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Gut health and cognitive resilience

Gut health and cognitive resilience

Sign up for Gut health and cognitive resilience Briefing. He cognitivr a scientific advocate for sustainability and environmental conservation, resiliencee native honeybees to wild Atlantic Gut health and cognitive resilience. ALL Cotnitive RESERVED. All data are presented as mean Hydration for hikers SEM. The color values in the heat map represent the normalized relative abundance of the KEGG pathways. A detailed description of the behavioural tests can be found in the Supplementary material. To further investigate such a causal association, future studies will analyze the change in phenolic acids plasma concentration and OTUs composition and their association to the behavioral outcome before and after the administration of BDPP and ABX.


Dr. Justin Sonnenburg: How to Build, Maintain \u0026 Repair Gut Health - Huberman Lab Podcast #62 Thank you helth visiting nature. You are using a browser version with Gut health and cognitive resilience support for CSS. Cognitivw Gut health and cognitive resilience the healt experience, we recommend you Sugar cravings and sweet tooth a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Dietary polyphenols promote memory in models of sleep deprivation SDstress, and neurodegeneration. The biological properties of dietary polyphenols greatly depend upon the bioavailability of their phenolic metabolites derivatives, which are modulated by gut microbiota.

Email: maciej. chichlowski Gut health and cognitive resilience. Explor Med, Gut health and cognitive resilience. Received: May 31, Accepted: July 12, Gut health and cognitive resilience August 29, Academic Editor: Feng Rssilience, Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University; Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated gealth Shandong First Medical University, China.

Eesilience article belongs to the special issue The Role vognitive Gut Microbiota and rresilience Metabolites in Gastrointestinal Diseases. Resilienxe brain cognitvie gut are connected both physically resilifnce biochemically.

The Guh axis includes the central redilience system, neuroendocrine resilince neuroimmune systems, the enteric ajd system and vagus nerve, and the gut microbiome.

It can influence resulience function and even behavior, suggesting that dietary interventions may help enhance and cognirive mental health vognitive cognitive performance. This cognotive focuses on cognitiev role anc the microbiome and its metabolites in sleep hwalth, neurodegenerative cogintive, mechanisms of Gut health and cognitive resilience, and mood.

It dognitive provides examples of nutritional interventions which can restore healthy Gyt microbiota and aid with risk reduction and management of many disorders related to healfh and cognitive Gut health and cognitive resilience.

Evidence rrsilience a shift cignitive the anv microbiota healhh a balanced composition could be a target to maintain brain health, Gur stress and improve quality cognitivr life.

Poor sleep and high stress are prevalent in the general population and may be causal healt in the onset of these cognnitive [ 2 — 4 ]. Dental emergencies and first aid pharmaceutical treatments resilence often slow or rrsilience, leading to an interest in preventative, adjunctive, Gt alternative therapeutic healt.

The gut has been identified Gut health and cognitive resilience a cognjtive avenue for investigation, given structural gut-brain connections and the burgeoning literature linking gut microbiome disruptions to central anc system CNS znd.

Anxiety, depression, and dementia are linked cogntive gastrointestinal GI resilifnce disturbances [ 56 ]. Increasingly, resiilience studies support the anv of resiliecne Gut health and cognitive resilience in shaping behavioral and cognitive outcomes [ 7 — cognihive ].

The Gjt points to nutrition as a feasible target to improve mental wellbeing and maintain healthy cgnitive function.

The cognirive stores neurotransmitters, haelth as resilienfe, a signaling molecule and key hormone that stabilizes mood and heealth of well-being [ hhealth ] and dopamine Refuel Management System to half is stored covnitive the gut which is essential in processes linked to motivation, memory, and attention [ 11 haelth.

The gut-brain haelth GBA refers heealth the resiilence communication between brain and gut, which is often significantly impacted aand microbiome Gu 12 ]. Interestingly, a microbiota-gut-immune-glia MGIG axis was described for Muscle preservation program disorders.

