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Glycogen replenishment for muscle growth

Glycogen replenishment for muscle growth

For serious strength athletes, muscle glycogen depletion can be a serious hindrance Glycogen replenishment for muscle growth exercise performance mudcle recovery. Follow Us. The rreplenishment should be low-glycemic non sugary which means avoiding sugary sports drinks, candy, pasta, bread, and other high sugar starches. Vice versa, the effect of resistance exercise on endurance performance and VO 2max appears to be marginal [ 9596 ]. Glycogen replenishment for muscle growth



Glycogen replenishment for muscle growth -

All statistical procedures were performed using SPSS, Version All other data are presented as mean ± SD unless stated otherwise. Meta-analyses were performed to determine the influence of 1 CHO vs. CHO on the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis.

Individual effect sizes were calculated as the raw mean difference i. Where the SD of this between-trial change was not reported directly or was unable to be calculated using raw data supplied by the authors [ 8 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 42 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 ], the missing value was imputed using the following formula [ 48 ]:.

In this case, R was approximated as 0. CHO trials [ 52 , 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 ]; the same R value of 0. control comparison as no raw data from these trials could be obtained to determine an independent value.

In addition, trials were individually excluded to examine the influence of their removal on the overall effect estimate.

Weighted mean treatment effects were calculated using random-effect models, where trials were weighted by the inverse variance for the change in the outcome measure i. rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis. Restricted maximum likelihood, random-effects simple meta-regression analyses were performed to determine whether the magnitude of difference in the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis between treatments was influenced by: 1 dose of CHO provided relative and absolute ; 2 pre-treatment muscle glycogen concentrations i.

magnitude of energy difference between treatments ; 8 PRO source i. whole PRO vs. At least 10 data points were required for a variable to qualify for meta-regression analysis.

Regression analyses were examined for influential cases and outliers i. The literature search initially identified 25 eligible investigations. However, four of these had to be excluded because the muscle glycogen data 1 could not be extracted or retrieved [ 13 ]; 2 were the same as those reported in an earlier publication [ 64 ] that was already included [ 50 ]; 3 incorporated the results of one participant that did not complete both treatments i.

Results of the quality assessment are shown in Supplementary Table S1. Eight [ 8 , 26 , 28 , 42 , 45 , 46 , 50 ] used cycling and two [ 49 , 51 ] used resistance training as the mode of glycogen-depleting exercise. The mean relative CHO intake was 1.

Characteristics of the included trials are summarised in Table 1. The magnitude and statistical significance of the effect were stable during sensitivity analyses where trials were removed MG Δ re-synthesis rate ranged from Findings were also comparable when alternative correlation coefficients were used Supplementary Table S2.

Forest plot displaying the effect of CHO vs. control non-nutrient treatment on rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis during short-term recovery. The size of the squares is proportional to the weight of the study.

A positive effect estimate indicates greater rate of muscle glycogen replenishment with CHO than control. Simple meta-regression analyses identified a significant, positive association between the mean difference in muscle glycogen re-synthesis rate and the interval of CHO administration, such that studies providing CHO more frequently i.

No significant associations were identified between the mean difference in muscle glycogen re-synthesis rate and any other contextual factors Table 2. Seventeen [ 27 , 28 , 29 , 47 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 ] used cycling and two [ 52 , 53 ] used running as the mode of glycogen-depleting exercise.

The mean relative intake of CHO was 0. The mean relative PRO intake was 0. Characteristics of the included trials are summarised in Table 3. Findings were also comparable when alternative correlation coefficients were used Supplementary Table S3.

CHO on rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis during short-term recovery. There were no significant relationships identified between the mean difference in rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis and any of the contextual factors explored using meta-regression.

Results of the meta-regression analyses are summarised in Table 4. Overall, a beneficial effect of ingesting CHO compared to water or non-nutritive placebo treatment was observed on the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis. However, co-ingestion of CHO with PRO conferred no additional benefit compared to CHO ingested alone.

