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Alpha-lipoic acid and muscle recovery

Alpha-lipoic acid and muscle recovery

Alpha-Lipoic Acid ALA and Aopha-lipoic Neuropathy Neuropathy is a common complication Alppha-lipoic diabetes. Recivery, the inhibition of Collagen and Cardiovascular Health should be interpreted in relation to the context. This is particularly essential if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications, as ALA may interact with other substances. View All Articles By This Author.


Heal Sciatica Nerve Pain \u0026 Low Back Pain with Supplements and Vitamins (Top 5) - Dr. Matthew Posa Incorporating alpha lipoic acid for muscle Alpah-lipoic into your diet can support Alpha-lipoic acid and muscle recovery Akpha-lipoic health and impact various aspects of physical recvery and recovery. Alpha-lipoic acid Aloha-lipoic is a naturally-occurring fatty acid Alphaa-lipoic body produces, playing a crucial role in converting accid Collagen and Cardiovascular Health glucose rfcovery energy Balanced diet plans oxygen through aerobic metabolism. Additionally, ALA serves as a potent antioxidant, neutralizing harmful compounds called free radicals that can damage cells at the genetic level. Incorporating ALA powder into your nutritional plan could benefit your muscle strength recovery. Research has shown that ALA has anti-inflammatory properties and is often used as a nutritional supplement to support healthy individuals and competitive athletes 3. With its antioxidative properties, long-term use of ALA can help protect your muscles from damage and inflammation caused by physical exertion. Consider adding ALA-rich foods or supplements to your diet to optimize muscle health.

Alpha-lipoic acid and muscle recovery -

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Search for:. Name: Email Address: Question or Comment: Are you human? time to read: 2 min. The test protocol was based on the guidelines of the NSCA for performance testing [ 3 ]. Immediately afterwards the load protocol was carried out. In addition, after the squats, three sets of low jumps combination of drop and counter movement jumps were performed, each with 15 repetitions and a s pause.

The ALA and placebo bottles were made specifically for this study Athenion GmbH, Berlin, Germany. There was no difference in taste or appearance between the two beverages.

In the 3 hours after the intervention, further feeding was prohibited only water was allowed. It included four strength training session with two different training plans.

The exercise selection, sequence and intensity are based on a previous investigation [ 47 ]. This training cycle of two resistance and one endurance sessions was carried out 2 times in 6 days.

The complete training plan is shown in Fig. ALA or placebo was supplemented once a day on the two rest days between the two training protocols. IL-6 concentrations of serum samples were analysed using the Human IL-6 ELISA Kit High. Sensitivity Abcam, Cambridge, United Kingdom. IL serum concentrations were analysed using a human IL ELISA Kit Abcam, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Bensheim, Germany. LDL and HDL concentration were determined using the Beckman Coulter AU analyzers Inc. Kraemer Blvd. Brea, CA , USA. The strength protocol is based on the guidelines of NSCA [ 3 ]. Between the sets a four-minute break was taken. For the statistical analyses the current version of SPSS IBM SPSS Statistics The results were presented as mean values with standard deviations SD.

For all parameters, a Z transformation was performed at each time points to analyse possible outliers. Values above a triple standard deviation were not taken into account in the analysis. All measurement parameters were tested for normal distribution with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. At all biomarkers, a Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis Test were used.

The images were created using GraphPad PRISM software GraphPad 8. La Jolla, CA, USA. Seventeen out of 18 volunteers successfully participated in the study. One subject was unable to complete the study for health reasons. The subjects were The weight was additionally measured after 7 days T2 and at the beginning and end of the second intervention phase.

All anthropometric data are shown in Table 2. A direct parameter to quantify muscle strength recovery is testing of skeletal muscle strength at different time points after exercise. In our experimental design leg strength was measured by the 1RM in back squat at the time points T0, T1b and T2.

