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Selenium best practices

Selenium best practices

Being Selenium best practices Sellenium test bset services provider, we have no second thoughts Selenium best practices Selenimu capacity and can firmly say that everybody can get the best out of it if they follow the best practices. In the above code, we have used the Chrome driver for automating a test scenario. java Or java.


Selenium Page Object Model Framework + Best Practices - IN 3 HOURS [with LIVE Practice Website]

Selenium best practices -

S elenium is an open-source framework used for the automation of web applications. Apart from this, it can also work on various administrative tasks such as monitoring websites.

Selenium automated testing is the most popular open-source automated testing tool in the technology industry today. Bringing immense benefits, selenium testing offers robust, browser-based automation for end-to-end testing. Well, Selenium WebDriver is comprised of four major blocks:.

This article discusses the top Selenium best practices for Selenium test automation, which might help you develop well-designed and scalable test suites. With so many web locators, it is necessary to choose the right one to minimize the impact on tests caused due to changes in the user interface. ID, Class, and Name are not only the easiest to use but also less brittle than other web locators.

Implement Logging and Reporting. If a particular test in an extensive test suite fails, locating the failing test case can become challenging. Logging can be a huge savior in such cases as console logs at appropriate places in the test code help develop a better understanding of the code and help in zeroing on the problem.

Some of the popular log levels available in popular programming languages are debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Adding unnecessary logs in the test implementation can cause delays in the test execution. Use Design Patterns and Principles. There are a lot of problems in design and development automation, and faced with these problems, people formulated patterns.

Initially, the classic patterns were formulated a long time ago by the four, who released the book Design Patterns. This four is also called the gang of four. The book formulates all the patterns they encountered at that time in an object-oriented world. There is a problem — there is a solution, and for a long time, this concept of design patterns has been growing and developing, replenishing with new patterns.

Factory and Decorator. Centralized Folder Structures. In a central repository for the Selenium team, organize and define folder structures with established naming conventions to set up a solid foundation for Dev and the Selenium testers.

Time wasted on erroneous filenames and code issues has a far greater impact negatively. A standard project can consist of Src and Test folders.

The Src folder can contain subdirectories containing Page Objects, Helper functions, and file s containing web locator information used in test scenarios. The Test folder can include the actual test implementation. Data-Driven Testing. With Selenium testing, you can use a Data-Driven Framework, a Keyword Driven Framework, or a Hybrid of both.

Data-Driven frameworks are more effective in how the dataset is separated from actual test code. Input test data is taken from external sources Excel, CSV, etc. A website or web application should be tested against different combinations of browsers, devices, and OS combinations i.

Hard coding of test values in test automation scripts is not a scalable solution as it would lead to unnecessary bloatware and possible repetition of test code. A better solution is using parameterization for achieving data-driven automation testing with Selenium.

Parameterization helps in executing test cases against different input combinations or data sets. For example:. Use Assert and Verify-in Appropriate Scenarios. Avoid Code Duplication or Wrap Selenium Calls. Leverage Parallel Testing in Selenium. This write examples for JUnit and TestNG. In this article, we looked at some of the Selenium best practices.

When coming up with Selenium test scenarios, you should always remember that Selenium is ideal for automation testing, so do not use the same for other types of testing since it might read favorable results. My top languages are Java and Swift. Open in app Sign up Sign in. Sign up Sign in.

The best practices test automation with Selenium WebDriver. At the heart of the Selenium framework is interaction with the browser, letting you navigate, click, type and check different objects within the DOM using a few set actions.

It does this using several different types of locators:. Selecting the right locators can be the difference between a test script that is flexible and successful, and a brittle test that breaks on the slightest UI change. If they are present, use unique Classes or IDs as Selenium locators, as they are less likely to change without someone on your QA or Dev team knowing.

You can also use XPath to navigate the WebDriver. There are two aspects of collaborating with different teams that can make your Selenium testing a success: constant communication and instilling the importance of testing to every department.

Instilling the importance of the QA process on your development team can save time and efficiency when building a testing framework.

Make sure they know how important unique CSS selectors are to your testing efforts, and ask them to write semantic and human-friendly code. Having constant communication across teams can help QA plan for changes to the UI of a website or application mandated from Marketing or the Design team.

