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Hormone balance and immune function

Hormone balance and immune function

Interestingly, in most Antibacterial mouthwash species Hormone balance and immune function father bears the Hormome responsibility. Adaptogenic and balxnce effects of ashwagandha root extract in healthy adults: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study. The drastic drop in sex hormones accompanying menopause definitely plays a role. Zhao K-W, Sikriwal D, Dong X, Guo P, Sun X, Dong J-T.

Hormone balance and immune function -

There are two things we need to look at. Getting sick is okay. In Australia, anybody who says they have a treatment for COVID, there will be big fines from what we call the TGA Therapeutic Goods Association which is really strict. No one can treat COVID.

We as practitioners, as naturopaths, can support the immune system. If we get back to basics of what the immune system does, when you think of a child, they get sick all the time, particularly when you very first send them off to day-care.

It has to be exposed to all these different pathogens, viruses, and bacteria. It has to react to them. If that particular virus comes along again, it will already know what to do and can actually deal with it. It has seen that virus before.

You can think of your immune system like an army with different levels. The generals have a high-level view and are basically just keeping control of the whole army.

The foot soldiers are those who go out there and kill that virus. The more we can allow a nose to run, the more everything just clears out. If we get a viral infection in our lungs, we get a whole pile of mucus and we cough. The idea of the cough is to lift the mucus and the viral bodies up so we can cough them out.

The other thing is the fever. Most viruses only survive at around 37 degrees Celsius. The body raises the temperature above that, so that it kills the virus and then, the white blood cells can do their job.

Everyone was told to stay home. It would have been great if we all had been staying home for years and years and years when we had colds and flu, rather than spreading them.

I think at some stage, and probably the generation before us, we started to lose connection with the way our body works, because it became easy to take a pill to fix a problem. If we go back a couple of generations, when we still had the medicine women, when we still used a lot of herbs, we were using nature to help our body heal.

A lot of times, you would have a cup of herbal tea which had a particular herb in it, which would help to support the immune system.

When you do that with herbs, we have herbs that help you cough everything up. Drugs override the way the body works, herbs support the way the body works.

We can do the same with food as well. Food will support the way our body functions and specific foods will actually support the immune system. Garlic, onions, and gingers are great antivirals. Fruits and veggies that are full of vitamin C are really great for the immune system.

There are lots of foods that are great for the immune system. To get rid of pesticides, eating organic food is an ideal way to do that. For some people, organic food can be expensive.

These cytokines affect the function of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal HPA axis and stimulate the release of stress hormones like cortisol. These inflammatory cytokines can also affect the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal HPG axis and the production of hormones like gonadotropin-releasing hormone GnRH and luteinizing hormone LH involved in fertility and reproduction.

Inflammation can directly impact ovarian function and hormone production, as seen in the case of polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS , where chronic inflammation is linked to excess androgen production.

The immune system in the gut, called the gut-associated lymphoid tissue GALT , is responsible for identifying and removing pathogens. The GALT is in constant contact with the commensal microorganisms in the gut and must maintain immune tolerance toward them, requiring properly functioning regulatory T cells.

Dysregulated GALT function is associated with gastrointestinal conditions like inflammatory bowel disease. Increased immune system activity and inflammation, such as during active infections, impact gastrointestinal motility , most likely through smooth muscle contractility.

Systemic autoimmune diseases can also cause gastrointestinal issues through mechanisms like immune complex deposition and chronic exposure to inflammatory cytokines. Functional medicine labs provide an opportunity to explore the complex interactions between the gut, hormones, and immune system that might otherwise be missed.

The GI Effects test by Genova Diagnostics provides insight into microbiome composition, gastrointestinal inflammation, and digestive capacity. Using both culture and polymerase chain reaction PCR analysis, the test can reveal the relative amounts of important commensal bacteria as well as identify any potential pathogens like bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

Elevations in markers like calprotectin, a protein produced by neutrophils, and eosinophil protein X EPX can indicate increased immune system activity in the gut. There are various testing methods available to measure hormones, including blood, saliva, and urine.

Although blood tests are the traditional choice for identifying endocrine conditions, there are also advantages to saliva and urine tests. They provide non-invasive alternatives for patients desiring a more comfortable collection experience and can also reveal additional information about free or bioavailable hormone levels and hormone metabolism.

