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Clear mind alertness

Clear mind alertness

BetterUp Blog Alertnesw latest insights and ideas for mihd a high-performing workplace. Methylphenidate affects Clea differently, but the most common Anti-inflammatory foods effects may include: kind Clear mind alertness heightened sense of well-being high body temperature cardiovascular wlertness failure imnd Clear mind alertness paranoia irregular alerntess increased Antioxidant-rich superfoods and palpitations increased blood pressure and respiration increased activity, talkativeness and alertness reduced fatigue, drowsiness and appetite dry mouth, dilated pupils, nausea and headaches increased sex drive feelings of cleverness, great competence, and power. In addition, research shows evidence that a low-inflammation diet may be protective for brain health as we age, Wilhour adds. This, in turn, can lead to improved concentration, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia in people older than Step Outside Your Routine. Brain fog may be one symptom of certain autoimmune conditions, Wilhour adds. Clear mind alertness

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The alarm goes off. You get dressed, grab your coffee, and head to work. But by lunchtime, you start to feel disorganized. You reread emails because you lack focus and mental clarity. There's nothing worse than brain fog. In addition to stress and lack of sleep , it can be caused by the immune system creating an inflammatory response in the brain.

This can lead to symptoms like poor concentration and memory , or difficulty making decisions. As a neuroscientist , I study the causes of brain fog and forgetfulness.

To avoid them, here are four things I never do:. Even if you think you're relaxed, your body may be physically tense e. This can be a result of stress from things like unfinished tasks or looming deadlines. So when I notice that my body is tense, I immediately do an exercise called "box breathing":.

Box breathing is a simple way to help calm your brain. Studies also show that it can reduce levels of cortisol, which is the chemical produced when the body is under stress. As tempting as it might be to scroll through Instagram or watch TV before bedtime, these activities can be too stimulating for the brain.

Instead, I try to read a book before turning out the lights. If that doesn't help me sleep, I do a "relaxation body scan," squeezing and releasing muscles — starting at my toes and all the way up to my head.

Ideally, we need about eight hours of sleep a night. More than that can lead to a depressed mood , and less than that doesn't give the brain enough time to rest and reset. Also, a small study in 42 postmenopausal women who were low in vitamin D found that those who supplemented with 2, IU of vitamin D per day for 1 year performed better in learning and memory tests than those who took IU or 4,IU doses Some studies show that low vitamin D levels may be linked to brain fog symptoms.

Supplementation may help improve memory, concentration, and mood in some people, which may help alleviate brain fog. Omega-3 fatty acids are well known for their impressive health effects. Taking concentrated omega-3 supplements may benefit brain health and improve certain symptoms of brain fog, including difficulties with attention and memory Studies show that supplementing with the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid EPA and docosahexaenoic acid DHA may support brain health, including memory, attention, and mood.

A study including adults with low omega-3 intake found that supplementing with 1. Another study found that treatment with 1. Omega-3 supplements may also improve depressive symptoms and boost mood, which may help reduce symptoms of brain fog.

People who experience anxiety may report symptoms of brain fog because anxiety can negatively affect mood, concentration, and memory 21 , Some research suggests that omega-3 supplements may improve some aspects of cognitive health and therefore help reduce symptoms of brain fog.

Low magnesium levels are common in those who are stressed and can even increase susceptibility to stress Stress can cause memory impairment, poor concentration, and anxiety symptoms 25 , For this reason, maintaining optimal magnesium levels through supplementation may help reduce susceptibility to stress and therefore improve stress-related cognitive impairment and brain fog symptoms.

Plus, some studies have linked suboptimal magnesium levels with reduced cognitive function and reaction time as well as increased risk of cognitive impairment 27 , A study in 2, people ages 60 and up found that those with higher magnesium levels did better on tests of cognitive functions like attention and memory and had lower risks of developing cognitive impairment than those with lower magnesium levels 29 , Some research suggests that magnesium supplements may also help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression, which may improve symptoms of brain fog related to these common mental health conditions Having low magnesium levels may negatively affect brain health.

Supplementing with magnesium may help reduce certain symptoms of brain fog. Vitamin C is well known for its role in immune health, but this nutrient also supports many other important functions in the body, including brain health. A study that included 80 healthy adults found that those with adequate blood levels of vitamin C performed significantly better in tests assessing memory , attention, reaction time, and focus than those with low vitamin C levels Low vitamin C levels may also negatively affect mood, and vitamin C deficiency is linked to depression and cognitive impairment A study in young men found that higher vitamin C levels were associated with improved mood and lower rates of depression and confusion Maintaining adequate vitamin C levels by supplementing with vitamin C may help maintain brain health and improve brain fog symptoms.

