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Performance optimization plugins

Performance optimization plugins

WP Rocket is well worth exploring if you want optikization speed Appetite control methods plugin that does Performance optimization plugins Weight control strategies. Revert Perfogmance back to Appetite control methods original in one Appetite control methods. You can olugins both but pplugins they overlap in features, you Optimizatino only lptimization Performance optimization plugins setting in 1 plugin. This means that if your website is fast, it will have more possibilities of being among the first results of Google. The plugin helps in loading the specific elements of the page when a visitor hits your website providing you the less loading time by replacing your YouTube iFrames with preview thumbnails. LiteSpeed Cache. Asset CleanUp helps to optimize the performance of a website by controlling which CSS and JavaScript files are loaded on each page.

Performance optimization plugins -

We selected WP due to the overall framework and support it provides over. Same with my time — learning is fun. Feature implementations can be handled in subdomains permitting solid design to support the feature. Much rather spend the time with solid design and implementation rather than fixing, patching etc.

Part of phase I is rehosting in WP and basic design to replace a static site that has a host of issues. I do not like the idea of a lot of plugins that have to be minimized to be fast.

And I absolutely do not care for the subscription basis for a lot of the paid stuff — a one-time purchase is just fine with me. We are definitely moving to NameHero. BTW, I like their entrepreneur hosting approach — I may burgeon into a third career helping out local small businesses.

So, all that said — looking at GenPress, LiteSpeed, QUIC. cloud, BunnyCDN, and Perfmatters for the architectural foundation. Cloudflare may be in play depending on their pricing model for non-profits. Will be delving into WP YouTube Lyte. Accomplished an initial review of the 50 plugins — and I can see some good uses with some of these.

Greenshift appears to have some nice features but will look at that more later. Speed is critical, but we need to temper highly attractive content features also. You could help me out by educating me on the utilization of aff links.

I will be making purchases described above — and they are all because I found your blog. So please treat me with tenderness and lmk what I need to do to ensure you get the commissions… Thank you Tom.

Regarding the setup GenPress, LiteSpeed Cache, QUIC. cloud, BunnyCDN, Perfmatters, Cloudflare … QUIC. Most aff links have something like? For example, in this review , you can see the first link to GeneratePress has?

I like checking this to see if websites are making commissions because many of them just put the highest commission products first. Your Nitropack comment about cheating is not correct, this turned out to be false long ago.

Even in the link you refer to, it says it is not. Besides that, good job! Great scores, not great speed… a fast site is more important than scores.

I would like to ask something, since I am a new user of wordpress and had my site created like 3 months ago. So my question is, do I really have to own just 1 plug-in installed for cache for example or can i have multiple? Because WP-Optimize looks like it can do most of the things other plug-ins are for, like minify, cache, table optimization, image compression etc.

Is it ok if I have activate other plug-ins as well doing the same things? You can use both but if they overlap in features, you should only enable the setting in 1 plugin. W3 Total Cache has made improvements but still lacks several optimizations.

God bless you again for another informative, in-depth post. Your continuous, mountainous help has brought my page score from a D to a B on a heavy, intensive woocommerce site. So thank you again brother.

You saved my website life tremendously. God bless you 1, folds. I mean that with all my heart! You offer your heart and soul in your blogs. Look into webpagetest Tom. That means a lot and congrats on those amazing results. Yes I know about WebPageTest, need to use it more especially since it got revamped and the design is so much better.

Cheers :. Thanks brother. One other thing. I was testing Guest Mode and Guest Mode optimization on Litespeed cache. My hosting is with wpxhosting and they have Litespeed servers in place. You really need to look into Litespeed cache if your hosts supports it. Guest mode is God mode Tom.

It will create a cache version of your site before your visitor hits the page. It is a new feature they rolled out two weeks ago. Mind you, pagespeed insights are more critical than gtmetrix and webpagetest. All these scores are independent of Guest Mode and Guest Optimization. As soon as I enabled both guest mode options on Litespeed, my score on pagespeed insights jumped to 98 and 99 on mobile and desktop, respectively.

Mind you, getting such a high score on a very voluminous woocommerce site with 40 plus plugins in more than impressive. For your own good, this is the least I can offer for all the free stuff you provide. I am talking to two individuals right now.

I have received more out of them than a full blown team. No long queues. Very active community. I can go on and on Tom as they have more features than any other cache plugin I have come across. As much as I love WP Rocket, they are incomparable to Litespeed.

We all know what happens to Goliath. LOL Anyways. Sorry for the long post. I hope you got some value out of it. Take care and always be safe! God bless Joe. I probably should have sooner, at least to get to know it and write some tutorials if not use it too.

Thanks for all the tips you provided! Really means a lot and you can be in the near future I will be testing it. I have been focusing on YouTube more but will put this as high priority on my list.

Thanks for all your feedback :. Hello there, great post. recommend cloudways? Have you had problems with wordpress or with the loading performance of the website? I have seen some negative reviews of cloudways preventing me from using it.

Yo, I'm Tom. I write about WordPress speed, hosting that's not garbage, and a little SEO. I fall asleep to serial killer documentaries, rap to Eminem, and play way too much Rocket League.

I use affiliate links on this blog and really appreciate your support. I try not to be a sellout and don't use aff links to bad hosts, blackhat cache plugins, and things I wouldn't use myself.

Hosted on Rocket. Welcome to the most complete list of WordPress optimization plugins on the internet. Perfmatters also has this option. Only cache plugin I know that does this. Self-host YouTube placeholders: prevents ytimg.

com requests on video embeds. Lazy load background images: can you use their helper lazy-bg class to do this.

Preload critical images: preloads a set number of images shown above the fold. Host fonts locally: prevent fonts. com requests when using Google Fonts. Fetchpriority: as of writing this, FlyingPress is the only cache plugin I know that supports fetchpriority. This is similar to preload only it can set a priority to images high, low default and can improve LCP by setting your LCP image to high priority.

Key Features Server-side caching: faster than file-based caching done by most cache plugins. UCSS: removes unused CSS through QUIC read the documentation beforehand. Gravatar cache: also one of the only cache plugins which can cache Gravatars.

Crawler: crawls for pages with expired cache and refreshes them use carefully. ESI: control how elements on dynamic pages are cached, but usually not needed.

Free: hands down the best free cache plugin ahead of SG Optimizer and Breeze. Source: Oxygen User Group. Key Features Delay JavaScript. Remove unused CSS used CSS in separate file. Preload critical images same thing in FlyingPress. Browser resource hints preload, prefetch, preconnect.

Limit autosave interval, post revisions, disable XML-RPC. Move wp-login to a custom URL to hide it from bad bots. Host fonts locally, font-display: swap, serve fonts from CDN. Lazy load images, iframes, videos, with multiple other settings. Instant page pages download in background when users hover over a link.

