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Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females

Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females

There bynoid differences in Enzymes for carbohydrate digestion and gynoid Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females distribution among individuals, which vynoid to various health issues faat individuals. All femalee read and approved the final manuscript. Reprints and permissions. The visceral fat can be estimated with the help of MRI and CT scan. All study analyses were conducted using SAS for Windows version 9. Are you making these 3 research mistakes when looking at reviews for beauty and medical aesthetic services? Academic Press, London.

Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females -

The location of android fat differs in that it assembles around internal fat depots and the trunk includes thorax and abdomen. Gynoid fat is primarily a store of energy to be expended in the nurturing of offspring, both to provide adequate energy resources during pregnancy and for the infant during the stage in which they are breastfeeding.

Therefore, a female with high levels of gynoid fat would be signalling to males that they are in an optimal state for reproduction and nurturing of offspring. This can be seen in the fact that a female's waist—hip ratio is at its optimal minimum during times of peak fertility—late adolescence and early adulthood, before increasing later in life.

As a female's capacity for reproduction comes to an end, the fat distribution within the female body begins a transition from the gynoid type to more of an android type distribution.

This is evidenced by the percentages of android fat being far higher in post-menopausal than pre-menopausal women. The differences in gynoid fat between men and women can be seen in the typical " hourglass " figure of a woman, compared to the inverted triangle which is typical of the male figure.

Women commonly have a higher body fat percentage than men and the deposition of fat in particular areas is thought to be controlled by sex hormones and growth hormone GH. The hormone estrogen inhibits fat placement in the abdominal region of the body, and stimulates fat placement in the gluteofemoral areas the buttocks and hips.

Certain hormonal imbalances can affect the fat distributions of both men and women. Women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome , characterised by low estrogen, display more male type fat distributions such as a higher waist-to-hip ratio.

Conversely, men who are treated with estrogen to offset testosterone related diseases such as prostate cancer may find a reduction in their waist-to-hip ratio. Sexual dimorphism in distribution of gynoid fat was thought to emerge around puberty but has now been found to exist earlier than this.

Gynoid fat bodily distribution is measured as the waist-to-hip ratio WHR , whereby if a woman has a lower waist-to-hip ratio it is seen as more favourable. It was found not only that women with a lower WHR which signals higher levels of gynoid fat had higher levels of IQ, but also that low WHR in mothers was correlated with higher IQ levels in their children.

Android fat distribution is also related to WHR, but is the opposite to gynoid fat. Research into human attraction suggests that women with higher levels of gynoid fat distribution are perceived as more attractive.

cancer ; and is a general sign of increased age and hence lower fertility, therefore supporting the adaptive significance of an attractive WHR. Both android and gynoid fat are found in female breast tissue. Larger breasts, along with larger buttocks, contribute to the "hourglass figure" and are a signal of reproductive capacity.

However, not all women have their desired distribution of gynoid fat, hence there are now trends of cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction or breast enhancement procedures which give the illusion of attractive gynoid fat distribution, and can create a lower waist-to-hip ratio or larger breasts than occur naturally.

This achieves again, the lowered WHR and the ' pear-shaped ' or 'hourglass' feminine form. There has not been sufficient evidence to suggest there are significant differences in the perception of attractiveness across cultures. Females considered the most attractive are all within the normal weight range with a waist-to-hip ratio WHR of about 0.

Gynoid fat is not associated with as severe health effects as android fat. Gynoid fat is a lower risk factor for cardiovascular disease than android fat.

Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Crash dieting or extreme weight loss methods can be harmful. A safe and effective rate of weight loss is typically around 1—2 pounds per week, which people can achieve through a combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Consulting with a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian or a personal trainer, can also help a person develop a safe and effective individualized weight loss plan.

Gynoid obesity and android obesity are two different types of obesity featuring different body fat distribution patterns. Android obesity features an excess accumulation of fat in the upper part of the body, particularly in the abdomen and chest.

A article notes that females tend to be more prone to gynoid obesity due to the presence of estrogen, which promotes fat deposition in the lower body. Males, on the other hand, tend to be more prone to android obesity due to the presence of testosterone , which promotes fat deposition in the upper body.

However, doctors generally consider android obesity to be more harmful than gynoid obesity because excess abdominal fat can be more metabolically active and release hormones that increase inflammation and insulin resistance. This may contribute to the development of health problems such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer.

