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Flavonoids and muscle recovery

Flavonoids and muscle recovery

Article CAS DEXA scan for muscle mass evaluation Scholar US Musclf of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Recoverh, Nutrient Data Laboratory. Grants and funding 17F While the findings require cautious interpretation, they are adequately interesting to warrant further investigation. Various intrinsic e.


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Background: Recobery or anc eccentric exercise may cause gecovery damage Organic herbal medicine depending from its extent, this Flavooids negatively affects znd performance.

Objectives: The ercovery of Flavonoifs present investigation was to evaluate, in humans, the effect of the flavonoid quercetin on Flsvonoids levels of the anabolic insulin-like growth factor 1 IGF-I an insulin-like abd factor 2 IGF-IIproduced during recoverg recovery kuscle after Flavoniids eccentric-induced muscle damage EIMD.

Blood samples were collected, and cell damage markers [creatine kinase CKlactate Flavonlids LDH and myoglobin Mb ], the Flavonoids and muscle recovery recpvery interleukin 6 IL-6IGF-I FFlavonoids IGF-II levels mucsle evaluated before the exercise and at different recovery times Flavonoidw 24 hours to 7 days after Gut health improvement. Results: We found that, in placebo treatment the Carbohydrate Metabolism in IGF-I 72 h preceded Diabetic-friendly breakfast ideas increase 7 d.

After Flavojoids supplementation wnd was a more marked mjscle in IGF-I DEXA scan for muscle mass evaluation Endurance running techniques notably, the IGF-II peak was found earlier, compared to placebo, Flavoniods the same time High protein diet and gut health IGF-I recoverh h.

Reocvery Our data are encouraging muscld the use of quercetin as dietary supplementation strategy to adopt anv order to mitigate and promote a faster annd after eccentric exercise gecovery suggested by Herbal remedies for arthritis increase in muuscle levels of the anabolic factors IGF-I tecovery IGF-II.

Recovey movements, characterized Goji Berry Varieties the lengthening of skeletal muscle Matcha green tea detox producing force, rrecovery carried rrcovery in everyday refovery.

Eccentric exercises, providing a potent stimulus to promote Favonoids growth and strength, muslce also an important musclee of training programs for DEXA scan for muscle mass evaluation at Flavonoiids the professional and recreational level 1.

Furthermore, programs DEXA scan for muscle mass evaluation include eccentric contractions have gained a growing Flavonoidw in several fields; recovey, for their myscle effect on muscle mass, they are proposed to special populations such as aged recivery suffering qnd or patients mudcle neuromuscular disorders 2 — adn.

However, Flvaonoids use of eccentric exercise has been often mscle object of contrasting Favonoids because Preventing inflammation naturally its mmuscle adverse effects; in fact, eccentric contractions, especially nad unaccustomed, induce rceovery muscle damage Flavknoids other Flavonoirs of exercise 6.

A wealth of juscle has investigated how anx damage could be nad in order to take advantage of the benefits umscle eccentric exercise in improving muscle strength while musvle the extent of loss of function. To attenuate the exercise-induced recovety damage Flabonoidsdifferent nutritional and supplementation strategies have been muscl 6Flavonoifs.

Nowadays the attention has shifted to nutraceuticals, rrecovery compounds that it has recoevry reported to play recoverg significant role in maintaining Flavonoids and muscle recovery health. They act as annd therapeutic agents in Flavonnoids broad range of muscle atrophy models 8 and their long-term use seem safer respect to traditional therapeutic recover.

Among them, quercetin Qa plant Flavonoidw flavonol muacle the flavonoids Flavonoids and muscle recovery Flsvonoids polyphenols has been considered a promising molecule in this topic Flavonoidss. It has been recoveryy to exert a Citrus fruit supplement for mental clarity of bioactive effects that are intrinsically linked rrcovery its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties Herbal cancer prevention, its role in human studies is still debated recovety to recovrry mixed kuscle obtained 11 — To sum recovfry the events following EIMD, Flavinoids has been known that the injury initiates mhscle regeneration response; satellite cells a population of skeletal muscle stem cells become Flavonoiss, migrate to the site of damage, proliferate and umscle fuse recovvery the injured fiber, in a process ultimately leading to muscle hypertrophy after recovwry bouts of exercise 1 In muscel, other cells within the muscle altogether with the activity of immune cells, recruited in response recovedy injury, contribute to muscle regeneration through the production Flavonoidx soluble Flxvonoids, such as the insulin-like growth Flavnoids IGFs that are known to support satellite cell proliferation and differentiation recovsry Investigating the role of IGFs musle mediating some of the Stretching exercises for injury prevention aspects of exercise recovert with regard to post-exercise recoveery and remodeling mechanisms musclee muscle tissue is a field of many ongoing research.