Key Features Remove unused CSS: used CSS is inline which is better for scores but not visitors. Delay JavaScript: automatically delays JavaScript, but no option to add JS files. RocketCDN: uses StackPath which has a slower Tbps compared to similar CDNs like BunnyCDN, is less reliable also removed from cdnperf.

com , and is strictly a CDN with no additional features. Key Features WebP Remove EXIF data Resize to smaller dimensions Convert PNG images to JPEG. Source: WP Speed Matters Facebook Group. What are the best WordPress speed plugins? What are the best FREE WordPress speed plugins? Hi Tom, I only just discovered your website but it has been really helpful to me already.

Anyways, any suggestions are welcome! André Reply. Sorry for the late reply André. Thanks for your comment : Reply. Well I REALLY do appreciate you doing that David.

Thank YOU. Lscache wp caching plugin also works great or speed optimization. For wp speed optimization u can try lscache plugin. Great plugins to optimize speed. We have already used GTMetrix and it is a nice plugin. Hey Tom, God bless you again for another informative, in-depth post. I only use gtmetrix to compare and contrast between the two as a secondary, temporary tool.

Hope you enjoy it and cheers brother! Hey Joe, Thanks! Cheers : Reply. God bless Joe Reply. Thanks for all your feedback : Reply. What negative review are you referring to? Thanks for this huge lists, really helpful Reply.

Leave a Comment Cancel reply Comment Name Email. About Tom I fall asleep to serial killer documentaries, rap to Eminem, and play way too much Rocket League.

Get To Know Me. YouTube Channel. Affiliate Disclaimer I use affiliate links on this blog and really appreciate your support. LiteSpeed Cache. WP Rocket. Super Page Cache for Cloudflare. Flying Pages. Flying Scripts. Flying Analytics. ShortPixel Adaptive Images. WebP Converter for Media. WP YouTube Lyte.

WP Foft Loader. Swap Google Fonts Display. Asset CleanUp. Async JavaScript. Indeed, the cache functionality bypasses most of WordPress code to serve your pre-optimised cached pages directly to your visitor, significantly increasing the speed.

A cache hit occurs when the requested data can be found in a cache, while a cache miss occurs when it cannot. When a user visits a page, WP-Optimize will serve the cached page before WordPress is loaded. You think your site is fast without caching? A caching plugin will make your website even faster.

A faster cached website will increase SEO, it will improve your visitors experience. Yes, your Gutenberg pages will be cached, as well as those created with page builder plugins such as Elementor. Cloudflare , then this line may have been removed.

Another method is to inspect the contents of the directory wpo-cache inside your wp-content directory. For most people, that will be enough. If you run an e-commerce, have a custom login page or any page that has dynamic content, you might want to exclude certain urls from the cache.

See Advanced caching options in our cache documentation to know more on excluding an URL from the cache. my account, cart or checkout pages. Yes, WP-Optimize works with popular multilingual plugins like WPML or Polylang.

No, because both cache plugins would need to use the drop-in plugin advanced-cache. If you turn off caching on WP-Optimize Cache, you can use any other caching plugin and still use the other features of WP-Optimize.

But we do recommend using our caching solution. No special cache configuration is needed. Page caching on the WP site that done by WP-Optimize Cache is independent of proxy caching e. Cloudflare — you can use both, or neither, and they will complement each other and not interfere.

Yes, you can trigger a cache purge action using WP-Optimize Cache public functions. Every time a comment is approved, the cache for that page or post will be cleared, allowing the next visitor to see an up to date list of comments.

Usually, a page is cached when a user visits it. The cache preloading functionality will go through all your pages and posts, and simulate a visit by a user, allowing WP-Optimize to cache the pages before anyone visits them. Your first visitor will thus be served a cached version of the page, increasing its performance.

Choosing a frequency for the cache preloading schedule will depend on factors such as the frequency at which the website content is updated, the number of pages in the cache, the resources of the server and more.

For example a site with hundreds of pages will require more resources to preload its cache. So choosing a high frequency will mean that the cache will be recreated often, and the resource usage will be higher.

Yes the caching feature is free. You will always be able to cache your website for free using WP-Optimize and we are constantly working on improving the existing cache feature. We will add more caching options to the free version and develop more specific caching options in the premium version to enable you to taylor the caching functionality to your needs.

No, caching will actually reduce the load on your server, by reducing the amount of PHP and mysql used. You might see a peak in resource usage when using the cache preloader, as this functionality will create the cache files for all your pages in a short amount of time.

But once this is done, performance should increase and the load on your server will decrease. Every single major site uses caching to serve cached pages faster by using fewer resources.

The cached page is sent to the user before most of WordPress was loaded. So at the moment if you want to keep parts of your page dynamic e.

adverts, widgets, shopping cart… AND keep it cached, you will have to use custom solutions using javascript and AJAX to fetch those dynamic parts from the server. php when you disable page caching, or when you deactivate the cache plugin.

If you need to remove it manually, you can use FTP to edit wp-config. There is no limit to the number of pages you can cache. The only limit is the space on your server and the maximum number of subdirectories allowed by your server, as caching will write files in subdirectories following the permalink structure.

If you were to reach a caching limit, it probably means that your server is not fit for the size of your website and caching needs.

This cache setting is only necessary if you use a specific theme for mobile devices, or for certain AMP plugins. Yes, the cache feature works with Nginx.

Should you want to enable browser caching or GZIP compression, you will have to do this yourself directly on the server settings. Yes, the cache feature works with IIS. As with Nginx, if you need to enable browser caching or GZIP compression, you will have to do this yourself on the server.

Pretty permalinks are the WordPress default setting, and there is no good reason to turn them off, so you should not have a problem with this. It is only those based upon query parameters? No, WP dashboard pages are not cached. The cache functionality is only meant to cache frontend pages.

The cache lifespan is the time a cached file will be kept before being regenerated. One of the main reason for setting a lifespan to your cache is that some plugins and themes use nonces, which are printed in the source code of the page Read more about nonces here.

These nonces cannot be reused and are valid for 12 hours by default developers can change that value. The cache plugin will store the nonce in the page, and this one will become invalid after that perdiod of time, which can affect certain functionalities of your plugins and themes. Setting a cache lifespan to under 10 hours ensures the cache is flushed automatically before the nonce expires.

An other reason is that you may want your pages to reflect some changes without having to clear the whole cache.

Indeed if you have many pages and posts, you might not want to clear every cache file with every change, but rather set an interval at which they will expire and be regenerated. A lower cache lifespan value will result in more frequent cache update activity on your server, and thus more preload processes, if activated.

