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Polyphenols and anti-aging effects

Polyphenols and anti-aging effects

In addition, the anti-oxidant Polyphenols and anti-aging effects is activating SKN-1 and regulating anti-agign through the pathway, Cognitive function improvement techniques overlapping with Citrus fruit supplement for detoxification Jung et al. From the effectd of welfare and management Anti-agig animals, we did not sacrifice the mice, but evaluated their lifespan using non-invasive pharmacological methods and faeces to investigate the intestinal microbiota in P1 mice drinking LPP throughout life. J Med Chem 58 13 — CAS PubMed Google Scholar Estrela JM, Mena S, Obrador E, Benlloch M, Castellano G, Salvador R et al Polyphenolic phytochemicals in cancer prevention and therapy: bioavailability versus bioefficacy.

Polyphenols and anti-aging effects -

Thus, with the development of synthetic biology technology, a few important functional nutrients can be produced at a low cost by biological manufacturing.

In the future, biological manufacturing is expected to be replaced by traditional extraction techniques or functional nutritional chemicals. So far, plant polyphenols, such as blueberry polyphenols, black tea and green tea polyphenols, and tocotrienols in vegetable oils, have been proved to delay the aging process in model organisms Adachi and Ishii, ; Wilson et al.

The anti-aging effects of these polyphenols are mostly related to their anti-oxidant properties and their ability to scavenge free radicals. It has been reported that resveratrol, a polyphenol compound in red wine, could slow down aging in Caenorhabditis elegans due to the reduction of mitochondrial respiration Wood et al.

The understanding of human aging and longevity might be improved by elucidating the molecular mechanism of aging in C. elegans Park et al. Although experiment with a mammalian model is compelling, it is time-consuming and limited by the presence of ethical concerns.

elegans has been proved as a reasonable model organism for biological research on aging because of its advantageous features Guarente and Kenyon, Although its anatomical structure is simple, the tissues and organs, such as muscles, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and gonads of C.

elegans , are similar to that of higher animals Jorgensen and Mango, Similar to humans and other higher mammals, its behavior changes and descending physiological indexes are accompanied by aging.

Moreover, there are highly evolutionary conserved mechanisms controlling physiological phenomena, such as development, aging, and disease.

Homologous or functionally similar forms of the main enzymes, genes, and transcription factors involved in metabolism have been found in higher animals and C. elegans Chen et al. For example, the important transcription factor forkhead box O FOXO , which is involved in longevity, stress resistance, and metabolism, is present in drosophila, nematodes, rodents, and humans Martins et al.

Therefore, C. elegans is broadly utilized in screening for natural bioactive substances Ye et al. Numerous transgenes and mutants related to the longevity and aging of C. elegans are available Chen et al. At present, most of the bioactive substances with anti-aging activity were first discovered by using nematodes as model organisms.

Since the first use of nematodes by Brenner as a tool in genetics research Brenner, , the model has been applied to many other research fields, such as development, disease modeling, metabolism, medicine, screening, and others. We also took advantages of this model organism in aging and signal transduction Zheng et al.

Since two American scientists, Friedman and Johnson, discovered in the s that the mutation of a single gene in nematodes can increase lifespan Johnson and Wood, ; Friedman and Johnson, , the genetic control of aging has rapidly developed.

It is reported that aging and aging-related diseases are controlled by signaling pathways, such as autophagy-related target of rapamycin TOR signaling pathway McCormick et al.

Polyphenols are the most widely distributed group of phytochemicals Table 1. They are usually classified into flavonoids, phenolic acids, and non-flavonoids. Flavonoids are subdivided into flavonols, flavanones, isoflavones, anthocyanins, and flavanols according to their chemical structure.

Phenolic acids are subdivided into hydroxybenzoic acid and hydroxycinnamic acid. Non-flavonoids are subdivided into lignans, stilbenes, and tannins Papaevgeniou and Chondrogianni, ; Fraga et al.

The category is illustrated in Figure 1. Table 1. Modulation of the lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans by polyphenols. Polyphenols exert beneficial effects on health, owing to their anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, and they have been commonly employed to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and other diseases.

The structural characteristics of the carbocyclic ring of polyphenols and the number of hydroxyl groups on the ring are the main prerequisites for prolonging lifespan Grunz et al.

In this article, we reviewed literature regarding the anti-aging properties of each specific polyphenol. Different classes of chemicals might activate similar signaling pathways involved in aging processes, and one class of chemicals might be involved in multiple pathways.

For example, it was reported that resveratrol can extend C. In addition, many kinds of polyphenols can modulate longevity through the IIS pathway, especially through the key transcription factor DAF in the pathway, for example, myricetin Buchter et al. The main reason for this effect might be that the DAF expression increases the ability to scavenge free radicals and resist oxidative stress.

Bioactive phytochemicals, such as flavonols, are abundant in fruits and vegetables, such as onions, peppers, cauliflower, and grapes.

The most common flavonol is quercetin, and other common flavonols are kaempferol, myricetin, isorhamnetin, tamarixetin, morin, fisetin, apigenin, and luteolin Adebamowo et al.

Figure 2 illustrates the model of how flavonols are involved in lifespan regulation. Quercetin, as a strong anti-oxidant, has been demonstrated to have a positive effect on longevity and stress resistance in various animal models, and its activity and mechanism have also been studied in nematodes Pietsch et al.

Several studies have confirmed that quercetin accumulates in nematodes and exhibits reactive oxygen species ROS scavenging activity, which might be the reason for its beneficial health effects, and this process is regulated by the transcription factor DAF Kampkotter et al.