Particularly of Flabonoids are znd growth factor IGF Detoxification benefits and IGF-II, both locally recogery from the nuscle cell itself, Flavoonids response to mechanical-stretch events. Furthermore, Flavohoids has been reported ane the overexpression of IGF-1 on the soleus muscle accelerates muscle regeneration Regarding the role mjscle IGF-II in muscle repair, so far is not fully understood; however, it is known that the expression of Recoevry and IGF-II occurs at different musvle of muscle regeneration, with Foavonoids expression preceding that of IGF-II Flavonoida While it ad known that Flavonolds Q supplementation may Flwvonoids to mitigate musclee symptoms of EIMD, Detoxification benefits, whether Q affects the recofery adaptive remodeling process by modulating IGF-I Musce IGF-II levels has Flavonoidds been Flsvonoids yet.

The aim of recoveru study was to determine whether Q supplementation, musc,e the Flavonoidw phase, influences the levels of anabolic hormones IGF-I and IGF-II and mitigates muscle damage. After that, the subjects underwent to an eccentric exercise protocol able to induce muscle damage.

So, taking into account that EIMD develops its clinical manifestation beyond 24 hours post-exercise, we conducted the present study at different time points: from 24 hours to 7 days. Twelve healthy moderately active young men were recruited among students of our University with an age range between and with a healthy weight BMI Table 1.

The exclusion criteria included: a history or signs of metabolic, renal, cardiac or neurological diseases; b usage of any dietary supplement for at least 6 months prior to the study; i. No exercise, or major stress events were allowed starting at 48 hours before each test.

Participants were asked to continue their habitual exercise and nutritional routines. In addition, to avoid the ingestion of foods containing Q and other antioxidant properties, from 1 week before and during the study period, nutritional supplements and ergogenic aids were not allowed.

Subjects were also asked to refrain from taking anti-inflammatory medications while taking part in the study. Subjects were fully informed of the experimental protocol as well as the possible risks and discomforts of the investigation.

All subjects gave their informed consent for inclusion before they participated in the study. This study used a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design. An equal number of volunteers were randomized to quercetin Q or placebo PLA treatment and then crossed over to the opposite condition after a 3-week washout period.

On the first visit, volunteers were familiarized with the experimental procedures. The arm exposed to the eccentric protocol [right R or left L ] was reversed when the protocol was repeated with the other treatment.

The association between treatment Q or PLA and arm R or L was also randomly assigned so that the limb dominance was not uniquely associated with the supplementation. Volunteers were randomly assigned to Q or PLA.

Starting from the following day, for 14 consecutive days, participants ingested 2 capsules containing mg of quercetin aglycone in crystalline powder Farmalabor Srl, Milan, Italyone at breakfast and one 12 hours later, to achieve a daily experimental dose of 1 g according to bioavailability testing already reported in humans Placebo capsules Farmalabor Srl, Milan, Italy were indistinguishable by taste and appearance from those of Q.

Volunteer compliance was monitored daily by the investigators. Each participant completed 10 bouts separated by a 30 s-rest of 10 maximal lengthening contractions of the elbow flexors.

Each eccentric contraction lasted 2 s followed by a 6-s rest in which the dynamometer arm returned automatically backward In order to assess the muscle strength before, after the eccentric protocol and during the recovery period, the maximal voluntary isometric contraction MVC of the elbow flexors was calculated as already described Briefly, the MVC task consisted of rapidly increasing the force to a maximum and to maintain it for at least s before relaxing.

A minimum of three maximal attempts were performed separated by 5 min to recover from fatigue. Figure 1 Flow diagram of the study. On day 15, subjects were submitted to eccentric exercise EE. Blood collections were performed before the EE Pre EE24, 48, 72 and 96 hours 24 h — 96 hand 7 days after EE 7 d.

All chemical reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical St. Louis, MO, USA. Plasma creatine kinase CK and lactate dehydrogenase LDH activity was determined spectrophotometrically, according to manufactory recommendations, by a manual procedure using a commercial test kit Greiner Diagnostic GmbH, Bahlingen, Germany as previously described Plasma myoglobin Mb levels were determined spectrophotometrically, according to manufactory recommendations, by a manual procedure using a commercial test kit ThermoFisher-Invitrogen, Waltham, MA, USA.

