemicals like carotenoids, flavonoids, lycopene, phenolics and β-carotene [ 7 , 8 , 9 ]. These compounds are free radical scavengers, hydrogen-donating compounds, metal ion chelators with ability to inhibit generation of free radicals and reactive oxygen species ROS [ 10 ].

Thus, this review draws attention to the bioactive compounds present in our vegetables, their biological importance and elucidation of their roles in disease prevention and health.

Antioxidants are defined as substances which when present at low concentration compared to those of an oxidizable substrate [ 11 ], significantly delay or prevent the oxidation of that substrate. Some of the mechanisms of action of antioxidants involve prevention of lipid peroxidation, oxidative damage to membranes, glycation of proteins and inactivation of enzymes caused by free radicals.

Oxidative stress can arise due to the generation of ROS including free radicals and non-free radicals. Evidences have shown that they have roles in the development of several diseased conditions such as lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation, DNA damage and cellular degeneration [ 12 , 13 ].

Normally, during cellular metabolism, free radicals and other reactive oxygen species are continuously released in the body. They can also be produced from sources such as drugs, food, exhausts and other pollution from the environment.

Organisms are endued with endogenous and exogenous antioxidant defence systems against free radical generation. However, when free radical produced in the body overwhelms the antioxidant system, oxidative stress ensues. This has implications in the aetiology of several pathological conditions [ 14 ].

This is the reason for the special attention being given to the use of antioxidants especially of natural origin. Antioxidant phytochemicals have been recognised for the role they play in the prevention and management of chronic diseases [ 15 ].

Phytochemicals are proven to have antioxidant capacities in humans. Consumption of vegetables with high contents of these compounds is liable to raise the antioxidant capacity of the body system.

For instance, serum total antioxidant capacity was found to be elevated significantly following the consumption of spinach in elderly women [ 16 ]. Further, a study has also supported a significant increase in antioxidant capacity caused by the daily consumption of 10 servings of fruit and vegetables for a period of 15 days [ 17 ].

Given the growing prospect observed in these phytochemicals, there is a need to identify and quantify them, elucidate their mechanisms of action and assess their potential health benefits. This information could serve as a basis for intervention strategies. The phytochemical content of some vegetables like Broccoli, Brussels sprout, green cabbage have been revealed [ 18 ].

However, some factors such as level of growth, handling during post harvesting, and processing could contribute to the significant variation that sometimes occur in structure and function of phytochemicals from vegetable to vegetable [ 19 ].

Vegetables such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cress, pea, spinach, spring onion, and sweet peppers are reported to be rich in ascorbic acid [ 20 ].

Furthermore, the structure can influence the antioxidant capability of a phytochemical in vegetables. For instance, the antioxidant properties of flavonoids depend on their C-ring structure.

Flavonoids like rutin and luteolin with full substituted C-ring and an ether bonded with three oxygen display superior free radical scavenging capacity and higher reaction rate when compared to flavonoids that lack one or more C ring structural elements. Also, individual phenolic units in vegetables have been found to show better antioxidant activity than total phenolics.

These structural features are shown in the benzene rings of flavonoids as shown in Figure 2. The antioxidant ability centre of phenolic acids is in the phenolic hydroxyl group, such that the positioning of phenolic hydroxyls is directly related to their antioxidant activity [ 22 ].

Free radical scavenging of flavonoids where R is the radical and Fl-OH is the flavonoid. Structural characteristics of flavonoids with high antioxidant activity; presence of hydroxyl groups and double bonds circled in the benzene rings.

The impartation of colours is also an important factor in the antioxidative activity of phytochemicals in vegetables Table 1. It is said to be directly related to the pigment content such as carotene, phytoene, chlorophyll, lycopene and anthocyanin, and their relative quantities at different maturity stages.

It is an important trait that largely reflects quality, type of phytochemical as well as antioxidant activity [ 30 ]. Jaganath and Crozier [ 31 ] inferred that colour difference as observed in vegetables and fruits is an indication of accumulation of phytochemicals such as flavonoids and carotenoids.

