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High-performance website

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High-performance website -

This will serve as our wrapper component, wherein we can subsequently import the actual component using the UI framework of our choice and dynamically assign a client directive derived from the value we receive from Storyblok. With everything in place, we can now start building our tabbed content component using Vue.

First, we need to install Vue in our project. Fortunately, Astro makes that very simple for us. All we have to do is to run the following command:. vue with the following content:. Finally, we can import this component in TabbedContent.

astro , pass the whole blok object as a property and assign the client directive based on the value we receive from Storyblok. Furthermore, our Astro wrapper component is the right place to assign a client directive to the Vue component.

Since we would like to give the content creators the possibility to choose between different directives, we need to assign them based on the value we retrieve from Storyblok.

Our tabbed content component will now be rendered correctly. First of all, as before, we need to install Svelte in our Astro project. Again, we can easily accomplish that by running the following command:. svelte with the following content:. The only change that we have to make in order to load the Svelte component instead of the Vue component can easily be completed by simply changing the import in TabbedContent.

astro :. Everything else can remain the same. Amazingly, our tabbed content component still works but is now using Svelte instead of Vue. Since Astro makes it possible to pass down the blok object, containing all of the data coming from Storyblok, as a property to the different framework components, we can simply reuse all of the information in various environments.

With Astro, you as a developer benefit from phenomenal DX, mind-blowing performance out of the box, and a high degree of flexibility thanks to the possibility to bring your own component framework or even combine multiple component frameworks and the availability of integrations.

Moreover, Astro is highly future-proof: Considering moving from Vue to Svelte? From React to Vue? Astro makes the transition seamless, keeping the foundation of your project the same. With Storyblok, your clients or fellow colleagues from the content marketing team get to enjoy a high degree of autonomy and flexibility, effectively utilizing the full potential of your Astro code base.

Landing pages can be created in a matter of mere minutes, and dynamic, interactive components will have no negative impact on their performance. Taking everything into account, Astro and Storyblok may very well be the last technology stack you will ever need for your content-driven website projects.

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An essential recruiting tool. Regularly reviewing these key items can help you optimize the OPCache configuration, leading to improved website performance and reduced server resource usage. As previously mentioned in the database optimization section, NVMe storage helps database server performance by providing significantly faster data access and reduced latency compared to traditional storage solutions.

This results in quicker response times and more efficient query processing, leading to improved overall server performance.

With its high-speed data transfer and low latency, NVMe storage allows for quicker access to website files and assets, such as images, stylesheets, and scripts. This leads to faster page load times and a better user experience.

Overall, using NVMe storage greatly enhances database query performance due to its rapid data access capabilities. Compressing web server responses with Brotli or Gzip can significantly improve website performance by reducing the amount of data transferred over the network.

This provides a final stage of optimization on the response being returned from the Origin Server. Enabling Brotli compression within NGINX is accomplished through the use of the brotli nginx module. The module can be compiled and installed alongside NGINX and loaded dynamically. To determine if a request response was compressed with Brotli or Gzip compression, you can use Chrome or Firefox Developer Tools to review the Content-Encoding header — follow these steps:.

By examining the Content-Encoding header in the developer tools, you can quickly determine if a request response was compressed with Brotli or Gzip. Serving requests from the Nginx cache can result in significant performance improvements, as it eliminates the need for the request to traverse the entire stack and access the backend services.

This can lead to reduced processing times and improved response times, resulting in a better user experience. This is due to the caching mechanism's ability to serve requests directly from memory or disk, reducing the time taken to process the request. Furthermore, serving requests from the Nginx cache can significantly reduce server load and improve scalability.

By reducing the number of requests that must be handled by backend services like PHP-FPM or MySQL, the server can handle more requests concurrently, leading to improved performance and faster response times.

This is essential for a high traffic website. Our UltraStack NGINX configuration adds an X-Proxy-Cache HTTP header to responses and the Upstream Cache Status to nginx access log entries.

The following three techniques explain how to identify whether the page being received is a cached version served by Nginx:. MISS — The response was not found in the cache and so was fetched from an origin server. The response might then have been cached. EXPIRED — The entry in the cache has expired.