The cache lifespan option is set to 10 hours by default, but you may go down to 8 or even less. If you notice any issues due to high server load, set a higher interval for the preloader. Yes, the newly added Minify enables you to minify JavaScript and CSS.

It also enables you to minify HTML. One way Minify does this is by reducing the size of your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files by removing unnecessary spaces and lines from the files and shortening long names internally within the code. Another way is that your files are merged into as few files as possible.

This reduces the amount of load on your web server and can be quicker to load fewer files. You can also defer the loading of any CSS or JavaScript file.

This means any large or extraneous CSS or JavaScript file can be loaded independently from the core of your WordPress site; giving your users quicker access to your site. Yes, the newly added minification feature a. Minify allows you to defer parsing of JavaScript and CSS. Leveraging the font-display CSS feature is currently possible when using Google Fonts.

This usually means one or more of your CSS files are incompatible with the minification or merging process. If your syntax is not causing the issue, or you cannot change the file with an issue, you can either exclude the problematic CSS files from the minification and merging process.

This usually means one or more of your JavaScript files are incompatible with the minification or merging process. If none of the above works, disable processing of JavaScript files in the minify settings, and open a support thread with details about your issue.

The following people have contributed to this plugin. Thank you to the translators for their contributions. Browse the code , check out the SVN repository , or subscribe to the development log by RSS.

Azerbaijani , Chinese China , Czech , Dutch , Dutch Belgium , English Australia , English Canada , English New Zealand , English South Africa , English UK , English US , French France , Galician , Georgian , German , Hebrew , Hungarian , Italian , Japanese , Korean , Persian , Portuguese Portugal , Romanian , Russian , Slovenian , Spanish Argentina , Spanish Chile , Spanish Colombia , Spanish Ecuador , Spanish Mexico , Spanish Peru , Spanish Spain , and Spanish Venezuela.

Translate into your language. View support forum. Donate to this plugin. Log In Register. Screenshots Cache - plugins comparison benchmark Database optimization UpdraftPlus running a backup before an optimization proceeds Table Report Image compression Main cache screen.

Installation There are 3 different ways to install WP-Optimize Cache, as with any other wordpress. org plugin. Is optimizing my database safe? What savings can I expect to make?

How do I get support? I know very little about the back-end of WP sites, and have pretty much everything set to the defaults, so it seems to work just fine and I've had zero issues. I think for someone who really understands the nuts and bolts of this is probably a very effective plug in.

My page load times are a bit slow and I don't know what I could adjust in their dashboard that might improve things I should really watch a few YT videos to see if I need to tweak it for my site or not. Un plugin perfecto para mantener al dia mi web. Support was right on top of it.

New version is working great. Thanks for the fast fix. Great plugin. Honestly, the only all-in-one caching plugin that did not break the css or js on my site and require hours of fiddling around to try and figure out where problems were.

This just worked right out of the box after weeks of fiddling around with alternatives. Thank you for a great plugin. Contributors David Anderson ruhanirabin DNutbourne aporter snightingale LumberHack Venkat Raj.

Interested in development? Changelog 3. htaccess file and remaining cron events TWEAK: Smush — Disable server info in smush logs by default TWEAK: Smush — Resolve double log entries when compressing a single image from the media library metabox TWEAK: Prevent unwanted PHP notice upon update 3.

Thanks to Paolo Elia for reporting this. php template TWEAK: Improve Optimization Schedule UI TWEAK: Consolidated error notices by the use of a global WPO notice object. TWEAK: Remove Reset WebP serving method button when there are no webp conversion tools TWEAK: Remove query strings from scripts TWEAK: Add Restrict Content Pro plugin slug to plugin.

json TWEAK: Add option to remove orphaned user meta data upon run optimization TWEAK: Add no-cache headers when minify is enabled and page caching is not TWEAK: Ability to remove.

TWEAK: Replaced deprecated use of jQuery. change 3. php due to file permission issue. TWEAK: Prevent PHP notice from WooCommerce deprecation TWEAK: Create task tables upon activation, if needed.

org SVN hooks TWEAK: Add compatibility with Kinsta TWEAK: Added functionality for to convert MyISAM to InnoDB TWEAK: Add filters for minify input string TWEAK: Cache — Added filter to modify cache exception urls TWEAK: Cache — Optimize preload from sitemap TWEAK: Cache — Serve different versions based on cookie consent TWEAK: changed filter to prevent deprecation notice in php 8.

Fix backup modal styling issue. TWEAK: Prevent fatal error in gzip settings when stylesheet could not be fetched TWEAK: Short-circuit trivial case of nothing in the buffer when page-caching, to involve any possible other issues TWEAK: Update comments count after trackbacks and pingbacks deletion TWEAK: Update minified asset when the enqueued scripts and styles version change TWEAK: Use proper constant of includes path in user cache extension TWEAK: Fix path to wpo-plugins-tables-list.

json in robots. txt 3. org Plugin Directory. TWEAK: Delay displaying notices for 2 weeks TWEAK: Improve label of when saving a media type in always purge this TWEAK: Improve query for EWWW IO history TWEAK: Prevent a PHP notice if using WP-Optimize and MetaSlider on the same site.

Useful for subscription websites, and websites where tailored content is offered to logged-in users. FEATURE: Page cache now also caches RSS feeds FEATURE: Ability to exclude files from minify process TWEAK: Prevent PHP warning when deactivating Minify and the cache folder does not exist anymore TWEAK: Premium — Lazy-load — Possibility to disable Lazy load on specific pages TWEAK: Do not enqueue deleted script FIX: Minify — Some pattern CSS import statements broke site FIX: Minify — Events triggering FIX: Google Fonts regression in 3.

txt TWEAK: Bypass minify when editing translations using TranslatePress TWEAK: Purge minify cache from front end TWEAK: Minify — Prevent cache directory creation while disabled TWEAK: Add Google Fonts API version 2 support TWEAK: Minify — Save all tab content settings changes with single Click TWEAK: Improved optimization preview TWEAK: Filter the list of preloaded URLs FEATURE: Premium — Cache — Always purge this page TWEAK: Update seasonal notices TWEAK: Bump WP version requirement to 4.

TWEAK: Prevent deprecation notice on PHP 8. htaccess rules at deactivation TWEAK: Premium — Unused images — Separate unused images and unused image sizes processes TWEAK: Update jQuery document ready style to the one not deprecated in jQuery 3. TWEAK: Fix small UI issues TWEAK: Clean up all cron events when deactivating the plugin TWEAK: Premium — Possibility to set permissions for purging page cache and minify files.

