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Fasting and Liver Health

Fasting and Liver Health

Email her at Citrus oil for skin brightening stanford. Tips to start include having Fastting goal and choosing a suitable method. Exercise inhibits JNK pathway activation and lipotoxicity via macrophage migration inhibitory factor in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Fasting and Liver Health -

Former postdoctoral scholar Abby Sarkar, PhD, is the first author of the research. The liver removes toxins from the blood for excretion, and it converts the food we eat into nutrients the body can absorb.

Laboratory mice typically have unlimited access to food at all times. But for these experiments, Sarkar withheld food from the animals for 24 hours, then allowed them to feed freely for 24 hours before another fast of 24 hours.

This was very exciting. This is the reason the liver will regenerate to its normal size if a portion of it is removed due to injury or surgery.

Sarkar found that the cell division she observed was sparked by a decrease in the ratio of liver to body weight in the study animals after a week of intermittent fasting. She also learned that most of the cell division was localized to liver cells near the central vein of the organ.

Further investigation identified two molecular pathways responsible for maintaining appropriate liver size in the fasted animals. One is a growth factor called fibroblast growth factor, or FGF, that is produced by the intestines and travels throughout the body; another, a family of proteins called Wnts, is crucial to embryonic development and the growth and maintenance of many tissues.

Wnt proteins are secreted by endothelial cells in the central vein, but, unlike FGF, they travel only a short distance.

The two signals overlap on liver cells near the central vein, called pericentral hepatocytes, to stimulate their division after fasting. Intermittent fasting or other changes in the food supply stimulate the production of FGF, which circulates to the liver.

Moreover, the downstream AMPK and SIRT1 were also determined. Autophagy was further assessed in the mice. Then, the representative immunofluorescence images of LC3 and LAMP1 were taken Fig.

These results showed that autophagy was inhibited in HFD mice when compared to the Con mice, while the autophagy level of ND mice picked up.

However, the week IF intervention improved the level of autophagy most, which may be the potential therapeutic mechanism. Apoptosis of hepatocytes plays a role in liver metabolism and NAFLD. TUNEL staining Fig. The results showed that compared to a normal diet, HFD promoted apoptosis in the liver, However, a week ND relieved this abnormality, and the IF treatment provided the greatest relief.

Hepatocyte apoptosis was relieved by intermittent fasting. Our study's primary findings reveal that both IF and ND treatments alleviate NAFLD, with IF exhibiting a stronger therapeutic effect. This superior efficacy is attributed to IF's ability to activate MIF signaling, which in turn promotes AMPK-mediated autophagy and reverses HFD-induced apoptosis in the livers of NAFLD mice.

Furthermore, IF treatment mitigates metabolic disorders in the livers of HFD mice by activating MIF signaling. The HFD NAFLD model in mice simulated a phenotype similar to the human condition, characterized by obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidemia Excessive intake of FFA directly resulted in triglyceride accumulation in the liver Apoptosis, programmed cell death, and autophagy, the protective repairment process form a self-regulating system against stress.

The present study found increased apoptosis and impaired autophagy were in the NAFLD model, consistent with previous studies 13 , The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that energy requirements should be met primarily through nutrient-rich foods and beverages, with limited consumption of sugars, saturated fats, and sodium Moreover, some HFD-induced complications, such as impaired sperm quality, were not improved by ND treatment 3.

Consequently, IF emerges as an alternative dietary strategy that may offer greater benefits for NAFLD patients. Various forms of IF including time-restricted feeding, alternate-day fasting, fasting, and fasting-mimicking diet have been proved effective on NAFLD Further research is needed to compare the effectiveness of different forms of IF to provide more robust evidence for clinical applications.

Clinical studies in healthy populations have shown that alternate day fasting exhibits adequate safety and provides extensive benefits on metabolic markers up to 6 months post intervention Further trials have demonstrated the efficacy of this approach in NAFLD patients, where significant reductions in hepatic steatosis and fibrosis have been noted Another trial found alternate-day IF in NAFLD patients could relieve hepatic steatosis, while lean mass, aspartate transaminase, HbA1c, plasma lipids, and hepatokines did not differ between groups, which also confirmed the safety of IF These human studies have been performed to investigate the potential benefits and risks of intermittent fasting for liver diseases, animal studies however, can provide valuable insights into underlying mechanisms.