Furthermore, the interval of CHO administration was found to be an influential factor on the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis.

The current meta-analysis suggests that muscle glycogen re-synthesis rate is enhanced during short-term post-exercise recovery when CHO is consumed compared to control water or non-nutritive placebo treatment.

Except for one trial [ 45 ], all individual effect estimates indicated a beneficial effect of CHO. It is worth noting that the amount of CHO consumed is not controlled in this comparison. More frequent CHO administration may enhance muscle glycogen re-synthesis rate by prolonging the elevation of plasma glucose and insulin concentrations [ 7 ].

Nonetheless, the results of this meta-analysis suggest that frequent consumption of CHO i. at least hourly should be a priority for athletes attempting to optimise short-term muscle glycogen replenishment.

No correlation was observed between the dose of CHO both relative and total consumed during post-exercise recovery and rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis Table 2.

Consequently, we were unable to determine the dose of CHO required to optimise the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis.

As a result, we could not perform multiple meta-regression due to the limited number of trials and control for the interval of CHO administration; therefore, this may have prevented the detection of a relationship between CHO dose and muscle glycogen re-synthesis rate. Furthermore, the limited number of trials may have prevented the detection of a relationship between muscle glycogen concentration immediately post-exercise and the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis Table 2.

This exploration was of interest because it has previously been hypothesised to have a positive influence i. The current meta-analysis suggests that co-ingestion of PRO with CHO during short-term post-exercise recovery provides no additional benefit to nor does it impair the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis compared to consuming CHO alone.

This finding was preserved when contextual factors were explored using meta-regression analysis Table 4. It is also consistent with results from previous meta-analyses indicating that co-ingestion of PRO with CHO during short-term recovery does not improve short-term muscle glycogen re-synthesis [ 67 ] or subsequent exercise performance [ 68 ].

This result may be due to the co-ingestion of PRO in the context of sub-optimal CHO intake i. It was suspected this result was due to a large insulinemic response by PRO in combination with CHO, despite inadequate ingestion of the latter.

Some research reports a greater insulinemic response when PRO specifically, containing the AA leucine and phenylalanine is co-ingested with CHO [ 4 , 7 , 30 , 69 ], which has made this an area of interest.

This strategy may allow a total reduction in the amount of nutrition needed to stimulate an equivalent insulin response, thus, potentially permitting lower caloric intake while maintaining adequate glycogen re-synthesis. This may be an effective strategy in athletes who are trying to reduce energy consumption e.

to make a specific weight division , but need rapid glycogen recovery to maintain subsequent training performance, as well as promote muscle growth and development. However, this strategy is not supported in other trials [ 27 , 53 ].

The difference amongst trials may be attributed to methodological factors, such as the timing and type of PRO provided e. insulinemic- vs. non-insulinemic-stimulating AA , the mode of exercise performed e. cycling vs. running , and the interval in which muscle tissue was collected between trials i.

the length of recovery. In this trial [ 56 ], a mixture of AA were provided, although only in a relatively small dose 0. The authors hypothesised that the lower rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis observed in the PRO trial may be due to AA triggering protein synthesis, resulting in glucose being oxidised to support the energy requirement for this process in place of glycogen storage [ 56 ].

Nonetheless, while the overall effect of our analysis suggests that co-ingesting PRO with CHO does not provide any benefit beyond that of CHO alone to muscle glycogen restoration even when CHO intake is suboptimal , it is important to recognise that PRO remains critical for many physiological recovery processes e.

muscle repair. This finding contrasts the results of the present study Table 4. The discrepancy between findings may be due to a number of factors. Firstly, different effect estimates were used between studies; we reported the mean difference for ease of interpretation [ 70 ], whereas Margolis et al.

Secondly, studies employing 13 C-MRS techniques to determine muscle glycogen concentration were included in the previous study, while our results are based on studies using muscle tissue samples for glycogen analysis as a means of reducing methodological heterogeneity.