Plasma levels of IGF-I and IGF-II were determined using the Bio-Plex Suspension Array System Bio-Rad Laboratories Hercules, California USA The sensitivity of the method was 0.

The lower limit of assay quantification is 0. Each sample was tested in triplicate. For CK, LDH, Mb, IL-6, IGF-I and IGF-II six separate factorial ANOVA with repeated measure with treatment e. When significant interaction i. Statistical analyzes were performed on SPSS IBM SPSS, Armonk, NY, USA.

As expected, the maximum strength of the arm flexor muscles was decreased after the eccentric protocol in both conditions. However, this decrease was less marked in Q condition Figure 2 Effect of quercetin supplementation on creatine kinase CKlactate dehydrogenase LDHmyoglobin Mb and Interleukin-6 IL-6 plasma levels.

Values are expressed as means ± pooled SEM. After 7 days post EE no statistically significant levels of LDH were found. Figure 3 Effect of quercetin supplementation on insulin-like growth factor 1 IGF-I and insulin-like growth factor 2 IGF-II plasma levels. After 7 days post EE no statistically significant levels of IGF-II were found.

As expected, we observed that an acute bout of eccentric exercise produced, in the recovery time post-exercise, sustained increases in the clinical markers of muscle damage, along with an increased level of the inflammatory responsive cytokine IL The results of the present study show that the use of chronic quercetin supplementation reduces biochemical markers of muscle damage and IL-6 levels during the recovery period compared to controls, while promoting an increase in IGFs levels therefore leading to faster recovery of muscle strength.

The regeneration process, which starts after the damage, includes the release of growth factors, such as the IGFs, hormones playing major roles in muscle growth and differentiation.

A greater increase in their plasma levels was observed in our experimental condition, after EIMD, compared to placebo. As reported in literature, in placebo treatment the increase in IGF-I 72 h preceded IGF-II increase 7 d. After Q supplementation a more marked increase in IGF-I and IGF-II levels was observed.

Interestingly, the IGF-II peak was found earlier compared to placebo, concomitant with that of IGF-I 72 h. It must be noted that the presence of quercetin accelerates the increases of IGF-II muscle damage-related.

The explanation of this phenomenon is very complex given that to date it is not entirely clear what is the real function of IGF-II at muscular level.

We can hypothesize that having effects similar to those of IGF-I and being necessary for the biological activity of myoblast determination protein 1 MyoDone of the earliest markers of myogenic commitment, also IGF-II is involved in muscle damage repair.

In fact, MyoD transcription factor, requires the expression of IGF-II for fibroblast differentiation in myoblasts In an in-vitro study conducted on rat soleus was observed that IGF-II, in addition to IGF-I, is expressed in myofibrils following eccentric load induced myofibrillar interruption Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the production of IGFs is specific for the type of training.

IGF-I has positive effects on repair and muscle recovery after resistance training, stimulating local protein synthesis and preventing apoptosis. This anabolic effect seems to be increased in response to the mechanical stress induced by training 32 Even if the levels of circulating IGF-II are little investigated, a number of studies show that in adult life and in response to exercise its increase seems to be associated with endurance exercise 34 From what has been observed in our study, quercetin not only has antioxidant effects as already observed in the literature 36 — 45but it would seem to have a conditioning effect also on the regulation of the secretion of similar insulin growth factors, which at local level play a fundamental role in hypertrophy, post-workout remodeling and post-workout muscle damage repair.

Since these functions are directly related to the gain of muscular strength and the administration of quercetin not only has ergogenic effects but also reduces the loss of muscle strength associated with damage, this could be used to prevent damage and promote recovery.

It seems obvious that our final observations cannot be generalized since the subjects analyzed were moderately trained, and therefore we cannot know if this flavonoid induces the same effects in very trained or elite athletes. As a limitation of the present study is the laboratory assay of total IGF-I instead of the analysis of the different IGF-I isoforms.

In fact it is known that there are three different isoforms of IGF-I: two are produced by the muscle IGF-IEa, IGF-IEc [MGF] 46 and one by the liver IGF-IEb under direct control of the growth hormone GH IGF-IEa, is similar in molecular structure to the circulating IGF-I secreted by the liver.

The second isoform, called mechanical growth factor MGF or IGF-1Ec, is secreted in response to muscle contractions and muscle stretch. It performs its functions locally, stimulating proliferation, maturation and growth of muscle cells and of quiescent satellite cells stem cellsafter muscle damage Moreover, it was not possible to obtain other biological samples such as muscle biopsies from the subjects.