Red pigment conferred on red bell peppers is linked to a large content of lycopene, a member of the carotenoid family, localised in the prostate gland. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that has a connection with lessened risk of some cancers, especially prostate cancer [ 23 ], and protection against heart attacks.

The yellow or orange colouration noticed in vegetables such as spinach, sweet potatoes and carrots represents produce rich in both α and β-carotene. They are also members of the carotenoid family where β-carotene can be converted to vitamin A in the body, a nutrient that plays a crucial role in vision.

The mechanism involves the cleavage of β-carotene into two molecules of vitamin A which is then converted to II-cis-retinal and thereafter combines with opsin to form a protein called rhodopsin.

When light hits the rods, metarhodopsin is produced [ 24 ]. Beta-carotenes in vegetables are also involved in improving immune function, skin and bone health as well as prevention of cancer [ 25 ]. Generally, the protective effect of vegetables has been credited to their antioxidant components.

Antioxidants prolong the onset of free radical generation due to their capacity to supply hydrogen atoms or chelate metals implicated in ROS formation [ 18 ]. The mode of operation by which antioxidants negate the influence of free radicals involves various mechanisms among which is the termination of the free radicals [ 32 ] and post-modification of resultant bioactive compounds during metabolism [ 33 ].

Cells can respond to the effect of antioxidant phytochemicals by interacting with receptors and enzymes involved in signal transduction, or through modification of gene expressions that may affect the redox status of the cell and subsequent induction of series of redox-dependent reactions [ 34 ].

Reference [ 34 ] also presented an evolving evidence that phytochemicals like flavonoids may participate in the modulation of intracellular signalling cascades.

Intracellular signalling pathways serve as major avenues of connection between the plasma membrane and regulatory targets in various intracellular compartments [ 35 ]. This signalling process also leads to the activation of protein kinases by phosphorylation, and then affects the activity of transcription factors that regulates gene expression [ 36 ].

Ruiz et al. Phytochemicals can modulate effects in cells through selective actions on different components of the signalling cascades.

One of the mechanisms utilised by carotenoids is inhibition of the oxidation initiated by singlet oxygen. Flavonoids possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties. Apigenin is a flavone found in parsley and celery. Kaempferol, a flavonol present in broccoli suppresses the inflammatory activities of inducible nitric oxide synthase iNOS and COX-2 by blocking signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 STAT-1 , NF- κ B, and activator protein 1 AP-1 signalling pathways as observed in activated macrophages and human endothelial cells [ 39 ].

Quercetin, known to be present in green leafy vegetables, onions and broccoli, exerts its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities by inhibiting the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines [ 40 ] and suppressing tumour necrosis factor TNF-induced NF- κ B Figure 3 [ 41 ].

Furthermore, it can also regulate lipid profile thereby reducing glycaemia through the inhibition of 11 β -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 [ 42 ]. Mechanism of inhibition of inflammation and oxidative stress by phytochemicals in vegetables.

Lycopene, a carotenoid present in tomatoes, diminishes inflammatory response by reducing the gene expressions of iNOS and COX-2 [ 43 ] as well as IL production.

This is achieved by obstructing mitogen-activated protein kinase MAPK signalling and the activation of NF- κ B [ 44 ]. Moreover, β -carotene in green-coloured leafy vegetables prevents the genetic expressions of LPS-induced iNOS, COX-2, and TNF-α by reducing phosphorylation and degradation of I-kappa B-related protein I κ BR and nuclear translocation of NF- κ B in macrophages [ 45 ].

Lutein, known for its yellow pigmentation in leafy vegetables such as spinach was discovered to have the ability to repress LPS- and hydrogen peroxide-induced pro-inflammatory gene expression by diminishing the activities of PI3K and NF- κ B inducing kinase NIK and phosphorylation of Akt [ 46 ].

