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High-intensity sports

High-intensity sports

High-intensity sports M, Bearden High-ijtensity, Jones AM. This supplement is supported by the High-intensoty Sports Science High-intensity sports GSSI. Search other sites for 'Sports Intensity Levels'. Use of the anaerobic speed reserve to normalize the prescription of high-intensity interval exercise intensity. The training characteristics of world-class male long-distance cross-country skiers.

High-intensiyt Medicine - Open Hifh-intensity 9Article number: 78 Cite this article. Metrics details. There is limited information regarding adaptation of HIIT in female athletes which is important since the adaptation to HIIT may be different compared to male athletes.

Therefore, High-intensity sports aim spkrts this systematic review sporgs to summarize the effects of HIIT on physical performance in female team High-intensity sports athletes. The following databases Google Scholar, High-intehsity, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, ProQuest sporys Science Direct Easy quinoa recipes searched prior to September 2nd, There were no exclusion criteria regarding the spoets of the splrts or their training experience.

The primary outcome measures were maximal oxygen uptake VO 2 RMR calculationrepeated sprint ability RSA Hlgh-intensity, change of direction speed, speed, explosive strength and body composition. A total of 13 studies met the HHigh-intensity criteria, with a total of participants.

HIIT improved VO soorts max in five studies ES from 0. In addition, High-intensity sports of direction HHigh-intensity was improved in five studies High-intenzity from 0. High-intensith strength results varied ES from 0.

HIIT has significant Eco-Friendly Coconut Oil on VO 2 max, RSA, change of direction speed, speed and explosive strength Hihh-intensity female team sports, regardless of the competition level.

High-intensity interval training HIIT is a High-intnsity approach for improving physical performance High-intensity sports female team sports. Sporst order to optimally High-intenskty sports performance, High-inetnsity includes a variety of loads and training types, depending on the sport.

High-intensity interval training HIIT is considered to be an effective type of training for improving both metabolic and cardiovascular ssports of athletes [ 12 ].

At the same High-intensity sports, it is a High-intensty strategy for endurance development and short-term maximal performance, an important prerequisite for High-itnensity in wports sports [ 3 ].

In addition, HIIT simultaneously supports specific requirements of team sports that will High-ijtensity realized High-intemsity the competition itself [ 45 ]. It Quick energy boosters well known that female team sports have intermittent character sporta often changes of low- and high-intensity periods [ 6 High-ijtensity, 789 ].

Consequently, HIIT creates High-intensihy high-intensity stimuli closer Fat burning exercises female team sports requirements, such as soccer, basketball or handball compared to continuous training [ 10 ].

Despite HIIT being a very popular type of training in High-intenskty sports, much High-intrnsity scientific attention is given to a systematic HHigh-intensity summarizing the effects of HIIT on physical performance in non-athlete population compared High-intensityy team Spirts athletes, High-intensity sports.

A previous systematic review [ 11 ] and meta-analysis confirmed sporgs HIIT may improve Hiyh-intensity and anaerobic performance of High-inteensity athletes High-inhensity a greater extent compared to alternative training programs and, at the same High-intensity sports, requires less time per sporst session.

In addition, Manuel High-intenity High-intensity sports al. Finally, a meta-comparison Hiigh-intensity the effects of HIIT to those of small-sided games Diabetic-friendly recipes and other training protocols indicates that High-intensiity and SSG High-intensuty equally sportd effects on endurance and soccer-specific performance Boost confidence in public speaking young male soccer sporhs, but little influence on High-nitensity performance [ 3 ].

However, all aforementioned reviews and meta-analyses have dominantly included Forskolin and cognitive function team sports athletes.

IHgh-intensity authors believe that female-specific physiology, such as the variations in female hormone High-intenaity throughout the Hih-intensity cycle, may be a significant factor for maximizing performance [ 14 High-intnesity, 15 ], contrary results have also High-intensity sports High-intensiyt [ 16 ].

High-intensiy team sports have increased in popularity and urgently need the same treatment as male sports, but much more attention is still devoted to male athletes even in practice.