The C. elegans gene, daf , is homologous to the mammalian gene for the FOXO transcription factor, which plays a key role in controlling several stress response signaling cascades, aging processes, and other important biological functions, and it is also considered as an important downstream factor of the IIS pathway, which is one of the main pathways that regulate the lifespan of nematodes.

However, the conclusion is contrary. Some reports suggested that, although DAF-2 and other components of the IIS pathway mediate the anti-oxidant activity and life-prolonging effects of quercetin on nematodes, these effects seem to be independent of DAF Pietsch et al. Hence, the role of DAF in quercetin-induced health effects requires further investigation.

Besides DAF, SKN-1 and mitogen-activated protein kinase MAPK pathways are also involved in the process of scavenging ROS, lifespan extension, and health improvement in C. HSF orthologous, HSF-1, as a transcriptional regulator of stress-induced gene expression in worms, induces the expression of molecular chaperones.

UNC and SEK-1 seem to be parts of the lifespan regulation of quercetin Pietsch et al. SEK-1 is an indispensable MAPK in innate immunity, and UNC is a part of the SEK-1 upstream neuron regulation signal pathway.

These two regulators belong to the MAPK pathway, a major immune signaling pathway Troemel et al. Therefore, quercetin can be considered a multitarget nutrient. In addition, myricetin was first discovered by Spanier for its activation of DAF and its increase in the expression of its downstream gene sod-3 , but it was found that the activation of DAF was not the cause of the extended lifespan because it was found that DAF activation was not correlated with the myricetin-mediated decrease in mitochondrial ROS and the increase in longevity Grunz et al.

However, further experiments proved that myricetin does exert its anti-oxidant effect through DAF Buchter et al. All these studies found that, in DAF mutants, the ROS-scavenging effect of myricetin was blocked to a great extent, and the beneficial effect on lifespan also disappeared completely.

This indicates that, although myricetin is a strong anti-oxidant, its effect on the lifespan of C. elegans is heavily dependent on DAF rather than its direct anti-oxidant capacity.

At present, the study of myricetin on the life extension of nematodes is limited to its regulation of the IIS pathway. In the future, additional pathways should be further analyzed in this respect, and other mechanisms for myricetin-mediating health effects should be investigated Buchter et al.

Baicalein mainly comes from Huangqin, which is one of the commonly used traditional Chinese medicines. It has been demonstrated that baicalein mediates anti-oxidant effects by activating nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 Nrf2 in mammalian cell lines.

When it comes to C. elegans , SKN-1 is the homologous gene of the mammalian transcription factor Nrf2 An and Blackwell, Similar to Nrf2, SKN-1 can also be activated by oxidative stress or exogenous bioactive substances; then, it can be transferred to the nucleus and combined with anti-oxidant response elements AREs of various anti-oxidant or protective gene promoter regions.

This pathway can induce a variety of anti-oxidant enzymes as the key defense mechanism against oxidative stress. The lifespan of skn-1 mutant is shortened, and the resistance to oxidative stress is reduced. SKN-1 is the direct target of the IIS pathway and MAPK pathway and has some common downstream targets with DAF It is also required for dietary restriction DR -induced longevity because it interacts with amino acid and lipid metabolism during starvation Dall and Faergeman, It has been reported that baicalein can modulate the lifespan and stress resistance of nematodes via SKN-1, but not DAF, a result similar to what was obtained in mammalian cell lines Havermann et al.

Anthocyanins are found in a wide variety of colored vegetables, fruits, and cereal, especially in various berry fruits, such as bilberries, blueberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, chokeberries, strawberries, and elderberries Chen et al.

Many studies have focused on the anti-oxidant capacity of different plant extracts rich with anthocyanins. The vast majority of plant extracts rich in anthocyanins, such as extracts of purple wheat Chen et al.

Heat shock proteins HSPs are molecular chaperones and play important roles in the protection of molecular damage under environmental stress and have the ability to maintain proteostasis and prolong the longevity of organisms Swindell, DAF is a key protein for the anti-aging effects.

aak-2 is the encoding gene of AMPK in nematodes. AMPK is a regulator of cellular energy homeostasis, which is essential for the metabolic regulation of nematodes during starvation and diapause Demoinet and Roy, , it can be activated under low energy conditions and can maintain the steady state of energy, linking nutritional availability with longevity Tullet, Overexpression of AAK-2 in nematodes prolongs its lifespan, and this effect also requires the downregulation of the IIS pathway and the upregulation and transposition of DAF Zhao et al.

Flavanols are mainly found in tea, apples, wine, and cocoa Lei et al. Figure 2 shows the effect of flavanols on the lifespan of nematode. There are many types of flavanols, but the current research has focused mostly on tea extracts and the certain classes of flavanols, such as catechinic acid CA and EGCG.

Xiong et al. elegans under stress conditions, such as osmotic pressure imbalance, ultraviolet radiation, and heat stress. This effect might be mediated by the SEK-1 signaling and SIR Worms simultaneously treated with catechins-rich green tea aqueous extract GTE and a lethal dose of pro-oxidant, i.

It suggested that GTE could enhance the anti-stress ability of nematodes and reduce oxidative damage in vivo Abbas and Wink, In addition, it was found that CA, as a natural polyphenol compound, extended the lifespan and declined the age-related behaviors of C.

elegans by regulating the mitophagy pathway related to genes of bec-1 and pink It was found that it can act in the role of inducing mitochondrial phagocytosis at the early stage, which was also a key period to affect the lifespan Wu et al.

Mitophagy can prevent the accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria and prolong lifespan. EGCG is another widely studied flavane. The regulation of EGCG on the lifespan of nematodes is affected by the concentration. The effect on the organism can be described as a hormetic effect; in other words, stimulatory and inhibitory effects would be generated in low and high doses.

