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Increase website traffic

Increase website traffic

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Increase website traffic -

You may also want to throw in health-focused bloggers to. Thanks Brian, the number one thing that has helped us is to make sure the content we are creating is for our niche and appeals to influencers. Thanks for sharing your real-world results, Tariehk.

Hey Brian! Great article. My question to you is, what if there are not a lot of influencers in your niche? Good question. But there are plenty of influential people in the closely-related DIY and home improvement space. Make sense? The real question is the finding a profitable niche and then going for building a fan following.

The article has surely made me think! Thank you Brian. I am following your posts for some time and every time i get great tips. I will try to follow your advice and hope it will work.

Thank you, again, By the way, How was Italy? This is inline with a shift I plan to make this year with my content creation efforts for various projects.

To answer your question about influencers in my niche, one project I am in the middle of revolves around social media automation tools, such as Buffer. So I think the influencers in my niche would be identifying social media influencers who use some sort of social media automation who are interested in streamlining their efforts.

But you may not need to drill down that specifically. Influencers: Tech blogs and journalists that cover new tech news. More specifically such as tech security firms talking about new online threats or ways to protect yourself online. Topics: Do it yourself training blogs, keeping your computer virus free tips, and great software to help optimize and keep your computer free of malicious infections.

Currently getting about phone calls a month but need more! Perfect, actually. Definitely more than enough to get started. I thought trying to use the skyscraper technique would be a good idea to create good content in my field since I am NY no means a great writer. I started using some of your tools that you mention to find quality content that is already out there and being viewed and shared a lot.

Do you think it would be appropriate for me to write a few articles using those methods and then contacting bloggers from places like TechCrunch or Gizmodo and asking them to share my content?

What do you recommend in terms of promoting the content you create in the early stages like myself? Brandon, The Skyscraper Technique is a great way to find content. Great post! Because influencers are the first one to share the post and the amplification part just started from that. OK, I will.

My problem is that the majority of the really popular blogs in my niche spend their time bemoaning how feminism, increased use of social media and smartphones are hindering their efforts to meet quality women.

Nothing much has changed for me over the last 10 years. Instead I focus on practical, useful content that a guy can cogitate on and use to make themselves more appealing to attractive young women.

The traffic I do get converts well, by and large…There is just not enough of it. So , difficult problem, I think! Steve, it sounds like with your approach, you could actually appeal to mainstream dating blogs.

People love someone that takes a stand. Brian, I have been enjoying your newsletter and implementing some of your strategies. These are perfect. Gearhead car blogs may also be one to add to the list. There are hundreds of them 🙂. Hi Brian, Thanks for a this timely article.

If I understand it correctly, are you saying that we would better be off looking at market data in our niche and make an article of that for influencers to share rather than actionable tips that the target clients would be interested in?

Thanks, Joss. GREAT question. Without their backing your content will be invisible to your target audience. Hi Brian, Thank you for these ideas for getting your articles, and therefore your name, put out into the wider world. I need to come up with better ideas and ways to turn feature points into infographics — a real weak point in my efforts at the moment.

Regards, Steven Lucas. Thanks for the great content Brian. Just finishing up my first post, and this article helped me a lot! Hunting and outdoors blogs and journalist Topics: Tips for hunting and fishing, survival, and gear reviews. Rock on Marshall. Great content Brian! I am from Brazil, and my niche is internet marketing.

I like that angle. Most people ie. shady people say making money with IM is easy. Great info, as always, Brian.

Influencers: creative entrepreneurs, authors, musicians, photographers Topics: productivity hacks, making money from creative work, marketing. Hi Brian, Love your material. Some of THE BEST… I have no problem creating great content for my key niche. Do you have any recommendations?

Thanks for everything, Joey. The secret to outsourcing ANYTHING including content promo is to have insanely detailed step-by-step guides that you can hand to them. You still need good people. But in my experience, those detailed processes make or break outsourcing.

Oh my word Brian. It sounds like I am staring off in the exact same spot you were many years ago. I am a qualified dietitian who has two years clinical experience and have started a nutrition weight lose site — slimandtrimmeals. So influences would be; nutrition and food blogs, even influential dietitians or nutritionists and doctors.