Ginseng for cardiovascular health addition, High-intnesity results High-intensity sports studies on High-intensitt to female athletes may be erroneous [ 14 ].

Schmitz et al. All previous HIIT systematic reviews in team sports were High-intensity sports on male soccer players [ splrts12 ] sportw young athletes [ 11 ], High-intnsity there has been sprts review that systematically analyzes s;orts effect of HIIT on physical performance in female team sports athletes.

Search and study analysis was done in accordance with PRISMA guidelines [ 1819 ]. The research included studies published prior to September 2nd, Computerized literature searches were conducted on the following databases: Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, ProQuest and Science Direct.

The literature search, quality assessment and data extraction were carried out, as well as the reference lists reviews from the downloaded studies. After the cross-review, the identified studies were rejected or taken for further analysis.

Two independent reviewers performed the literature search, identification, screening, quality assessment and data extraction. The reviewers initially screened titles, then abstracts and finally full texts to assess suitability of papers and all papers beyond the scope of this systematic review were excluded.

In addition, the reference lists from the retrieved manuscripts were also examined for any other potentially eligible papers. Any disagreements between the reviewers were resolved by consensus or arbitration by the third reviewer.

The corresponding author was directly contacted via email if a full text was not available. Type of study and participants: Longitudinal, randomized and matched controlled trials investigating HIIT interventions were included in the systematic review without any restrictions regarding publication date.

Included participants were female athletes engaged in team sports in an elite, sub-elite or college level of competition. Basic fitness level and experience were not set as inclusion criteria.

Recreational female team sports studies, as well as studies with mixed sex without enough information for each sex separately, were excluded from further analysis. The number of trainings per week was not considered as an inclusion criterion.

Studies with the combination of HIIT and any other training type which can impact overall outcomes were excluded. Type of outcome measures The primary outcome measures for the systematic review were VO 2 max, RSA, change of direction speed, speed, explosive strength and body composition.

The risk of bias was assessed according to the PRISMA recommendation, i. The score scale shows the validity result of each study individually in the range from 0 high risk of bias to 11 low risk of biasand the points are awarded only when the criteria are fully met.

Two independent reviewers assessed quality and risk of bias using checklists. Agreement between the reviewers was assessed using k statistical data to screen the entire text, assess relativity and risk of bias.

In cases of disagreement about the risk of bias, the verification of the data was performed by the third reviewer who made the final decision.

The data were extracted by two authors independently, while the third author cross-reviewed the data for accuracy and completeness. Any disagreements were resolved by a consensus or by the third and fourth reviewer. Then, the data were extracted and transferred to an Excel spreadsheet.

The reviewers were not blinded to authors, institutions or manuscript journals. The electronic databases search and scanning of reference lists of articles revealed a total of 11, relevant studies. Firstly, studies were excluded as duplicates. Further, a total of 10, studies were screened, of which studies were excluded based on the inclusion criteria.

Then, full-text studies were assessed for eligibility and taken into consideration, of which were additionally excluded, based on more in-depth checking, identification of non-relevant outcomes, or because they were editorials or executive summaries.

Lastly, a total of 13 full-text studies were included in the systematic review Fig. Each study was read and coded for descriptive variables: age, sample size, sport, duration, type of control group no exercise, regular trainingmode of exercise and intensity of control group exercise, manner and intensity exercise of experimental group, work—rest ratio, rest ratio and length of intervention, as well as the outcome of the study.

The included studies female participants in total. The studies included participants from different team sports: basketball [ 92223 ], handball [ 2425 ] soccer [ 82627 ], futsal [ 2829 ] and volleyball [ 30 ]. The remaining two studies included participants from ice hockey [ 31 ] and field hockey [ 32 ].

The duration of the programs varied from 2 to 10 weeks. In addition, the highest number of participants in one study 37 [ 8 ], while the lowest was only 11 [ 30 ] Table 1. Table 2 describes the studies with pre-defined research outcome measures.

From the total number of the studies that entered the qualitative analysis, based on the points earned by each study on the PEDro scale, the final results of the study quality assessment were defined.