In this research, we adopted alternate-day fasting, wherein fasting is undertaken every other day. Similar to previous research, in the process of IF, food intake through each 2-day fasting cycle was comparable to the overall intake of 2-day ND 27 , While the body weight of ND and IF mice had shown no significant difference, IF mice exhibited reduced lipid deposition and metabolic disorder compared to ND mice, which suggests that IF as a treatment in NAFLD may be directly treating the disease itself rather than through the reduction of total energy intake.

MIF, an apoptosis-inhibiting factor, plays a significant role in various organs and cells 29 , MIF could be synthesized and even released from several tissues under hypoxic or ischemic conditions 31 , Exercise is one of the simulating treatments to induce the protective effects of MIF signaling and prevent NAFLD We assume that the moderate energy shortage as a result of IF is comparable to the calorie expenditure induced by exercise, which activates the MIF pathway.

In the present study, long-term exposure to a HFD had led to a decrease in hepatic MIF protein expression due to energy oversupply, and the MIF expression was then subsequently upregulated following both IF and ND treatments.

However, IF resulted in a greater increase in MIF expression than ND 1. Notably, IF resulted in stronger autophagy and less apoptosis than ND, paralleling the greater increase in MIF expression.

Therefore, it is suggested that the differential upregulation of MIF may be a potential mechanism explaining why IF offers more benefits than ND in treating NAFLD. There are limitations in the present study. MIF release could be one of the beneficial mechanisms of IF. However, this study could not clarify all of the potential sources of MIF protein, which may leave out possible target organs of IF.

This study did not compare the effects of dietary, exercise, and the combined treatment on NAFLD. Considering that dietary and exercise respectively related to the energy uptake and consumption, further research clarifies the similarities and differences regarding their mechanisms of action will help developing the best combination therapy.

To conclude, both ND and IF effectively reduce liver lipid deposition and metabolic disorder of HFD-induced NAFLD However, demonstrates superior outcomes, potentially due to its heightened activation of MIF-regulated autophagy and apoptosis in hepatocytes, presenting a potential therapeutic target for NAFLD.

Nevertheless, considering high acceptance and compliance of ND treatment against the efficacy of IF therapy, this research provides evidence for individualized dietary treatment to optimize therapeutic outcomes in NAFLD.

Following that, the NAFLD mice adopted HFD, ND, or IF fasting: eating, 24 h: 24 h for the next 12 weeks. All food was removed on the fasting days of the IF mice, while normal diet food supply was unlimited on alternate days.

The detailed protocol is summarized in Fig. after h fasting. Liver and blood were collected for experiments. All the procedures involving mice were conducted under the guidelines for the use of live animals of the National Institute of Health, and any unnecessary animal suffering was avoided.

The protocols were approved by the Experimental Animal Welfare Committee of Central South University SYXK Furthermore, this study was conducted according with the ARRIVE guidelines, and all methods were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations.

As previously described 33 , a portion of the liver tissue was fixed, paraffin-embedded, and sliced. For the oil red O staining, slices were stained by oil red O dyestuff Wellbio, Changsha, China.

NAFLD activity score is a system which measures changes to NAFLD according to several histologic structure characteristics, and is scored as follows: steatosis 0—3 , lobular inflammation 0—3 , hepatocellular ballooning 0—2 As previously performed 35 , fasting blood glucose and blood insulin were detected by glucometer Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, USA and ELISA CSB-Em, Wuhan, China.

The extraction kit Trizol, Thermo, USA was used to extract RNA from tissue. Then, a real-time reverse transcription RT-PCR kit Cwbiotech, Beijing, China was used to convert RNA into cDNA.

The primers are listed in Table 1. β-actin was regarded as a reference gene. As previously described 33 , the protein was extracted by grinding machine KZ-II, Servicebio, Wuhan, CN and radioimmunoprecipitation assay RIPA buffer containing protease inhibitor Beyotime, Shanghai, China. The protein concentration was measured by the BCA Protein Assay kit Beyotime.

After SDS-PAGE, the proteins were transferred to PVDF membranes 0. Following incubation of HRP-labeled secondary antibody , Proteintech , the band pictures were collected and analyzed by the gel documentation system Bio-Rad, CA, USA.

The liver sections were prepared and stained with reagents of a TUNEL kit Yeasen Biotechnology, Shanghai, China. TUNEL positive cells portion was analyzed. After rinsing in PBS, they were incubated with primary antibodies against LAMP1 , CST , and LC3 , Abcam. After rinsing again, the secondary antibodies , Proteintech were incubated in the dark.