Finally, one study [ 56 ] was omitted from the previous meta-analysis without clear explanation and a number of trials [ 27 , 47 , 54 ] that were part of a parallel design were also excluded; in contrast, we included trials from a single study that provided PRO from different sources. As a result, direct comparison of findings between the two meta-analyses is difficult and each should be interpreted on their individual merits.

This review does contain several limitations. Firstly, only studies with accessible full-text articles written in English were included.

Secondly, the relatively limited number of trials included in the present meta-analysis prevented a comprehensive exploration of other factors e. The low number of female participants included in original investigations 9.

CHO, respectively also precluded the exploration of sex as an influential factor on the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis. Thus, despite the plethora of research investigating the effect of CHO intake on muscle glycogen re-synthesis, opportunities for further research remain.

Results of the present review suggest that individuals with limited opportunity for nutritional recovery between consecutive bouts of exercise e.

Co-ingesting PRO with CHO does not appear to enhance the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis, nor is it detrimental. The interval of CHO administration appears to be an important factor that may influence the magnitude of effect CHO has on the rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis.

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Note, there are slightly different guidelines for more advanced aerobic endurance athletes half-marathons, marathons, ultras, etc.

as carbohydrate ingestion at various intervals during prolonged training sessions can be beneficial for prolonged exercise performance.

Ingestion of fast-digesting carbohydrates, while not directly impacting muscle glycogen replenishment, does help to minimize depletion of muscle glycogen as it can more easily be used for immediate fuel during training; ultimately preserving muscle glycogen stores.

For more serious endurance athletes who train at or above the VT, carbohydrate ingestion can be a key nutritional strategy to increase exercise performance. Assuming beginner and intermediate bodybuilders are consuming adequate amounts of calories; muscle glycogen depletion is often not a high concern.

Availability of carbohydrates, which are the primary fuel for forceful muscle contractions, can be accomplished by consuming a diet that supplies enough calories to fuel training and recovery.

Similar to most beginner and intermediate lifters, athletes, and individuals, the typical fitness enthusiast will have adequate muscle glycogen availability.

Assuming there is adequate consumption of calories from a well-balanced diet, most general fitness enthusiasts will have minimal issues with exercise performance due to lack of muscle glycogen availability.

It is important that a strong foundation of nutrition and training behaviors are established for general fitness and overall health improvements. With individuals who are training hard with high volumes, and are highly competitive athletes, muscle glycogen optimization can be a key contributor to sports performance and muscle growth.

For beginners and recreational lifters, however, a well-balanced diet of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, regardless of meal timing, can suffice if the athlete is consuming enough calories. Below are some general dietary recommendations for beginners and more advanced athletes on how to optimize muscle glycogen if necessary.

As discussed above, muscle glycogen depletion is often not an issue with most beginner, intermediate, and even highly active recreational lifters.

Most individuals will be eating enough calories and carbohydrates to adequately refill muscle glycogen stores. In terms of consumption, research suggests consuming 0. To maximize glycogen and protein synthesis, it is suggested to also ingest around 0.

When strength athletes train hard, the muscles use muscle glycogen to fuel contractions that promote the force necessary in movements like deadlifts, squats, presses, cleans, along with other muscle building exercises.

Additionally, urinary nitrogen and other compounds suggesting muscle breakdown levels were significantly lower following carbohydrate supplementation after strenuous exercise, further supporting an increase in muscle growth. More importantly, however, is that when carbohydrates are paired with a protein and ingested post-workout, research has suggested that the body experiences an increased amount of protein synthesis when compared to a meal containing only carbohydrates 4.

This was also supported by a study that suggested a complete meal consumed post-workout of carbohydrates and a protein source stimulates increased levels of mRNA translation 5.

If one experiences periods of time with decreased muscle glycogen levels, then they could experience the following:. Chronic low levels of muscle glycogen depletion can result in higher levels of muscle fatigue during a session.