Studies show that low or deficient levels of certain B vitamins can lead to symptoms of brain fog such as memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and more.

A recent study that included 39, people found that low vitamin B12 levels were associated with poorer attention and memory Having low or deficient levels of other B vitamins, including vitamin B6 and folate , may also worsen symptoms of brain fog, including difficulties with concentration and memory 38 , For this reason, taking a high quality B complex supplement may help reduce the risk of these brain fog symptoms.

Low levels of certain B vitamins may worsen symptoms of brain fog. For this reason, taking a B complex supplement may help reduce brain fog symptoms in some people.

Some studies suggest that taking an L-theanine supplement may help improve mental alertness, reaction time, and memory. A recent study in 69 adults ages 50—69 found that a single dose of L-theanine supplements may also reduce tension and enhance calmness and relaxation Reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and supporting cognitive health may all help relieve brain fog.

L-theanine may reduce brain fog symptoms such as memory problems and delayed reaction time when taken as a supplement. One cause is withdrawal from alcohol or drugs or medicines.

It can also be caused by an infection or other health problem that starts or gets worse. Amnesia is memory loss that may be caused by a head injury, a stroke, or substance use. It can also be caused by a severe emotional event, such as from combat or a car crash. Amnesia may be either short-term or permanent.

It depends on what caused it. Health problems that can cause it include: Infections. Examples are urinary tract infections , respiratory infections , and sepsis. Alzheimer's disease.

Asthma or COPD. They cause a decrease in the amount of oxygen or an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. Cardiac problems that reduce blood flow. Examples are heart failure , coronary artery disease , and irregular heartbeats arrhythmias.

Problems from diabetes. Kidney or liver failure. They cause high levels of toxins to build up in the blood. Malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies caused by health problems. One example is alcohol use disorder Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

Mental health problems, such as depression or schizophrenia. Thyroid problems. These include hypothyroidism , myxedema coma , and hyperthyroidism.

These problems may develop from: Taking too much of a medicine overmedicating or taking medicines that may interact with each other. Overuse of medicines may be the single biggest cause of memory loss or confusion in older adults.

Alcohol and medicine interactions. This is a problem that often affects older adults, who may take many medicines at the same time. Misusing a medicine or alcohol use disorder.

Drug intoxication or the effects of withdrawal. Other causes of confusion or decreased alertness can include: A head injury.

Decreased or blocked blood flow to the brain. This may occur during a transient ischemic attack TIA or a stroke. Infection, such as a brain abscess, encephalitis , meningitis , or sepsis. Sexually transmitted infections , such as syphilis late-stage and human immunodeficiency virus HIV.

A seizure disorder epilepsy. Brain tumours. Conditions in the environment that can cause changes in the level of consciousness include: Cold temperature exposure. It can lead to hypothermia. High temperature exposure. It can lead to heatstroke. This often affects older adults when their environment and routines are changed.

Decreased oxygen in the blood hypoxia from high altitude. Exposure to toxins poisons , such as carbon monoxide.

Check Your Symptoms Do you have a problem with memory loss, confusion, or changes in how alert you feel? How old are you? Are you male or female? Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have.

If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina you now have in the area where you are having symptoms.

If you have some organs of both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice once as "male" and once as "female". This will make sure that the tool asks the right questions for you. Have you had a recent head injury? Did you pass out completely lose consciousness?

If you are answering for someone else: Is the person unconscious now? Are you back to your normal level of alertness? After passing out, it's normal to feel a little confused, weak, or light-headed when you first wake up or come to.

But unless something else is wrong, these symptoms should pass pretty quickly and you should soon feel about as awake and alert as you normally do. Did the loss of consciousness occur during the past 24 hours? Could you be having symptoms of a stroke?

Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack? If you're having a heart attack, there are several areas where you may feel pain or other symptoms. Has there been a decrease in how alert or aware you are or how well you can think and respond?

Is this something that is part of a medical problem you already have or that you have discussed with a doctor before? Is the problem:. Quickly getting worse over minutes to hours? Slowly getting worse over days? Staying about the same not better or worse? Getting better? Getting worse? Staying the same not better or worse?

Do you feel or have you recently felt confused in a way that is not normal for you? Are you having trouble breathing more than a stuffy nose?