There are thousands of species of plants used as vegetables globally. Classification of these species can be done by taking into considerations some common features such as the part of the plant used for nutrition and the specific nutritional value. A summary of the health benefits of vegetables described below and their antioxidants content are displayed in Table 2.

Lettuce Lactuca sativa L. is from the Asteraceae Compositae family. It is a vegetable that is extensively cultivated globally, commonly consumed fresh and as one of the salad ingredients owing to its health-promoting effects [ 68 ]. It comes in different textures, colours, leaf shapes and in a wide variety of head formations.

According to Mou [ 69 ], it is classified into six major types which are butterhead, Cos or Romaine, Crisphead, Leaf or Cutting, Stalk or Stem, and Latin. lettuce is known to be a great source of flavonoids and vitamin B9. However, genetic composition has a great influence on the determination of synthesis and bioaccumulation of carotenoids, chlorophylls, vitamin E, phenolic compounds, vitamin C and antioxidant molecules [ 73 ].

Vitamins are vital micronutrients present in lettuce and have been implicated in the reduction of certain diseases such as cardiovascular and degenerative diseases [ 74 ]. Variations in the amount of vitamins found in lettuce may depend on leaf type, colouration and butterhead.

Romaine lettuces have been particularly found to be good sources of folate [ 70 ], with green lettuce having the highest vitamin C concentration [ 75 ]. Report given about these two carotenoids that they were remarkably and positively correlated with chlorophyll a and b as well as with total chlorophyll content was found to be quite contrary to the findings of [ 77 ] who argued that the content of these carotenoids may not correlate with leaf green pigmentation, since the contents of carotenoids seemed to be lower in green compared to red-pigmented lettuce.

This contradictory opinion may suggest that the content in carotenoids may not be consistently and outrightly related to leaf pigmentation [ 78 ].

Nevertheless, the frequent consumption of carotenoids-rich lettuce has been linked with a reduction in the occurrence of chronic diseases such as certain types of cancer lung, prostate, and colon , heart disease and vision impairment [ 47 ].

Further, many researchers also reported variation in the content of the secondary metabolites present in lettuce with respect to the genotypes and leaf colours [ 79 ].

These cyanidin derivatives possess antioxidant activities against lipid peroxidation and cyclooxygenase activity. The significance of leaf pigmentation was further accentuated by [ 78 ] in their study where leaf pigmentation was found to correlate with the concentration of phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, and anthocyanins.

For instance, the total phenolic content in red butterhead, red leaf and red romaine lettuces was higher than the green counterparts [ 81 , 82 ]. The red colour of lettuce has been associated with a high level of total phenolics, popular for imparting a higher antioxidant activity than vitamins C and E [ 83 ].

The health benefits of red-pigmented lettuce have been highlighted in an in vivo study done by Lee et al. The results indicated that total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein LDL were reduced, thus underscoring the prospects of red-pigmented lettuce consumption against cardiovascular disease.

Similarly, a study carried out by [ 84 ] demonstrated that rats fed with red oak-leaf lettuce reduced appreciably LDL and cholesterol levels. Also, the new cultivar B-2 of red-pigmented lettuce, characterised by a high concentration of flavones, anthocyanins and phenolic acids has been reported by [ 80 ] to contribute to decline in diseases caused by oxidative stress, leading to anti-tumour activities against some cancer cell lines.

Based on the above considerations, clinical studies have validated the inherent benefits of frequent consumption of fresh lettuce, in particular the red-pigmented varieties.

This category of vegetable was formerly referred to as cruciferous vegetables and it includes a broad range of species with promising health-benefitting properties. These species include kale, pack Choi, mizuna, watercress, wild and salad rocket DC and Eruca vesicaria [L. They are rich sources of phytochemicals [ 49 ], vitamins C, E and K, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds.

Genetic factor has been considered as a factor that influences and modulates the biosynthesis and accumulation of phytochemicals in Brassica leafy vegetables [ 49 ].

