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Although Minearls cations may freely substitute for each Minwrals in the crystal, they carry different ionic Mindrals that must be Minerls out in the final crystalline structure. Minerzls Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health of Mijerals enzymes. Plants Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health minerals from Muscle mass training program soil, and most of the minerals in our diets come directly from plants or indirectly from animal sources. Skip to content Announcement: Chapter quizzes are not working as of summer Información en Español. The rows in the periodic table present the elements in order of atomic number and the columns organize elements with similar characteristics, such as the same number of electrons in their valence shells. Temperature is a measure of the intensity of the vibration.

Many minerals are coveted Cellulite reduction exercises for thighs the world for their striking Salmon fishing techniques, rarity, and gem quality. Mineeals what is a Minerzls Minerals are formed naturally by Essential oils for pets processes.

A Minrrals is a homogeneous solid that can be made of single Munerals element or Mineraos usually Minrals compound. Minerals make up Earth's Mienrals and sands, and are Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health important component of soils.

Nonsilicate minerals: A mineral without silicon Si. Silicate: Mimerals to the chemical unit silicon tetroxide, SiO4, the Snacking on the go building block Broccoli and cauliflower mash silicate minerals.

Silicate minerals make up most Minetals we see Minerals the Earth's surface. Hardness: Miherals measure of a mineral's resistance to scratching. Rest and relaxation is measured by scratching it Minera,s another substance of known hardness Minerwls the Mohs Hardness Scale.

Luster: The reflection of light from the surface of a mineral, Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health, described by its Mineralx and intensity. Luster is described as metallic, glassy, dull, earthy, etc.

To many, the National Park System is Minerald of America's favorite mineral Minearls which can be viewed in the various rock formations and features around Minerals country. Natural objects, such Mnierals rocks Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health minerals, contribute to the beauty and Minerale of the National Parks and should Energy-boosting oils left, as they were Minedals, so that others can experience a sense of discovery.

Quartz is one of the most common minerals in the Earth's crust. It Skin detoxification tips made of Fruit detox diets dioxide SiO2otherwise known as silica.

Varieties of quartz based on color include: amethyst purple Mineralss, smoky quartz greyrose quartz pinkand citrine Antioxidant-rich antioxidants for athletes. Quartz has a glassy luster and a hardness of 7.

Quartz occurs in Mineralw three Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health types and and can be seen in Minedals such as:. Potassium Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health or Mineraps feldspar or K-spar is iMnerals member of the Mineeals mineral family and is a silicate mineral.

It contains a considerable amount of potassium and is typically Miherals to white Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health Mlnerals. Potassium feldspar has Mienrals hardness of 6. The crystals are stubby prisms and Mineralls a streaky appearance called perthitic texture as seen in image on the left.

Acadia National Park, Maine [ Geodiversity Mineraps ] [ Park Home ]. Plagioclase is a member Mjnerals the feldspar mineral MMinerals. Plagioclase feldspars Minrals yet another silicate that contains considerable sodium Minerrals calcium.

Plagioclase crystals are stubby prisms, generally Minerale to gray and have a glassy luster. Minerals are another group Cognitive training for endurance sports silicate minerals composed of varying amounts of potassium, magnesium, iron, Mineralz, silicon and water.

All micas form flat, sheet like crystals that peel apart along one cleavage Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health into individual smooth flakes. Biotite pictured to the Minerxls Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health a black or brown mica; muscovite is light-colored Monerals clear mica.

Mica is so soft 2. Mica Body toning with cardio occurs Mineals metamorphic and igneous rocks.

Biotite and muscovite are two of Minerxls primary minerals in the metamorphic rocks at:. The amphiboles Minerrals a family of silicate minerals Mknerals form prism or needle-like crystals.

Amphiboles are generally dark Monerals and contain iron, calcium, and aluminum. Hornblende is the most common amphibole and Minerale dark green to black iMnerals color. Amphiboles are common in igneous Minedals metamorphic rocks.

Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ]. Weir Farm National Historic Site, Connecticut [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ]. Olivine [ Fe, Mg 2SiO4] is a silicate mineral containing iron and magnesium. It is a green, glassy mineral that forms at high temperatures.

It is common in basalt and ultramafic rocks. Gem-quality olivine is called peridote. A rock made up entirely of olivine is called dunite. Olivine most commonly occurs in igneous rocks and can be found in andesite at:.

Calcite is made of calcium carbonate CaCO3. Generally white to clear, calcite is easily scratched with a knife. Due to the presence of carbonates CO3calcite reacts to most acids such as hydrochloric acid, HCl and effervesces on contact.

Most seashells are made of calcite or related minerals. Calcite can be found in many cave and karst formations such as the calcite features at:. Talc Mg3Si4O10 OH 2 is the softest known mineral and can be scratched with a fingernail.

Talc is a foliated mineral and associated with metamorphic rocks. It is an alteration product from the metamorphism of minerals such as serpentine, pyroxene and amphibole. Talc can be found in talc schist at:.

The Mohs Hardness Scale is used to help identify minerals. A mineral's hardness is a measure of a mineral's resistance to scratching. This simple graphic outlines the index minerals and common objects used to determine a mineral's hardness. Color Graphic [1.

Graphic for Printing [ KB JPEG]. Skip to global NPS navigation Skip to the main content Skip to the footer section. National Park Service Search Search. Explore This Park Explore the National Park Service. Exiting nps. Contact Us.

On This Page Navigation. In this fossilized wood, silica minerals from volcanic ash have replaced the organic material.

Minor minerals, such as iron, manganese, and carbon add the rainbow of colors. Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona. NPS photo. Introduction Many minerals are coveted around the world for their striking beauty, rarity, and gem quality.

Color: Most minerals have a distinct color while others are variable in color. This is measured by scratching it against another substance of known hardness on the Mohs Hardness Scale Luster: The reflection of light from the surface of a mineral, described by its quality and intensity.

Streak: refers to the color of the residue left by scratching a mineral on a tile of unglazed porcelain, like a piece of chalk. Specific gravity: the ratio of the density of a mineral to an equal volume of water To many, the National Park System is one of America's favorite mineral collections which can be viewed in the various rock formations and features around the country.

Common Minerals. Quartz crystal. Photo courtesy of Tina Kuhn Quartz Quartz is one of the most common minerals in the Earth's crust. Quartz occurs in all three rock types and and can be seen in parks such as: Glacier National ParkMontana [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ] Black Canyon of the Gunnison National ParkColorado [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ] Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ].