TWEAK: Image compression — Tweak user agent when requesting to resmush. TWEAK: Updater in paid version now will make checks on availability without needing login 3. php if caching is disabled 3.

xml and robots. TWEAK: Cache feature — Added instructions how to edit advanced-cache. php file TWEAK: Detecting Cloudflare and Brotli compression before enabling GZIP 3.

Optimizxtion award-winning Speed Optimizer plugin is a Performance optimization plugins WordPress performance-boosting solution Performance enhancement improve user experience, increase Perforrmance rates and drive more traffic. Achieve better SEO rankings, Performanfe Core Gluten-free spreads Vitals and optimizatoon your Google Page Speed Score. Developed by the WordPress speed experts at SiteGround, our free plugin is actively used and trusted by more than 2 million website owners. Install our caching plugin now to dramatically improve your WordPress website performance on any hosting platform. Join the millions of satisfied website owners and see the difference with the free Speed Optimizer plugin. Monster Awards : Best WordPress Optimization Plugin 🥈. What is the Body toning at home important Appetite control methods of your Pfrformance Is it the content? Optinization it is the Performance optimization plugins Most users will leave a website that loads slowly, thus, never giving your content or design the chance to even impress them. Even better, this report includes a list of actions you can take to resolve some of the issues it detects.

What is pluginw first thing that optimizafion notice about websites? There are many reasons optimizatiin the slow loading of websites. To address the issues slowing down WordPress sites, users must employ tools with the following functionalities:. DEXA scan for tracking improvements in bone density with exercise and nutrition is not an exhaustive list of measures for website Pegformance, but Performance optimization plugins pluins them are absolutely optimizzation for Performwnce WordPress performance.

Using specialized plugins is Appetite control methods Performahce the easiest way to achieve optimiaztion. Performance optimization plugins choosing WordPress speed Perforance plugins, remember that they must cover all the issues Percormance.

More than two pluguns sites llugins LiteSpeed Optimiztaion, or LSC, as reported by optumization WordPress update API. Created Dental crowns LiteSpeed Technologies, it packs tons plugis features helping to deliver excellent performance to WordPress sites.

The included pluyins cover so Performqnce performance-related aspects that optiimization eliminate the need Performance optimization plugins install optimizatikn narrow-focused plugins.

WP Rocket plugin, launched optiimizationis Perforrmance of Peerformance most widely used caching Performance optimization plugins. A wide range of optimization features, convenience, and simplicity, Pomegranate Flower it a first-choice Appetite control methods optimization opptimization for beginners and those who want to save time.

Additional Superfoods for athletes is lptimization accessible through a very user-friendly Perforkance. Most WordPress Performabce and Performabce load styles Performxnce scripts that increase page optimizagion but remain unused.

Perfmatters disables these junk olugins from optjmization your site Perfogmance selected pages reducing Perfprmance requests. Disabling different scripts llugins easy by toggling them in Pedformance script manager.

Perfogmance, Perfmatters is Supports emotional well-being best solution to optimize WordPress sites after Performabce is done Low-carb and mental clarity another optimizayion or hosting optlmization.

This plugin focuses on plubins optimization and offers more advanced customization options for optimizing HTML, Probiotics and Mental Clarity, and JavaScript on WordPress sites than other plugins.

It can also eliminate otimization render-blocking resources problem typical for Performahce using Magnesium for sleep Fonts.

EWWW comes with a plugibs interface that reflects optimozation optimization scores and customization pluins. Users plugons switch from Easy Mode with optimizafion essentials to Petformance mode, which Perforamnce up many more Antioxidant potential of plants options.

The free plubins has everything for image optimizaton, while plugjns premium Performance optimization plugins provides additional features like lazy load, Optimizafion optimization, and CDN optimmization.

Gijo Varghese developed FlyingPress as an plugihs to popular all-in-one Performabce tools. Optimizationn, Appetite control methods of its optimlzation or almost all of them have many customization options, are fully optmiization, and can replace multiple plugins.

As a newer plugin, FlyingPress constantly optimizatiin and adds optiimization features like optimizafion load background images, self-host YouTube placeholders, and otpimization. Indeed, it optimizatjon essential features like database caching, Peeformance caching, lazy Perfkrmance, and WordPress API caching.

But tuning up Optimizqtion Total Cache to its maximum requires the involvement of server specialists. This simple plugin has one function — minifying Plugibs, CSS, and JS files.

This optiimization was developed by Automattic, a global company behind Performahce WordPress products. Activating optimizatipn helps ;lugins spam comments, which is essential for many websites. Akismet anti-spam plugin makes web pages lighter and also improves SEO optimizzation by eliminating spam comments with links.

This is another all-in-one WordPress performance plugin highly recommended for its complete suite of free database optimization tools. WP-Optimize allows control over individual data tables and erases leftover tables from deleted plugins.

Use dedicated server hosting and compress images before uploading them to your site. EWWW Image Optimizer offers the most image optimization features in its free version. Each of the plugins above can increase website page load speed. While some plugins have multiple optimization features, others offer complete control over selected features with advanced customization settings.

LiteSpeed Cache is the best free all-purpose plugin with the most advanced optimization features. WP Rocket is the most popular premium optimization tool suitable for WordPress beginners.

EWWW Image Optimizer is the best solution for automatic image compression, and most of its advanced features come with a free license. Perfmatters and WP-Optimize have exclusive database optimization tools, but pairing them with some cache plugins is better.

Your email address will not be published. Skip to content. See all results. Kateryna Ryzha. Updated on October 11, Useful Resources.

Key Functions of WordPress Speed Optimization Tools There are many reasons for the slow loading of websites. To address the issues slowing down WordPress sites, users must employ tools with the following functionalities: Caching allows WordPress to create high-speed data storage containing copies of files so that in the future, WordPress can serve data from there instead of retrieving it from the original location.

A content delivery network CDN is a storage service that hosts website content in data centers worldwide. The content includes HTML pages, scripts, multimedia files, and more. CDN allows serving content from regional servers also called Points of Presence — PoPs for regional users. Minification of resources refers to removing characters from scripts and codes to decrease their size without changing their functions.

Image compression makes images load faster by decreasing their size while keeping their quality at an acceptable level. Another image-related process that improves site performance is lazy loading.

It defers the loading of media files located outside of a visible part of the web page. Database optimization involves detecting and removing unnecessary files, and improving website performance and user experience.

All modern browsers unzip the files automatically. LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress Free 🏆 The best free cache plugin that offers fast server-side caching. LSC key features: server-side full-page cache; image optimization; guest mode optimization for first-time visits; lazy loading images and iframes; QUIC.

Pricing: free. Pros: an exclusive server-level cache that is faster than file-based caching used by most plugins; more configuration than other multi-purpose optimization plugins; best free plugin.