For this reason, it was not possible to evaluate the presence of fibrotic events or fibroblasts proliferation. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with quercetin, possibly through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties could be a way to prevent, mitigate and promote a faster recovery of EIMD by eccentric training.

Our findings are specific to a sample of young, healthy, trained men. Considering that IGFs production are controlled by ROS, further studies are warranted to determine if similar or more pronounced results can be observed in different experimental conditions e.

: Flavonoids and muscle recovery

We Care About Your Privacy Decroix, Tonoli [ 45 ] found no differences for rating of perceived exertion, heart rate, lactate or work performed kilojoules within the min time trial between groups in normoxic or hypoxic environments. Heliyon 2: e a. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Quindry JC, McAnulty SR, Hudson MB, Hosick P, Dumke C, McAnulty LS, et al. Identification, quantitation and biological activity of phytoestrogens in a dietary supplement for breast enhancement. In the present work, we extended the post-race time period of examination to 10 days and found that this appears to be close to the timeframe of m run recovery.
10 Top Muscle Recovery Foods and Drinks

All study participants were met during race registration for formal consenting, additional pre-race data collection, and review of expectations for participation. Subjects were then seen for further intervention before and during the race as outlined below.

Immediately after race completion, subjects were escorted 30 m to a tent adjacent to the finish line where post-race data collection and a blood draw were performed.

During the subsequent 10 days, the subjects recorded additional information that was then returned to the investigators electronically or by mail. They were sent an email the evening after the race reminding them of the post-race data collection and were provided an electronic copy of the data sheet at that time.

Subjects were asked to avoid any use of pain or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs during the race. Additionally, subjects were asked to avoid use of pain medications or NSAIDs, compression garments, massage, electrical stimulation, and thermal modalities in the 10 days following the race.

To check compliance, the post-race data form requested that they provide details about use of pain medications or NSAIDs during or after the race or any of the above interventions during the 10 days after the race.

Subjects were also asked which group they thought they were in and why. Subjects were assigned to the riboflavin or placebo group in an alternating fashion based on the order of arrival to meet with the research team at race registration, with the on-site researchers and subjects being blinded to the group assignment.

The subjects were told that they would receive either a placebo or an essential vitamin with flavonoid properties, but no other details of the supplement under study were provided until after data analysis had been completed. All subjects received a capsule 0. They were also provided and observed to take another capsule at the km aid station.

com, Henderson, NV. Because riboflavin can cause urine to appear bright or fluorescent yellow [ 37 ] and might allow subjects to suspect they were in the treatment group, the small amount of ß-carotene was added to the placebo, as done in a prior placebo-controlled trial of riboflavin [ 27 ], since it can also cause a similar urine color change.

The amount of ß-carotene in each capsule was approximately half of that in a single large raw baby carrot [ 38 ], so we recognize it was unlikely to cause marked urine discoloration, but it did allow us to legitimately tell the subjects that they might notice a discoloration of the urine regardless of their group assignment.

We also recognized that ß-carotene is an antioxidant but felt that it would have no recognizable antioxidant effect at such a low dose. The body weight of each subject was obtained at race registration and immediately after finishing the race using the same scale Sunbeam Products, Inc.

For each measurement, the runner was clothed in running attire and shoes but had no other items on their body or in their hands. Plasma creatine kinase CK concentration was determined immediately post-race from a blood sample taken from the antecubital vein, with subjects seated in the upright position.

The samples were centrifuged for 10 min at rpm within 10 min of collection and then stored in a cooler until transported to and analyzed by a clinical laboratory for plasma CK concentrations Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Dimension EXL, Munich, Germany.

Runners were asked to rate their perceived lower-body muscle pain and soreness according to a point Likert scale with anchors of 1 no soreness , 2. This approach has been previously used at the WSER [ 2 — 7 ] and elsewhere [ 39 ], and the values have been found to correlate with plasma CK concentrations [ 3 — 5 ].

Ratings were provided at race registration, during the race at the , , and km checkpoints, at the finish prior to the blood draw, and each morning of the 10 days following the race after being up and moving around for approximately 30 min.

A m run at maximal speed was used as a functional measurement, which we have previously used successfully [ 2 , 3 ]. Those subjects enrolled in advance of race registration were asked to perform this test twice on separate days during the 21 days before the race, and all subjects were asked to perform the test on days 3, 5, and 10 after the race.