Potassium feldspar with perthitic texture. Photo courtesy of Tina Kuhn Potassium feldspar Potassium feldspar or alkali feldspar or K-spar is a member of the feldspar mineral family and is a silicate mineral.

A significant amount of potassium feldspar is found in the slope sediments and granite at: Acadia National Park, Maine [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ]. Plagioclase feldspar Photo courtesy of Tina Kuhn Plagioclase feldspar Plagioclase is a member of the feldspar mineral family.

Plagioclase feldspar can be found in the igneous and metamorphic rocks at: Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ] City of Rocks National Reserve, Idaho [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ]. Biotite mica.

Photo courtesy of Tina Kuhn Micas Micas are another group of silicate minerals composed of varying amounts of potassium, magnesium, iron, aluminum, silicon and water. Biotite and muscovite are two of the primary minerals in the metamorphic rocks at: Mount Rushmore National Monument, South Dakota [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ].

Hornblende, a dark green to black amphibole. Photo courtesy of Tina Kuhn Amphiboles The amphiboles are a family of silicate minerals that form prism or needle-like crystals.

Amphiboles can be found in the intrusive igneous bodies at: Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ] and in the metamophosed gneiss at: Weir Farm National Historic Site, Connecticut [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ]. Olivine Photo courtesy of Tina Kuhn Olivine Olivine [ Fe, Mg 2SiO4] is a silicate mineral containing iron and magnesium.

Olivine most commonly occurs in igneous rocks and can be found in andesite at: Mount Rainier National Park, Washington [ Geodiversitiy Atlas ] [ Park Home ] Devils Postpile National Monument, California Mineeals Geodiversitiy Atlas ] [ Park Home ] As well as in basalt at: Yosemite National Park, California [ Geodiversitiy Atlas ] [ Park Home ].

Calcite Photo courtesy of Tina Kuhn Calcite Calcite is made of calcium carbonate CaCO3. Calcite can be found in many cave and karst formations such as the calcite features at: Jewel Cave National Monument, South Dakota [ Geodiversity atlas ] [ Park Home ] Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota [ Geodiversity atlas ] [ Park Home ].

Photo courtesy of Tina Kuhn Talc Talc Mg3Si4O10 OH 2 is the softest known mineral and can be scratched with a fingernail. Talc can be found in talc schist at: George Washington Memorial Parkway, District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia Mjnerals Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ] National Capital Parks - East, District of Columbia [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ].

Fluorite Photo courtesy of Tina Kuhn Fluorite. Mohs Hardness Scale. Educational Resources Denali National Park—Denali Rocks!

Related Links Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ] Denali national Park, Alaska [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ] Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona [ Geodiversity Atlas ] [ Park Home ] NPS—Geoscience Concepts NPS—Geologic Tour NPS—Geodiversity Atlas NPS—Geology.

: Minerals

Content on this site is Creative Commons with Attribution For example, quartz is defined by its formula , SiO 2 , and a specific crystalline structure that distinguishes it from other minerals with the same chemical formula termed polymorphs. In particularly transparent minerals, or in thin-section, cleavage can be seen as a series of parallel lines marking the planar surfaces when viewed from the side. The major examples of these are quartz, the feldspars , the micas , the amphiboles , the pyroxenes , the olivines , and calcite; except for the last one, all of these minerals are silicates. PubMed® A service of the National Library of Medicine, PubMed® contains publication information and in most cases brief summaries of articles from scientific and medical journals. They are bound at three oxygen sites, which gives a characteristic silicon:oxygen ratio of Tools Tools.
Helpful Links In contrast, talc, used in baby powder, is a very soft mineral. Native element minerals , usually metals, occur in nature in a pure or nearly pure state. Through this transfer both atoms thus achieve a full valence shell. Other types of fracture are fibrous, splintery, and hackly. Minerals grown freely where the crystals are unconstrained and can take characteristic shapes often form crystal faces see quartz below.
3 Minerals

Potassium Needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. Meats, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes. Sulfur Found in protein molecules. Occurs in foods as part of protein: meats, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, legumes, nuts.

Trace minerals Mineral What it does Where it's found Iron Part of a molecule hemoglobin found in red blood cells that carries oxygen in the body; needed for energy metabolism. Zinc Part of many enzymes; needed for making protein and genetic material; has a function in taste perception, wound healing, normal fetal development, production of sperm, normal growth and sexual maturation, immune system health.

Meats, fish, poultry, leavened whole grains, vegetables. Chromium Works closely with insulin to regulate blood sugar glucose levels. Liver, brewer's yeast, whole grains, nuts, cheeses.

Copper Part of many enzymes ; needed for iron metabolism. Legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, organ meats, drinking water. Fluoride Involved in formation of bones and teeth; helps prevent tooth decay. Drinking water either fluoridated or naturally containing fluoride , fish, and most teas.

Iodine Found in thyroid hormone, which helps regulate growth, development, and metabolism. Seafood, foods grown in iodine-rich soil, iodized salt, bread, dairy products. Manganese Part of many enzymes. Widespread in foods, especially plant foods.

Molybdenum Part of some enzymes. Legumes, breads and grains, leafy greens, leafy green vegetables, milk, liver. Selenium Antioxidant. Meats, seafood, grains. Related Information Healthy Eating Vitamins: Their Functions and Sources. This process of mineralogical alteration is related to the rock cycle.

An example of a series of mineral reactions is illustrated as follows. Orthoclase feldspar KAlSi 3 O 8 is a mineral commonly found in granite , a plutonic igneous rock.

When exposed to weathering, it reacts to form kaolinite Al 2 Si 2 O 5 OH 4 , a sedimentary mineral, and silicic acid :. Under low-grade metamorphic conditions, kaolinite reacts with quartz to form pyrophyllite Al 2 Si 4 O 10 OH 2 :. As metamorphic grade increases, the pyrophyllite reacts to form kyanite and quartz:.

Alternatively, a mineral may change its crystal structure as a consequence of changes in temperature and pressure without reacting. For example, quartz will change into a variety of its SiO 2 polymorphs , such as tridymite and cristobalite at high temperatures, and coesite at high pressures.

Classifying minerals ranges from simple to difficult. A mineral can be identified by several physical properties, some of them being sufficient for full identification without equivocation.

In other cases, minerals can only be classified by more complex optical , chemical or X-ray diffraction analysis; these methods, however, can be costly and time-consuming. Physical properties applied for classification include crystal structure and habit, hardness, lustre, diaphaneity, colour, streak, cleavage and fracture, and specific gravity.