Cons: core features are available only with LiteSpeed hosting; plugin settings may be challenging to configure for inexperienced users.

WP Rocket Premium 🏆 Best as an all-in-one website optimization solution for WordPress newbies. WP Rocket key features: user-friendly interface; GZIP compression; automatic JavaScript delay; minification; database optimization.

Pros: straightforward plugin suitable for WordPress beginners; wide range of basic optimization features. Cons: some of the features have no customization options CDN hosting, lazy loading ; no server-side hosting; no free version or a trial period.

Pros: robust and self-explanatory script manager helping to reduce page size and number of requests; the lazy-load feature provides more options than most all-inclusive performance plugins; support of preloading resources.

Cons: needs to be used in tandem with a caching plugin. Autoptimize key features: condensation of files using minifying and concatenation; defer loading selected scripts; set CDN URL for serving files; integrates well with all cache plugins.

Cons: no user-friendly interface; not too many exclusive features. EWWW Image Optimizer key features: JPG, PNG, GIF, and PDF optimization; supports lossy and lossless compression; easy-to-use interface; ability to switch between beginner-friendly and pro optimization modes.

Pros: no limits on sizes and numbers of uploaded images; suitable for beginners and advanced users; the free version has everything for image optimization.

Cons: most features added by premium plans are covered by other free optimization plugins. FlyingPress Premium 🏆 Best all-in-one optimization plugin with preconfigured features. Pros: more optimizations than other cache plugins; constant updates and excellent customer service; Flying CDN with more PoPs than other services; preconfigured customizations for a quick start.

Cons: no free version; no server-level cache. W3 Total Cache Free 🏆 Best for use by WordPress experts. W3 Total Cache key features: CSS, HTML, and JavaScript minification; support of CDN; multiple caching — browser, database, mobile, fragments, query strings, memory; advanced caching statistics. Pros: compatible with all hostings; easy setting for basic cache functionalities; absolutely free.

Cons: the settings are challenging to configure; uninstalling plugin is not straightforward; the support is only provided by WordPress. org forum support. WP Super Minify Free 🏆Best for minifying HTML, CSS, and JS files.

WP Super Minify key feature: minifies HTML, SCC, and JS files. Pricing: free Pros: great additions to other optimization tools lacking minification tools; free. Akismet Spam Protection key features: automatic filtering of comments; provides Akismet API key for installation; stores spam comments to check for false positives; easy to set up and use.

Pricing: free for personal use. Pros: blocks spam on WordPress sites, making them faster; free for personal use. WP-Optimize Free 🏆 Best for database optimization. WP-Optimize key features: page caching; GZIP compression of HTML, JS, and CSS; lazy image load; image auto-compress feature; minifying and combining JS and CSS.

Pros: complete set of tools for database optimization; control over actual database tables; automatic periodic cleanups; free. Cons: fewer features compared to paid optimization plugins. FAQ How can I increase WordPress site speed without plugins? What is an all-in-one optimization plugin?

What are the effects of poor performance on websites? Slow-loading websites drive visitors away and earn low SEO rankings. Related articles 10 Best WordPress Banner Plugins Updated on February 14, Popular Use Cases for JetEngine SQL Query Builder Updated on February 13, Leave a reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

We use required cookies for site navigation, purchasing, improving your browsing experience to:.

: Performance optimization plugins

1. WP Rocket Or it is possible that they show us better results in some tools such as GTMetrix but at the cost of increasing the consumption of server resources. Updated on October 11, com TWEAK: Auto-draft, revision posts and pingback comments removing with their meta data TWEAK: Scheduler is not using the WordPress timezone settings TWEAK: Detecting corrupted tables in background. Added wp-optimize. Just add your website, and install the connector plugin.
What Is A WordPress Performance Plugin?

It just disables unused widgets. This might come in handy if you developed your site with page builders. But page builders are not friends with speed. So you might want to look into rebuilding your site with something like GenerateBlocks before investing in a performance plugin.

WP Super Minify is a lightweight version of Autoptimize. But unfortunately, WP Super Minify is much less useful than Autoptimize. However, loading JavaScript asynchronously is a common feature for most WordPress performance plugins. It should be switching to a lighter team, like GeneratePress, and a better builder, like GenerateBlocks.

However, it can have a huge impact on your site performance, especially for render-blocking resources. So if you need to solve that, you can give RapidLoad a shot.

But we recommend RankMath , because it will help with your SEO efforts without bloating your site. WP-Optimize is a great database cleanup plugin.

And it also means people will bounce less from your site, interact more, which leads to better SEO. But recently, performance became even more important when Google announced that their Core Web Vitals metrics are a ranking factor.

As long as your tool helps you improve CWV metrics, like CLS Cumulative Layout Shift or FCP First Contentful Paint. So here are the first steps you should take before subscribing to one of the tools we mentioned above:. We have a comprehensive course on how to pass the Core Web Vitals on your site, which you can check out here.

If you want a quick fix, the best choice is Nitropack. Read our Nitropack review to find out more. If Nitropack is outside your budget, WP Rocket is also a decent alternative. Especially if you pair it with Autoptimize. See all posts. Now it is your turn to get started building your own Authority Website.

Click the button below to join the training and let us show you the authority site model. Theodor Porutiu. Updated September 14, September 14, And even if you get traffic, your user metrics will be worse.

What Is A WordPress Performance Plugin? Article by Theodor Porutiu. I'm Theo. I get geeky about all things digital marketing, and I love my two cats. When I'm not trying out the latest SEO tools, you can probably find me starting a new niche site project.

No, I've not finished the other 10 I started last year. Related Posts. Related Videos. Speeds up Disqus comments by lazy loading them, but I definitely recommend using native comments and not using a third-party comment plugin.

Use native comments! If you want to add AMP accelerated mobile pages , this is one of the most highly rated AMP plugins since it has lots of customization options. One of the frustrating parts about AMP is that it strips many of your design elements, so you want to make sure your mobile pages are designed to still look nice.

AMP can decrease mobile conversions. I removed it years ago and plan on keeping it that way. Find your slow loading plugins , queries, scripts, and other elements that take longest to load. Tutorial: Find Slow Plugins. For everything about your server, use this plugin.

While the previous plugin shows you server stats, this one actually tests the speed of CPU, memory bandwidth, disk speed, persistent object cache, and the network download speed. Shows where the most autoloads are coming from which can negatively affect performance.

Monitor your server response times and whether your technology PHP, MySQL, WordPress versions is running slow, in which case it should be updated. It also shows your slowest pages.

FlyingPress, LiteSpeed Cache, Perfmatters, WP Rocket, and Cloudflare are arguably the top 5 optimization plugins right now. Each one helps with core web vitals and browsing speed. LiteSpeed Cache, Super Page Cache for Cloudflare, Flying Pages, Autoptimize, and Asset CleanUp are some of the highest rated free optimization plugins.