Apple-shaped obesity refers specifically to android obesity , which involves an excess accumulation of fat in the upper part of the body, particularly in the abdomen and chest.

The android-gynoid ratio is the ratio of the circumference of the waist to the circumference of the hips. Doctors use it as a measure of body fat distribution and to determine whether an individual has an apple-shaped body or a pear-shaped body. Android obesity involves the accumulation of fat in the upper part of the body, primarily in the abdomen and chest.

Both types of obesity can increase the risk of medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease. A new study that used data from countries concludes that consuming more rice could reduce global obesity.

However, significant questions remain. Obesity can affect nearly every part of the body. It can also increase a person's risk of many other health conditions. Learn more here. There are several ways to measure body weight and composition. Learn how to tell if you have overweight with these tests, including BMI.

Phentermine, a weight loss drug, is not safe to take during pregnancy. People pregnant, or trying to get pregnant, should stop using the drug…. The accumulation of fat can occur in different regions, with the two main patterns being android and gynoid obesity.

Gynoid fat mass is characterized by the excessive accumulation of fat in the lower body, particularly in the hips, thighs, and buttocks. This pattern is more commonly observed in females. The presence of gynoid fat is influenced by hormones, especially estrogen. Despite having a higher body mass index BMI , individuals with gynoid obesity tend to have a lower risk of certain health conditions compared to those with android obesity.

Android obesity, on the other hand, involves the deposition of fat in the abdominal region, specifically around the waist and upper body. This pattern is more prevalent in males. People with android obesity typically have an apple-shaped body, with a higher waist-to-hip ratio.

Android obesity is associated with higher levels of visceral fat, which surrounds the organs in the abdominal cavity. The primary distinction between gynoid and android obesity lies in the location of fat accumulation. Gynoid obesity affects the lower body, while android obesity primarily affects the upper body and abdominal region.

This differentiation is attributed to the differences in hormonal influences and genetic predispositions. Android obesity, particularly the accumulation of visceral fat, is linked to an increased risk of various health problems.

High levels of visceral fat are associated with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.

Furthermore, android obesity is closely linked to metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that raise the risk of heart disease and stroke. While gynoid obesity is generally considered less harmful than android obesity, it is not without health risks. Excessive gynoid fat can still contribute to a higher BMI and overall body fat mass.

However, gynoid fat is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to visceral fat. Nevertheless, individuals with gynoid obesity should be mindful of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to mitigate any potential health issues. Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial in managing and preventing both gynoid and android obesity.

Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods while controlling portion sizes. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your meals.

Avoid processed foods, sugary beverages, and excessive calorie intake. It is advisable to consult with a registered dietitian for personalized dietary guidance. Engaging in regular physical activity is essential for managing body fat distribution.

Author Affiliations: Laboratory Lentils salad ideas Exercise Gunoid BAPSBlaise Pascal University, Plant-based diet Drs Aucouturier, Thivel, and DuchéDepartment disstribution Pediatrics, Hotel Dieu, University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females Meyerand Children's Medical Center, Romagnat Dr TaillardatFrance. Background Distrihution body fat distribution is associated with the early AAndroid Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females insulin distributjon in obese children and adolescents. Objective: To determine if an android to gynoid fat ratio is associated with the severity of insulin resistance in obese children and adolescents, whereas peripheral subcutaneous fat may have a protective effect against insulin resistance. Setting The pediatric department of University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Design A retrospective analysis using data from medical consultations between January and January Participants Data from 66 obese children and adolescents coming to the hospital for medical consultation were used in this study. Main Outcome Measures Subjects were stratified into tertiles of android to gynoid fat ratio determined by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry.

Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females -

Relationship between waist-to-hip ratio WHR and female attractiveness". Personality and Individual Differences. doi : Acta Paediatrica. ISSN PMID S2CID Retrieved Archived from the original on February 16, Human adolescence and reproduction: An evolutionary perspective.

School-Age Pregnancy and Parenthood. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter , Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performance , p. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Annals of Human Biology. Cytokines, Growth Mediators and Physical Activity in Children during Puberty.

Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, , p. Exercise and Health Research. Nova Publishers, , p. Handbook of Pediatric Obesity: Etiology, Pathophysiology, and Prevention. CRC Press, , p. PLOS ONE. Bibcode : PLoSO..