Often, this can be remedied fairly quickly by ingestion of fast-carbohydrates and closer attention to nutrition, which is discussed below.

With decreased levels of muscle glycogen comes increased levels of muscle fatigue and the inability to promote fast, forceful muscle contractions.

For serious strength athletes, it is important to replenish used muscle glycogen levels after hard training for multiple reasons including, 1. Long story short, without properly addressing low levels of muscle glycogen in hard training, then you can run the risk of depleting energy reserves within muscle tissues and limiting protein synthesis necessary for muscle growth.

Love this article? Take a look below at some of our other sports nutrition articles to improve muscle growth, recovery, and performance. Mike holds a Master's in Exercise Physiology and a Bachelor's in Exercise Science.

He's a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist CSCS and is the Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at New York University. Mike is also the Founder of J2FIT , a strength and conditioning brand in New York City that offers personal training, online programs, and has an established USAW Olympic Weightlifting club.

View All Articles. BarBend is an independent website. The views expressed on this site may come from individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of BarBend or any other organization.

BarBend is the Official Media Partner of USA Weightlifting. Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Training Nutrition. Therefore, in this article we will discuss what you need to know about muscle glycogen, specifically: What is Muscle Glycogen Who Should Be Concerned About Muscle Glycogen?

Dietary Recommendations — Increasing Muscle Glycogen Muscle Glycogen and Serious Athletes Low Levels of Muscle Glycogen and Training What is Muscle Glycogen? Who Should Be Concerned About Muscle Glycogen?

Article Pag e. Musscle and Resistance Training Todd Astorino, M. Glycogen replenishment for muscle growth Len Replenisbment, Ph. Studies Reviewed: Haff, G. The effect of carbohydrate supplementation on multiple sessions and bouts of resistance exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 13, 2 Leveritt, M.

Glycogen replenishment for muscle growth -

Often, this can be remedied fairly quickly by ingestion of fast-carbohydrates and closer attention to nutrition, which is discussed below. With decreased levels of muscle glycogen comes increased levels of muscle fatigue and the inability to promote fast, forceful muscle contractions.

For serious strength athletes, it is important to replenish used muscle glycogen levels after hard training for multiple reasons including, 1. Long story short, without properly addressing low levels of muscle glycogen in hard training, then you can run the risk of depleting energy reserves within muscle tissues and limiting protein synthesis necessary for muscle growth.

Love this article? Take a look below at some of our other sports nutrition articles to improve muscle growth, recovery, and performance. Mike holds a Master's in Exercise Physiology and a Bachelor's in Exercise Science.

He's a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist CSCS and is the Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at New York University. Mike is also the Founder of J2FIT , a strength and conditioning brand in New York City that offers personal training, online programs, and has an established USAW Olympic Weightlifting club.

View All Articles. BarBend is an independent website. The views expressed on this site may come from individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the view of BarBend or any other organization.

BarBend is the Official Media Partner of USA Weightlifting. Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Training Nutrition.

Therefore, in this article we will discuss what you need to know about muscle glycogen, specifically: What is Muscle Glycogen Who Should Be Concerned About Muscle Glycogen? Dietary Recommendations — Increasing Muscle Glycogen Muscle Glycogen and Serious Athletes Low Levels of Muscle Glycogen and Training What is Muscle Glycogen?

Who Should Be Concerned About Muscle Glycogen? Endurance Athletes Aerobic and anaerobic processes are used to produce energy to fuel endurance athletes. Bodybuilders Assuming beginner and intermediate bodybuilders are consuming adequate amounts of calories; muscle glycogen depletion is often not a high concern.

General Fitness and Health Similar to most beginner and intermediate lifters, athletes, and individuals, the typical fitness enthusiast will have adequate muscle glycogen availability. Beginners and Recreations Lifters As discussed above, muscle glycogen depletion is often not an issue with most beginner, intermediate, and even highly active recreational lifters.