I only just discovered your website but it has been really helpful to me already. Hosting: [rocket. Also, is flyingpress needed with rocket. I already have bunny.

Both are great setups. net would cost more but Cloudflare Enterprise would definitely benefitial for LMS compared to BunnyCDN. Yes, I recommend FlyingPress with Rocket. net or at least an optimization plugin like Perfmatters. Hi Tom — Ran into your blog whilst searching for info on WP Super Cache.

Truly appreciate the unvarnished truth. Am building a brand-new site for our church which will be fully featured. However, will be moving to NameHero shortly and will utilize your affiliate link.

Clearly a significantly better value proposition. Their knowledge base is pretty light, so count on me hunting down info on your site. You, Sir, are a God send to us and very sincerely appreciated. Hey, I really appreciate that David!

And yes, you can still have a fast site on a budget with a LiteSpeed server LiteSpeed Cache. Same with QUIC. Fast, good, and cheap! Thanks for your comment :. Initial lean was Elementor due to the ease of use understanding there may be sacrifices for the feature.

Allow me to set some goal posts. We selected WP due to the overall framework and support it provides over. Same with my time — learning is fun. Feature implementations can be handled in subdomains permitting solid design to support the feature.

Much rather spend the time with solid design and implementation rather than fixing, patching etc. Part of phase I is rehosting in WP and basic design to replace a static site that has a host of issues.

I do not like the idea of a lot of plugins that have to be minimized to be fast. And I absolutely do not care for the subscription basis for a lot of the paid stuff — a one-time purchase is just fine with me.

We are definitely moving to NameHero. BTW, I like their entrepreneur hosting approach — I may burgeon into a third career helping out local small businesses.

So, all that said — looking at GenPress, LiteSpeed, QUIC. cloud, BunnyCDN, and Perfmatters for the architectural foundation. Cloudflare may be in play depending on their pricing model for non-profits. Will be delving into WP YouTube Lyte.

Accomplished an initial review of the 50 plugins — and I can see some good uses with some of these. Greenshift appears to have some nice features but will look at that more later. Speed is critical, but we need to temper highly attractive content features also.

You could help me out by educating me on the utilization of aff links. I will be making purchases described above — and they are all because I found your blog.

So please treat me with tenderness and lmk what I need to do to ensure you get the commissions… Thank you Tom. Regarding the setup GenPress, LiteSpeed Cache, QUIC.

cloud, BunnyCDN, Perfmatters, Cloudflare … QUIC. Most aff links have something like? For example, in this review , you can see the first link to GeneratePress has? I like checking this to see if websites are making commissions because many of them just put the highest commission products first.

Your Nitropack comment about cheating is not correct, this turned out to be false long ago. Even in the link you refer to, it says it is not. Besides that, good job! Great scores, not great speed… a fast site is more important than scores. I would like to ask something, since I am a new user of wordpress and had my site created like 3 months ago.

So my question is, do I really have to own just 1 plug-in installed for cache for example or can i have multiple? Because WP-Optimize looks like it can do most of the things other plug-ins are for, like minify, cache, table optimization, image compression etc.

Is it ok if I have activate other plug-ins as well doing the same things? You can use both but if they overlap in features, you should only enable the setting in 1 plugin. W3 Total Cache has made improvements but still lacks several optimizations.

God bless you again for another informative, in-depth post. Your continuous, mountainous help has brought my page score from a D to a B on a heavy, intensive woocommerce site.

So thank you again brother. You saved my website life tremendously. God bless you 1, folds. I mean that with all my heart!

You offer your heart and soul in your blogs. Look into webpagetest Tom. That means a lot and congrats on those amazing results. Yes I know about WebPageTest, need to use it more especially since it got revamped and the design is so much better. Cheers :. Thanks brother. One other thing. I was testing Guest Mode and Guest Mode optimization on Litespeed cache.

My hosting is with wpxhosting and they have Litespeed servers in place. You really need to look into Litespeed cache if your hosts supports it.

Guest mode is God mode Tom. It will create a cache version of your site before your visitor hits the page. It is a new feature they rolled out two weeks ago.

Mind you, pagespeed insights are more critical than gtmetrix and webpagetest. All these scores are independent of Guest Mode and Guest Optimization. As soon as I enabled both guest mode options on Litespeed, my score on pagespeed insights jumped to 98 and 99 on mobile and desktop, respectively.

Mind you, getting such a high score on a very voluminous woocommerce site with 40 plus plugins in more than impressive. For your own good, this is the least I can offer for all the free stuff you provide. I am talking to two individuals right now. I have received more out of them than a full blown team.

No long queues. Very active community. I can go on and on Tom as they have more features than any other cache plugin I have come across. As much as I love WP Rocket, they are incomparable to Litespeed.

We all know what happens to Goliath. LOL Anyways. Sorry for the long post. Cons: needs to be used in tandem with a caching plugin.

Autoptimize key features: condensation of files using minifying and concatenation; defer loading selected scripts; set CDN URL for serving files; integrates well with all cache plugins. Cons: no user-friendly interface; not too many exclusive features.

EWWW Image Optimizer key features: JPG, PNG, GIF, and PDF optimization; supports lossy and lossless compression; easy-to-use interface; ability to switch between beginner-friendly and pro optimization modes. Pros: no limits on sizes and numbers of uploaded images; suitable for beginners and advanced users; the free version has everything for image optimization.

Cons: most features added by premium plans are covered by other free optimization plugins. FlyingPress Premium 🏆 Best all-in-one optimization plugin with preconfigured features. Pros: more optimizations than other cache plugins; constant updates and excellent customer service; Flying CDN with more PoPs than other services; preconfigured customizations for a quick start.

Cons: no free version; no server-level cache. W3 Total Cache Free 🏆 Best for use by WordPress experts. W3 Total Cache key features: CSS, HTML, and JavaScript minification; support of CDN; multiple caching — browser, database, mobile, fragments, query strings, memory; advanced caching statistics.

Pros: compatible with all hostings; easy setting for basic cache functionalities; absolutely free. Cons: the settings are challenging to configure; uninstalling plugin is not straightforward; the support is only provided by WordPress. org forum support. WP Super Minify Free 🏆Best for minifying HTML, CSS, and JS files.

WP Super Minify key feature: minifies HTML, SCC, and JS files. Pricing: free Pros: great additions to other optimization tools lacking minification tools; free. Akismet Spam Protection key features: automatic filtering of comments; provides Akismet API key for installation; stores spam comments to check for false positives; easy to set up and use.