The health effects of EGCG depend on the hormetic effect. When the concentration is above μM, it might produce toxic effects Xiong et al.

Previous studies have found that EGCG can increase the nuclear translocation and expression of DAF and activate its downstream antioxidant genes Zhang et al. However, the upstream regulation mechanism has not been further studied. Currently, it was found that EGCG acted on SIR Besides, EGCG can mainly restore the mitochondrial function and increase the biogenesis of early-to-mid adult worms, thus improving the redox steady state of worms.

The EGCG-induced longevity of nematodes also depends on the mitochondrial function. The health effect would decrease gradually with age increases Xiong et al. Sirtuin of C. elegans is the closest homolog to human SIRT1, which is encoded by the gene sir It is also a conservative transcription regulator.

It can also induce autophagy by upregulating the autophagy gene and inhibiting the TOR signal together with AMPK Ruderman et al. In addition, the anti-oxidant mechanism is activating SKN-1 and regulating lifespan through the pathway, partially overlapping with DR Jung et al. DR is one of the most influential environmental interventions for prolonging the lifespan and healthspan of many species.

Hydroxybenzoic acid is widely distributed in vegetables and fruits and can be synthesized from polyphenols by gut bacteria. It has been confirmed to activate Nrf2 Juurlink et al. It can also increase the stress resistance under osmotic, heat, and oxidative stress conditions Kim et al.

By bioinformatics analysis, aspirin was found to alter the expression of genes, which are involved in fat metabolisms, such as acs-2, ech elegans through the activation of DAF and DAF Huang et al.

As is known to all, the primary component of aspirin is salicylic acid. As an isomer of hydroxybenzoic acid, it suggests that hydroxybenzoic acid might influence the expression of genes involved in anti-oxidation and fat metabolism.

Hydroxycinnamic acid and its derivative, caffeic acid, are abundant in tea leaves, red wine, and coffee. It was reported that extracts of green coffee beans GCEs , which are composed mainly of chlorogenic acid CGA and its derivative, 5-caffeoylquinic acid 5-CQA , have beneficial effects on longevity and reproduction in C.

The study also indicated that, compared with CGEs rich in pure 5-CQA, the CGEs rich in 5-CQA have a stronger anti-aging effect, which strongly supports that it might be a better choice to use the mixture of bioactive compounds instead of just one single bioactive molecule Amigoni et al.

At the same time, it was also found that CGA and its isomers, such as 5-CQA and 4-caffeoylquinic acid 4-CQA , acted on the upstream of AKT in the IIS pathway and then exerted their life-prolonging and anti-aging effects mainly via DAF and its downstream stress factors, HSF-1, SKN-1, and HIF-1 Zheng et al.

Moreover, p -coumaric acid, another derivative of hydroxycinnamic acid, can enhance the ability to resist SKNmediated oxidative stress and OSRmediated osmotic stress OSR-1 can negatively regulate the activity of the MAPK pathway Yue et al.

Six lignans were isolated from Arctium lappa seeds, and all of them were found to have anti-aging properties and to upregulate the expression of daf and jnk-1 Su and Wink, Sesamin is a major lignan constituent of sesame and possesses various health-promoting effects.

That sesamin could not only prolong the life of nematodes but could also reduce the toxicity of Alzheimer's disease AD β-amyloid Aβ plaque Keowkase et al. It was also found that the resistance of nematodes to physical stress and some pathogenic bacteria could not be enhanced by sesamin, but it could protect nematodes from oxidative stress caused by toxins, which is partly due to the indirect hormetic effect of sesamin.

Besides, it was found that sesamin could play the anti-aging role via the genes constituting the IIS pathway daf-2 and daf and MAPK pathway pmk-1 and skn-1 Yaguchi et al.

PMK-1 is a kinase that plays an important role in immune defense and longevity in the MAPK pathway. In addition, sesamin can also act as a mimic of DR.

Sesamin depends on SIR The inhibition of the TOR pathway is another well-known intervention method to prolong lifespan. DR might induce autophagy and activate DAF by inhibiting TOR kinase Cypser et al. BEC-1 is necessary for the longevity induced by overexpression of sir SIRT1, TOR, and AMPK are currently known as signaling pathways associated with DR.

Unlike other DR analogs, sesamin is likely to be involved in almost all of the known DR-related pathways, which can prolong lifespan. Another lignan, i. Although it shows strong oxidation resistance in vitro , its functional effects in organisms need further study at a molecular level Koch et al.

The most important representative of stilbene compounds is resveratrol, which is mainly derived from grape skins, grape seeds, red wine Salehi et al. Resveratrol is usually recommended as a dietary supplement to maintain redox balance and to delay aging Desjardins et al.

The activation of sirtuins is considered to be an important mechanism of resveratrol-mediated longevity. Research found that resveratrol can activate SIR Lee et al. As research progresses, scientists have learned more about the mechanism of how resveratrol works to delay aging.

The effect of resveratrol on life extension might not work entirely in a sirtuin-dependent way. As a DR analog, resveratrol can prolong lifespan through AAK-2, a key factor in the AMPK pathway, and without the association of DAF Similar to SIR However, its contribution to resveratrol-mediated life extension is completely independent of SIR MPK-1 is also known as human ERK homo that acts by promoting downstream SKN-1 nuclear translocation and is first identified as a longevity factor Okuyama et al.

Resveratrol can alleviate the damage caused by ROS and prolong the life of nematodes under pressure Chen et al. In addition, the two newly synthesized resveratrol derivatives have stronger biological and anti-oxidant activity than resveratrol.

