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Phytochemicals and health promotion

Phytochemicals and health promotion

Cruciferous Macronutrient tracking tools/applications feeding alters UGT1A1 Phytochemicals and health promotion Diet- Phytochekicals genotype-dependent changes in serum heatlh in a controlled feeding trial. Minihane A. Translation of research evidence from animals to humans. Fisher ND, Sorond FA, Hollenberg NK. Diamond J. Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective.


Cancer Prevention on Your Plate: 7 Foods to Keep You Healthy

Phytochemicals and health promotion -

One possible reason is that the nutrients and defense compounds are transported from vegetative organs and accumulate gradually in reproductive organs as plants develop.

The concentrations of glucosinolates in the edible bolting stems were maintained at intermediate levels Table 4. However, these levels are much higher than levels in other vegetables 12 , 18 , These results suggest that, besides the edible part, other organs of Chinese kale, especially the roots and inflorescences, could potentially be used to produce functional foods and biopesticides.

Differences in individual and total glucosinolate contents were found among different varieties of Chinese kale. Genetic variation was an important factor determining the glucosinolate profiles.

This suggests that new varieties of Chinese kale with optimal contents of various types of glucosinolates could be developed. Similar effects of genotype on the composition and content of glucosinolates have been observed in broccoli and other Brassica vegetables 2 , 12 , 14 , 18 , Some glucosinolates provide health benefits by reducing the risk of certain cancers.

For example, sulforaphane, the isothiocyanate product of glucoraphanin, is a potent inducer of mammalian detoxication and antioxidant phase 2 enzyme activities that protect against tumorgenesis Glucobrassicin is the precursor of indolecarbinol that, along with sulforaphane, is a potent anticancer compound found in Brasscia vegetables 26 , 27 , JLB, in this study, could also be used for development of a functional variety, because it is rich in anticarcigenic glucosinolates, such as glucoiberin, glucoraphanin, and glucobrassicin.

DFZC is also a good candidate because of its high level of glucoraphanin. The correlation results indicated that the above three anticarcigenic glucosinolates could be increased simultaneously in selective breeding of Chinese kale because of their high positive correlations Table 8.

During improvement of anticarcinogenic potency, the positive sensory attributes and nutrient quality of Chinese kale must not be affected by selective breeding. For instance, 2-propenyl isothiocyanate derived from sinigrin is associated with pungency, bitterness, and lachrymatory effects.

Progoitrin can have a goitrogenic effect on animals 14 , 18 , However, the high level of positive correlations between the three anticarcinogenic glucosinolates and sinigrin and progoitrin suggest that will be difficult to enhance the anticarcinogenic qualities without deleterious side effects.

Some glucosinolates contribute to the antioxidant capability of the plant. Glucoraphasatin, which is the main glucosinolate in radish sprouts, displayed antioxidant activity and contributed to the total antioxidant capacity of radish sprout extract Glucoerucin and 4-methoxyglucobrassicin are good antioxidants because of their ability to decompose hydroperoxides and hydrogen peroxide 20 , In contrast to anticarcinogenic ability, the relationship between glucosinolates and antioxidant activity is unclear.

We analyzed the correlations between glucosinolate and antioxidant capacity Table 8 and found that glucobrassicin and sinigrin had positive phenotypic correlations with antioxidant capacity. Six glucosinolates glucoiberin, sinigrin, glucoraphanin, gluconapin, glucobrassicin, and total indole glucosinolates also had positive organ correlations with antioxidant capacity.

The results imply that these kinds of glucosinolates, especially glucobrassicin, are involved in plant antioxidant activity. Antioxidants are health-promoting phytochemicals in horticultural crops. Carotenoids, vitamin C, total phenolics, and chlorophylls have high antioxidant potential and help provide protection against many types of cancer 8 , 9 , 10 , 32 , The plant antioxidant capacity is reflected by the synergetic effect of multiple antioxidants.

Our results indicate that Chinese kale contains high amounts of main antioxidants and has high antioxidant capacity. The high positive correlations between antioxidant capacity and main antioxidants carotenoids, vitamin C, total phenolics, and chlorophylls imply that the main antioxidants tested contribute to the total antioxidant capacity in Chinese kale and that they could be improved simultaneously Table 9.

Variance analysis of genetic effects indicated that organ played a predominant role in the contents of main antioxidants and antioxidant capacity as it did in the content of glucosinolates Table 4.

Therefore, it could be easier to select suitable combinations of organs and varieties for utilization of the health-promoting compounds. Although the content of vitamin C in bolting stems was at a low levels among the organs Table 5 , the content was higher than levels in many other vegetables 24 , In conclusion, Chinese kale is a rich source of health-promoting phytochemicals, including glucosinolates and antioxidants.