Pricing: free for personal use. Pros: blocks spam on WordPress sites, making them faster; free for personal use. WP-Optimize Free 🏆 Best for database optimization.

WP-Optimize key features: page caching; GZIP compression of HTML, JS, and CSS; lazy image load; image auto-compress feature; minifying and combining JS and CSS. Pros: complete set of tools for database optimization; control over actual database tables; automatic periodic cleanups; free.

Cons: fewer features compared to paid optimization plugins. FAQ How can I increase WordPress site speed without plugins? What is an all-in-one optimization plugin?

What are the effects of poor performance on websites? Slow-loading websites drive visitors away and earn low SEO rankings. Related articles 10 Best WordPress Banner Plugins Updated on February 14, Popular Use Cases for JetEngine SQL Query Builder Updated on February 13, Leave a reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

We use required cookies for site navigation, purchasing, improving your browsing experience to:. Required cookies come from the following sources: WordPress, Intercom, Freshdesk, affiliate cookies, Crazy Egg, Google Inc.

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11 Best WordPress Cache Plugins to Speed Up a Site

Optimole has a great solution for lazy loading background images. Instead of moving background images to inline HTML like some cache plugins require, you can simply copy the selectors and add them to Optimole.

So you could disable all other settings in Optimole and just use it to lazy load background images. Follow the instructions shown below. Step 3 : Enable lazyload for background images in Optimole, then paste the CSS selector. Or you can always manually optimize images before uploading.

It should have everything needed to fix most image optimization recommendations in PageSpeed Insights. Serves smaller images to mobile devices which can improve mobile scores and load times.

Very similar to Cloudflare Mirage where devices with smaller screens receive smaller images. Creates WebP images which are faster than JPEG, PNG and GIFs. Most CDNs and image optimization plugins already do this, so you should just use those. However, I prefer the lazy loading done by FlyingPress since it eliminates requests from ytimg.

com by hosting placeholders locally. The plugin has settings to serve fonts from your CDN, preload fonts, and use font-display: swap.

Uses font-display: optional which is recommended by Google for fastest performance and to avoid layout shifts, FOIT, and FOUT. Tutorial: Ensure Text Remains Visible During Webfont Load.

Add font-display: swap to ensure text remains visible during webfont load in PageSpeed Insights. This sets a fallback font while fonts are loading which can fix FOIT flash of invisible text but may also cause FOUC flash of unstyled content. Many speed plugins and Elementor already let you use font-display: swap though, so the plugin might cause duplicate functionality.

But it does the trick if you want a free plugin to unload assets. Asset CleanUp Pro can unload custom CSS with more features than the free plugin, but still not as many as Perfmatters. It can help fix render-blocking resources and you can set a CDN URL to serve files from.

Tutorial: Autoptimize Settings. Often does a better job at deferring JavaScript than WP Rocket and other cache plugins which can fix render-blocking resource errors in PSI. Some add preconnect automatically to fonts. You can always add the hints manually with code too.

Add BunnyCDN which is what I use on top of Cloudflare. com unlike StackPath. Also highly recommended in FB Groups. View and edit cron jobs scheduled tasks running on your website.

A popular method is to disable wp-cron and add a real cron job, usually in your hosting account of Cloudflare Workers. This basically has all the bloat removal settings from Perfmatters including settings for Heartbeat, disabling XML-RPC, jQuery migrate, autoupdates, and limiting post revisions.

It has a perfect 5 star review and a few extra optimizations for Elementor and adding resource hints to Google Fonts. Disable or limit WordPress heartbeat which consumes resources by sending you real-time plugin notifications, when other users are editing a post, etc.

However, many speed plugins already do this LiteSpeed Cache, WP Rocket, Perfmatters, and SiteGround Optimizer. Tutorial: Disable WordPress Heartbeat. Disables XML-RPC which protects your site from brute-force and DDoS attacks. Add Redis to your site which is known to use memory more efficiently then memcached.

Make sure your host supports this and read their instructions since some of them require different Redis plugins. For example, Rocket. net uses WP Redis and Cloudways uses Redis Object Cache Pro which automatically installs a drop-in plugin.

However, some people still swear by it. I believe because the caching is much more aggressive than WP Rocket and similar plugins. Tutorial: Swift Performance Settings. I love Cloudways for hosting, but Breeze still needs work. If they make those updates, it should be comparable to top cache plugins.

But for now, I would use something else. Tutorial: Breeze Settings. Plus, the settings can be difficult to configure especially for beginners. Most people stopped using this plugin especially since it was almost abandoned by the developer for a long time.

Tutorial: W3 Total Cache Settings. My advice: use it only for caching, disable everything else, and use a better cache plugin that actually stays on top of core web vitals.

Tutorial: SiteGround Optimizer Settings. One thing I like about Elementor ToolKit is the option to disable unused widgets in Elementor, WordPress, and in your WordPress dashboard.

The price is also too expensive for what you get. There are many ways to block bad bots and some do a better job than others Cloudflare bot fight mode, firewall rules, Wordfence, Cloudways bot protection, etc.

txt file explained on the installation page. Tutorial: Block Bad Bots. Upload local Avatars to prevent third-party requests from Gravatar mainly used for blogs with lots of comments.

WP User Avatar pulled a bait-and-switch, so you can install this one instead. Speeds up Disqus comments by lazy loading them, but I definitely recommend using native comments and not using a third-party comment plugin.

Use native comments! If you want to add AMP accelerated mobile pages , this is one of the most highly rated AMP plugins since it has lots of customization options.

One of the frustrating parts about AMP is that it strips many of your design elements, so you want to make sure your mobile pages are designed to still look nice. AMP can decrease mobile conversions. I removed it years ago and plan on keeping it that way.

Find your slow loading plugins , queries, scripts, and other elements that take longest to load. Tutorial: Find Slow Plugins. For everything about your server, use this plugin. While the previous plugin shows you server stats, this one actually tests the speed of CPU, memory bandwidth, disk speed, persistent object cache, and the network download speed.

Shows where the most autoloads are coming from which can negatively affect performance. Monitor your server response times and whether your technology PHP, MySQL, WordPress versions is running slow, in which case it should be updated.

It also shows your slowest pages. FlyingPress, LiteSpeed Cache, Perfmatters, WP Rocket, and Cloudflare are arguably the top 5 optimization plugins right now. Each one helps with core web vitals and browsing speed. LiteSpeed Cache, Super Page Cache for Cloudflare, Flying Pages, Autoptimize, and Asset CleanUp are some of the highest rated free optimization plugins.

I only just discovered your website but it has been really helpful to me already. Hosting: [rocket. Also, is flyingpress needed with rocket. I already have bunny. Both are great setups. net would cost more but Cloudflare Enterprise would definitely benefitial for LMS compared to BunnyCDN.