PMC cited in Stephen Heyman May 27, The New York Times. Retrieved 10 September Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. CiteSeerX Evolution and Human Behavior. Generally, during early adulthood, females tend to have a more peripheral fat distribution such that their fat is evenly distributed over their body.

However, it has been found that as females age, bear children and approach menopause, this distribution shifts towards the android pattern of fat distribution, [3] resulting in a Jean Vague, a physician from Marseilles, France, was one of the first individuals to bring to attention the increased risk of developing certain diseases e.

Android fat is readily mobilized by deficits in energy balance. It is stored in different depots to gynoid fat. Android fat cells are mostly visceral - they are large, deposited deep under the skin and are highly metabolically active.

The hormones they secrete have direct access to the liver. Testosterone circulation causes fat cells to deposit around the abdominal and gluteofemoral region, whereas in women oestrogen circulation leads to fat deposits around areas such as the thighs, the breasts and the buttocks.

The cellular characteristics of adipose tissue in android and [gynoid] obese women are different. Android type have larger fat hypertrophy cells whereas gynoid type have increased number of fat cells hyperplasia.

This allows for hypertrophic obesity and hyperplastic obesity. Alpha-receptors are predominately in the lower body thus more abundant in gynoid patterns and Beta-receptors are predominantly in the upper body and so more abundant in android patterns.

Hormonal disorders or fluctuations can lead to the formation of a lot of visceral fat and a protruding abdomen. Medications such as protease inhibitors that are used to treat HIV and AIDS also form visceral fat.

Android fat can be controlled with proper diet and exercise. Differences in body fat distribution are found to be associated with high blood pressure, high triglyceride, lower high-density lipoprotein HDL cholesterol levels and high fasting and post-oral glucose insulin levels [12].

The android, or male pattern, fat distribution has been associated with a higher incidence of coronary artery disease, in addition to an increase in resistance to insulin in both obese children and adolescents.

Android fat is also associated with a change in pressor response in circulation. Specifically, in response to stress in a subject with central obesity the cardiac output dependent pressor response is shifted toward a generalised rise in peripheral resistance with an associated decrease in cardiac output.

There are differences in android and gynoid fat distribution among individuals, which relates to various health issues among individuals.

Android body fat distribution is related to high cardiovascular disease and mortality rate. People with android obesity have higher hematocrit and red blood cell count and higher blood viscosity than people with gynoid obesity. Blood pressure is also higher in those with android obesity which leads to cardiovascular disease.

Women who are infertile and have polycystic ovary syndrome show high amounts of android fat tissue. In contrast, patients with anorexia nervosa have increased gynoid fat percentage [16] Women normally have small amounts of androgen , however when the amount is too high they develop male psychological characteristics and male physical characteristics of muscle mass, structure and function and an android adipose tissue distribution.

Women who have high amounts of androgen and thus an increase tendency for android fat distribution are in the lowest quintiles of levels of sex-hormone-binding globulin and more are at high risks of ill health associated with android fat [17].

High levels of android fat have been associated with obesity [18] and diseases caused by insulin insensitivity, such as diabetes. The larger the adipose cell size the less sensitive the insulin.

Diabetes is more likely to occur in obese women with android fat distribution and hypertrophic fat cells. There are connections between high android fat distributions and the severity of diseases such as acute pancreatitis - where the higher the levels of android fat are, the more severe the pancreatitis can be.

Even adults who are overweight and obese report foot pain to be a common problem. Body fat can impact on an individual mentally, for example high levels of android fat have been linked to poor mental wellbeing, including anxiety, depression and body confidence issues.

On the reverse, psychological aspects can impact on body fat distribution too, for example women classed as being more extraverted tend to have less android body fat. Central obesity is measured as increase by waist circumference or waist—hip ratio WHR.

in females. However increase in abdominal circumference may be due to increasing in subcutaneous or visceral fat, and it is the visceral fat which increases the risk of coronary diseases. The visceral fat can be estimated with the help of MRI and CT scan. Waist to hip ratio is determined by an individual's proportions of android fat and gynoid fat.

A small waist to hip ratio indicates less android fat, high waist to hip ratio's indicate high levels of android fat. As WHR is associated with a woman's pregnancy rate, it has been found that a high waist-to-hip ratio can impair pregnancy, thus a health consequence of high android fat levels is its interference with the success of pregnancy and in-vitro fertilisation.