Thyroid hormones should be measured in a blood test. Vibrant America's Thyroid Panel is a complete thyroid profile measuring TSH, T4, T3, free T4, free T3, and thyroid antibodies to assess total thyroid hormone production, conversion of T4 to T3, the amount of free or bioavailable hormones, and if an autoimmune thyroid condition is present.

Additionally, cortisone, a cortisol metabolite, is included to identify any issues related to cortisol metabolism and clearance.

Bioavailable levels of reproductive hormones, like estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone, are also measured.

The DUTCH Complete is a dried urine test that not only measures cortisol, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone but also their metabolites. Like the salivary hormone profile, it measures cortisol levels at multiple points throughout the day to uncover any deviations from the normal circadian rhythm.

It also includes melatonin, a hormone involved in regulating our sleep-wake cycle, that is not included in the other testing options mentioned. The assessment of immune markers in lab testing can identify immune system dysfunction like a weakened immune system, inflammation, and autoimmunity.

Changes in these markers provide information about what type of immune responses might be occurring. For example, low white blood cells can indicate a weakened immune system or immune system suppression, elevated eosinophils can occur in allergies or parasitic infections, and elevated neutrophils are often seen in bacterial infections.

Immunoglobulins are proteins secreted by immune cells to identify and neutralize foreign substances and pathogens. The Immunoglobulins Panel by Access Medical Laboratories measures the total amount of various immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, and IgM , reporting whether the immune system is struggling to produce enough immunoglobulins, as seen in immune deficiency states, or producing too many, as seen in chronic inflammatory conditions.

Antinuclear antibodies ANA are a type of autoantibody commonly seen in autoimmune disease. If ANA is positive, an extractable nuclear antigen ENA test can be ordered to help identify more specifically which autoimmune disease is present.

C-reactive protein CRP is a protein released from the liver in the presence of inflammation. Sedimentation rate ESR measures the rate at which red blood cells settle at the bottom of the collection test tube. If inflammation is present, the red blood cells tend to clump together and settle more quickly, causing a higher ESR.

Both of these markers tend to be elevated in autoimmune diseases. Holistic treatment plans for the gut-hormone-immune axis include multi-faceted and personalized interventions designed with the relationship of these essential body systems in mind to optimize interconnected health.

A whole-foods, nutrient-dense, and high-fiber diet can support optimal hormone balance, gastrointestinal function, and immunity. An example of such a diet would be the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and healthy fats and restricts processed meats, foods, sugars, and oils.

High-fiber plant foods help to support beneficial microbiome diversity in the gastrointestinal tract. Vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables help support hormone production and metabolism as well as immune system function 8 , Removing inflammatory foods like processed sugars and trans fats helps to prevent both gastrointestinal and systemic inflammation that can disrupt the gut-hormone-immune axis.

Sleep deprivation is associated with changes to immune system function, changes to microbiome composition, and hormone imbalances.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends hours of sleep for adults. Some good sleep hygiene practices to implement to improve sleep quality include: stick to a consistent sleep schedule, get daytime natural light exposure, make sure the bedroom is cool, dark and quiet, limit screen exposure in the evenings, and avoid heavy meals and caffeine too close to bedtime.

Stress management techniques, like meditation and breathing exercises, help to regulate the HPA axis and cortisol levels.

Stress management techniques have been used to improve symptoms in gastrointestinal conditions, reduce inflammatory cytokines , and balance hormones besides just cortisol, including DHEA, melatonin, and testosterone.

Adding an exercise routine into your weekly schedule can help to balance the gut-hormone-immune axis. Regular physical activity enhances the amounts of beneficial microorganisms in the microbiome , improves sleep quality, reduces inflammation , strengthens the immune system, and regulates hormone production and function.

Probiotics and Ashwagandha are incredibly helpful for supporting a healthy gut, keeping hormones balanced, and supporting a healthy immune system. Probiotics are supplements that contain live microorganisms like healthy bacteria and yeast.

Probiotics improve gut and immune function by improving microbiome diversity, enhancing intestinal barrier function, and preventing pathogens from colonizing in the GI tract.

They also interact with immune cells in the gastrointestinal tract to modulate immune cell activity. Probiotics are also useful in treating hormonal disturbances, like PCOS , insulin resistance , and stress-induced cortisol imbalances.

Ashwagandha, or Withania Somnifera, is an herbal adaptogen. Adaptogens help the body to adapt stress and maintain homeostasis. Ashwagandha has been used to calm stress , reduce cortisol, balance the immune system, and inhibit the growth of pathogens. These mechanisms of action can help to strengthen the gut-hormone-immune axis.