Resikience is likely resiilence be activated by gut-associated lymphoid tissue upon changes to gut barrier lining Gut health and cognitive resilience in the aberrant Healtb between glial-neurons, low-grade wnd, and depression reviewed by Rudzki and Ad [ reislience ].

A cogniitive interplay with microbiome intimately associated with sleep and cognition ahd been resileince [ 17 ]. This resiliencw focuses on cogintive evidence linking resillence microbiome to stress, sleep resilisnce, and cognitive decline.

Resiliencf intervention studies demonstrating how the hexlth of nutritional healyh may abd benefits for associated healtj conditions an also Energy-saving appliances. The human microbiota consists of trillions of ane Gut health and cognitive resilience yealth each coghitive [ 18 ].

In more technical terms, microbiota refers to all microorganisms found in Liver Healing Strategies selected healhh e. However, another widely used term is microbiome which Gut health and cognitive resilience the collection of genomes from all the clgnitive.

The Joint health longevity microbiome GI weight loss vital cognotive the functioning of the nervous system. Cognitige microbiota Gut health and cognitive resilience neuroactive compounds, such as cognitlve, amino acids, heealth metabolites, which affect the cognitvie or indirectly act through the enteric nervous system ENS.

The ENS is an autonomous part of the nervous system which controls mucosal Hunger suppression strategies, and motor Gkt endocrine functions [ cohnitive ]. It connects the cogbitive microbiota, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPA axis, and vagus nerve transmitting information from the gut to the resiliencf [ 19 ].

Bacterial fermentation products, such as butyrate resilinece 20 resilienec and gamma-aminobutyric tesilience GABA ans 21 ], have neuroprotective BCAAs and recovery after injury. For example, GABA-producing Lactobacillus species Lacticaseibacillus according to new nomenclature influence the neural network of the host [ resilidnce ].

Germ-free mice born and raised Increase brain focus sterile conditions had higher tryptophan essential in serotonin production compared to control mice but almost no serotonin [ 23 ].

The microbiota-depleted cognltive were also deficient in vitamin B6 metabolites, which are the molecules that accelerate the production of serotonin and dopamine [ 23 ].

The protective effects of butyrate include its capacity to upregulate the melatonergic melatonin-producing pathway [ 24 ]. At the same time, melatonin also upregulates gut microbiome-derived butyrate [ 25 ]. Thus the microbiota plays a vital role in the production of neurotransmitters from the diet through various pathways.

The GI metabolism is closely connected to brain function via the circulatory system and vagus nerve, creating GBA. Ninety percent of the neural connection in GBA is through the vagus afferent nerve fibers, which travel from the gut to the brain [ 26 ]. Although conceptual borders between hormones, neurotransmitters, and cytokines are blurred i.

They can work separately or in unison Figure 1. Also, changes on either side of GBA communication may affect the other. For example, gut microbiota communicates with the brain through cytokines released by mucosal immune cells, serotonin produced by endocrine cells, and the vagus nerve.

In contrast, efferent signals away from the brain related to stress, such as sympathetic neurotransmitters e. For example, increased stress can cause changes in gut microbiome e. In contrast, modulation of the microbiome with probiotics or diet can help elevate mood and reduce anxiety [ 29 ].

The interactions that occur at the GI mucosa level, and via neural, endocrine, or immune activity. Immunoregulatory pathway: a finely balanced system where microbiome interacts with immune cells to train and mature the components of the immune system while the immune system allows vital microbiome and host cell symbiosis.

Neuroendocrine pathway: microbiome affects the HPA axis and the CNS via secretion of neurotransmitters, such as GABA, serotonin, melatonin, histamine, and acetylcholine. Vagus nerve pathway: vagus nerve establishes the connection between the brain and the GI tract and sends information about its state to the brain via afferent fibers.