Muscle Glycogen for Serious Athletes When strength athletes train hard, the muscles use muscle glycogen to fuel contractions that promote the force necessary in movements like deadlifts, squats, presses, cleans, along with other muscle building exercises.

If one experiences periods of time with decreased muscle glycogen levels, then they could experience the following: Increase Muscle Fatigue Chronic low levels of muscle glycogen depletion can result in higher levels of muscle fatigue during a session. Lack of Recovery For serious strength athletes, it is important to replenish used muscle glycogen levels after hard training for multiple reasons including, 1.

More About Sports Nutrition Love this article? Regulation of Muscle Glycogen Repletion, Muscle Protein Synthesis and Repair Following Exercise.

J Intl Soc Sports Nutr. Kerksick CM, Harvey T, Stout JR, Campbell B, Wilborn CD, Kreider RB, Kalman D, Ziegenfuss TN, Lopez H, Landis J, Ivy JL, Antonio J.

Millard-Stafford M, Childers WL, Conger SA, Kampfer AJ, Rahnert JA. Recovery nutrition: timing and composition after endurance exercise.

Curr Sports Med Rep. Nieman DC, Mitmesser SH. Potential impact of nutrition on immune system recovery from heavy exertion: a metabolomics perspective.

Orru S, Imperlini E, Nigro E, Alfieri A, Cevenini A, Polito R, Daniele A, Buono P, Mancini A. Role of functional beverages in sports performance and recovery. Passaglia DG, Emed LGM, Barberato SH, Guerios ST, Moser AI, Silva MMF, Ishie E, Guarita-Souza LC, Costantini CRF, Faria-Neto JR.

Acute effects of prolonged physical exercise: evaluation after a twenty-four-hour ultramarathon. Arq Bras Cardiol. Peters EM.

Nutritional aspects in ultra-endurance exercise. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. Rodriguez NR, Di Marco NM, Langley S. American College of Sports Medicine position stand.

Nutrition and athletic performance. Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and athletic performance.

J Am Diet Assoc. ten Haaf DSM, Flipsen MA, Horstman AMH, Timmerman H, Steegers MAH, de Groot LCPGM, Eijsvogels TMH, Hopman MTE.

The effect of protein supplementation versus carbohydrate supplementation on muscle damage markers and soreness following a km road race: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. International Society of sports Nutrition Position Stand: nutritional considerations for single-stage ultra-marathon training and racing.

J Int Soc Sports Nutr. Vilella RC, Vilella CC. What is effective, may be effective, and is not effective for improvement of biochemical markers on muscle damage and inflammation, and muscle recovery?

Open J Pharmacol Pharmacother. Warhol MJ, Siegel AJ, Evans WJ, Silverman LM. Skeletal muscle injury and repair in marathon runners after competition.

Am J Pathol. Wilkinson JG, Liebman M. Carbohydrate metabolism in sport and exercise, Ch 3 in Nutrition in Exercise and Sport , 3 rd Ed. iii Repair-post-exercise ingestion of high-quality protein and creatine monohydrate benefit the tissue growth and repair; and iv Rest-pre-sleep nutrition has a restorative effect that facilitates the recovery of the musculoskeletal, endocrine, immune, and nervous systems.

Recommended carbohydrate intake. Intake of Carbohydrate ingestion attenuates the inflammatory response to acute exercise through reduced levels of IL-6, total anti-inflammatory IL-1RA, and cortisol.

kg-1 BM each 2 hours , particularly of high glycemic index carbohydrate foods, leading to a total intake over 24 hours of g. kg-1 BM. early intake of carbohydrate after strenuous exercise is valuable because it provides an immediate source of substrate to the muscle cell to start effective recovery, as well as taking advantage of a period of moderately enhanced glycogen synthesis.

Therefore, strategies that promote carbohydrate availability, such as ingesting carbohydrate before, during and after exercise, are critical for the performance of many sports and a key component of current sports nutrition guidelines.