Having small conversations about the front-end aspect of your app decreases the chance of surprise UI changes that will go untested. A popular test automation design pattern, the page object model will help you make robust testing frameworks that are resistant to small tweaks in the UI.

The page object model has two core advantages:. In both cases this allows any modifications required due to UI changes to all be made in one place. See Selenium Easy's explanation and example:. cssSelector ". Testing one single action or process, independent of any other tests is known as atomic testing.

This testing strategy will keep you from making chained, brittle tests. Chaining together tests, while saving time upfront, can be a huge hindrance to an agile or CI workflow.

Keep tests as small as possible. Selenium can be tough to learn because it requires a certain amount of tangential knowledge. You have to have some understanding of programming and to truly be a skilled Selenium tester, an understanding of test automation best practices.

Luckily, there are some fantastic resources available on the Internet to learn from. While we run monthly webinars to get you up and running with Selenium, here are a few of our favorites:.

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Software developers make use of Time-restricted nutrition strategy tools ebst execute Selenkum test cases. As the generation has advanced today, there Vest several Insulin delivery system tools Selenium best practices for the purpose. While working on a test automation plan, Selenium testing is one such suite used for adequate testing measures. In this article, we are going to list out top test automation best practices for the Selenium test automation framework that are being adopted by Top Selenium Automation Testing Company. Before starting with the actual point.

Selenium best practices -

On the other hand, the explicit wait is another type of dynamic Selenium wait that is used to stop the script execution on a particular condition for a specified duration. WebDriverWait and ExpectedConditions can be used to achieve condition-based waits.

Name the Test cases and Test Suites appropriately. When working in a team, there are cases where your team members may be required to enhance the tests that you had written.

If you revisit the same test after a couple of months, you might not be able to figure out the purpose of a test, until you go through the complete implementation. Set the browser zoom level to hundred percent. Sometimes during the Selenium test automation process, you may notice that the test implementation is not working correctly on specific browsers.

This is typically the case when performing cross browser testing on outdated browsers like Internet Explorer. Irrespective of the web browser on which automation testing with Selenium is performed, setting the browser zoom level to percent is one of the Selenium best practices that should be followed.

This setting gives a native mouse feel and ensures that the native mouse events are set to the correct coordinates. executeScript "document. Maximize the browser window.

Screenshots are taken during testing the process to help developers in debugging issues and help key stakeholders track product development progress. Screenshots also help detect whether test failure is due to application failure or problem in the test script being used for automation testing with Selenium.

By default, Selenium does not open the browser window in the maximized mode. This can affect the screenshot of the web page that is typically attached in test reports.

Maximizing the browser window immediately after the test URL is loaded ensures that a screenshot of the entire web page is captured.

maximize ;. This is one of the Selenium best practices that should be followed irrespective of the browser on which test automation is performed. Choose the best-suited Web locator. One of the challenges with Selenium test automation is that automation tests have to be modified if there are changes in the implementation related to locators used in the test code.

ID, Name, Link text, XPath, CSS Selector, DOM Locator, etc. are some of the frequently used web locators in Selenium webdriver. With so many web locators, it is necessary to choose the right one to minimize the impact on tests caused due to changes in the user interface. Link Text is usually preferred if there is a dynamic situation.

ID, Class, and Name are not only the easiest to use but also less brittle than other web locators. There are situations where the only option left is XPath. XPath engines might vary from one browser to another.

Hence, there is no guarantee that XPath for one browser would work seamlessly for another browser. A browser like Internet Explorer does not have a native XPath engine for locating web elements.

Hence, JavaScript XPath Query Engine usually is used for finding elements by XPath in IE. This will be slower than the native XPath engine. XPath is more brittle as reordering elements in a page or introducing a new web element can cause the existing implementation with XPath to fail.

If XPath is the only option, you should use Relative XPath instead of Absolute XPath. For testing internationalized applications, we might not be able to use LinkText or partialLinkText if the anchor tags do not contain any ID or class.

For localization or internationalization testing, partial href should be used so that even if the language on the site changes, the href link still points to the same location.