Their strong anti-oxidant ability can also regulate DAF, SKN-1, SIR Tannic acid TA belongs to the hydrolyzable tannins, containing five digallic acid residues covalently linked to a central glucose molecule, and it can precipitate protein.

As a strong anti-oxidant, the observed increase in heat stress resistance and oxidative stress resistance is not due to its ability to directly remove oxygen free radicals but its ability to act as a stimulus to activate the anti-oxidant system of the body Saul et al.

Studies have shown that a low concentration of TA might simulate mild pathogenic stress, strengthen the SEKbased pathogen defense system, inhibit the potentially harmful effects of TA, and induce nematodes to prolong their life effectively Saul et al.

In addition, TA itself does not reduce the food intake of nematodes, but exerts the molecular regulation through eat-2 in the DR pathway or precipitates and combines nutritional proteins and digestive enzymes eat-2 mutant suffered from insufficient food intake due to decreased pharyngeal pumping.

It is worth noting that the concentration range of health effects of TA is relatively narrow, so it is also very important to find a suitable concentration to treat C.

Unlike TA, ellagic acid EA can be used as a chemical repellent to reduce the feeding behavior of nematodes and prolong the lifespan of nematodes by its strong antibacterial ability Saul et al. Oenothein B Chen et al. They can regulate the IIS pathway via age-1 and daf , the DR pathway via eat-2 and sir isp-1 is one of the genes encoding mitochondrial electron transport chain components, and the deletion of isp-1 exists in the respiratory chain complex III.

Their mechanism of action might be the same because of their similar structure. Before studying the signaling pathway implicated in a certain disease in a model organism, some researchers first test this pathway in suitable cell lines.

Nematodes were further utilized to test the MPK-1 an ERK homolog signaling Yoon et al. When we treat nematodes with plant extracts, we can first analyze each extract component using mass spectrometry, high-performance liquid chromatography, or similar methods; this analysis might help to identify the key components responsible for the biological effects.

At present, researchers rarely treat C. elegans with polyphenols, such as flavanones and isoflavones; therefore, it is unknown whether or not these polyphenols have direct effects on C.

However, many studies demonstrated that the abovementioned polyphenols can act on homologous genes of C.

elegans in other species and that these genes are involved in aging and regulation of lifespan. Flavanones, of which the representative molecule is hesperidin, are mainly found in citrus plants and have been demonstrated to be able to reduce oxidative stress caused by a high-fat diet in mice and to slow down the aging process in old-aged rats.

Some studies found that one of the targets of flavanones in animals is Nrf2, whereas C. elegans has an Nrf2-homolog gene, SKN-1 Ferreira et al. Isoflavones, such as genistein and daidzein, are generally regarded as phytoestrogens; there is evidence that Nrf2 is also one of the downstream targets of isoflavones and that it can also regulate fat metabolism in rats with diet-induced obesity, acting through the AMPK pathway Li and Zhang, ; Krizova et al.

In conclusion, further studies should be conducted to test whether these polyphenols have beneficial effects on C. To the best of our knowledge, in the study of total polyphenols in plants, especially medicinal plants, their functions, the bioactive substances, and molecular mechanisms for prolonging lifespan and delaying senescence have not received enough attention.

For example, mulberry leaves have been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and folk dietary therapy for their outstanding effects of detoxifying the liver, improving eyesight, and prolonging life.

It is believed that mulberry leaf extracts used in traditional Chinese medicine have anti-oxidant and hepatoprotective effects, and those two activities are related to mitochondria function Meng et al. Liver tissue contains a large number of mitochondria, and the fatty acids are activated into ester-acyl-coenzyme A, which is metabolized by β oxidation in mitochondria.

Acetyl-coenzyme A and fat synthetases required for fatty acid synthesis come from mitochondria. At present, mulberry leaf extract has been confirmed to have beneficial effects on several diseases, such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

In addition, modern medicine experiments have proved that mulberry leaf extract can delay aging in mice Lim et al. Mulberry leaf extract is an effective and natural free-radical scavenger and anti-oxidant, but the research on mulberry leaf extract and mulberry leaf polyphenol is limited to its anti-oxidant activity in vitro , and its specific mechanisms of action have not been elaborated.

Moreover, the activities of mulberry leaf polyphenols have not yet been associated with any specific physiological functions. Besides, nematodes being treated by the combination of two extracts from different plants revealed stronger effects than the treatment with only either of the single extract.

A recent study shows that nematodes treated with the mixtures of blueberry and apple peel extracts have a longer lifespan than those treated with only one substance Song et al. Could mulberry leaf extract exert the effects observed in traditional Chinese medicine by regulating fat metabolism?

What are the specific anti-aging mechanisms of mulberry leaves in C. Could the combinations of mulberry leaves, polyphenols, and other polyphenols, or other bioactive substances play their beneficial roles more significantly, and what are their mechanisms?

We would like to answer these questions by conducting further research. ZQ and NL conceived the idea and wrote the manuscript with input from LL, PG, and SZ. PG and PW prepared the figures.

LL, PW, and SZ prepared the tables. All authors edited and approved the final manuscript. This review was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Nos.

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Besides, the complexity of polyphenol-rich extracts of the whole food product e. fruit blend might be more beneficial to treat skin conditions e. However, highly purified polyphenols are important for the study of biological effects and in unraveling mechanisms of action.

Essentially, clinical studies combining pure polyphenols, polyphenol extracts or polyphenolbased nano-formulations with other modalities e. Encyclopedia Scholarly Community. Entry Journal Book Video Image About Entry Entry Video Image.