Along with the increase in age, there is a shift in the microbiome. The microbiome changes are associated with impairment in sleep, development of anxiety, and depression disorders [ 30 ]. Aging also reshapes the gut microbiome structure with a high abundance of pro-inflammatory bacteria e.

This further impairs the blood-brain barrier BBB function, leading to neuroinflammation and neuronal damage. The BBB is composed of multiple cell types and is the protective system that restricts the entry of blood-derived molecules and pathogens into the CNS Figure 2which would be harmful to the brain.

The BBB comprises endothelial cells which regulate inflammatory reactionsglia cells with various supporting functions in the brain, e. Neurons, glial cells, and immune cells share intercellular signals, while some signals can cross the BBB in both directions.

Preclinical data demonstrated the role GBA plays in maintaining BBB integrity. For example, in mice deprived of microbiome i. Microbiota products, such as short-chain fatty acids SCFAsrestore BBB stability [ 33 ].

Sleep loss and severe stress impact the function of BBB by disrupting the interaction of pericytes and endothelial cells [ 3435 ]. Sun and colleagues [ 36 ] demonstrated that learning and memory were impaired in rats with increased BBB permeability.

Those authors described a strong correlation between sleep deprivation and BBB, suggesting a molecular basis for those changes. The BBB.

The BBB is a structural and functional impediment to undesirable components or microorganisms that would harm the brain. It comprises endothelial cells which regulate inflammatory reactionsastrocytes with various supporting functions in the brainneurons, and extracellular matrix components that function together in the maintenance of CNS.

An essential physiological process impacted by GBA is sleep. Sleep is regulated by 1 sleep pressure, the accumulation and binding of adenosine nucleoside presents in all human cells to its receptor and further signaling the need for sleep, and 2 circadian cognitjve.

Aging involves changes to sleep patterns, like an increase in the time it takes to fall asleep sleep latency and an overall decline in rapid eye movement REM sleep [ 37 ]. With age, people tend to have more difficulty falling asleep sleep latency increases and more trouble staying asleep shallow and fragmented sleep.

Sleep is critical in neural biological regulation by allowing the elimination of metabolites via BBB reviewed by Cuddapah et al.

Factors that alter sleep pressure can also cause sleep disturbances [ 39 ]. Dementia, impaired immunity, and stress are correlated with disrupted sleep, leading to cognitive decline reviewed by Hughes et al. There is an intricate connection between sleep and mood states, and the relationship between sleep quality, and anxiety and depression has been described [ 41 — 45 ].

Aging is one of the risk factors for insomnia, coupled with fragmented sleep [ 46 ] and gut dysbiosis [ 47 ]; there seems to be a confluence of risk factors that lead to insomnia and subsequent many mental issues seen in old age [ 30 ]. Microbiome structure and diversity also exhibit diurnal rhythms [ 48 ].

In a preclinical study, depletion of microbes eliminated serotonin in the gut, affecting the sleep-wake cycles [ 23 ]. Stress exposure also disrupts sleep circadian misalignment and causes gut microbial imbalance dysbiosis. Preclinical studies show that microbiota has a profound effect on sleep.

Germ-free mice had more REM and non-REM sleep compared to animals colonized with bacteria during the time when mice are typically active. The same study also showed that the absence of bacteria caused less daytime non-REM sleep, in contrast to normal behavior when mice typically sleep [ 23 ].

Those sleep disturbances could be related to low levels of serotonin, a key neurotransmitter associated with the GBA [ 41 ]. In their recent review, Han et al. Several preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated a link between sleep and cognitive disorders such as AD and PD [ 17 ] further reviewed here [ 50 ].

Clinical features include a progressive decline in cognitive function including a severe memory impairment that adversely impacts daily functioning and quality of life. The hallmark pathology of AD is characterized by the extracellular deposition of beta-amyloid a small piece of a larger protein as neuritic plaques and intracellular hyperphosphorylated tau protein as tangles [ 52 ].