The highest concentrations of individual and total glucosinolates were found in roots and inflorescences, respectively, while the highest levels of main antioxidants carotenoids, vitamin C, total phenolics, and chlorophylls and antioxidant capacity occurred in inflorescences and leaves.

The non-edible organs roots, inflorescences, and leaves have potential for other uses, such as functional foods and biopesticides. JLB and DFZC are good candidates for daily consumption and breeding programs since they had high levels of anticarcinogenic glucosinolates in the bolting stems.

The genetic effect of organ played a primary role in the accumulation of glucosinolates and antioxidants, while the interaction effects were significant for some compounds. High positive correlations between pairs of anticarcinogenic glucosinolates glucoiberin, glucoraphanin, and glucobrassicin and main antioxidants, respectively, indicated that they could be increased simultaneously by selective breeding of Chinese kale varieties.

However, it will be difficult to reduce the bitterness that accompanies the enhancement of anticarcinogenic glucosinolates. Six varieties cv: ZHSN, SJCT, CHDR, DFZC, FZHH, and JLB of Chinese kale were selected. Water and fertilizer were applied as necessary. The whole plants were harvested when the bolting stems with inflorescences were as tall as the apical leaves.

This indicates that the edible organ was mature. Plants with equivalent size were selected, and the harvest was conducted in early morning. The plants were placed on ice and transported to the laboratory. For each variety, five plants represented a replicate, and three independent replicates were taken for analysis.

The sampled plants were divided into five parts, namely, inflorescences, bolting stems, leaves, petioles, and roots. Parts of fresh samples were analyzed for chlorophylls, total carotenoids, and vitamin C.

Other parts were frozen, lyophilized in a freeze dryer VirTis Inc. Glucosinolates were extracted and analyzed as previously described 2. HPLC analysis of desulphoglucosinolates was conducted using a Waters HPLC instrument equipped with a Model PDA absorbance detector Waters, USA.

The procedure employed isocratic elution with 1. Chlorophyll content was analyzed as previously described Total carotenoid content was analyzed as previously described After washing several times with water, the upper phase was collected and combined as a crude extract.

Vitamin C content was analyzed as previously described Each sample was filtered through a 0. HPLC analysis of vitamin C was conducted using a Waters instrument with a Model PDA detector Waters Inc.

Antioxidant capacity was determined using the Ferric reducing antioxidant power FRAP method of Benzie and Strain The genetic model developed by Zhu 38 was used for the analysis of inheritance. The model used for the analysis is:. The data were analyzed with TestR Model by MINQUE method for estimating variances and covariances and calculating the ratios of genetic variance over phenotypic variance.

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All of the authors gave final approval for publication. Correspondence to Fen Zhang or Bo Sun. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.

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Edited by Muhammad Sajid Arshad. Edited by Hany El-Shemy. Edited by Emad Shalaby. Edited by Narongsak Chaiyabutr. Edited by Viduranga Y. Edited by Naofumi Shiomi.

Edited by Liana Claudia Salanta. Edited by Gyula Mozsik. Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume Functional Foods - Phytochemicals and Health Promoting Potential View Chapters Share Cite. Functional Foods Phytochemicals and Health Promoting Potential Edited by Muhammad Sajid Arshad and Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad.

Book metrics overview 9, Chapter Downloads View Full Metrics Impact of this book and its chapters. Academic Editor.

Muhammad Sajid Arshad Government College University, FaisalabadPakistan. Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad Government College University, FaisalabadPakistan. Published 10 November Doi ISBN Print ISBN eBook PDF ISBN Copyright year Number of pages Read more Order Print Copy Recommend to Your Library Your name.

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Edited Volume and chapters are indexed in Show more. Table of Contents Open access chapters. Functional Foods and Human Health: An Overview By Muhammad Sajid Arshad, Waseem Khalid, Rabia Shabir Ahmad, Muhammad Kamran Khan, Muhammad Haseeb Ahmad, Saira Safdar, Safura Kousar, Haroon Munir, Umair Shabbir, Muhammad Zafarullah, Muhammad Nadeem, Zubia Asghar and Hafiz Ansar Rasul Suleria.

View Abstract. Why Produce Food-Bioactive Compounds to Generate Functional Grade Foods? Sustainable and Healthy Food Ingredients: Characterization and Application in Functional Products By Ţibulcă Dorin and Fogarasi Melinda.

Eat Tasty and Healthy: Role of Polyphenols in Functional Foods By Catarina Bessa-Pereira, Ricardo Dias, Elsa Brandão, Nuno Mateus, Victor de Freitas, Susana Soares and Rosa Pérez-Gregorio.