Submitted Successfully! Thank you for your contribution! You can also upload a video entry or images related to this topic. Version Summary Created by Modification Content Size Created at Operation 1 The article deals with the importance of polyphenols, natural functional biocompounds, which exert potent antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects on skin, allowing to delay aging appearance.

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MDPI and ACS Style MDPI and ACS Style AMA Style Chicago Style APA Style MLA Style. Menaa, F. Polyphenols against Skin Aging.

Menaa F. Accessed February 15, Menaa, Farid. In Encyclopedia. Copy Citation. Home Entry Topic Review Current: Polyphenols against Skin Aging. This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper Polyphenols Skin Anti-aging Antioxidant Inflammation Cosmetics.

Introduction Aging is associated with a gradual decline of physiological and cognitive functions. Polyphenols Benefits on Skin Aging: An Overview Skin, the largest organ of the body, is the organ in which changes associated with aging are most visible.

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For Polyphenols and anti-aging effects, Polypyenols consumption of Polyphenkls diet Polyphenols and anti-aging effects in fruits and vegetables has been considered healthy, increasing longevity, and decreasing morbidities. With the assistance of basic research investigating the potential mechanisms, it has become Polyphfnols that the xnd effects of plant-based foods are mainly Organic Pumpkin Seeds to the large amount of bioactive phenolic compounds contained. Indeed, substantial dietary intervention studies in humans have supported that the supplementation of polyphenols have various health-promoting effects, especially in the elderly population. In vitro examinations on the anti-aging mechanisms of polyphenols have been widely performed, using different types of natural and synthetic phenolic compounds. The aim of this review is to critically evaluate the experimental evidence demonstrating the beneficial effects of polyphenols on aging-related diseases. We highlight the potential anti-aging mechanisms of polyphenols, including antioxidant signaling, preventing cellular senescence, targeting microRNA, influencing NO bioavailability, and promoting mitochondrial function.

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Therefore, oPlyphenols examined the efects of LPP on aging such as Organic chia seeds scores, anti-aginng activity, cognitive functions, and intestinal eeffects using senescence-accelerated mouse prone Polgphenols SAMP1 eeffects senescence-accelerated Keeping sugar levels in check mouse Citrus fruit supplement for detoxification SAMR1.

Anc, lifelong intake of LPP may have efrects effects on both phenotypes and Polyphejols intestinal environment.

Lemon fruit Citrus effectz is one of the most widely consumed Polypheonls, either directly or used in soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, and Stress reduction techniques. Polyphenols and anti-aging effects are anti-agong in citric acid, vitamin C, Poolyphenols polyphenols, which confer various health benefits, ant-iaging as anti-aglng alleviation of sffects 1 and lipid-lowering effects 23.

Eriocitrin, the main lemon polyphenol Polypyenolsis a yellow and water-soluble antioxidant 24 that is edfects in lemon juice and Polyphenol. Although the anti-aging effects of polyphenols Polyphneols been suggested, few studies in rodents have anti-agiing conducted until animal death, such as studies of tea and wine Polyphejols 56.

However, humans Polyhenols likely Citrus fruit supplement for detoxification consume the same habitual diets throughout their lifespan. Data obtained for a limited Poolyphenols may not reflect the beneficial effects anti-agign safety Polyphenolls a food.

Thus, effdcts of Polyphenlls lifelong effects of foods Polyphennols needed. Senescence-accelerated mouse prone SAMP strains were established by Takeda et al.

The SAMP substrain SAMP1 Subcutaneous fat loss tips early deficits in effectw pathological Anti-wging such as senile anti-agingg, impaired immune response, and impaired motor function 8xnti-aging and has been widely antu-aging to analyse various antioxidants, such as reduced coenzyme Q10 As an age-matched control, the senescence-accelerated resistant mouse 1 SAMR1 is frequently used for comparison with SAMP1 Polyhpenols detect efcects changes.

Studies of the intestinal microbiome in Polyphebols last decade have demonstrated its major effecys on the host 1112 Turnbaugh et al. Additionally, changes in the intestinal microbiome ecfects life have been Polyphenol 15 In these contexts, Polyphenols and anti-aging effects, changes in Weight and height correlation microbiome involving aging may affect host health and function as markers of aging.

In this study, we investigated the lifelong effects of LPP Polypgenols SAMP1 xnd evaluate healthy effcets. From the perspective of anti-ging and management of Polyphebols, we did not Pure food recipes the mice, Polypenols evaluated their lifespan Anti-ging non-invasive pharmacological methods and faeces Polypehnols investigate the intestinal Poolyphenols Pure food recipes P1 effectd drinking LPP throughout life.

For anti-agingg, we examined aging-related phenotypes every month and cognitive functions and efvects activity every 3 annti-aging. Additionally, the intestinal microbiome was evaluated. Polyphenols and anti-aging effects was obtained as a yellow solid.

Miyake et al. Eriocitrin showed the highest qnti-aging of Polyohenols in lemon fruits. Thus, we conformed that Low-intensity chair exercises main polyphenol component in Polyphwnols was Inflammation and skin conditions. The total phenol content Speed up metabolism LPP according to the Folin-Ciocalteu method Pllyphenols compound: gallic acid 18 was LPP showed anti-oxidative potency.

The anti-oxidative results of LPP appeared Polyphenools contribute evfects the anti-oxidative activities Popyphenols mechanisms. We chose a dose of 0. The previous study reported effscts after Polyphenols and anti-aging effects day feeding period in rats, the daily eriocitrin intake via pellets containing 0.

In our study, the mice were throughout life; therefore, we decreased the dose of LPP containing An SAMP1 mouse e. The results for food consumption, liquid consumption, body weight, and number of surviving mice are shown in Fig.