The response contains fresh content from the origin server. HIT — The response contains valid, fresh content direct from the cache. log com gonintesto. com vps com With NGINX proxy cache configured, you may use our Ultrastack Utilities to determine the cache HIT rates for all requests to NGINX.

log' While this is a tool specific to InMotion Hosting, the information can be retrieved using the third party NGINX module, nginx-module-vts.

TLS Transport Layer Security is a cryptographic protocol that provides secure communication between web clients and servers. TLS 1. Additionally, TLS 1. html variables. Finally, test the configuration using nginx -t and reload the nginx service using systemctl reload nginx. It is designed to improve website performance by reducing latency and enabling faster page load times.

While the exact amount depends on the specific workload of the website, a minimum of 4GB and 2 vCPU cores is recommended when benchmarking your resource needs on a high traffic website.

In a high-performance server running MySQL, Redis, PHP-FPM, Apache, and Nginx, having enough RAM is critical to allow each service's caching techniques to work at their full potential. These services use RAM to cache frequently accessed data and reduce the time taken to retrieve it from disk or other storage devices.

If the server does not have enough RAM, the caching will not be as effective, leading to longer processing times and slower website performance. For instance, MySQL uses the InnoDB buffer pool to cache frequently accessed data from the database, and Redis uses memory to store frequently accessed data in key-value pairs.

PHP-FPM uses opcache to cache PHP scripts, and Nginx uses RAM to cache frequently requested web pages and assets. If the server does not have sufficient RAM, these caching techniques will not be as effective, and the server may resort to swapping data in and out of slower storage devices, leading to slower response times and reduced server capacity.

To determine if a Linux server is swapping, you can use the free command to view the system's memory usage. If the "Swap" value is greater than zero, it indicates that the server is currently using swap space to store data in memory.

Additionally, you can use the vmstat command to monitor the amount of swapping activity occurring on the server, with the "si" and "so" values indicating the amount of memory being swapped in and out, respectively. vmstat procs memory swap-- io -system-- cpu r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st 1 0 0 0 0 0 16 14 0 0 4 3 93 0 0.

To determine if a Linux server is experiencing OOM Out of Memory kills, you can check the system logs for messages related to OOM events. If OOM events are occurring, you will see log entries that indicate which process or application was killed by the OOM killer.

Additionally, you can use tools like dmesg and journalctl to view kernel messages related to OOM events. By having enough RAM on the server, each service can utilize caching techniques to their fullest extent, resulting in faster processing times, reduced disk usage, and an overall better user experience.

It is important to note that the Etag request and response is much, much smaller than a download of content. In the context of CDNs, TTL typically refers to content caching, which is the process of storing a copy of your website resources e.

TTLs are used for caching purposes, and the value is stored in seconds. If the TTL value is set to a low number like seconds, the data will be stored in the cache for one hour.

After one hour, a new version of the data needs to be retrieved. If the TTL value is set to a high number like seconds, the data will be stored in the cache for 24 hours.

High TTL values cache your data longer, and lessen the frequency for retrieving new data. This gives your website a performance boost by reducing the server's load, which improves the user's experience.

Before you set your cache TTL policies, you need to consider the types of content you have: static and dynamic. Static files like images and PDFs do not change frequently, so these should have a long TTL policy.

This ensures that these files are cached for a longer period of time. Dynamic content e. CSS, HTML, database driven content is updated on a frequent basis, so these resources need to be set accordingly.

Cache busting is a technique used to force a browser or caching server to retrieve a new version of a resource, rather than using the cached version. One way to do this is by using a query parameter, such as a timestamp or a version number, in the URL of the resource.

This query parameter can be a timestamp or a version number, and it will be ignored by the server, but it will force the browser or caching server to treat the request as a new request, rather than using the cached version of the resource.

This technique is often used for static resources like stylesheets, scripts, images and so on, that are intended to be cached, but that may need to be updated frequently.

By appending a query parameter to the URL, a new version of the resource will be retrieved each time the query parameter changes. This technique is commonly used to ensure that the client gets the latest version of the resources after they are updated on the server side.

This adds a random string at the end of static asset URLs. This regenerates a new string that appends to the static asset URL, which will not match the URL of the stored version in your browser so it will show the updated version to the visitor.