Create a Browser Compatibility Matrix for cross browser testing. To start with, it is a challenging task to narrow down a list of browsers browser versions, too and operating systems to run automated tests on. To manage this task, it is recommended that you use a browser compatibility matrix. Cross Browser testing is a challenging task as you need to prioritize testing on different browser plus OS combinations.

If we include browsers and their browser versions, it would add up to a vast number. This formalized list is also called Browser Matrix or Browser Compatibility Matrix. Browser Matrix is vital information drawn from product analytics, geolocation, and other detailed insights about audience usage patterns, stats counter, and competitor analysis.

Browser Matrix will help cover all the relevant browsers that matter to your product , thereby reducing the development and testing efforts. Required Data points for Browser Compatibility Matrix. When drafting a browser compatibility matrix, you need to get certain data points around which your whole strategy will revolve.

Platform defines the means by which your user is accessing your website. It can be either laptop, desktop, mobile, or a tablet. You need to be sure what is the most liked platform by your audience and ensuring its compatibility is utmost important. If the user is using desktop for the same, better note what browser is the maximum used browser for a specific geo.

Check for all combinations of mostly used browsers with different windows and mac operating systems. If the users love to surf on mobile, you need to ensure the mostly used browser there and again the browser, and mobile devices combinations.

Figure out what your users are preferring over the other and take the preferred ones into immediate attention. You must know what are the best combinations for your users in every aspect. Collating data from the sources listed above will help teams better understand their audience local or global.

Once the matrix has been determined, developers and QAs need to ensure that their development and test efforts are focused on the finalized set of browsers.

Once the application is developed, QAs need to test this software application on real device-browser combinations rather than emulators. This helps them test software in real user conditions and explore bugs that an end-user may encounter in the real world.

You can see a sample browser compatibility matrix below. Version tested. Operating system. Support level. Google Chrome. Latest stable release. Windows Mozilla Firefox. Mac OS X Internet Explorer. Implement Logging and Reporting.

If a particular test in an extensive test suite fails, it can become challenging to locate the failing test case. Logging can be a huge savior in such cases as console logs at appropriate places in the test code help develop a better understanding of the code and help in zeroing on the problem.

Some of the popular log levels debug, info, warning, error, and critical. Adding unnecessary logs in the test implementation can cause delays in the test execution.

This is where automation test reports can play a huge role as it helps in keeping track of the progression of test suites or test cases and corresponding test results. Reports also help minimize the time required for the maintenance of test data due to improvement in the readability of the test output.

Analyzing features and accessing test coverage becomes easy with automation test reports. Selenium test automation without logging and reporting defeats the sole purpose of using the Selenium framework. That is why logging and reporting are considered one of the best test practices in automation.

Use Design pattern and principles. When writing Selenium test automation scripts, you must keep a check on its maintainability and scalability. This is possible if changes in the web page UI requires minimal or no changes in the test script. Suppose the scripts are not appropriately maintained, i.

different scripts using the same web element. In that case, whenever there is a change in the web element, corresponding changes must be made at multiple places in the test script. This is where Page Objects, a popular web UI automation pattern, comes handy as it enhances test maintenance and reduces code duplication.

In-Page Object Model POM , a centralized object repository is created for controls on a web page. The web page is implemented as a separate class. Hence, every web page being tested will have its corresponding page object class. Along with better maintainability, using POM helps in reducing the code size as page object methods defined in different page classes can be reused across multiple test automation scripts.

Leveraging Page Object Model is one of the Selenium best practices that can aid in:. Improving test maintenance. Minimizing code changes due to updates in product UI. Enhancing code reusability. Simplifying the visualization and model of the web page under test. Use BDD Framework with Selenium.

Behavior Driven Development, popularly called BDD, is a popular development approach that helps in writing test cases in plain English language called Gherkin. This means that along with developers and testers, members with minimal technical know-how can participate in the development of tests.

BDD frameworks help in filling the void between business people and technical people as all of them get the opportunity to work on the enhancement of the tests.

Gherkin files created for BDD testing consist of a combination of features, steps, and scenarios, along with relevant Gherkin keywords such as Given, When, Then, etc. The format of feature files and keywords being used is uniform irrespective of the BDD framework being used.