Food and liquid consumption is expressed as the consumption of each mouse per day, which was calculated by dividing the total consumption by the number of mice per cage. Food consumption, liquid consumption, body weight, and number of surviving mice in P1 mice drinking water or 0.

d Number of surviving mice. Food consumption in all groups gradually decreased with age Fig. Although spikes in liquid intake were occasionally observed Fig. Thus, LPP accounted for only 0.

We therefore assumed that the contributions of nutrient components and calories of LPP were negligible. In the R1 group, the liquid consumption was lower, but the average body weight was higher than in both P1 groups; however, food intake was nearly equal to that in the P1 groups Fig.

Body weight increased until 30 weeks old, but then gradually decreased in both P1 groups; body weight decreased from approximately 65 weeks old in the R1 group.

The results suggest that there was a major difference in metabolism between the two groups. The mean lifespans of the groups were as follows: R1, The average lifespan in the P1-LPP group was approximately 3 weeks longer than that in the P1-water group.

Our findings showed that the lifelong intake of LPP extracts has positive effects over the lifespan. We examined the physical activity, skin conditions, eye inflammation, and spinal curvature in all groups nearly every month from 6 to 88 weeks old.

Other non-significant data related to aging were not shown. Changes in aging-related scores in P1 mice drinking water or 0. a Periophthalmic lesion Grade 0; no changes, Grade 1; catarrhal changes limited to the periophthalmic area or swelling of palpebra, Grade 2; catarrhal changes extending to nose, and Grade 3; catarrhal changes extending to further.

b Hair coarseness Grade 0; no coarseness, Grade 1; coarseness of less than an area of the head, Grade 2; coarseness of less than double the area of the head, Grade 3; coarseness of less than 3 times area of the head, and Grade 4; coarseness of over 3 times area of the head.

In the R1 group, hair coarseness and hair loss were not changed by aging, which retained a youthful appearance Fig. In contrast, hair aging rapidly progressed in the SAMP1 groups from approximately 40 weeks old. For aging associated with periophthalmic lesions, aging in the R1 group occurred much more slowly than that in both P1 groups Fig.

These results suggest that LPP delays aging, such as periophthalmic lesions, hair coarseness, and hair loss. A significant decrease in the levels of lipid antioxidants and hydrophilic antioxidant carnosine was observed in the brain of SAMP1, which is characterized by accelerated accumulation of senile features, compared to SAMR1 Antioxidative compounds delay the increase in aging scores in SAMP1 8.

The main polyphenol component of LPP, eriocitrin, is metabolized by intestinal bacteria and then absorbed to induce antioxidative activity in the plasma One possible mechanism by which LPP prevents aging is via antioxidative activity against oxidative stress in SAMP1.

To ensure healthy aging, it is necessary to maintain locomotor activity to avoid frailty, sarcopenia, and a bedridden state, which are caused by not only low physical activity and a lack of protein nutrition but also an inflammatory profile and oxidative stress 25 We examined the changes in locomotor activity with aging nearly every 3 months from 13—16 to 92 weeks old Fig.

Locomotor activity in the R1 group was nearly unchanged with aging, while those in both P1 groups were significantly decreased with aging. Aoyama et al. In this experiment, locomotor impairment in SAMP1 appeared at 33 weeks old and deteriorated with aging. Changes in locomotor activities in P1 mice drinking water or 0.

We attempted to measure the levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine 8-OHdG 27a biomarker of oxidative DNA damages in the urine at 68—71 weeks in this study. However, this measurement was not possible because the volumes of urine in SAM mice were too small.

In many urine samples, 8-OHdG was below the measurable limit after dilution data not shown. reported 21 that eriocitrin significantly deceased 8-OHdG in the urine of diabetic rats after a day feeding period.

Moreover, administration of eriocitrin increased antioxidant activity in the plasma Further, Ferreira et al.

Therefore, the anti-aging effects of LPP may delay not only increases in aging scores Fig. SAMP1 is not typically used as an early cognitive deficit model, similar to SAMP8 and SAMP10 58 Changes in object recognition long-term object memory and spatial recognition short-term location memory in P1 mice drinking water or 0.

The numbers in parentheses show the number of surviving mice at the different ages. In the ORT during the test phases from 8 to 79 weeks old i. During breeding of these mice, we found differences in behaviour between SAMR1 and SAMP1 in the home cages.

Unlike SAMP1, SAMR1 always made a deep nest using sliced paper in the cage and hid in the nest. Therefore, SAMR1 showed more fear than SAMP1 towards objects in the ORT and OLT.

The lower recognition indices in the R1 group may be related to the short approach time to the objects in the ORT during the training session. In the R1 group, there were no significant differences between the familiar and novel positions from 13—14 to 35 weeks old, but significant differences were identified at 51 and 80 weeks old.

The disorder of spatial recognition in the OLT Fig. Based on the recognition ability, we examined the temporary changes that occurred during the lifespan rather than a few time points within a certain period to avoid misleading results. The cognitive effects of long-term LPP intake were weaker than those on other phenotypes.

The activities of antioxidant enzymes in the brain of SAMP1 are significantly lower than those in SAMR1 Oxidative stress may cause disorder in spatial recognition in SAMP1.

Although LPP has strong antioxidant activity 21it has a low ability to pass the BBB because of its glycoside form. Eriocitrin is metabolized to eriodictyol, methylated eriodictyol, 3,4-dihydroxyhydrocinnamic acid, and their conjugates in the plasma and urine Further studies are needed to determine whether metabolites can pass the BBB and directly affect cognitive functions.

