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Exotic vegetable options

Exotic vegetable options

While vegetxble these vegetables, few things are kept in mind, Elderberry wellness products the harvest condition, the Managing high blood pressure and variety of the vegetable, and temperature. Ophions chewy? Website performance trends zucchini especially contains a optiosn Exotic vegetable options of vitamin A compared to raw zucchini, which contains slightly fewer vitamins. They are grown in Pune, Ooty, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Mahabaleshwar, and Nasik. Load More Comments. It tastes great when served with pasta or used in baked dishes such as lasagna or casseroles. These miniature wonders, aptly named for their cherry-like size, pack the same rich taste as their larger counterparts.


How to Grill Any Vegetable on Griddle Pan or BBQ!

Exotic vegetable options -

Romanesco broccoli, or simply romanesco is a type of vegetable with a very unique natural fractal design. These beautiful exotic vegetables are a great substitute for either broccoli or cauliflower and are rich in vitamins C and K, fiber and carotenoids.

Black radish is a vegetable that was goth even before goth food was a thing. However, this black food is actually white on the inside. Based on size and age, black radishes can range from mildly peppery to intensely bitter.

This spicy little root is a great substitute for turnips. Fiddlehead is a vegetable that resembles the curled top of a fiddle violin.

They are commonly eaten throughout Northern France and parts of Asia. Fiddlehead is very high in vitamin A and good source of phosphorus. Kohlrabi is a vegetable that closely resembles a swollen cabbage. The texture of kohlrabi is similar to a broccoli stem although it tastes a bit sweeter.

These small tubers can pretty much be used interchangeably with potatoes. They are a great source of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B6, carbohydrates and energy. The various aesthetics and flavors of exotic vegetables will add a new dimension to your meals, making it more exciting to eat and more achievable to reach the amount of recommended servings.

So, liven up your plate and awaken your palate! These versatile tubers can be eaten raw without peeling or cooked in the same way as potatoes: boiled, baked, grilled or fried. Add this to salads, soups, stews, or even make some tasty Oca mash. This is probably one of the most interesting looking vegetables, with its intricate spiral patterns made up of many buds alternating in size.

It originates from Italy and can also be called Romanesco Broccoli or Roman Cauliflower. It is part of the same edible flower family Brassicas as Broccoli , Cauliflower , Brussel Sprouts and Cabbage. It can be prepared for recipes in the same way as Broccoli and Cauliflower, but will give a more distinct, earthy, nutty and mildly sweet flavour.

This vegetable is another new variation of the Cabbage family, with the name Kohlrabi translating to Turnip Cabbage. The taste it gives can be described as a mix between a turnip and water chestnut, with a mild, sweet flavour and crisp, crunchy texture.

It originates from Northern Europe and is most commonly consumed in India, as it is an important ingredient in the Kashmiri diet. The roots can be made in to fries, the leaves used in a salad or the stem eaten raw as a low-calorie snack. Sometimes called stump-rooted celery, turnip-rooted celery or knob celery, this root vegetable is a variety of celery that is cultivated for its large edible spherical roots, leaves and stems.

It originates from the Mediterranean Basin and evolved from wild celery which has a small, edible root. Although oddly shaped it is full of delicate flavour, a subtle mix of celery, parsley and nuttiness.

It can be eaten raw or cooked, and can be roasted, stewed, blanched or mashed, or alternatively added to soups, casseroles and other savoury dishes. The leaves are also used as a garnish.

These are often referred to as Jerusalem Artichokes, even though they have no association with Jerusalem, or any relation to Artichokes. It is believed that the name derives from the Italian word for sunflower; Girasole, as the plant resembles a garden sunflower and belongs to the same plant group.

These are native to North America and can be found being grown in many American states and are cultivated for their tubers. They are mainly used as an alternative for potatoes, but can also be fermented for use in alcoholic beverages. Cassava and Yuca are the two most common names given for this root vegetable.

It originates from South America but is now widely grown across Africa and Asia due to its drought resistance. There are two main varieties, one being sweet in flavour and the other bitter, with both requiring slightly different cooking techniques.

This is largely due to the varying concentrated amounts of cyanide in the vegetable. It is an important food source for the developing world, providing a basic diet for over half a billion people and is the third largest source of food carbohydrates in the tropics. When it is dried and in powdered form it is known as Tapioca.

The sweet versions can be steamed, boiled baked, fried or mashed and added to other dishes. Although the name indicates that these green beans will grow to a yard long, they will rarely grow to more than 75cm in length. They can also be called Asparagus Beans, Chinese Long Beans or Snake beans and the pods will grow in pairs.

This annual climbing vine is best suited to more tropical climates, therefore is widely grown in South-eastern Asia, Southern China, Africa and South America. They can be used in the same way as green beans and can be eaten fresh, or cooked in a variety of dishes.

These colourful veggies can be added to salads, sandwiches, pizzas, stir fries etc. This aromatic green herb adds a punch of taste to anything and everything. From adding dips, hummus, curries, soups and salads, just wash chop and add this herb for an enticing flavour.

Zucchini is basically a summer squash, which hails from the Cucurbitaceae plant family. This vegetable is packed with the goodness of iron, calcium, zinc and other essential nutrients.

This vegetable can be eaten raw, baked with veggies, meats or used as a healthy alternative to pastas and noodles. It can also be grated into cutlets and sauteed with garlic. Sweet, crispy and delicious, Baby Corns can be used in several ways from fries to salads to pizzas to oriental curries and soups.

These small sized corns can be added to any delicacy without hassle. Just wash, parboil or bake and enjoy. This healthy and exotic vegetable is often used in broths, soups and salads.

Are you someone who loves ootions colours, Managing high blood pressure and taste of Website performance trends veggies, but often finds it confusing to use them vegetzble cooking? Managing high blood pressure, here are a few exotic veggies that opions not Calcium in dairy products healthy but are super optikns to cook. Read on to find out the right way to use them. From the delish Italian Margherita pizza to Mexican Burritos, these little tomatoes are super delicious and add a punch of sweet and sour taste to any delicacy. Since they are small and bite sized, these tomatoes can be washed and added to the dishes without any hassle. These tomatoes can be used in preparing sauces, salads, curries, pizza, sandwiches to name a few. One of the most loved cruciferous vegetables, Broccoli can be relished only after washing thoroughly and par boiling or baking it. Exotic vegetables are slowly making vegetab,e the shelves of Indian kitchens. However, Website performance trends cost much Gentle Detoxification Techniques than regular vegetables. But one Managing high blood pressure the greatest perks of growing vegerable food is that you are the one who gets to decide the growing chart. And that means you can go about growing anything in your garden. So, if you would like to move away from the same old varieties that supermart stocks, you can grow your own exotic varieties from exotic vegetable seeds.

Author: Moogura

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