Providing these carbohydrates in the form of glucose—fructose sucrose mixtures does not further enhance muscle glycogen repletion rates over glucose polymer ingestion alone.

After exercise, the body is primed for muscle glycogen resynthesis and the repair of muscle damage. Millard-Stafford , p. Carbohydrate supplementation has the strongest scientific support, and reduces post-exercise stress hormone levels, inflammation, fatty acid mobilization and oxidation.

after the event to optimize post-event repletion of endogenous carbohydrate stores. Rodriguez, American College of Sports Medicine, American Dietetic Association , Abstracts. However, there appears to be both insulin-dependent and insulin-independent phases of post-exercise human muscle glycogen resynthesis.

Share Facebook Share on Facebook Twitter Share on Twitter Pinterest Pin it. May 18, — Luke Bucci. Left Older Post Back to Articles Newer Post Right. Comments Jeffrey said: Well said. Leave a comment Please note: comments must be approved before they are published. Post comment.

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Sign up. Commencing a bout of exercise with reduced muscle glycogen levels impairs exercise capabilities, meaning that restoration of muscle glycogen is vital if optimal performance is desired. The primary trigger for glycogen synthesis refueling is carbohydrate ingestion.

In addition to replenishing carbohydrates-based stores, the body also has in place a set of processes to quickly repair the muscle damages induced by exercise. The biggest triggers of muscle protein synthesis repairing and building muscles are eating protein.

Appropriate doses of protein can maximally stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Given the main focus of this article we refer the interested reader elsewhere for further readings. The more correct answer? Within the first 2 hours, there is a key recovery window that can be used to maximize recovery and delaying ingestion of carbohydrates results in a reduced rate of muscle glycogen storage.

A bout of exercise influences glycemia both during and after, and this can persist for up to 48 hours post exercise due to changes in insulin sensitivity and muscle glucose uptake. Therefore, the post-exercise period includes everything from immediately post-exercise until 48 hours post-exercise and potentially longer if there is severe muscle damage or after exhaustive endurance exercise.

It is important to note, that in the real world, athletes compete or train much more regularly than every 48 hours, sometimes competing multiple times per day, depending on their event. Therefore, the athlete must have a good understanding of which aspects of recovery they prioritize so that glycemia is optimal and energy substrates have recovered to facilitate future performance.

The process of muscle glycogen synthesis begins immediately following exercise and is the most rapid during the first hours of recovery. Glycogen synthesis after a bout of exercise occurs in a biphasic pattern, the insulin dependent and independent phases.

In the initial post-exercise phase, there is a rapid increase in glycogen synthesis for mins. This is independent of insulin and reflects the initial recovery phase post exercise.

This initial rapid glycogen synthesis will slow if carbohydrates are not ingested. The above described insulin-independent phase, is suggested to occur when glycogen is depleted at the end of an exercise bout. It seems that the mechanism responsible for the initial rapid phase of glycogen synthesis is the same contraction mediated glucose transporter type 4 GLUT4 translocation that turns glucose rushes into glucose rises when walking post meal.

Additionally there is augmented glycogen synthase activity. The second phase of glycogen synthesis has been defined as the insulin-dependent phase. Scott et al, Insulin increases blood flow to the muscle, GLUT4 translocation to plasma membrane, hexokinase II and glycogen synthase activity, which all contribute to increased glucose uptake by the muscle and glycogen synthesis.

Research in athletes has shown that the rate of carbohydrate delivery potentially can be augmented via certain strategies such as use of alternative carbohydrates, congestion of protein and caffeine. Protein and carbohydrates work together in the post exercise window, allowing for improved protein metabolism as well as improved glycogen synthesis when compared to carbohydrates alone.

Glycogen storage is not impacted by source of carbohydrates when comparing liquids and solids. In addition to carbohydrates, insulin secretion can also be induced through ingestion of certain amino acids. This evidence led to the strategy of accelerating post-exercise muscle glycogen synthesis with the co-ingestion of carbohydrate and protein.