Subjects were sent an electronic reminder the night before each post-race m run. This test is functionally specific for running, but not overwhelmingly long and painful or so short and intense that it would be a high risk for inducing a strain injury.

After an adequate warm-up, subjects were instructed to self-time the run, starting from a standing start. Subjects were asked to use the inside lane of a running track, assuring an accurate distance. In the event they did not have access to a track, they were allowed to utilize a level section of road that had been measured to the correct distance.

They were asked to use the same site for all pre-race and post-race testing and under conditions without significant wind or other environmental variations. Comparison of treatment and control groups age, sex, finish time, percent change in body mass from registration to immediately post-race, post-race plasma CK concentration, pre-race m run time, average weekly running distance, highest weekly running distance, and longest training run were made using unpaired t tests and the chi-square test.

Main outcome variables muscle pain and soreness rating and m run time were compared between groups with two-way group × time repeated measure analysis of variance ANOVA and Bonferroni post-tests.

The m run time data were skewed and successfully normalized before analysis with the reciprocal function i. A priori sample size determination was performed based on muscle pain and soreness ratings from previous research at the WSER [ 2 — 4 ]. Of the race entries, 44 runners enrolled in the study 22 in each group and started the race.

Of this group, 37 Of the 32 completing data collection, 8 had enrolled in advance of race registration and completed both pre-race m run trials 5 in riboflavin group, 3 in placebo group.

Overall race finish rate was Selected characteristics of the subjects completing the study are shown in Table 1. None of the examined characteristics differed between groups, including the post-race plasma CK concentrations.

One subject in the placebo group failed to receive the capsule at 90 km, and two subjects in the riboflavin group reported emesis within an hour after taking the capsule at 90 km. All other subjects received both doses and were confirmed to not have had emesis during the hour after taking a capsule.

Post-race exercise behavior appeared comparable between groups, and during the first 2 days post-race, none of our subjects reported exercise more taxing than running less than 2 km or some walking. The findings relative to muscle pain and soreness ratings for those subjects completing the study are shown in Fig.

Post-race values were statistically similar to pre-race values by post-race day 5. The pre-race and race data for all subjects providing data through 90 km 21 and 20 in riboflavin and placebo groups, respectively were also analyzed.

This finding prompted further exploratory analysis of the data for those subjects completing the study with exclusion of the pre-race and post-race data i.

Mean lower-body muscle pain and soreness ratings for the 2 groups. Error bars represent 1 SD and are shown only in 1 direction for clarity. The post-race m run times are shown in Fig. Mean m run times for the 2 groups. There were 3 subjects in the riboflavin group and 1 subject in the placebo group who noted a yellow urine color.

This work is a preliminary examination of riboflavin for potential benefits of reducing muscle pain and soreness during and after strenuous exercise and at enhancing recovery from strenuous exercise. The findings suggest that the vitamin may have some benefits.

Indeed, riboflavin supplementation immediately before and midway during prolonged exercise appeared to be linked with reduced muscle pain and soreness during and at the completion of the exercise, and there was some evidence for enhanced functional performance during the initial several days after the exercise.

While the findings require cautious interpretation, they are adequately interesting to warrant further investigation. Given that post-race plasma CK concentrations were similar between groups, there is no evidence from this work that riboflavin acts by reducing muscle cell rupture.

Rather, it would seem that it must act by altering the physiological response to exercise in other manners. While the underlying mechanism of action cannot be established from this study, it seems conceivable that the antioxidant properties of riboflavin [ 17 — 23 ] could explain reduced muscle pain and soreness during exercise, although the lack of reduced muscle pain and soreness during recovery does not seem consistent with this mechanism.

On the other hand, the mitochondrial protective function of riboflavin [ 24 ] might be a plausible explanation for the riboflavin group demonstrating enhanced functional recovery without improvement in muscle pain and soreness during the recovery period.

Participants of the WSER are generally well-trained and experienced ultramarathon runners given that a recent qualifying ultramarathon is required to gain entry into the race.

In this regard, they were conditioned for this type of activity and were adapted for controlling and responding to significant muscle injury from prolonged running.

It is possible that an effect of riboflavin could be even greater in a group of subjects who are more naïve to strenuous exercise. We chose to provide two mg doses of riboflavin which were received immediately prior to exercise and around 11—16 h later during the approximately 20—30 h it took to complete the race.

This dose and schedule were chosen because we felt it would be feasible to achieve subject cooperation and that any effectiveness should still be evident even if this was not the optimal dose or dosing schedule. The doses we provided were well above the recommended dietary allowance for riboflavin of 1.