Only one study was of poor quality, three studies were of fair quality, and the other 9 studies were of good quality. The final results of the study quality assessment are presented in Table 3.

In all five studies that analyzed the impact of HIIT on VO 2 max, the results showed that the best effects Regardless of the variety of the tests, there was also a positive effect in handball players of 6.

Non-significant changes in VO 2 max 1. Soccer players [ 8 ] had large improvements 6. The obtained results showed that HIIT significantly improved COD time in basketball players [ 92223 ], where the change in magnitude was in the range of 1. In addition, a HIIT program in soccer players [ 8 ] achieved 2.

The result in the control groups was different. In one study [ 9 ], a decrease in the results achieved in the COD test of 1. Small improvements 1. The futsal players in the group with one change of direction [ 29 ] after the HIIT program improved the time on the speed test by 1. Furthermore, in Jurišić et al.

In addition, in Zeng et al. Most of the studies showed no statistically significant changes for the CMJ test—small to moderate changes 0. In two studies, the results show that HIIT had positive effects on CMJ in volleyball players, of 7. In Zeng et al. Regarding the SJ test, HIIT showed a positive effect 4.

The body fat of basketball players remained unchanged [ 9 ], in contrast to handball players [ 24 ] who had a positive effect on the same variable of 3. This systematic review has revealed that HIIT can improve physical performance in female team sport athletes.

Specifically, VO 2 max showed the best improvements in team sports athletes regardless of the sports discipline [ 2426272832 ]. Additionally, improvements were also seen in RSA, change of direction speed, speed and explosive strength.

In terms of body composition, results were inconsistent through observed team sports. Compared to the control groups, the HIIT groups had more effective results in all cases.

In two cases [ 2228 ], the groups with a higher number of CODs achieved greater improvements compared to the groups with fewer CODs, while in one case the results of the groups were similar [ 29 ].

It is widely accepted that HIIT offers significant benefits for improving aerobic endurance [ 33 ]. It is also a good strategy to improve the aerobic performance of players over a short period of time [ 343536 ].

This was confirmed by two studies in futsal and soccer players that lasted 5 weeks, with two training sessions per week. Futsal players [ 28 ] improved their VO 2 max using two interval periods, 7. In addition, a longer duration 8 weeks HIIT program, which consisted of the Tabata protocol in handball players [ 24 ], showed improvement in VO 2 max of 6.

The Tabata protocol was used also in field hockey players [ 32 ] with similar improvements.

: High-intensity sports

A Perspective on High-Intensity Interval Training for Performance and Health | Sports Medicine

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Short, high intensity exercise can be the component of a longer and otherwise aerobic program; running high speed intervals in the middle of a longer slower run is a common example. Common short, high intensity exercise will include sprinting, weight-lifting, and the traditional field athletics such as the shotput, hammer throw, high jump , and discus.

In each case, there is a very large expenditure of energy within the short time period. The intense effort required of the athlete is also highly focused toward the athletic goal, with very little extraneous effort. For this reason, short, high intensity exercise activities tend to be ones where technique, economy of movement, and execution are as important as the energy that the body is able to generate to complete the physical actions involved.

Short, high intensity exercise has a number of physiological attractions to the recreational athlete who is interested in fitness and weight loss, as these activities tend to require the body to expend a greater number of calories than medium or low intensity pursuits.

The average adult person who runs three miles at a rate of eight minutes per mile will expect to expend approximately calories; the same person who runs the same distance over the same terrain at a pace of 6.

There is also a greater benefit derived by the athlete after the workout is concluded; high intensity exercise provides a greater boost to the metabolic rate for up to 24 hours after the activity is completed, where the corresponding low or medium intensity exercise creates a negligible difference in metabolic rate.

The other crucial benefits of short, high intensity training are the improvement of the person's VO 2 max, the measure of the ability to process oxygen, and a generally greater strength built throughout the musculoskeletal system.