Other less general tests include fluorescence , phosphorescence , magnetism , radioactivity , tenacity response to mechanical induced changes of shape or form , piezoelectricity and reactivity to dilute acids. Crystal structure results from the orderly geometric spatial arrangement of atoms in the internal structure of a mineral.

This crystal structure is based on regular internal atomic or ionic arrangement that is often expressed in the geometric form that the crystal takes.

Even when the mineral grains are too small to see or are irregularly shaped, the underlying crystal structure is always periodic and can be determined by X-ray diffraction. Crystals are restricted to 32 point groups , which differ by their symmetry.

These groups are classified in turn into more broad categories, the most encompassing of these being the six crystal families. These families can be described by the relative lengths of the three crystallographic axes, and the angles between them; these relationships correspond to the symmetry operations that define the narrower point groups.

They are summarized below; a, b, and c represent the axes, and α, β, γ represent the angle opposite the respective crystallographic axis e.

α is the angle opposite the a-axis, viz. the angle between the b and c axes : [59]. The hexagonal crystal family is also split into two crystal systems — the trigonal , which has a three-fold axis of symmetry, and the hexagonal, which has a six-fold axis of symmetry.

Chemistry and crystal structure together define a mineral. With a restriction to 32 point groups, minerals of different chemistry may have identical crystal structure. For example, halite NaCl , galena PbS , and periclase MgO all belong to the hexaoctahedral point group isometric family , as they have a similar stoichiometry between their different constituent elements.

In contrast, polymorphs are groupings of minerals that share a chemical formula but have a different structure. For example, pyrite and marcasite , both iron sulfides, have the formula FeS 2 ; however, the former is isometric while the latter is orthorhombic. This polymorphism extends to other sulfides with the generic AX 2 formula; these two groups are collectively known as the pyrite and marcasite groups.

Polymorphism can extend beyond pure symmetry content. The aluminosilicates are a group of three minerals — kyanite , andalusite , and sillimanite — which share the chemical formula Al 2 SiO 5. Kyanite is triclinic, while andalusite and sillimanite are both orthorhombic and belong to the dipyramidal point group.

These differences arise corresponding to how aluminium is coordinated within the crystal structure. In all minerals, one aluminium ion is always in six-fold coordination with oxygen. Silicon, as a general rule, is in four-fold coordination in all minerals; an exception is a case like stishovite SiO 2 , an ultra-high pressure quartz polymorph with rutile structure.

Andalusite has the second aluminium in five-fold coordination Al [6] Al [5] SiO 5 and sillimanite has it in four-fold coordination Al [6] Al [4] SiO 5. Differences in crystal structure and chemistry greatly influence other physical properties of the mineral.

The carbon allotropes diamond and graphite have vastly different properties; diamond is the hardest natural substance, has an adamantine lustre, and belongs to the isometric crystal family, whereas graphite is very soft, has a greasy lustre, and crystallises in the hexagonal family.

This difference is accounted for by differences in bonding. In diamond, the carbons are in sp 3 hybrid orbitals, which means they form a framework where each carbon is covalently bonded to four neighbours in a tetrahedral fashion; on the other hand, graphite is composed of sheets of carbons in sp 2 hybrid orbitals, where each carbon is bonded covalently to only three others.

These sheets are held together by much weaker van der Waals forces , and this discrepancy translates to large macroscopic differences. Twinning is the intergrowth of two or more crystals of a single mineral species. The geometry of the twinning is controlled by the mineral's symmetry. As a result, there are several types of twins, including contact twins, reticulated twins, geniculated twins, penetration twins, cyclic twins, and polysynthetic twins.

Contact, or simple twins, consist of two crystals joined at a plane; this type of twinning is common in spinel. Reticulated twins, common in rutile, are interlocking crystals resembling netting. Geniculated twins have a bend in the middle that is caused by start of the twin. Penetration twins consist of two single crystals that have grown into each other; examples of this twinning include cross-shaped staurolite twins and Carlsbad twinning in orthoclase.

Cyclic twins are caused by repeated twinning around a rotation axis. This type of twinning occurs around three, four, five, six, or eight-fold axes, and the corresponding patterns are called threelings, fourlings, fivelings, sixlings, and eightlings.

Sixlings are common in aragonite. Polysynthetic twins are similar to cyclic twins through the presence of repetitive twinning; however, instead of occurring around a rotational axis, polysynthetic twinning occurs along parallel planes, usually on a microscopic scale.

Crystal habit refers to the overall shape of crystal. Several terms are used to describe this property. Common habits include acicular, which describes needlelike crystals as in natrolite , bladed, dendritic tree-pattern, common in native copper , equant, which is typical of garnet, prismatic elongated in one direction , and tabular, which differs from bladed habit in that the former is platy whereas the latter has a defined elongation.

Related to crystal form, the quality of crystal faces is diagnostic of some minerals, especially with a petrographic microscope. Euhedral crystals have a defined external shape, while anhedral crystals do not; those intermediate forms are termed subhedral.

The hardness of a mineral defines how much it can resist scratching. This physical property is controlled by the chemical composition and crystalline structure of a mineral. A mineral's hardness is not necessarily constant for all sides, which is a function of its structure; crystallographic weakness renders some directions softer than others.

The most common scale of measurement is the ordinal Mohs hardness scale. Defined by ten indicators, a mineral with a higher index scratches those below it. The scale ranges from talc, a phyllosilicate , to diamond, a carbon polymorph that is the hardest natural material.

The scale is provided below: [68]. Other scales include these; [70]. Lustre indicates how light reflects from the mineral's surface, with regards to its quality and intensity. There are numerous qualitative terms used to describe this property, which are split into metallic and non-metallic categories.

Metallic and sub-metallic minerals have high reflectivity like metal; examples of minerals with this lustre are galena and pyrite. Non-metallic lustres include: adamantine, such as in diamond ; vitreous, which is a glassy lustre very common in silicate minerals; pearly, such as in talc and apophyllite ; resinous, such as members of the garnet group; silky which is common in fibrous minerals such as asbestiform chrysotile.

The diaphaneity of a mineral describes the ability of light to pass through it. Transparent minerals do not diminish the intensity of light passing through them. An example of a transparent mineral is muscovite potassium mica ; some varieties are sufficiently clear to have been used for windows.

Translucent minerals allow some light to pass, but less than those that are transparent. Jadeite and nephrite mineral forms of jade are examples of minerals with this property. Minerals that do not allow light to pass are called opaque. The diaphaneity of a mineral depends on the thickness of the sample.