Variations in the amount of phytochemicals have been observed in a comparative study of antioxidant molecules involving four Brassica leafy vegetables [ 85 ]. Watercress showed the highest polyphenol and vitamin C content, while salad and wild rocket showed high concentrations of kaempferol and quercetin derivatives.

Mizuna displayed remarkable concentrations of isorhamnetin and sinapic acid [ 85 ]. The potential value of salad Brassica leafy vegetables as dietary sources of antioxidants has been highlighted.

Its positive effects against type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases have been affirmed. Brassica leafy vegetables, in particular kale, are considered as a valuable source of carotenoids such as lutein and β-carotene as well as chlorophyll a and b.

During the analysis to determine the concentrations of carotenoid of 33 kale cultivars, zeaxanthin was the most abundant carotenoid in 21 cultivars. American and hybrid cultivars were shown to have high concentrations of zeaxanthin, while German landraces, German commercial varieties, Italian, and red-coloured kale varieties exhibited high concentrations of chlorophyll a and b [ 86 ].

Coloured Brassica leafy vegetables like violet kale or pack Choi containing anthocyanins have taken the attention of nutritionists and horticulturists. The phytochemical concentrations in pack Choi are dependent on the particular colour. Aiyeloja and Bello [ 87 ] observed that red pack Choi produced higher concentrations of total flavonoids, total phenolic compounds, glucosinolates, carotenoids and anthocyanins than its green counterpart.

Regular intake of leafy vegetables containing anthocyanin could contribute to prevention of various liver diseases, reduction in susceptibility to cancer of the colon and oxidative stress [ 50 ]. Vernonia amygdalina from Asteraceae family is popularly known as the bitter leaf in English. Its petiolate leaves of are about 6 mm in diameter and elliptic in shape.

The green leaves have a characteristic bitter taste [ 88 ]. They are well distributed in tropical Africa and Asia. The leaves of VA serve as condiments in soup after being washed or boiled to remove the bitter taste. In folk medicine.

It has a long history of being used in the treatment of malaria fever and cough [ 51 ]. In traditional medicine, many practitioners make use of the different parts of the plants for the treatment of antihelminth, antimalaria [ 89 ].

Many others use the aqueous extract got from the leaves as a tonic, an appetiser and for wound healing [ 90 ]. Traditional birth attendants from Malawia and Uganda find it useful in aiding removal of the placenta after birth, post-pertum uterine contraction, induction of breast milk production and management of postpartum haemorrhage.

The local use of VA in various parts of Africa for treatment of several ailments and general well-being has been backed up scientifically. Antidiabetic potential of the aqueous extract of VA in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats has been reported [ 52 ].

This can occur via scavenging of the reactive oxygen species or by promoting the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes [ 91 ] which can subsequently lead to reduction in oxidative stress.

Reference [ 88 ] described the antidiabetic effect of VA when combined with another vegetable named Gongronema latifolium , on the pancreatic β — cells of rats induced with streptozotocin.

The animals administered with the extracts were observed to gain body weight as compared to weight loss experienced in the diabetic group. Further, blood glucose level significantly declined after 28 days of treatment with the combined extracts.

Regeneration of islets cells was believed to be the explanation as this would induce a rise in insulin production and secretion [ 92 ]. Active ingredients such as flavonoids are believed to be present in VA [ 44 ] which may be responsible for their potentials in altering pancreatic damage initiated by streptozotocin or alloxan in experimental animals.

In addition, the bitter principle of VA may also be responsible for insulin production, stimulation and release of pancreatic islets from the beta-cells [ 93 ].

Likewise, tannin, flavonoids glycosides and phytosterols of this plant could also inhibit the action of alpha-glucosidase inhibitor which may have contributed to the hypoglycemic effect being exhibited by this plant.