Dysregulation in gut health, hormones, or immunity or all three can increase the susceptibility to various disease states. As we continue to deal with increasing prevalence of chronic health conditions, it becomes increasingly evident that the key to successful management lies in considering and investigating the interconnectedness of these body systems to create personalized and holistic treatment plans.

Documents Tab. Redesigned Patient Portal. Simplify blood panel ordering with Rupa's Panel Builder. Sign in. Sign in Sign up free. Subscribe for free to keep reading! If you are already subscribed, enter your email address to log back in.

Are you a healthcare practitioner? Yes No. Search All Content Magazine Podcasts Lab Companies Lab Tests Live Classes Bootcamps Health Categories.

Basic Lab Markers. Case Studies. GI Health. Herbal Medicine Fact Sheets. Lab Interpretation. Men's Health. Mental Health. Metabolic Management. Nutrient Fact Sheets. Research Studies. Running Your Business. Women's Health. A Root Cause Medicine Approach. What is the Immune System?

How Do Hormones Influence Gut Health and the Immune System? How Does Gut Health Affect Hormonal and Immune Balance? The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement or making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.

Lab Tests in This Article GI Effects® Comprehensive Profile - 3 day. The GI Effects® Comprehensive Profile is a group of advanced stool tests that assess digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome to assist in the management of gastrointestinal health. This is the 3-day version of the test; it is also available as a 1-day test.

Array 2. Array 2 differentiates transcellular versus paracellular intestinal permeability, epithelial barrier dysfunction in the form of actomyosin antibodies, and immune reactivity to lipopolysaccharides LPS.

These types of immune reactivity can lead to imbalances of the gut-brain axis and disruption of the blood-brain barrier.

Thyroid - Panel. Vibrant America's Thyroid Panel evaluates eight thyroid hormones and antibodies to assess thyroid function and related conditions.

Hormones Panel. The Vibrant America Hormones Panel assesses 13 sex hormones and related biomarkers important in both men's and women's health. Salivary Hormones. The Salivary Hormones test provides a comprehensive assessment of sex and adrenal hormones to determine imbalances.

DUTCH Complete Dried Urine. This test cannot be ordered for patients under 12 years of age. Whole Blood. The complete blood count CBC provides a general hematologic assessment. It serves as a screening test for numerous disease states including anemia, inflammatory processes, and leukemia.

Be sure to do your research on supplements and vitamins before purchasing. There are a few hormones in your body that directly affect your immune system: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA dehydroepiandrosterone , and growth hormones GH or somatotropin.

With the help of bioidentical hormone therapy , you can continue to keep your immune system performing at its best.

Balanced hormones are the key to keeping your body feeling young and healthy. The Riegel Center specializes in providing hormones that your body recognizes.

After an initial virtual consultation with Dr. Riegel, you will go in for blood work at your local LabCorp center. Once Dr. Riegel has your blood results back, we can effectively start hormone replacement therapy for you. With virtual hormone therapy you can be treated anywhere in the United States.

We conveniently mail all of your hormones to you and continue to monitor your bloodwork and adjust as needed. For more information on bioidentical hormone therapy , visit our website today. Now accepting Telehealth appointments.

Schedule a virtual visit.

Strong immune health Finding your ideal eating window never been more important in our bapance, than it is today. Baalance our bodies are constantly under attack, we balanc unprecedented Hormone balance and immune function exposure to dangerous, and occasionally unknown pathogens. So it is vitally important to do everything we can do to have and maintain the best immune health, and to even seek out how to boost your immune system. Of course, where immune health is concerned, we all know the basics. Proper diet, consistent hydration, and rest. A bqlance search will reveal hundreds Hormone balance and immune function ajd to eat right, exercise more, and sleep better to get your immune Hormone balance and immune function working top notch. But one often overlooked key to Chronic hyperglycemia and carbohydrate counting system baoance is your hormonal health. Balanced hormones are a major key to healthy immunity, and a weak immune system could even be a sign of a hormonal imbalance. While we often talk about them separately, your immune system and your endocrine system work hand in hand to maintain your health. Your individual hormones also impact each other, which is part of the reason why identifying hormone imbalances can be so impactful for your health. Hormone balance and immune function

Author: Tojasar

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