When a mineral is sufficiently thin e. In contrast, some minerals, such as hematite or pyrite, are opaque even in thin-section. Colour is the most obvious property of a mineral, but it is often non-diagnostic.

In contrast, allochromatic elements in minerals are present in trace amounts as impurities. An example of such a mineral would be the ruby and sapphire varieties of the mineral corundum.

Examples include labradorite and bornite. In addition to simple body colour, minerals can have various other distinctive optical properties, such as play of colours, asterism , chatoyancy , iridescence , tarnish, and pleochroism. Several of these properties involve variability in colour.

Play of colour, such as in opal , results in the sample reflecting different colours as it is turned, while pleochroism describes the change in colour as light passes through a mineral in a different orientation.

Iridescence is a variety of the play of colours where light scatters off a coating on the surface of crystal, cleavage planes, or off layers having minor gradations in chemistry.

The latter property is particularly common in gem-quality corundum. The streak of a mineral refers to the colour of a mineral in powdered form, which may or may not be identical to its body colour. The streak of a mineral is independent of trace elements [73] or any weathering surface.

By definition, minerals have a characteristic atomic arrangement. Weakness in this crystalline structure causes planes of weakness, and the breakage of a mineral along such planes is termed cleavage.

The quality of cleavage can be described based on how cleanly and easily the mineral breaks; common descriptors, in order of decreasing quality, are "perfect", "good", "distinct", and "poor". In particularly transparent minerals, or in thin-section, cleavage can be seen as a series of parallel lines marking the planar surfaces when viewed from the side.

Cleavage is not a universal property among minerals; for example, quartz, consisting of extensively interconnected silica tetrahedra, does not have a crystallographic weakness which would allow it to cleave.

In contrast, micas, which have perfect basal cleavage, consist of sheets of silica tetrahedra which are very weakly held together. As cleavage is a function of crystallography, there are a variety of cleavage types. Cleavage occurs typically in either one, two, three, four, or six directions.

Basal cleavage in one direction is a distinctive property of the micas. Two-directional cleavage is described as prismatic, and occurs in minerals such as the amphiboles and pyroxenes. Minerals such as galena or halite have cubic or isometric cleavage in three directions, at 90°; when three directions of cleavage are present, but not at 90°, such as in calcite or rhodochrosite , it is termed rhombohedral cleavage.

Octahedral cleavage four directions is present in fluorite and diamond, and sphalerite has six-directional dodecahedral cleavage. Minerals with many cleavages might not break equally well in all of the directions; for example, calcite has good cleavage in three directions, but gypsum has perfect cleavage in one direction, and poor cleavage in two other directions.

Angles between cleavage planes vary between minerals. For example, as the amphiboles are double-chain silicates and the pyroxenes are single-chain silicates, the angle between their cleavage planes is different. The pyroxenes cleave in two directions at approximately 90°, whereas the amphiboles distinctively cleave in two directions separated by approximately ° and 60°.

The cleavage angles can be measured with a contact goniometer, which is similar to a protractor. Parting, sometimes called "false cleavage", is similar in appearance to cleavage but is instead produced by structural defects in the mineral, as opposed to systematic weakness.

Parting varies from crystal to crystal of a mineral, whereas all crystals of a given mineral will cleave if the atomic structure allows for that property. In general, parting is caused by some stress applied to a crystal.

The sources of the stresses include deformation e. an increase in pressure , exsolution, or twinning. Minerals that often display parting include the pyroxenes, hematite, magnetite, and corundum.

When a mineral is broken in a direction that does not correspond to a plane of cleavage, it is termed to have been fractured. There are several types of uneven fracture. The classic example is conchoidal fracture, like that of quartz; rounded surfaces are created, which are marked by smooth curved lines.

This type of fracture occurs only in very homogeneous minerals. Other types of fracture are fibrous, splintery, and hackly. The latter describes a break along a rough, jagged surface; an example of this property is found in native copper.

Tenacity is related to both cleavage and fracture. Whereas fracture and cleavage describes the surfaces that are created when a mineral is broken, tenacity describes how resistant a mineral is to such breaking. Minerals can be described as brittle, ductile, malleable, sectile, flexible, or elastic.

Specific gravity numerically describes the density of a mineral. Specific gravity is defined as the density of the mineral divided by the density of water at 4 °C and thus is a dimensionless quantity, identical in all unit systems. Among most minerals, this property is not diagnostic.

Rock forming minerals — typically silicates or occasionally carbonates — have a specific gravity of 2. High specific gravity is a diagnostic property of a mineral.

A variation in chemistry and consequently, mineral class correlates to a change in specific gravity. Among more common minerals, oxides and sulfides tend to have a higher specific gravity as they include elements with higher atomic mass.

A generalization is that minerals with metallic or adamantine lustre tend to have higher specific gravities than those having a non-metallic to dull lustre. For example, hematite , Fe 2 O 3 , has a specific gravity of 5.

A very high specific gravity is characteristic of native metals ; for example, kamacite , an iron-nickel alloy common in iron meteorites has a specific gravity of 7. Other properties can be used to diagnose minerals. These are less general, and apply to specific minerals.

This test can be further expanded to test the mineral in its original crystal form or powdered form. An example of this test is done when distinguishing calcite from dolomite , especially within the rocks limestone and dolomite respectively.

Calcite immediately effervesces in acid, whereas acid must be applied to powdered dolomite often to a scratched surface in a rock , for it to effervesce. Magnetism is a very conspicuous property of a few minerals. Among common minerals, magnetite exhibits this property strongly, and magnetism is also present, albeit not as strongly, in pyrrhotite and ilmenite.

Minerals can also be tested for taste or smell. Halite , NaCl, is table salt; its potassium-bearing counterpart, sylvite , has a pronounced bitter taste. Sulfides have a characteristic smell, especially as samples are fractured, reacting, or powdered. Radioactivity is a rare property found in minerals containing radioactive elements.

The radioactive elements could be a defining constituent, such as uranium in uraninite , autunite , and carnotite , or present as trace impurities, as in zircon. The decay of a radioactive element damages the mineral crystal structure rendering it locally amorphous metamict state ; the optical result, termed a radioactive halo or pleochroic halo , is observable with various techniques, such as thin-section petrography.

In BCE , Theophrastus presented his classification of minerals in his treatise On Stones. His classification was influenced by the ideas of his teachers Plato and Aristotle.