VA is increasingly becoming a powerful and strong challenger for cancer management as coumarins, flavonoids, sesquiterpene lactones have been implicated as the active principles in VA that may be responsible for its anticancer activity [ 94 ]. Aqueous extracts of VA was found to exhibit a cytostatic action on cultured human breast tumour cells MCF-7 growth in vitro implying its tumour stabilisation and protective effects in vivo [ 94 ].

Its potential effects in inhibiting DNA synthesis even at physiological concentrations have been demonstrated in cancer cells [ 95 ]. Its hexane, chloroform, butanol and ethylacetate fractions were found to be capable of inhibiting the growth of human breast cancer cells even at concentrations as low as 0.

Other findings have established the usefulness of VA and its biopeptides derived from the aqueous extracts of its leaves against cancer via apoptotic mitogen-activated protein kinases and signal transduction pathways [ 96 ].

occidentalis TO commonly called fluted pumpkin is from the family: Cucurbitaceae. It is a popular vegetable that occurs in the forest zone of West and Central Africa. It is a perennial vine, growing to 10 m or more in length with its stems having branching tendrils and the leaves divided into 3—5 leaflets.

The leaf is widely consumed due to its diverse benefits. The young succulent shoots and leaves are consumed as vegetables in the eastern part of Nigeria.

Its herbal preparation has been applied in treating anaemia, malaria convulsion, gastrointestinal disorders [ 54 ]. Also, in addition to its nutritional value, this vegetable has agricultural and industrial importance [ 97 ].

Some scientific researchers have discovered its free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties. The leaves are rich in ascorbic acid and phenols [ 97 ]. Utilisation of the leaves in folk medicine in the treatment of some diseases in which the involvement of generation of free radicals have been implicated could be as a result of the antioxidative and radical scavenging ability [ 98 ].

Kim et al. The chemical composition of TO shows vitamin A and C as part of its constituents which are well-known antioxidants and capable of scavenging free radicals [ 99 ].

They are well-established haemopoietic factors that have a direct impact on blood production in the bone marrow.

Amino acids are also derived from TO and could also be useful in production of the globin component of the haemoglobin, contributing to elevation in haemoglobin concentration. The leaf extract has also been documented to have the ability to improve sperm parameters which can assist in improving sperm quality [ 56 ].

Some of its active ingredients possess spermatogenic activities. Therefore, the leaves may be very applicable in the treatment and management of infertility especially those linked with a reduction in sperm performance.

The anti-anaemic potentials of the aqueous extract of leaves against phenyl hydrazine-induced anaemia in rabbits have been investigated [ ]. The finding revealed that the leaves are notably rich in iron and play a major role in curing anaemia.

Ocimum basilicum and Ocimum gratissimum are known for the management of different diseases in Africa. They belong to the Lamiaceae family.

The leaves can be petiolate or sessile and most times toothed at the margin. The leaf of O. gratissimum or even the whole plant is a well-known remedy for diarrhoea and other diseases [ ]. In folklore medicine, O.

basilicum basil is a medicinal plant used for various ailments, such as cough, diarrhoea, headaches, constipation and kidney malfunction. Its oil commonly referred to as basil oil contains camphor with antibacterial properties. The vapour of the boiling leaves can be inhaled by people with catarrh and colds while the leaves may be rubbed between the palms and sniffed for treatment of a cold.

olitorius Linn is a leafy vegetable belonging to the family Tiliaceae. The plant is characterised by the viscosity of its leaves which usually forms a thick viscous soup after being cooked and can be added to stew or soup. The leaves are rich sources of vitamin and minerals.

In folklore medicine, the leaf extract is employed in the treatment of pain, fever, gonorrhoea and tumour. It is rich in minerals, vitamins B1, B2, C and E, carotenoids, [ 57 ].

The leaves are also used as a blood purifier [ 58 ] while the cold leaf extract infusion is consumed to restore appetite and strength and the leaves are used for treating fever, tumours, gonorrhoea and piles [ ]. The hepatoprotective effect of the ethanolic extracts against carbontetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats has been studied [ ].

