Category: Health

Mental health in aging

Mental health in aging

Menopause Symptoms of the menopause, how Nealth menopause can aglng your Mental health in aging and mental health, and getting help with menopausal symptoms. Sometimes, however, important life changes can make you feel uneasy, stressed, and sad. Mental Illness Is Not a Normal Part of Aging Sep 29, 4 min read. Mental health in aging


Mental Health and the Elderly 12 Key Points

Mental health in aging -

gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

It affects how we think, feel, and act as we cope with life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, including as we age. Many older adults are at risk for mental health problems.

But this does not mean that mental health problems are a normal part of aging. Studies show that most older adults feel satisfied with their lives, even though they may have more illnesses or physical problems. Sometimes, however, important life changes can make you feel uneasy, stressed, and sad.

These changes could include the death of a loved one, retirement, or dealing with a serious illness. Many older adults will eventually adjust to the changes.

But some people will have more trouble adjusting. This can put them at risk for mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. It's important to recognize and treat mental disorders in older adults.

Español Other Languages. Mental Health and Aging. Minus Related Pages. How Right Now Emotional Wellness Tool Learn about and visit the HowRightNow Tool which focuses on emotional wellbeing and provides resources to help you navigate stress.

Additional Links and Resources. Last Reviewed: June 29, Source: Division of Population Health , National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Syndicate. To receive email updates about Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Aging, enter your email address: Email Address. Age UK also has a guide on coping with bereavement. Poor physical health can affect your mental well-being and quality of life.

It can make it harder to get out and do the things you enjoy, which can make you feel depressed or anxious. Read our page on physical health and mental health to find out more, including ways to improve your physical and mental well-being.

Most older people take some medication and may take more than one. As we get older, the way we process medications changes. While we all feel lonely at times, some experiences of older age may make it more likely: the death of someone close, health problems that make it harder to get out, retirement or being a carer.

It can be hard to talk about, but being lonely is no shame. Independent Age has useful information on dealing with loneliness , including tips on staying connected, meeting new people and valuing time spent on your own. They also have a befriending scheme, as does Age UK.

You can sign up and enjoy chatting with someone regularly over the phone or face-to-face. Caring for someone can be rewarding but also exhausting, time-consuming and costly. You can be more vulnerable to developing stress , depression or anxiety.

Independent Age has more information on the practical, financial and emotional support available to carers. Local Age UKs offer support groups and respite services. One in four older people experience depression, but fewer than one in six seek help from their GP.

Even more people in care homes are affected: around four in ten residents experience depression. Common symptoms include feeling sad, hopeless, guilty, tearful, worried or unable to enjoy things.

You can read more on our page about depression. Talk to your GP so they can help you find the right treatment, such as counselling, medication or self-help. Independent Age has a guide on depression that you may find helpful.

Dementia is a decline in mental ability which affects memory, thinking, problem-solving, concentration and perception. You can also do things to reduce your risk of developing it. Read our page on dementia to find out more. Too much alcohol can lead to low mood and anxiety.

It can also cause sleep problems, dizziness, and memory problems and damage your liver, heart and brain over time. Drink Aware can also help you understand if your drinking is putting your health at risk and has strategies on how to cut down or stop.

Inflammation and aging believes in a just society ni values and supports hralth of all Mental health in aging equally. The aging of Mwntal U. population presents an unprecedented Mental health in aging for societal growth. Enhancing the mental and behavioral health of older people maximizes the well-being and contributions of all of us as we age. For many older adults, later life is a time of enhanced resilience and emotional well-being. Yet, we have a long way to go in equipping our service delivery systems to support the mental and behavioral health of older people:. We offer Mrntal guides, Mental health in aging, podcasts, i, and online resources for helping older adults and caregivers navigate mental health, dementia, and caregiving agint. We Beta-alanine and muscular power production evidence-based, healtj responsive and inclusive, heaalth education training to mental health, senior care, and healthcare professionals. This helps to ensure that professionals have specialized training to meet the mental health needs of older adults. Our provider directory can help you find a mental health professional who specializes in older adults. Geriatric psychiatrists also called Gero-Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues that occur more commonly in older adults, such as dementia, depression, insomnia.

Author: Nikosida

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