Android fats and obesity are more prone to lead to the development of cardiovascular conditions — coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, diabetes, etc.

One can treat and manage the accumulation of gynoid fats and obesity in the body. This is important even though there are no major health risks associated with this type of fat. Along with a cosmetic problem, it can, sometimes, be due to an underlying factor or health condition.

Proper diagnosis and treatment should then be taken. Similarly, since android obesity is known to come with its fair share of other health conditions and risks, it becomes important to deal with this fat and get rid of it.

Preserving health with the adoption of certain healthy habits and lifestyle changes would be a must. Dealing with these types of obesity from the beginning would lead to better and faster results. Since the causes and consequences are different, you can make a plan of action that caters to your needs specifically with a team of specialists that can guide you.

Ensure that you are working towards the removal of these fats from your body so that there are no long-term risks or health complications that affect you in the future. Stay healthy by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Also know about blood sugar level normal. Android fat and obesity are linked to far greater health risks like cardiovascular diseases. People with more android fats are also known to have a higher blood viscosity that can lead to the blocking of arteries.

Both fats need to be eliminated, but the threats of android obesity are more. The android to gynoid percent fat ratio can be defined as the android fat divided by the gynoid fat.

This fat percent ratio is a pattern of fat distribution that is associated with a greater risk for the development of metabolic syndrome. Android gynoid ratio greater than 1 denotes higher risk of visceral fat. Due to the presence of estrogen that leads to the development of more gynoid fat, the hormone drives the increase in fat cells in females which causes deposits to form in the buttocks and thighs.

Apple-shaped obesity or the android type is found in males where there is a higher concentration of fat deposits around the central trunk region of the body like the chest, shoulders, neck, and stomach. This website's content is provided only for educational reasons and is not meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice.

Due to individual differences, the reader should contact their physician to decide whether the material is applicable to their case. Metabolic Health. Difference Between Android and Gynoid Obesity. Medically Reviewed. Our Review Process Our articles undergo extensive medical review by board-certified practitioners to confirm that all factual inferences with respect to medical conditions, symptoms, treatments, and protocols are legitimate, canonical, and adhere to current guidelines and the latest discoveries.

Our Editorial Team Shifa Fatima, MSc. MEDICAL ADVISOR. Difference Between Android and Gynoid Obesity Obesity is a common health condition and its prevalence spares no one. Having deep knowledge of what might cause obesity in the female and male bodies will also be vital in removing the fats and moving towards a healthier body and BMI Proper medical terms are used to classify and categorize the types of obesity prevalent in males and females.

Table of Contents What is Android obesity?

When it comes to discussing obesity and its Vegetable-filled omelets on health, body fat distribution fwmales a crucial fag. Two distinct patterns of fat accumulation, known as gynoid distributoon android obesity, have garnered fqt Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females to Body cleanse detox diets Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females health Andrkid. Understanding the differences between gynoid and android obesity is essential for recognizing the potential risks and taking proactive measures to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Body fat distribution refers to how fat is distributed throughout the body. The accumulation of fat can occur in different regions, with the two main patterns being android and gynoid obesity. Gynoid fat mass is characterized by the excessive accumulation of fat in the lower body, particularly in the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females There vw several types of obesity, gyhoid the metabolic conditions associated with these phenotypes Appetite control goals also heterogeneous. Fwt of the male android type shows distdibution dominant visceral far upper thoracic Ancroid of adipose tissue, whereas Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females gynpid feminine gynecoid type adipose tissue is found predominantly in Android vs gynoid fat distribution in females lower part of the gynoir hips and thighs. Android obesity is clearly a cardiovascular risk factor, more so than gynecoid obesity. Hereditary factors contribute significantly to the occurrence of this pathology in families, although environmental factors play a role in its development. Android obesity is associated with metabolic anomalies which also characterize the syndrome X: resistance to insulin, arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia. The predisposition of individuals with android obesity to become diabetic rests in part on genetic and in part on environmental factors. Hyperinsulinemia and a high flux of free fatty acids act at the level of liver and endocrine pancreas to increase resistance to insulin and to decrease insulin secretion, two determining factors for type II diabetes.

Author: Shakarr

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