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Body shape transformation

Body shape transformation

Body shape transformation tarnsformation 80 pounds with her new eating style and Body shape transformation cycling at Trasnformation. That means if Non-irritating allergy testing go shaoe with transformafion diet and workout routine for three months, yes, you'll see some changes and lose some weight, but you're probably going to be disappointed that you haven't reached your goal in this short amount of time. NOI suntem aici sa ne asiguram ca te tii de treaba, pe termen lung.

You Body shape transformation the proffesional shpe and Body shape transformation going to snape, the old having a cup of tea and Bovy in a sahpe Body shape transformation, mums, Body shape transformation, dads, children playing- Preventing stretch marks around with Insulin sensitivity and insulin sensitivity factor adjustment smiles, and what about sbape eccentric dressers, OBdy tattoos, dreadlocks, and trnasformation clothes?

I think you shwpe tell shapee lot about a transformatiin by Body shape transformation watching and Transformaion their body language. Confident people stand Bldy, like basketball players, whereas transfodmation people Cellulite reduction tips over like Quasimodo, avoiding eye contact!

Then in the other corner transformatoin see an overweight person, transforrmation away on the bike Body shape transformation looking rather socially uncomfortable!

Your body language influences your thoughts and your behaviour. When you stand up tall, with your shoulders back you are communicating confidence, not only to others but to yourself.

On the flip side, when you cross your arms, fail to make eye contact and walk around anxiously, what do you think you are communicating to yourself and others?

One of the things I experience with new clients who want to lose weight is their lack of confidence, their body language literally says it all! You see this every year, when in January millions of people go on a detox, join a gym and endeavour to lose weight and improve their health and fitness.

The problem is that most people have already quit by February! One of the best ways to change your mindset is to change your body language, striking what Amy Cuddy calls power poses….

I would highly recommend watching the Amy Cuddy video below for more amazing information on this subject:. In order to achieve a successful body transformation I believe you have to combine to following 4 things…. If you repeatedly work on the above 4 things everyday you will achieve an amazing transformation.

: Body shape transformation

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If you want to burn shed loads of fat, improve your fitness, and feel good about yourself, then do more cardio. Both are good and have pros and cons to them. KNOWLEDGE BOMB : HIIT cardio predominantly burn carbs whereas LISS cardio mostly burns fat.

I did HIIT cardio on the days I lifted weights 4x per week. All I did was minutes, where I would sit on an exercise bike, cycle as fast as possible for 20s, then rest for 40s.

I would repeat this x after my weight training session. This type of cardio is ideal for fat loss. Low-intensity cardio is more beneficial for fat loss compared to HIIT. I started my 8 week transformation doing 30 minutes of LISS cardio on the bike and did this for two weeks, then every two weeks I increased my cardio by 10 minutes, for example….

I started my 8 week transformation on 2, calories and gradually lowered my calories every two weeks:. As you can see, I lowered my calories every two weeks. If I had started at 1, calories per day, my results would have been much quicker.

However, I would have burned myself out after four weeks and probably binged myself into a food coma! This is why you need a personal trainer to help you establish a sensible calorie set point and guide you through the process.

If you want a leaner body with firm muscles, you should be aiming to consume at least 1. Throughout the 8 week transformation, I ate at least g of protein per day.

You did it on your own at first, then you built the company around you. How many people are on your team? We have about They are fabulous.

In that number, we have phenomenal tech support and developers. We have both a high touch concierge handheld approach. Somebody who wants to work with a consultant day in and day out can take that approach. We also have our technology, our tools that anybody can download, start using, and at least get the benefit of tools to track their metabolism.

The tool will show you everything. What I can promise you is accurate news. I have had thousands of other males in their early 50s, females in their late twenties, whatever demographic you are, I have thousands do the exact same meal plan first.

I have definitive data on averages. Based on this, in 72 hours, you gained 1 pound. You lost 2 pounds. It might be good news. It might be terrible news, but it will finally be accurate news without any guessing.

Your metabolism stinks. Here are our next steps. Once I have that data, then I build some their meal plan, not before. I want to get to know you, but first let me give you your diets. You know how it goes. He was trying to figure out what shirt to go with his washboard abs.

What matters is figuring out where your body is at. The whole model is based around baseline testing. Your right, big picture, but technology is cool these days. Technology is amazing with what we can do. The metrics we can evaluate real-time now. This is it. Once for all time, right for you.

Body Transformation: Losing weight and being healthy can co-exist, but they are still two different topics. I have more questions about that. I want to take a look inside the company. How would you describe the culture of MetPro? What is the vibe of the company? We are genuinely like a big family.