The extracts produced a significant hepatoprotective effect by reducing the levels of liver function enzymes and lipid peroxidation. Some of the phenolic antioxidants in the leaves are 3, 5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, quercetin 3-galactoside, phenolic [5-caffeoylquinic acid chlorogenic acid , quercetin 3- 6-malonylglucoside , quercetin 3-glucoside, and quercetin 3- 6-malonylgalactoside.

Gongronema latifolium commonly known as the amaranth globe is from Asclepiadaceae family. It is a tropical rainforest plant in Nigeria, used as spice and vegetable in traditional folk medicine [ ]. It has a sharp-bitter, sweet taste. Useful in making sauces, preparation of salads and soup.

In West Africa, it is widely used for nutritional and medicinal purposes. The aerial parts can be prepared as an infusion to treat malaria, intestinal worms, cough and dysentery. It can be taken as a tonic to address the loss of appetite. The decoction made from its stem with lime juice is taken to treat stomach-ache, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Senegal and Ghana believed that the leaves when rubbed on the joints of small children could assist them to walk. The latex is applied to teeth affected by caries, used in weight loss in lactating women and for general health management.

A decoction of the roots, combined with other plant species, is utilised in the treatment of sickle cell anaemia. The leaves, when macerated in alcohol is used to treat bilharzia and hepatitis [ ]. Screening of Gongronema latifolium vegetable revealed the presence of phytochemicals such as alkaloids, tannins, glycosides, polyphenols, saponins and flavonoids [ ].

Its antidiabetic properties have been revealed in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats during the oral administration of its aqueous and ethanolic extracts [ ]. Its antibacterial activity and ability to maintain healthy blood glucose level has been documented.

Gongronema latifolium is a vegetable with pool of antioxidants with capability to prevent and treat many diseases. Alliums vegetables belong to the Alliaceae family and they include garlic, onion, leek, chive, welsh onion, among others.

Alliums are very rich in thiosulphides, which have an association with the reduction of various chronic diseases. Variations in the total thiosulphide content among alliums, even when grown under identical conditions have been reported [ ].

The report revealed that, the total thiosulphide contents in green onion leaves, chive, and onion bulbs were found to be 0. Even, the type of thiosulphides in these vegetables were found to also vary. Flavonoids such as anthocyanins and flavonols like quercetin and kaempferol are found to be present in red onions and yellow fresh cultivars respectively.

Onion and garlic can acquire selenium if they are cultivated in soils rich in selenium, in the form of selenocysteine and seleno-proteins. This led to the proposal by [ ] that selenium-enriched garlic and onion could provide a safe efficient delivery system of selenium into the body for cancer prevention [ ].

Onions are also good source of chromium relevant in diabetes prevention. The mechanism appears to be through the potentiation of insulin receptor kinases [ 29 ].

A lot of clinical studies have demonstrated the ability of chromium to regulate fasting blood glucose levels, which can lead to improved glucose tolerance, decreased insulin levels and improved lipid profile levels in diabetic patients. Onions are also rich source of dietary fibres like inulin with varying degrees of health benefits [ ].

Its prebiotic properties are reflected in its preference fermentation by beneficial bowel bacteria like Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria , thereby changing the bacterial microflora of the intestine to make pathogenic, or disease-causing bacteria less abundant [ 59 ].

Fructans are abundant in onions and they are excellent supporters of the growth of beneficial bacteria [ 60 ]. In addition, fructans facilitate absorption of calcium and this could serve a useful purpose in the prevention of osteoporosis [ ].

Diets high in fructans have also been associated with a decrease in the levels of lipid and blood glucose profiles glucose [ ]. Antidiabetic potentials and antihyperglycemic effects of onions have been demonstrated [ ].

The therapeutic merit and positive impact of onions, garlic and other Allium vegetables have been further confirmed in various epidemiological studies carried out where their consumption has been found to delay the growth of a broad spectrum of cancers.