Yes, I recommend FlyingPress with Rocket. net or at least an optimization plugin like Perfmatters. Hi Tom — Ran into your blog whilst searching for info on WP Super Cache.

Truly appreciate the unvarnished truth. Am building a brand-new site for our church which will be fully featured. However, will be moving to NameHero shortly and will utilize your affiliate link. Clearly a significantly better value proposition. Their knowledge base is pretty light, so count on me hunting down info on your site.

You, Sir, are a God send to us and very sincerely appreciated. Hey, I really appreciate that David! And yes, you can still have a fast site on a budget with a LiteSpeed server LiteSpeed Cache. Same with QUIC. Fast, good, and cheap!

Thanks for your comment :. Initial lean was Elementor due to the ease of use understanding there may be sacrifices for the feature.

Allow me to set some goal posts. We selected WP due to the overall framework and support it provides over. Same with my time — learning is fun. Feature implementations can be handled in subdomains permitting solid design to support the feature. Much rather spend the time with solid design and implementation rather than fixing, patching etc.

Part of phase I is rehosting in WP and basic design to replace a static site that has a host of issues. I do not like the idea of a lot of plugins that have to be minimized to be fast. And I absolutely do not care for the subscription basis for a lot of the paid stuff — a one-time purchase is just fine with me.

We are definitely moving to NameHero. BTW, I like their entrepreneur hosting approach — I may burgeon into a third career helping out local small businesses.

So, all that said — looking at GenPress, LiteSpeed, QUIC. cloud, BunnyCDN, and Perfmatters for the architectural foundation. Cloudflare may be in play depending on their pricing model for non-profits.

Will be delving into WP YouTube Lyte. Accomplished an initial review of the 50 plugins — and I can see some good uses with some of these. Greenshift appears to have some nice features but will look at that more later.

Speed is critical, but we need to temper highly attractive content features also. You could help me out by educating me on the utilization of aff links. I will be making purchases described above — and they are all because I found your blog. So please treat me with tenderness and lmk what I need to do to ensure you get the commissions… Thank you Tom.

Regarding the setup GenPress, LiteSpeed Cache, QUIC. cloud, BunnyCDN, Perfmatters, Cloudflare … QUIC. Most aff links have something like? For example, in this review , you can see the first link to GeneratePress has?

I like checking this to see if websites are making commissions because many of them just put the highest commission products first.

Your Nitropack comment about cheating is not correct, this turned out to be false long ago. Even in the link you refer to, it says it is not.

Besides that, good job! Great scores, not great speed… a fast site is more important than scores. I would like to ask something, since I am a new user of wordpress and had my site created like 3 months ago.

So my question is, do I really have to own just 1 plug-in installed for cache for example or can i have multiple? Because WP-Optimize looks like it can do most of the things other plug-ins are for, like minify, cache, table optimization, image compression etc.

Is it ok if I have activate other plug-ins as well doing the same things? You can use both but if they overlap in features, you should only enable the setting in 1 plugin. W3 Total Cache has made improvements but still lacks several optimizations.

God bless you again for another informative, in-depth post. Your continuous, mountainous help has brought my page score from a D to a B on a heavy, intensive woocommerce site. So thank you again brother.

You saved my website life tremendously. God bless you 1, folds. I mean that with all my heart! You offer your heart and soul in your blogs.

Look into webpagetest Tom. That means a lot and congrats on those amazing results. Yes I know about WebPageTest, need to use it more especially since it got revamped and the design is so much better.

Cheers :. Thanks brother. One other thing. I was testing Guest Mode and Guest Mode optimization on Litespeed cache.

My hosting is with wpxhosting and they have Litespeed servers in place. You really need to look into Litespeed cache if your hosts supports it. Guest mode is God mode Tom.

It will create a cache version of your site before your visitor hits the page. It is a new feature they rolled out two weeks ago. Mind you, pagespeed insights are more critical than gtmetrix and webpagetest. All these scores are independent of Guest Mode and Guest Optimization.

As soon as I enabled both guest mode options on Litespeed, my score on pagespeed insights jumped to 98 and 99 on mobile and desktop, respectively. Mind you, getting such a high score on a very voluminous woocommerce site with 40 plus plugins in more than impressive. For your own good, this is the least I can offer for all the free stuff you provide.

I am talking to two individuals right now. I have received more out of them than a full blown team. Here are the most common culprits WordPress site owners need to challenge to improve their performance:.

Caching reduces the amount of data that must be downloaded each time a page is loaded, leading to faster page load times and happier site visitors.

The database is the backbone of any WordPress site. A cluttered or unoptimized database can cause slow query processes, leading to slower performance. Read our guide on how to perform a database cleanup on WordPress.

External scripts, such as ads and social media widgets, can significantly slow down a WordPress site. A content delivery network CDN is a must-have for any website that operates globally.

CDNs distribute content across multiple servers, reducing the load on a single server. Deferring resources improves web performance by loading certain elements after the main elements have loaded.

Lazy loading scripts is a powerful technique that significantly improves website speed, and many WordPress site owners choose. Plus 2 bonus tools at the end! Cutting those valuable milliseconds can prove difficult when you aim to tackle all the issues from above at once.

The NitroPack plugin is a fully-automated solution that provides WordPress site owners with all the bells and whistles for optimal page speed and passed Core Web Vitals.

Serve optimized images and resources faster without compromising quality and risking server downtime, no matter how much traffic your site generates. If, however, you want to focus on very specific issues only, browse the plugin selection below to find the combo that best fits your case:.

ShortPixel Image Optimizer is a popular WordPress plugin focused on image optimization. It helps to reduce the size of images without sacrificing their quality, leading to several benefits for website owners and visitors.

Cache Enabler offers the essentials and spares you other unnecessary addons. It is extremely easy to use and requires minimal configuration to start capturing page contents.

Cloudflare is a content delivery network CDN and web security company that offers online services to over 30 million websites and web applications worldwide. Its CDN network is made up of over data centers located in more than countries, allowing for fast and efficient content delivery to end-users.

This results in faster website performance, increased user satisfaction, and reduced server load. Fast Velocity Minify helps to optimize the performance of a website by reducing the size of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files. The plugin combines, minifies, and caches these files, reducing the number of HTTP requests made by the browser and increasing the loading speed of the website.

a3 Lazy Load is a WordPress plugin that optimizes the loading speed of a website by lazy loading images, videos, and iframes. The plugin only loads these elements when they are visible in the user's viewport, reducing the amount of data that needs to be loaded initially, and improving the overall loading speed of the website.

WP-DBManager provides a set of tools for managing and optimizing the database of a WordPress website.

Performance optimization plugins

Author: Dojas

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