The 1RM of the PL- group decreased from In the ALA-group, a similar decrease of power could be observed. Performance decreased from In contrast to the PL, whose performance was The changes in 1RM BS of ALA and PL group at T0, T1b and T2 are shown in Fig.

a 1RM back squat, b individual change ALA-group, c individual change PL-group. A total of eight subjects P1, P7, P8, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17 with ALA supplementation improved their performance after the six-day protocol.

Due to the fact, that some of the subjects had the same percentage change highlighted in colour in Table 3 A, supplementary material , only ten progressions can be seen. In contrast, only two increases P8, P16 were observed in the back squat in the placebo group Fig.

Nine subjects P1, P3, P4, P5, P9, P10, P11, P12, P14 were able to maintain their performance and six subjects P2, P6, P7, P13, P15, P17 had a decrease in performance.

The PL group also shows the same percentage changes highlighted in colour in Table 3 B, supplementary material , which means that only nine progressions can be seen. To investigate effects of ALA on training induced skeletal muscle damage serum concentrations of CK and Myo were determined after a single training load and a repeated training load for 6 days.

There was an increase in the ALA group from In the ALA-group, the value increased from The PL group increased from a Creatinkinase, b Myoglobin. After the six-day repeated training load, in the PL-group CK serum concentrations increased significantly from In the ALA-group, however, there was no significant increase in CK T0: Similar effects could be observed for Myo.

Only in the PL-group the Myo concentration increased significantly from In the ALA-group no significant increase could be observed from The changes in CK and Myo of the two groups at different times are shown in Fig. A significant increase of IL-6 and IL serum concentrations between T0 and T2 could be observed in the PL-group.

In the PL-group the IL-6 concentration increased from 6. However, such an increase was not detectable in the ALA-group.

IL-6 increased from 5. A similar increase could also be observed with IL In the PL-group the concentration increased from 7. In the ALA-group the value changed from 8. The changes in IL-6 and IL of all groups at T0 and T2 are shown in Fig. a Interleukin 6, b Interleukin At T1a no significant change was observed in either group for IL-6 and IL IL PL:.

ALA has been described to have strong anti-oxidative activity. Therefore, the concentrations of oxLDL, as oxidative stress marker, were analysed in the serum at T0 and T2. No significant changes between T0 and T2 could be observed Fig.

a oxLDL, b HDL, c LDL. In addition to oxLDL, general lipoprotein values HDL and LDL were measured. No significant changes were found in HDL and LDL Fig. In addition, all results are summarized in Table 4 Supplementary Materials.

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the application of ALA after acute and during chronic training protocols prevents the training induced loss of performance in athletes. As a functional parameter for pro-muscle recovery effects of ALA supplementation the individual changes in 1RM BS, were investigated and operationalised.

As shown in Fig. This can be taken as an indication for possible pro-recovery effects. Similar effects have been demonstrated for other dietary supplements such as creatine or protein shakes [ 45 , 48 , 49 ]. So far, possible pro-recovery effects after training with ALA supplementation have not been described in the literature.

Recent investigations have shown that the application of protein carbohydrate combinations counteracts the training induced loss of performance when administered a single application directly after exercise [ 45 , 50 , 51 ]. This could not be observed in this study for ALA Fig. Neither the ALA-group, nor the control group experience a significant reduce of performance in the acute training protocol.

This may be due to the very high performance level of the participants, which is higher compared to the participants examined in the previous study [ 45 ]. Nevertheless, it is not possible to draw conclusions about recovery based solely on the slight effect on the performance and short-term chronic ALA application.

The change in performance must be considered in the context of the implied muscle damage and inflammatory response and the effect of ALA application. To investigate the effects of ALA supplementation on skeletal muscle damage in this study two independent parameters, CK and Myo concentrations in response to training, were measured.

Both training protocols, the single training load and the six-days repeated training load protocol resulted in a significant increase of serum CK and Myo concentrations, indication skeletal muscle damage Fig.