This makes it easier to shift from one BDD framework to another as the learning curve is very low. BDD tests are more usable when compared to TDD tests as changes in business specification or feature specification would involve minimal changes in corresponding BDD features and scenarios.

When compared to TDD Test Driven Development , BDD tests have an improved shelf-life as tests are created using business and feature specifications. Some of the popular BDD frameworks are Cucumber, Behave, SpecFlow, etc. Follow a uniform directory structure. A standard project can consist of src and Test folders.

The src folder can contain sub-directories that contain Page Objects, Helper functions, and files that contain web locator information used in test scenarios. The Test folder can include the actual test implementation. However, Selenium best practices recommend us to have a directory structure that separates the test implementation from the test automation framework.

This helps in better organization of the test code. Identifying and Prioritizing test cases. Testing complex web applications can be challenging at times. Prioritizing certain test cases over others makes it easier to achieve test coverage goals. QAs must have clarity on which test cases are critical and need to be executed on priority.

For example, a login page is a vital part of any web-application. Naturally, automating tests to verify login page makes sense. This is because the login page rarely undergoes any modifications but offers an important function.

Thus, testing it would be easy, and running the tests would cover a high priority task in the pipeline early on. The test case prioritization of regression testing is done taking into account the business requirements, previous test cycle experience on functioning of the existing features, and the delivery timelines.

In order to identify test case scenarios, testers must understand the functional requirements of the system. Once the test case scenarios have been identified, the non-functional requirements must be defined.

Non-function requirements include operating systems, security features and hardware requirements. Use Data-Driven Testing for Parameterization. A website should be tested against different combinations of browsers, devices, and OS combinations i.

Hard coding of test values in test automation scripts is not a scalable solution as it would lead to unnecessary bloatware and possible repetition of test code. A better solution is using parameterization for achieving data-driven automation testing with Selenium. Parameterization helps in executing test cases against different input combinations or data sets.

More extensive the data set, the better the test coverage. This, in turn, helps in improving product quality and implementing good Selenium test practices. Trying to perform automation testing with Selenium without narrowing down your target will not only be a cumbersome task, but it will also be a waste of time and resources.

Though you are able to narrow down the device combinations, you will not always have the time to test everything one by one. Almost all major test frameworks, such as PyTest, PyUnit, TestNG, Cucumber, and so on support simultaneous testing on a Selenium Grid.

If you are not familiar with the concept of creating a Selenium Grid for distributed execution , make sure to read our conclusive blog. It would be a mistake to assume that the following test will utilize Firefox WebDriver in that situation or Chrome WebDriver or any other WebDriver. When running integration tests in a continuous build environment, the test will only get a RemoteDriver object i.

Using parameter notes to manage multiple browser types and prepare the code ready for simultaneous execution is one of the Selenium best practices or parallel testing. LabelledParameterized Parameters in TestNG and RunWith in JUnit may be used to build small frameworks in Selenium.

As one of the best test automation companies, we always make sure our scripts are easy to maintain by implementing the following Selenium best practices. So the locators for certain UI components will vary as well.

This implies that QAs have to once again create new test cases for the same page or make numerous changes at various places of the script, which can be time-consuming. So you can employ the Page Object Model design pattern to create test scripts and overcome this issue.

In this approach, each web page is considered a class file in the design pattern, and each class file contains related web components. This method greatly increases the reusability of the code while also making test maintenance easier.

Read our complete guide to page object model in Selenium before you implement it. Since the testers can never be sure of the results, they will lose trust in the code and end up re-running the scripts, or debugging the scripts even though there might not be an actual defect.

So make sure to quarantine such tests from your other tests. Once they are separated, make sure to analyze them and fix them before you bring them back to your test suite as flaky tests can disrupt your entire automation test suite with false positives and negatives.

You might be using various web locators such as XPath and ID to locate different web elements on the page. So the code that is regularly used in the implementation should be separated into its own API to reduce code duplication.

By following this approach, you will be able to reduce the code size and enhance maintainability. Page Objects, Helper functions, and file s that include web locator information needed in test scenarios may all be found in the Src folder. The actual test implementation can be stored in the test folder.

Selenium best practices, on the other hand, proposes that we have a directory structure that isolates the test implementation from the test automation framework. Hard coding test values in test automation scripts are extremely troublesome and not scalable in any way.