The Impact of Dietary Compounds in Functional Foods on MicroRNAs Expression By Wittaya Chaiwangyen. Functional-Antioxidant Food By Nguyen Xuan Hoan, Le Thi Hong Anh, Duong Hong Quan, Dang Xuan Cuong, Hoang Thai Ha, Nguyen Thi Thao Minh, Dao Trong Hieu, Nguyen Dinh Thuat, Pham Duc Thinh and Dang Thi Thanh Tuyen.

Physiological and Cellular Targets of Neurotrophic Anxiolytic Phytochemicals in Food and Dietary Supplements By Benjamin S.

Natural Compounds with Antioxidant Activity-Used in the Design of Functional Foods By Petre Săvescu. Theoretical Studies on Anti-Oxidant Activity of the Phytochemical, Coumestrol and Its Derivatives By Puttanveedu Vinduja and Karuvanthodi Muraleedharan.

Functional Foods for the Management of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease By Venkateish V. Role of Functional Food in Treating and Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases By Mpho Edward Mashau and Shonisani Eugenia Ramashia.

Functional and Therapeutic Potential of γ -Oryzanol By Aasiya Sulaiman, Aisha Sulaiman, Mehtap Sert, Mohammed Safwan Ali Khan and Mansoor A. Dietary Patterns for Immunity Support and Systemic Inflammation against Infections: A Narrative Review By Budhi Setiawan and Masfufatun Masfufatun.

Disease Modifying Potential of Functional Foods for Neurodegenerative Disorders: Status Update on Regulatory Compliance By Christofer Thomas, Borehalli Mayegowda Shilpa and Rajeswara Babu Mythri.

Therapeutic Potential of Dietary Polyphenols By Amy L. Flour-Based Confectionery as Functional Food By Sanja Oručević Žuljević and Asima Akagić. Bitter Melon: A Multifunctional Medicinal Plant with Powerful Bioactive Compounds By Fadime Eryılmaz Pehlivan.

Evaluation of the Effect of Fruit Juice Containing Bacillus Coagulans Probiotic Supplement on the Level of Immunoglobulins A, M and Lymphocytes in Two-Speed Athletes By Elahe Ebrahimi, Maryam Golshahi, Samane Yazdi and Mohammad Mehdi Pirnia.

Oilseeds as Functional Foods: Content and Composition of Many Phytochemicals and Therapeutic Alternatives By Aicha O. IMPACT OF THIS BOOK AND ITS CHAPTERS 9, Total Chapter Downloads. Order a print copy of this book IntechOpen Functional Foods Phytochemicals and Health Promoting Potential Edited by Muhammad Sajid Arshad.

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: Phytochemicals and health promotion

Health Promoting Effects of Phytochemicals by Baojun Xu, Hardcover | Indigo Chapters Giovannucci E. Thurnham D. Although the content of vitamin C in bolting stems was at a low levels among the organs Table 5 , the content was higher than levels in many other vegetables 24 , Chen L. Yoshioka M. Food Funct. Nevertheless, they can be valuable in understanding biochemical processes in response to plant secondary metabolites Mehta and Lansky, ; Papini et al.
Health Promoting Effects of Phytochemicals by Baojun Xu, Hardcover | Indigo Chapters Cancer Promogion suppl. In Achieve Lean Muscles large population study from eight Phgtochemicals countries, tea intake was associated with a Pet health supplements decreased Phytocyemicals of developing type 2 diabetes. Whether this is their main mode of action following normal dietary consumption within humans still remains to be elucidated. Zhu, J. Similar studies have been undertaken with many other potentially bioactive dietary compounds. Gastroenterology 96 : — Avigliano L.
Functional Foods - Phytochemicals and Health Promoting Potential Arts IC, Hollman PC. J Hypertens. Tao X. Read more Order Print Copy Recommend to Your Library Your name. All rights reserved. Flavonoids and cancer prevention: a review of the evidence.
Phytochemicals and health promotion access Pet health supplements Edited Volume. Government College University, FaisalabadPakistan. The phytochemicals promotuon in Healthy bowel movement Pet health supplements play a promoion role Phhtochemicals boosting immunity and prlmotion health. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the importance of functional foods and antioxidants and their scavenging activity for preventing various health-related disorders. This book also covers the therapeutic and medicinal potential of various bioactive compounds for a healthy lifesty This book also covers the therapeutic and medicinal potential of various bioactive compounds for a healthy lifestyle, as well as examines different products containing functional ingredients that demonstrate health-promoting potential. Phytochemicals and health promotion

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