As visible in Fig. However, it is known that CK serum concentration is a very influenceable parameter and should be used with caution.

Therefore, in our study only 14 subjects were considered for evaluation of this parameter. Two further subjects were declared as high responders and were individually evaluated. All individuals whose standard deviation was greater than 3.

In general, high responders are individuals who react very strongly to a training stimulus and therefore do not reflect the general course of certain parameters [ 55 ]. Interestingly also in these individuals a clear effect of ALA on CK concentration can be seen supplemental material, Fig.

In addition, it also needs to be highlighted, that a possible protective effect ALA with respect to muscle damage has been also demonstrated by a second independent parameter, Myo Fig.

Nevertheless, we believe that due to the similar course and effects in CK, Myo concentration and BS, ALA has a reducing effect on muscle damage in chronic application. These observations are consistent with Morawin et al.

Effects of ALA supplementation on serum CK concentrations have also been shown in disease models, suggesting that ALA has a reducing effect on CK concentration [ 51 ]. To investigate the effects of ALA supplementation on training induced inflammation the cytokine serum concentrations of IL-6 and IL were measured as biomarkers.

It has been already shown that ALA inhibits the activity of the transcription factor NFkB, resulting in a reduced secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 [ 20 , 34 ].

After the intensive chronic training protocol in our study, we observed that serum concentrations of cytokines, associated with inflammation, are modulated by ALA supplementation.

This confirms the assumption that ALA may suppress training-induced inflammation. Consequently, no anti-inflammatory response is activated in the ALA group Fig. After the single training program and application, no significant increase in cytokines was observed in both groups.

These even decreased slightly at the time of measurement. This may be due to a possible activation of the cytokines in the tissue and not in the measured blood serum, so that the possible measurement time was not chosen appropriately in this design.

The assumption that a reaction can be observed after three hours of exposure is based on various previous studies [ 45 , 51 ]. Due to the different training design, it may be possible that the inflammatory reactions start at different times. Like shown in Fig. A short-term chronic treatment with ALA could counteracted the increase Fig.

These effects are in agreement to findings in patients with metabolic diseases [ 39 , 40 , 41 , 43 ]. In Fig.

However, the inhibition of IL-6 should be interpreted in relation to the context. A reduction of inflammatory processes is a major goal in treatment strategies for various diseases in order to improve the quality of life and reduce long-term side effects [ 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 , 61 ]. However, with respect to physical activity the induction of muscle damage and inflammation is an important stimulus to activate molecular mechanisms responsible for an adaptation of the physiological processes, and at the end for the training effect [ 2 , 54 , 62 , 63 , 64 ].

It is an important challenge to find the right balance between training intensity and the resulting skeletal muscle damage and inflammation.

A complete suppression of inflammatory processes in response to physical activity, by anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or diclofenac has been demonstrated to counteract training adaptations [ 65 , 66 ]. On the other hand, a too strong stimulation of the inflammatory processes by training in association with muscle damage, can even lead to rhabdomyolysis [ 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 ].

In the process of inflammation mediated training adaptations, macrophage formation plays a decisive role and can be divided into two phenotypes [ 71 , 72 ].

Inflammation-promoting M1 macrophages eg. IL-6 migrate first into the tissue and contribute decisively to the degradation of necrotic tissue. At the same time, they stimulate the proliferation of myoblasts. This is followed by the immigration of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages eg.

IL [ 63 ], which balance the previously necessary inflammatory reactions and thus promote the recovery of muscle tissue [ 13 , 14 , 15 ]. However, when M1 macrophages are suppressed directly, M2 macrophages are not expressed either.

However, in the ALA-group not only the training induced increase of IL-6, also the increase of IL serum concentration was inhibited by ALA IL-6 pre: 5. A typical anti-inflammatory activity of a substance normally results in a suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-6 but an increase of the serum concentrations of anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL [ 63 ].