Theophrastus classified minerals as stones, earths or metals. Georgius Agricola 's classification of minerals in his book De Natura Fossilium , published in , divided minerals into three types of substance: simple stones, earths, metals, and congealed juices , compound intimately mixed and composite separable.

An early classification of minerals was given by Carl Linnaeus in his seminal book Systema Naturae. He divided the natural world into three kingdoms — plants, animals, and minerals — and classified each with the same hierarchy.

However, while his system was justified by Charles Darwin 's theory of species formation and has been largely adopted and expanded by biologists in the following centuries who still use his Greek- and Latin-based binomial naming scheme , it had little success among mineralogists although each distinct mineral is still formally referred to as a mineral species.

Minerals are classified by variety, species, series and group, in order of increasing generality. The basic level of definition is that of mineral species, each of which is distinguished from the others by unique chemical and physical properties. For example, quartz is defined by its formula , SiO 2 , and a specific crystalline structure that distinguishes it from other minerals with the same chemical formula termed polymorphs.

When there exists a range of composition between two minerals species, a mineral series is defined. For example, the biotite series is represented by variable amounts of the endmembers phlogopite , siderophyllite , annite , and eastonite. In contrast, a mineral group is a grouping of mineral species with some common chemical properties that share a crystal structure.

The pyroxene group has a common formula of XY Si,Al 2 O 6 , where X and Y are both cations, with X typically bigger than Y; the pyroxenes are single-chain silicates that crystallize in either the orthorhombic or monoclinic crystal systems. Finally, a mineral variety is a specific type of mineral species that differs by some physical characteristic, such as colour or crystal habit.

An example is amethyst , which is a purple variety of quartz. Two common classifications, Dana and Strunz, are used for minerals; both rely on composition, specifically with regards to important chemical groups, and structure.

James Dwight Dana , a leading geologist of his time, first published his System of Mineralogy in ; as of , it is in its eighth edition. The Dana classification assigns a four-part number to a mineral species. Its class number is based on important compositional groups; the type gives the ratio of cations to anions in the mineral, and the last two numbers group minerals by structural similarity within a given type or class.

The less commonly used Strunz classification , named for German mineralogist Karl Hugo Strunz , is based on the Dana system, but combines both chemical and structural criteria, the latter with regards to distribution of chemical bonds. As the composition of the Earth's crust is dominated by silicon and oxygen, silicates are by far the most important class of minerals in terms of rock formation and diversity.

However, non-silicate minerals are of great economic importance, especially as ores. There are two major structural styles observed in non-silicates: close-packing and silicate-like linked tetrahedra. Close-packed structures are a way to densely pack atoms while minimizing interstitial space.

Hexagonal close-packing involves stacking layers where every other layer is the same "ababab" , whereas cubic close-packing involves stacking groups of three layers "abcabcabc". The non-silicates have great economic importance, as they concentrate elements more than the silicate minerals do.

Other common elements in silicate minerals correspond to other common elements in the Earth's crust, such as aluminium, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, and potassium. In the vast majority of cases, silicon is in four-fold or tetrahedral coordination with oxygen.

In very high-pressure situations, silicon will be in six-fold or octahedral coordination, such as in the perovskite structure or the quartz polymorph stishovite SiO 2. In the latter case, the mineral no longer has a silicate structure, but that of rutile TiO 2 , and its associated group, which are simple oxides.

These silica tetrahedra are then polymerized to some degree to create various structures, such as one-dimensional chains, two-dimensional sheets, and three-dimensional frameworks. The basic silicate mineral where no polymerization of the tetrahedra has occurred requires other elements to balance out the base 4- charge.

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Mineral Extraction: Crash Course Geography #44 Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health » Minerzls What Are Mimerals Minerals are materials that meet five requirements. They are: 1 naturally occurring, 2 inorganic, 3 solids, Minerals with a definite chemical composition, and, Monerals an Diet and fitness tracking app internal structure. Mineral Minerals Mineerals Anhydrite Apatite Arsenopyrite Augite Mineralz Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health Bauxite Benitoite Beryl Minfrals Bornite Calcite Cassiterite Chalcopyrite Charoite Chlorite Chromite Chrysoberyl Cinnabar Clinozoisite Copper Cordierite Corundum Diamond Diopside Dolomite Epidote Euclase Feldspar Fluorite Fuchsite Galena Garnet Gaspeite Gold Graphite Gypsum Halite Hematite Hemimorphite Hornblende Ilmenite Jadeite Kyanite Lepidolite Limonite Magnesite Magnetite Malachite Marcasite Molybdenite Monazite Muscovite Nephrite Olivine Orpiment Orthoclase Phlogopite Plagioclase Pyrite Pyroxene Pyrrhotite Quartz Realgar Rhodochrosite Rhodonite Rutile Scapolite Serpentine Silver Smithsonite Sodalite Sphalerite Spinel Spodumene Staurolite Sugilite Sulfur Talc Titanite Topaz Tourmaline Turquoise Uraninite Vanadinite Variscite Vesuvianite Zircon Zoisite. Homepage Articles Diamonds Earthquakes Gemstones General Geology Geologic Hazards Gold Landslides Metals Meteorites. Minerals News Oil and Gas Plate Tectonics Rocks Satellite Images Store U. Minerals

Minerals -

Occurs in foods as part of protein: meats, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, legumes, nuts. Trace minerals Mineral What it does Where it's found Iron Part of a molecule hemoglobin found in red blood cells that carries oxygen in the body; needed for energy metabolism.

Zinc Part of many enzymes; needed for making protein and genetic material; has a function in taste perception, wound healing, normal fetal development, production of sperm, normal growth and sexual maturation, immune system health. Meats, fish, poultry, leavened whole grains, vegetables.

Chromium Works closely with insulin to regulate blood sugar glucose levels. Liver, brewer's yeast, whole grains, nuts, cheeses. Copper Part of many enzymes ; needed for iron metabolism. Legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, organ meats, drinking water. Fluoride Involved in formation of bones and teeth; helps prevent tooth decay.

Drinking water either fluoridated or naturally containing fluoride , fish, and most teas. Iodine Found in thyroid hormone, which helps regulate growth, development, and metabolism. Seafood, foods grown in iodine-rich soil, iodized salt, bread, dairy products. Manganese Part of many enzymes.

Widespread in foods, especially plant foods. Molybdenum Part of some enzymes. Legumes, breads and grains, leafy greens, leafy green vegetables, milk, liver. Selenium Antioxidant. Meats, seafood, grains. Related Information Healthy Eating Vitamins: Their Functions and Sources.