Topics, the low carb high fat debate, vegan, vegetarian or gluten free diets are hot at the moment as well has the whole, is fat bad for you, debate. Those are great topics and the influencers are definitely spot on.

When in doubt, I go with the hot topic. So gluten free seems like a great topic to start with. A related topic to explore for influencers is the tie-in to fitness: paleo, clean eating, crossfit, etc.

Hi Rosemary. I too have a healthy living site maybe we should work together, help each other out? What do you think? Thanks Brian I need to get busy and find the influencers in my niche.

I have tried some of your previous suggestions by going to alltop. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated. No problem, Robert.

Hi Brian, really enjoyed reading this post. One of my clients is a plastic surgeon and it got me thinking who the influencers might be in this niche. In that case you may want to look at beauty blogs. hi, Thanks for a great post and an amazing blog. My question is: How do you identify influencers if you are promoting a company renting out office space?

I am having a hard time figuring out content that possible office tenants and influencers could care about 🙂. Short answer: you want to look at niches that are related to that space.

But there are plenty of real estate and small business blogs that cover office-related topics. Influencers: Liptov. sk, visitliptov.

sk and some local sites about region Iam writting and big group of accomodations Topics: weather, turist attractions, Where to go…. Sounds like you had some specific sites in mind already, Patrik. First, I want to congratulate you for this post. You make me ashamed sometimes, because what you say seems so obvious that I do not know how I did not realize it.

Well, my target audience are freelancers who are just starting and want to have more and better income than they can achieve by selling their time. Influencers: Blogging blogs, entrepreneurship blogs and magazines, marketing and social media blogs….

Topics: How to start a business, how to create a blog, how to make money with a blog, how to sell on the internet, how to create information products, how to generate traffic that converts, etc.

Such tricks for sure improve authority of backlinko in general. Below are some of the top tips to get you started:. If you're suffering from writer's block, one of the best ways to get inspired is to see what other companies are blogging about. Then ask yourself how you can put your own spin on that topic.

In addition to looking at your competitors, try thinking of new content ideas that haven't been tackled before. For example: What questions do your customers always ask you? What topics are you passionate about?

By brainstorming a list of potential issues, you'll be one step closer to writing a killer blog post. Arriving at the top of a search engine is every marketer's dream. But what does it take to get there?

Of course, search engine optimization is one piece of the puzzle, but while you can drive web traffic without SEO, even the best-optimized site will struggle to rank without quality content.

Before you start thinking about ways to increase website traffic, you need to plan your content marketing strategy. What do you want to achieve? Who is your target audience? What types of content will appeal to them?

Once you understand your goals and your audience, you can start creating a blog content strategy to help you achieve your objectives. Creating a content marketing editorial calendar may seem daunting, but it's worth taking the time to do it right. With a bit of planning, you can ensure that your editorial content aligns with your business goals and resonates with your audience.

Plus, a well-executed editorial calendar will save you time in the long run by helping you to avoid last-minute scrambles to find topics to write about.

To get started, brainstorm a list of potential topics that you could write about. Once you have a solid selection of ideas, start mapping out when you would like to publish each piece of content. Keep in mind that some topics may require more research or planning than others, so be sure to build in some flexibility to help you plan for the unexpected!

It can be hard to get your voice heard above the noise when you're first starting. One of the best ways to break through and establish yourself as a credible source is to amplify the voices of industry thought leaders. By featuring guest bloggers and thought leaders in your industry, you can instantly add credibility and third-party validation to your blog or website.

Why is this so important? Industry thought leaders will not only help boost your credibility , but they will also provide a fresh voice that can help attract new readers and followers.

As a business owner, you know that trustworthiness and credibility are essential for attracting and retaining customers. One way to build these qualities is by having a consistent brand voice across your content and website.

This means using the same language, style and tone in all of your communications. For example, if you're known for being friendly and approachable, make sure that comes through in everything from your website copy to your social media posts. Creating a consistent brand voice will give potential customers a clear sense of who you are and what you stand for — two critical factors in building trust and credibility.

If you're looking to strengthen your brand, start by creating a consistent message. And with the rise of digital channels, there are more opportunities than ever to incorporate video into your content strategy. How do you leverage the power of video? There are many ways you can use video to support your content marketing efforts.