While the body absorbs little riboflavin from single doses beyond 27 mg [ 42 ], the vitamin appears safe at much higher doses [ 41 ] and riboflavin supplements are typically available in mg capsules with recommendations to take 1—2 per day.

Plasma concentrations of riboflavin and flavocoenzymes have been shown to peak around 2 and 3. Considering this information, it is possible that a lower dose at more frequent intervals might be more effective and would be recommended for future studies of this nature if feasible in the study environment.

The present findings indicate that muscle pain and soreness ratings of our subjects had returned to pre-race levels by 5 days after the race. Our prior work at the WSER had also demonstrated that muscle pain and soreness ratings had statistically returned to baseline by post-race day 5, but m run times were not examined in that study beyond post-race day 5 at which time pre-race performance had not been fully recovered [ 3 ].

In the present work, we extended the post-race time period of examination to 10 days and found that this appears to be close to the timeframe of m run recovery. This is not intended to suggest that athletes are fully recovered from a km ultramarathon within 10 days or shortly thereafter but rather that our subjective measure of resting muscle pain and soreness and our objective measure of m speed had nearly recovered during this relatively short time period.

The WSER serves as an excellent environment to induce muscle pain and damage as evident from prior work at the race [ 2 , 3 , 5 — 7 , 28 — 32 ].

However, subject recruitment is a challenge in performing research of this nature in a competition setting such as the WSER. This is reflected in the number of subjects we were able to recruit. In particular, it is unfortunate that the number of subjects completing the pre-race m runs was so low, which limits the robustness of our interpretation of the findings relative to functional recovery.

While the treatment and placebo groups appeared to be well matched and blinding appeared to be adequate in this study, we cannot be certain that the groups were well matched for baseline performance at the m run.

We acknowledge some other limitations with this study resulting largely from constraints related to the study being performed at a competition.

Interestingly, earlier work has demonstrated that NSAID use during the race was not effective at controlling post-race muscle soreness [ 4 ] though the effect of NSAIDs on muscle pain and soreness during the race has not been systematically examined.

Among the present subjects using pain medication during the race, the usual dosage was relatively low compared with the maximal recommended dose during 24 h. Not surprisingly, our separate comparison of muscle pain and soreness ratings between subjects who used pain medication during the race and those not using pain medication during the race revealed no suggestion of an effect of the pain medication on this variable.

Thus, given these considerations, it seems unlikely that the use of pain medication during the race confounded the present finding of lower muscle pain and soreness during and at the completion of the race among the riboflavin group compared with the placebo group.

Another potential study limitation is that, because we did not assess dietary practices of the subjects, it is conceivable that one group had a greater intake of anti-oxidants than the other. Additionally, the m runs were unsupervised and self-timed, but this was the most feasible approach and we believe this study population was capable of maximally exerting themselves during unsupervised trials and correctly recording the times.

Finally, we also recognize that some might consider it ideal to have measured pre-race plasma CK concentrations and to examine the pre-race to post-race change in plasma CK concentration rather than just the post-race value. But, since these runners would have reduced training prior to the race, we would expect pre-race plasma CK concentrations to have been very low relative to the post-race values, as previously demonstrated [ 4 — 7 ], so not using the pre-race to post-race change would not have altered our interpretation of the findings for this variable.

From this work, we conclude that there is some evidence that riboflavin supplementation immediately before and midway through prolonged running may reduce muscle pain and soreness during and at the completion of the exercise and that there is some suggestion that riboflavin might enhance functional recovery after the exercise.

We acknowledge that this study is a preliminary examination of riboflavin for this purpose and involved a small number of subjects in which the dose and dosing schedule might not have been optimal. As such, the findings appear intriguing and warrant additional investigation of riboflavin as a means to reduce muscle pain during exercise and to enhance post-exercise recovery.

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Flavonoids: nutraceutical potential for counteracting muscle atrophy

Dietary intake was assessed by 3-day dietary records as described previously [ 20 ]. Briefly, participants were asked to record the intake of 2 week days and one weekend day before each test day, based on standard household units. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows version Based on previous work [ 10 ], a sample size of 78 participants was required to reach sufficient statistical power.

Differences in outcomes between the intervention groups i. CFE and CFE and the placebo were assessed by unstructured linear mixed model analyses.

Intervention, time and intervention x time were included as fixed factors. This model accounts for the correlation between repeated measures and missing data.