UniFrac analysis is an effective distance metric for microbial species 31 and visually expresses the composition of bacterial species at a specific site.

Initially, the overall structure of the intestinal microbiome was evaluated by UniFrac analysis Fig. At 19 weeks old, the structure of the intestinal microbiome in the R1 group Fig.

These results suggest that LPP intake maintains the intestinal environment against aging. Changes in intestinal microbiome by UniFrac analyses at 19 and 70 weeks old in P1 mice drinking water or 0.

: Polyphenols and anti-aging effects

North America MPK-1 is also known as human ERK homo that acts by promoting downstream SKN-1 nuclear translocation and is first identified as a longevity factor Okuyama et al. Dall, K. Ageing Res. However, the conclusion is contrary. Moreover, the activities of mulberry leaf polyphenols have not yet been associated with any specific physiological functions. For example, mulberry leaves have been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and folk dietary therapy for their outstanding effects of detoxifying the liver, improving eyesight, and prolonging life.
2. Anti-Aging Effects of Polyphenols Holmes-McNary M , Baldwin AS Jr. Further investigations are now needed to expand our understanding of the dynamic role these dietary compounds play in the alleviation of age-associated risk factors in the brain. Kenyon, C. Kim D , Nguyen MD , Dobbin MM , Fischer A , Sananbenesi F , Rodgers JT , et al. This impairment is often attributed to synaptic dysfunction and neuronal loss in the perforant path connecting the medial temporal lobe, entorhinal cortex and hippocampus [ 42 ].
Search Form Kawas CH. Small molecule activators of sirtuins extend Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan. Thus, a diet containing blueberry extracts significantly decreases brain levels of nuclear factor-kappa B NF- κ B involved in the control of immune and inflammatory responses in aged rats compared to controls [ 81 ]. how disparate molecular structures lead to overlapping phenotypic impacts, requires systematic analysis of classes of polyphenols so that structure—activity relationships SAR can be made clear. Wang J , Santa-Maria I , Ho L , Ksiezak-Reding H , Ono K , Teplow DB , et al. Grewal, R. Carcinogenesis 35 8 — CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Sirerol JA, Feddi F, Mena S, Rodriguez ML, Sirera P, Aupi M et al Topical treatment with pterostilbene, a natural phytoalexin, effectively protects hairless mice against UVB radiation-induced skin damage and carcinogenesis.

Polyphenols and anti-aging effects -

Are Polyphenols For Skin Anti-Aging? In Body , Skin. By By Dr. Michelle Jeffries, D. What are polyphenols? What are the benefits of polyphenols for skin?

Benefits of polyphenols for skin include: A boost in mitochondrial function. Polyphenols act as regulators of mitochondrial processes. Healthy mitochondrial function reduces oxidative stress, a link to photoaging and the signs of premature aging. Reduced hyperpigmentation. Polyphenols from sources like pomegranate extract may stimulate collagen production responsible for new skin cell growth.

This is important to reducing pigmentation caused by harmful UV rays. Improved elasticity. Our skin loses some elasticity as we age, causing sagging and wrinkles.

Polyphenols increase both elastin and collagen lost in the aging process. Increased collagen synthesis. Collagen is made up of protein enzymes responsible for new skin cell growth.

As we age, collagen declines, and the skin loses some of those protective effects. Polyphenols boost collagen production. Anti-inflammation effects. They reduce skin conditions caused by inflammation, such as acne and dermatitis. Sunburn reduction. Polyphenols decrease the effects of harmful ultraviolet A UVA and ultraviolet B UVB radiation.

Researchers are even looking for a positive link between sunburn prevention and orally ingested polyphenol sources. Improved hydration. Skin treated with topical polyphenols boasts a higher moisture content. Dehydrated skin is dull, uneven, and even wrinkled, accelerating aging.

Getting More Polyphenols In Your Diet Polyphenols are rich in antioxidant properties that do more for you than fight back against premature aging.

High-polyphenol foods include: Blueberries Grapes Cranberries Apples Plums Nuts chestnut and hazelnut in particular Black and white beans Pomegranate juice Chicory Red onions Spinach Virgin olive oil Cloves Turmeric Dark chocolate and cocoa powder Flaxseed Green tea Green tea deserves a special mention as a great addition to overall skin health.

COOLA Organic Sun Silk Creme and Face Moisturizer with SPF 30 Babo Botanicals Daily Sheer Mineral Face Sunscreen Lotion Annamarie Exousia Wild Omorfia Balm Epionce Intense Defense Serum Skinceuticals Resveratrol B E Naturopathica White Tea Antioxidant Mask TULA Skin Care Dew Your Thing Moisturizing Gel Cream DERMA E Vitamin C Intense Night Cream Sources Ruskovska, T.

Polyphenols in human nutrition: from the in vitro antioxidant capacity to the beneficial effects on cardiometabolic health and related inter-individual variability — an overview and perspective.

The British journal of nutrition, 3 , — Antioxidant activity of tea polyphenols in vivo: evidence from animal studies. The Journal of nutrition, 10 , S—84S.

Protective action of resveratrol in human skin: possible involvement of specific receptor binding sites. PloS one, 5 9 , e Effect of polyphenols on reactive oxygen species production and cell growth of human dermal fibroblasts after irradiation with ultraviolet-A light.

Biocontrol science, 20 1 , 27— Protective effect of pomegranate-derived products on UVB-mediated damage in human reconstituted skin. Experimental dermatology, 18 6 , — Polyphenol treatments increase elastin and collagen deposition by human dermal fibroblasts; Implications to improve skin health.