Consumption of onions has been linked to reduced incidence of stomach and intestine cancers [ 61 ] and reduction in mortality due to prostate cancer [ ]. Routine intake of garlic has been linked with a decline in the occurrence of preneoplastic lesions in individuals infected by Helicobacter pylori [ ].

It is also involved in reduction in the risk for colorectal and prostate cancers. Presumably, some garlic constituents can inhibit tumour initiation through deactivation and elimination of pro-carcinogens [ ].

Some studies presented the ability of onion extracts to inhibit mutation [ ], reduce multiplication process of cancer cells [ ] and risks for cardiovascular diseases [ ], which are effects being attributed to the presence of bioactive molecules such as quercetin Table 3.

Carrot is an important root vegetable belonging to the family Apiaceae, rich in flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin C and vitamin E. It is a coloured vegetable with a gold mine of antioxidants such as carotenoids, polyphenols and vitamins which can function as antioxidants, anticarcinogens and immune enhancers.

Carotenoids especially the ones present in orange carrots, are potent antioxidants with capacity to neutralise the toxic effect of free radicals, inhibit mutagenesis to decrease the risk of some cancers.

The importance of carotenoids in lowering blood glucose level has been identified in a study where high blood glucose levels were observed in some participants with low level of carotenoids. Carotenoid level can decrease in response to severity of glucose intolerance.

This suggests the impact that carrot and vitamin A-rich carotenoids could have on diabetics in the management of their condition [ 62 ]. Tomato is a widely grown vegetable that is globally consumed. It can be consumed fresh or in its processed forms.

The phytochemical constituents in tomatoes are carotenoids, lycopene, phytoene, neurosporene, and carotenes [ ]. It has been revealed that tomatoes and tomato-enriched foods are the richest sources of lycopene in the world.

Also, an appreciable amount of α -, β -, γ -, δ -carotene is found in tomatoes [ ]. Tomato is also a remarkable source of ascorbic acid, potassium [ 67 ], lutein, tocopherols and flavonoids [ 63 ].

The cultivar and culture have been proved to have a great influence on the flavonoid content. For instance, cherry tomatoes notably have a flavonoid content that is higher than standard tomato cultivars while the field-grown have higher flavonoid content than the greenhouse-grown [ ].

Findings on different cancers relative to lycopene and tomato intake showed a great reduction in prostate cancer risk and an increased apoptotic cell death in carcinomas [ 64 ]. People subjected to diets rich in tomato and tomato-based products with high lycopene content, were found to unlikely develop stomach and rectal cancers when compared to those who consumed a lower amount of lycopene-rich vegetables [ 65 ].

The antioxidant properties of tomatoes have been described. Its daily consumption for an average of 2—4 weeks elevates the antioxidant defence system and reduces susceptibility to lipid peroxidation [ ] as oxidative modification of low-density lipoproteins is key to developing atherosclerosis.

Comparative studies [ ] in healthy individuals and people with type 2 diabetes, showed reduced vulnerability to lipid peroxidation [ ] after daily intake of tomatoes or tomato juice. Possible anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic and lipid-lowering effects of tomatoes and their products have also been investigated where an aqueous extract from tomatoes demonstrated antiplatelet activity in vitro [ ].

In humans, research shows remarkable deductions in ex vivo platelet aggregation a few hours after supplementation with tomato extract [ ]. Peppers are always available in a beautiful array of colours and shapes.

They contribute to the flavour and colourful appearances of our dishes. Fresh peppers are excellent sources of vitamins in form of C, K , carotenoids and flavonoids quercetin and luteolin [ ].

Vitamins A and C are involved in the prevention of cancer, age-related diseases, reduction of inflammation and they support immune function. Vitamin K improves blood clotting, bone formation, and protects the cells against oxidative damage.

Red peppers are rich in lycopene, a phytochemical commonly known for preventing prostate cancer and cancers of the bladder, cervix, and pancreas. The nutrient content of bell peppers varies with colour as studies have shown that red coloured bell peppers have significantly higher amount of nutrients than the green counterpart.