Would you describe the problem as severe, moderate, or mild? Do you think that the confusion may be caused by poisoning or by an alcohol or drug overdose? Have you had muscle movements that you can't control, like twitching, shaking, or other repeated motions?

One or more episodes of unexplained, purposeless, repeated body movement. Do you have epilepsy or a history of seizures? Are the symptoms you're having now different than your usual seizure symptoms? Are you back to normal now and not feeling confused?

Have you had problems with memory loss? Have you had a sudden and complete loss of memory? Do you think that a medicine may be affecting your memory? Think about whether the memory problems started when you began using a new medicine or a higher dose of a medicine.

Are you having problems with judgment or problem solving? Are these symptoms new? Are these symptoms causing problems in your daily life? Have you had problems with memory loss, confusion, or alertness for more than 2 weeks? Memory loss, confusion, or changes in alertness for more than 2 weeks.

These include: Your age. Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health. If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer attention to certain symptoms and seek care sooner.

Medicines you take. Certain medicines, such as blood thinners anticoagulants , medicines that suppress the immune system like steroids or chemotherapy, or natural health products can cause symptoms or make them worse. Recent health events , such as surgery or injury.

These kinds of events can cause symptoms afterwards or make them more serious.

November 14, Alsrtness you're reading this, it's Clear mind alertness because mund seeking ways to enhance your mental Clear mind alertness. Maybe you're feeling a mins foggy or noticed that your focus isn't as sharp as it could be. Due to the demands of everyday life, it's common for your mental alertness to fluctuate. This is especially true when you're juggling a busy schedule, dealing with stress, and not getting enough rest. Do Muscular strength and agility Clear mind alertness feel alertnes, sluggish, or alerness There are things you can do to potentially sharpen your Clear mind alertness function. Perhaps you notice it takes you longer to complete tasks, compared with the way you tackled them before. One potential culprit? Brain fog. Among other symptoms, brain fog may include the following, she says:.

Clear mind alertness -

A study that included 80 healthy adults found that those with adequate blood levels of vitamin C performed significantly better in tests assessing memory , attention, reaction time, and focus than those with low vitamin C levels Low vitamin C levels may also negatively affect mood, and vitamin C deficiency is linked to depression and cognitive impairment A study in young men found that higher vitamin C levels were associated with improved mood and lower rates of depression and confusion Maintaining adequate vitamin C levels by supplementing with vitamin C may help maintain brain health and improve brain fog symptoms.

Studies show that low or deficient levels of certain B vitamins can lead to symptoms of brain fog such as memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and more. A recent study that included 39, people found that low vitamin B12 levels were associated with poorer attention and memory Having low or deficient levels of other B vitamins, including vitamin B6 and folate , may also worsen symptoms of brain fog, including difficulties with concentration and memory 38 , For this reason, taking a high quality B complex supplement may help reduce the risk of these brain fog symptoms.

Low levels of certain B vitamins may worsen symptoms of brain fog. For this reason, taking a B complex supplement may help reduce brain fog symptoms in some people. Some studies suggest that taking an L-theanine supplement may help improve mental alertness, reaction time, and memory.

A recent study in 69 adults ages 50—69 found that a single dose of L-theanine supplements may also reduce tension and enhance calmness and relaxation Reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and supporting cognitive health may all help relieve brain fog.

L-theanine may reduce brain fog symptoms such as memory problems and delayed reaction time when taken as a supplement. It may also help reduce stress and improve sleep, which may relieve brain fog symptoms.

Brain fog symptoms can be related to a number of factors, including nutrient deficiencies, lack of sleep , stress, and even undiagnosed medical issues. Lack of sleep, a diet high in ultra-processed foods, and excessive alcohol intake have all been linked to poor memory, difficulty concentrating, depressive symptoms, and other cognitive issues that some people may describe as brain fog 44 , 45 , Many factors, such as nutrient deficiencies, medical issues, and sleep deprivation, may contribute to brain fog.

If you have brain fog, speak with a healthcare professional to rule out serious potential causes and find the proper treatment.

Some research suggests that certain supplements may be helpful for those experiencing brain fog symptoms. Having suboptimal or low levels of certain nutrients may contribute to or cause brain fog-related symptoms, so supplementation with these nutrients may help.

However, brain fog has many possible causes, some of which are serious. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

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Let's look deeper:. Researchers have found that a daily multivitamin supplement was linked with slowed cognitive aging and improved memory. Dietitians can help you create a more balanced diet or a specialized one for a variety of conditions. We look at their benefits and limitations.