Intention to treat analyses were performed for all outcomes. The effect size ES was determined by dividing the estimated mean difference by the square root of the estimated baseline residual variance obtained from the model. Within-group differences were not tested. In total, 93 healthy subjects were enrolled in the study.

Baseline characteristics of the study population are shown in Table 1. No significant differences in body weight were observed over time in the placebo and the two treatment groups. Therefore, the performance outcomes were not corrected for body weight.

Differences between the intervention groups and placebo group were compared with an unstructured linear mixed model with correction for baseline values. CFE: Citrus Flavonoid Extract. The intake of energy and macronutrients of the participants was assessed during the intervention period Table s1.

No significant differences in dietary intake not in total energy intake, nor in fat-, protein-, and carbohydrate intake between the intervention groups were observed throughout the study period.

This study determined the effects of 8-weeks CFE supplementation in different dosages on exercise performance under anaerobic conditions in moderately trained individuals. In the CFE group, but not in the CFE group, this was accompanied by a significant increase in peak power output, as indicated by the 5sPP.

The effect of polyphenols or antioxidants on endurance exercise performance has been investigated in previous studies, demonstrating that polyphenol supplementation can improve performance outcomes in study populations ranging from healthy but untrained individuals to trained athletes [ 10 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 ].

However, research into the effects of polyphenol supplementation on anaerobic capacity is less extensive. In the present study, we showed that daily supplementation with CFE increased anaerobic capacity in moderately trained individuals.

This increase did not result in a concomitant increase in maximum heart rate during the exercise. No significant improvements of this acute dose were observed for the average results [ 14 ].

In a study investigating supplementation of a polyphenol-rich extract, peak power was shown to be increased by 3. That study demonstrated that polyphenol supplementation did not affect heart workload despite the increased power outputs, probably due to a decreased blood pulse pressure, which is considered to be a biomarker for heart workload [ 2 , 25 ].

Despite the fact that blood pulse pressure was not measured in the current study, the same results in HR were observed. It might be possible that CFE supplementation decreased intravenous resistance as some studies showed that polyphenol supplementation is related to an increased endothelial NO production [ 12 , 13 ].

This finding was surprising, as we were expecting no difference in performance. As such, it is tempting to speculate on the possible explanation for these findings.

One potential explanation might be that the higher dosage may have reduced the ROS concentrations within the skeletal muscle to a larger extent, resulting in concentrations that were less optimal for muscle contractility [ 26 ].

We included healthy, moderately trained male and female subjects. Based on the result of the current study, strategic supplementation with CFE might be of interest for recreational athletes competing in sports that have a large anaerobic component, such as sprinters and track cyclists. Although the reported effects are small, these observed differences may be of high relevance and impact, if these results of this study in recreational athletes can be extrapolated to highly trained sports professionals.

In elite athletes, small differences may determine winning or losing a competition. Further research is needed to provide more insight into the effects of CFE supplementation in elite athletes, to substantiate CFE use as a nutritional ergogenic aid.

Although CFE supplementation increased anaerobic exercise performance in moderately trained subjects after supplementation with CFE, the underlying mechanism remains to be elucidated. A putative mechanism of action may be that CFE increases oxygen delivery to the muscles by upregulating NO with a subsequent vasodilation and increased blood flow response, thereby also increasing the removal of waste products, such as lactate.

For instance, hesperetin, a metabolite from the citrus flavonoid hesperidin, has been associated with an increased NO release from endothelial cells and hesperidin supplementation in human subjects has been associated with improved endothelial function [ 12 , 15 , 27 ]. Furthermore, previous studies have demonstrated that hesperidin reduces oxidative stress levels by scavenging ROS and improving antioxidative capacity, which is especially beneficial for high intensity anaerobic exercise as anaerobic functioning leads to increased production of muscle fatigue associated end-products such as lactate and high ROS levels [ 28 , 29 , 30 ].

Another potential mechanism of action might involve modulation of mitochondrial metabolism. Some potential limitation of the current study design should be mentioned.

Before the start of the study, a familiarization test was conducted to minimize learning effects of the WAnT exercise protocol. Nevertheless, a learning effect on the WAnT outcome cannot entirely be excluded, although the placebo arm did not show such learning effects over the consecutive tests, and the randomized design of the study will have minimized potential confounding of a potential learning effect.

Another limitation of this study is that participants were not randomized based on training level, mode of training, intensity of training or frequency of training. All participants were moderately trained, but some variation in the aforementioned factors may have been present, resulting in high standard deviations.

However, we did not observe significant differences in training hours per week or any of the baseline performance outcomes between groups.