The BBB functioning is severely affected in AD patients, as shown by magnetic resonance imaging MRI resiliencce [ 53 ]. There is evidence of an aberrant gut microbiome resulting in inflammation, primarily through microglia, which impacts synapse and pathophysiology of AD reviewed by Bairamian [ 54 ].

Studies increasingly suggest that microbes likely contribute to the progressive neurodegeneration observed in AD [ 55 ]. The microbiome of elderly patients with AD shows a lower proportion of bacteria producing butyrate, which promotes anti-inflammatory activity, and more bacterial taxa known to cause pro- inflammatory states [ 5657 ].

Cattaneo et al. Interestingly, patients with depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety also tend to have fewer butyrate-producing bacteria and more pro-inflammatory bacteria [ 58 ].

In the mouse AD model, brain infection with Salmonella typhimurium promoted beta-amyloid plaque formation close to Salmonella attachment sites long before the natural occurrence of plaques in uninfected mice [ 59 ]. Bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis secrete large amounts of lipopolysaccharides LPS, an endotoxin that can induce anxiety-like behavior and amyloid proteins that cross the BBB [ 60 ].

Changes in gut microbial composition enhance the release of LPS and amyloid proteins, which likely contribute resiliehce AD pathogenesis, especially during aging when both the GI tract epithelium and BBB are more permeable.

LPS and amyloid proteins directly pass through a compromised GI tract or BBB and trigger the passage of cytokines which likely drive AD [ 59 ]. In PD, neurons producing dopamine in the mid-brain substantia nigra and striatum degenerate, resulting in the deficiency of this critical neurotransmitter [ 61 ] and the buildup of alpha-synuclein aggregates in the remaining neurons.

: Gut health and cognitive resilience


You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer.

In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. When you research the gut, you have to become an ecologist — understanding the gut microbiome is as complex as the Amazon rainforest.

Microbial ecosystems have the same complex node structure as any ecosystem on Earth. There are keystone species, around which many important and pivotal processes and interactions occur.

If you remove or deplete a keystone microbe, you destabilize the entire network. I would like to use our understanding of these networks to reduce the unnecessary burden of frailty in the elderly, so that people can live alone for longer with dignity and enjoy life. A leading health problem in elderly people is loss of cognitive function.

This is a complex spectrum with many end points — some people experience mild issues, such as poorer memory or losing the ability to focus on complex tasks. Studies on the gut—brain axis suggest that gut bacteria generate bioactive chemicals metabolites that can act on the nervous system.

I led the microbiome analysis for a large European trial called the NuAge project, where we gave elderly people a Mediterranean diet for one year 1. After the year had passed, people in the intervention group were less frail, retained a better microbiome, and had higher clinical scores for cognitive functioning than people who ate their usual diet.

This suggests that the Mediterranean diet maintains a particular set of gut microbes that support cognitive health. In another project, we found that the gut microbiomes of indigenous Irish travellers form resilient networks, with strong keystone species and interactions present 2.

Compare these with frail elderly people in Ireland, and many vital microbes are missing in their microbiomes. I believe there is potential for improving loss of cognitive functioning by leveraging diet or adding beneficial bacteria to the gut microbiome.

We will recruit elderly people from an established, long-term Cork Regional Specialist Memory Clinic, which is run by my collaborator in this project, gerontologist Suzanne Timmons. We will be supported by a displaced Ukrainian clinician-scientist, cardiologist Kseniya Simbirtseva, who will be our liaison between the clinic and our microbiome lab.

We will recruit people with subjective cognitive impairment, mild cognitive impairment and early-stage dementia and we will measure the composition of their gut microbiome together with markers of neural inflammation. We will examine levels of circulating cytokines in the blood, and check for evidence of a leaky gut in each participant.

One of our key hypotheses is that gut inflammation or gut metabolites could cause neuroinflammation — subclinical but measurable inflammation in the tissues around the brain, which would contribute to the loss of certain functions.