But you can avoid the various disadvantages like code duplication by implementing data-driven testing by using Parameterization. It aids in the execution of test cases that have a variety of inputs or data sets. Improper naming of your web elements in your automation script could lead to a lot of unnecessary confusion.

You may not face any issues as long as you are the only person using the script, but you have to ensure that your script can be used by anybody. Effective naming eases code maintenance by also making it easier to find the web element you are looking for in your code.

Add prefixes to the name of your web elements as shown in the below table as it describes the type of web elements being used.

In addition to that, you can name the web element based on how it appears in the UI. Camel case is nothing but a typing convention like lower case and upper case in which the first letter of every word is capitalized.

Creating proper documentation for your automation tests in Selenium is as important as any of the other Selenium best practices we have discussed thus far. Automation Test Script running into failures is an eventuality. But we will not be sure if the failure is due to a defect in the Application Under Test AUT or if there is a problem with our code.

So analyzing the cause of a test failure will be very crucial, and so taking screenshots is a best practice that can save a lot of time. Screenshots are not just great for failures as you can make use of screenshots as evidence for success.

To capture a screenshot, use the getScreenshotAs function in the following code sample. Finding that one failed test case in a large test suite is like finding a needle in a haystack.

So using console logs at suitable points in the test code helps us understand the issues better and zero in on the core problem.

Debug, info, warning, error, and critical are some of the common log levels that are available in most programming languages.

Since adding unnecessary logs to the test implementation might cause test execution to be delayed, it is better to add logs with level errors in scenarios that enable easier tracking. Like logging, reporting is also an important aspect of Selenium test automation as it helps determine if the test has passed or failed.

You can also keep track of the progress of test suites or test cases. This in turn helps improve the readability of the output and helps you reduce the amount of time spent maintaining test data as you can easily analyze the features and test coverage.

It will both provide a native mouse experience and ensure that the native mouse events are assigned to the proper coordinates. We have seen great results by implementing these Selenium best practices in our automation testing projects and hope you will them useful in the future as well.

We had listed various Selenium best practices under particular categories to enable a crystal clear understanding of how each of them impacts the testing process on the whole.

So we hope you have enjoyed reading our blog and found the content to be informative as well. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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Listen to this blog. No Web Element Type Prefix Example 1 Text Box Txt TxtUsername,TxtPassword 2 Button Btn BtnSignUp , BtnLogin 3 Drop Down Dd DdCountry , DdYear 4 Select Drop Down Sdd SddMonth , SddYear 5 Check Box Chk ChkGender, ChkLanguage 6 Header Hdr HdrName, HdrUser 7 Table Tbl TblBooks, TblProducts 8 Label Lbl LblUserName, LblPassword 9 Image Img ImgProfile, ImgCart.

No Action Prefix Example 1 Click Clk ClkLogin, ClkIcon 2 Type Set SetMobileNo, SetPassword 3 Verify Verify VerifyLogo 4 Check A Check Box Chk ChkLanguage 5 Select Value From Drop Down Select SelectCountry, SelectZone. Share Via -. Comments 0. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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Selenium Webdriver is Cross-training exercises powerful automation tool Selenium best practices testing Time-restricted nutrition strategy applications. Using it Selfnium testing a website is beest Selenium best practices simulating pactices actions of bes real user. All these abilities together make it a perfect tool for automation. But we need proper approach to get the best out of it. In most cases, the logic used in the implementation of test scenarios was spot-on, but the design and scalability were a matter of concern. This is a common sight for anyone who has sailed through the waters of Selenium test automation. Selenium best practices Use PageObjects Pattern Page Object is a Design Pattern practcies Time-restricted nutrition strategy become popular Low glycemic eating test automation beest enhancing test maintenance Time-restricted nutrition strategy reducing code duplication. A page object is an object-oriented class that serves Time-restricted nutrition strategy oractices interface to a page of your Application Under Test. The tests then use the methods of this page object class whenever they need to interact with that page of the UI. Subsequently all changes to support that new UI are located in one place. More on page object: page-objects-in-seleniumPageObjectFactorysimple example based on Google search page. Avoid Thread. sleep prefer Wait Instead of sleep.

Author: Gardagul

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