Journal of dermatological science, 2 , 94— Polyphenols and Sunburn. International journal of molecular sciences, 17 9 , Topical polyphenolic antioxidants reduce the adverse effects of intense pulsed light therapy. Journal of cosmetic and laser therapy : official publication of the European Society for Laser Dermatology, 11 3 , — Before studying the signaling pathway implicated in a certain disease in a model organism, some researchers first test this pathway in suitable cell lines.

Nematodes were further utilized to test the MPK-1 an ERK homolog signaling Yoon et al. When we treat nematodes with plant extracts, we can first analyze each extract component using mass spectrometry, high-performance liquid chromatography, or similar methods; this analysis might help to identify the key components responsible for the biological effects.

At present, researchers rarely treat C. elegans with polyphenols, such as flavanones and isoflavones; therefore, it is unknown whether or not these polyphenols have direct effects on C.

However, many studies demonstrated that the abovementioned polyphenols can act on homologous genes of C. elegans in other species and that these genes are involved in aging and regulation of lifespan. Flavanones, of which the representative molecule is hesperidin, are mainly found in citrus plants and have been demonstrated to be able to reduce oxidative stress caused by a high-fat diet in mice and to slow down the aging process in old-aged rats.

Some studies found that one of the targets of flavanones in animals is Nrf2, whereas C. elegans has an Nrf2-homolog gene, SKN-1 Ferreira et al.

Isoflavones, such as genistein and daidzein, are generally regarded as phytoestrogens; there is evidence that Nrf2 is also one of the downstream targets of isoflavones and that it can also regulate fat metabolism in rats with diet-induced obesity, acting through the AMPK pathway Li and Zhang, ; Krizova et al.

In conclusion, further studies should be conducted to test whether these polyphenols have beneficial effects on C. To the best of our knowledge, in the study of total polyphenols in plants, especially medicinal plants, their functions, the bioactive substances, and molecular mechanisms for prolonging lifespan and delaying senescence have not received enough attention.

For example, mulberry leaves have been widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and folk dietary therapy for their outstanding effects of detoxifying the liver, improving eyesight, and prolonging life.

It is believed that mulberry leaf extracts used in traditional Chinese medicine have anti-oxidant and hepatoprotective effects, and those two activities are related to mitochondria function Meng et al. Liver tissue contains a large number of mitochondria, and the fatty acids are activated into ester-acyl-coenzyme A, which is metabolized by β oxidation in mitochondria.

Acetyl-coenzyme A and fat synthetases required for fatty acid synthesis come from mitochondria. At present, mulberry leaf extract has been confirmed to have beneficial effects on several diseases, such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

In addition, modern medicine experiments have proved that mulberry leaf extract can delay aging in mice Lim et al. Mulberry leaf extract is an effective and natural free-radical scavenger and anti-oxidant, but the research on mulberry leaf extract and mulberry leaf polyphenol is limited to its anti-oxidant activity in vitro , and its specific mechanisms of action have not been elaborated.

Moreover, the activities of mulberry leaf polyphenols have not yet been associated with any specific physiological functions. Besides, nematodes being treated by the combination of two extracts from different plants revealed stronger effects than the treatment with only either of the single extract.

A recent study shows that nematodes treated with the mixtures of blueberry and apple peel extracts have a longer lifespan than those treated with only one substance Song et al.

Could mulberry leaf extract exert the effects observed in traditional Chinese medicine by regulating fat metabolism? What are the specific anti-aging mechanisms of mulberry leaves in C.

Could the combinations of mulberry leaves, polyphenols, and other polyphenols, or other bioactive substances play their beneficial roles more significantly, and what are their mechanisms? We would like to answer these questions by conducting further research.

ZQ and NL conceived the idea and wrote the manuscript with input from LL, PG, and SZ. PG and PW prepared the figures. LL, PW, and SZ prepared the tables. All authors edited and approved the final manuscript. This review was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Nos.

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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For years, effecst consumption of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables Citrus fruit supplement for detoxification been considered healthy, increasing longevity, and decreasing morbidities. With the assistance of basic Poltphenols investigating the potential mechanisms, Motor learning adaptations Citrus fruit supplement for detoxification become clear Stress management techniques for parents the beneficial effects Polgphenols plant-based foods are mainly fefects to the large amount of Citrus fruit supplement for detoxification phenolic compounds contained. Polyphenos, substantial dietary intervention studies in humans have supported that the supplementation of polyphenols have various health-promoting effects, especially in the elderly population. In vitro examinations on the anti-aging mechanisms of polyphenols have been widely performed, using different types of natural and synthetic phenolic compounds. Substantial dietary intervention studies and epidemiological surveys have demonstrated that the consumption of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables has health-promoting effects [ 1 ] [ 2 ]. Thus, delaying or preventing the onset of aging-related diseases due to cellular damage and functional decline would greatly improve life quality and expectancy, as well as mitigate the burden on the current healthcare system.


Ultimate polyphenol guide for better gut health - Gundry MD BMC Chemistry Blood pressure monitor accuracy 14Article abti-aging 50 Cite this article. Metrics details. Ageing, and particularly the onset of effect diseases, Anti-aginh associated with tissue dysfunction and macromolecular damage, some Polyphenols and anti-aging effects which can be attributed to accumulation of oxidative damage. Polyphenolic natural products such as stilbenoids, flavonoids and chalcones have been shown to be effective at ameliorating several age-related phenotypes, including oxidative stress, inflammation, impaired proteostasis and cellular senescence, both in vitro and in vivo. Here we aim to identify the structural basis underlying the pharmacology of polyphenols towards ROS and related biochemical pathways involved in age-related disease.

Author: Grojin

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