Finally, staining DAPI SigmaAldrich and images were acquired using the fluorescence microscope Eclipse, Nikon, JPN. Statistical analyses were performed with Prism 8 software GraphPad, Inc.

One-way ANOVA plus the Bonferroni test were used for analyses. Mantovani, A. Treatments for NAFLD: State of Art. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar. Patikorn, C. et al. Intermittent fasting and obesity-related health outcomes: An umbrella review of meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials.

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Apoptosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. World J. Jankauskas, S. Evolving complexity of MIF signaling. Cell Signal. Heinrichs, D. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor MIF exerts antifibrotic effects in experimental liver fibrosis via CD Article PubMed PubMed Central ADS Google Scholar.

Gligorovska, L. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor deficiency aggravates effects of fructose-enriched diet on lipid metabolism in the mouse liver. BioFactors 47 , — Qi, D. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central ADS Google Scholar. Cui, N. Exercise inhibits JNK pathway activation and lipotoxicity via macrophage migration inhibitory factor in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Chao, C. The study authors conducted the trial over three months and included 80 participants in their analysis. They wanted to look at the effectiveness of different lifestyle interventions in improving fat content in the liver. All participants had obesity and NAFLD. Study author and intermittent fasting researcher Dr.

We were curious if intermittent fasting combined with aerobic exercise would produce the same reductions in liver fat. Intermittent fasting involves only eating during certain time intervals or having specific days with a high amount of calorie restriction.

Researchers divided participants into one of four groups to measure improvement in fatty liver. The first group participated in regular moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.

The third group participated in both an exercise program and intermittent fasting. Finally, the last group was a control group with no interventions. The combination group demonstrated a variety of improvements, some of which were superior to the other intervention groups.

We also saw increases in insulin sensitivity in the combination group, indicating better blood sugar control. Krista Varady. Researchers found that the reduction of liver fat and body weight was similar between the combination group and the group that only participated in intermittent fasting.

Researchers also found that all three intervention groups saw similar improvement in insulin resistance. Thus, the combination intervention could be an option for people with NAFLD but is not necessarily a far-superior method.

It is in line with many other studies that calorie restriction is a key component for weight control. First, the study included a limited number of participants and ran only for a short time. This and the ethnicity of participants indicate the need for further research that is more diverse.

Second, the combination intervention showed improvements in the liver but not back into a healthy range, which could indicate the need for people with NAFLD to pursue additional interventions. It is also unclear if the interventions would be effective in people with more severe NAFLD.

Because of baseline numerical differences between groups, there was a chance to observe larger average absolute differences in the combination intervention group.

As the Citrus oil for skin brightening year Lean Body Fitness going, Citrus oil for skin brightening of us have a ane focus on our health FFasting specifically diet and exercise. While some Live opt Citrus oil for skin brightening more tried-and-true goals of committing wnd regular gym sessions and limiting Faeting foods, others will Fasitng towards the latest health trends promoting weight loss such as intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting has become incredibly popular over the last five years, but many healthcare professionals are expressing concern about this eating strategy. There are three commonly used and studied methods of IF. Daily time-restricted feeding is where a person eats during a specific window of time each day, typically using a approach where they fast for 16 hours and eat during a 8 hour window every day. Alternate day fasting is simply fasting every other day, eating normally on the non-fasting day. Also, the body undergoes changes at a cellular level, which help with cell repair among other improvements linked to gene longevity and disease protection. Combining intermittent fasting with exercise can help reduce the amount Citrus oil for skin brightening fat around Liveg liver for Livwr with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, according to Livfr recent study published Pre-workout meal prep Cell ILver. The American Liver Foundation estimates that million Almond allergy symptoms in Livsr U. have nonalcoholic fatty Healtu disease, which is characterized by a buildup of fat around the liver in people who do not drink alcohol. In the study, investigators analyzed the effects of alternate day fasting combined with exercise to fasting alone, or exercise alone, on intrahepatic triglyceride IHTG content in 80 adults with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. After three months, investigators found that IHTG content was significantly reduced in the combination group compared with the exercise alone group and the control group. However, there was no significant difference between the combination group and the alternate day fasting alone group. Fasting and Liver Health

Author: Vudonris

3 thoughts on “Fasting and Liver Health

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