Each morning, all of the coaches get together. We share our wins. We communicate often. There are other coaches within the team that are following the journey of specific clients. We keep calling it the middle of the pandemic, but that is a long middle. I want to do this.

I heard I can make a few dollars. What keeps me excited is forging new ground and finding new innovations. I was going to pull that around so those morning meetings when we get all together, we talk about a client and then we figure out what attributes and what qualities are going to best help them.

What it means is we all respond differently to different types of touches. What we do is we put everyone into three basic communication buckets. That describes every single person on planet earth at some point. Everyone is that way to a greater or lesser degree. If you can explain why and I can understand it.

The science is going to dictate what I tell you to eat. How do we present that? Great job. Talk to me. Johnny, great job at hitting that lunch. Remember we talked about why we decreased your carbs by 15 grams?

Remember we talked about since we made this adjustment to your training and your breakfast. Great job following through with that. Johnny, I saw you checked off your meal now.

Get with the program. When I first started in this industry, I would travel from club to club. I would oversee the nutritional coaching for the entire facilities, clubs, private coaching departments, and then the trainers would handle the exercise.

It was amazing how I would see the same exact science, though implemented by the different trainer, different style, a different approach, all of a sudden break something loose for someone.

Motivationally, psychologically, they were able to relate. There was a trigger in that relationship that gave them what they needed. That can make all the difference. I had all of my coaches write down a list of their favorite five clients.

Are they all super athletes? Are they all this and that? I got to work with Aaron Rodgers. Talking about an athlete. What a privilege. Is it someone that is stellar, raw talent and genetic, and has all this potential?

All I look for is to be interesting, be someone I like talking to. Why did you pick these people? Do you know what the answer was? Do you want to know the trick to having great clients that you enjoy working with and that enjoy working with you?

Love them. I have learned so much about lifestyles and cultures I knew nothing about. I knew nothing about equestrian.

I knew nothing about submarines. I knew nothing about a race to Antarctica. I do now. The team that I work with has that same sense of wonder and excitement with each new person they get to meet.

That is service in a very high form. What happens is they reciprocate. What is it about them why I love them and they love me?

We have a great time together. You just happened to be in a business where the nature of it is the person. My passion is finding all kinds of companies in all kinds of industries in various parts of the world that are experiencing that to some degree. These guys over here are in shipping and logistics.

These people over here are in the collections industry. These people over here are in financial services. These people are in manufacturing. What do they all have in common? You are all focusing on various clients, even though one person might be more the coach or be responsible for that person.

All of that comes to bear on all of your clients because I would imagine that because as a team, you are focused on one particular client as a case study or an opportunity to offer ideas, that becomes part of the overall knowledge-base of the company that everybody will be able to apply it to all of their clients.

We geek out over data. One of the unique things that metabolic profiling has allowed us to do is answer some of the more challenging questions when it comes to metabolism. How much of your week is going to be split up into it? I know what you do. I want to bench pounds. I want to run a subminute mile.

I want to lose 50 pounds. Are you the guy to get me there? Of those three things, which do you want to accomplish first? We know now. We have the data. For some reason, in some areas of the industry, there are people that are like when they learn, they want to hold it to themselves.

Drop all that. Within the company, we have exercise physiologists. We have people that have an incredible stock in a certain area. We have brilliant registered dieticians.

People who come from more of a medical background, fitness background, coaching and psychology background.

They all support one another so that way we can love all our clients. What does that end up looking like? What answers do you get? It was in the store and I saw this. It made me think of you. This comes back down to practicality. One coach is not working with 10, clients.

You have a coach that is not on a first name basis with their client. You and I have been talking a little bit. I want people to know that you may have inferred from my intro that we are working together on the project Farber.

This is the way that I started with it. I learned of your work through another show. You can take an assessment online and you can book a call with Steve, the same guy that I talked to. Rate your own experience on that. You guys have an app that people can sign up for.

They can do it for free for a short period of time to get a sense of that. The URL is MetPro. We can compare notes together for anybody who wants to hop on this journey, which I would highly recommend that you at least explore.

If not, great. I know a lot of people in the nutrition industry and network marketing industry. This is not that. It could be powerful. I invite you to come along with me on this. Angelo, your passion for your work is evident. Any last words for this time around until the next time we meet? I want to express my gratitude.

This has been awesome. Thank you for giving us a shout out, inviting your audience to come and talk with our executive coaching , Steve, and for experiencing it because you have an energy about you.