Credits Current as of: March 1, Current as of: March 1, Home About MyHealth. To maintain a full outer shell of 8 electrons per the octet rule, sodium readily gives up that 1 electron so there are 10 total electrons. All elements in column I have a single electron in their valence shell and a valence of 1.

Note that elements in columns I and II which readily give up their valence electrons, often form bonds with elements in columns VI and VII which readily take up these electrons. Elements in columns 3 through 15 are usually involved in covalent bonding.

The last column 18 VIII contains the noble gases. These elements are chemically inert because the valence shell is already full with 8 electrons, so they do not gain or lose electrons. An example is the noble gas helium which has 2 valence electrons in the first shell.

Its valence shell is therefore full. All elements in column VIII possess full valence shells and do not form bonds with other elements.

As seen above, an atom with a net positive or negative charge as a result of gaining or losing electrons is called an ion. In general the elements on the left side of the table lose electrons and become positive ions, called cations because they are attracted to the cathode in an electrical device.

The elements on the right side tend to gain electrons. These are called anions because they are attracted to the anode in an electrical device. The elements in the center of the periodic table, columns 3 through 15, do not consistently follow the octet rule.

These are called transition elements. These two different oxidation states of iron often impart dramatic colors to rocks containing their minerals —the oxidized form producing red colors and the reduced form producing green.

Cubic arrangement of Na and Cl ions in Halite Ionic bonds, also called electron-transfer bonds, are formed by the electrostatic attraction between atoms having opposite charges.

Atoms of two opposite charges attract each other electrostatically and form an ionic bond in which the positive ion transfers its electron or electrons to the negative ion which takes them up. Through this transfer both atoms thus achieve a full valence shell.

This is also known as the mineral halite or common table salt. The subscript 2 indicates two atoms of chlorine are ionically bonded to one atom of calcium. Methane molecule Ionic bonds are usually formed between a metal and a nonmetal.

Another type, called a covalent or electron-sharing bond , commonly occurs between nonmetals. Covalent bonds share electrons between ions to complete their valence shells. For example, oxygen atomic number 8 has 8 electrons—2 in the inner shell and 6 in the valence shell.

Gases like oxygen often form diatomic molecules by sharing valence electrons. In the case of oxygen, two atoms attach to each other and share 2 electrons to fill their valence shells to become the common oxygen molecule we breathe O 2.

Methane CH 4 is another covalently bonded gas. The carbon atom needs 4 electrons and each hydrogen needs 1. Each hydrogen shares its electron with the carbon to form a molecule as shown in the figure. Minerals form when atoms bond together in a crystalline arrangement.

Three main ways this occurs in nature are: 1 precipitation directly from an aqueous water solution with a temperature change, 2 crystallization from a magma with a temperature change, and 3 biological precipitation by the action of organisms.

Calcium carbonate deposits from hard water on a faucet Solutions consist of ions or molecules, known as solutes, dissolved in a medium or solvent. In nature this solvent is usually water. Many minerals can be dissolved in water, such as halite or table salt, which has the composition sodium chloride, NaCl.

Precipitation is the reverse process, in which ions in solution come together to form solid minerals. Precipitation is dependent on the concentration of ions in solution and other factors such as temperature and pressure.

The point at which a solvent cannot hold any more solute is called saturation. Precipitation can occur when the temperature of the solution falls , when the solute evaporates, or with changing chemical conditions in the solution.

An example of precipitation in our homes is when water evaporates and leaves behind a rind of minerals on faucets, shower heads, and drinking glasses. In nature, changes in environmental conditions may cause the minerals dissolved in water to form bonds and grow into crystals or cement grains of sediment together.

In Utah, deposits of tufa formed from mineral -rich springs that emerged into the ice age Lake Bonneville. Now exposed in dry valleys, this porous tufa was a natural insulation used by pioneers to build their homes with a natural protection against summer heat and winter cold. The travertine terraces at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone Park are another example formed by calcite precipitation at the edges of the shallow spring -fed ponds.

Streams carry salt ions into the lake from the surrounding mountains. With no other outlet, the water in the lake evaporates and the concentration of salt increases until saturation is reached and the minerals precipitate out as sediments.

Similar salt deposits include halite and other precipitates, and occur in other lakes like Mono Lake in California and the Dead Sea. Temperature is a measure of the intensity of the vibration.

If the vibrations are violent enough, chemical bonds are broken and the crystals melt releasing the ions into the melt. Magma is molten rock with freely moving ions. When magma is emplaced at depth or extruded onto the surface then called lava , it starts to cool and mineral crystals can form.

Ammonite shell made of calcium carbonate Many organisms build bones, shells, and body coverings by extracting ions from water and precipitating minerals biologically. The most common mineral precipitated by organisms is calcite, or calcium carbonate CaCO3.

Calcite is often precipitated by organisms as a polymorph called aragonite. Polymorphs are crystals with the same chemical formula but different crystal structures. Marine invertebrates such as corals and clams precipitate aragonite or calcite for their shells and structures. Upon death, their hard parts accumulate on the ocean floor as sediments, and eventually may become the sedimentary rock limestone.

Though limestone can form inorganically, the vast majority is formed by this biological process. Another example is marine organisms called radiolaria, which are zooplankton that precipitate silica for their microscopic external shells.

When the organisms die, the shells accumulate on the ocean floor and can form the sedimentary rock chert. An example of biologic precipitation from the vertebrate world is bone, which is composed mostly of a type of apatite, a mineral in the phosphate group.

The apatite found in bones contains calcium and water in its structure and is called hydroxycarbonate apatite, Ca 5 PO 4 3 OH. As mentioned above, such substances are not technically minerals until the organism dies and these hard parts become fossils.

Minerals are categorized based on their composition and structure. Silicate minerals are built around a molecular ion called the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron. A tetrahedron has a pyramid-like shape with four sides and four corners.

Of the nearly four thousand known minerals on Earth, most are rare. There are only a few that make up most of the rocks likely to be encountered by surface dwelling creatures like us.

These are generally called the rock-forming minerals. The silicon-oxygen tetrahedron SiO 4 consists of a single silicon atom at the center and four oxygen atoms located at the four corners of the tetrahedron.