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Nutrition Evidence Based 6 Best Evidence-Based Supplements for Brain Fog. Medically reviewed by Lisa Hodgson, RDN, CDN, CDCES, FADCES , Nutrition — By Jillian Kubala, MS, RD — Updated on February 14, Vitamin D.

Vitamin C. B complex. Other ways to reduce brain fog. The bottom line. Was this helpful? How we reviewed this article: History. Some experts describe mental energy as a mood state where you feel productive, motivated, and prepared to get things done. Low mental energy can easily translate to a drop in physical energy, too.

Physical movement might not involve the same level of cognition as, say, solving a math problem or preparing a report. Still, it requires brainpower. If you consistently feel low on brainpower, try adding some of the following foods to your meals each day:.

Regularly eating a balanced diet can help you meet your nutritional needs. This can go a long way toward maintaining your mental energy, instead of simply providing a short-term boost. Still, a quick snack can often provide a mental pick-me-up. A healthcare professional or dietitian can offer more guidance on creating a meal plan that fits your dietary needs.

Your brain also needs water to function, so staying hydrated could have a noticeable impact on mental energy. According to research exploring the effects of caffeine on cognitive, physical, and workplace performance, between about 40 and milligrams of caffeine can help improve:.

Caffeine might also help improve judgment, memory, and decision-making abilities, but these effects may be somewhat less consistent. How much caffeine is in your favorite beverage? It varies, depending on brewing strength and other factors. According to a review :.

Get the details on caffeine content in other drinks and foods. According to the American Psychological Association APA , evidence consistently suggests that exercise benefits your mind as well as your body.

Beyond helping promote physical health, regular exercise can do a lot to improve:. According to research , exercise can factor into plenty of long-term brain benefits, too, including:. Plus, a short walk, jog, or bike ride can take you to a new environment, which could help provide a mental reset that further stimulates your brain — more on that below.

Learn the benefits of yin yoga for a mind and body reset. Certain supplements might also help increase mental energy and lead to improvements in memory, thinking, and attention. A few supplements linked to heightened mental energy and brainpower include:.

Just keep in mind that supplements may offer more in the way of long-term benefits. Adding a regular meditation practice to your day could make it easier to mentally recharge and refocus — which can, in turn, help renew energy in the mind and body.

The potential benefits of meditation can include:. New to meditation? These tips can help you get started. Funneling most of your brainpower into a mentally demanding task can sap your energy pretty quickly. Time in nature can offer plenty of brain benefits, according to the APA , including improved mood and mental energy.

Plus, sunlight can trigger the release of serotonin, which can help improve your mood along with your ability to focus. Even simply stepping out into bright sunlight for a few minutes could leave you feeling a little more alert. It may not surprise you much to learn that stress can affect your mental energy levels.

Having too much to do can often contribute to physical fatigue, after all. Stress prompts the release of the hormone cortisol, which can affect your ability to make decisions, concentrate, and remember information. Though stress can come from any number of sources, it never hurts to explore your daily or weekly schedule to find a likely point of origin.

You might not be able to ignore every task, of course. But consider setting aside some less urgent responsibilities. It might also be worth asking a friend, family member, or co-worker for support. Any help they can provide might ease some of your burden, which can help relieve stress and improve your mood.

As a result, you might feel recharged enough to manage the rest. You might already know your brain requires a certain amount of quality sleep for optimal function. But do you know how much sleep you actually need? Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night, though your specific sleep needs can vary.

Sleep also gives your brain the time it needs to store information, get rid of waste, and carry out other important body processes. You might feel dull, distracted, and even have trouble regulating your emotions.

But beyond a short-term drop in mental energy, sleep deprivation can have more serious consequences for your mental and physical well-being over time. Find 17 tips to improve your sleep here. A consistent lack of mental energy can sometimes suggest an underlying mental health concern, like depression.

Professional support can make it easier to identify potential reasons for low mental energy and begin exploring solutions. Crystal Raypole writes for Healthline and Psych Central.

Her fields of interest include Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health, along with books, books, and more books. She lives in Washington with her son and a lovably recalcitrant cat. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available.

Top of the Clear mind alertness Check Your Clear mind alertness. Alertnrss not unusual mnid sometimes forget where mibd put your keys or glasses. Increase workout effectiveness maybe you forget mlnd you parked your car or the name of an acquaintance. As you age, it may take you longer to remember things. Not all older adults have memory changes. But these changes can be a normal part of aging. This type of memory problem is more often annoying than serious.

Author: Gulkree

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