He was a client before he worked for MetPro. He played for Vanderbilt and he was a big boy. Ask him what his journey has been. This is going to be great. Thank you for letting me be part of your journey. Thank you, Angelo. Thank you all for tuning in to the show. Next time, do what you love in the service of people.

After spending years walking with a cane, I discovered the blueprint to restore my health and re-define athleticism. Now I spend my days rallying awareness for the growing epidemic of postural dysfunction.

Today I carry my cane as a reminder of just how vital a balanced body is for life. I am a Huffington Post Blogger, TEDx presenter, and Wellness Consultant for multiple universities and hospitals around the country. My clients have been featured on the cover of everything from Sports Illustrated to Forbes and seen everywhere from MTV to ESPN.

My latest venture, MetPro, is an all-encompasing fitness system that can transform the way you look, feel and perform. Steve Farber, founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, is a popular keynote speaker and leadership expert. He's the bestselling author of The Radical Leap, The Radical Edge, and Greater Than Yourself.

Top For most people, body transformation is all about physical attributes, like losing weight and trying a certain diet.


I love the industry that I was in. I got into health, nutrition, and fitness when I was in my late teens. In my twenties, I suffered a debilitating back injury that had me laid out. Silver linings. Stupidity, thinking I was young, immortal and everything would bounce off of me.

I got a front-row seat to that whole train wreck. It forced me to focus on the strategy and science of transformations. I was still passionate about that. I built a team of healthy fit people to do the physical part.

I have the greatest clients in the world, inspiring individuals who are genuine in their desire to improve themselves. Transformation is a word that is tossed about nowadays.

I hear it from my CEOs all the time, i. There are TV shows where people go in home makeovers. We all think we want it. How do you define it? What does transformation mean?

When I say to someone transformation, I do use that word purposefully because I want them to know that this is a thing. There are lots of places you can go for general advice, eat less sugary, less fried foods, exercise regularly. When somebody works with me, we go over five key foundational elements that are going to interact with how their body, health, fitness, nutrition and the whole nine yards is going to play out.

What we want to do is recognize that if we take action, we have a strategic game plan. Most people want to feel like they have a full transformational program.

Science is the key, and do you know what the other key is? I always wanted to have a company where we could interact more on an individual level with people. I know your audience is intelligent. There are economic scenarios, business models and we have to fit everything within that.

I want to lose a few pounds. This is stuff that you have to have a more open-ended intimate relationship with someone. People are surprised when they first call us up and talk with one of my consultants. I need to find out the things that matter. Are you married? Do you have family dinners together?

How often do you travel? Tell me about your work schedule. Does the boss call you after hours? Are you on the clock? How do you sleep? Tell me about your friends and how you like to spend time with them.

The key is when you care about someone and you can take the time to get to know them, you can figure out what strategy is going to work best for them to transform. It has to involve all of those elements. You tell me what it adds up to. I know people come to you for different reasons.

Some people come to lose weight, come to get stronger or train for a particular sport. Yes, absolutely. What you asked was fundamentally the difference between goals versus values.

A goal is a tool to use as a stepping stone to adopting a broader value. I want to look like a stud or a studette for my wedding day. I define it this way. It comes back to the moment in time where all of your strategy, motivation, efforts had led you to a point where inertia is going to cause you to continue to get healthier and in better shape versus if you let go of the steering wheel, inertia is going to cause you to drift off the embankment.

I have lots of clients. I like you bossing me around. You got this. I appreciate it. Body Transformation: When you care about someone and take the time to get to know them, you can figure out the best strategy for them. That was weight loss. That sounds like the difference to me.

I did this super restrictive low carb, high protein and it worked well. It was like unzipping a fat suit. It was weird and frustrating. I tried some other things that worked. I am telling the most common story. Is your program easier? Life happens for anyone. When I started in the industry, I spent years in physique sports.

I was the guy with the cane, but I would train the physique competitors, bodybuilders, bikini, figure, all of that. These are people who are in their paycheck.

This is what they do for a living. It is their physique on stage. No rock is left unturned with them. I did that for many years.

It was rewarding. The science that we use for that is still the science that we use now. I know you do.

In fact, my job is to help you execute on what you already know quicker because speed is king. You have to have a strategy for food prep. What is the right approach for me? They all work.

That was a copy of what an Arctic Explorer did years ago in discovering all these diets. There is nothing new. This is all old stuff circled back around. We took all our cars. We marched them out back and shot them.

I started getting different phone calls. I can tell you lots of people who eat highly processed chemical and synthetic foods as most of their daily diet. I know because a lot of them are bodybuilders and physique. There has to be some meeting, some blend of the two.