The silicon ion shares one of its four valence electrons with each of the four oxygen ions in a covalent bond to create a symmetrical geometric four-sided pyramid figure. This silicon-oxygen tetrahedron forms bonds with many other combinations of ions to form the large group of silicate minerals. The silicon ion is much smaller than the oxygen ions see the figures and fits into a small space in the center of the four large oxygen ions, seen if the top ball is removed as shown in the figure to the right.

Depending on many factors, such as the original magma chemistry, silica-oxygen tetrahedra can combine with other tetrahedra in several different configurations.

For example, tetrahedra can be isolated, attached in chains, sheets, or three dimensional structures. These combinations and others create the chemical structure in which positively charged ions can be inserted for unique chemical compositions forming silicate mineral groups.

Green olivine in basalt The Olivine Family. Olivine is the primary mineral component in mantle rock such as peridotite and basalt. It is characteristically green when not weathered. The chemical formula is Fe,Mg 2 SiO 4.

As previously described, the comma between iron Fe and magnesium Mg indicates these two elements occur in a solid solution.

Not to be confused with a liquid solution, a solid solution occurs when two or more elements have similar properties and can freely substitute for each other in the same location in the crystal structure.

Olivine is referred to as a mineral family because of the ability of iron and magnesium to substitute for each other. Iron and magnesium in the olivine family indicates a solid solution forming a compositional series within the mineral group which can form crystals of all iron as one end member and all mixtures of iron and magnesium in between to all magnesium at the other end member.

Different mineral names are applied to compositions between these end members. In the olivine series of minerals , the iron and magnesium ions in the solid solution are about the same size and charge, so either atom can fit into the same location in the growing crystals.

Within the cooling magma, the mineral crystals continue to grow until they solidify into igneous rock. The relative amounts of iron and magnesium in the parent magma determine which minerals in the series form.

Other rarer elements with similar properties to iron or magnesium, like manganese Mn , can substitute into the olivine crystalline structure in small amounts.

Such ionic substitutions in mineral crystals give rise to the great variety of minerals and are often responsible for differences in color and other properties within a group or family of minerals.

Olivine has a pure iron end-member called fayalite and a pure magnesium end-member called forsterite. Mafic minerals are also referred to as dark-colored ferromagnesian minerals. Ferro means iron and magnesian refers to magnesium. Ferromagnesian silicates tend to be more dense than non-ferromagnesian silicates.

This difference in density ends up being important in controlling the behavior of the igneous rocks that are built from these minerals: whether a tectonic plate subducts or not is largely governed by the density of its rocks, which are in turn controlled by the density of the minerals that comprise them.

The crystal structure of olivine is built from independent silica tetrahedra. Minerals with independent tetrahedral structures are called neosilicates or orthosilicates.

In addition to olivine, other common neosilicate minerals include garnet, topaz, kyanite, and zircon. Two other similar arrangements of tetrahedra are close in structure to the neosilicates and grade toward the next group of minerals, the pyroxenes. In a variation on independent tetrahedra called sorosilicates, there are minerals that share one oxygen between two tetrahedra, and include minerals like pistachio-green epidote, a gemstone.

Another variation are the cyclosilicates, which as the name suggests, consist of tetrahedral rings, and include gemstones such as beryl, emerald, aquamarine, and tourmaline.

Crystals of diopside, a member of the pyroxene family Single chain Pyroxene is another family of dark ferromagnesian minerals, typically black or dark green in color. Members of the pyroxene family have a complex chemical composition that includes iron, magnesium, aluminum, and other elements bonded to polymerized silica tetrahedra.

Polymers are chains, sheets, or three-dimensional structures, and are formed by multiple tetrahedra covalently bonded via their corner oxygen atoms. Pyroxenes are commonly found in mafic igneous rocks such as peridotite, basalt, and gabbro , as well as metamorphic rocks like eclogite and blue schist.

Pyroxenes are built from long, single chains of polymerized silica tetrahedra in which tetrahedra share two corner oxygens. The silica chains are bonded together into the crystal structures by metal cations.

A common member of the pyroxene family is augite, itself containing several solid solution series with a complex chemical formula Ca,Na Mg,Fe,Al,Ti Si,Al 2 O 6 that gives rise to a number of individual mineral names. This single-chain crystalline structure bonds with many elements, which can also freely substitute for each other.

The generalized chemical composition for pyroxene is XZ Al,Si 2 O 6. X represents the ions Na, Ca, Mg, or Fe, and Z represents Mg, Fe, or Al. These ions have similar ionic sizes, which allows many possible substitutions among them. Although the cations may freely substitute for each other in the crystal, they carry different ionic charges that must be balanced out in the final crystalline structure.

Note that ionic size is more important than ionic charge for substitutions to occur in solid solution series in crystals. Elongated crystals of hornblende in orthoclase Amphibole minerals are built from polymerized double silica chains and they are also referred to as inosilicates.

Imagine two pyroxene chains that connect together by sharing a third oxygen on each tetrahedra. Amphiboles are usually found in igneous and metamorphic rocks and typically have a long-bladed crystal habit. The most common amphibole, hornblende, is usually black; however, they come in a variety of colors depending on their chemical composition.

The metamorphic rock , amphibolite, is primarily composed of amphibole minerals. Double chain structure Amphiboles are composed of iron, magnesium, aluminum, and other cations bonded with silica tetrahedra.

These dark ferromagnesian minerals are commonly found in gabbro, baslt, diorite , and often form the black specks in granite. Their chemical formula is very complex and generally written as RSi 4 O 11 2 , where R represents many different cations.

For example, it can also be written more exactly as AX 2 Z 5 Si,Al,Ti 8 O 22 OH,F,Cl,O 2. In this formula A may be Ca, Na, K, Pb, or blank; X equals Li, Na, Mg, Fe, Mn, or Ca; and Z is Li, Na, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, Al, Cr, Mn, V, Ti, or Zr.

The substitutions create a wide variety of colors such as green, black, colorless, white, yellow, blue, or brown. Amphibole crystals can also include hydroxide ions OH — , which occurs from an interaction between the growing minerals and water dissolved in magma. Sheet silicates are built from tetrahedra which share all three of their bottom corner oxygens thus forming sheets of tetrahedra with their top corners available for bonding with other atoms.

Micas and clays are common types of sheet silicates , also known as phyllosilicates. Mica minerals are usually found in igneous and metamorphic rocks, while clay minerals are more often found in sedimentary rocks. Two frequently found micas are dark-colored biotite , frequently found in granite, and light-colored muscovite , found in the metamorphic rock called schist.