Cache storage is a finite resource, so every bit of storage performance matters. Caching at proxy servers is one of the ways to reduce the response time perceived by World Wide Web users. What do you have now? What is your budget? Cache replacement algorithms play a central role in reducing response times by selecting specific website assets for caching, so that a given performance metric is maximized.

They do this by deciding which objects can stay and which objects should be evicted the next time the website is accessed. For the different types of caching and storage engines available in the W3TC plugin. The following list outlines those choices for you. Note: In order for some of these services to be available to your WordPress installation, they must be installed on the server in conjunction with the PHP extension or module needed for the service to function.

Page caching refers to caching the content of a whole page on the server side. Later when the same page is requested again, its content will be served from the cache instead of regenerating it from scratch. A page from a WordPress website contains dynamic content: PHP scripts, JavaScript, and SQL queries.

Executing this dynamic content is very resource heavy and takes a lot of time. Page caching allows for forming a part of the web page into static HTML.

With page cache enabled, website content displays faster for a visitor with less load to the server. Tip: The Disk: Enhanced caching method is the recommended storage engine and the most reliable option for page caching for most types of hosting plans.

Explain why Disk Enhanced is often recommended, under what scenarios is another type of page cache going to give better performance? Object caching is the process that involves storing database queries to serve a specific piece of data on the subsequent server request.

As a result, there will be fewer queries sent to the database and the result is your website will load much faster. The idea of an Object Cache is that WordPress Core, themes, and plugins may store some data that is frequently accessed and rarely changed in an object store.

This is so these objects will not have to be retrieved and processed on each request. This means that data stored in the cache resides in memory only and only for the duration of the request. Cached data will not be stored persistently across page loads unless you install a persistent caching plugin.

Ultimately, Object Caching will reduce the total number of database queries required for each page load. When the CPU does not have to rebuild these blocks of data, your response time will decrease.

Tip: The Redis caching method is the recommended storage engine and the most reliable option for object caching if you have a VPS or Dedicated Server. For shared hosting, Disk may be your only option in some cases.

Transients are the data that exists in memory in cache for current WordPress activity. It makes the website faster. However, when the cache is cleared or expires, the heavy numerous database requests should run again to re-fill the cache.

It results in much less database load when the cache is cleared or expires. In W3 Total Cache, there is an option to store transients in the database. Database caching will store the results of MySQL database queries, in theory making it faster to return a response.

While this does sound like it would be useful, it is recommended that you disable it, and use Object Cache via Redis or Memcache instead. Tip: Database caching is not recommended if you are hosting on SSD or NVME drives. Once the server and database have been tuned for performance, the next step is to ensure the application is optimized for performance.

This can be done by leveraging techniques designed to deliver assets more efficiently, or remove any unnecessary data from them resulting in faster transfers. The following are some of the most effective techniques you can use when it comes to optimizing your WordPress site for speed, but it is not an exhaustive list.

When focusing on page and website performance, there are some essential tasks you can complete to help you achieve the performance results you are looking for. These tasks include configuring caching, following best practices for elements that can introduce layout shifts, and adjusting your assets to ensure they are configured for the fastest possible delivery to your visitors.

WordPress is a dynamic program by default, so the easiest way to speed things up is to create a static version of your website pages, and use redirects to serve those cached files instead of calculating the result again with PHP and MySQL.

This cache can be stored on the disk, in the server's RAM or if you are using a CDN, on a Point of Presence or Edge Server. If you are storing the page cache on the web server, then it is recommended to use Disk: Enhanced storage, so the web server redirects can serve the cache prior to the request reaching PHP, essentially making the site load faster by using these static files instead of recreating them with queries and calculations.

Storing page cache on a CDN at the edge is a practice known as Full Site Delivery or Acceleration, where the website is served by sending a cached version of the website from a geographic location near the visitor, as opposed to the request reaching out to the origin server where the data lives.

This removes location introduced latency from the equation, making websites much faster for all of your visitors. By default, the object cache in WordPress is not persistent. This means that data stored in the cache resides in memory for the duration of the request and is removed after the response is delivered.

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Author: Daibei

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