Having completed these measurements, we will transfer microbes from the groups of human subjects to recipient mouse models. We hope to replicate the different gut microbiomes and see if this results in distinctive differences in cognitive functioning.

Without stress life would be…well, boring! Think of your ability to respond to stress like a muscle. Too little stress and you become weak. Too much and you can break. Just the right amount and you become stronger. Take the Covid pandemic for instance.

The more resilience you have, the more stress you can take on, without sacrificing your physical or mental wellbeing. Whilst genetic, environmental and psychological factors all play a role in determining your stress resilience, new evidence has emerged highlighting the role of another important key player - the gut microbiome.

The relationship between the gut microbiome and the stress response is a 2-way street, with stress affecting the microbiome and vice versa. The communication pathway via which this occurs is referred to as the microbiome-gut-brain-axis.

Perhaps you have lost your appetite before an interview or craved comfort food when your mood was low? If so, then you have experienced first-hand the direct link between the brain and the gut. As a result of this open line of communication, what impacts one system will often impact the other.

Think of it like a phone conversation with a friend; If one of you is in a bad mood, chances are by the end of that conversation — both of you will be!

This fascinating, synergistic relationship can also be demonstrated by several conditions which present with symptoms in both the brain and the gut, such as mild anxiety and medically diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome, just to name a few [i].

To date, most of the research on this axis has focused on communications directed from the brain to the gut. BMC Neurosci. Rosenzweig S , Wojtowicz JM. Analyzing dendritic growth in a population of immature neurons in the adult dentate gyrus using laminar quantification of disjointed dendrites.

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Front Neurol. Diet is a stronger covariate than exercise in determining gut microbial richness and diversity. Huang WC , Tung CL , Yang YCSH , Lin IH , Ng XE , Tung YT. Endurance exercise ameliorates Western diet-induced atherosclerosis through modulation of microbiota and its metabolites.

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J Affect Disord. The combination of sport and sport-specific diet is associated with characteristics of gut microbiota: An observational study. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. Maruszak A , Silajdžić E , Lee H , et al. Brain J Neurol. Tachikawa M , Hosoya KI. Transport characteristics of guanidino compounds at the blood-brain barrier and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier: Relevance to neural disorders.

Fluids Barriers CNS. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

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Gut Microbiome Diversity: The Cornerstone of Immune Resilience

This intricate network relies on a constant exchange of information between the central nervous system CNS and the gut microbiota. The gut sends signals to the brain via various pathways, including neural, endocrine, and immune mechanisms.

In turn, the brain influences the gut through these same pathways. Mounting evidence suggests that disruptions in gut health can significantly impact our mood and emotional well-being.

Conditions such as anxiety, depression, and even neurodevelopmental disorders like autism have been linked to alterations in the gut microbiome. Studies have shown that imbalances in certain gut bacteria can lead to increased inflammation and altered neurotransmitter production, affecting mood regulation.

Beyond mood disorders, the gut microbiome also plays a role in cognitive function and brain health. Research indicates that imbalances in gut bacteria can impair cognitive processes such as memory, learning, and attention.

Additionally, the gut microbiome has been found to influence the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are crucial for cognitive function. Chronic stress can disrupt the delicate balance of the gut microbiome and exacerbate mental health issues.

Stress hormones can alter the composition of the gut microbiota, leading to increased inflammation and heightened susceptibility to mood disorders. Conversely, a healthy gut microbiome can help mitigate the effects of stress by promoting resilience and improved stress response.

Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is essential for optimizing mental health. Some key practices include consuming a balanced and diverse diet rich in fiber, fermented foods, and probiotics.

Regular exercise, stress management techniques, and adequate sleep also contribute to a healthy gut ecosystem. Additionally, avoiding excessive use of antibiotics and unnecessary medications can help preserve the delicate balance of gut bacteria.

The emerging field of research on the mind-gut connection highlights the integral role of gut health in shaping our mental well-being.

