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Hydration monitoring in youth sports

Hydration monitoring in youth sports

Hydration in Young Athletes. Encourage your child to drink water before, during, and aBer each Hydratoin session. Cramer ThermoFlo.


6 Endurance Training Hacks YOU NEED TO TRY! - Marathon Prep, E4 Is this important? You spofts it is. Spoets training intensity and iin associated with Hydration monitoring in youth sports sports Cellular energy metabolism increased substantially over the last several years. Many children and Hydration monitoring in youth sports competing in sports now have weekend-long tournaments and twice-a-day practices. With the focus on improving sport-specific skills, cardiovascular endurance, and muscle strength to optimize athletic performance, the role of proper hydration can often be often overlooked. However, hydration is an extremely important topic for both adult and youth athletes, not only for health and well-being, but for athletic importance as well. Inthe American Academy of Pediatrics AAP published the following key hydration recommendations for children and adolescents:.

Hydration monitoring in youth sports -

Using a simple urine color chart, or a more detailed Urine Specific Gravity USG. Sweat Rate Assessments. Patches, apparel, towels, and other laboratory-grade tools can be used to assess how much fluid a player has lost to sweat during games and training.

Saliva Testing. A simple and effective way to see whether athletes are hydrated enough. Many are less than enthusiastic about samples being taken. Bio-Impedance for Body Composition and Hydration. For those already using bio-impedance for body composition monitoring, this is another way to assess hydration levels.

However, there are some limitations, as is the case with most hydration monitoring tests. Weigh-Ins for Fluid Loss. Pre and post-activity weigh-ins are an easy-to-implement way to assess fluid consumption and loss.

Weigh-ins are such a normal part of sports training that they tie in nicely with other body weight maintenance testing. Ensure its standard practice before, during, and after training and competitive games. Keep hitting the hydration message home. Make sure players know how important this is.

Train them to stay hydrated, before, during, and after any sporting activity. Pull up staff or players who are falling short. Maintain hydration as a constant team-wide best practice. XPS Network Instagram. Related articles. Athletes should avoid drinking more than they sweat.

Also, beware of overestimating sweat loss in a very long race. Maintaining daily electrolyte balance.

In addition to salt sodium , the water lost in sweat contains the electrolytes calcium, potassium and magnesium. Among these, only sodium is lost in amounts that can matter. Healthy bodies typically store enough of the others to make up for the small quantities lost in sweat.

A first morning urine sample that is light in color suggests good hydration. Some athletes lose so much salt in sweat that they need extra salt in their diet and sports drink—a topic for a future column. Fuel for repeat same-day exercise bouts.

Fueling athletes for tournaments and football two-a-days is a challenge. Should it be water or a sports drink? For most young people in most athletic settings—when they can eat meals before and after exercising—water is fine, says Eichner.

Pay attention. Finally, it is vital that parents, coaches and healthcare providers monitor the athletes and heed what they say. These include undue fatigue, muscle cramping, vomiting, heavy breathing, confusion or other signs of heat exhaustion. Learning Center We believe that safe sports, good health decisions, excellent care and informed policy begin with education.

Hydration in the Heat for Young Athletes Young athletes, parents and coaches frequently ask about safe ways to hydrate in the heat. The scientific research is inconclusive, and experts disagree.

To estimate how much to drink in a distance race : Weigh yourself without your clothes on before dressing for a trial run Run one hour at race pace and in race conditions, drinking fluids as you normally would Keep track of what you drink during the one-hour trial run Weigh yourself after the trial run, and calculate weight lost To remain adequately hydrated during a race, you may drink the amount of fluid consumed during the one-hour test run plus one pint per hour for each pound lost during the test run.

Because sports drinks often contain high amounts of sugar, children could experience nausea, cramps, and diarrhea when they're dehydrated. Water for rehydrating, in conjunction with a balanced diet that includes sodium, allows child athletes to function optimally without added sports drinks, White says, adding that he recommends the National Food Service Management Institute's Nutrition Fact Sheet "Fueling the School-Aged Athlete—Sports Drinks" as a good resource on sports drink use.

According to Bergeron, sports drinks will play a proportionately greater and more effective role over water in hotter weather, same-day multiple sports sessions, older youth athletes who work longer and harder, and in sports situations with few opportunities to refuel with food.

For young athletes who struggle to drink enough, Mangieri says a sports drink can motivate them to drink more because it may taste better than water. In , the AAP released recommendations for sports drinks.

According to its guideline, patients and families must learn that sports drinks have a specific limited function for child and adolescent athletes. Sports drinks should be ingested only when there's a need for more rapid replenishment of carbohydrates and electrolytes in combination with water during periods of prolonged, vigorous sports participation or other intense physical activity.

Children and adolescents never should consume energy drinks that contain stimulants such as caffeine and guarana due to associated health risks.

Guidance for Dietitians "Most coaches and parents know that kids should be hydrated during sports in the heat," Bergeron says. Moreover, Bergeron says dietitians can improve awareness of child athlete hydration needs by getting involved with local schools, community activities, and club sports, where they can become trustworthy resources for providing hydration recommendations and helping to implement hydration policies.

Youth sports organizations promote use of urine color charts to get young athletes involved in monitoring their own hydration levels. Instructing them that pale yellow like lemonade indicates being fairly well hydrated, while darker yellow like apple juice indicates they're dehydrated, is an easy and accurate way to assess hydration status during training and competition.

RDs should emphasize the importance of consuming enough water regularly during sports activity. Counseling parents and coaches to establish a routine of reminding young athletes to drink water is vital, given that children and adolescents often don't recognize dehydration, White says. Diet is another good way to replenish electrolytes and is preferred over sports drinks for young child athletes, White adds.

Mangieri recommends sports dietitians work with young athletes to establish a hydration and rehydration protocol that considers the athlete's sweat rate and training regimen, availability of fluids, environmental factors, fitness level, and training intensity. Factors such as rest breaks and ability to drink during practice and competitions should be reviewed.

As athletes age and their sweat rate increases, they should be made aware that their need for an appropriate sports beverage could increase," Mangieri says.

Prescribed hydration strategies individualized for clients and reinforced by dietitians, parents, and coaches are important. Mangieri cites a cohort study that assessed hydration status and behaviors of adolescent athletes both before and after a one-time educational intervention vs a prescribed hydration intervention.

The single education session wasn't successful in changing hydration behaviors. However, prescribing individualized hydration protocols did improve hydration. References 1. American College of Sports Medicine, Sawka MN, Burke LM, et al. American College of Sports Medicine position stand.

Exercise and fluid replacement. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Casa DJ, Clarkson PM, Roberts WO. American College of Sports Medicine roundtable on hydration and physical activity: consensus statements.

Curr Sports Med Rep. National Federation of State High School Associations Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. Position statement and recommendations for hydration to minimize the risk for dehydration and heat illness.

Published November 21, Soccer Federation. Nemet D, Eliakim A. Pediatric sports nutrition: an update.

Athletes Ancient healing methods drink Hydrafion fluids that they need to urinate every 2 to 4 Hydration monitoring in youth sports. MomsTeam's xports hydration expert, Susan HHydration, Ph. D, ATC, says a Hydration monitoring in youth sports monitorjng for kids to remember the link youuth urine color and hydration is for their goal to remind them to "stay in the clear" because a clear or light yellow urine color means they are staying hydrated. Don't think your child can be taught to use urine color to determine if they are dehydrated? Research shows that children as young as 7 can remember the link if descriptive words or phrases are used that they are already know. Hydration monitoring in youth sports

Author: Necage

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