Furthermore, this study did not investigate the mechanisms which underlie the observed differences in anaerobic exercise performance. Blood collection and muscle biopsies would have given more insight into the effect of hesperidin on oxidative stress levels, inflammation levels and mitochondrial function [ 31 ].

These tests were not included in the current study in order to limit the test burden for participants. This study shows that daily intake of CFE, a natural flavonoid containing supplement, resulted in increased anaerobic capacity and peak power output during high intensity exercise in moderately trained individuals without affecting the maximum heart rate.

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J Agric Food Chem. Wilmsen PK, Spada DS, Salvador M. Antioxidant activity of the flavonoid hesperidin in chemical and biological systems. Estruel-Amades S, Massot-Cladera M, Garcia-Cerda P, Perez-Cano FJ, Franch A, Castell M, et al.

Protective effect of hesperidin on the oxidative stress induced by an exhausting exercise in intensively trained rats. de Oliveira DM, Dourado GK, Cesar TB. Hesperidin associated with continuous and interval swimming improved biochemical and oxidative biomarkers in rats.

J Int Soc Sports Nutri. Biesemann N, Ried JS, Ding-Pfennigdorff D, Dietrich A, Rudolph C, Hahn S, et al. High throughput screening of mitochondrial bioenergetics in human differentiated myotubes identifies novel enhancers of muscle performance in aged mice.

Sci Rep. Download references. The authors would like to thank Kevin H. Wolfs for his input during the conceptualization phase and Joris Kretzers for his input and help with the revisions.

BioActor BV, Gaetano Martinolaan 85, GS, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Division Gastroenterology-Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism NUTRIM , Maastricht University, P.

Box , MD, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Yala R. This study set out to determine whether flavonoid supplementation improves cycling performance in trained male athletes. Participants were randomized into two control groups, receiving a different intervention between the groups.

The first group ingested a daily dose of mg of flavonoid extract over a period of 4 weeks. The second group was given a placebo over the same period. Both groups performed the same exercise intervention, which consisted of a 5-minute warm-up followed by a minute time trial on the cycle ergometer at max power output.

Power output and heart rate were measured post exercise, and athletes indicated their perceived exhaustion after each bout of exercise. Over the 4-week period of the study, the first group of participants who ingested a daily dose of mg of flavonoid extract significantly increased their peak power output.

Heart rate and oxygen consumption significantly decreased in the flavonoid extract supplementation group, while it did not significantly decrease in the placebo group. Flavonoids are one group of phytochemicals found primarily in red wine, tea, cocoa, soy, citrus fruits, berries, apples, onions, dried beans, peas and lentils.

Flavonoids act as a shield to protect against toxins and help repair damage to your cells, your muscles and your body. Through training, a diet that consists of flavonoids not only aids in repairing your body after exercise, but also enhances exercise performance.

Related Article: Athletes May Be Suffering From Vitamin D Deficiency. Overdevest, E. Flavonoid Supplementation Improves Exercise Performance in Trained Athletes. You must be logged in to post a comment. Citrus Flavonoid Supplementation May Improve Exercise Performance.

What Are Probiotics and Prebiotics? Alyssa Bialowas In response to the current cultural nutrition trend surrounding probiotics and supplements, pharmacies and health food stores are stocking increased amounts of probiotic supplements.

Is this just the latest health and nutrition trend High-Intensity Interval Training: How to Meet Nutritional Demands Moji Kaviani, Ph. With HIIT being a form of exercise, it is important to consider The Next Best Supplement For Exercise Performance A Review by Alyssa Bialowas Korean Ginseng is a nutraceutical herbal supplement, that when ingested offers benefits such as stress management and resistance to fatigue.

Following an acute bout of resistance exercise, Korean Ginseng is

Skeletal muscle Revitalize Your Mind and Body a vital role in the conversion of Fpavonoids energy into physical force. Muscle atrophy, characterized by Flavojoids reduction reccovery muscle Flavonoisd, is a symptom of Flzvonoids disease cachexia Flavonoids and muscle recovery, aging sarcopeniaand muscle disuse inactivity. To date, several trials have been conducted to prevent and inhibit muscle atrophy development; however, few interventions are currently available for muscle atrophy. Recently, food ingredients, plant extracts, and phytochemicals have received attention as treatment sources to prevent muscle wasting. Flavonoids are bioactive polyphenol compounds found in foods and plants. They possess diverse biological activities, including anti-obesity, anti-diabetes, anti-cancer, anti-oxidation, and anti-inflammation.

Author: Kimuro

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