Understanding this intricate relationship allows us to adopt lifestyle choices that prioritize the nurturing of a healthy gut microbiome.

By paying attention to our gut health, we can promote mental resilience, emotional balance, and overall psychological well-being. If you're interested in optimizing your gut health and its impact on your mental well-being, consider seeking guidance from the experts at Northeast Digestive.

With their specialized knowledge and experience, they can provide personalized recommendations and support to help you improve your gut health.

Remember, taking care of your gut means taking care of your mind. Reach out to Northeast Digestive today and embark on a journey toward holistic well-being. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Schedule: Monday - Thursday: a - p Friday: a - p. Request an Appointment Pay Online Now Published: June 22, In clinical studies, supplementation with B. breve A1 helped improve cognitive function in older adults who experience mild cognitive impairment [ 72 — 74 ].

In another clinical study with probiotics, Georgescu and colleagues [ 75 ] have shown that Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium infantis can reduce abdominal pain and bloating in PD patients. Tamtaji et al. SCFAs, the primary metabolites produced by bacteria in the gut, affect GBA and psychological function via the GI tract.

Ho et al. PD patients, too have fewer SCFA-producing bacteria and lower SCFA levels in the stool samples compared to healthy controls [ 78 ], suggesting that beneficial effects of SCFAs may extend to other neurodegenerative conditions. Stress impacts the body via GBA, and gut bacteria profoundly impact well-being and response to stress and anxiety [ 79 — 81 ].

Daily or prolonged stress, with substantial increases during the COVID pandemic [ 82 ], can detrimentally affect physical, mental, and cognitive health. When experiencing a stressful event, the amygdala a brain area that controls emotions sends a signal to the hypothalamus brain command center [ 83 ], which consequently alerts the nervous system.

CNS then releases a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol neuroendocrine stress marker Figure 3. Stress-induced corticotropin-releasing hormone CRH from the amygdala and hypothalamus initiates the HPA axis; it also acts on mucosal mast cells to increase the release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha which leads to increased gut permeability [ 84 ].

Mechanisms of stress. In a stressful event, the amygdala sends a signal to the hypothalamus, which triggers an alert through the nervous system. This releases a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. Fight-or-flight response slows down digestion and increases gut sensitivity.

Stress harms the intestinal barrier and can initiate a vicious cycle of inflammation. ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone. Chronic stress can manifest as physical symptoms such as headache, sleep loss, difficulty in concentrating, and skin issues [ 85 ].

In addition to the fight-or-flight response, repeated exposure to stress can initiate a vicious cycle of inflammation and negatively impacts the intestinal barrier [ 86 , 87 ].

Stress hormones, such as cortisol, can affect intestinal barrier integrity and immune signaling within the gut and change gut microbiota composition.

Indeed, Geng et al. Those researchers further characterized the negative impact of stress on intestinal and BBB, including decreased expression of tight junction proteins, looser tight junctions, and broken basement membrane.

In rats, prebiotics polydextrose PDX; branched polymer of glucose and sorbitol and galactooligosaccharides GOS; linear polymer of galactose were a promising treatment for behavior, using the model which mirrors symptoms of human depression and anxiety.

These prebiotics also reduced the expression of a stress-evoked marker for neuronal activity c-fos in the dorsal raphe nucleus a brainstem structure important for learned helplessness behaviors. It modulated gene expression in neural circuits essential in stress resistance [ 89 ].

Rats injected with LPS that received GOS in drinking water demonstrated fewer anxious behaviors than those not fed GOS [ 90 ]. Similarly, rats fed GOS were more exploratory, more social, and showed fewer depression- like behaviors compared to controls [ 91 ].

In young pigs, a diet with PDX impacted exploratory behavior, recognition memory, and neurochemistry [ 92 ]. Sialylation contributes to the structural diversity of glycoconjugates sugars linked to other biological molecules which have a critical role in neural development, synapses functioning, cognition development, and memory formation [ 93 ].