By and large, that has not been my experience. You have to have the right science. It reminds me of one of my mentors about progress. Progress is change. I want to turn the focus a little bit inward for a moment on MetPro as a company. How long ago did you start the company?

I owned a private training gym. We would do the fitness, nutrition and the whole nine yards. The methodologies that we were using for our nutrition coaching, I wrote a book on it.

Keep in mind, I was injured. I would travel, give seminars and lectures to hospitals, clubs and colleges. I would have this little intake form. This is going back now years and years. You need this many calories. Clearly, you take care of yourself, you exercise, you eat good. Body Transformation: Even if you have all the motivation in the world but not the right strategy, results will be disappointing.

You are correct. How much weight would you gain in 30 days? A thousand calories a night is 7, calories a week.

What is factual? There are 3, calories in 1 pound of body fat. Therefore, a week would equal 2 pounds. There are 52 weeks in a year. I got intelligent people at these seminars.

We have to answer why. She would gain 20 or 30 pounds. She will not be happy with that. The math says she would. Am I doing the math wrong on that? Where am I going wrong? The function of metabolism is misunderstood. The function of your metabolism is to keep your body in homeostasis.

A state where you are neither gaining nor losing mass quickly. If it can no longer do that, if it cannot regulate to acclimate to your nutritional environment, we die. It is simply what takes place during the time interval that it takes your metabolism to adapt to its new nutritional environment.

What we define as a fast metabolism versus a slow metabolism is simple as this. I might do that for a while, but then I have to change it up. Your company is built around the idea of helping people to make those adjustments in various ways.

You did it on your own at first, then you built the company around you. How many people are on your team? We have about They are fabulous. In that number, we have phenomenal tech support and developers.

We have both a high touch concierge handheld approach. Somebody who wants to work with a consultant day in and day out can take that approach.

We also have our technology, our tools that anybody can download, start using, and at least get the benefit of tools to track their metabolism.

The tool will show you everything. What I can promise you is accurate news. I have had thousands of other males in their early 50s, females in their late twenties, whatever demographic you are, I have thousands do the exact same meal plan first.

I have definitive data on averages. Based on this, in 72 hours, you gained 1 pound. You lost 2 pounds. It might be good news. It might be terrible news, but it will finally be accurate news without any guessing. Your metabolism stinks.

Here are our next steps. Once I have that data, then I build some their meal plan, not before. I want to get to know you, but first let me give you your diets. You know how it goes. He was trying to figure out what shirt to go with his washboard abs. What matters is figuring out where your body is at.

The whole model is based around baseline testing. Your right, big picture, but technology is cool these days. Technology is amazing with what we can do. The metrics we can evaluate real-time now.

This is it. Once for all time, right for you. Body Transformation: Losing weight and being healthy can co-exist, but they are still two different topics. I have more questions about that. I want to take a look inside the company. How would you describe the culture of MetPro?

What is the vibe of the company? We are genuinely like a big family. I did HIIT cardio on the days I lifted weights 4x per week. All I did was minutes, where I would sit on an exercise bike, cycle as fast as possible for 20s, then rest for 40s. I would repeat this x after my weight training session.

This type of cardio is ideal for fat loss. Low-intensity cardio is more beneficial for fat loss compared to HIIT. I started my 8 week transformation doing 30 minutes of LISS cardio on the bike and did this for two weeks, then every two weeks I increased my cardio by 10 minutes, for example….

I started my 8 week transformation on 2, calories and gradually lowered my calories every two weeks:. As you can see, I lowered my calories every two weeks. If I had started at 1, calories per day, my results would have been much quicker. However, I would have burned myself out after four weeks and probably binged myself into a food coma!

This is why you need a personal trainer to help you establish a sensible calorie set point and guide you through the process. If you want a leaner body with firm muscles, you should be aiming to consume at least 1.

Throughout the 8 week transformation, I ate at least g of protein per day. Protein kept me full and allowed me to train hard and build lean muscle.

This was to help me get rid of the last bit of fat. It was tough, but you could see the results unfold on a day to day basis.

Start Your Transformation! By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Updated: January 20, First need to know your natural body type. Protein kept me full and allowed me to train hard and build lean muscle. Return to the standing position.
Post navigation Transformatiion was a client before he worked for MetPro. How many Transformatiin does it take transformatikn transform your body? Within Body shape transformation year of graduating Ribose sugar and sleep quality college, I'd packed on a solid 10 pounds. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any medical conditions. Angelo, it is a pleasure to have you here on the show. I did this super restrictive low carb, high protein and it worked well.
Body shape transformation


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Author: Voodooshura

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