However, when carbohydrate intake is adequate e. Interestingly, inducing a glucose rush if this is in response to a carbohydrates-based meal can be an indication that your body is in an anabolic state, ensuring that glycogen stores are being refilled.

During this time phase, insulin is secreted to support glucose uptake by the cells but also protein synthesis in the muscles. This is perhaps why the co-ingestion of protein and carbohydrates have synergistic effects above caloric matched ingestion of one or the other individually.

Yes, you read that right, whilst generally you want to stay in the blue zone, and this is possible even with higher carbohydrate intakes when changing meal order or altering meal composition a little to include fibre and some fat, for example, a bit of a spike post meal in the window of time post workout is probably not detrimental.

Your carbohydrate requirements are at least in part related to your intake prior and during training — in your Prime and Perform windows. Beyond this, they are dictated by the intensity and duration of your activity, with consideration given to whether you want to optimize recovery or intentionally not do so.

It should be recognized that these recommendations are in the context of total output for a week as well as after one training session, as is the nutritional intake.

With respect to protein, dosing is more related to maximal muscle protein synthesis than total dosing requirements. As caloric intake increases, protein will naturally go up. The requirements of protein to ensure maximal muscle protein synthesis vary based on age, energy intake more protein is needed in times of energy restriction and recent training stimulus resistance training increases muscle protein synthesis.

When planning multiple sessions per day or multiple sessions with a short time between, rapid restoration of glycogen stores may be required. If this is the case and recovery time is less than 4 hours, you may consider the following right after your workout:.

When looking to optimize recovery without another session in a short time frame, it has been suggested that ongoing, regular intake of carbohydrate and protein every hours will maintain a rapid rate of muscle protein synthesis and glycogen synthesis, provided this starts relatively soon after exercise.

The good news is that your post training session social meal might be the perfect recovery protocol even perhaps with the addition of a good coffee. Make sure you eat enough protein and carbohydrates in the post workout window.

The challenge is to ensure this is soon enough after your training session and you keep refueling properly afterwards. Remember, recovery from one session is aiding in your preparation for the next one within your Prime-Perform-Recover endless energy cycle see below. Key Recovery Points : Use your post-workout window - eat some carbohydrates and protein as soon as possible post workout.

Ensure that you are recovering appropriately after the initial post-workout window by meeting caloric and protein needs. Recovery is as much about acute adaptation to the session you just finished as it is about preparing well for your next session.

What are the basics of recovery nutrition? Repair: Eat enough protein. Rehydrate: Drink enough to replace fluid losses. Rest: Get good sleep and have nutrition that facilitates this. Especially because despite this and the willingness of athletes to embrace recovery, athletes are often under fueling their recovery still The Why: When exercising, we are breaking down muscles and using our fuel stores.

Last Updated: January 1, References. This article Mental agility capsules co-authored replenushment Kristi Acuna. Kristi Glycogen replenishment for muscle growth is a Holistic Glycogeb Glycogen replenishment for muscle growth the Owner of Holistic Nutrition Center in Orange Frowth, California. With over 15 years of experience, Kristi specializes in a comprehensive and holistic approach to nutrition through nutrition response testing, heart rate variability, thermography, and brainspan. She has experience helping with weight gain, fatigue, insomnia, food allergies, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, digestion problems, sinus infections, and PMS and menopause symptoms. Kristi holds a BS in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health. When Goycogen workout, you deplete muscle glycogen. This primary fuel musclle needs to be increased Replneishment a workout to feed your replenishmwnt. Glycogen replenishment for muscle growth more! We've Metabolic health professionals the importance of post-workout nutrition in previous articles. As more and more research emerges, however, it's good to continue to review this and really hammer home the point of how important this particular meal is for enhancing recovery, promoting growth, and making you stronger. Some work has been done in the area of pre-workout nutrition as well.

Author: Dimuro

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