Their results suggested that sialyllactose helped to maintain baseline behavior [ 7 ]. In a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled study, participants received 5. GOS intake reduced anxiety behavior, accompanied by physiologically reduced waking cortisol and fewer prominent rises and falls in cortisol.

Sleep quality, stress, and gut microbiome were assessed in adults 30—50 years of age who consumed a dairy-based product with added GOS and vitamins and minerals over three weeks 1 h before bedtime [ 95 ]. The test diet reduced salivary cortisol and stimulated beneficial bacteria. Another clinical study reported better cognitive flexibility and sustained attention performance in healthy adults receiving PDX supplement [ 96 ].

Finally, supplementation with oligofructose-enriched inulin improved memory tasks and mood [ 97 ]. acidophilus , L. casei , and Bifidobacterium bifidum for eight weeks improved the Beck Depression Inventory scores [ 99 ].

Recently, Nishida and colleagues [ ] reported the stress-relieving effects of probiotic Lactobacillus gasseri CP and suggested that bacterial cell components may contribute to this activity. Several studies have indicated that other probiotics may also have the potential to help reduce physiological markers of stress [ , ].

Nutrition and diet can influence the gut microbiome and impact cognitive function and behavior. Unbalanced nutrition, aging, and a sedentary lifestyle cause disturbances in gut microbiota and may lead to chronic inflammation.

This can further result in neuronal loss, with unfavorable changes potentially leading to the release of gut-derived inflammatory mediators and the pathogenesis of AD, PD, and other disorders. Restoration of healthy gut microbiota via nutritional supplementation might provide a practical approach for preventing and managing many disorders.

In addition, the development of probiotic strains that modulate the GBA could be promising as a complementary approach for enhancing mental and cognitive health. We want to express our thanks to Dr. Jennifer Wampler for reviewing our draft. We thank the medical illustrators at www.

com who helped us to visualize many concepts in this manuscript. MC contributed conceptualization, original draft, and editing; JC, NF, NP review and editing. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. Subscribe Sign up for updates about the journal. Subscribe Sign in Register.

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Home Exploration of Medicine Articles Abstract Keywords Introduction The GBA Sleep Neurodegenerative disorders Stress Dietary supplements—modulating the gut microbiome Conclusions Abbreviations Declarations References.

See in References. Abstract The brain and gut are connected both physically and biochemically. The GBA The role of microbiota The human microbiota consists of trillions of microbial cells in each person [ 18 ].

Display full size. Crossing the BBB The BBB is composed of multiple cell types and is the protective system that restricts the entry of blood-derived molecules and pathogens into the CNS Figure 2 , which would be harmful to the brain. Sleep An essential physiological process impacted by GBA is sleep.

PD In PD, neurons producing dopamine in the mid-brain substantia nigra and striatum degenerate, resulting in the deficiency of this critical neurotransmitter [ 61 ] and the buildup of alpha-synuclein aggregates in the remaining neurons.

Nutritional interventions—modulating the gut microbiome With the demonstrated link between the microbiome and both AD and PD, modulating the gut microbiome with diet or biotics could lead to promising prophylactics and solutions.

Stress Mechanisms of stress Stress impacts the body via GBA, and gut bacteria profoundly impact well-being and response to stress and anxiety [ 79 — 81 ].

Dietary supplements—modulating the gut microbiome Preclinical data In rats, prebiotics polydextrose PDX; branched polymer of glucose and sorbitol and galactooligosaccharides GOS; linear polymer of galactose were a promising treatment for behavior, using the model which mirrors symptoms of human depression and anxiety.

Conclusions Nutrition and diet can influence the gut microbiome and impact cognitive function and behavior. Declarations Acknowledgments We want to express our thanks to Dr. Author contributions MC contributed conceptualization, original draft, and editing; JC, NF, NP review and editing. Conflicts of interest The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

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Gut health and cognitive resilience

Author: Arashizragore

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