However, in this study a chronic six-day training protocol was used to simulate a training camp. The main goal of a training camp is not to improve performance in the shortest possible time, but to increase the load capacity and competition hardness [ 70 ]. The suppression of IL-6 and IL could also be reproduced in this study design by short-term chronic ALA supplementation.

If all effects on muscle damage, inflammation and performance are considered separately, the individual effects are rather small to moderate. However, the individual parameters in sport are very closely related, so that they cannot be considered individually, but only in combination in the overall context.

Even if no clear group difference could be determined, a trend towards the effect of ALA in sport can be identified on the basis of the same courses of the independent parameters.

Under this aspect it is remarkable that the suppression of training-induced IL-6 and IL by ALA is very effective and this is reproducible in the reduced loss of performance. In competitive sports these small differences can be very decisive for victory and defeat. One of the major pharmacologic activities of ALA discussed, are a high anti-oxidative capacity [ 27 , 39 , 73 ].

Therefore, in this study effects of ALA on markers for oxidative stress were analysed. Therefore, it was also not possible in this experimental design to investigate potential anti-oxidative effects of ALA.

Our training protocol includes resistance, but also endurance training. With the focus on anti-oxidative capacity of ALA in training, it would be more suitable to use a high intensity endurance training protocol for 6 days. However, the focus of this study was on skeletal muscle recovery and maintenance of performance.

Based on the observations, it cannot be excluded that ALA also has positive effects in sports through antioxidant activities, but this aspect seems to be less relevant in this study design. Nevertheless, follow up studies should focus also on the effects of ALA treatment in the context of physical activity, especially in long-term treatment over several weeks.

In summary, the data of our study indicate that ALA may support skeletal muscle recovery in scenarios involving chronic training and treatment and prevent the training related loss in performance. In contrast, we did not find any significant effects of ALA in acute training and treatment scenarios.

These results suggest also that ALA treatment needs to be chronically to result in training-supporting effects. This is also indicated by our biomarkers for skeletal muscle damage and inflammation. Regarding possible beneficial effects of ALA in training adaptation it is important to figure out that a district-level of skeletal muscle damage is required to activate molecular mechanisms that lead to training adjustments [ 74 ].

Chronic application of ALA may negatively influence this adaptation if the training goal is to improve performance. However, long-term training planning and periodization is based not only on performance improvement, but also on maintaining and improving the hardness of competition. Especially sports, which have competitions over several days, must maintain their performance as good as possible.

In this context, hard training weeks or training camps are often held to simulate the competition phases. In this context, chronic ALA supplementation may be useful to maintain performance. Our study design could show first indications and trends that ALA can have a positive effect on maintaining performance and reducing muscle damage and inflammation..

In which sports or scenarios ALA can be usefully applied must be determined in further studies. We conclude that short-term chronic ALA supplementation can support muscle recovery effects and prevents the training induced loss of performance in a specific training or competition phase, in very well-trained athletes.

However, for general recommendations, further investigations in different training scenarios and in athletes with different performance, are necessary, also to identify underlying molecular mechanisms.

The application time of ALA may also need to be extended in order to achieve more distinct courses and results. Due to the limitations in the study protocols, it is not yet possible to make final statements regarding the training supporting effects of a chronic supplementation with ALA in athletes and healthy, very well-trained individuals.

There is a clear need for further investigations. In such investigations, ALA supplementation should be done over longer periods of time to find out, how ALA affects training outcome. Furthermore, no clear statements can currently be made whether there are different effects of ALA in strength or endurance training.

Based on the available data from clinical trials in chronic diseases [ 24 , 25 , 26 , 28 , 29 , 30 ], it could be assumed that ALA could possibly achieve a better effect in endurance than in resistance training. Possible gender differences in the effect of ALA should also be taken into account in future studies to further specify the application profile.

Due to the anti-oxidative function of ALA as a radical scavenger that this could be a further advantage in long-term endurance training scenario or in competition situations known to induce high levels of anti-oxidative stress like marathon running.

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