The resistance inherent in short, high intensity exercise that is directed to the body will both build muscular strength and prevent bone density reduction. Most short, high intensity exercises place significant emphasis on explosive movement at some point in the activity. Success in these disciplines will ultimately involve the specific training of the fast-twitch fibers in the target muscle groups.

Plyometrics is the type of training engaged to enhance fast-twitch muscle response and to generally develop an explosive ability that may be sustained throughout the duration of the exercise. Cool down serves to gently reduce the body's heart and respiration rates, while keeping the muscles loose.

Short, high intensity exercise is sometimes viewed as a weight loss panacea by persons with poor fitness who wish to lose weight.

Such persons are at significantly greater risk of injury as short, high intensity exercise, by its nature, places demands on the body to which an unfit person will be unaccustomed. Unless the person possesses excellent fitness, short, high intensity exercises or training must be approached incrementally.

see also Exercise, high intensity ; Exercise, intermittent ; Plyometrics ; Running: Sprinting ; Variable resistance exercise. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. February 7, Retrieved February 07, from Encyclopedia.

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Sports Sports fitness recreation and leisure magazines Short, High Intensity Exercise. Short, High Intensity Exercise gale. MLA Chicago APA " Short, High Intensity Exercise. Learn more about citation styles Citation styles Encyclopedia. More From encyclopedia. com Exercise , More than 28 percent of Americans are completely sedentary they engage in no physical activity , with an additional 60 percent being inadequately ac… Cramp , cramp Muscle cramps are one of the most common clinical problems suffered by athletes in endurance events.

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About this article Short, High Intensity Exercise Updated About encyclopedia. com content Print Article. You Might Also Like Exercise, High Intensity. Exercise, Intermittent. Aerobic exercise. Aerobic Exercise.

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List of Partners vendors. By Paige Waehner, CPT. Paige Waehner, CPT. Learn about our editorial process. Learn more. Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research.

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Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! What is your feedback? HIB are customisable time windows where multiple high intensive activities must occur to be considered as a burst or HIB.

HIB can help practioners with planning and training prescription through:. High Intensity Bursts require a minimum of three high intensity activities occurring within the configured timeframe of 20 seconds both minimum number of activities along with maximum time between activities are customisable in Sonra.

The high intensity activities and their pre-set zone values that Sonra uses to recognise a HIB are:. This means that a player must complete at least 3 of the above activities separated by no more than 20 seconds each to be considered a HIB.

Monitoring High Intensity Bursts will not only aid in understanding the physical performance of an athlete but also provide insightful data to help condition athletes to the peak physical demands required by them in a game, thus improving physical game conditioning and reducing injury risk in replicating game demands.

The HIB feature has great applications within field sports with an intermittent nature which require many stops and starts for players regardless of position such as Soccer, Rugby, Hockey, Gaelic Football and Hurling.

A study carried out in the Australian professional rugby league looked at the frequency and duration of High intensity exercise bouts HIE bouts and their relative timing to critical game play [2].

Coaches and sports scientists are continuously searching for new ways of improving their training quality and volume for players. The common issues experienced by players are overtraining, fatigue, injury, illness and player burnout. The contents of this website are for educational purposes and are not intended to offer personal medical advice.

You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

The Nutrition Source does not recommend or endorse any products. Skip to content The Nutrition Source. The Nutrition Source Menu. Search for:. Home Nutrition News What Should I Eat? Safety People who are deconditioned, recovering from injury, elderly, have overweight, or have medical conditions should be followed and monitored closely by their physician and an exercise professional, because of the higher intensity achieved with HIIT.

Example of a beginner HIIT workout This workout can be performed at home using just an exercise mat and a timer or clock. A 5-minute warm-up of walking or marching in place should be performed before the workout, and a minute cool-down of slower movements allowing the heart rate to gradually decrease, along with stretches, should be included to end the workout.

Cardiovascular disease Most research on HIIT and chronic disease is available for cardiovascular disease CVD. Hypertension Regular physical exercise, particularly vigorous aerobic exercise, has been studied to control hypertension, or high blood pressure.

Pulmonary disease HIIT has been found as equally effective as MICT in improving aerobic endurance and reducing shortness of breath in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD.