You can use it to create product demos, how-to guides and even mini-documentaries. You can also repurpose existing video content, such as webinars and presentations, into bite-sized pieces that can be easily consumed on the go. No matter how you go about it, incorporating video into your content strategy is essential if you want to reach and engage your target audience.

If you want customers to stick around, it's essential to create content that feels authentic to them. After all, people are more likely to be loyal to brands they feel a connection with.

But what does "authentic" mean? In short, it means creating content that is true to your brand's voice and values. In addition, authenticity means being transparent, relatable and consistent — three things that can be difficult to pull off.

but are essential if you want to build trust with your audience. So, how can you ensure that your content feels authentic? Start by getting to know your audience and understanding what they're looking for. Then, stay true to your brand's voice and values as you create and curate the message you want the world to hear about you.

This is a great way to fill your content needs while attracting new visitors, as licensed content comes with the bonus of instant credibility and can help you quickly establish yourself as an authority in your industry. When choosing which publications to license or outsource content from, be sure to select ones that are relevant to your audience and that offer high-quality, well-written articles.

With a bit of effort, you can easily find third-party content that will help you meet your content goals and grow your business. A solid online presence is extremely important when it comes to marketing. Potential customers are more likely to find you through a Google search than a physical advertisement in today's digital world.

Curating content can create a sense of community among readers who share similar interests, encouraging engagement and discussion. If you're unsure where to start, check out some top news aggregators like Google News or Feedly.

Then, simply add a widget to your blog and begin sharing the latest headlines with your audience. With a bit of time and planning, you can quickly turn your blog into a go-to source for news and information in your industry.

Trending news and topics are important since they provide valuable insights and information to your audience. However, your editorial calendar should also feature evergreen content. Creating content around evergreen topics helps in the long term, because they will always be of interest to your audience.

These posts are known to accumulate more traffic and links over time, especially when you are optimizing and refreshing the content regularly. Both types of content are important to include in your long-term strategy.

Headlines are a crucial element of your content. Not having a compelling headline can stifle traffic growth, with even the most comprehensive blog posts potentially going unread. Industry news can be a great way to establish your brand as a thought leader, while providing quality information that can engage both prospects and customers.

You can actually watch the searches rack up in real time. Many businesses struggle to come up with new and innovative ways to increase website traffic.

Search engine optimization SEO is key to attracting visitors to your site. On-page SEO may be the single greatest factor in determining where your website ends up in the SERPs search engine results pages.

The higher up the SERP you are, the more likely Google surfers are to click through to your site. Make sure each of the page elements — including title, h1 or header, meta description, alt-text and URL — are keyword-rich and focused on the user intent of the page.

Always include relevant keywords in your content. Keywords should be used naturally , not stuffed into the content so much that they detract from the main idea or distract the reader.

Remember, when it comes to content, quality trumps keyword quantity. Pro Tip: To conduct keyword research, you can use tools like Moz , Ahrefs and SEMrush.

These sites show what keywords competitors are using, how often people search for keywords, how expensive the keyword is for pay-per-click ads, related keywords and much more valuable information to guide keyword strategy.

Hiring an SEO agency is always an option too, as they can offer valuable insights and perform audits to identify issues that may be keeping your site from being shown in SERPs. Pro Tip: Brands especially B2B companies are increasingly using video to offer insights into who they are and what they do best.

Adding video to your landing page and embedding it in blog posts increases visibility on Google and encourages visitors to stay on your site longer.

People use Google to find specific, thorough and accurate answers for their questions, and your content should be there to provide those answers. In addition, sites that release more than 16 posts per month receive nearly 3.

The bottom line is that when you care about the content you produce, post regularly and research what your audience wants to see, web traffic should improve. But a lot has changed in the last three years like, a lot. So we thought it was time to update with some fresh tips.

Not only will your readers appreciate updated content, Google — and its ever-changing algorithm — also loves a new take. Try repurposing blog content as an infographic or even an explainer video. The average adult spends minutes per day on social media.

Hotjar trafgic speaks your language. Increase website traffic Hotjar in German. Back to blog. More website visitors means more engagement and more sales, right? Instead of focusing on how to increase website traffic at any cost, aim for qualified traffic. Increase website traffic

Author: Shaktirn

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