Their role in prevention of blood clot formation and reduction in the risk of heart attacks and strokes could probably be due to vitamin C, capsaicin, and flavonoids content. Hot peppers are known for their spiciness.

The major phytochemicals identified in hot peppers are capsaicinoids. The hotness or heat experienced in the taste bud from hot peppers comes from capsaicin. It relays this sensation by acting on pain receptors in the mouth. It can lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides levels, boost immunity, and reduce the risk of stomach ulcer.

Capsaicin also possesses analgesic, anti-bacterial, and anti- diabetic properties. Capsaicin is included in many commercial formulations for the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy, rheumatoid-arthritis, muscle pains, aches in the tooth and gastric ulceration [ ].

The levels of vitamins and minerals present in chilli hot peppers are amazingly high. They are rich in vitamins such as niacin, pyridoxine vitamin B6 , riboflavin and thiamin vitamin B1 and minerals like manganese, iron, potassium, and magnesium.

It is pertinent to note that, potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids, useful in controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese serves as a co-factor for superoxide dismutase.

This experience can contribute to losing extra calories and weight loss. Eggplant is a very common and popular vegetable grown in many countries. It is grown in the subtropics, tropics and Mediterranean areas because of its demand for a long season of warm weather to produce good yields.

Eggplant contains phenolic compounds such as caffeic, chlorogenic acid and flavonoids. Chlorogenic acid is a notable phenolic compound found in all eggplant cultivars with potent free radical scavenging activity [ ]. Some of the benefits attributed to chlorogenic acid include antimicrobial, antiviral and anticancer activities.

In addition to their nutritional potentials, these phenolic acids found in eggplant are accountable for the bitter taste that comes from the flesh when cut.

Breeders have already started working on the development of eggplant cultivars that will give and ensure a balance of optimal nutritional value and pleasant taste. There are other antioxidants such as lycopene, lutein, α -carotene, myricetin and kaempferol present in eggplant [ ].

This is also depicted in Tables 2 and 3. Eggplant is a good source of dietary fibre and bone-building manganese and vitamin K that can support digestion and bone-building respectively. It is also an excellent source of molybdenum and potassium, copper, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, and niacin [ ].

Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of eggplant in controlling the level of high blood cholesterol [ 66 ]. This was shown in a clinical study, where volunteers were fed with eggplant powder and a significant decrease in blood-lipid profile levels was observed [ ].

Its relevance in inhibition of invasion of human fibrosarcoma HT cell, type 2 diabetes and hypertension has been revealed [ 67 ]. Chronic diseases are the principal causes of death. Excessive production of reactive oxygen species has been identified to be responsible for the pathogenesis of many of these chronic diseases.

Regular intake of diet rich in vegetables has a favourable impact and indisputable positive effects on human health and offers the human body protection from different chronic diseases.

This review contributed to the body of evidence that supported the biomedical importance of regular consumption of antioxidant-rich vegetables. This antioxidant property of vegetables has been linked to the presence of phytochemical compounds contained in them. Therefore, the antioxidant constituents may be responsible for the mechanism by which vegetables decrease the risk of diseases by directly quenching free radicals, altering gene expressions or indirectly participating in cellular signalling involved in redox balance.

In order to get all the health benefits inherent in diet-rich vegetables, it is recommended to consume a great diversity of vegetables to ensure the delivery of a unique blend of health-promoting phytonutriceuticals.

Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3. Edited by Ertan Yildirim. Open access peer-reviewed chapter Antioxidant-Rich Vegetables: Impact on Human Health Written By Anne Adebukola Adeyanju, Omolola Rebecca Oyenihi and Oluwafemi Omoniyi Oguntibeju.

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Abstract Antioxidants are valuable ingredients present in vegetables. Keywords antioxidant vegetable phytochemical disease free radical. Table 1. Impartation of colours in vegetables and their health benefits.

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Author: Miktilar

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