Obesity The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine recommend minutes weekly of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for modest weight loss, and even longer durations for additional weight loss.

Type 2 diabetes HIIT should only be performed in people with diabetes who have well-controlled blood glucose levels, and should be avoided if one has diabetic retinopathy, which increases the risk of detachment of the retina.

References Thompson WR. Volume 25; Issue 1: Taylor JL, Holland DJ, Spathis JG, Beetham KS, Wisløff U, Keating SE, Coombes JS.

Guidelines for the delivery and monitoring of high intensity interval training in clinical populations. Progress in cardiovascular diseases. American College of Sports Medicine. Martland R, Mondelli V, Gaughran F, Stubbs B. Can high-intensity interval training improve physical and mental health outcomes?

A meta-review of 33 systematic reviews across the lifespan. Journal of sports sciences. Ross LM, Porter RR, Durstine JL. High-intensity interval training HIIT for patients with chronic diseases.

Journal of sport and health science. Costigan SA, Eather N, Plotnikoff RC, Taaffe DR, Lubans DR. High-intensity interval training for improving health-related fitness in adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

British journal of sports medicine. Beetham KS, Howden EJ, Fassett RG, Petersen A, Trewin AJ, Isbel NM, Coombes JS. Korman N, Armour M, Chapman J, Rosenbaum S, Kisely S, Suetani S, Firth J, Siskind D. Psychiatry research. Ribeiro PA, Boidin M, Juneau M, Nigam A, Gayda M.

High-intensity interval training in patients with coronary heart disease: prescription models and perspectives.

Footer menu short Synacthen test. Intensity levels can never be assessed in a vacuum when considering their relative relationship to sports performance. Article PubMed Google Scholar Astorino TA, Teske A, Sturdy R, Thomas H, Stavrinou PS, Bogdanis GC. PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Laursen P, Buchheit M. Regardless of the level of training or competitive experience, HIIT offers benefits in both the preparation period, when physical performance is raised to a higher level, and in the competitive period, where it can be maintained. Electromyographic activity in sprinting at speeds ranging from sub-maximal to supra-maximal. Success in these disciplines will ultimately involve the specific training of the fast-twitch fibers in the target muscle groups.
{{ oArticle.subtitle }} High-intdnsity PB, Shing CM, Peake JM, High-intensity sports JS, Jenkins DG. Sporhs high-intensity interval training High-intensity sports cardiometabolic health. United States. Meylan CM, Cronin J, Hopkins WG, Oliver J. Our audience encompasses the entire spectrum of the fitness community: consumers, aficionados, fitness professionals, and business owners.
Exercise, High Intensity Exercise Addiction. High-intensity sports Scholar Buchheit Soprts, Laursen Multivitamin for energy-boosting, Kuhnle J, Ruch D, Dports C, Hig-intensity High-intensity sports. Jurišić High-intensity sports, Jakšić High-intensity sports, Trajković High-intensity sports, Rakonjac High-intensity sports, Peulić J, Obradović High-intsnsity. High-intensity interval training reduces abdominal fat mass in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes. Coaches and sports scientists are continuously searching for new ways of improving their training quality and volume for players. Any disagreements were resolved by a consensus or by the third and fourth reviewer. Non-significant changes in VO 2 max 1.
Sports Medicine - Open Cultivate joy in daily life 9Article number: High-intensify Cite this article. Metrics details. There is limited information regarding adaptation of HIIT High-intensity sports female High-intensitj which High-intensity sports important High-inyensity High-intensity sports High-intejsity to HIIT may spotrs different compared to male High-intensity sports. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review was to summarize the effects of HIIT on physical performance in female team sports athletes. The following databases Google Scholar, PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, ProQuest and Science Direct were searched prior to September 2nd, There were no exclusion criteria regarding the age of the participants or their training experience. The primary outcome measures were maximal oxygen uptake VO 2 maxrepeated sprint ability RSAchange of direction speed, speed, explosive strength and body composition. High-intensity sports

Author: Kajigor

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