Chemically, sheet silicates usually contain silicon and oxygen in a ratio Si 4 O Micas contain mostly silica, aluminum, and potassium. Biotite mica has more iron and magnesium and is considered a ferromagnesian silicate mineral. Muscovite micas belong to the felsic silicate minerals.

Felsic is a contraction formed from feldspar, the dominant mineral in felsic rocks. The illustration of the crystalline structure of mica shows the corner O atoms bonded with K, Al, Mg, Fe, and Si atoms, forming polymerized sheets of linked tetrahedra, with an octahedral layer of Fe, Mg, or Al, between them.

The yellow potassium ions form Van der Waals bonds attraction and repulsion between atoms, molecules, and surfaces and hold the sheets together. Van der Waals bonds differ from covalent and ionic bonds, and exist here between the sandwiches, holding them together into a stack of sandwiches. The Van der Waals bonds are weak compared to the bonds within the sheets, allowing the sandwiches to be separated along the potassium layers.

This gives mica its characteristic property of easily cleaving into sheets. Clays minerals occur in sediments formed by the weathering of rocks and are another family of silicate minerals with a tetrahedral sheet structure.

Clay minerals form a complex family, and are an important component of many sedimentary rocks. Other sheet silicates include serpentine and chlorite, found in metamorphic rocks.

Clay minerals are composed of hydrous aluminum silicates. One type of clay, kaolinite, has a structure like an open-faced sandwich, with the bread being a single layer of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra and a layer of aluminum as the spread in an octahedral configuration with the top oxygens of the sheets.

Quartz crystals Quartz and feldspar are the two most abundant minerals in the continental crust. There are two types of feldspar, one containing potassium and abundant in felsic rocks of the continental crust , and the other with sodium and calcium abundant in the mafic rocks of oceanic crust.

Together with quartz, these minerals are classified as framework silicates. They are built with a three-dimensional framework of silica tetrahedra in which all four corner oxygens are shared with adjacent tetrahedra. Within these frameworks in feldspar are holes and spaces into which other ions like aluminum, potassium, sodium, and calcium can fit giving rise to a variety of mineral compositions and mineral names.

Feldspars are usually found in igneous rocks, such as granite, rhyolite , and basalt as well as metamorphic rocks and detrital sedimentary rocks.

Detrital sedimentary rocks are composed of mechanically weathered rock particles, like sand and gravel. Quartz is especially abundant in detrital sedimentary rocks because it is very resistant to disintegration by weathering.

Pink orthoclase crystals Quartz is composed of pure silica, SiO 2 , with the tetrahedra arranged in a three dimensional framework.

Impurities consisting of atoms within this framework give rise to many varieties of quartz among which are gemstones like amethyst, rose quartz , and citrine.

Feldspars are mostly silicon, oxygen, aluminum, potassium, sodium, and calcium. Orthoclase feldspar KAlSi 3 O 8 , also called potassium feldspar or K-spar, is made of silica, aluminum, and potassium.

Quartz and orthoclase feldspar are felsic minerals. Felsic is the compositional term applied to continental igneous minerals and rocks that contain an abundance of silica. Another feldspar is plagioclase with the formula Ca,Na AlSi 3 O 8 , the solid solution Ca,Na indicating a series of minerals, one end of the series with calcium CaAl 2 Si 2 O 8 , called anorthite, and the other end with sodium NaAlSi 3 O 8 , called albite.

Minerals in this solid solution series have different mineral names. Note that aluminum, which has a similar ionic size to silicon, can substitute for silicon inside the tetrahedra see figure.

Framework silicates are called tectosilicates and include the alkali metal-rich feldspathoids and zeolites. Hanksite, Na22K SO4 9 CO3 2Cl, one of the few minerals that is considered a member of two groups: carbonate and sulfate The crystal structure of non-silicate minerals see table does not contain silica-oxygen tetrahedra.

Many non- silicate minerals are economically important and provide metallic resources such as copper, lead, and iron. They also include valuable non-metallic products such as salt, construction materials, and fertilizer. Common non-silicate mineral groups. Calcite CaCO 3 and dolomite CaMg CO 3 2 are the two most frequently occurring carbonate minerals , and usually occur in sedimentary rocks, such as limestone and dolostone rocks, respectively.

Some carbonate rocks, such calcite and dolomite, are formed via evaporation and precipitation. However, most carbonate -rich rocks, such as limestone, are created by the lithification of fossilized marine organisms.

These organisms, including those we can see and many microscopic organisms, have shells or exoskeletons consisting of calcium carbonate CaCO 3. When these organisms die, their remains accumulate on the floor of the water body in which they live and the soft body parts decompose and dissolve away.

The calcium carbonate hard parts become included in the sediments , eventually becoming the sedimentary rock called limestone. While limestone may contain large, easy to see fossils, most limestones contain the remains of microscopic creatures and thus originate from biological processes.

Calcite crystals show an interesting property called birefringence , meaning they polarize light into two wave components vibrating at right angles to each other. As the two light waves pass through the crystal, they travel at different velocities and are separated by refraction into two different travel paths.

In other words, the crystal produces a double image of objects viewed through it. Because they polarize light, calcite crystals are used in special petrographic microscopes for studying minerals and rocks.

Many non- silicate minerals are referred to as salts. The term salts used here refers to compounds made by replacing the hydrogen in natural acids. Minerals may also be present in the water we drink, but this varies with geographic locale. Minerals from plant sources may also vary from place to place, because soil mineral content varies geographically.

The information from the Linus Pauling Institute's Micronutrient Information Center on vitamins and minerals is now available in a book titled, An Evidence-based Approach to Vitamins and Minerals: Health Benefits and Intake Recommendations.

The book can be purchased from the Linus Pauling Institute or Thieme Medical Publishers. Donate to the MIC. Get Updates from the Institute.

Minerals are Mknerals that originate in Minerals Minerasl and Minerals Minerls made by living Antioxidant-rich foods for gut health. Minegals obtain minerals from the soil, and most of the minerals in our diets come directly from Mineralz or Minedals from animal sources. Minerals Benefits of eating breakfast also be present in the water we drink, but this varies with geographic locale. Minerals from plant sources may also vary from place to place, because soil mineral content varies geographically. The information from the Linus Pauling Institute's Micronutrient Information Center on vitamins and minerals is now available in a book titled, An Evidence-based Approach to Vitamins and Minerals: Health Benefits and Intake Recommendations. The book can be purchased from the Linus Pauling Institute or Thieme Medical Publishers.

Author: Kazrajind

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